Author Topic: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Completed]  (Read 265872 times)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.69 released]
« Reply #510 on: June 25, 2012, 12:38:49 PM »
Eientei is made and complete. It's a huge place but you'll know your way through it after a few runs. Of all the boss AI, I'm most happy with Mokou's. It should be of some decent challenge.

I'm just waiting on some last graphic bits and pieces then I should be able to release an update in a few days.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #511 on: June 26, 2012, 05:22:48 PM »
Ver 0.74 - 10826kb - 26-06-2012

Experience rates of side area bosses reduced.
Monster experience scaling reduced.
Yukari equipped with canon attack methods.
EoSD side area boss placement fixed and mob spawn added.
PCB monster density redone.
IN side added.
Documentation updated for sets and runewords.

Oni Brawler
Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow" animations changed.

Youkai Hunter
Rabbit Sign "Great Fortune Crest" mana cost scaling added and damage scaling increased.
Runaway Rabbit "Fluster Escape" mana cost scaling added.
Rabbit Sign "Inaba's Elemental Rabbit" mana cost scaling added and damage scaling increased
Owing Sign "Vulnerary of Ohnamuji-sama" mana cost scaling added.
Flowery Sign "Mountain Breaker" stun effect fixed, damage type changed to physical and damage reduced.

Phantom Kensei
Ice Sign "Icicle Machine Gun" mana cost scaling added.
Mountain Nomad "Expellee's Canaan" skill references corrected.

Human Miko
Snake Sign "Orochi of Ancient Times" fixed Kanako's weapon and armour.

Kasha Warlock
Death Sign "Scythe of Final Judgement" damage reduced.
Death Sign "Ghost Town" summons quantity synergy fixed.
Poison Sign "Japanese Foliage Spider" mana cost reduced and summons limit fixed.

Spirit Hermit
Autumn Sign "Falling Blast" fixed cast animation and summoning.

Weapon base damages increased.
Requirements for some bows lowered.
Runewords redone.
Unique items added.


Link for ver 0.74

Planning and making the area took the most time. This update more so due to the size of Eientei. I made new monsters for the area. The some of the bosses have experimental AI setups as well. When you run the Imperishable Night stage, do note that there are multiple variations of the map. You have to see all the variations to meet all the bosses.

There are no more blank unique items. From now on, there will only be new uniques that get added. Runewords are also fully implemented. These are meant for experimentation. If another class has a skill you want to use, there will likely be a runeword that grants it. The bonuses from runewords appear to be very big. But if the runeword grants a skill that your class natively has, you will only get a maximum of +3 to the skill. This is an engine limitation for balance reasons.


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #512 on: June 30, 2012, 06:46:52 PM »
Got Kogasa up to 24 and I think that's enough to give an evaluation of her.

Kogasa has all sorts of neat perks that make her look good on paper, but her overall performance is depressing.

Her passive is one of the best in the game - putting 5 points in it means you will generally stunlock any normal enemy you are hitting, which is pretty nice. You could theoretically stunlock three or four guys if you took it up to 20 points and switched between targets repeatedly, but this would be very tedious and probably not all that effective.

Kogasa's weapon is kind of a mixed bag. It has very long reach, which actually makes a very noticable impact; Kogasa never spends time awkwardly pathing around a group of enemies to try to run up to what she wants to hit, she just reaches over and smacks it. Her stunlock makes this even better since she can catch enemies trying to move away from her. Unfortunately, in addition to being two-handed it has awful attack speed, which is a problem because all of Kogasa's damage skills use her weapon.

Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival is a fantastic skill and Kogasa's defining feature. The magic reduction is extremely strong, being able to take zero damage from a horde of casters is incredible. I wish I could take Kogasa to the end of the game and see if she can just sit in front of Diablo's lightning and not even care. The big problem with Kogasa is that this skill is also expected to be her main source of damage output, a role it is not suited to fill.

Super Water-Repelling Bone-Dry Monster (god Kogasa has such long spellcard names) has interesting implications. Kogasa would get +315% defense out of this skill at max level, and with other defense modifiers on her equipment could get some really outrageous evasion, and combined with the magic immunity she'd be basically untouchable. Of course, this skill is pretty expensive, having half the duration and double the scaling cost of SUENC, but there's no reason you couldn't take both. This skill should be looked at on the higher difficulties to see what kind of impact it has on the game.

A Rainy Night's Ghost Story is kind of pointless on Kogasa. She's a graze-focused character with multiple attack boosts. She has no problems with accuracy.

Karakasa Surprising Flash! This skill is what I labored long and hard for, only to be completely disappointed in how bad it is in practice. :ohdear: The reality is that when you've got ten dudes barreling down on you, this aura stunning one of them every two seconds just does not make a least at low levels. The stun is something like 5 seconds at level 20, so I guess you'd have a portion of the crowd stunned at that point, but I doubt  you'd want to play Kogasa long enough to reach that point.

Kogasa's problem is that she simply doesn't have any damage output or means of crowd control, unless KSF is incredible at high levels. Her only damage skills are single-target slow-swinging weapon-based attacks, which miss often due to enemy dodging and targeting weirdness. Unless the damage on her Karakasa is outrageous, it takes forever to kill pretty much anything (I was often being outdamaged by my hireling). However, Kogasa does have extremely strong defenses, so if her damage output was improved you might want to look at nerfing those somewhat.

My suggestions are:
- Take a look at SWRBDM in late game to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. The attack/defense accuracy formula is weird and makes it hard to predict the effectiveness.
- Remove ARNGS and give her something that can hit multiple enemies instead.
- Make KSF's activation rate much higher and reduce the stun scaling if possible, OR increase damage dramatically, make the stun stronger early on.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 06:50:34 PM by Stuffman »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #513 on: June 30, 2012, 07:24:16 PM »
Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival - Both of Kogasa's attack skills scale off weapon damage. They're usable with other weapons too, so bear that in mind for lategame play. At max level I think the skill gives 169 flat magic damage reduction. With resists, I suppose it can make her shrug off casters but it won't make her invulnerable. But let's play as you say and keep Kogasa using her specialised weapons. The only way to keep this skill attractive for later is to have its duration gain scaling.

Super Water-Repelling Bone-Dry Monster - Mana cost scaling is entirely haphazard at time I'll admit. I'll look into this and also do some maths for its lategame effects.

A Rainy Night's Ghost Story - The defense reduction was an emulation of her aura in DotS. I'll see if I can change this effect to pierce enemy physical resistance. This change may cause everyone's save to be incompatible for the new version. If that is what will happen, I'll save such changes for the 0.99->1.00 release.

Karakasa Surprising Flash! - It's an unsurprising skill because Kogasa fails to surprise anyone. The firing rate of the scale can't scale. It's a fixed parameter that won't take calculations. I intended for the damage to be low because it should be appreciated for the stun. In the difficulty settings, I don't think there's a way for enemies to resist stun effects nor can its duration get penalised like leech and slow/freeze.

For the ordinary player I guess Kogasa can't be a pure build. She has to be a support tree to Nue mostly. Nice for flavour, meh for practicality.


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #514 on: July 01, 2012, 11:28:12 AM »
Pesco, I have many thing to told you about the new version.

1.IN are EXTREAM large maze with the incredible number of Rabbit crowns.
(I get what's Yorihime said that Rabbit'll swarm to overrun one who dared to mentioned Princess Kaguya now.)
It was fine place if you want to find Unique Items and Fragments.
But, Keine was terrible tough. She regen and hitpoint are extreamly high.
Even with 1K World Creation Press can't hurt her.

2.Voile Fairy's Northern Winner seem to be broken. After you cast it, Nothing happened.

3.It seem like that Glove,Helm and Boot's Socket are locked by 2 Sockets now. Even the Medium Glove [P]
(I was acknowledge it when I just waste many Perfect,Chipped,Flawed Gems and Jewels in Process to testing Runewords!!!)

4.The all-class sheild seem to bugged. It was "shield" but when I put Se I Ga Ka Ku Rune into it (It was a Ornate Shield with 5 Sockets)
It doesn't have a Runeword Text!!! (I think that something must happened with it type-sorting. Mercenary in Act 3 can't equiped those "Shield", too.)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 11:33:58 AM by Rotund_Danmaku »
I don't get any idea for sig yet...


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #515 on: July 01, 2012, 12:29:19 PM »
Letty's skill will be fixed for the next version. I was trying something new to it but didn't fully revert my changes.

The shield type is set wrong. That might be why the act3 mercs can't use them.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #516 on: July 01, 2012, 03:56:03 PM »
I would like to ask, does anyone know any way of transferring items between characters? With most items meant for specific build, inability to transfer items really hurts.

(I?ve tried to transfer them with TCP/IP multiplayer ? as I happen to have to PC?s at home ? but it adamantly refuses to work.)


By the way, beside Immortal Boots, I have noticed that Kappa Suit likewise doesn?t have durability. Not sure if it was intended, but I thought I?d point it out in case if it wasn?t.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #517 on: July 01, 2012, 05:02:00 PM »
Those items are intended to have no durability. Boots that are immortal and kappatech armour.

Get PlugY and use it to share stuff between your characters. Just remember to open the plugy.ini file and change the bigstash setting to 0. LoM's stash page is larger than the one given by PlugY. You'll lose any items that have parts along on the bottom and rightmost spaces.

TCP/IP multiplayer should work. You've got something wrong between the versions on your PCs.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #518 on: July 01, 2012, 07:01:20 PM »
Thank you very much, Pesco, Plugy worked splendidly!

(And as I've read, there seems to be a problem with ICP/IP play in original D2/LoD, unrelated to your mod. Well, Plugy takes care of need to tranfer items anyway.)

But I have to say I never thought KappaTech was that durable. I recall certain someone's optical camoflage suit broke fairly easily  ;)


By the way, among other things, I really liked variety of specialized armor for each character; hope there will be more of them coming in further versions. (I would personally really like to see Nitori's dress and boots with unique inventory icons, if you find time for that.)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #519 on: July 01, 2012, 07:04:57 PM »
The range of items are pretty much finalised. Absolutely specialised gear will only be available in their build sets.


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #520 on: July 01, 2012, 10:27:04 PM »
Suika's Throwing Atlas seems to be bugged, it gains 0.6 stun per level and 0.1 mana cost. So at level 20 it stuns for 12 seconds for 5 mana :V

I'll hold off on playing her for now since obviously that makes her ridiculously OP, gonna do a Yuugi run instead.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #521 on: July 01, 2012, 10:50:18 PM »
Oh my how did that manacost even happen.

A quick look at Suika's other skills reveal other things I should balance. Save testing her after the next update.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #522 on: July 02, 2012, 05:39:35 AM »
By the way, speaking of balance, I feel that Nitori?s ?Dried Shirikodama? is a little underpowered for its mana cost: as it reduces your base damage by 25%, the damage bonus quickly becomes hardly noticeable. Of course, it is a little hard to judge, since the damage for it isn?t displayed (by the way, I hope something can be done about it, since seeing exactly how much damage your skill cuases is nice).

Also, I haven?t played as Cirno yet, but I am wondering if her Freeze Sign ?Cold Divinity? wouldn?t make more sense if it gave flat Cold Absorb? I personally find it a little strange that Flandre and Nitori have Fire and Lightning Absorb respectively, but Cirno who is supposedly far more attuned to her element doesn?t have Cold Absorb.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #523 on: July 02, 2012, 06:56:59 AM »
Cold damage in the game is typically lower than fire or lightning. My damage ratios between cold/fire/lightning is 1/2/4.10 flat elemental absorb means 10% heal against lightning, 20% against fire and 40% against cold. It would be too easy to stack up cold absorb to the extent of being able to tank cold damage.

It shouldn't be hard to figure out how much damage you do with Nitori's skill. Take 75% of your normal attack and add on the min/max of what the skill info says. According to the notes, it has the highest scaling in the game after level 23. +skill crafts would be the best on Nitori because of this.

Edit: Current developments
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 02:07:06 PM by Pesco »

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #524 on: July 07, 2012, 01:00:26 AM »
Aya/Shizuha was fun to play. Using a strong two-handed weapon and buffing Leaf Shield and Sarutahiko's Guidance, putting up the damage aura, and then spamming Maple Leaf Fan or Sickle Weasel Veiling on bosses, occasionally switching weapons and throwing a Lost Windrow. I'm only in act 4 Normal yet, so I can't really say how it works out later.
Indication of the Divine seemed very similar to Maple Fan, except smaller AoE and no stun, perhaps it can be replaced with something like a melee strike of some kind for Aya? Or maybe it gets way better with more levels, I don't know. Falling Leaves of Madness didn't seem very useful, as you can kite with Lost Windrow or Falling Blast anyway, and they do so much more damage.
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.74 released]
« Reply #525 on: July 07, 2012, 06:23:07 AM »
I could probably change Indication to the Divine to an aoe strike. Falling Leaves of Madness is the same as MXL's Phalanx skill. Does great damage if lined up right, otherwise it's just large area cover fire.

Any comment on general gameplay? I've tried to give a player as many active skills as possible. You're encouraged to swap weapons and skills often. Does it make the game more difficult or just maintains the standard?


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #526 on: July 10, 2012, 11:36:27 AM »
Ver 0.75 - 11519kb - 10-07-2012

Kasha Warlock and Phantom Kensei skill icons changed.
Game dialogues updated and realigned.
Demon type tag renamed to Youkai.
Documentation updated.
PoFV side area added.
Default settings for PlugY included.
PlugY stats page info expanded.

Oni Brawler
Gathering Oni "Throwing Atlas" mana costs fixed and stun scaling reduced.
Qi of Oni "Deep Fog Labyrinth" cooldown added and mana cost scaling reduced.
Oni Sign "Massacre on Mt. Ooe" mana cost scaling increased and skill info corrected.
Great Oni "Missing Purple Power" damage bonus fixed and overlay added.
Four Devas Arcanum "Knock Out In Three Steps" damage scaling decreased.
Flood "Venus of the Bilge" weapon damage component fixed.
Ghost "Sinker Ghost" weapon damage component fixed.
Illusion World "The World" freeze effect changed to slow effect and overlay added.

Voile Fairy
Moon Sign "Silent Selene" overlay changed.
Everlasting "Phoenix's Tail" duration corrected.
"Possessed by Phoenix" damage reduced.
Winter Sign "Northern Winter" cast animation fixed.

Spirit Hermit
Kappa "Dried Shirikodama" character screen damage display fixed and weapon damage component increased.
Kappa "Spin the Cephalic Plate" weapon damage component increased.
Tornado "Indication to the Divine" remade.
Leaf Sign "Falling Leaves of Madness" weapon damage component added.

Youkai Hunter
Shikigami Sign "Pentagram Flight" bonus damage and hits scaling reduced.
Direction Sign "Kimontonkou" bonus damage reduced.
Flight Sign "Flight of Idaten" weapon damage component reduced.
Monster Train "Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival" and Umbrella "Super-Water Repelling Bone-Dry Monster" effects combined.
Umbrella "Super-Water Repelling Bone-Dry Monster" remade.
Rain Sign "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story" changed to pierce physical resistance.

Phantom Kensei
Earth Sign "Sword of Unletting Soil" damage synergy corrected.
Taboo "Cranberry Trap" remade.

Human Miko
Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot" remade and damage synergy effect corrected.
Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13" reverted.
Medicine Sign "Butterfly Dream Pill" overlay changed.
Esoterica "Forgotten Ritual" overlay changed.
Divine Spear "Spear the Gungnir" missile animation speed increased.

Kasha Warlock
Poison Sign "Japanese Foliage Spider" spider aura overlay changed.
Spirit Sign "Abundant Floating Spirits" spirit aura overlay changed.

Character stat mod spawn chances on common items restricted to a maximum of 2.
Stamina percentage mod added.
Shield types setting adjusted.
Reaper Scythe [P] requirements reduced.
Some item durabilities increased.
Base blocking on shields increased.


Link for ver 0.75

This update has specific settings for plugY. If you are using it, back up your entire save folder first. Before you put in the new mod, find a place for your hoard of items. Shared stash is limited to ONE page and personal stash is limited to TEN pages. If you have stuff lying outside of those limits, I have no guarantee of what could happen to them or your save.

The plugY settings also disable skillpoint unassignment. There's a cube recipe for that, so use it.

When you make a new character, you got a class skills info scroll. You need to cube that scroll to get a special charm. This charm grants the Yukari Fooling Around Again skill. You will need to use this skill in the PoFV area to fight the bosses.

If all the above instructions are followed, your save should carry over fine.


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #527 on: July 10, 2012, 10:45:05 PM »
This update has specific settings for plugY. If you are using it, back up your entire save folder first. Before you put in the new mod, find a place for your hoard of items. Shared stash is limited to ONE page and personal stash is limited to TEN pages. If you have stuff lying outside of those limits, I have no guarantee of what could happen to them or your save.

If all the above instructions are followed, your save should carry over fine.

What!!! Only ONE page of Shared Stash!!!   :colonveeplusalpha:
Time to say goodbye to 40 paged Unique Item Musuem!!!
But if you say so. :ohdear:

Edit : Look like Reverted Apollo 13 are eat your Arrow Quilt.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 11:35:30 AM by Rotund_Danmaku »
I don't get any idea for sig yet...


Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #528 on: July 14, 2012, 09:50:03 AM »
Well, I just got D2 and D2: LoD, So let's see what this mod's like!
*le play for first time*
Why are all my stats one? And I can't get any abilities...
Ah well, maybe when I level up it-
*gets killed by kedama*
Ok... What's in my inventory...
*le spell card, gains 86 stats*
Why did you miss that out Koishi? (other than that Marisa y u so fun)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #529 on: July 14, 2012, 11:07:09 AM »
I thought it was pretty much standard practice to always check your inventory first when playing a mod. Most mods like to start you off with the cube.


Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #530 on: July 14, 2012, 11:17:37 AM »
I thought it was pretty much standard practice to always check your inventory first when playing a mod. Most mods like to start you off with the cube.

This was the first mod I used with D2, but I guess I should've checked my inventory to see what I had...
Also is there any particular reason you can only select another touhou after getting the main one of that class?

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #531 on: July 14, 2012, 11:19:42 AM »
Certain skill trees will lock you out of others for balance(?) reasons.
The list of what cuts out what should be in a scroll that you get in your inventory.


Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #532 on: July 14, 2012, 11:28:22 AM »
Certain skill trees will lock you out of others for balance(?) reasons.
The list of what cuts out what should be in a scroll that you get in your inventory.
I was talking about at the start when you first get a skill you have to select one certain character before picking anyone else.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #533 on: July 14, 2012, 11:30:32 AM »
Oh, that.
I forgot the explanation for that. :derp:


Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #534 on: July 14, 2012, 11:40:59 AM »
Oh, that.
I forgot the explanation for that. :derp:
It's not really a problem more than it's a slight annoyance, I wanted to go pure Marisa, but I had to put one point into Patchouli first which means I had to wait on getting Stardust Reviere until level 2.
Also what are your future plans for this mod Pesco? I'm really anxious to see more  :D


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #535 on: July 14, 2012, 11:43:41 AM »
That's the Touhou who represents the core of the class. The core Touhou is meant to be skills that support the rest of the class.

Amazons got named as mikos first, Reimu has to be the core. Sorcs exemplify magic users, Patchoulli represents the variety of elements. Necromancers have curses as their specialty, Hina fits this best. Assasins have kicks, so Meiling takes it. Barbarians have warcries, this would have been Kyouko or Mystia, but Mystia wins out for being more established. Paladins were meant to be represented by Youmu, but the skills that Youmu got were too good to stay as just a support tree. Yorihime took that over since all her skills are pure support. Druid got a mixed bag of leftovers and Minoriko just fits the class.

Edit: The mod is pretty complete gameplay-wise bar some glaring bugs and balance issues. I'm only waiting on art assets and writing.

When I run a Fairy now, I don't bother putting in any skillpoints until level 6. Patchoulli's asthma hurts so much early on.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 11:46:41 AM by Pesco »


Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #536 on: July 14, 2012, 11:46:10 AM »
That's the Touhou who represents the core of the class. The core Touhou is meant to be skills that support the rest of the class.

Amazons got named as mikos first, Reimu has to be the core. Sorcs exemplify magic users, Patchoulli represents the variety of elements. Necromancers have curses as their specialty, Hina fits this best. Assasins have kicks, so Meiling takes it. Barbarians have warcries, this would have been Kyouko or Mystia, but Mystia wins out for being more established. Paladins were meant to be represented by Youmu, but the skills that Youmu got were too good to stay as just a support tree. Yorihime took that over since all her skills are pure support. Druid got a mixed bag of leftovers and Minoriko just fits the class.
Oh, that does explain it :derp: Still what do you have planned for a future version? I'm quite anxious to see :D


  • Perverted Lolicon
Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #537 on: July 15, 2012, 10:31:51 AM »
Can class specified items be included in documentation.pdf ?

I mean what tiems are for which classes and what skills tree they are bound to have + stats, like Puppetter dolls -> kasha Warlock (Alice) etc. I'm confused what to gamble/pickup.

Some items are easily recognisable, but not all of them.

PS. I'm not tohotard ;P I'm just interested in ZUn music and underaged little lolis in toho :P
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 11:59:03 AM by Nightkriss »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #538 on: July 15, 2012, 10:41:08 AM »
What self-respecting Touhou fan doesn't know the gear associated with the various girls :derp:

I'll put a note about those items somewhere.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.75 released]
« Reply #539 on: July 18, 2012, 07:02:44 PM »
I could probably change Indication to the Divine to an aoe strike. Falling Leaves of Madness is the same as MXL's Phalanx skill. Does great damage if lined up right, otherwise it's just large area cover fire.

Any comment on general gameplay? I've tried to give a player as many active skills as possible. You're encouraged to swap weapons and skills often. Does it make the game more difficult or just maintains the standard?

I tested the new skills briefly in Imperishable Night and I like them much better now. I'd say Aya/Minoriko/Shizuha Hermit is about as hard as Komachi/Yuyuko/Hina Warlock.

Hermit has better survivability, Maple Leaf Fan can stun a pack of quickly incoming pack of mobs, while leafshield and tornado makes a complete surround easily survivable. High level Lost Windrow is useful, falling leaves and falling blast seem like they can be effective too. I'm mainly using the new AoE strike with the damage aura to kill things.

My Warlock has fewer active skills, Yuyuko was just picked for faster leveling through the first aura, although it seems Butterfly Delusion is like it was before which means it can be a strong nuke if you want to. Komachi's Final Judgment is still insanely strong, but unwieldy enough that you can't just rush into any pack of mobs unless you have good defensive gear, or use more defensive curses or some summonings to divert the enemies attention.

Imperishable Night is the best side dungeon ever! It's probably bigger than the entire act it's located in.
Reimu was the hardest boss for me, very high magic damage and a dangerous stun. It makes me sad that I didn't find the way to Kaguya or Mokou, but I'm guessing I'm screwing something up after Reisen. It seems teleporting doesn't work in there either, but I'll try again later, maybe when I get there in Lunatic.

Overall great job with Imperishable Night! I hope I can find PoFV sometime soon.

I think Komachi's Death Sign "Scythe that Chooses the Dead" is bugged, it seems to decrease your damage with scythe weapons for the first few levels.

I'm not sure, but I think Aya's unique hat makes the wrong skill go off at level up, I was thinking it would be cool if Squall "Sarutahiko's Guidance" was activated, but it read like the tornado skill (AoE strike) will activate (probably my mistake when I suggested attributes before).

Using the special charm for PoFV in Satori's house (first level) crashes my game.
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!