Author Topic: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations  (Read 5394 times)


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The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:55:45 PM »
I thought I'd add something here. Ending was a little rushed. It was done on a whim and I'm not yet set on finishing it XD


Dear Alice,

It has been a while since my last letter. How are you doing? I hope this letter finds you well and happy.

Everyone here are doing very well. The reconstruction of makai will be completed shortly. Your sisters have been working tirelessly to allow us all a speedy recovery. We hope it will be perfect for when you choose to return home.

I do hope you are taking good care of yourself. You were always so concentrated on your work that you?d forget to eat and sleep. I hope you?re eating well. Don?t forget to have your five a day. And also don?t forget to brush your teeth and go to the bathroom before bed. You always had such trouble at night before. Well, you?re all grown up now, I know, but some prudence never hurts.

Please remember that your mother and sisters are always impatiently waiting for your return. Whatever happens, we?ll always be ready to welcome you back.

With lots of love,

A sigh of satisfaction, a little smile at a job well done. The quill was set down beside the finished letter as the ink was allowed to gently dry atop the fresh sheet of parchment.

??.is that everything, Shinki-sama?? A young maid looked up as she took the letter she just finished writing and carefully placed it in a very royal-looking strawberry-coloured envelope, with plump duckies on it. Yes, she was a maid. Well, her clothes kindly and, rather embarrassedly, suggests ?maid?. Her visage, however, screamed, rather hysterically, ?Femme Fatale!?, and looked so sharp that it could probably break the speed limit?.and other limits too. She was sitting at the very edge of the desk, as far away as possible from the PC perched innocently on the other side. She eyed it warily, as if expecting one of the aliens she often saw her mistress shoot on it to fly out and do unmentionable things to her. That just wouldn?t do. Her mistress wouldn?t want to lose those aliens.

Oh, truth is, said mistress is also her mother, but most days she settles for ?mistress?. It was a lot less embarrassing that way. For a lot of people.

?Yes, quite, Yumeko-chan. Seal it with a kiss, please~<3? There are few people in the multiverse who can actually pronounce <3 in their speech. The supreme goddess of the Netherworld, Shinki, is one such person, and she believes that any real ruler worth the loyalty of her people, her throne, and, of course, her SNES and Nintendo bazooka, should be able to do at least that much. ?And please have Luize-chan bring it to Sara-chan for delivery.? The goddess said as she completed her daily evening ritual.

?Shinki-sama, excuse my rudeness, but?.are you sure it is wise to have that?Rumia girl?to send these letters?? Her maid expressed her doubts over her mo-?mistress? choice of mail couriers while picking up her . ?Surely if we ask our neighbours at the Earth Spirit Palace?.?

?Nonsense, Yumeko-chan. Rumia-chan has been delivering our mail without fail for years now.? Yumeko smiled as she led four dragon knights on to save the entire world of Gaia.

?Yes, but?? The skeptical maid somehow didn?t know how to explain that ?tasty!? wasn?t quite how most mail couriers would say their deliveries went. But she let it go. It?s not like Alice would miss the letters. She might be better off not receiving them.

?I wonder how they always let the same thing happen to their world, again and again and again.? Shinki sighed as she set her controller down, having defeated the final dragon once again. ?Every time I save them, it happens again.?

Yumeko didn?t quite know how to explain this one either ? that games are just?well?games.

But oh well, knowing the fact that she?s a goddess, some poor wretched world out there probably does get saved every time she clears a game.

?I?m sure you will never fail to save them once more, Shinki-sama.? Yumeko smiled as she gingerly, carefully, with all the care a politician would exercise on touching his accounts book, poked the buttons on the rectangular glass box and the infernal box they call a SNES under it to kill them both for the day. They died with satisfying hisses and Yumeko nodded with satisfaction at the knowledge that they will remain that way, at least until her mistress decides to revive these diabolical contraptions from the dead.

?I do hope not.? Shinki nodded with her usual generous smile. ?It is sad that nobody else can save them. Anyhow, will my children be joining me for dinner??

?Well?? Yumeko?s answer came out almost automatically, it being practiced daily to the point of being a Pavlovian reflex. She felt a little sorry for her mother sometimes. In her infinite love she considers all her creations in makai her children?and not just in the benevolent ruler sense of the word ? she sincerely does think of them as children who she must feed, educate, and tuck into bed at night after a bed time story and a lullaby. ??Mai, Yuki, Luize and Sara will be coming as usual.? As it was obviously impossible to do that for the entire population of their Netherworld, Shinki had been convinced to make it an ?opt-in? arrangement, much like school counseling, and, much like school counseling, it gets ignored by most people?.except for Mai, Yuki, Luize and Sara of course.

Oh, and there was Alice, but she?s gone now. It took a while for Yumeko to exercise ?Alice? out of her conditioned reflex.

It?s odd, considering the four of them weren?t even originally her creations. But oh well.

?Oh, yes, Mai-chan, Yuki-chan, Luize-chan and Sara-chan.? The proud mother clapped her hands together, a big warm smile spreading across her visage. Yumeko could almost see the big balloon of happiness well up from her mistress? heart and into her rosy cheeks. Despite it being a daily thing, her daughters coming for dinner always seemed to make her very happy. ?I feel sorry for Sara-chan though. She always has to travel all the way from Hokkai?s gates to come here. Maybe she might consider?.?

?No, she insists that she wants to protect the outermost gates for you, Shinki-sama.? Yumeko said.

??ah?I see?? the loving mother nodded, a hint of sadness in her voice. It must pain her to no end, Yumeko thought, that the youngest (and possibly weakest, or so she thought) of her remaining ?daughters? would choose to guard their Netherworld?s outermost gates. But it was out of love, Shinki was sure.

Yumeko knew otherwise. Being stationed closer would make it more likely for Sara to lose all her bones to Shinki?s bone-breaking hugs. Yumeko knew Sara loved her mother, but not to the point where she would sacrifice her ribs to her mother?s affection.

?Well then, Yumeko, please let me know when?? The goddess was just about to turn to face the windows when?


An almighty explosion rocked the entire palace. The ground shook violently. Books fell. China smashed. The windows shattered inwards.

?MOTHER!? Yumeko dashed forwards to shield her mother from the glass shards.

?Yume-?? Shinki cried, but was interrupted by another loud explosion. The entire room lit up crimson. Blood-red fire rose up from the horizon, far to the west, bathing all of their Netherworld in a fiery red.

??.Shinki-sama?.?? Yumeko heard herself whisper uncertainly to the mistress she was holding onto tightly. Her voice had retreated into the recesses of her throat and was refusing to come out. She cautiously opened her eyes?

?her pupils dilated upon seeing a razor-sharp glass shard just an inch away from her right eyeball. It was floating in midair, seemingly harmless, yet threatening all the same.

?That was dangerous, Yumeko-chan.? The maid heard her mistress? reproach. ?As my maid, as my daughter, I thought I had taught you to take better care of yourself.?

?But, Shinki-sama, you?.? The young maid protested, but was silence by a tight hug.

?If something happened to you?.? The worried mother didn?t finish her sentence. She quickly released her daughter and strode up to the now glassless window. ??.that was Hokkai.?

??Sara!? Yumeko gasped.

??.? The temperature in the room dropped by a few degrees, literally. When she spoke again, it was in a cold, harsh, commanding voice, the voice of the Old Ones, of what she really is ? a goddess of the Netherworld. ?Rouse the Army! Evacuate Hokkai and all surrounding regions! Make the safety of the people your first concern!? She barked.

?Understood, Shinki-sama!? As Yumeko turned to fly down the hall, she felt a fierce wind sweep through the room. When she finally dared to glance back a split second later, she saw a six-winged figure cruising away across the skies of the Netherworld, its wings tinged with the colour of bloody fire.


?Haah?.haaah?..? She was gasping for breath, each gulp of air a frantic reach for life, life that was quickly draining out of her. But still she stood, blood flowing in a trickle down the temple, across one eye, and onto her cheeks, mixing in with her tears.

In one arm she held the other, her sleeves torn, with rivers of blood streaming down to her fingertips. In the other, the bloodied one, she held pure, raw magic, glowing a brilliant violet, about to be tempered into lethal danmaku. Its light mixed in with the shimmering chaoting light of the broken barrier before her, casting dark shadows across her visage.

Before her, flying up in the air, with half its length through the smashed barrier, was a ship, an immense, breathtakingly beautiful ship, its vaingloriously gilded surface glowing with a blazing aura.

And between her and the ship were legion upon legion of youkai, lead by the strongest youkai she has ever fought ? an insanely powerful ghost wielding an oversized anchor.

Sara was terrified, absolutely petrified with fear. She was going to die. She was most definitely going to die.

And yet, still she stood, before the gate she has sworn to protect, the gates of Hokkai. There wasn?t a single scratch on it just yet, and she was going to die first before she let them lay even one filthy paw on it.

If she was going to die, she?ll die defending her mother?s empire to her dying breath. She had no regrets! None whatsoever!

?her stomach rumbled?

Well?.okay, if only she didn?t have to die hungry?..

?Move aside.? The youkai with the giant anchor barked down at her. A violent wind blew down on Sara at that very moment, threatening to bowl her over. But she stood her ground, as rigid as an dying yet stubborn door guard.

There was hope though.

Things did not seem all that peaceful onboard that golden ship floating up above them. In fact, the occasional large explosion and small chains of explosions would riddle its surface before gigantic lasers or orbs of light burst out through the resulting openings.

The anchor-wielding youkai was hurt too, it seemed. She bore wounds of a rather intense battle.

Perhaps, if Sara could just buy them more time, the ship would destroy itself?.maybe?

?Murasa! No more time! Shou can?t hold on much longer! She?s going to try and lure them out to the seal!? A hooded youkai came flying down from the ship.

?Tch, fine.? The anchor-wielding youkai turned on Sara, her eyes glinting maliciously. ?Nothing personal.?

Sara felt her entire life spin around within the spinning anchor above her. As it was released to fly straight for her, she could see her life rush towards her eyes, past her, and into the inky dark past. Most of it was the smiling face of?.

??mother?.? Sara gritted her teeth as she balled her fist over the glowing ball of raw magic in her hand and rammed it straight for the incoming anchor. They will not touch her mother and those she loved! Not if she could help i-?.


A shockwave of light spread out across the Hokkai entrance, blinding everyone present. There was a deafening roar as hot air rushed over them all.

The ghost?s eyes widened in shock as her own anchor came hurtling back at her at at least twice the speed she threw it. She barely managed to turn her body to dodge it, grazing it by a hair?s breadth. The anchor ripped through the ranks of youkai behind her, ripping through them like a hammer of irony through bloody cotton.

?What?.?? The ghost blinked, as she turned back to face the gate guard?.

?who was now flanked by three other people.

?M-Mima! Mai! Y-Yuki!? Sara gasped at the three whose arms were outstretched alongside her own, all of them still crackling with raw energy. The one called Mai caught her just as her knees finally gave away in pure relief and exhaustion.

?Hey, Sara, you let them beat you up quite badly, eh?? Mai chuckled, grinning down at the door guard. ?Well, rest now. We?ll take it from here.?


?What is it??

?T-the gate?.d-did I?.??

?Not a scratch. You did perfect.? Mai winked at her.

??.t-thank?g-goodness?? Sara sighed, her exhaustion and wounds finally getting the better of her.

?Take her to safety.? Yuki nodded to her sister, who nodded back in the affirmative.

?Thanks for taking care of our sister. We owe you, double!? Yuki shouted at the ranks of youkai. Then her eyes alighted on the ghost?.and narrowed. ??.Murasa?.? She growled under her breath, in a tone as bitter as death itself. 


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Re: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 11:34:40 PM »
That was sexy, moar plz
Wotters gonna' wot

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 01:53:38 AM »
Makai going to war is amusing on so many levels :V

But yes, please continue.

Re: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2010, 04:09:30 AM »
Man, that image of Sara was pretty badass. |3

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2010, 05:13:09 AM »
Fffuuuu, if you were trying to give me a Sara fetish, you very nearly succeeded.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
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Re: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 11:53:42 AM »
Thanks for the comments ^^

I've only just remembered a few things when I woke up this morning:
A) I didn't give all the characters proper descriptions and introductions
B) The part at the gates of Hokkai could use more descriptive narration.
C) all in all, needs more work to actually work.


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Re: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2010, 02:06:50 PM »
Finally, I read this too... I should read these stories the day I discover them, rather than being always open in my browser, and being forgotten 'till weekends.

Tis good. But it's the second story I read where Mima was in Makai. That's strange.

Bias Bus

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Re: The Untitled Chronicles of a Makai Family's Tribulations
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2010, 02:41:58 PM »
It does seem rough round the edges, but it's still fairly good to read (and I'm not saying this because I'm not only a Shinkifag, but a die-hard Makai loyalist :V), always wondered what those Makai folks were doing while Hokkai was being turned upside down...

Tis good. But it's the second story I read where Mima was in Makai. That's strange.
Mima in Makai is a common scenerio actually. Seeing as to how Mima's appearance effectively stopped after MS, I suppose fans assume that Mima's 'stranded' in Makai since the gate to Makai was sealed up shut after those events.
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