Author Topic: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.  (Read 66918 times)


  • Seg Fault
>You are Sanae Kochiya, Wind Priestess of the Moriya Shrine.

>Several years ago, you moved to Gensokyo with your shrine's goddesses, Kanako Yasaka and Suwako Moriya, due to a dwindling supply of faith in the outside world. Shortly after the move, you met your rival, Reimu Hakurei, who fought against your shrine as it attempted to monopolize all of Gensokyo's faith for itself. After the incident, tensions between the Hakurei and Moriya shrines had been somewhat alleviated.

>Some time later, your goddesses decided it would be a good idea to start some kind of industrial revolution, and promptly gave the power of a yatagarasu to a Hell Raven from the Gensokyo Underground named Utsuho Reiuji. The resulting incident led to a rapid cascade of other incidents that resulted in even more religious tension in Gensokyo, as well as a large amount of blame directed at your shrine. On the bright side, however, your shrine gained joint control of a new fusion reactor with the Underground, and became one of the few places in Gensokyo with electricity.

>After all the incident chaos, things have finally started to settle down. Conflicts between the religious groups have died down for the most part, and nothing interesting ever seems to happen much anymore...

>Until recently.
>Recently, Gensokyo had been undergoing an unnatural, deep freeze.

>This morning you learned that your shrine's main goddess, Kanako Yasaka, has been gone for increasingly longer periods as the week went by, and now it's to the point where she's practically missing. Understandably, you and Suwako were quite worried.

>As you left your shrine this morning to investigate the incident, you came across Kogasa Tatara passed out in the snow. You took her back to your shrine where she began to warm up. You then left your shrine once more.

>You then investigated the Genbu Ravine and The Garden of the Sun, but neither location gave you any leads as to what the cause of the incident might be. On the way to the garden, you encountered a group of fairies, struggling to survive in the harsh cold. You managed to persuade them to go to your shrine.

>You then flew towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion. En route, you met Wakasagihime, the misty lake's resident ningyo, who got herself trapped in the ice at the lake surface. You decided to take the time to free her from her predicament, but it ended up with you being plunged into incredibly freezing water.

>Wakasagihime then carried you to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, where you stayed for a while to warm up (While wearing a slightly small maid's outfit, which you have yet to give back.) while she returned a tool you borrowed from a random Kappa. You then passed the time by playing a card game with Remilia, Sakuya, and Patchouli. You also learned that Sakuya hasn't found any leads, either. Eventually, Wakasagihime returned, and you played a quick game of truth or dare with her while your clothes finished drying.

>Right before you left the mansion, a massive explosion suddenly struck the Misty Lake, vaporizing a good portion of the water there. You investigated it, along with Sakuya and Wakasagihime, and found a rather mangled, but peculiar hatch of some kind on the lake bed. Unfortunately, you had no way to open it.

>You then decided to head over to The Underground and investigate the incident there. You decided to use the entrance by the Hakurei Shrine. A nasty blizzard developed on the way there, forcing you to take shelter in the Hakurei Shrine, where you learned that Reimu also has not found any leads. However, you did manage to persuade her to leave your shrine alone. For now...

>After the blizzard cleared, you went to The Underground, only to be turned away by Parsee Mizuhashi. You then flew back towards your shrine to use the elevator there. On the way you were attacked by a group of three strange magical constructs of some kind, resembling yin yang orbs surrounded by two rings of five smaller orbs.

>When you returned to your shrine, you found the same group of fairies from before, and, surprisingly, they were putting faith into your shrine. (Well, in a fairy way...) You then checked in with Suwako before attempting to try the elevator. When you got there, you found the elevator on lockdown. Forcing you to try the Hakurei Entrance once more.

>You then left your shrine, accompanied by Kogasa, who had now fully recovered from her ordeal this morning, and flew all the way back to the cavern near the Hakurei Shrine. The two of you descended, and were stopped by Parsee and an oni named Yuugi, who proceeded to battle you.

>Yuugi was about to defeat you, but you received some unlikely assistance from a mysterious youkai girl named Koishi, who promptly intervened. Koishi then took you and Kogasa to the Palace of the Earth spirits.

>Inside the Palace of the Earth spirits, you met up with Orin, and met Koishi's sister, Satori. Who looks severely burned and is bedridden. Orin then took you to the fusion reactor, where you finally found Kanako, and then learned the truth behind this incident. Kanako, Utusho, and the Kappa were running an experiment on the reactor, which went horribly wrong and created what Utsuho refers to as a "heat vacuum" which is gradually drawing all the heat out of Gensokyo. You also learned that they have been unable to shut the reactor down, and that one of their attempts put Satori in her current condition.

>You then left the Underground, with Koishi in tow, to fetch Eirin from Eientei in order to treat Satori. You were attacked once more by a group of constructs along the way.

>You then entered another blizzard once you reached the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. On the way to Eientei, you happened across Keine Kamishirasawa, who got lost in the blizzard, and had just collapsed from the cold. You carried her to Eientei.

>When you arrived in Eientei, you instructed Koishi to take Keine someplace warm, and then went to find Eirin. You have not found her yet, but you managed to find Reisen Udongein Inaba and Fujiwara no Mokou. You then informed Mokou about Keine.

>Afterwards, you had Reisen take you to Eirin. Who you were able to recruit successfully.

>As the three of you were returning, you were caught in a nasty thundersnow, and you were struck by lightning. While you were unconscious, you experienced a vision of an eldritch location, which you later learned was Genmukai, and was confronted by an angry entity resembling five grey magical orbs of some kind. It spoke of how your goddesses and shrine caused an "imbalance" or something...

>You then regained consciousness, and soon after you had to help Kogasa with a rather embarrassing predicament. However, to her credit, she actually did manage to surprise you for once.

>Afterwards, Koishi dragged you off to her room and gave you a broken staff she stole from the Hakurei Shrine. You removed the ofuda stuck to it and were instantly sent to a realm called Reimaden.

>There, you met a vengeful spirit named Mima, who had become somewhat mentally unstable from years of isolation. Together, the two of you escaped Reimaden by passing through Genmukai. After arriving back in Gensokyo, Mima joined you in your quest to resolve the incident.

>You then finally freed Kogasa from her predicament, with Mima's assistance. You then had dinner at the Palace of the Earth Spirits before departing back to the shrine with Kogasa and Mima in tow.

>Along the way, partially due to an incident involving Mima and a game of Truth or Dare, you began to realize that you had feelings for Kogasa.

>You then returned to the shrine to find that the fairies had built an igloo outside. As it's not really in the way for now, you allowed it. Inside, Suwako, filled with worry, was relieved to find you safe and sound.

>Shortly afterwords, you and Kogasa confess the way you felt about each other, and became a couple. The two of you then attempted and failed to surprise Suwako and Mima.

>That night, you began to have a pleasant, lucid dream, but it was unfortunately cut short by the same entity from before, trying to break into the Dream World. It was here that you met Mugetsu and Gengetsu, the "Gods"(?) of the Dream World, Gengetsu then forcibly ejected you from your dream.

>The next morning Reimu showed up at the door. After almost erupting into a fight with Mima, she unfortunately learned that Kanako was involved with the incident. However, she gave you one day to resolve it, and promised that nothing bad would happen to your shrine if and when she gets involved.

>You then made a plan with Mima, Kogasa, and Reimu to investigate the hatch you discovered at the Misty Lake the day before. Reimu then left to tend to her shrine, saying she would meet you at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Suwako also gave you more faith to use today before you left the shrine with Mima and Kogasa.

>You are currently right outside your shrine, talking to Mima.

>Faith: 500
>>You have enough faith to perform one large miracle, up to 5 moderate miracles, or up to 25 small miracles.
>>Extra faith beyond your daily allotment (100 Faith) will persist between days.

  >Moriya Shrine Maiden's Outfit (equipped)
  >>Your signature outfit.
  >>Comes equipped with two hammerspace sleeves, courtesy of your shrine's goddesses.

  >>Your primary weapon. You can use it to fire danmaku and club people over the head.
  >>You can also channel faith into it to "charge" its power, or to help you perform large miracles.

  >Snake Accessory (equipped)
  >>A gift from Kanako, it's a snake-shaped hair accessory that wraps around your hair on one side.
  >>It's purely cosmetic and serves no special use.

  >Frog Hair Clip (equipped)
  >>A gift from Suwako, it's a hairclip shaped like a frog's head.
  >>It's purely cosmetic and serves no special use.

  >>An article of clothing usually worn on the feet.

  >Winter Coat (equipped)
  >>A coat generally worn in cold weather. Comes equipped with pockets and a hood.

  >Scarf (equipped)
  >>An article of clothing meant to keep the neck and lower face warm in cold conditions.

  >Winter Boots (equipped)
  >>Footwear designed for trudging through deep snow.

  >Winter Gloves (equipped)
  >>Wool gloves meant to keep your hands warm in cold weather.

  >Maid Outfit
  >>A spare maid's outfit from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It's a tiny bit too small.

  >KappaTek Cellphone Prototype
  >>A prototype, Kappa-developed cellphone. Can be used to contact Kanako. Capable of calls or texts.

  >>Cash on hand.

     >Esoterica "Gray Thaumaturgy"
     >>Fires a couple large star shaped patterns that quickly dissipate into a shower of bullets

     >Wonder "Daytime Guest Stars"
     >>Danmaku radiates in all directions while you fire light and shrapnel.

     >Sea Opening "Moses's Miracle"
     >>A canal of lasers traps the opponent(s) while you send spreads of blade-shaped danmaku at them.

     >Preparation "Star Ritual to Call the Godly Winds"
     >>Fires stars of danmaku that constantly split into walls of projectiles.

     >Great Miracle "Yasaka's Divine Wind"
     >>Creates a localized typhoon of pure danmaku, this is your strongest spell card. This will leave you exhausted if you use it.

  >The Snowball Gensokyo Incident.
  >>The temperature in Gensokyo has been rapidly falling all week. It's time to investigate and resolve this incident. Perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances might have some information to get you started.
  >>You've found the cause of the incident. Now you just need to stop it. Somehow...

>"I'm practically a goddess...sort of. With faith from others, I can make miracles happen. From making flowers bloom and enhancing the effects of objects to becoming a playable character and healing injuries or temporarily changing the weather if I have a lot of faith. The whole reason we got beat up by Reimu and Marisa was because we tried to obtain all of the faith in Gensokyo."
>"Wow, and even after that, Hakurei let you live?" Mima replies, "Hell, if I ever pulled something like that, she probably would've sealed me away as soon as she could."


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2015, 07:40:33 AM »
>"Could you show me to your home, Kogasa?"
>Begin flying
>"The Reimu you know would probably do that. But the Reimu I know always makes friends with the people causing the Incidents. It's strange, really. As a matter of fact, we were indirectly to blame for causing another incident, where Okuu; the 'flashlight' girl you almost provoked into accidentally destroying us all, tried to take over the surface, but she forgave us again after beating everyone up. Though to be fair, she's quick to assume it's my shrine's fault any incident is happening now. This whole thing doesn't really help either..."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2015, 07:46:42 AM »
>"Could you show me to your home, Kogasa?"
>"Sure. Uh... This way." Kogasa answers.

>Begin flying
>You and Mima take to the air and start following Kogasa.

>"The Reimu you know would probably do that. But the Reimu I know always makes friends with the people causing the Incidents. It's strange, really. As a matter of fact, we were indirectly to blame for causing another incident, where Okuu; the 'flashlight' girl you almost provoked into accidentally destroying us all, tried to take over the surface, but she forgave us again after beating everyone up. Though to be fair, she's quick to assume it's my shrine's fault any incident is happening now. This whole thing doesn't really help either..."
>"Wow... And yet you're still on good terms with her?" Mima asks, "Huh... I guess that miserable little twerp softened up with age..."


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2015, 08:18:47 AM »
//Oh man, I looked up these titles and I'm dying.
>"Cheer up, Kogasa. I know your home can't be that bad. I mean, Reimu just has her nearly empty shrine that's probably going to be destroyed by Suika sooner or later."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2015, 11:13:05 PM »
//Do you mean this thread and the previous thread's titles or just this thread's title?

>"Cheer up, Kogasa. I know your home can't be that bad. I mean, Reimu just has her nearly empty shrine that's probably going to be destroyed by Suika sooner or later."
>"Yeah, I bet anyone's home would be better than Reimu's..." Kogasa pauses, "Don't tell her I said that..."
>Mima snickers.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2015, 11:48:18 PM »
//Both of them. Ah grammar and translations...
>"Don't worry, I won't."
>"Got any interesting stories from before you were trapped, Mima?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2015, 11:53:53 PM »
>"Don't worry, I won't."
>If you could see Kogasa's face right now, she'd probably be smiling.

>"Got any interesting stories from before you were trapped, Mima?"
>"Are you kidding? I've got tons!" Mima answers, "How far back do you want me to go?"

>"HEADS UP!" you suddenly hear a voice shout to your right.
>You turn around just in time to see a rolled-up newspaper flying straight towards your face.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2015, 12:59:57 AM »
>Catch it!


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2015, 01:08:46 AM »
>Catch it!
>You swiftly and flawlessly catch the paper.

>OBTAINED: Bunbunmaru Newspaper
>>No explanation necessary. It pretty much already defines itself.

>"Nice catch! Most people just let it hit them when I do that." says a rapidly approaching figure that, aside from being wrapped in winter gear, is undeniably recognizable as local Crow Tengu and annoying reporter Aya Shameimaru.

>"Who else would it be?" Aya says as she gets close to you, doing the aerial equivalent of skidding to a halt.
>"Ooh, who's this?" she asks, noticing Mima, "I don't recall ever seeing her before... and... OHMYGOD! What is that karakasa wearing!?! It looks absolutely ridicul- I mean 'adorable'! Mind if I snap a few pics?"

>You notice Kogasa blush deeply, before attempting to hide herself behind you.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2015, 01:25:02 AM »
>Educate Mima: "This is the legendary Shameimaru Aya we've told you of. Take caution when graced with her presence. Not a single error can be made around her."
>"Well, it might be worth reading what you've gathered during this incident. Though it may just be filled with gossip..."
>Sheild Kogasa: "It's just a school uniform, but we'd still appreciate it if you didn't take any photos."


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2015, 01:32:33 AM »
>She's gonna try anyway.
>"Seriously, DON'T take any photos, or I guarantee you will get on someone's bad side..."
>Mima halp


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2015, 01:41:11 AM »
>Educate Mima: "This is the legendary Shameimaru Aya we've told you of. Take caution when graced with her presence. Not a single error can be made around her."
>"Great..." Mima replies.

>"Well, it might be worth reading what you've gathered during this incident. Though it may just be filled with gossip..."
>"Of course it's worth reading! It's the Bunbunmaru! It's always worth reading!" says Aya.

>Sheild Kogasa: "It's just a school uniform, but we'd still appreciate it if you didn't take any photos."
>You protect Kogasa the best you can.

>She's gonna try anyway.
>"Seriously, DON'T take any photos, or I guarantee you will get on someone's bad side..."
>"Too late!" Aya exclaims, as she, with lightning speed, circles around you and snaps a picture.
>You knew this would happen.

>"So, a school uniform, huh?" she asks, "What school is it for?"

>Mima halp
>You give Mima a look as if to say "Do something!"
>Mima rolls her eyes, and then quickly points her staff at Aya, at the same time, she conjures her red orb, followed by three similar orbs, but colored blue, green, and purple respectively. Each orb fires a similar colored beam from itself, while the staff fires a white beam.
>The five beams converge at a point in front of Mima, forming a narrow, pitch-black laser that quickly streaks towards Aya...
>...Who proceeds to sidestep it in the blink of an eye.

>"Whoa there! Is that the best you can do?" Aya taunts, "I've seen fairies shoot at me better than that!"

« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 01:43:30 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2015, 01:50:56 AM »
>"Mima, maybe a spar with someone would be a good exercise to get back into the swing of things. Don't you think?"


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2015, 01:52:10 AM »
>"One back in the outside world. That's all the answers you're getting for this interview, so buzz off."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2015, 01:55:57 AM »
>"One back in the outside world. That's all the answers you're getting for this interview, so buzz off."
>"Aw... You're no fun!" Aya responds.

>"Mima, maybe a spar with someone would be a good exercise to get back into the swing of things. Don't you think?"
>"Sounds like a great idea to me!" says Mima.
>"Ooh! Was that a challenge, ghost-lady?" Aya exclaims, "I haven't had a duel in a while... You're on!"

>"This looks like it might be fun to watch..." Kogasa comments.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2015, 02:04:21 AM »
>Whisper to Kogasa. "If she catches wind of, well, us, it'll be twisted disastrously in the news. Act like we're still enemies, just for now, okay?"
>Get back and watch things go down.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2015, 02:14:19 AM »
>Whisper to Kogasa. "If she catches wind of, well, us, it'll be twisted disastrously in the news. Act like we're still enemies, just for now, okay?"
>"Okay" she whispers back, before backing away from you for a few meters.

>Get back and watch things go down.
>You get back.

>Aya pulls out a spellcard.
>"Wind God ~ Teng-"
>Before Aya can finish declaring her spellcard, Mima launches all four of her orbs, spinning around each other, at Aya in a surprise attack! As they spin, they each fire their colored lasers towards their axis of rotation, creating a large spiraling lattice of lasers. As they get closer to Aya, large spreadshots of stars begin to shoot out from the orbs as well.
>Aya stops declaring her spellcard and attempts to dodge vertically, but as soon as she moves, the orbs move outward, and fire more frequently.
>Aya attempts to weave through the pattern, but midway through a purple laser pierces through her left wing and lower back, and she begins falling. On her way down, she's pelted repeatedly by star danmaku.

>Aya hits the ground and starts loudly screaming in pain.
>Mima stops attacking. Smiling in triumph.

>You think you see blood starting to pool on the snow below Aya.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2015, 02:22:52 AM »
>Oh crap.
>"Aya!" Get down to Aya and use a miracle to help her, At least to stop the bleeding.
>"Oh crap Aya, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"
>"Mima, we need to talk about something extremely important and vital to you."
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 02:25:03 AM by Miniking »


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2015, 02:29:15 AM »
>Well, we forgot about that.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2015, 03:00:08 AM »
>Oh crap.
>Well, we forgot about that.
>You forgot that Mima was likely trapped in Reimaden before the Spellcard Laws even existed. As such, she probably has no knowledge of them.

>"Aya!" Get down to Aya and use a miracle to help her, At least to stop the bleeding.
>You swiftly fly down to the Tengu and use a small miracle to staunch the bleeding coming from her wing and lower torso.

>Faith: 480
>>You have enough faith to perform up to 4 moderate miracles, or up to 24 small miracles.

>"Oh crap Aya, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"
>"Yeah, I'm fine... Thanks... Ngggh... I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the dangerous kind of Danmaku in forever... At least this would make a great front page story for tomorrow's issue..." Aya smiles, "I can see the headline now... Weird Ghost Bitch Violates Spellcard Laws: Lovely Local Reporter Seriously Injured! ...All I need is a picture..."

>"Mima, we need to talk about something extremely important and vital to you."
>Mima approaches.


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2015, 03:17:14 AM »
>"People in Gensokyo don't fight with lethal Magic anymore. Were you around when Reimu created the Spellcard Rules?"


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2015, 03:17:53 AM »
>"Reimu created dueling rules in order to keep everyone safer while still allowing fights and disputes. One of the most important things it mentions is that danmaku is about beauty, not power. Using attacks like that are against the rules. You're learning these rules before you ever let another shot loose against someone, okay?"
>"It was my fault, please forgive her. She's never heard of the rules before. Please don't publish an article about this Aya."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2015, 03:32:08 AM »
>"People in Gensokyo don't fight with lethal Magic anymore. Were you around when Reimu created the Spellcard Rules?"
>"The what!?!" Mima replies.

>"Reimu created dueling rules in order to keep everyone safer while still allowing fights and disputes. One of the most important things it mentions is that danmaku is about beauty, not power. Using attacks like that are against the rules. You're learning these rules before you ever let another shot loose against someone, okay?"
>"Beauty!?! What kind of pansy-ass rules are these!?! What else did that Hakurei bitch do while I was gone?!"

>"It was my fault, please forgive her. She's never heard of the rules before. Please don't publish an article about this Aya."
>"I won't... Provided I can find a better scoop." says Aya, "Thankfully, this 'Hakurei bitch' thing seems to be interesting... I'd like to know more..."


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2015, 03:49:27 AM »
>Damnit, I knew she wouldn't take this well.
>"Mima, I know you aren't used to it, but if you violate the Spellcard Rules repeatedly, you'll have a lot worse than Reimu after you."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2015, 03:54:31 AM »
>Damnit, I knew she wouldn't take this well.
>How predictable...

>"Mima, I know you aren't used to it, but if you violate the Spellcard Rules repeatedly, you'll have a lot worse than Reimu after you."
>Mima sighs, "...Alright, fine. What do I need to know?"

>"Um excuse me?" Aya asks, "But it's obvious you have some beef against Reimu. Would you care to talk about it...?"
>"All you need to know is that Reimu Hakurei is a bitch." Mima retorts, "Now go bother someone else!"


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2015, 04:03:55 AM »
>"Aya, now really isn't the time."
>"Basically, the Spellcard Rules say that all attacks must be dodgable and non-lethal. The attack must be declared beforehand as a Spellcard, and have a time limit. Don't think this limits what you can use too much, Marisa still uses her Master Spark, but I think it might be borderline illegal."


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2015, 04:16:26 AM »
>"We'll talk with Reimu more about it when we meet up. Just tell her you've been itching to blow some steam or something if she asks why."
>"I think I may know something more interesting than just another person mad at Reimu..."
>Motion Kogasa over. "Earlier, I had to promise Mima that I would keep Reimu off her.  If Aya lets loose what happened here, Reimu would be all over her quicker than Aya can move. Mima could probably tell everyone about the incident as well since I betrayed her. Now, this would affect your reputation as well as mine, so I need your opinion. Should we take the fall for Mima? If not, I can probably try to come up with something."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2015, 04:26:48 AM »
>"Aya, now really isn't the time."
>"Oh well, I guess I'll stick to the Ghost Bitch Violates Spellcard Laws story then..." Aya replies.

>"Basically, the Spellcard Rules say that all attacks must be dodgable and non-lethal. The attack must be declared beforehand as a Spellcard, and have a time limit. Don't think this limits what you can use too much, Marisa still uses her Master Spark, but I think it might be borderline illegal."
>"Master... Spark...?" Mima raises an eyebrow.

>"We'll talk with Reimu more about it when we meet up. Just tell her you've been itching to blow some steam or something if she asks why."
>"Okay..." Mima replies.

>"I think I may know something more interesting than just another person mad at Reimu..."
>"Ooh, really now?" Aya takes out a notebook and pencil, eagerly waiting for you to continue.

>Motion Kogasa over. "Earlier, I had to promise Mima that I would keep Reimu off her.  If Aya lets loose what happened here, Reimu would be all over her quicker than Aya can move. Mima could probably tell everyone about the incident as well since I betrayed her. Now, this would affect your reputation as well as mine, so I need your opinion. Should we take the fall for Mima? If not, I can probably try to come up with something."
>"Maybe it won't be that bad if we ended up in the news..." Kogasa whispers back, "But it's honestly up to you..."


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2015, 04:33:20 AM »
>"Well, it's just a relationship, tons of people have them and they like hearing about others for some reason. It won't every day that the reporter gets attacked by an ancient phantom using lethal danmaku. Anything she writes about us should die down soon enough."
>Hell, give Aya the picture she wants.
>Kiss Kogasa.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest - The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West.
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2015, 04:38:02 AM »
>"Well, it's just a relationship, tons of people have them and they like hearing about others for some reason. It won't every day that the reporter gets attacked by an ancient phantom using lethal danmaku. Anything she writes about us should die down soon enough."
>"Alright then."

>Hell, give Aya the picture she wants.
>Kiss Kogasa.
>You and Kogasa start kissing. Within seconds you hear Aya scrambling around in the snow, followed by a shutter sound and a flash.
>"You were right, Sanae. This is very interesting" Aya remarks as the two of you finish, "Anyway, thanks for the scoop. I'd better get going. I still have three fourths of a bag of papers to deliver!"
>Aya zooms off into the distance.