Author Topic: Lunacy Star STG ~ Indefinitely Tabled ~  (Read 49795 times)


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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #90 on: January 07, 2012, 11:37:05 PM »
Played it in Fullscreen. You might wanna make it a little bit easier though. It mindfucks you sometimes.
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #91 on: January 08, 2012, 12:54:25 AM »
Like where? :V

The only real case of outright mindfuck I ever get is on the second boss :V

Also Trick Formation Lunatic. It's not for the faint of heart :ohdear:


  • Excuse me while I prepare /your/ demise. <3 TSO
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #92 on: January 08, 2012, 02:56:33 PM »
The speed is a little too high. Some of them move nonstop, and it's a little bit hard on normal. In between normal and hard I suppose.
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #93 on: January 08, 2012, 07:55:38 PM »
Ahahaha, sorry.
Once again, taking suggestions for which ones to modify ~

Any clears yet? :V
I can.. almost 1CC Normal...

I can't seem to beat 402 million, either...
I keep dying in the middle of a Stage 5 overdrive and losing over 200 charge and 12 million potiental bonus points...
Dying is supposed to cancel overdrive, but something didn't work, I guess.

Also, I'm still writing the guide, but I'm grounded from the house computer (don't ask how I make this game because it is complicated), so can someone confirm for me or something that the (S1) Idiot Box, Nategasa, the 6D4/Gear Axis, and Sousuke all drop extra lives?

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #94 on: January 09, 2012, 05:45:51 PM »
Pardon the expression, but

impossible, my ass

okay fine me having made the game miiiiiight have factored into it

580, 118, 340

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #95 on: January 09, 2012, 07:43:12 PM »
I knew the easiest difficulty was possible-I would have had it if I'd used all of my bombs  :V

For the ease of testing out patterns, can you add an infinite lives code or something?  It can be removed for the final version, but it would make testing the bullet patterns much easier.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #96 on: January 09, 2012, 08:08:52 PM »
Totally, I can get that up within a matter of hours hopefully.

It will however be incompatible with the score.ini and will be incapable of pausing.

Still 51 captures out of 59, though. I should try to cap everything sometime, and on Lunatic so I can get that extra 240 max Charge.

Oh, and I captured Disbelief, too :V

Speaking of using bombs, the 6D4 doesn't count bombs on the evaluation screen for some reason.
I'll fix that too...

Anything horrid I should fix then... like Snow Sine...?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 11:56:52 PM by Chisou Taizen »

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8 (Full 6 stages out now!)
« Reply #97 on: January 10, 2012, 02:54:54 PM »
Here's the infinite-lives version.
By "infinite," I mean "locked at nine."

Since pause is unfunctional right now, pressing Escape boots you back to the menu.

I realized I forgot to disable the pause function, so it's broken and will error.
I can fix this soon hopefully.
In the meantime, hit "escape" to pause, press "abort" on the error screen, launch the exe again. Sorry :(

Also, don't be an idiot like me and forget to copy over the score.ini.
This version is incompatible with all the others and will erase the old score.ini.

Other changes:

Snow Sine decreased 12,000 HP and made easier
An average of 11 seconds added to every single boss attack timer, midbosses, sorry
Ancient Guardian's final decreased 12,000 HP
Angle Blaster's movement limited to 30 pixels
Lightspeed Lunagun Easy added bullets
Storm Danmaku made easier
Odd Blue Whirl made easier

Just add the LunacyStar e.exe file to the folder.

You're going to get an error if you end the game / end a stage in Practice. "Ignore" it and nothing will happen. Press a button to go to Evaluation.

I have to go to first hour, so if anything wrong crops up, please tell me :/

Oh, yeah, I forgot.
I also bumped Lunacy Star Supernovae to 164,000 HP (which is more than the first boss :V )
Takes about seventy seconds to terminate.
You see this way it's not only more tedious but it won't end before hitting max rank
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 08:24:34 PM by Chisou Taizen »

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #98 on: January 12, 2012, 04:52:00 PM »
Alright, re-did the first 2 stages, and I found a couple minor things, no big deal (still testing lowest difficulty)
1: Stage Practice advances to the next stage.
2:It's VERY easy to back into a bullet as it's leaving the screen-could you restrict movement so you can't get to the very edge?
3:In Your Face isn't worth trying to capture with most shot types-and it's easy to supergraze.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #99 on: January 12, 2012, 06:23:20 PM »
1 : What
Edit: Oh, yeah, because the lives = 9 command happens before the game over check. I end the main game and stage practice by failing the player, so it doesn't go through.

2 : Working on it.

3 : I was considering turning off graze points for it, like I did in the Ancient Guardian's Stationary Giant, but I decided not to. I guess I am :V

If you cared enough to replace the LS e .exe that you have with one that actually is capable of pausing, you can go to the link again because I have updated it.

Updated it again to fix point 1.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 06:52:32 PM by Chisou Taizen »

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #100 on: January 13, 2012, 01:44:35 AM »
If you cared enough to replace the LS e .exe that you have with one that actually is capable of pausing, you can go to the link again because I have updated it.
Didn't know that would work-unless you meant play the old version.
I'll probably do some more testing later, although I'd like to be able to test the spells quicker, since the stages require 1-3 runthroughs (so 6 stages times 4 difficulties times 1-3 is 24-72 runs-I'm willing to do this) but trying to figure out the spells is more of a pain without that feature.  If it would take a lot of effort to add in then I understand it not being in this version, but otherwise it makes testing the higher difficulty spells not take full stage runthroughs.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #101 on: January 13, 2012, 03:34:57 AM »
I don't follow?
I uploaded an initial "LunacyStar e.exe"- one with infinite lives, but one where I forgot to fill a particular hole in the code.

After a day or so, I upload another "LunacyStar e.exe" in the same place- infinite lives, doesn't error when you pause.


As for spell practice, I have not so much as begun the framework, I am sorry. It's quite a ways off, like flawless replays.

And post-v0.69 copies have the fast-forward button removed because I actually remembered to take it out this time

I appreciate the amount of effort you're willing to expend on it, really grateful.

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #102 on: January 13, 2012, 04:17:58 AM »
I don't follow?
I uploaded an initial "LunacyStar e.exe"- one with infinite lives, but one where I forgot to fill a particular hole in the code.

After a day or so, I upload another "LunacyStar e.exe" in the same place- infinite lives, doesn't error when you pause.
This was what I was missing-I thought it was the same thing, or I move a file around on my end.
No need to be.
As for spell practice, I have not so much as begun the framework, I am sorry. It's quite a ways off, like flawless replays.
Please add for v 0.9
I appreciate the amount of effort you're willing to expend on it, really grateful.
No problem, it's a fun game, if frustrating and/or seemingly cheap at times

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #103 on: January 13, 2012, 04:47:57 AM »
Aha, now, I'm sincerely hoping to skip a 0.9 and jump right onto 1.0 because I'll be wrapping up the Zero and the Extra soon.

(Extra boss is probably past Flandre levels orz)

Buuuuut the likelihood is that there will be a 0.9 because gamepads/widescreen/replays/what-have-you decided to stall the release another three months.
Lunacy Star Second will be programmed from the get-go to handle that nonsense :I

Thank you, though. I realize it's frustrating at times, because hey, I'm making it for myself too.
That's what the Normal mode is for :V

 I'd like die to get some AA-level player like Naut/Jaimers/Baity/Zengeku/T/Heartbeam here to play the higher levels and utterly humiliate me at my own game.


Seriously though if it is possible (i doubt it) do not get over 2,100,000,000 you guys :<
You might... also do something funky with the commas, I dunno. My highest is 580m on Easy.

I'm releasing versions before 1.0 so people can help me iron out the cheapness :V
I'm not quite ZUN yet in terms of game balance.
...Oh wait, am I?

OH AND if you needed a list of attack names because you forgot look here under
"Lunacy Star Attack Compendium"
listing 234 out of the 236 spells in the main game.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 04:51:28 AM by Chisou Taizen »


Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #104 on: January 13, 2012, 05:21:52 AM »
I'd like die to get some AA-level player like Naut/Jaimers/Baity/Zengeku/T/Heartbeam here to play the higher levels and utterly humiliate me at my own game.
I guess I'm not considered a AA-level player yet. T^T At least olAlolilo called me god Zil.
I was meaning to try the higher difficulties, I cleared easy btw, but I'm suddenly drowning in multivariable calculus homework. I think I'll devote myself to this for a bit though because SA is making me angry, and I can't just not play anything. (I'd still like it if you didn't speed up when you went diagonal though.)

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #105 on: January 13, 2012, 06:07:04 AM »
What was your score? I'll feel perfectly fine calling you such if you beat out my 580,118,340. :V
I can't scorerun my game for shit
It's like "oh, you have to put special attention into not dying in overdrive" but then it's all "LET'S GRAZE SOME OF THOSE OVER THERE TO RAISE POINT VALUES"

I should make a highscore table again. I might get actual entries this time.


My code for movement (6D4 speeds) can be chalked up as

If pressing left, NOT pressing either up or down, NOT pressing shift
X -= 4.5
If pressing left, pressing either up or down but not both, NOT shift
X -= 4.5 * 0.71 (3.2)
Y ?= 4.5 * 0.71 (3.2)

If pressing left, NOT up or down, shift
X -= 2.5
If pressing left, up or down but not both, shift
X -= 2.5 * 0.71 (1.8)
Y ?= 2.5 * 0.71 (1.8)

(The Gear Axis' and Solar Hydra's speeds are Unfoc/Foc 4/2 and 3.6/2.2, so the Wanderer moves fastest anyway, they all have a 2x2 hitbox)

I'm not sure how it entirely skips the bit with the "not moving diagonally" check.
I'll probably toss it out and rewrite it anyway because for the first few days in production the ships would only move left and right.

And I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the Lunatic level variant of "Leaf Storm" for the Idiot Box, someone help me out? I almost remembered all 236 spells.


Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #106 on: January 13, 2012, 06:44:54 AM »
The game seems to have forgotten all but one of my scores. :wat: Maybe I'll redo it.
Also, you may want to put  some delay between when you die and when you respawn, because sometimes I try to bomb right before I die but end up bombing right after I die. :V
As for those numbers, it seems like it should be right, but... that's not how it moves in the game. ???

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #107 on: January 13, 2012, 01:11:18 PM »
Um, you didn't jump from 0.69 to 0.8 or 0.8 to 0.8.2, right?
Running each successive version wipes the scoreboard because
In 0.8's case, there were parameters not covered in 0.6's scoreboards
In 0.8.2's case, infinite lives :V

Other things might be things like "you didn't unpack everything into its own folder" or for the truly ridiculous, "you don't have the fourteen kilobytes of free space necessary for the score.ini" :V

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #108 on: January 14, 2012, 06:34:25 PM »
Scoreboard formed, here

I'm the only person on it, please fix that :V


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #109 on: January 14, 2012, 09:35:35 PM »
Okay I gave it a shot and played through it. Got a Standard ALL clear with 626,340,900 max rank Hydra A.

I don't really remember a whole lot of it but here are some things I noticed.

Maybe it's just that I'm not used to it yet, but it felt pretty awkward to control my ship. One of the reasons being that your hibox can go under the screen which completely fucks up my dodging sense because I'm used to it being at a general set distance from the bottom of the screen. But whatever the manner, this is just completely awkward in general and I'm pretty sure no other shmup does this. Not to mention that you can run into bullets that already went down the screen this way. There also felt like there was some sort of input lag that I couldn't get rid off.

A bug I've noticed is that pressing Z again right before starting a run makes the effect loop again.
Difficulty seems all over the place. There are attacks that were incredibly easy and ones that seemed borderline impossible.
About the vibrating bullets. They seemed fine the first time they showed up but the later times it seemed incredibly cheap. And I'll tell you why. The reason being that these are unpredictable patterns in a medium where dodging primarily happens on a bases of predicting the patterns of bullets in order to dodge them. You can see how this can give problems. I'm not sure if there is indeed a pattern to them but if so then disregard this.
The attack with the lasers during the stage 4 boss seems to cause impossible situations way too much and I'm not sure how you're supposed to do the attack with the aimed squares of bullets. The Guse Cannon attack also seemed pretty impossible with these hitboxes.
The Last Boss seemed to have very questionable attacks while the True Last Boss was much better and was surprisingly easier.
I have no idea what is up with the final pattern though. It seems very pointless and easy.

Fast bullets are much more fun than slow ones. However I can see how they can be a pain in the ass for less skilled players who haven't developed their reflexes much yet.
Stages can be a bit more developed to make up for the death air that occurs sometimes but otherwise this is a good first try at making an STG.

[/first impressions]


Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #110 on: January 14, 2012, 10:25:17 PM »
I just did Standard. I don't know what my score was since the game is forgeting them whenever I close it. I cannot find a score.ini. :derp:

As for the gameplay. Most of what was true on Easy remains the same. In fact, difficulty is almost unchanged in alot of places, so when you change what's been mentioned on Easy before, you ought to check the spell on every other difficulty too.

Things I noticed that are different:
The blue spell used by the first boss is easier.
The fomerly impossible rainbow things in stage 6 are now possible.
The aimed squares that Jaimers mentioned seem too fast, though it may be possible with a faster ship. It should be possible with all of them though.
The "grid" attack can't hit you if you go under the screen. Actually that works on Easy too, but I don't think it's been mentioned. It'll be fixed along with the "going off-screen" thing so I guess you don't need to change the attack though.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 10:27:06 PM by Zil »

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #111 on: January 14, 2012, 11:53:42 PM »
Oh, that figures, Jaimers plays it and hates it :V
Well, I'm a long ways off from 1.0, so let's see:

Okay I gave it a shot and played through it. Got a Standard ALL clear with 626,340,900 max rank Hydra A.
Rank is just a rating system- kind of like a grade. Great score though, beat mine out by 200 million.

I don't really remember a whole lot of it but here are some things I noticed.

Maybe it's just that I'm not used to it yet, but it felt pretty awkward to control my ship. One of the reasons being that your hibox can go under the screen which completely fucks up my dodging sense because I'm used to it being at a general set distance from the bottom of the screen.
Yeah, that's going away :/

But whatever the manner, this is just completely awkward in general and I'm pretty sure no other shmup does this. Not to mention that you can run into bullets that already went down the screen this way. There also felt like there was some sort of input lag that I couldn't get rid off.
Any and all input lag appears to be completely and utterly dependent upon the processing power of the user's computer. I played it on a shitty school computer once and was getting several seconds of it, while the one at home runs it just fine.

A bug I've noticed is that pressing Z again right before starting a run makes the effect loop again.
You see, it's things like this that I never try.

Difficulty seems all over the place. There are attacks that were incredibly easy and ones that seemed borderline impossible.
Something I'm trying to fix. I don't see it nearly as badly, myself, but it's there, supposedly. Taking names, again.

About the vibrating bullets. They seemed fine the first time they showed up but the later times it seemed incredibly cheap. And I'll tell you why. The reason being that these are unpredictable patterns in a medium where dodging primarily happens on a bases of predicting the patterns of bullets in order to dodge them. You can see how this can give problems. I'm not sure if there is indeed a pattern to them but if so then disregard this.
The "pattern" being that they shake left and right? They first show up in Stage 2, but appear again in Stage 4, so, I'm assuming you mean then. The midboss attack requires you to go up about halfway on the screen where they all have stopped being angular, btw.

The attack with the lasers during the stage 4 boss seems to cause impossible situations way too much and I'm not sure how you're supposed to do the attack with the aimed squares of bullets.
Lasers always appear in the same places, while the red ones are aimed at you, it's about finding a route?
Not sure what "aimed squares of bullets" refers to. If "Science : Converge Cube," it appears that the update that made that less impossible ended up getting rolled back when I temporarily lost all my data, and had an older back-up to work from.

The Guse Cannon attack also seemed pretty impossible with these hitboxes.
It was very possible before I modified the large bullet hitboxes :V
I guess I should roll that back too, though, seeing as I've gone from 100% captures on it to like 10%.
(The reason for this being that I forgot to change the hitbox it was using, so the large bullets ended up having the same hitbox as those small green leaf bullets. I changed them and OH HEY WHAT)

The Last Boss seemed to have very questionable attacks while the True Last Boss was much better and was surprisingly easier.
I have no idea what is up with the final pattern though. It seems very pointless and easy.
I love how the final attack is always singled out as the easiest :V
I'm going to spend forever correcting it :]
The first form's attacks... Yeah, I can imagine why. I'll end up easing-up those too, I suppose.

Fast bullets are much more fun than slow ones. However I can see how they can be a pain in the ass for less skilled players who haven't developed their reflexes much yet.
I don't like slow bullets all too much really :)

Stages can be a bit more developed to make up for the death air that occurs sometimes but otherwise this is a good first try at making an STG.
Oh, thank you. I was considering editing in some more enemies to make the idea of the Overdrive mechanic less ass, soooo

[/first impressions]
Not bad for first impressions, though. I guess as the developer I've gotten used to all the gripings and stuff! :]

All right, Zil time..

I just did Standard. I don't know what my score was since the game is forgeting them whenever I close it. I cannot find a score.ini. :derp:
Score.ini is saved automatically in the working directory where the game is located in. That loooong (or short, depending on the circumstances) "Please Wait..." pause is the game saving, or apparently in your case trying to save the high scores.
If it's trying to save in a spot where I guess there is no free space, or your profile lacks the permissions to, then it won't.

Except for guide.txt (version 0.9 or version 1.0 whichever's next) the folder should look like this.

As for the gameplay. Most of what was true on Easy remains the same. In fact, difficulty is almost unchanged in alot of places, so when you change what's been mentioned on Easy before, you ought to check the spell on every other difficulty too.
Rage and Lunacy start tossing out certain patterns in favor of new ones :C
You might find Blood Tornado easier than Rainy Tornado, I suppose. I also question "almost unchanged"? As in how...?

Things I noticed that are different:
The blue spell used by the first boss is easier. Mountain of Faith syndrooome ~ slower bullets = worse apparently
The fomerly impossible rainbow things in stage 6 are now possible. Yup, the angular increments appear to be too low on Easy, so I'll change that
The aimed squares that Jaimers mentioned seem too fast, though it may be possible with a faster ship. It should be possible with all of them though. See above?
The "grid" attack can't hit you if you go under the screen. Actually that works on Easy too, but I don't think it's been mentioned. It'll be fixed along with the "going off-screen" thing so I guess you don't need to change the attack though. Oh, safespotting. Yay. I'll see if I can fix that.

Thanks to the both of you, and to Jaimers especially for proving that the game isn't impossible on Standard :V
Given he wasn't playing the infinite lives version.
Oh, yes, and screenshots or something for the actual scoreboard, please :3 ?

Spell edits are going pretty okay. Already eased back includes Storm Danmaku, Leaf Storm, some Lunacy Star First Form attacks (less HP for Snow Sine, slower snake creation in Snake Sine, etc.)
Disbelief and Denial are next. They'll go slower, I guess, and I might turn down the homing on those curved lasers as well.

I'd like to ask about use of the Overdrive System. Thoughts? Comments? "Why haven't you made it to where it stops after you die?"


Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #112 on: January 15, 2012, 12:13:28 AM »
Hey I wasn't doing the infinite lives version either. :wat:
It's certainly possible, yes. I'll try the upper difficulties too at some point, and save screenshots of my scores if I can't make it save them for me.

And I meant to ask about the overdrive thing. I see that it increases your damage, but what else does it do? I know you explained it somewhere before but I've forgotten it. :VOh wait, I read it in the readme file. I wasn't using it properly then. It gets you more out of the items, like the TD trance thing right?
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 12:16:51 AM by Zil »

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #113 on: January 15, 2012, 12:25:09 AM »
Haha, sorry about that. There's no real way to distinguish between use of the two as of yet.

(But you didn't hear that from me.)

Overdrive is blocked bombs for a long period of time in exhange for increased power, more enemy worth, faster extends, high-value point items, and a large bonus at the end for collected Charge during it.
Overdrive requires 60 charge, which is 3 seconds, and because collected charge halves after Overdrive ends, you will be able to start it again immediately if you collected at least 120 Charge Points.

Dying is supposed to stop it, but all of the bits of code I've added that should do so... don't, so I'll be taking extra measures to fix it.

In the mean time, incentive for survival during overdrive not only is for the obvious, but the fact that you can lose up to 40% of your charge (depending on ship and difficulty) upon death, and that can mean a loss in the bonus of over 10,000,000 points. I would know, because it happens to me repeatedly during stage 5. :]


Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #114 on: January 15, 2012, 12:53:53 AM »
Ok then, I'll see if I can use it intelligently then. Also I moved the folder and now the scores are working. :toot:

I also tried Rage. I made it to stage 4 playing like an idiot, so this mode should be doable as well.

Rage mode stuff:
The leaf spell on the first boss can be dodged by staying still at the bottom. The blue spell is easier yet.
The cubez grid attack has a safespot above the bottom of the screen. (I'm not 100% on that though)
If it's near the bottom when the survival spell ends, that's where it drops the items, so they can be hard to collect.
Somewhere I was raped by zigzag bullets where I don't think they had been before. It felt pretty impossible, though it was my first time seeing it, so I can't be sure.
Release Ruin is easier than Standard. I also noticed, and this might be true elsewhere, that the sprites for the bubbles go under your character sprite. That's exceedingly evil.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #115 on: January 15, 2012, 01:18:08 AM »
I got to Stage 5 before game overing on my last Standard attempt with 277 million >:(
Then again, I was playing 6D4-A, so that might be justified, what with the I MUST POSITION MY OPTIONS CORRECTLY vibe I put out with it.
But... 4,000 dps :ohdear:
That was a shit run anyway! Two mid-overdrive deaths cutting down my bonus from 28m to 13m before dying to Stella. Whaaaaaaaaaat.

All right...

Oh, I was considering retooling the Hard version of Leaf Storm, mainly because that attack has remained completely and utterly untouched since I made it, and it's the second attack of the game.
Not sure how the third attack is easier, although making it more difficult shouldn't be very hard at all :flandre:
There are lots of safespots. The red bullets are supposed to fix that, but I'll have to edit it to where they actually do.
Zigzag bullets appear in Incredulous Disorientation (stage2,) and in Circle Shake and Release Ruin (stage3.)
Oh, it was probably Circle Shake, this being Hard Mode. The shaking is minute on Standard Mode, buuut on Hard...

All bullets are placed by default below player level.
I should fix that?


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #116 on: January 15, 2012, 05:02:26 PM »
Oh, that figures, Jaimers plays it and hates it :V

Oh I don't hate it, it could have been a lot worse like this.  :V

Oh, yes, and screenshots or something for the actual scoreboard, please :3 ?

Oh sure let me pull it u-

Well it certainly didn't do that yesterday.


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Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #117 on: January 15, 2012, 05:45:20 PM »
Oh I don't hate it, it could have been a lot worse like this.  :V
Oh geez! Make me unsee that :colonveeplusalpha:
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チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
  • you'll thank me for the cropping later
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #118 on: January 15, 2012, 05:56:59 PM »
Oh geez! Make me unsee that :colonveeplusalpha:

Here you go:

My Standard 1CC, 695 million
That was my first Standard clear, too. I feel simultaneously amazed and disappointed, because this should have happened a long time ago.

Oh, lordy, does that really exist?
As for your error, there was some problem in using the .dll that the game comes with.
The .dll is used to render the score.ini into a mess to where you can't reliably change the data inside.
I'm not sure what your problem is, I'm sorry, but maybe Zil could have an answer because he was having problems with it too. I've never encountered that.

The only explanation I can think of is that you didn't unpack the game.


  • Excuse me while I prepare /your/ demise. <3 TSO
Re: Lunacy Star 0.8.2 - Infinite Lives Spellcard Testing Version
« Reply #119 on: January 15, 2012, 06:33:00 PM »
I can almost 1cc normal. I die in the 4th stage. If the graphics were touhou-ish it'd be A LOT easier if you know what I mean.
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "