Author Topic: RtD, gotta tRoll 'em all!  (Read 66095 times)


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #510 on: September 23, 2011, 04:27:45 PM »
I have a lot of physics and bio work stacked up that's due by 9PM today, so I might miss today's update. ^^;

Godspeed merry fox

Also pm?

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #511 on: September 23, 2011, 09:53:50 PM »
Submit online. o/
Doing the bio stuff took 50 minutes when it should have taken me 5 because blackboard refused to cooperate orz.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #512 on: September 24, 2011, 10:49:16 AM »

> Man, being dead is boring. Quit it, self.
2: Being dead is boring indeed, but you have no idea how to cure yourself of that annoying "death" status.

>Evolve into a StarCraft 2 Thor.
4: You rearrange your parts, recreating yourself in the form of a Thor.

> attempt to revive by pooping ectoplasm.
6: You poop out all the ectoplasm, until all that remains is your former, living self. Evans in Blunderland has reentered the game!

>Create Yuyuko Dolls. Find out what they're for.
4: You create several Yuyuko Dolls. To kill people with, of course. What else would they do?

>Rob Komachi.
3: You sneak up on Komachi in an attempt to rob her. Unfortunately, you only find a dummy. Something taps you on the shoulder, you turn to see Komachi standing there, scythe poised.

>Fuck up Conq's computer, emerge from it's smoking remains.
6: After having being disassembled, you tear apart Conq's computer and recreate yourself. You set fire to the rest of Conq's computer, just so that you can make your reentry with a fire behind you. Zengar has reentered the game!

>It's only one unstable Devastator Battlemaster, right? "SOON EVERYTHING WILL GLOW LIKE DA SAN!" Fire all 12 Nuclear Silos and desolate the entire continent but my well-done base.
3: Every nuke blows up in your face. One after another. You should really stop using products that are made in China.

>Become Ivis, and enslave the nearest person.
2: You try to turn yourself into Ivis, but find that being dead is rather detrimental to this effort.

> Collect enough energy of all the light of the stars to pull out a Vegeta create a new sun for all flowers and plants in Gensokyo.
6: You collect energy from the cosmos and evolve once more, giving light to all. You effectively replace the sun.

>Hide under that wheel barrow that just so happen to be there near where I spawned. Better not draw too much attention after that bold entrance. :ohdear:
2: Why did you shout like that? That was so embarrassing. You dive under the wheelbarrow, or at least try to. You trip and fall, causing all sorts of crashing noises as you tip over the wheelbarrow. Everyone is staring at you.

4: You're already dead, Gob.

> Cast revive on Youkai Jesus
5: You call upon the power of God to bring life back into this empty husk. Unfortunately, God doesn't seem to be willing to help.

> Give up on life. ): Forever.
1: You can never have enough of that living thing. You just enjoy life far too much. In fact, why aren't you alive right now? You ponder this for a moment before deciding that you should be alive. And alive you are. Biohazurd has reentered the game!

1(Wounded): You go out into the wild, you're not going to rely on anyone's help. Along your travels, you meet an actual bear, which you attempt to fight bare-handed. It turns out that this was not a good idea. DrRawr has lost the game!

> Transmigrate into Angel Knight.
3: You attempt to move your spirit into an Angel Knight, but get lost along the way.

> Enjoy the afterlife as I watch the chaotic world that is Roll to Dodge.
5: You take it easy, watching those that are still alive run around like headless chicken.

>Become gigantic floating jellyfish.
6: You change your form, turning all your flesh into sponge as you turn into an oversized jellyfish. You flop around on the ground, and unless you find a way to survive without water, it looks like you're going to dehydrate.
Roll to dodge!
2: You develop a system to filter out the water from the air as fast as you can. Unfortunately, this isn't fast enough to avoid almost dying from dehydration. (Wounded)

4: You drill everyone in the world to death. Or try to, anyway.
Everybody must roll to dodge at the end of this update to avoid being drilled!

>Become Mokou, ensuring that Keine will roll 6s for us.
6: You transform into Mokou. You're sure to get favors from Keine like this, right? You have no idea what Keine has to do with the dice, though.

> Assist Himiko in reviving Youkai Jesus.
2: You search for Himiko and Youkai Jesus, intending to help the two of them out. Unfortunately, you're on the bank of the Sanzu River and have no way to reach either of them.

> Grow mycelium between the underside of the Hakurei Shrine's donation box and a nearby underground gold deposit.
4: You expand your roots, spreading them under the Hakurei Shrine's donation box, which happened to be above an underground gold deposit. What are the chances?

> Activate my Counter Trap Card, Solemn Judgment! In exchange for half of Dormio's Lifepoints, negate the effect and activation of the Trap card that attempts to block my revival and destroy it!
4: You activate your counter Trap Card, only to realize that there is a freaking Jinzo in play somewhere.

>Attempt to crawl out of the volcano as a lava monster, and whatever happens, don't cause the volcano to erupt spewing worth its fiery innards across the land.
4: You become a lava monster and crawl out of the volcano. Unfortunately, as a monster, you're beaten up for gold and EXP.

>Fight the Shinigami and ascend to Celestialdom
1: You try to fight the Shinigami, but you're overpowered and reaped.

> Give Momijibot a pat on the head
2: You turn around to give Momijibot a pat on the head for helping you to revive, but he's already gone. Oh well, it's just a faceless generic character anyway.

>  Gonna get this post with a revive out there.
2: You got cut and hammered, bro.

>develop Reality Marble similar to Unlimited Blade Works, but with nukes instead of swords.
5: Fusion is my body and fission is my blood.
I have chained over a thousand reactions,
Unknown to Chemistry,
Nor known to Physics.
Have withstood radiation to create many Nukes.
Yet these Atoms will never form Bonds.
So, as I Pray--
Unlimited Nuke Works
(+1 roll)

>Get into round two with a reality marble and take on Hanzo's, even if he doesn't have one!
2: You're about to find and challenge Hanzo to a fight when you remember that you've entrusted all of your weapons to Eirin. You find out today that going against somebody with Unlimited Nuke Works with no weapons at all is not the best idea. (Wounded)

>Become one with the computer. Skidoo into the game.
4: You attempt to become one with the computer. Conq's computer. Which just got fucked up.

>Ride Pesco into the sunset
1: Pesco shrugs and leaves you behind, claiming that you've disappeared. Even though you were still at his side. Such is the life of a generic character.

> Make epic exit out of the void... in mini form, as an equippable helmet
1: You change your form into an equippable helmet, and you're about to fly out of the void in an epic manner when the entire thing blows up.

>Make the Void to explode violently, because why not?
6: Death can't stop you from manipulating the void. And by manipulating, you mean blowing up. You use the force of the void's collapse to propel your dead self back to the world of the living. Amraphenson has reentered the game!

>Save scum until I revive.
1: You save the scum, and get lynched for it.

> Feed Gob to my pet in the closet
1: You try to revive Gob by feeding him the pet you keep in your closet. You see the corpse spit out your pet. You think you managed to make him dead-er.

>Go spelunking for riches
2: You're about to go spelunking when you're stopped by the authorities for not having a permit.

> Invite Kitten4u's favorite dance performers to entertain the Kittenblock party.
2: You invite Cthulhu to dance for the kittenblock, but for some strange reason, Cthulhu doesn't seem interested. You have no idea why an eldritch abomination bent on destroying the world wouldn't want to dance for you.

> forge the Infinity Shield and kill Rawr with it
3: You spend day and night, sacrificing even your own roll to forge the Infinity Shield. You search for a DrRawr to test it out on, but DrRawr is already dead. (-1 roll)

Drills are a man's passion, roll to dodge!
Infinity- 1: Your new form makes for a great target. Who knew that Thors were susceptable to oversized drills? Infinity has lost the game!
Evans in Blunderland- 2: You try to phase back to your ephemeral form as quickly as you can, only to find that your transformation was a one way process. The drill drills a hole through you, but you're somehow still alive. You should do something about all that blood, though. (Wounded)
Crow Cakes- 5: Today, you learn of a new feature from the Yuyuko Dolls. Not only do they invoke death, but they appear to be capable of preventing it, too. Learning new things is always fun. (+1 roll)
Zengar- 5: You're too busy looking awesome to care about such trivial matters like someone trying to run a giant drill through you. (+1 roll)
German Flower Youkai- 4: The TTGL kindly avoids you, as you've become the replacement sun and aren't really a person.
Thaws- 3: You hide under the wheelbarrow. As does everyone in the vicinity. You feel uncomfortable. (-1 roll)
日巫子- 5: You kindly petition to God to save you from the giant drill approaching.
Biohazurd- 3: There you are, minding your own business and celebrating life, when somebody starts trying to drill everyone to death. The needless violence depresses you. (-1 roll)
Marokuu- 2(Wounded): The TTGL rips through you to get to the other people. Bits of jellyfish flies everywhere. Perhaps you shouldn't have made yourself so big. Marokuu has lost the game!
PX- 4: You're piloting this baby, you're not going to drill yourself.
yuyukos- 3: The drill rips your body to shreds. Thank God you're Mokou now, you simply resurrect once the TTGL leaves. Though you're feeling a bit sick from the resurrection process. (-1 roll)
Kasu- 5: You continue to wander around the Sanzu. It's not such a bad place to be, really. (+1 roll)
Omba- 3: Although PX isn't targetting you, with your size, it would be rather hard to avoid hitting you. Bits and pieces of you are torn off by the drill, though your main body is left intact. (-1 roll)
Pesco- 5: You apply the tried and tested strategy of using generic NPCs as meatshields. It works even better than you expected! (+1 roll)
Hanzo K.- 2(+1): You throw nukes at the TTGL in an attempt to stop it from drilling you. It drills its way through the nukes, though this takes a while and you take the opportunity to run and hide. (-1 roll)
Schezo- 5(Wounded): You're annoyed that you didn't get to fight the reality marble's user properly. And you're not going to take shit from some person in an oversized mecha. You hit the drill out of your way. (+1 roll)
Amraphenson- 2: You try to send the TTGL into the void, only to realize that you just blew up the void. You manage to jump out of the way of the drill, but hurt yourself in your landing. (Wounded)
Kitten4u- 3: You're still trying to shove your pet down Gob's dead throat when, suddenly, your pet leaps out at something behind you. You turn around to see your pet fighting the TTGL, until it's torn apart by the drill. You mourn the loss of your pet. (-1 roll)
Bob- 5(Wounded): Like you're going to let some permit stop you from spelunking. You head into the caves anyway, and even manage to find some precious metals. (+1 roll)
Shadoweh- 1: You're still trying to convince Cthulhu to dance for you when you're stabbed from two sides. Cthulhu, annoyed by your constant requests pierces you from the front, whilst you're drilled by PX from behind. Shadoweh has lost the game!
Thanuris- 4: The Infinity Shield blocks the drill with relative ease.


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #513 on: September 24, 2011, 10:58:17 AM »
>Use Dormio's cheat codes to set boolean alive = true and int lives = 9999

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.

Captain Infinity

  • Captain of Echo Platoon, 3rd Battalion.
  • To bring chaos and honor to this world gone soft.
Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #514 on: September 24, 2011, 10:58:54 AM »
>Use SC2 campaign Thor's Immortality Protocol, that is, restore myself to a functional state.


« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 12:36:20 PM by Infinity »


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #515 on: September 24, 2011, 11:02:08 AM »

>Upset with quality, send off all of your remaining nuclear-themed army to kill rape brutalize Hong Meiling, and make sure that China WILL be generous!

Well, at least my base is the source of DA WONDERFUL GLOW.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 12:09:01 PM by GuardianTempest »


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #516 on: September 24, 2011, 11:06:08 AM »
> :|
> Become very angry at Zeus, fight my way out of the Underworld.


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #517 on: September 24, 2011, 11:10:38 AM »
> De-drill PX


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #518 on: September 24, 2011, 11:12:27 AM »
>Hang out in old hell
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #519 on: September 24, 2011, 11:13:32 AM »
>retrieve the Infinity Butter Knife from Rawr body

[07:02] <SeppoMobile> You be a superplayer, I'm a superfaggot


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #520 on: September 24, 2011, 11:19:03 AM »
Schezo- 5(Wounded): You're annoyed that you didn't get to fight the reality marble's user properly. And you're not going to take shit from some person in an oversized mecha. You hit the drill out of your way. (+1 roll)

Damn straight.

>Tell Eirin to bitch get out of the way give me my weapons back so I can actually take on a reality marble.


Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #521 on: September 24, 2011, 11:22:01 AM »
>Steal a Yuyuko Doll and Prevent my first death

Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #522 on: September 24, 2011, 11:22:51 AM »
I'm a flower, an awesome flower, an awesome huge flower, an awesome huge SUN flower  :V

now lets smash people.

> Since Infinity died, PX is the first one, for drilling everyone  :3


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #523 on: September 24, 2011, 11:34:05 AM »
> Find Komachi and kindly ask her for directions back to the field.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #524 on: September 24, 2011, 12:07:02 PM »
Ohdear, Infinity died already, and Shadoweh died a brutal death~

>Contract with the Throne of Heroes, and become a Servant.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #525 on: September 24, 2011, 12:16:22 PM »
>Explain to Komachi that I was test to see the legendary awareness of the shinigami in action, proceed to make with the sweettalk until I can convince to let me try rowing the boat.

Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #526 on: September 24, 2011, 12:35:11 PM »

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #527 on: September 24, 2011, 12:36:48 PM »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #528 on: September 24, 2011, 12:42:41 PM »
>Set everything in sight on fire.
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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #529 on: September 24, 2011, 12:53:19 PM »
>Enter the drop tables of the next random big monster to appear

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #530 on: September 24, 2011, 01:37:03 PM »
> Get people to like this post to heal HP.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #531 on: September 24, 2011, 01:42:55 PM »
> Find a way to cure ourselves of said annoying "death" status and use it.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #532 on: September 24, 2011, 01:43:22 PM »
>Cherry Blossom Sign "Saigyou Cherry Blossom Blizzard"

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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #533 on: September 24, 2011, 01:57:36 PM »
>Jump on Himiko's back, become power battery


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #534 on: September 24, 2011, 02:24:15 PM »
I need an adult  :ohdear: 

>Oh well, start singing Styx songs on the boat trip.  Starting with "Renegade" and then "The Best of Times" and finally "Come Sail Away"

Paper Conan

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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #535 on: September 24, 2011, 02:49:03 PM »
>Revive by Falcon Punching the border between life and death.

I was thinking the same thing.  :3

Hanzo K.

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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #536 on: September 24, 2011, 03:04:39 PM »
Well, that went pretty much how I expected.

>Ascend the GP-02 to Noble Phantasm status.
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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #537 on: September 24, 2011, 03:11:28 PM »
>Revive as a lava monster by reincarnation, one of our passive abilities.

Don't lynch me.


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #538 on: September 24, 2011, 03:36:51 PM »
> Set Kilga's status to Online


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Re: Dormio's tRoll to Dodge!
« Reply #539 on: September 24, 2011, 05:14:09 PM »
>Start producing coins from the gold, using the donation box to store the finished ones.

Now let's see. :3