Author Topic: Qwertyzxcv's RAD Danmakufu Scripts! :D A PRACTICE PH3 THING!!!!  (Read 58328 times)


  • Danmakufu Artist
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    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.12
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2013, 11:35:06 PM »
Two things. Firstly, the thread for challenges is open. Secondly, I suggest cleaning up and organizing the first post. Modify it so that important things are in a different font size or maybe a different color or something. It'll make things easier to find.


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.12
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2013, 11:54:47 PM »
Two things. Firstly, the thread for challenges is open. Secondly, I suggest cleaning up and organizing the first post. Modify it so that important things are in a different font size or maybe a different color or something. It'll make things easier to find.
1. You are awesome.
2. *Color-coding*

Maths ~Angelic Version~

  • Aspiring Mathematician of Brilliant Laziness
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.12
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2013, 04:48:32 PM »
2n. Hm, i'm proobably just going to make less blue bubbles, and another pattern. (Not that the blue blue bubbles were a pattern xD)
I don't mind blue bubbles at all and they fit the water theme. I just think that firing bullets at random angles from (GetEnemyX,GetEnemyY) is too basic/simple to make a fun nonspell when the bullets don't do anything after being fired. I'm sorry about not expressing myself properly.
(And add for a stage, but update this version)(I thought it would be fun, it was based off of "Storm on Mt. Ooe" because I thought that was fun too)
How did I miss the Mt. Ooe reference?  ???
Now that you mention it...
The green bubbles in the 3rd and 4th nonspell are annoying because they have very random angular velocities. I died several times because some of them curved a lot, others barely curved and I had no way of predicting which bullets would or wouldn't curve. If you make the angular velocities and the firing angles more controlled, the attack can become a fun nonspell (or even spell) that fits a water-themed boss  :D
2s. Aimed an random? (Still inconsistent, but less)
I think replacing the random bullets with random circles of bullets will be enough (do you understand the difference? I'm horrible at explaining things  :V).
3s. Larger criss-crossing bullets, but less?
Well, another note first. I just tested this some more and found safespots. The yellow bullets aren't aimed at the player properly. That's because you used GetAngleToPlayer, which measures the angle to the player from the boss. However, the bullets don't spawn at the location of the boss. The angle you probably want to use is
Use the same angle for every bullet in the arrow, otherwise it'll end up looking weird. The middle bullet is always aimed directly at the player.
About the crisscrossing bullets, I'd just add more of them and randomize the starting angle of the circles.
Final Spell. About the radomosity: I was just looking for something to take out all the safe spots, i'll make a lot less, and something else. (I want it to be fun :) )
Stage 5 Boss. I sort of based it all off the same movement. (was lazy and rushing) I will slow it down and make it more interesting.
That sounds good.
Colors. I was basing Stage 6 boss off Blue + Bubbles, because of her water ability thingy. And I was thinking the Stage 5 one could control seasons err something, so that could work for your nature color scheme. (BTW, the stage 5 boss isnt the one showed).
The green/blue scheme works for the final boss. I was mostly talking about the boss shown as the stage 5 boss and a few lasers/bullets of the stage 6 boss.
My nature scheme was just a random example. If the boss controls seasons, maybe you'll make separate spells (nonspells too?) for each of the four seasons, which will require four different schemes as well. Regarding interpreting attacks, can you please write some notes as spell names instead of "ugyk - 8ougy -"? Even if it's just a placeholder name like Spring Sign "Lively Spring" or a keyword, it helps others understand what you're thinking, thus helping them determine whether or not the colours are appropriate. If the nature-themed boss in my example had a spell named Flame Sign "Forest Fire" (I'm horrible at coming up with good names  :V), "fiery" colours such as red, orange or yellow would be acceptable and natural.
I've heard of that bomb trick thing but forgot how to do it so I will use that! Thank you for the help!
You're welcome!  :)
Don't count too much on me for technical programming, though. When I code, I mess around in ph3 and not 0.12m.
Also, use Sparen's challenge thread. I'd like to join, but as said, I code in ph3...  :ohdear:
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 08:03:56 PM by Maths ~Angelic Version~ »


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.12
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2013, 10:06:48 PM »

Bomb damage carries over between attacks, in other words, if you bomb near the end of an attack, it'll damage the next attack as well. Most reviewers consider it amateurish, and in this case, it can be exploited. If you bomb near the end of a nonspell, it'll deal a lot of free damage to the following spell, thus allowing an easy capture. Luckily, this is fairly easy to fix:
You may include this task in your script AFTER @Finalize but INSIDE script_enemy_main (I messed that up while testing  :V ) like any other task, but I would make a separate script with tasks and functions and use #include because you're hopefully going to use it or something similar to it in every single attack anyway.
and call it in @Initialize. The first variable is the damage rate against shots and the second is the damage rate against bombs (they're separate because you may for instance want to make a card invulnerable to bombs). This may be used with the built-in function SetInvincibility(n), which is also called in @Initialize and makes the boss invincible for n frames regardless of bombing.
I tried your method, and Danmakufu froze, I saw another method somewhere, so i'll check that too.  :)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 01:47:39 AM by Qwertyzxcv »

Maths ~Angelic Version~

  • Aspiring Mathematician of Brilliant Laziness
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.12
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2013, 11:56:46 PM »
I tried your method, and Danmakufu froze, I saw another method somewhere, so i'll check that too.  :)

That's weird ??? I used that function in your scripts and it worked perfectly. Did you remove the yield from the while loop or something like that? I know that it creates an infinite loop without a yield, thus causing Danmakufu to freeze. By the way, are your brackets right?


  • Danmakufu Artist
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    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.12
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2013, 12:22:49 AM »

Post a new and current version of your project and then it'll be easier to find errors.


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.12
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2013, 12:58:13 AM »

Post a new and current version of your project and then it'll be easier to find errors.
I used the other method and it worked so nevermind :)
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 02:31:11 AM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.13
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2013, 02:16:34 PM »
Version 0.13 comments

Stage 1:
-Yellow strings of honing bullets should be changed. The graphics are boring, the hitboxes are large, and it's obviously without much thought.

Stage 4:
-bullets during stage that fire from behind are evil.
-walls are just weird when they all go in the same direction like that.
-Too repetitive. If you want to keep the stage format, you'll have to throw a mid boss in somewhere.

Stage 4 directory: Spell 2:

Stage 5 (Stage):
-Opener is too generic
-lasers with bullet before are very nice.
-Overall, way too repetitive, and same old gimmicks.

Stage 5 (Boss):
-Nonspell 1 is way too easy for Stage 5.
-Spell 1 is, once again, WAY too easy for Stage 5. I'd compare it to Stage 1 Easy Mode. It's easier than Shizuha's opener.
-Forcing a player to use Reimu when all of the lasers are white is really cruel, you know.
-Spell 3 is good.
-Last spell would be good. However, the movement of the boss makes it seem as if you are only using random, when the truth is that you aren't for everything. Avoid, or you'll be kicked down like I was.

Stage 6 (Boss):
Nonspell 1: Good
Spell 1: Non-blue bullets are way too easy. Also, colors aren't consistent
Nonspell 2: ?Not too great. No variety, and can be scripted with three lines of code.
Spell 2: There are so many blind spots in this one that I'm laughing. the random bullets aren't random enough.
Nonspell 3: This is just annoying. Not that bad, but annoying.
Spell 3: Those ceiling fall bullets aren't distinct enough, and are too fast. I know that they're honing.
Nonspell 4: OK. Very boring though.
Spell 4: If you're going to have bullets spawn away from the boss, I suggest putting delay on them.
Final Spell: Found a blind spot within 3 seconds. Needs to be something more interesting.

Overall, boring, not something that I'd want to play again. However, some of the boss attacks deserve some merit, and they're not all bad. Keep up the progress~


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.13
« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2013, 04:43:40 PM »
Version 0.13 comments
Stage 1:
-Yellow strings of honing bullets should be changed. The graphics are boring, the hitboxes are large, and it's obviously without much thought.
Stage 4:
-bullets during stage that fire from behind are evil.
-walls are just weird when they all go in the same direction like that.
-Too repetitive. If you want to keep the stage format, you'll have to throw a mid boss in somewhere.
Stage 4 directory: Spell 2:
Stage 5 (Stage):
-Opener is too generic
-lasers with bullet before are very nice.
-Overall, way too repetitive, and same old gimmicks.
Stage 5 (Boss):
-Nonspell 1 is way too easy for Stage 5.
-Spell 1 is, once again, WAY too easy for Stage 5. I'd compare it to Stage 1 Easy Mode. It's easier than Shizuha's opener.
-Forcing a player to use Reimu when all of the lasers are white is really cruel, you know.
-Spell 3 is good.
-Last spell would be good. However, the movement of the boss makes it seem as if you are only using random, when the truth is that you aren't for everything. Avoid, or you'll be kicked down like I was.
Stage 6 (Boss):
Nonspell 1: Good
Spell 1: Non-blue bullets are way too easy. Also, colors aren't consistent
Nonspell 2: ?Not too great. No variety, and can be scripted with three lines of code.
Spell 2: There are so many blind spots in this one that I'm laughing. the random bullets aren't random enough.
Nonspell 3: This is just annoying. Not that bad, but annoying.
Spell 3: Those ceiling fall bullets aren't distinct enough, and are too fast. I know that they're honing.
Nonspell 4: OK. Very boring though.
Spell 4: If you're going to have bullets spawn away from the boss, I suggest putting delay on them.
Final Spell: Found a blind spot within 3 seconds. Needs to be something more interesting.
Overall, boring, not something that I'd want to play again. However, some of the boss attacks deserve some merit, and they're not all bad. Keep up the progress~

Thank you for another long review!

Stage 1:
-The graphics are just a placeholder, (I have to make myself clearer).
Stage 4:
-I took out most bullets that fire from behind, I guess there is more?
-OK, i'll put moar variety in the wall direction.
-I am going to put a mid-boss in every stage, once I find out who its going to be so I can determine the style of the spells+non-spells.
Stage 4 Spell:
-I don't even know if that will be for stage four, all I know is im putting it for Parsee.
Stage 5:
-Yes, moar creativity is needed.
-Thank you :)
-New patterns will happen :)
Stage 5 Boss:
-NS 1: I'm currently fixing that, just didnt upload it yet. Haha, I was just playing MoF! (I really should have compared it).
-S 1: Faster? More dense? I don't know, i'll do both.
-Oops, forgot to change it back to Player[FREE].
-S 3: yay.
-S 4: Less random, more other stuff?
Stage 6 Boss:
NS 1: Once a again,  :) .
S 1: OK, i'll make more other bullets, and another pattern.
N 2-4: Still under construction.
S 2: I was having trouble make the random bullets random circles, they would all go in a cluster.
S 3: Distinct? I'll make them slower.
S 4: I was thinking if I made the one on the left go, then the one on the right go etc. it would be too much like Kaguya's last spell. Probablys not.
S 5: This will take a while to make
Aww, hooray progress though.
I just realized how many smileys I used...
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:58:05 PM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2013, 03:20:14 AM »
Version 0.14 uploaded :D (I know Version 0.13 was uploaded 3 days ago xD).
Anyway, all the feedback I was given was put into it.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 04:07:57 PM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2013, 03:39:45 AM »
Version 0.15- Coming soon...
Updates that will happen by Version 0.2-

= Finished but not uploaded.
X  = Not finished.
-3 new BGMs.
X -Most BGMs improved a lot.
X -Stage titles //Stage 1, Stage 4, and Stage 5.

X -Music fades out after boss.
X -Color Schemes
X -Titles of spell cards.

and more...

I have some suggestions:

1) Since you'll eventually have to call the bosses from a stage script, do yourself a favor. At the start of each stage, load the music (don't use #BGM) and play it. Then use FadeOutMusic (see the dictionary) at the end of the stage.
2) Make the names of the spellcards before you make the spellcards. This is the only way to have a sense of what you are trying to accomplish without BSsing your scripts
3) Focus more on the scripting, not on the BGMs. In all honesty, it should take more than a few months to master Danmakufu, so I suggest focusing on that aspect before the music. The only exception is Stage 1 and the Extra (where the music comes before the stage).


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2013, 03:44:19 PM »
I have some suggestions:

1) Since you'll eventually have to call the bosses from a stage script, do yourself a favor. At the start of each stage, load the music (don't use #BGM) and play it. Then use FadeOutMusic (see the dictionary) at the end of the stage.
2) Make the names of the spellcards before you make the spellcards. This is the only way to have a sense of what you are trying to accomplish without BSsing your scripts
3) Focus more on the scripting, not on the BGMs. In all honesty, it should take more than a few months to master Danmakufu, so I suggest focusing on that aspect before the music. The only exception is Stage 1 and the Extra (where the music comes before the stage).
1. Thank you :D
2. I'm bad with names, but i'll try.
3. Actually, I write the music on the side, but then I add it in the game because, why not?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 05:08:11 PM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2013, 03:51:46 PM »
Once you have another release, I'll see about feedback. Right now, as the game stands, I think it's best to let you get some of your act together before I go and rerate the same stuff.

P.S. In the script folder, you should have a change log. That way, you can record every major edit you've done, and it helps you keep track of what has changed. Also, it allows players to know what is different from the last release version.



Stage 1's walls (first two sets of enemies) are too dense. Vary bullet shapes.
Stage 1 enemies have too much HP; can't be taken out with Reimu focused mode (anti honing laser enemies)
Stage 4 enemies do not always auto delete correctly
Stage 5 enemies do not auto delete correctly
Lack of SFX overall
Seriously, your stages need bullet shape variety.
Stage 5 enemies need new patterns (some of them are obviously direct copies of Stage 1 and Stage 4 enemies)
Yup, the only good thing about Stage 5's stage portion is those lasers.
Stage 5 boss's second to last spell lasers are still too fast. Good thing they're streamable and are preset in terms of location.
You shouldn't be spamming rand in Stage 5 spells the way you are doing
Stage 6 boss NS 1 curvy lasers are too fast and not clear enough.
Stage 6 boss NS 3 doesn't load correctly and has no bullets.
Stage 6 boss Spell 3's white ceiling bullets are still too close together.
Stage 6 NS 4 also doesn't load.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 07:16:11 PM by Sparen »


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2013, 11:15:36 PM »
Stage 1's walls (first two sets of enemies) are too dense. Vary bullet shapes.
Stage 1 enemies have too much HP; can't be taken out with Reimu focused mode (anti honing laser enemies)
Stage 4 enemies do not always auto delete correctly
Stage 5 enemies do not auto delete correctly
Lack of SFX overall
Seriously, your stages need bullet shape variety.
Stage 5 enemies need new patterns (some of them are obviously direct copies of Stage 1 and Stage 4 enemies)
Yup, the only good thing about Stage 5's stage portion is those lasers.
Stage 5 boss's second to last spell lasers are still too fast. Good thing they're streamable and are preset in terms of location.
You shouldn't be spamming rand in Stage 5 spells the way you are doing
Stage 6 boss NS 1 curvy lasers are too fast and not clear enough.
Stage 6 boss NS 3 doesn't load correctly and has no bullets.
Stage 6 boss Spell 3's white ceiling bullets are still too close together.
Stage 6 NS 4 also doesn't load.

Stage 1:
Ok, i'll make it less dense, and give the enemies less health.
Stage 4+5:
What do you mean about the auto delete?
Yes i'm going to wait a while for sfx, because im not sure if i can use the Touhou sound effects and they overpower the BGM
I already made a new pattern for stage 5. (Crisscrosing YELLOW21)
Alright, its not too hard to change bullet shape :)
;__; Atleast the lasers are good.
I will make it slower. (Maybe make them slow down as they approach you, winter, freeze :D )
Got it, less rand. I really don't see the problem, only 2 spells and 0 non-spells use rand.
Thicker, slower, curvy lasers, ok.
Non-Spells 3+4 don't have bullets yet xD I'm completly remaking them.
I agree, the arrows should be less dense, so you could go through them.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:58:24 PM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2013, 12:02:55 AM »
QUESTION: Am I allowed to use Touhou sound effects in my game?
QUESTION 2: Am I allowed to use Touhou character in my game if they are different drawings?
QUESTION 3: Is there a way to increase or decrease volome of SFX/BGM, the SFX really overpowers the BGM.

1) Yes: just make sure that you cite the creator of the SFX
2) Yes: just don't claim the characters
3) Yes: you must create a different .wav file with higher volume. I suggest using Audacity

P.S. At the top of your thread, STATE THAT YOU ARE WORKING WITH 0.12m. This is mandatory, or people will eventually begin to complain.


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2013, 12:10:05 AM »
1) Yes: just make sure that you cite the creator of the SFX
2) Yes: just don't claim the characters
3) Yes: you must create a different .wav file with higher volume. I suggest using Audacity

P.S. At the top of your thread, STATE THAT YOU ARE WORKING WITH 0.12m. This is mandatory, or people will eventually begin to complain.
1+2) Where should I cite it?
3) Thanks.
P.S.) Done


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #46 on: February 11, 2013, 12:44:36 AM »
Cite in a ReadMe.


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.14
« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2013, 12:48:40 AM »
Wow, I never though of that, thanks! :D
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 01:48:35 AM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15
« Reply #48 on: February 13, 2013, 02:17:06 AM »
Version 0.15 :D
Still no sound effects YET.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 01:48:56 AM by Qwertyzxcv »

Maths ~Angelic Version~

  • Aspiring Mathematician of Brilliant Laziness
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15
« Reply #49 on: February 13, 2013, 04:02:35 PM »
The Winter spell (yay for titles!) is pretty good, but there's something odd about the "rotation" of the lasers (the ones fired in nine directions). It seems that it's supposed to go clockwise, but the angle resets now and then. In line 70, you define "ang" as equal to zero. It resets for every iteration of the loop that starts at line 69.
In other words, for better rotation, replace this (lines 69 and 70)
      let ang = 0;
with this
      let ang = 0;


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15
« Reply #50 on: February 13, 2013, 08:24:16 PM »
The Winter spell (yay for titles!) is pretty good, but there's something odd about the "rotation" of the lasers (the ones fired in nine directions). It seems that it's supposed to go clockwise, but the angle resets now and then. In line 70, you define "ang" as equal to zero. It resets for every iteration of the loop that starts at line 69.
In other words, for better rotation, replace this (lines 69 and 70)with this
Thanks! I didn't know it was like that, and was wondering why it was acting weird!  :)


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2013, 03:01:13 AM »
Okay about your story situation. First pick out all the character you want playable. (I wouldn't suggest using the basic Reimu and Marisa because they're so... basic?) Create your own Reimu and Marisa! Give it that "SHAZAAAM!"


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2013, 08:30:34 PM »
Okay, I don't know how to make custom player scripts but ill read the tutorial.
Some from this list: Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, Sanae, Yuuka?, Yukari...
Maybe teams like Imperishable Night, I don't know, probably not.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 01:49:24 AM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15 and other stuff!
« Reply #53 on: February 16, 2013, 02:02:38 AM »
I have moar questions:
1. How do I make the enemies autodelete correctly?
2. I put the boss script in the stage script so it goes automatically, and when the boss and mid-boss have a non-spell, it makes the familiar noise when it goes away.
3. WTF is going on with my crisscrossing yellow bullets. Sometimes they come from the bottom-left of the screen, and sometimes the enemies dont even show up.
I know I didn't attatch the script yet, BUT, I will tommorow, just if anyone knows whats going on without seeing the script :)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 03:35:53 AM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15 and other stuff!
« Reply #54 on: February 16, 2013, 02:26:24 AM »
Code: [Select]
  let count = 0; let angle = 0; let angle2 = 180; let bullet = GetCurrentScriptDirectory~"bullet.wav";
  let ZUNbullet = GetCurrentScriptDirectory~"supershot.txt"; let yrm = GetCurrentScriptDirectory~"yrm.png";
  let vanishtime = 1200;
  let item = 0;
  //let Xmin = 0; let Xmax = 448; let Ymin = 0; let Ymax = 480;
  //Made Jan 21, 2013

  @Initialize{LoadGraphic(yrm); LoadUserShotData(ZUNbullet); SetLife(500); LoadSE(bullet);}

    SetCollisionA(GetX, GetY, 32); SetCollisionB(GetX, GetY, 24);
    SetMovePosition02(GetArgument, GetCenterY, 150); //150 frames.
    if(count > 150 && count % 60 == 0){loop(6){
      CreateShot02(GetX, GetY, 1, angle, 0.05, 3, 34, 2); angle += 60;}PlaySE(bullet);
    angle += 3; angle2 -= 3;
    if(count % 9 == 0){CreateShot01(GetX, GetY, 0.5, angle, 12, 2); CreateShot01(GetX, GetY, 0.5, angle2, 13, 2);}
    if(count == 450){SetMovePosition02(GetArgument, GetCenterY - 60, 150);}
    //if(GetX < Xmin || GetX > Xmax || GetY < Ymin || GetY > Ymax){
    //  item = 1;
    //  VanishEnemy;
    if(vanishtime == 0) {item = 1; VanishEnemy;}else{vanishtime--;}
    SetTexture(yrm); SetGraphicRect(0, 0, 65, 62); //Add one pixel to height and width
    SetAlpha(250); SetGraphicAngle(0, 0, 0);
    SetGraphicScale(1, 1); DrawGraphic(GetX,GetY);
    if(item==0){loop(5){CreateItem(ITEM_SCORE, GetX + rand(-15,15), GetY + rand(-15,15));}}}}

This is the code for the fourth stage enemy in Danmaku Dodging for Dummies. (collapsed)

Now, I shall explain.

Code: [Select]
  let vanishtime = 1200;
  let item = 0;
  //let Xmin = 0; let Xmax = 448; let Ymin = 0; let Ymax = 480;

    //if(GetX < Xmin || GetX > Xmax || GetY < Ymin || GetY > Ymax){
    //  item = 1;
    //  VanishEnemy;
    if(vanishtime == 0) {item = 1; VanishEnemy;}else{vanishtime--;}

Vanishtime is a variable I use for the obvious purpose of vanishing. When a timer hits 0, the enemy dies.
Item is a variable I use to test if the enemy will drop an item or not.
Then, comes the main one that YOU SHOULD BE USING if your enemies are supposed to die upon leaving the screen.

Code: [Select]
let Xmin = 0; let Xmax = 448; let Ymin = 0; let Ymax = 480;The above code states the boundaries of the Danmakufu window. You can also opt to replace this with GetClipM(in/ax)(X/Y). The code deletes enemies after they pass a certain distance out of the screen.

Understand a bit better?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 02:29:31 AM by Sparen »


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15 and other stuff!
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2013, 03:33:59 AM »
Thanks! I'll try it tommorow :D
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:55:12 PM by Qwertyzxcv »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15 and other stuff!
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2013, 06:23:38 PM »
0.15 reviews

Stage 1: The anti honing lasers and bullet splatters need to have variety. Also, you should REALLY get a shot sheet with a larger variety of bullets.

Stage 4: Trying to open the stage crashes Danmakufu.

Stage 5: The mid boss without attacks is sort of funny.

Stage 5 Winter Spell: THere's a lag for some reason. Is that scripted?

Stage 6 Boss: Nonspell 3 is good, but the spell after with the ceiling bullets is too easy.


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15 and other stuff!
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2013, 06:46:32 PM »
0.15 reviews
Stage 1: The anti honing lasers and bullet splatters need to have variety. Also, you should REALLY get a shot sheet with a larger variety of bullets.
Stage 4: Trying to open the stage crashes Danmakufu.
Stage 5: The mid boss without attacks is sort of funny.
Stage 5 Winter Spell: THere's a lag for some reason. Is that scripted?
Stage 6 Boss: Nonspell 3 is good, but the spell after with the ceiling bullets is too easy.
S1- I will. And for some reason, the random bullets don't bounce if you shoot the enmies. Do you know why?
S4- Fixed in 0.6
S5MB- xD I mentioed that in the changelog.
Winter spell- Yes, I slowed it down, half speed.
S6B- I'm trying to make it gradually get harder as the boss's life goes down.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 01:50:42 AM by Qwertyzxcv »

Maths ~Angelic Version~

  • Aspiring Mathematician of Brilliant Laziness
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15 and other stuff!
« Reply #58 on: February 20, 2013, 10:57:44 PM »
S1- I will. And for some reason, the random bullets don't bounce if you shoot the enemies. Do you know why?
I think it has something to do with the enemy script closing when the enemy dies, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Is it necessary to have them bounce after the enemy's death? The easiest "solution" might be just giving the enemy more health. The bullets still won't bounce after the enemy's death, but at least they're more likely to hit a wall and bounce before the enemy dies.

When I looked at your code (enemy A5), it looks like you tried to make the bullets bounce off all four walls, but they only bounce off the upper and lower boundaries. It's because you used the wrong angle for bouncing off the left and right walls. Here's a corrected version that bounces off all four sides (lines 50-53 in the code):
Code: [Select]
if(Obj_GetY(obj) > GetClipMaxY){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,1);Obj_SetAngle(obj,-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetY(obj,GetClipMaxY);}
if(Obj_GetX(obj) > GetClipMaxX){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,3);Obj_SetAngle(obj,180-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetX(obj,GetClipMaxX);}
if(Obj_GetY(obj) < GetClipMinY){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,4);Obj_SetAngle(obj,-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetY(obj,GetClipMinY);}
if(Obj_GetX(obj) < GetClipMinX){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,3);Obj_SetAngle(obj,180-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetX(obj,GetClipMinX);}
I corrected the angle for the X coordinates. The Obj_SetX/Obj_SetY commands are to prevent rapid bouncing along the border (it can happen with really fast bullets at unfortunate angles) and I used Obj_GetAngle in case the bullet bounces more than once (after one bounce, the original angle is no longer the angle of the bullet's trajectory).

Bullets that bounce off the bottom of the screen are often annoying if you're unprepared. I died to them because I didn't know they bounced. I'd say don't make them bounce off the bottom of the screen (if you want to use it in other places, have some kind of warning/demonstration of it before the player is killed unexpectedly). It can cause cheap deaths, which isn't something you want in stage 1 (or any stage, for that matter). Also, the screen gets filled quickly with bullets if they bounce off all four walls.

From the changelog:
Congratulations  :toot:
Now use that knowledge when making more patterns :3 (Of course I'm not saying you have to use them in every pattern you make.)
Nice changes in the Winter spell by the way  :D


  • yas
  • k!
Re: Danmakufu Game - "..." Version 0.15 and other stuff!
« Reply #59 on: February 20, 2013, 11:12:06 PM »
When I looked at your code (enemy A5), it looks like you tried to make the bullets bounce off all four walls, but they only bounce off the upper and lower boundaries. It's because you used the wrong angle for bouncing off the left and right walls. Here's a corrected version that bounces off all four sides (lines 50-53 in the code):
Code: [Select]
      if(Obj_GetY(obj) > GetClipMaxY){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,1);Obj_SetAngle(obj,-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetY(obj,GetClipMaxY);}
      if(Obj_GetX(obj) > GetClipMaxX){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,3);Obj_SetAngle(obj,180-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetX(obj,GetClipMaxX);}
      if(Obj_GetY(obj) < GetClipMinY){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,4);Obj_SetAngle(obj,-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetY(obj,GetClipMinY);}
      if(Obj_GetX(obj) < GetClipMinX){Obj_SetSpeed(obj,3);Obj_SetAngle(obj,180-Obj_GetAngle(obj));Obj_SetX(obj,GetClipMinX);}
I corrected the angle for the X coordinates. The Obj_SetX/Obj_SetY commands are to prevent rapid bouncing along the border (it can happen with really fast bullets at unfortunate angles) and I used Obj_GetAngle in case the bullet bounces more than once (after one bounce, the original angle is no longer the angle of the bullet's trajectory).
Thanks, I made some objects bullets and was wondering why they didn't bounce of the sides...
From the changelog:
Congratulations  :toot:
Now use that knowledge when making more patterns :3c (Of course I'm not saying you have to use them in every pattern you make.)
Nice changes in the Winter spell by the way  :D
1.  :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot:
2. Yes, I am but there are cards I need to object-bullet-ify  :)
3. Thank you!! :getdown:
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:46:27 PM by Qwertyzxcv »