Author Topic: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)  (Read 270818 times)


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #750 on: March 17, 2013, 05:13:26 PM »
Code: [Select]
    /*if(GetPoint != 100 && GetPoint != 250 && GetPoint != 500 && GetPoint != 1000 && GetPoint != 1500 && GetPoint != 2500 && GetPoint != 5000 && GetPoint != 7500){extendstate[0] = 0;}
    if(extendstate[0] == 0){ //[Is checking?, is extending?]
      if(GetPoint == 0){SetNormPoint(100);}
      if(extendstate[1] == 1){ExtendPlayer(1); PlaySE(ext); extendstate = [1,0];}
      if(GetPoint == 100){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(250);}
      if(GetPoint == 250){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(500);}
      if(GetPoint == 500){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(1000);}
      if(GetPoint == 1000){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(1500);}
      if(GetPoint == 1500){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(2500);}
      if(GetPoint == 2500){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(5000);}
      if(GetPoint == 5000){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(7500);}
      if(GetPoint == 7500){extendstate[1] = 1; SetNormPoint(9999);}
      //if(extendstate[1] == 1){ExtendPlayer(1); PlaySE(ext); extendstate = [1,0];}

The following gave two lives each time. If the // were swapped from top check to bottom check, then it still remained the same. I ran it through a check, but something must be wrong with the code. I can't answer the question given my unfamiliarity with stage scripts.

[Technically, I'm so generous with goodies in my Suiroga stage that I really don't need this system, but I went and removed lives anyway. If you're still having trouble, I can test more, but I'm too tired to do it right now.]
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 05:21:41 PM by Sparen »


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #751 on: March 17, 2013, 06:05:41 PM »

The following gave two lives each time. If the // were swapped from top check to bottom check, then it still remained the same. I ran it through a check, but something must be wrong with the code. I can't answer the question given my unfamiliarity with stage scripts.

[Technically, I'm so generous with goodies in my Suiroga stage that I really don't need this system, but I went and removed lives anyway. If you're still having trouble, I can test more, but I'm too tired to do it right now.]
So the error says it has to do with extendstate...?
Ok, I wont bother you right now.  :)


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #752 on: March 17, 2013, 06:54:46 PM »
So the error says it has to do with extendstate...?
Ok, I wont bother you right now.  :)

It's fine. Just remember that my code doesn't work correctly.

Also, I suggest learning the following:

If you can read katakana, things like 'script' will become much easier to understand when you get error messages.


  • yas
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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #753 on: March 17, 2013, 07:40:20 PM »
It's fine. Just remember that my code doesn't work correctly.

Also, I suggest learning the following:

If you can read katakana, things like 'script' will become much easier to understand when you get error messages.
I knew katakana like 6 months ago D:<
This should be easy then :D
But can't I just look at the error message troubleshooting thingy?


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #754 on: March 17, 2013, 09:23:42 PM »
I knew katakana like 6 months ago D:<
This should be easy then :D
But can't I just look at the error message troubleshooting thingy?

...If you can't understand what's wrong by looking at the error message, you should learn some Japanese... Or at least know what each error message means. Use the thread if you want to, but it's not being moderated now (as far as I know) and there are some weird and uncommon error messages that aren't on the list.


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #755 on: March 17, 2013, 09:44:50 PM »
...If you can't understand what's wrong by looking at the error message, you should learn some Japanese... Or at least know what each error message means. Use the thread if you want to, but it's not being moderated now (as far as I know) and there are some weird and uncommon error messages that aren't on the list.
Found it!!


[extendstate]わ未定義の識別子 - [extendstate] is not defined.
Check your spelling on the variable/function and make sure it was defined somewhere. Just so you know, functions also have scope similar to how variables do. If you define a function in a task, only that task can use that function.
I think this is it. :D
So what now?


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #756 on: March 17, 2013, 10:31:13 PM »
Code: [Select]
task extends{
   let extendlist = [50, 100, 250, 500, 800, 1100, 1500, 2000];
   let index = 0;
      if(GetPoint > extendlist[index]){
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 10:34:16 PM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #757 on: March 18, 2013, 01:11:52 AM »
Code: [Select]
task extends{
   let extendlist = [50, 100, 250, 500, 800, 1100, 1500, 2000];
   let index = 0;
      if(GetPoint > extendlist[index]){
So I change extends to extendstate?
And it crashes, but im probably doing something stupid...


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #758 on: March 18, 2013, 01:12:43 AM »
So I change extends to extendstate?
And it crashes, but im probably doing something stupid...

Did you call it in Initialize? Before you called the stage?


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #759 on: March 18, 2013, 09:38:33 PM »
Did you call it in Initialize? Before you called the stage?
It says "Danmakufu.exe has stahped working"


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #760 on: March 18, 2013, 09:58:04 PM »
Well notably, you now have two things called extendstate. My snippet was supposed to be a replacement for whatever you were trying to do before.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #761 on: March 18, 2013, 11:37:07 PM »
Well notably, you now have two things called extendstate. My snippet was supposed to be a replacement for whatever you were trying to do before.
OH i see
I don't think it worked though.
And how can I link SetNormPoint into it?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 11:47:13 AM by Qwertyzxcv »

Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #762 on: March 23, 2013, 12:25:32 AM »
I have player script questions.  :3
Question 1
How do I make Reimu's Orbs spin. (When I try, the orbs fly off the screen.)
I use:
Code: [Select]
let spin = 0;


Variable naming is global, The Angle setting is inside a loop, and spin++ is inside @Mainloop

Question 2
Another problem with the orbs. I'm making a player script kind of like IN where you switch off.
How do I make Reimu's orbs vanish when player presses the shift button. (Changes to Sakuya)

Question 3
This is relevant to the second question, I think.
How do I make a little effect happen when the player switches characters. Like a flash or warp, so the switch-off isn't sketchy, you could say. Or look weird.

Much help is appreciated.
Currently a normal player


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #763 on: March 23, 2013, 12:36:38 AM »
I have player script questions.  :3
Question 1
How do I make Reimu's Orbs spin. (When I try, the orbs fly off the screen.)
I use:
Code: [Select]
let spin = 0;


Variable naming is global, The Angle setting is inside a loop, and spin++ is inside @Mainloop

Question 2
Another problem with the orbs. I'm making a player script kind of like IN where you switch off.
How do I make Reimu's orbs vanish when player presses the shift button. (Changes to Sakuya)

Question 3
This is relevant to the second question, I think.
How do I make a little effect happen when the player switches characters. Like a flash or warp, so the switch-off isn't sketchy, you could say. Or look weird.

Much help is appreciated.

Q1: If they're flying off the screen, the main problem isn't with SetAngle.
Q2: if(GetKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) == KEY_PUSH || GetKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) == KEY_HOLD){ //Sakuyaoptions}else{Reimuoptions}
Q3: I don't know how to do this, so I can't help with this one. All I know is that you'll call a task that creates object effects which later die.


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #764 on: March 23, 2013, 01:26:43 AM »
1. I'm going to guess your object is actually at some arbitrary position and instead you're "positioning" your orbs by moving its vertices instead. Because of this, your render spinning around its center (the object position) causes the drawn orbs to fly around.

2. Delete them? Fade them out by altering the alpha levels? It depends a bit on how you made the options to begin with, but really it's just a matter of doing something when shift is pressed.

3. That's more a matter of "what do you want to do". I mean generally you might have an effect pop up or something but that's just creating an effect, doing something to it and deleting it.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #765 on: March 23, 2013, 01:56:23 AM »
1: I got the problem. I just don't know how to make the orbs spin.
I looked in LD, and saw that I had to make the vertices spin using trigonometry functions.
But it was really comfusing with it's variable and multiple subtraction and addition equations.

2: I've tried:
Code: [Select]
let alp = 200;Inside the loop where the objects shoot bullets:
Code: [Select]
Obj_SetAlpha(objoption, alp);In main loop:
Code: [Select]
if( [Insert stuff about if pressing shift key] ){
   if(alp>0){ alp-=20; }
   if(alp<200){ alp+=20; }
But it wouldn't fade.

3. I asked the question wrong.
I meant, how do I make it inside a loop, without having it repeat every frame. (Just the first time around.)
Currently a normal player


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #766 on: March 23, 2013, 04:38:08 AM »
1. If you got the problem then the solution is just to stop moving the image around by modifying its vertices and instead do the sensible thing of actually just moving the object around. Use Obj_SetPosition(). ObjEffect_SetVertexXY is there to map the source image to a renderable image, not to actually move it around. Once you do this ObjEffect_SetAngle(0,0,z) will spin the image in place as it should.
If your orb image is 32x32 your XY vertices will be like (-16,-16), (16,-16), (-16,16), (16,16); that will plop the rendered image's center on the object position.

2. Obj_SetAlpha doesn't work on effect objects. Loop through its vertices and use SetVertexColor like this:
ascent(i in 0..4){ ObjEffect_SetVertexColor(obj, i, alp, 255, 255, 255); }

3. I don't know what you mean. Can you give an example of how you would try and do this yourself (flaws and all)?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 04:40:43 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #767 on: March 23, 2013, 05:13:11 AM »
1: I'm still confused on how I should use SetPosition. I've tried but I noticed all points to to the given position resulting in nothingness.

3: Like IN, where you would switch characters, and a little zoom out thing happens to the player to make it transitional.
There you go, transition effect.
I would just use the simple, but messy variable naming thing.
Code: [Select]
let switch = 0;
let switch2 = 0; // for no crashing reasons
Then I put the following in the drawloop.
Code: [Select]
if(shift...blah blah is held){
      Insert effect task;
   -Rest of the drawloop stuff-
      Insert effect task;
   -Rest of the drawloop stuff-
//still in drawloop, forgot indentation.
if(switch2==1){ switch=1; }
if(switch2==0){ switch=0; }
//end of drawloop
Messy, but I think it works. Reason for 2 variables is because if or while statements seem to crash when I change a varable and it doesn't fit the statement anymore, while still processing the task.
Code: [Select]
I don't know why.
Currently a normal player


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #768 on: March 23, 2013, 06:07:48 AM »
That might crash in DrawLoop for whatever odd reason; you shouldn't really put logic like this in the DrawLoop. You also don't want to be starting any tasks from DrawLoop nor do you want to be using wait() or yield in DrawLoop, in general. I think part of the misunderstanding here is that you're trying to work in the DrawLoop which you really shouldn't be doing.

That basic idea could work if you're insistent on using the loops though, like
Code: [Select]
let lastfocusstate = KEY_FREE;
   if(GetKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) == KEY_PUSH || GetKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) == KEY_HOLD){
      if(lastfocusstate == KEY_FREE){
         lastfocusstate = KEY_HOLD;
   }else if(GetKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) == KEY_PULL || GetKeyState(VK_SLOWMOVE) == KEY_FREE){
      if(lastfocusstate == KEY_HOLD){
         lastfocusstate = KEY_FREE;

As for the SetPosition, just do something like this
Code: [Select]
let obj = Obj_Create(OBJ_EFFECT);
ObjEffect_SetTexture(obj, thing);
ObjEffect_SetPrimitiveType(obj, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLESTRIP);
ObjEffect_CreateVertex(obj, 4);
ObjEffect_SetVertexUV(obj, 0, 0, 0);
ObjEffect_SetVertexUV(obj, 1, 0, 32);
ObjEffect_SetVertexUV(obj, 2, 32, 0);
ObjEffect_SetVertexUV(obj, 3, 32, 32);
ObjEffect_SetVertexXY(obj, 0, -16, -16);
ObjEffect_SetVertexXY(obj, 1, -16, 16);
ObjEffect_SetVertexXY(obj, 2, 16, -16);
ObjEffect_SetVertexXY(obj, 3, 16, 16);
let spin = 0;

Obj_SetPosition(obj, GetPlayerX - 20, GetPlayerY);
ObjEffect_SetAngle(obj, 0, 0, spin);
spin += 2;
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 06:13:40 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #769 on: March 23, 2013, 08:51:32 AM »
1. If you got the problem then the solution is just to stop moving the image around by modifying its vertices and instead do the sensible thing of actually just moving the object around. Use Obj_SetPosition(). ObjEffect_SetVertexXY is there to map the source image to a renderable image, not to actually move it around. Once you do this ObjEffect_SetAngle(0,0,z) will spin the image in place as it should.
If your orb image is 32x32 your XY vertices will be like (-16,-16), (16,-16), (-16,16), (16,16); that will plop the rendered image's center on the object position.

To visualise Drake's explanation as well ( I think it is a good reminder ). Here from my video tutorial the example image on how to set the Vertices for SetPosition control.

Left to right:  Vertex 0, 1, 2 ,3

Additionally like Drake also said: The only thing you want in the DrawLoop are Draw Related things for the player / boss. Logically in Ph3 this is entirely different but 0.12m you should really stick to basics in the DrawLoop and for complex effect objects or any other tasks / advanced drawing you should either use the MainLoop or task based scripting.

For my Magic Team I used only the appearance of Marisa & Alice in @DrawLoop, their bombing, familiars and so on are all outside of it.

Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #770 on: March 23, 2013, 06:49:51 PM »
Wow, thanks, I'm 50% done with my player script now.
I just have this little problem this time.
Homing shots for Reimu:
This doesn't work. <-- Link
It basically just keeps spinning counter-clockwise. It doesn't stop when it goes in the direction, the enemy is. I don't know what's happening.
This is what is supposed to happen:
1) Right bullets aim 300, left aim 240. (30 from going directly up.)
2) It goes out a little, before turning inwards, or towards the enemy. (I don't want it to directly home once at the very beginning. (Like the tutorial Sakuya script) )
3) It keeps going towards the enemy, and it keeps homing.

Much help is also appreciated. (This is my first player script, I've looked everywhere for an easy Reimu Homing Bullets.)
Currently a normal player

Nuclear Cheese

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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #771 on: March 23, 2013, 10:09:48 PM »
Wow, thanks, I'm 50% done with my player script now.
I just have this little problem this time.
Homing shots for Reimu:
This doesn't work. <-- Link
It basically just keeps spinning counter-clockwise. It doesn't stop when it goes in the direction, the enemy is. I don't know what's happening.
This is what is supposed to happen:
1) Right bullets aim 300, left aim 240. (30 from going directly up.)
2) It goes out a little, before turning inwards, or towards the enemy. (I don't want it to directly home once at the very beginning. (Like the tutorial Sakuya script) )
3) It keeps going towards the enemy, and it keeps homing.

Much help is also appreciated. (This is my first player script, I've looked everywhere for an easy Reimu Homing Bullets.)

Looks like you never update your x and y variables within your while loop.  You'll need to get your shot's current position before calculating the new angle with atan2 - otherwise it'll always calculate the angle from the shot's original position, not the current one.

In your while loop near the end of the task, add the following to the top:
Code: [Select]
x = Obj_GetX(obj);
y = Obj_GetY(obj);
(disclaimer: I'm going off of memory, so I might have the function names wrong.)

Hopefully that helps.

Also - hi everyone, been a while.  Started lurking around here again recently when I saw the new fighting game.
to quote Naut:
"I can see the background, there are too many safespots."


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #772 on: March 23, 2013, 11:59:27 PM »
Also - hi everyone, been a while.  Started lurking around here again recently when I saw the new fighting game.
OT: I was about to say, suddenly a Nuclear Cheese back on the forums. Welcome back? I guess :V


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #773 on: March 24, 2013, 02:35:07 AM »
1:  How do I change the sidebars?
2: I still am not sure how to make a full game.
4: How do I make endings/credits?
5: How do I create a score screen thing after the stage like older Touhou games?
6: How do I change built in sound effects? (1ups and familiar dead)
7: DAMN FORGOT. OH YEAH :derp: How do I make the point items go to the player like newer touhou games?
8: How do I do an extra stage, thats only unlocked when you 1cc the game?
⑨: How do I change continue menu text?
so many questions :I

« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 09:03:52 PM by Qwertyzxcv »


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #774 on: March 24, 2013, 02:48:21 PM »
1:  How do I change the sidebars?
2: I still am not sure how to make a full game.
3: The extend state thing crashes.
4: How do I make endings/credits?
5: How do I create a score screen thing after the stage like older Touhou games?
6: How do I change built in sound effects? (1ups and familiar dead)
7: DAMN FORGOT. OH YEAH :derp: How do I make the point items go to the player like newer touhou games?
8: How do I do an extra stage, thats only unlocked when you 1cc the game?
⑨: How do I change continue menu text?
so many questions :I

1) What sidebars?
2) Look at Luminous Dream. You... will have a lot of issues.
3) ...
4) ... This is one of the things that Danmakufu 0.12m doesn't like.
5) See Luminous Dream or CtC (although CtC's is probably too hard to understand)
6) The same way you change the default Reimu/Marisa images, I think. Not sure though.
7) There's a function for this. Look for it in the function list.
8) Once again, you have something extremely infuriating to deal with. I don't think many people have gotten this right, and I doubt you can do it without making a long list of functions and stuff to help you work around the issues
9) You can't.


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #775 on: March 24, 2013, 03:46:18 PM »
1:  How do I change the sidebars?
2: I still am not sure how to make a full game.
3: The extend state thing crashes.
4: How do I make endings/credits?
5: How do I create a score screen thing after the stage like older Touhou games?
6: How do I change built in sound effects? (1ups and familiar dead)
7: DAMN FORGOT. OH YEAH :derp: How do I make the point items go to the player like newer touhou games?
8: How do I do an extra stage, thats only unlocked when you 1cc the game?
⑨: How do I change continue menu text?
so many questions :I
You are trying too many things with too little experience. You should take things step for step and not go like: How I do make everything.

I am going to refer you to the tutorials, wiki and search function because it is impossible for us to explain it all. Drake already helped you out with the extend thing, yet you seem to ignore that.

Highly suggesting you to first fix your errors then go for cosmetics.


  • yas
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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #776 on: March 24, 2013, 05:51:43 PM »

You are trying too many things with too little experience. You should take things step for step and not go like: How I do make everything.

I am going to refer you to the tutorials, wiki and search function because it is impossible for us to explain it all. Drake already helped you out with the extend thing, yet you seem to ignore that.

Highly suggesting you to first fix your errors then go for cosmetics.
ok, I understand.
I tried to do what he told me to fix, but it still doesn't work.
I will now :D
Sorry for buggin' everyone...


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #777 on: March 24, 2013, 10:03:00 PM »
I tried to do what he told me to fix, but it still doesn't work.
Post full code in pastebin. Saying: "It crashes" and not showing code/error message we cannot help.

Example of to give you an idea on how to advance step by step. You said you want to make a full game. To make a full game you have to:
1) - Understand how to make a spell card
2) - Understand how to make a plural script for a boss fight
3) - Understand how to make a simple stage
4) - Understand how to call a boss inside the stage
5) - Understand how to call the next boss when the previous died (boss rush)
6) - Understand how to manipulate the stage script in order to make it look as if you are playing different stages.

This is just for making a "full game". No textures, no fancy things nothing just the core (notice there aren't even enemies/midbosses here, those are side-jobs, not crucial). Where are you? Judging from your experience I would guess you're at #2.

Always script core mechanics before going into fancy graphics. Yes, core scripting looks ugly and dull but once you got that in place you can wrap it up with effect objects and fancy music/sounds.

Actually scrap that. I am confused. You have accordingly your own dnh game with 6 stages yet you are asking us how to make a full game. I don't understand, unless you mean how to make a full game like menu / options. You need to make them all yourself with effect objects, smart scripting and lots of patience. Danmakufu offers you nothing to instantly use, you need to do it your self.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 10:10:26 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #778 on: March 24, 2013, 10:32:40 PM »
Oh uh. I didn't realize it didn't work for you because you originally posted "OH i see", and then edited in that it didn't work.
Please, when somebody posts a suggestion or solution for you, don't bother thanking them or commenting on it until you've tried it out and it works or doesn't work. I, personally, do not look at this thread unless a new reply is posted, because I get notifications for new replies. So I see your post saying only "oh", but I don't see your edits until you later mention it.

That being said, if somebody asks you to pastebin your code and post it, then suggests a solution that doesn't work, the general response is to post your new code even if nobody asks you to. You should figure that I'm just going to ask you to post it anyways. I know that my code block works because I tested it, so the problem is likely that you implemented it wrong. Don't just post saying "it didn't work"; it would be much easier to suggest how to fix your problem if you just posted your code to begin with, rather than having me ask you to post your code and then you posting it and then me answering.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • yas
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Re: ※ Q&A/Problem Thread 6 ※ for OLD Danmakufu version (0.12m)
« Reply #779 on: March 24, 2013, 11:05:22 PM »
Oh uh. I didn't realize it didn't work for you because you originally posted "OH i see", and then edited in that it didn't work.
Please, when somebody posts a suggestion or solution for you, don't bother thanking them or commenting on it until you've tried it out and it works or doesn't work. I, personally, do not look at this thread unless a new reply is posted, because I get notifications for new replies. So I see your post saying only "oh", but I don't see your edits until you later mention it.

That being said, if somebody asks you to pastebin your code and post it, then suggests a solution that doesn't work, the general response is to post your new code even if nobody asks you to. You should figure that I'm just going to ask you to post it anyways. I know that my code block works because I tested it,
so the problem is likely that you implemented it wrong. Don't just post saying "it didn't work"; it would be much easier to suggest how to fix your problem if you just posted your code to begin with, rather than having me ask you to post your code and then you posting it and then me answering.
Ok, I didnt feel like double posting, and I dint realize the stupidity of myself until after I posted that.
So basically, I only have Danmakufu on one computer, and I have time limits on I cant submit te code until tommorow or somtin. Thats usually why I dont have the code.
PS: I realize i'm annoying you, so im going to use this thread less. :3
@Helopolis: I meant linking stages together, ive already asked that, but im still confused on that. Although, I really dont need to know right now, because im waiting til I have a game all planned out with everthing.