Author Topic: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Episode 6 Teaser Up)  (Read 20513 times)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
The Twilight Spark Zone! (Episode 6 Teaser Up)
« on: August 24, 2009, 03:39:43 AM »
Alice awoke to that word as always. She stretched and yawned, and blinked a little as she saw sunlight falling through a skylight. At least they had woken her during the day for a change.

She stood up from her chair, and closed the book she was reading, as always placing a piece of paper as a bookmark into it and walked over the door. The room was the size of a dance hall, filled with all kinds of different dolls her parents have bought to keep her satisfied. The only light at the moment was that coming from the sky-light and a few oil lamps here and there.

When she reached the door she smiled. The maid had slipped a bowl of soupe ? l'oignon through the small flap in the door.

She took her soup and went back to the table, the scent of the soup slowly starting to spread around the room. She may have been locked in this room for the last ten years, but the scent of food like this was always refreshing.

Sitting down, Alice let her mind wander. For ten years she had been locked in this room, and in ten years, she hadn't aged a day.

This is the story of Alice Margatroid, a 19 year old girl, stuck in the body of a 9 year old. Before she was locked into this room she had been to a wonder-land and experienced things a human being should never have experienced...she had been locked in this room for ten years, but only recently had this room been locked ... in the Twilight Spark...err...Zone.


So yeah, after reading this and thinking "WTF mate, you suck" I'd like to say that:

a) I did intend for this to be longer, but I got out of the groove midway through and gave at least something as a starter for you guys to chew on.

b) I do intend on continuing this story, but I will likely throw in other stories though. If it separate story lines end up becoming confused in your mind rest assured that that is intentional. (Or that I was too lazy to think about it.) I'll have something to separate them, and will try to keep intermingling at a minimum...(That is if it even happens.)

c) my writing may or may not suck, I have spent several years away from my proverbial ink and feather, and have thus, assuming that my old writing was any good, I might not be as good anymore...assuming...(E.g. comment, and let me know what can be improved. I will sulk, but eventually I might decide to heed your advice.)

d)Yes I am not the most original with my idea. Leave me alone! T_T

e) I will likely openly and violently rape established canon, fanon and your feelings. Life with it.

f) Enjoy the ride while it lasts, I will attempt to do so myself.

tl:dr: Piss off, this requires reading.

PS: I might think of something I meant to add keep your eyes peeled.

Titles for unreleased episodes are work titles.

Episode 1
Arisu in Tsunderelando (Tentative Title)
Teaser E.g. This post, foo's!

Episode 2
Spirit of Magic
Main pt. 1
Main pt. 2

Episode 3
The Gensokyo of Tomorrow
Main pt. 1
Main pt. 2

Episode 4
An Unlikely Friendship

Episode 5
Anatomy of Businessmen
Main pt. 1
Main pt. 2

Episode 6
The Eternal Hunt

Episode 7
Wonders of Demons

Episode 8
Test of Power
« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 11:28:19 PM by Irmingard von Stein »
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Charismatic grizzly bear
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Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 08:34:11 AM »
...keep going
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 10:41:03 AM »
Interesting premise. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2009, 07:11:52 PM »
"Like pebbles skipping over water, dreams, one by one, will change all around you" the book read as she slowly ate away at her soup, and continued attempting to finish it.

She had attempted to do so for the last few weeks, ever since the book had appeared on her table one night, locked, but with a little key to open the lock. When she looked inside the book she was astounded to be able to read it, despite it being written in symbols she had never seen. Her parents were collectors, and she had seen writings from all over the world, from the land of the rising sun, over the black continent, to writings from the natives of the "new world," but this writing was different. It seemed to pulsate with meaning to her nevertheless however, and she was already on the last leg of the text.

She leaned back and sighed for a moment. For some reason reading this book had proven to be rather draining everytime she did it for any amount of time. She looked up at the skylight and wondered what time, or what day it was...she had lost all track of time.

She jolted up, and started rubbing the sleep out of her eyes...she must've dozed off for a bit, She looked around, because she could've sworn she heard a voice.

"Oh dear, oh dear! I shall be too late!"

She heard it again, and saw the source this time too, a small girl wearing a pale pink dress, with two white rabbit ears protruding from her head. Alice shook her head and took another look, seeing the figure fade away as it ran through the door. She could wear it was snickering then.

She had been wondering about that. Lately her memories of her time in the wonderland had changed somehow. She still remembered the people as they were originally, but every now and then, someone else, alike to them took their place. She shook her head to clear it and returned to her soup and book. The soup was already cold, sadly, but she had almost finished it anyways.

She started pondering when her birthday would come around again, so she might be allowed to see someone again. Onloy on her birthdays would her parents unlock the door, to see if hopefully she had aged a year. So far they had been out of luck. Alice wondered, maybe she could age on her unbirthday...suddenly a shadow moved through the room.

Alice looked up at the skylight and saw a large hat float down through the light cast by the window, and get caught by a blond girl in a black dress, wearing an apron. She put the hat on, which was far too large for her head, and grinned widely.

"It's a party, ze!"

"What am I doing here? Does the doctor know about this? What's going on?"

Another girl, with extremely long pink hair, ruffled up white rabbit ears, and wearing a skirt and a suit jacket stood next to her. Alice shook her head in disbelieve, and then saw another girl, who was lying on the floor, get up and rub her head, two large round ears, like that of a mouse being visible there.

"You didn't have to knock me out Ma..."

The mouse girl ended up knocked out again by the mad girl with the mad hat as the rabbit girl continued looking around confused and the three faded to nothingness again.

Alise shook her head once more. Once again her memories had been twisted. It had started when this book appeared, and it seemed to be getting worse. On the other hand she had grown to somehow like these new versions.

The noise of something falling startled her. The acoustic in the room was excellent, one could hear a needle fall anywhere in the room. Naturally something bigger falling while the room was largely silent was the relative equivalent of a cannon being fired nearby.

Alice looked for the source of the noise, expecting another vision of sorts, but saw that one of her dolls had fallen down. Alice smiled and walked over to the doll. The doll got up and ran over to her, holding its face as if it was crying and clamped itself ot her leg. Alice bend down and picked the doll up. This was one ability she had come to use in her isolation...she somehow was able to control dolls from a distance.

At first she could only control one at a time, but lately she got up to two moving at once. Another doll looking nearly identical to the first one, wearing a black dress with long blond hair jumped from its table and ran over to Alice as well. At least she had someone to keep her company in here.

The dolls in the room were an assortment of dolls from all over the world. She didn't know where most of them actually came from, but she decided to name them after places, like Russia, pale as snow, or the red suited London. The two with her were Shanghai and Hourai, both places she had associated with beauty. She had often wondered why she was able to do this, but was smart enough to not tell her parents about that too now. Hearing her parents talk about witch hunts and similarly unpleasing topics had served as a sufficiently effective deterrent alright.

Hourai and Shanghai rested on Alice's shoulders as she returned to reading the mysterious book. The book spoke of dreams, worlds and wonders, it seemed to her, and she was determined to finish it this time.

Alice woke up, being shacken awake by Shanghai and Hourai, as she saw another scene unfold infront of her, as she tried to keep her eyes open. A podium, like a judge's in a courtroom had appeared in her room seating two girls, one had silver hair, but looked to be around her own age, and was wearing a dress similar to what the maid in her house wears, and a large crown on top of her head, the other looked ten years old, wore a pink dress and had blue hair, and a cute little beret like cap that matched her dress. On a lower seat of the pedestal, another girl sat, sporting purple hair and wearing a pink night gown and a similar hat to the young girl higher up, and a blonde girl, wearing a blue dress stood in front of the podium, about 16 years old, and holding a book. While the girl with the crown looked reserved, and the purple girl seemed to be asleep, the girl up front looked annoyed, and the the blue haired girl looked excited, waving a scepter with a heart at the end of it around wildly and yelled "Off with her head!" before starting to laugh madly as this scene finally faded too.

But this time something remained.

"It's been a while since you've seen a grin without a cat, hasn't it? Or a cat without a grin for that matter." A grin was hanging in the air in front of her, just like the old Cheshire Cat's did.

"A while it's been since I saw anything. Why are you haunting me?" Alice was half happy, half perplexed at the situation. Had she now gone completely insane?

"Haunting, haunting she says,a ghost only haunts people yes? Read a book, open a door, it's easy with keys for sure."

"But I have no keys, no way out of here!"

"Is that so? Why I see a key there! I may see you too, I may see you soon. Bye bye for now, bye bye for then. bye bye for everywhen." The grin's teeth faded away, showing a pair of creepy eyes fixated on the table, which then quickly faded too. Alice looked at the table and saw the book opened to the last page, showing but a simple sentence, written in plain English: "And thus dreams are the doors to miracles in everything, and your hope is the key." The key to the book was laying underneath the sentence on the page.

This is the beginning of a new story for Alice Margatroid, who had been to a wonderland, and saw miracles of a kind she should never have seen. Beyond the door to her room, which she could unlock with the key of hope she now held, beyond that dream, lies a new story, new wonderland she could have only reached through this small detour through the Twilight Spark...err...Zone.

I hope you can join me next time, when an adventure is cut short by death, but the tragic tale is also one of opportunity for a person who was never allowed to shine.
Thank you for reading.


So yeah, the first tale comes to a close. I hope it ended up enjoyable, and I am willing to receive questions and comments about this now. Or something.

I expect to have another "main teaser," like in my first post up in the evening.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2009, 07:22:19 PM »
So this is what happened to Alice between MS and PCB...interesting way of dealing with the jump.

This was an interesting read, if at times a little hard to read thanks to a couple of overly-long sentences. I'm gonna keep an eye on this series.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2009, 05:04:16 AM »
Maybe, Roukanken, maybe.

And yeah, that's part of why I am posting here, just to get a style going again that is readable. =p Thanks for the comment and ... eyeball...can I pickle it?

Anyways, I am tired, so as I said, just the teaser...with a likelihood of 90% of completely butchering a particular character's personality...

Spirit of Magic

The air reminded the girl of the cherries she loved so much. It also reminded her of the far less pleasant sight of blood. She was the foster daughter of the village's elderly doctor, and spent most of her days enjoying nature or letting others enjoy her music. She was quite amazing, bowing her erhu.

Today was not a day for music, however. She was afraid the scarlet mist that was covering all could bring harm to the plants, and bring ruin to the people of her village. She abhorred violence, but she felt she could find a peaceful way to stop the mist, so she had wandered out of the village and into the red.

She had come across the Misty Lake, and wondered how she was going to find the source of the mist when she suddenly felt herself drop to the floor. She felt extreme coldness in her chest.

"Haha, I told you I could make a humongous one, that still was pointy!"

"Cirno! I think you hit someone!"

"What do you me...I HIT SOMEONE?!"

She was reminded of the cherries she loved so much, when she saw the mist. She was reminded of her own blood, that now left her body.

Satsuki Rin was dying.

Satsuki Rin. A girl that is the epitome of pacifism, a paragon of virtue, and perhaps one of the best examples of how cruel fate can be. However, when Satsuki Rin died, she had already left the realm of the normal, and thus her adventure may just be beginning, in the Twilight's Spark Zone.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 04:44:04 PM by Edward von Stein »
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2009, 05:19:44 AM »
In b4 Theorin.
Also, waiting for a continuation for rhis.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2009, 09:14:53 AM »
Thanks for the comment and ... eyeball...can I pickle it?
Yeah, I just remembered I'll need that back. Thanks.

Satsuki Rin was dying.

Expect Theorist to destroy you shortly.

In the meantime, again, looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.

EDIT: Also I'm relatively sure that Rin's instrument is an erhu, not a shamisen. Expect Theorist to nitpick on this.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 12:57:00 PM by Roukanken »

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2009, 04:47:37 PM »
EDIT: Also I'm relatively sure that Rin's instrument is an erhu, not a shamisen. Expect Theorist to nitpick on this.

It is. I was using Theorist's avatar picture as reverence which showed a three stringed shamisen. Upon inspection of the initial picture I saw it was two stringed, like the Erhu in question. In my defense I was unaware of the Erhu's existence until now. ^_^;;
Thank you. I am gonna attempt to write the story after I get home from my math and computer class so in roughly...9 hours.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2009, 12:00:28 AM »
Komachi was contemplating taking a break for now. The last three souls she was supposed to ferry over the Sanzu no Kawa ended up taking a swim, to their own eternal surprise. Bastards made the river to blasted long. She stretched and then sensed the presence of another customer.

"Ah well, I was about to get some beauty sleep but I guess I can ship over one more. One trip over the local Acheron'll cost ya your money pouch with all there is in it."

She held her hand out towards the presence, not even taking a look at the person and a pouch landed in it, fairly lightweight.

Komachi sighed, another person who would have a lengthy trip apparently. She got in the boat, motioning the ghost to follow her, and yawned hardily as she felt the boat rock from the other person getting in.

Komachi blinked and spun around to see Rin having taken a seat in the boat, looking rather sad. Her hair looked bleached, but beyond that nothing had changed.

"I believe I saw you in the village before, haven't I?" Komachi inquired. It's rare that she gets a passenger she could have a dialog with rather than a monologue. Komachi smiled at Rin and kicked the boat off the shore.

The ride ended up being mostly quiet at first anyways. As quiet as a ride with this particular shinigami can get. Komachi talked about all kinds of things that made little or no sense to Rin, who simply stared at the water, trying to come to terms with what had just happened to her. She had gone out to save her village, like heroes in legends do, but she had died before getting anywhere. How could that have happened. She wanted to cry, but something in her held her back from doing so. Something in her had changed, but she didn't know what.

"Oi, are you even listening, back there?" Feeling that she was prodded by something she looked at Komachi.

"It won't be much longer now, honey. Anyways, I am Onozuka Komachi. What's your name?" Komachi was glad to finally have made eye contact with Rin.

"Uh...hmm...Rin. Satsuki Rin."

"How are you feeling? Afraid of being judged by the great Yama?" Komachi just let the boat drift now, and sat down, keeping her eyes on Rin.

"I..." Rin tried to figure out just how exactly she did feel...there was one feeling rushing through her like a wildfire, but she could not really place it.

"Lady Shiki ain't a half bad gal, I am sure she will give you the thumbs up. Your money was good after all."

"Wha...What are you talking about?" Rin was getting confused.

"Normally when I get so little money from a passenger, the money is no good, so to speak. Stained with blood, you know? But I could tell that the money you gave me was trenched in love. That and the fishes just don't look hungry right now. Then again, they just had three suckers to chew on."

"So it is true that you toss souls overboard?"

"Well, if the river becomes infinitely large, I ain't gonna row all the way to the other shore. I kick them out halfway through and then just place my self back into a nice sleeping position." Komachi leaned back against the hull of the boat and snickered a bit.

"So...what will happen to me?"

"Well, normally Lady Shiki takes a look at you, perhaps uses that mirror thing of hers and then judges where you're gonna reincarnate. Then you reincarnate into that realm and the rest is history."

The ghostly girl nodded to signify that she understood. Both of the suddenly felt the boat hit something, and when they both stood up, it turned out to be the shore.

"Well you better not keep Lady Shiki waiting, she's the Yama after all. I think I am gonna take my break now." Komachi waved her out of the boat friendly and stretched. Rin got out and watched as Komachi kicked off and floated to the other shore, which was now only a stone throw away.

Rin turned around and didn't see much...everything was laden with a inpenetrable mist it seemed. She sighed and decided to go straight in.


Update is a little early, but I thought I might as well post what I have.
I'll post the rest of the story once I get my sorry behind home and eat something.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2009, 12:06:29 AM »
I, well, D'awwwwed.
Theorin's going to love this.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2009, 12:07:13 AM »
"Well, if the river becomes infinitely large, I ain't gonna row all the way to the other shore. I kick them out halfway through and then just place my self back into a nice sleeping position."
But wait...half of infinity is still infinity...*brain explodes*

Nice update.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark ... err ... Zone! (More random fiction, yay!)
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2009, 07:44:02 AM »
The mist was so dense Rin had to close her eyes just to walk through it. It was soaking her through nigh instantly. She slowly felt her way through it, one step at a time, until she could hear a muffled voice coming from roughly in front of her.

Rin stumbled closer to the voice, her eyes still shut tightly, and called out to it. She could almost make out the words, when she nudged something with her foot, and she heard a girl shrieking. Rin opened her eyes to see a shadow of something resembling a girl in front of her.

"Hello? Is there someone?" Rin was rather disoriented.

"Don't scare me like that, Rin. And I swear, if I catch the ghost of that Kappa that planted that mist machine in here, she is going straight to Naraka!" The Yama was clearly distraught at the situation and must've been mumbling to herself earlier.

"You are here for judging, and I am here to do just that. And I have judged you already as white as this bloody mist around me!" Rin shuddered a little at the thought of the mist around her village, which was far more befitting of the word bloody.

"What will happen to me now?"

The mist seemed to start thinning out, but very slowly. Lady Shiki's silhouette could be seen waving something around frantically. "I don't really know myself, sadly. You are a special case. Gods if I catch that Kappa!" Rin couldn't help but giggle a little now, despite everything. She promptly stopped however when she felt herself smacked over the head by the Yama.

"Don't laugh at me like that. Anyways, I can't really help you myself. Normally when a person dies their ghost does not retain their human shape, as I am sure you are aware."

Rin nodded, she had seen plenty of ghosts around.

"I myself don't really know what causes a ghost to remain like you are...there haven't been many of them. One of the more memorable ones was the current princess of Hakugyokurou. She was all over the place with her thoughts it would appear..."

Shaking her head, the Yama chuckled and continued on.

"Normally I am supposed to send you on your way to reincarnate, but the rules say that ghosts like you already count as reincarnated, sort of. So I can't do anything. My best guess is to visit the fairies. They are generally as bright as snuffed candles, however they have one of the most inherent connections to Gensokyo. Maybe they can figure out something for your soul to do."

Rin thought on that...she was fairly certain a fairy had accidentally killed her...maybe she could talk to that fairy.

"Ok, I think I know which one I might talk to."

The mist had finally dissipated enough that the two could actually see each other. Eiki looked a bit surprised, but smiled and waved Rin on her way.

"I believe your ride across the river is waiting for you already. She should have had enough sleep by now. See if you can find your destiny. Good luck on your path."

Rin headed back from whence she came through the mist, she hoped. She was relieved when she finally got out of the mist, and saw the Sanzu no Kawa flowing along in front of her. Komachi was, contrary to the Yama's expectations fast asleep. Something that was quickly remedied with a well aimed stone, amongst five missed attempts.

The Shinigami woke up, looking at first rather grumpy, but her expression brightened a bit when she saw Rin. She motioned her to wait, and turned her attention to the ghosts around her, waiting for ferrying. She took one ghosts money, jugged it into the boat, kicked off, and halfway across the river kicked the ghost off the boat, with a friendly smile on her face all the way.

"So, what's the deal? Got a second shot at life or something? They finally invented CPR?"

"CPR? What is that?" Rin had no clue what Komachi was talking about.

"Ah, don't mind it, just something that border Youkai and me talked about once. She's a nice fellow to talk to, and a far more skilled sleeper than I am. Need a ride over?"

"Uh...yes sure." Rin got on the boat, and a few seconds later was on the other side.

"Ok girl, you hurry on along now. Don't know what business you have, but I get the feeling someone has something big in mind for you" Komachi waved good bye as Rin left. One of the ghosts that got a bit impatient and got closer to the scythed woman caught an uppercut into the river shortly before Rin lost sight of the lot. When she turned around and looked forward a familiar sight showed itself to her. The Scarlet Mist. "I am entering too many mist areas lately...ah well...let's see if I can find my way to the Misty Lake."


Cirno was worried sick. The other fairies were surprised by that. None of them had the attention span to stay worried over a dead human for that long, yet here Cirno was, pacing back and forth next to the body of the girl she had accidentally killed. It's not like she hadn't killed humans before. Fairy pranks can occasionally go out of hand. But this time was different. Besides having only very vague memories of the other dead people, this one death was cause far more directly and unexpectedly by her, and shook her to the core.

Cirno had tried the new battle format that some shrine maiden had put together to make combat something enjoyable without killing anyone, yet apparently something went wrong. Cirno punched the wall of the room and sat down. She tried to think of what it could have been, yet she just couldn't concentrate. Which was really unsurprising, considering that fairies in general are not the most careful thinkers. Cirno was a rare exception, in that she gave things often a lot of thought. Sadly the results tend to be somewhat erratic.

Cirno shook her head and read through the instructions for the spell card system once more. Everything was done exactly as it said there, so how could this have happened?

The system was intended to use portable seals to make all the magic used in spell card battles nonlethal. They tend to keep their damaging ability, but lose their ability to seriously harm any of the combatants. Cirno had managed to grasp that much of the system.

"It needs to be watched over" Cirno came to the conclusion that the seals were simply insufficient for the sake of keeping all levels of magic under control. Someone would have to actively jump in and keep things in check. Cirno had found a solution.

A short moment Cirno had found out that crashing headfirst into some hip bones can hurt, even if they belong to a ghost. Cirno had rushed out of her home and ended up crashing into a certain Rin on her way out.

Cirno looked up and grew wide eyed. The ghost of her victim had come to haunt her. She went onto her knees and started apologizing very rapidly.

"I'm sorry, sorry, so...I didn't know you were there, I am trying to make it right, I'm sorry."
Cirno started having trouble speaking as her tears started flowing freely. She had managed to save face in front of the other fairies so far, but in the face of the apparition in front of her...

Rin kneeled down in front of Cirno and reached out to Cirno, smiling warmly at her. Cirno fell silent, and let the ghost to whatever it wanted to. The ghost wiped away the fairy's tears.

"You seemed to be in an awful hurry there, little fairy." Rin smiled at Cirno as the latter grew even more wide eyed. And then began to cry even harder.

"It's all my fault, I was the one who killed you, I didn't mean to, really, I'll do anything you want me to, I am so sorry!" Cirno was shaking with the guilt. Rin was surprised to see such emotions in a fairy of all things. Fairies are known to be rather uncaring towards humans. Rin was glad to see that however.

"I tried this spell card system, but it just isn't strong enough, and when I use it, it can still kill. I really didn't want to kill you and now I will find a spirit to watch over the system and prevent this from ever happening again." Rin blinked. She remembered that shrine maiden coming up with that thing. She saw one of Cirno's cards on the floor and picked it up. The moment she touched it, a new sensation overcame her. Cirno also blinked in surprise. She could sense something happening.

Rin stood up and took a good look at the card. She understood now why she was in her current state. Nature had chosen her for this task. Cirno was amazed as she saw the girl in front of her slowly fade with her card.

"Thank you, little fairy. I guess the guard duty falls to me. I hope you give your best in everything from now." Rin smiled as she finally disappeared.

Cirno sat there for a while, silent. Then she jumped up and pumped her arm, her inherent confidence taking over again. "Yes! I will be the strongest!" She, along with all the fairies now, knew that magic duels would become a lot more fun for everybody.

About a week later, after the Scarlet Mist Incident had been resolved using the new Spell Card System, the human village found a Erhu and bow, and a basket of fresh cherries in its center. Nobody saw anybody put it there, but the villagers knew whom it belonged to. A small haiku accompanied it.

Cherries in summer
spirit of magic protects
A shield to you all

Satsuki Rin. A girl whose life ended far too soon, found out that death too, is a natural thing. Now she found her calling in the arms of mother nature, and reigned in a new era in which fear is rapidly becoming an unknown word, both in and out of the Twilight's Spark Zone.

Next time we however visit a world that is wrecked by fear, fear of the bomb. There is no Dr. Strangeglove to plan for the future in this Gensokyo of Tomorrow.


Ok, this story turned out completely different than at first attempted buuuuut...I kinda like it. I...that...ah, just comment, I dunno what to say right now. ^_^;;

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll have the teaser for next time up soon I hope.

Thanks for reading.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 10:38:19 PM by Edward von Stein »
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2009, 10:17:05 PM »
There should probably be a break of sorts between the end of the Higan scene and going back to Cirno.

Besides that, I d'awwwwwwwwwed.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2009, 10:27:19 PM »

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2009, 12:52:59 AM »
There should probably be a break of sorts between the end of the Higan scene and going back to Cirno.

Errmm...I have no idea what you might be referring to...

And yes, that is indeed a Fallout setting crossover...please don't kill me for it...too badly.

Also note that I will change the OP from now on regularly to link to the new posts, and maybe give a little header as to what episodes are up next.

Comments are welcome and desired. Boost my ego, squirrels!


The Gensokyo of Tomorrow

The earth rumbled, waking Kamishirasawa Keine from her slumber. Her eyes wander to the window, and she sighed in relieve. Today would not be the fateful day, she thought, today would be just another one.

She went about her morning business, mutilating the ceiling as usual recently, ever since she had herself turned into a full hakutaku, for the sake of helping protect Gensokyo. The voice of Byakuren found its way into her house as the youkai went about her morning prayers. Keine silently prayed along with Byakuren, for every little bit of help would be needed.

As Keine left her building, the scene presenting itself was beautiful as ever. The cherry trees were in full blossom, Lady Izayoi had come to the village to do her shopping for the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Lady Saigyouji and her retainer, Lady Konpaku, were preparing for their dance performance later, and Lady Whiterock was sitting in the shade, getting cooled by a fan she had procured from Kourindou.

Keine smiled at the little slice of heaven that was preserved here. On the days the bombs fell two humans came through the shrine shortly before the unthinkable had happened, and explained to the people of Gensokyo just how bad it would be if the barrier hadn't existed. Thanks to that barrier, Gensokyo was even now, a decade after the disaster a fertile land, full of life and joy.

Keine sighed and looked at the shimmering horizon. She could tell that it would happen soon. With the Hakurei clan and that boundary controlling Youkai dead, the barrier would eventually fail.


*The usual announcer is seen dangling from the ceiling on a good quality rope. Satsuki Rin walks in and bows to the viewer as several people glad in black stage hand clothing go to work removing the new ceiling decoration.*

Please forgive this unsightly situation. My name is Satsuki Rin, and I shall be your hostess from here on out. I do hope you enjoy our show. For this story we travel into the future, past the year 2077. War truly had refused to change. After a long Resource War, humanity, as a whole, nearly wiped itself out in an inferno of nuclear fire, and then destroyed the planet itself in the black rain of death called fallout. The outside world had been nearly destroyed. And Gensokyo, a realm always trenched in the supernatural, will soon find itself plunged headfirst into the Twilight Spark Zone.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 06:29:40 AM by Edward von Stein »
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2009, 12:57:32 AM »
...Wow. O_O

I'm almost scared of seeing this in case everyone gets brutally murdered, but there's a morbid curiosity I'm willing to feed. Please, continue.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2009, 07:07:54 AM »
Keine sat behind her desk in the classroom as she listened to Mokou ring the bell outside. Today would be reading and writing class, so it would be a rather empty day. Given the recent developments, Keine didn't blame the villagers for deciding that focusing on stocking crops was of a higher priority. Keine sighed as the first students came in and took their seats.

The outcome this day was, in a word, terrible. Only five people came around. And only four of them were here for studying. Keine shook her head, as the earth trembled again.

Shortly after the bombs fell, these earthquakes had begun...and every time the earth shook, several pillars of flame would shoot up from the mountains around the remains of the Hakurei shrine. Keine wondered what that was all about, but the villagers didn't care. They wanted to be prepared before the barrier broke down. Nobody knew what would happen then, but the humans were fearful that it would be the end of Gensokyo.

The door shut rather loudly as the avatar of the phoenix came in, somewhat disgruntled. The reason for her being cranky now was clear to Keine, who couldn't help but smile a little. Amongst the students was Mystia, the night-sparrow, singing away happily, if mildly annoyingly. Medicine and both young Lady Hakurei Yuuki and young Lady Kochiya Takara were spellbound by Mystia's carefree behavior. Lady Mima had stuck her fingers in her ears to block out the sound of that bird-youkai

Youkai had also been changed by the explosion that destroyed the Hakurei shrine. Mystia for example, decided she wanted to learn how to read and write, and has been a ... fairly decent student. Medicine Melancholy too has come to her senses and realized that not all dolls are sentient beings and had decided to move into the village and act as a helping healer, given that she was able to manipulate poison.

The other two students were a different case...young Lady Hakurei was the only daughter the late Lady Hakurei Reimu had. People were amazed when Reimu had announced that she was pregnant. She gave birth a week before the disaster. Reimu's intuition had saved the baby, when she decided to leave it in the village with the local teacher. Keine had been baffled by the request back then, but in retrospect, it was clear that Reimu's intuition was something entirely different.

Mima had occupied a makeshift Hakurei shrine in the village, to store the Yin Yang Orbs and serve as a home for Mima and the young Lady. Last year they got one more occupant, when the the young Lady Kochiya ended up orphaned after a bad incident up at the Moriya Shrine. Keine shuddered thinking of the tales of the event alone. Thankfully Takara was in class at that time.

The hakutaku sighed, and opened the book on her desk. Her job was to teach the children what they needed to know, and she would do just that. She opened her mouth to greet everyone.

Just then, the sound of another explosion rocked the building.


We will resume our program after these messages from our sponsors.


"They thought the two had been defeated. They thought the two were nothing but dust now. They thought they had won. They thought the world was theirs for the taking.

They thought wrong!

Back in action after 2 years, the ladies of disaster are at it again.

Kirisame Marisa and Alice Margatroid star in:

MEGAMARI 4! Payback is a Bitch!

Showing in select theaters this Friday."

"Do your bushes grow out of control?!
Are the weeds in your yard slowly taking over?!
Does your yard span several hundred square miles?!
You need Roukanken!!
Roukanken is a revolutionary new garden tool that does it all!!
Just take a hold of it and the work will almost do itself!!
Call now and we will give you it's sister the Hakurouken free!!
That's right, free!!
Just call the number on your screen right now, and we will send you the Roukanken, and add the Hakurouken absolutely free!!
Call now, and your yard is as good as slashed!!"


So, the first part is up. The story I am currently writing on is not the one I originally had intended to put up here. Buut that story will likely get it's own thread then, because it grew to...just shy of being considered maybe remotely for something vaguely resembling an inkling of epic.

And doh, I quoted the wrong part in my last post. >.<

I do hope you guys enjoy this. I am enjoying this myself. =)
(cue the "u suck"'s)
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 3 Part 1 added!)
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2009, 11:28:24 AM »
u suck

A pretty small segment, but it sets the scene. It might have helped to throw in some dialogue for exposition, but as is I'm interested as to what's coming next.

In other news, BUY ME PLEASE I AM POOR ;_;

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 3 Part 1 added!)
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2009, 02:56:48 PM »
I really feel the sponsors are there just to cover the massive ;_; that this story will spawn later.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 3 Part 1 added!)
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2009, 06:49:01 AM »
Disclaimer: The following text contains scenes of a mature nature. So if the mental image of big time mutilation disturbs you, then do not read this. If you are already accustomed to blood and gore then you will likely laugh this off though. Anyways, without further ado


"It's fast, it's furious, and it WILL KILL BUGS DEAD!
Buy the Mima-Pest-Be-Motherfrigging-Annihilated 3000 now!"

"Your kids will love the taste of anything baked in our revolutionary new Toaster oven, using patented "CurvyLazAa" technology developed by renowned scientist Toramaru Shou.
They will squeal with glee at how wonderfully easy it is to prepare their favorite pastr-"


We now return to our regular program.

Mokou had already broken through the door by the time the others reacted. She scanned the central plaza of the village for intruders, a relatively useless move, considering that all the intruders where bunched together in the center and looked rather surprised. The plaza had already cleared of mortal villagers and only youkai, ghosts and assorted other hard to kill creatures eyed the newcomers.

The group was a ragtag band of 16 people wearing makeshift armor and holding odd objects in their hands. Mokou remembered from the time she spent in the outside world that those were guns. She couldn't quite make out what type, but those were definitely guns. And one man appeared to be holding a large contraption on his shoulder that was the source of the explosion, a missile launcher. Four more members of the group appear to be carrying even larger types of guns, unknown to any of them.

Whoever they were, they didn't look like they played danmaku.

"Who the hell are you?" Mokou asked the newcomers, who were still looking around. One guy who looked to be a bit taller than the others now had a grin on his face.

"Fuck yeah, this place still's got plants guys. We can get rich here, bitches!"

The group laughed heartily at that, and the supposed leader turned to Mokou now.

"Hey cutey, were are all your men at, eh? Did they already run away in fear?"

Mokou and Mima who had joined her rolled their eyes. Byakuren continued her prayers. Sakuya eyed the lot with a smirk, seeing plenty of food for her mistresses. Youmu continued watching the group wearily, her hands on the hilts of her trusted swords. Yuyuko eyed Youmu, wondering why she stopped preparing the performance. Letty breathed relieve in the face of the fan. Mystia yawned, she still wasn't used to staying up this late.

The Raiders looked around, wondering why no one looked afraid. Didn't the people here know what it meant when a heavily armed group of murderers, pillagers and the like came around? They felt a hint of nervousness coming on, compounded by the incessant chanting of that witch at the temple.

"Shut up bitch!" One of them yelled, as he pointed his 10mm pistol at her. Byakuren continued her chant. "I said shut up!" A loud bang and quick thud and Byakuren Hiziri laid in a puddle of her blood, and the guys laughed out loud again. The reaction on the home front was unchanged. Rolling eyes, measuring them up, not giving a damn. The leader turned to Mokou again, so far the only one of the girls to have talked to them.

"That's right, sluts, we don't care if you are female or not, we will rape you all and make you our slaves. Hah!" He snorted loud and spit on the floor. Mima giggled.

"What the fuck are you laughing about bitch? Oh fuck that, your dress weirds me the fuck out anyways, you die!" The leader aimed a hunting rifle and fired it at Mima. The bullet went right through her, ricochet of the rock wall of the school building and nailed Mokou in the back of her head, throwing her face first to the floor, and splattering a still grinning Mima with the blood of the immortal.

"Boy, oh boy, I am sure Sakuya is glad to be here right now, so she can call dips on your blood, lovelies. I do believe you will be dying here shortly. <3" Mima was in a good mood. She was going to enjoy this.

Mokou stood up, and shook herself. That blood would require a lot of attention to get out. She was thankful that Keine had stayed behind to protect the two children in there. Mokou doesn't like dying in front of her. Byakuren now too rose up, dusting herself off and resuming her prayers as if nothing happened. Conventional weapons wouldn't kill anybody here.

The two corpses rising up was met with a decent amount of high pitched screams from the Raiders. They had come across some people that looked almost as if they were decaying, they had come across increasingly larger insect and arachnids, and they had come across the most insane types of humans one could imagine. But they had never seen people simply rise up after being shot in the head, or see bullets just pass through people. That was the stuff from comics and movies, but those had died with the bombs they thought.

Fear was taking a hold of them rapidly.

"Wh...what the shit are you?" Mokou smirks at that question. Stupid little humans.

"We're Daemons kiddo, monsters. Get them!" Everybody in the plaza now charged at the group of Raiders, as they opened fire in all directions. Bullets flew everywhere, laser projectiles scorched the air they passed through, and yet, not a single projectile managed to get further than 2 feet before they were blocked by some sort of mystical barrier, erected this time by the local priest, Lady Hizirin.

Mokou jumped into the air, activated her phoenix flames apparition and jumped right into the middle of the mob, throwing all but one of them every which way, and disarming most of them, not to mention the burns they got. The one that didn't get away was lying underneath Mokou, staring at her as she stood over him, the  wings of a phoenix spread behind her. The final sight of this raider, before he was incinerated struck him with awe.

One of them landed in front of Letty, and when he looked up, he saw her smile at him, as he was frozen solid within a split second. Letty leisurely kicked the icy corpse and shattered it.

Two others got back on their feet quickly, and continued firing, one with a mini gun the other one with a Gatling laser, both aiming at Youmu. Who suddenly was behind them, sheathing her blades, as they fell apart.

In the meanwhile Mystia had jumped one of the Raiders and started eating him, tearing out the throat first so his screaming. Nothing like a second dinner.

A group of four had landed near Sakuya. One of them stood up and by the time he got up he saw that his three companions were emptying their respective throats into buckets. He looked up and saw the maid smiling at him, holding a fourth bucket, and flashing a knife. The next thing he knew he was hanging over a bucket, draining his blood into it. He was already dead.

Yuyuko walked to one of the raiders, who shot at her frenetically with his Chinese assault rifle. All the bullets whipped right through her and into Byakuren's barrier. The raider looked around to his fellow comrades, and freaked out. Five of them were pointing their guns on themselves now, as they stared at the Princess of Hakugyoukurou with an odd expression in their eyes. The raider backed up from her, reloading his rifle, when he realized that she was now right in front of him, and held him by the shoulders. The formerly rough and tough guy  whimpered as tears started to fill his eyes and the dead beauty smiled at him. He emptied his rifles' ammo into her abdomen, but with no effect. She just continued to smile at him, as he slowly felt his mind slip away. All there was, was this beautiful woman, and she was dead. He felt it. She wanted him. He wanted her. But she was dead. He too, had to join her. No this couldn't be happening he had to ki...the sound of his own gun blowing out his brains marked the end of his thoughts. Yuyuko giggled.

The last one remaining was the leader, who, by the time he got up, looked around himself to see nothing but his dead or dying followers and grinning girls. He held his left arm, having received a rather bad burn on it, and felt panic oncoming. This couldn't be, they were just girls. His thoughts too were cut short when he suddenly felt himself being lifted up by his face. The green haired woman he had shot at earlier had gotten to him.

"Ah, it was bastards like you that destroyed Takara's family and drove the Gods of the mountain insane. Now how should I avenge them?"

The raider tried to shake his hands, grasping at her arm and trying to get out of her hold. He could barely tell, but they either were either starting to fly up into the air or the trees were sinking into the ground. He wouldn't have been surprised by either of those possibilities. Mima was indeed lifting him up higher.

"I could impale you on my staff, and maybe then carry your skull around for a week or so, until I am bored. Or I could slowly drain the energy out of your body, but that wouldn't be a painful death, nah. I couldn't call myself a vengeful ghost if I just did that. I have some kids to take care of, so I can't spend too much time with fun things like skinning you and roasting you over an open fire. Or try new spells on you. No, I think I know what I will do..."

The raider could see Mima's face, and he could swear, the grin on that face was the most wicked thing he had ever seen. He somehow sensed something underneath him, but couldn't quite make out what it was. What he felt was the energy seeping out from a still closed portal to an alternate dimension in which Mima was storing up energy. He is a normal human, so the fact that he sensed the energy at all was a testament to the sheer power of that spell. Mima's grin grew even more wicked as the both of them were bathed in golden light. The raider trembled with fear, and felt like he was about to pass out from the sheer sensation of overwhelming power.

Mima snapped her fingers...

And then there was light...


Both Ladies Watatsuki no Yorihime and Toyohime and in fact almost everybody in the Lunar Capital looked at the sky in awe as a pillar of golden light extended from earth into the far reaches of space and lasted for several seconds. Yorihime and Toyohime both sighed in relieve.

"I swear if she had hit the moon this time there'd be severe repercussions." Yorihime exclaimed.

"And then both the Lunar Capital and Gensokyo'd be nothing but dust~." Toyohime remarked jovially.

"I mean i-" "D~. U~. S~. T~." "Hmpf~"


The pain had been absolute. He had felt his skin being burned off, his muscles melting and his bones being reduced to ashes. The light had been blinding. He had closed his eyes to at least ward that off, but his eyelids were burned off. He should be dead. Yet there he was, staring at Mima through her fingers, a skull and a few remainders of what once was a torso. The pain was still there, and still shot through him every time he did as much as think.

"I hope you enjoyed the show. I have one last gift for you. A good look at the land you shall now die in."

Mima lifted him up and then tossed him towards earth.

He could see now where he was. It looked so much like the Japan before the bombs fell, the natural beauty of the forests, the mountains, the occasional villages. He had been alive before the Great War already, and was struck with immense nostalgia. He could've lived here maybe. He could've hidden away from the dreary reality, and lived out a dream here. He didn't want to die here. He wanted to live here. He would've cried, but his tears had been evaporated. There was only one thing left for him. The the fast approaching ground made sure he got that.


Keine swept the school building. Three months had passed since that incidents, but many more had occurred since then, with increasing frequency. Thankfully not all of them ended in blood shed. Many of the people that ended up here were happy to find such an oasis, thankfully.

The earth trembled again, much stronger this time. Keine dropped her broom, and ran to the window fearing what she may find.

She saw a clear blue sky. There were no dancing colors, no sparkling lights in the sky.

The land fell silent.

The barrier surrounding Gensokyo, had fallen.


History repeats itself, like a wheel that eternally spins. Yet never do the same events happen twice in the same exact way. The world had been devastated by nuclear war, in 2077. In 2087, this secret world would follow suit. But, it was not as so many had predicted, the end of mankind, but just the beginning of another bloody chapter in human history. War. War never changes. Even in the Twilight Spark Zone.

I hope you enjoyed today's travel into one possible future, and join us for a much brighter outlook on life, when two unlikely people meet following that special red thread. I hope to see you then. Good bye.


And just like that, an era ends. I feel the urge to throw some comments of my own about this story out there...

Fallout is a world of both smiling scenes and crying scenes. The story, the is very likely to make you cry. Sacrifices, uncaring people, beggars begging for water, the story of each house, with skeletons in bed together, skeletons that show signs of suicide, etc...a gruesome world...
a world that gives you access to the Fat Man, Nuka Grenades and other cheesy weapons, whoo!

So yeah, the setting of the story had to be baww inducing, but the action...well, as baddass and comical as one can get it. And seriously. Did you guys think a group of Raiders surrounded by a bunch of creatures that can barely be defeated using specialized means will fall to something as mundane as a pistol?  :V

Anyways, I hope you guys did enjoy the story, and please, gimme some comments on it yourself, I am always open for discussion in here...unless I want to keep the topic of the discussion a secret for a reason. =p Thanks for reading.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 3 Completed)
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2009, 07:22:00 PM »
Well, at least it was only the nameless bandits who died gruesome deaths. :V

Really wish you'd continue this, you stopped at the most important paaaart >_<

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 3 Completed)
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2009, 02:20:02 AM »
An Unlikely Friendship

Reimu was tired. She was sore all over from the battles against the gods of the Moriya shrine. She had had the upper hand in both battles at least, but it took a lot of effort anyways. She just wanted to get some good sleep.


Reimu almost felt the veins popping on her forehead as she heard the all too familiar voice shouting out for her.


Reimu couldn't believe it, even Suika was woken from her drunken stupor by this and looked around a bit. That cursed ghost was however not going to get her to wake up. She wanted her well earned sleep!

Suika groggily looked over Reimu at Mima and a golden light slowly started to fill the room.

"Oooh, shiny!" Suika muttered, as Reimu heard a faint "Twilight..."

One second later Mima was down for the count, as Reimu held her fist in mild pain. Having Tenshi and Yukari destroy her shrine was bad enough in the recent history, Reimu did not want to go through another rebuild.

"What do you want, you annoying ghost?" Reimu was ready to send Mima to the deepest pits of Jigoku.

"Oh, I just wanted to do some sightseeing. I wanna go to Youkai Mountain! <3"


Suika had gone to sleep and thus missed the mutilation Mima received afterwards.


This is not a tale of love, not a tale of two long lost lovers finding their soulmate. And this is not a tale of hot, steaming action. This tale is a story of how two people from very different times and places, find their fates mysteriously intertwined. There is a red threat that connects those that are meant to be together, and it goes straight through the Twilight Spark...wait...Zone!


o/` Real girls of genius! o/`

"Today we salute you, Mrs. Infinite Sake Gourd Holder!"

o/` Mrs. Infinite Sake Gourd Holdeeeaaa! o/`

"You give a new meaning to getting smashed, crashing, drowning your worries and getting just plain and simply drunk!"

o/` Downing that booze o/`


We apologize for the rest of the commercial not being available. Apparently a giant oni has completely destroyed the studio for advertising, and I quote: "Shitty "light" booze."


I would like to take this moment to blame credit Momiji and Cruxios (With his fetish for shrimpy ladies) for this thing.

And yeah, I hope I survive all these marine vessels...nice boat last time, just straight up a ship this time...Please bear with me and make my death slow and painful.



Oh shit, wa-


Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 4 Teaser Ready)
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2009, 03:03:06 AM »
Any story that STARTS with the protagonist mutilating another main character HAS to be worth reading. :D

In other news, you timed this well. By the time he gets back you'll have moved on and the opening for a lawsuit will be over! ^_^


Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 4 Teaser Ready)
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2009, 02:19:53 PM »
As a fan of the Twilight Zone, I approve of this thread. *hums the theme song*

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 4 Teaser Ready)
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2009, 03:07:25 AM »
I am gonna put this as simple as I can...

I am so, so sorry.

(E.g. the story will take a turn for the worst around the commercial break. Bear with me pwease. T_T)


"There's fast! There's super fast! Then there is AYA FAAST!

For that super fast shave! SHAMEIMARU COREDA Leaf Razor!"


Reimu, Mima and Suika were walking towards the Mountain.

Reimu had given in after being shook out of her bed for the third time.

Despite the earlier trouble the three of them were now happily chattering away.

"...and then the two Goddesses teamed up on you?" Suika inquired curiously.

"Well, no, I may be good, but two Goddesses at once, and I would still be asleep in their shrine. The two were tough enough on their own as is. And it had been an unusual large amount of people in my way this time anyways..."

"Ah come on Reimu, don't tell me that fighting an army of fairies, a kappa, two tengu, some miko, and five goddesses put a strain on you. Haven't you learned anything from me?" Mima taunts Reimu as she elbows the miko.

"What do you mean some miko?" Reimu looks at Mima with the eyes of a Tiger, ready to pounce its prey.

"Oh, nothing, nothing. <3"

"Look there is a hut over there!" Suika pointed at the general area in front of them, waving her hand around in her eternal drunken stupor. Neither Reimu nor Mima saw anything up ahead. Suika made a wavy, wavy beeline attempt to get to a large boulder, or so it seemed to the other two. They found their suspicions proven correct when she ran into it face first.

Reimu and Mima giggled a little and followed the little oni to the rock, stopping and blinking in surprise when part of the rock, right next to Suika opened up with a loud hiss, as a cloud of smoke billowed out, followed by Aya, Momiji and Nitori, all of them coughing.

The three of them stood in front of the door for a moment, coughing their lungs out as Reimu and Mima looked upon them with a mix of bemusement and curiosity, and Suika stared blankly at the rock wall in front of her, apparently ready to drift off into the realm of dreams.

"Have your heretic experiments come to a new terrible end, kappa?" Reimu pokes Nitori with her Gohei and smiles at her friendly.

Nitori looks at the newcomer and squeals in shock as she sees that the miko from the day before had come again to beat her to a ... oh she was being friendly, phew.

"Ms. Shameimaru had asked me to produce a substance that could work with her picture obtaining device, to make it flare up and produce a flashing light," Nitori explained, "But while I have achieved the flash, as you can see there are some complications..."

Reimu nodded having understood none of the techno babble Nitroi just spewed out. Mima peeled Suika off of the wall and stood her up straight, and Aya patted Momiji on the back, the latter still coughing up a storm.

"Anyways, I am gonna go back in now, I think I know now what I need to do..." Nitori moved to go back inside her house. "By the way, you three are welcome to join me in here, we Kappa are sworn friends of humans after all...a-and of course of onis too, Lady Ibuki." Suika grinned at Nitori.

"I am kinda interested in what is going on there..." Reimu contemplated, as she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Go on in Reimu. You may find it Heresy, but it can be quite amusing at times." Mima encouraged her. Reimu smiled at Mima, "OK then, lets' go." "Whooo!" Suika was happy. "Let's see the kappas mighty machines!"

Reimu and Suika moved towards the building. Suika went in after Nitori and Aya, but Reimu turned around and looked at the ghost. "Aren't you coming?"

"Heh, call me odd, but I don't feel quite comfortable with the idea of being inside a stone."

Reimu took another look at the building and realized what she meant. "Ah...well...uhm..."

"Don't worry about me honey, I am gonna take the air in a bit...also I see a little doggy over there to play with." Mima pointed at Momiji who had sat down on the ground and was trying to meditate.

Reimu looked over and shrugged. "It shouldn't be too long. See you later." And with those words Reimu went inside, and the door shut again, with a hiss.

Mima sneaked over to Momiji from behind, intend on having some fun with her new pet.

"I am a wolf, not a little doggy, human." Momiji knew exactly were Mima was, the Ghost's sneaking being no match for her keen senses. Mima, didn't care, and crapped a hold of the tengu's tail, and started rubbing it.

"Eeek!" Momiji hadn't seen that coming, jumped up, spun around, and punched Mima square in the face, sending her flying. "Don't do that! ...oh, wait, did I just kill her?!"

About a mile away, through a path of mowed down trees, Mima rose from the debris of her flight. She snickered. Having a tengu for an opponent for a change should be fun. She materialized her staff, dissolved her lower body and flew back at the Wolf tengu at full speed.

Momiji saw that Mima was not only fine, but that she was far from human. The grin on the ghosts face and the large staff with the moon ornament at the top told her that she was ready to have some fun. Momiji smirked and decided to indulge the spirit, readying her shield. She was confident that her sword would not be necessary.

Mima was bemused. She was flying around Momiji, circling her, repeatedly battering her shield with strikes from her staff. She didn't feel like using magic. She wanted a good brawl, like this. And so far Momiji looked like she was getting mildly bored. She deflected all blows without any effort. Mima grinned, and in her next attack, she put in some effort of her own.

Momiji tried to catch her breath. The attacks so far had been nearly harmless, barely worth her attention, but that last blow knocked her shield into her chest, and the wind out of her lungs. She got up from the floor, smirked and drew her sword.

"So, you do have a bit of strength in you after all." Momiji enjoyed this now too. The other day she couldn't bring herself to fight at full strength, what with the idea of being simply overlorded by some new comers. This time she would let out what she had held in then. She started swinging her sword, with far more grace than one could expect from a blade such as hers.

Mima found herself hardpressed for the defense now. She was glad her staff was a magical construct and essentially unbreakable, but the barrage of sword strikes coming from the wolf worried her now, a little. Reimu had talked of her before, but had described her as merely a small fry. The spirit had no clue how strong Momiji's danmaku was, but her melee sure as hell was powerful and fast. Mima smirked, she wasn't down for the count yet.

Momiji started sweating. She was pouring a lot more than usual she had into this battle, which was a lot even by tengu standards. She was their main guardian after all. Yet somehow that creature in front of her was neither afraid, nor starting to show signs of weakness. Momiji smirked, this battle would carry on for a bit.

One thunderous clash of weapons later, the two of them separated, and looked at each other, recapturing their breath.

"I am Inubashiri Momiji, guardian of the Youkai Mountain, and champion of the Wolf tengu. It is an honor to face you in this duel, even if your manners seem to lack a little."

"Fufufufu, I am the great Mima, acting Deity of the Hakurei Shrine, and I am here to make you my new pet."

"Don't be so sure of that. I shall see you banished with my next strike!" Momiji was annoyed now, and ready a major slash. "White Fangs...'Impeccable Precision Sure-Kill!'"

Mima also went into a ready stance, having gotten Momiji just where she wanted her. Her staff started glowing with a golden Aura. "Tapping into the Sun 'Twilight Breaker!'"

Both of them charged at each other.


"A new life deserves the best. You want only the softest materials, and the sweetest fragrances. Yuka Snuggleflowers Pampers, the softest and sweetest smelling diapers on the market.
The diapers are made out of real human and youkai hair, and are treated with the latest cutting edge technology to create the absolute bestest diapers for your little offspring.

o/` Yuka Snuggles, Flower Snuggles, Yuka Snuggleflowers are your friend! o/`


"Do you weight too much? Do you have unsightly body fat storing up at your waist?

Try Elly's patented Hula-Scythe today! You are guaranteed to half your current weight in mere seconds.

Using Elly's patented Steel-Rang technology, the Hula-Scythe will cut your weight right off the waist, and right in half! Call the number on your screen now!"


The ground trembled.

The air was filled with a thunderous roar.

A bright light, blinded any eyes looking upon it.

Momiji and Mima had been thrown back by something that had apparently crept up on the two. They shielded their eyes from the light and then looked upon what had stopped their assaults.

They gazed first, upon a hole in the ground where Nitori's abode had been, and then upon what stood above the hole. A humongous construct of steel and wood, with steam spewing out in select parts stood before them, eyes and mouth glowing red, as it stared back at them.

The two minuscule figures could hear screams. They could see that the giant construct was holding Aya, Reimu and Nitori, all of them yelling for help. It held Suika too, but she had either fainted, or fallen asleep.

"Drat!" The two of them said in unison. This looked like  kappa construct, which usually were fairly resistant to magic. They'd have to give their best trying to take it apart with physical attacks.

"Are you ready to kick some tin ass?" Momiji shouted at Mima.

"Now you're speaking my language, girl, let's tear it up!"

"OK! Transform, White Wolf!" "Blue Shrimp!" Momiji looked at Mima, who simply shrugged as both of them were enveloped in a blindingly white light.

They both flew straight at the fists of the giant, trying to crack them open with attacks. Their weapons are easily repelled by the material the fists are made of. Some sort of metal, but neither Mima nor Momiji knew what it was. They knew it was hard so, as both of them were punched hard, and send flying, with their friends screams in their ears.

"OK, any plans, Ms Inubashiri?" "Suddenly we are being polite, hm? I got nothing...maybe the eyes are a weakspot. What the hell is that thing anyways?" "No bloody clue, but let's have giant eyeballs for dinner!"

The two flew full speed at the giant robot, and saw the thing's eyes and mouth glow more intensely for a short moment, before seeing a humongous red beam fly at them...which both dodged with ease. A second later they were beating on the head, and found that the eyes and mouth were covered in something like glass, that let the beam through, but didn't even get a scratch from their attacks.

"How are we supposed to do anything to this...those blasted Kappa did a good job!" Momiji was dumbfounded. Nitori yelled a quick thank you at her before continuing to scream in terror.

Mima instead heard Reimu yelling. Not in fear, but in anger. "Wake up you dumb oni, wake up!"
She looked over to the oni in the other hand yawning now, and then looking up boredly at the robot.


Reimu, Aya, Mima, and Momiji looked at a slightly mutilated Nitori.

"I swear, I didn't think it was capable of movement yet, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

Reimu sighs: At least Suika woke up and crushed that thing for us."

Aya looked happy: "That is gonna be one big scoop. Another victory for Bunbunmaru!"

"Why did you built that giant thing anyways?" Reimu asked Nitori.

"Oh, Lady Moriya wanted one for her miko, so I said, sure, I'll build one. She provided me with materials and everything."

Reimu was steaming and stomped off towards the shrine on top of the mountain, Aya right behind her, sensing another scoop.

Mima and Momiji looked at each other, and both blushed a little.

"Thanks for the duel today, Lady Mi-mm?" Momiji was cut short when Mima had come close and had gone for the kiss.

In the meanwhile Suika, still giant lifted up her gourd, and yelled "Pink Oni!"


Nitori turned off the TV and stood back looking timid next to Koishi who stood tall with pride swollen chest. Her partner Aya looked no less confident as well.

Reimu and Sanae were giggling at how silly the show was they had just seen. Aya had done a great job illustrating things, but the story was so bad, it was funny.

The other two spectators were more blank in their expressions. Kanako and Suwako didn't know where to begin with pointing out bad things. The Hisoutensoku didn't march until last month, Suwako had not been visible on the first day even, and everything else just plain...

"So, what do you guys think? Can we count on you for financial support to air the show all over Gensokyo and produce more episodes?" Koishi was beaming at her audience, and delighted by the reactions of the mikos. She couldn't believe how lucky she had been to see that the legendary shrine maiden herself was here at the time and willing to go watch this.

Suwako and Kanako both thought "HELL NO!" but looking at how Sanae apparently enjoyed it, they both sighed and nodded reluctantly. Nitori blinked surprised and the smile in her face now grew to the same proportions as that of the illustrator and story writer, Aya and Koishi respectively. And she would get a chance to sell lots of TV sets.

"It was amusing, but I will have to go now. And sorry, but I can't finance anything. I need to survive myself too, you know?" Reimu got up and bowed to everyone, the three members of Gensokyo's first Anime circle looking a little downed at not getting help from *the* Gensokyo shrine maiden...but they had support from the Gods, and that would surely help them.

Reimu shook her head as she left the shrine. Mima going for a small fry tengu like Momiji. That wasn't going to happen. She chuckled.


Reimu woke up in the middle of the night. She had heard something. The first thing she saw was Suika, sitting up with her blanket wrapped around her, her cheeks flushed more than usual, and some conspicuous movement underneath the blanket.

"W-" "Ssh." Reimu wanted to ask what Suika was doing, but she interrupted her, grinning only more and pointing behind Reimu. Reimu turned over, and was shocked by what she saw. There, were Mima usually slept, a white wolf tail was hanging out from underneath the blanket, under which two people were moving...


Momiji Inubashiri and Mima, two very different characters, find, that soon, what had been unknown to all but them, will become an accidental secret revealed. For, if there is one place, where no secret is ever truly safe... it's the Twilight Spark Zone.

Next time on this show, we observe two members of a species most uncommon in Gensokyo, as we take a good look at the Anatomy of Businessmen.


OK, again, I am so, so sorry.

I had so many cheesiness ideas for this, that it just went belly up halfway least the story gives an excuse...=p
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Cya
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 4 Complete)
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2009, 05:24:20 AM »
Bestest story ever, would read again and again...  X)


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 4 Complete)
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2009, 12:01:24 PM »
Awesome crack pairing, and Momiji being surprisingly AWESOME.

Damn, I want to see more episodes of thiiiiiis...>_<


  • What are you doing in that shrine you are not a god
  • You are too cool to be a god anyway :|
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 4 Complete)
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2009, 08:28:35 PM »
Hot M & M action.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Twilight Spark Zone! (Index in OP)(Episode 4 Complete)
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2009, 11:31:37 PM »
Anatomy of Businessmen

The door bell rang.

Mokou opened her eyes and looked at the clock next to her bed.

The little computer screen displayed 4:58 flying over some rolling meadows.

The bell rang again, a little longer this time.

"I'll be right there!"

Mokou was annoyed. The murder mystery at the Scarlet Devil's mansion had kept her awake last night. it had been fun, but today she wanted sleep. And of course some dumb ass Jehovah's Witnesses had to wake her up early in the morning. Bastards.

She got out of her bed, put on her night robe and stumbled over to the door to her penthouse suit.

She looked through the little peephole to see who it was. Great. A man and a woman. The Watchtower. As feared.

She put on her best smile, opened the door. The man opened his mouth to talk and then both of them found themselves reduced to a pile of ashes.

Mokou closed the door, and stumbled back to her bed. She would have a talk with the guard later...probably fell asleep. She fell into her bed.


9:00, and the door bell rang again. Mokou blinked from her somewhat awkward position on the bed. Who the hell could that be now?

She picked herself up from her bed, made sure her robe was more or less closed, and once again made the journey over to the door. One glance revealed it was room service. And the food apparently was being served by one hunky guy. She smiled to herself as she loosened the robe just a little, and opened the door.

"Hello th-" The rest of what she was about to say didn't come out, as she saw a gun in the hunky guy's hand, and lost her consciousness. Fujiwara no Mokou may be immortal. But she was not immune to tranquilizers.


Fujiwara no Mokou. A woman who had build herself a financial empire through less than honorable means was about to take a trip to her main competitor in the battle field of business. She was about to find out how one turns a profit in the Twilight Spark Zone.


Finding yourself not understanding the words that are coming out of others' mouths?

Need help making that latest essay sound just a little more intelligent?

Try our new Dictionary of Gensokyo, written by our very own Hieda no Akyu, and combining the collective knowledge of nine lifetimes into a single work, capable of helping you with even the hardest challenges in articulation.

But wait, that's not all. Call the number on your screen right now and we'll send you a copy of our latest Thesaurus of Gensokyo free.

That's right, free, if you call the number on your screen now.

Don't waste another minute feeling stupid over your vocabulary, get the Dictionary of Gensokyo today!


Ok, After my short stint in CPMC I finally could move myself to continue this thing. (Seniwac, you bastard, why'd you have to put such a good idea in my head, it's pushing this story aside in there! T_T)

Also, I am selling advertising space, just tell me the product to advertise and pay me good moolah. or make it good enough so that I come up with something for the product anyways. =p

Awesome crack pairing, and Momiji being surprisingly AWESOME.

Damn, I want to see more episodes of thiiiiiis...>_<

Thanks. Feel free to continue it yourself. =p

Thanks everybody who reads, for reading, and who comments for commenting. Comment ladies, comment. =p
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?