> Float on eastward.
>You make your way eastward.
>The water flows swiftly and strongly below you, if you fell in there would be a good chance of being swept away. The roof is fairly low, with perhaps six feet of clearance between it and the river, and spotted with the occasional stalactite, some large enough to dip into the water. Here and there, stalagmites and little stony islands poke out from the river. Sometimes, these create little islands of calm among the swiftly flowing water, and other times cause nasty-looking eddies. The river is fairly narrow here compared to upstream, leading you to wonder if that accounts for why it is so rough. Every so often, you catch the shadow of the odd fish in the water; you can't imagine how they are able to keep from being dashed into the walls or some other obstacle. Every so often, you see a small stream, usually coming from a hole no larger than your fist, feeding into the river.
>After following this for some distance, look ahead to see a small faerie sitting on a rock, dangling a fishing pole into a reasonably calm part of the water.