MotK Survey Results
I am not a statistician nor a scientist. This survey is rather intended to be a fun social experiment about our site's demographics. Any discrepancies or perceived inaccuracies should not be taken too seriously.
As said, this is not a survey of MotK's political or religious affiliations. Many of the questions on this survey were purposefully included in order to obfuscate the purpose of the survey, and were not factored into the final results, although the results of all questions can be seen in the raw data.
The purpose of the survey was to see which of these four Gensokyan temples the majority of MotK users would align themselves to: Moriya Shrine, Hakurei Shrine, Myouren Temple or the Hall of Dreams. Four themes were assigned to each. These attributions are based solely on my interpretation of canon, and what qualities they are assigned is purely subjective1.
Keeping that in mind,
Each temple is represented by one of four themes. Questions were framed towards these four themes, but agreement or disagreement with the same question could represent two different temples, depending on the feeling towards it expressed.
1. Use Of Power: These were questions pertaining to the use of authority to not only maintain power but to gain it as well. This was ascribed to the the Moriya Shrine.
2. Taking It Easy: These were questions pertaining to living simply and enjoying creature comforts over ambition and control. This was ascribed to the the Hakurei Shrine.
3. Egalitarianism: These were questions pertaining to beliefs in equality between different cultures, religions and genders. This was ascribed to the Myouren Temple.
4. The Third Eye: These were questions pertaining to beliefs in being "in tune" with one's surroundings; to be able to predict and influence events without direct evidence or physical action. This was ascribed to the the Hall of Dreams.
Possible answers provided were arranged on an agreement spectrum from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree". This was done in order to gauge the emotional and personal strength with which these four categories resonated with respondents. For example: it would be possible for a respondent to agree with questions pertaining to the Use of Power and questions pertaining to Taking It Easy, but one category might resonate more strongly than another, and so the agreement spectrum was designed to gauge this.
"Not sure" responses were allocated according to agreement-to-disagreement ratios. Incomplete surveys were discarded.
1Four questions - used for obfuscation - were not counted. These were questions 3, 7, 25 and 26.
There were 81 respondents in all. One was blank, and another was incomplete. Out of 79 valid respondents, and minus the 4 obfuscation questions, the following results emerged. It turns out there were two #38's, and they are labeled here as 38a and 38b:
Moriya Shine: 20% 8 - Responses to 4, 8, 17, 19, 30, 33, 37, and 38a.
Hakurei Shrine: 22% 9 - Responses to 10, 12, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 35 and 39.
Myouren Temple: 32%, 13 - Responses to 1, 5, 6, 11, 15, 16, 21, 24, 27, 28, 34, 38b and 40.
Hall of Dreams: 20% 7 - Responses to 2, 9, 14, 18, 20, 29, and 36.
The spreadsheet is attached, if anyone wants to view the results.
It was interesting to see in which questions "Not Sure" spiked. These were usually questions regarding human morality and gender. Strong agreement was found in the importance of parental authority, the benefits of technology, immigration rights, and multiculturalism, but also in darker tones, that humans are basically self-destructive. There was strong disagreement towards religion, cultural separtism, and apathy.
I hope this will settle once and for all where MotK truly stands when it comes to which temple is best. As we can all clearly see through cold, hard, unforgiving science, Myouren Temple wins.
Thank you all very much for your participation and for being such good sports.