Author Topic: Waking up from the Dream - Discussion Thread (Previously Registration Thread)  (Read 53487 times)

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
I feel bad about doing this, but after reading over the old threads I don't think I'm a good match for the game.  I'm going to cancel before I cause any issues.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
  This, but without the cigarette, with one brown-colored eye and black-rimmed glasses instead. (Artist: umu)

Name: Ken Shojiki
  Name Origin: Ken is the player's real first name; "Shojiki" is based off of "Shoujiki", Japanese for "honesty" or "integrity"

Gender: Male

Age: 25

  -Real World: United States
  -Gensokyo: The Human Village, Keine's next-door neighbor

  -Real World: Student, avid racquetball player
  -Gensokyo: Former Student, now Teacher Assistant at Human Village school. Studies swordsmanship and magic; Recently began training to be a Guardian of the Human Village.

Visual Description:
  -Hair color: Very dark blue (almost black)
  -Hairstyle: Short, mostly well-kept
  -Eye color: One brown, one blue; wears full-rimmed glasses
  -Clothing: Dresses more modernly than most in Gensokyo. He has a favorite signature jacket, but usually sticks to simplier attire such as T-shirts and shorts. During training, he wears a more light and loosely-fitting outfit similar to that of Rinnosuke Morichika.

Personality: Willing to give everyone a first and usually second chance, Ken values trust and flexibility in others; he reflects this with his friendly attitude, but getting on his bad side is surprisingly easy. He will not hesitate to say what is on his mind, if at least to come closer to realizing truth. His honest and analytical side can sometimes lock him in on a single subject or issue, and he becomes very determined to resolve it or figure it out.
  -Likes: Logic, technology, involvement in discussion, being appreciated, honesty. He is actually very sensitive, and may crack and break down or lash out if ganged up on verbally or otherwise ostracized.
  -Dislikes: Being left out, triviality, unfair or unjust treatment and behavior. Can hold a very cynical view of people, due to his upraising and experiences in the real world.

  1) To preserve the happiness of himself and others as best he can.
  2) To preserve fairness and justice for those he befriends, allowing all to be fairly heard.
  3) To further his knowledge and satisfy his intellectual curiosity.
  -Real World:
  Ken was a 21-year-old student studying at a university. He was double-majoring in software engineering and psychology, which led him to become very analytical and considerate of others in nature. However, this also led him to believe that his general unpopularity in high school and early college was due to the ignorance and narrow-mindedness of others. His awareness was only heightened by his love of racquetball, as he would play often. He developed moderate cooking skills, taking an interest in cooking since his first year in college. Ken's family was very supportive of him, and he got along with his entire family, including his younger brother. He also enjoyed watching Hokuto no Ken and it is an inspiration for him.
  One night, he had a strange nightmare and woke up to find himself outside of his apartment room. Surprised, he looked around and saw trees; he was in a forest. This was not his home, far from it...something had gone horribly wrong, but he felt too exhausted to care. After struggling to find his way out, he collapsed in fatigue.
  Ken would later realize that he was in the outskirts of a forest, just outside Gensokyo's Human Village. A beautiful silver-haired woman had come to his aid, fighting off the youkai about to consume him. He later ended up living in a house next to hers, in the Village. After identifying himself to her, she slowly introduced him to the facilities and lifestyle of the Village. It was completely different from his college life, but he slowly adjusted. He always questioned the chance of returning to his world, and although he missed his family dearly, tried to make the most of his current situation. The woman who had aided him, Keine Kamishirasawa, was impressed with his quick mind and reflexes in and around the classroom and asked him to be her Teaching Assistant. Eager to find a purpose in his new life, Ken obliged, and he became her employee for several years. Keine wondered if he could put his skills to further use outside the classroom, and when he was halfway through his 23rd year, she asked if he could study to become an emergency Guardian of the Village, to defend in the case of attack. Having grown to appreciate the kindness of everyone in the Village regardless of age, gender or race, Ken was more than willing to return the favor to her. To do so, he had to become physically stronger and faster, and he took up the sword. He began to study various magical books that she provided for him, and it soon became apparent that he had much potential as a magician, as well. Now 25, his training had just begun, but he did not know that his big test would come much sooner than expected...

  The Small Print by Muse

Fun Facts (optional):
  1) He is inherently nicer to women because he has had much more pleasant friendships with them.
  2) He is good at analyzing situations, but not the best at executing plans. His leadership is still lacking, but he is good at taking initiative and always tries his hardest.
  3) He secretly likes cute things, but will try to justify otherwise.
  4) He becomes very irritated when being pitied or lectured to in a condescending way.
  5) He wears glasses all the time, even during training. He claims that he must become deft enough so that losing his glasses during a crucial battle will not happen. He can actually see well enough without them, though.
  6) While he has much potential in using a sword, as well as casting a variety of elemental and regeneration spells, he is still a novice in both his power with them and putting them to practical use.
  7) He loves working in teams, and does his best to ensure the team's success in any way he can. Secretly likes to be a strong leader when he knows what he's doing and help guide others.

Additional Information/Background/History:
  -He found one of his favorite CDs from the real world in his jacket pocket when he first arrived in Gensokyo. This is the only thing aside from his clothes that he still has from his previous life in the real world.
  -He has visited Rinnosuke Morichika's shop, Kourindou, with Keine once. He bought a half-working CD player from the shop and occasionally listens to the CD he has.

  -Keine Kamishirasawa: The devoted and self-proclaimed guardian of the Human Village, and its school's primary teacher. Having known Keine for several years after she saved him, he idolizes her. He's devoted to working hard for the sake of the Village she strives so hard to maintain and protect. Some may call his relationship with her a "student's devotion". Others may suspect otherwise...
  -Reisa: A mostly hard-working fairy of lightning sent from the Scarlet Devil Mansion by Patchouli Knowledge to help Ken with his magic studies. She is playful but serious when necessary. In the start of the story, Ken is starting to see her as a little sister, even though she is childish sometimes. He takes pleasure in having her around, especially to help learn magic.
  -Himiko: An enigmatic, quiet young lady with an interest in magic. She became Ken's acquaintance on Day 1. He finds her intriguing, but cannot put a finger on why. He hopes she would contribute more, but he suspects she has her reasons for hanging back.
  -Kasen Ibara: A calm, mysterious hermit with a bandaged arm. She became Ken's acquaintance on Day 1. He does not have much information on her as they have hardly interacted.
  -Hatate Himekaidou: A spiritual photographer, and Aya Shameimaru's rival. She became Ken's acquaintance on Day 1. He does not have information on her as they have hardly interacted. She did not seem peculiar in any way.
  -Fujiwara no Mokou: A hotheaded, eternally youthful woman with powers over fire. Kaguya's rival. Ken became friends with her on Day 1. After meeting her, he sees her as a highly aware woman and a friendly, encouraging rival of sorts. He is somewhat attracted to her harsh, lonely nature and more crude manner of speech and behavior. This is most likely due to how it clashes with her beauty, as well as her forward personality and initiative. He has already been put in close situations with her several times, and the two seem to get along regardless.
  -Reisen Udongein Inaba: A collected rabbit from the moon who can manipulate wavelengths. Eirin is her mistress and Kaguya her Princess to protect, although she is usually a doormat and easily taken advantage of. Ken became friends with her on Day 1, although he's seen her in the past selling medicine in the Village. He appreciates her down-to-earth personality and gets along with her rather well. He knows she hides some things and is curious to learn more about her. Secretly finds her personality and appearance very attractive. Fascinated that her ears tend to be mood indicators.
  -Hina Kagiyama: A graceful yet detached woman with control over curses. Ken became friends with her on Day 1. He does not currently know much about her, but feels slightly more worried around her for reasons he does not know.
  -Nitori Kawashiro: A friendly but initially shy kappa from Youkai Mountain. She is interested in technology and enjoys a swim every so often. Ken became acquaintances with her on Day 1. He thinks she is cute.
  -Sakuya Izayoi: The elegant Chief Maid from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Fiercely loyal to her Mistress, the Scarlet Devil. Ken became friends with her on Day 1. He does not know much about her yet, but does know about her combat prowess firsthand.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 09:13:59 PM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • I'm a strange type of crazy...the one you love and fear
  • Do not challenge the gateguard
Name: Vant
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Origin: Okinawa
Home: Moriya Shrine
Occupation: Repairman
 Visual Description: Lean build, calm face, doesn't afraid of anything
?   Hair colour: Silver
?   Hairstyle: loose style(kinda bowl-cut)
?   Eye colour: silvery blue
?   Clothing: black t-shirt, blue jeans, brown boots, red duster

Personality: Calm and collected but usually not serious, he watches how things go closely but doesn't intervene often.
?   Likes: Sake, women, moonlight nights, cigars
?   Dislikes: people who talk too much, asshats

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: Vant is pretty much satisfied with what's going on around him and has no real need to change things.
History/Background: Vant was raised by his militaristic father and his martial artist mother in a strict but loving home. He was taught various forms of martial arts in borderline-torture training that allowed him mastery of so many types in little time. When he was 17 his father left to help America in war and his mother fell ill soon after. Vant worked for several years, managing the household and caring for his mother until she died. Vant began wandering for years, disappearing into fantasy(read Gensokyo) where he found his way up to the Moriya Shrine. The goddesses took him in where he began rebuilding the shrine from various danmaku battles. Several months later he finally opened up to the Moriya family and now spends his nights gazing at the stars and drinking sake with the goddesses. He's also gained a close relationship to the gate guard of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and frequently visits in order to train his martial arts, among other things.

Theme: (lol no)
Real theme

Fun Facts: Vant has an incredibly high tolerance for alcohol and can't get drunk under normal circumstances.
The goddess Suwako has noticed a similarity between Vant and Sanae

Close friend and drinking buddy with Kanako
Close friend and Intellectual "playmate" with Suwako
Close friend and gaming buddy of Sanae
Close friend and sparring partner with Meiling
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 04:38:44 AM by LordVant »


Yeah... thinking about it, I don't quite feel like I'd probably be too suited for this either. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Name: Yoh Hirowaza (last name/first name)

Gender: Female for all intents and purposes of this RP. Much prefers to be referred to as a "he" and will be referred to as such during the RP.

Age: 14

Origin: He doesn't remember. Meira says she saw an envelope on Hirowaza's person with a faint address scrawled on it. The astute will note the only readable place written on the address was "Kanagawa."

Home: Outskirts of the Human Village, enroute to the Forest of Magic. He lives with Meira and VIVIT, acting as sort of a caretaker and ghetto engineer for the latter.

Occupation: In the real world, he was a former student-cum-ghost hunter. However, he spent more of his time exorcising rather than studying, and eventually had to fall out of it. Now that he's in Gensokyo, he has an excuse to go out on lighter exorcisms that would make Reimu laugh at him for trying too hard at something he'll never be as good as as he once was in the past. When he's not busy trying to make ghosts explode, he carves good luck charms that he tries to sell at the Human Village. His business is not that great, not too many people seem to believe in the occult acts Hirowaza tends to tout as "lucky" that he casts into the charm. Meira finds the business as (quoted verbatim) "a cute attempt at trying to play Kourindou."

Visual Description:
Hair Colour: Jet-black
Hair Style: Long, straight, clean, hime-cut
Eye Colour: Heterochromia, red left eye due to magical influences, hazel right eye (natural eye colour)
Clothing: Characteristically defined by a white coloured turtleneck along with a long, modest, black skirt for as long as his height allows. Another note is he wears a spiked black choker around his neck.
Here's where things start to get a little iffy. Hirowaza is biologically 14 in this case, but his physical appearance is that of an eighteen year old, excepting that his height is actually the normal height for his age. He is aware of the fact such a physical state is "abnormal" to say the least, but he doesn't remember at all about how this happened to him. His hair is shoulder-length, jet-black in color, rather ordinary, indeed, as it is kept straight for the most part. To say he is well-endowed would be a ridiculous understatement, he would make most people with implants annoyed and jealous - that is to say Hirowaza doesn't really enjoy having such huge breasts in the first place... You know what, just go watch Eiken and it'll be clear. Anyway, his body is not really slender, but not chubby, seems to be quite fitting of his large... uh, chest. Very femininely mature, which betrays his actual age. Again, Hirowaza has no knowledge of how he arrived in this form, except the vague memory of being immolated by something. To hide his humongous chest he wears a really tight sarashi, which occasionally restricts his breathing and hurts him something fierce. His face is nothing special, though, his eyes are something to note. He has an awkward case of heterochromia - his magickal nature have rendered his left eye permanently stained red with the colour of his mana trace, whereas his right eye remains hazel, which was his natural eye colour.
In terms of wardrobe, Hirowaza is surprisingly modern. He doesn't like wearing the traditional clothing as he once was forced to in the real world due to his family. He became more modest and has donned a long-sleeved white turtleneck accompanied with an equally simple black, long skirt. He doesn't like to wear jackets, so he wears these in case it gets cold outside. He does not wear ornaments aside from a spiked black choker he does not recall ever getting, but wears it anyway because "VIVIT thought it looked nice."

Personality: Hirowaza is overly serious to a fault. He doesn't like screwing around too much unless he feels too lazy to do something, in which case it turns into apathy rather than outrightly being laidback. He's also got quite the mouth, you would never expect a fourteen year-old to be able to speak the way he does, sometimes unnecessarily vulgar or sardonic. However, he does try to be tactful about things, unless he's provoked too far or he's feeling particularly passionate about something. Unfortunately, Hirowaza gets offended by things easily and can't really handle jokes too well. Despite these glaring flaws in his character, he is, for the most part, a reliable ally to have both in terms of the battlefield and in terms of life, for he seems to be able to know things far beyond his age. Not even he knows why. While he does have a bit of a short fuse, he is for the most part a very dedicated person to most things and also very heartless in the hunt, allowing his inhibitions in normal situations to be thrown aside and easily step toe to toe with a dangerous entity, whether it be to protect someone or for revenge.

As a result Hirowaza isn't the most approachable person in a crowd. It takes more than just being nice to be able to know him really well. Sometimes you can cheat if you know how to press his buttons, but for the most part he tends to be quite intimidating. However, if you do manage to get him to warm up to you, he's not such a bad person. He is simply just bitter from his past experiences and vengeful at the nature of man, thus he greatly enjoys the company of his companions Meira and VIVIT (the latter serving as a reminder of his otherworldly nature). At the end of the day, Hirowaza is just a loner in the world trying to fight for answers to not only his own questions, but eventually for the safety of the greater good. Why else would he have become so zealous to ghost-hunt with his powers?

1) To find the answer behind his curse
2) To find out more about his past, and why he is the way he is now
3) To survive

Hirowaza was born to a clan of exorcists and ghost hunters, similar in vein to the exorcism abilities of a certain Reimu Hakurei, though of weaker strength. As a result, he was brought into training at a very young age and underwent rigorous regimes, which hardened his resolve and for the most part moulded him into a very serious person. However, unlike his family who developed basic Japanese exorcism abilities, Hirowaza was gifted with a far more advanced ability, which seemed to be unknown at the time. This was the ability to invoke strange enchanted weaponry and trinkets from magical charms he conjured from his mind. Hirowaza would later dub this the art of "Charmcraft." For the most part, his knowledge of the craft helped him eliminate the poltergeists and ghosts he saw, but he was having a difficult time living up to the standards of his parents as he was also studying as a student. Eventually, his abuse of the overpowered nature of "Charmcraft" started to take his toll on him. The infectious magickal energies invoked after every casting started to have visibly negative effects on Hirowaza. For instance, his left eye became stained with a magickal overload, which is now a blood red in color, leaving a trail of magick with every movement of his head. This made him a target of ostracizing by people at school, as they were afraid of abnormality and the "unknown." He also looked very feminine at the time and girly, making him a common target of harassment by males, which has led him to become bitter and vengeful towards them.

Eventually, Hirowaza was asked to stop attending school and continue the ghost hunting business, which he reluctantly agreed to do. As the effects of Charmcraft became more and more dangerous, Hirowaza started falling sick very often. His parents noted this and decided to visit a fellow onmyoudou to see what was up. The onmyoudou could not decipher what the sickness was at the core, all he could predict was that Hirowaza was undergoing a process that many of those that follow "a certain faith," in his words, were striving to achieve. It seemed that after that seemingly useless counsel, that night, there was a loud noise. His parents went to see the source of the noise, and found that it was in Hirowaza's room, and that the original body of Hirowaza had strangely been replaced by that of a little girl with what seemed to be... an unusually healthy chest for her age. What Hirowaza was wearing was also on the girl, but most seemed to be burned. They were clueless for a few moments until they remembered what the onmyoudou had said, and then they sighed in relief. Hirowaza had somehow taken the form of a little girl overnight, and he did not know how it came to be. He tried tapping into his abilities, but for the most part had been severely weakened. He surmised this was a lesson of his overuse of the ability. He shrugged and continued living life for a few months.

One night during the 11th month of the year, there would be a traditional celebration held by his family to commemorate the establishment of the clan, which had been living for several hundreds of years. Hirowaza was not interested with such egregious gatherings, so he opted to spend some time at the local shrine in his area. He donated an unusually large amount of money to the osaisen box and spent some time in contemplation by the shrine's main complex, wondering what had happened. Soon, he sat down and fell asleep sitting down. While he slept, he encountered a strange vision where he swore he could see someone who looked like his long lost sister fighting with... someone who looked a lot like himself. He could hear the words being spoken loudly and clearly. "No matter what you do, you are doomed to the most agonizing death of all - the death of your soul. You are cursed with this gift of yours, your soul is slowly being eaten away." Hirowaza tried to make sense of these words, but another voice spoke. "You are burning, both gloriously, and in lament, for the burning of your soul is like the flame on the candle flickering - it could go out at any time." Hirowaza was shocked to find this out, but when he woke up from his deep sleep and snapped out of his vision, he found himself in front of a small house on a lonely hill somewhere nearby a forest and a small settlement. He had somehow landed into Gensokyo for no discernable reason.

When he woke from his slumber, he heard the battle cry of a woman behind him, he stood and deflected the attack with one of his Charms. The woman seemed like a ronin of sorts, this woman would be known to be Meira, who would become one of Hirowaza's closest companions in this world. She was impressed by his awareness, to which Hirowaza responded "It comes in the job description." Eventually, Meira forced the stranger's story out of him, and learned he was similar to Reimu. This idea scared her at first, but after Hirowaza insisted he definitely had nothing that could hurt or kill anyone in Gensokyo, Meira felt it would be alright to lead him around and show him the ropes. At first, Meira turned Hirowaza into her errand boy, and had him go to the Human Village often to do errands for her, or go to the forest to get firewood. Eventually, Meira felt it was the right time to "promote" him to someone of equal stature, it had been more than a year now. Eventually, the two became sparring partners to hone their skills. Then, Hirowaza brought up his strange vision to Meira, and wondered if he could ask anyone about it. Then she advised to ask "the strange girl in the forest with many books and dolls," to which Hirowaza wondered if she was really the right person to ask as opposed to just conveniently visiting a certain Library.

Meira insisted on Hirowaza's trip to the Forest of Magic and in several moments he was kicked out and forced to go. Sighing and keeping his chin up, he ventured into the forest. During his search for the dollmaster, he found a strange "wreckage" in a clearing in the forest. It seemed to be fresh, as the mess in a crater was still smoking a lot. Hirowaza sighed and just couldn't bring himself to leave it there, for he could sense that this was actually... something more than just a wreckage. Instead of visiting the dollmaster, he took the wreckage back home.

"What the hell is this?" was the response he got.

Hirowaza sighed and wondered if he could get the mess fixed. After several months of repeatedly visiting the shop in the Forest, Kourindou, Hirowaza was finally able to fix the machine with help from his Charms, and reactivated the machine which looked somewhat like a robot maid, but not quite. The robotic entity introduced herself politely to be VIVIT and made herself known to Meira and Hirowaza, who then suddenly felt sick. While he was outside, Meira asked VIVIT what kind of energy she ran on. The response she got was some sort of energy called Saboten. She had no idea what it was and dismissed it as hogwash. When Hirowaza returned, presumably to throw up, he inquired about what he had missed. VIVIT explained how she worked, and that she ran on an energy typed Saboten. Hirowaza tilted his head and asked how Saboten worked. VIVIT said she wasn't sure, but Hirowaza remained suspicious - when VIVIT was activated, some magickal energies within him reacted harshly and made him feel sick. He sighed and knew that VIVIT's presence would hamper him from using Charmcraft effectively, but he couldn't bring himself to leave a machine like that alone, he wanted to have her around. Meira could tell that Hirowaza was actually feeling a little lonely and respected the decision. Soon, the robotic maid became a mainstay in the Meira household.

Things became a lot more exciting and Meira could tell that Hirowaza was truly at his happiest now, and not much could really change that - outside of the shenanigans the three had, Hirowaza was mostly way too serious and cold. That changed when it was the three of them at her house. He became nice and started to collect wood from the forest to try carving, as he was able to be a ghetto engineer in repairing VIVIT. He then started a small business selling the "good luck charms" he crafted. Unfortunately, he hasn't been doing too well. On the side, Hirowaza is now currently allowed by Meira to go around on his own trying to practice his exorcisms.

Thema: Dream-colored Chaser (sung by Ayukawa Mami) Kikousenki Dragunar OP

Kimerareta michi wo tada aruku yori mo
Eranda jiyuu ni kidutsuku hou ga ii

taoreru made hashirukurai
atsuku ikite mitaikara

Fun Facts (optional): Despite Hirowaza's past, he would much rather be referred to as a "he" than a "she." In spite of the body change, he somehow still feels he should be called a male. He hopes nobody will ever see him unclothed. Realistically speaking, VIVIT and his own curse are extremely limiting factors to his fighting ability - should the Saboten influence be absent, Hirowaza is probably able to hold his own against other youkai. He refuses to back down from a fight once he either picks one or gets into one, as well, and it takes protests of more than one person to get him to stop, unless it's from Meira or from VIVIT.

Additional Info: (later)

Relationships: (later)

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Name:  Umbron Whitestone
Gender: Male
Age:  46
Origin: Northern Scotland
Home: On the Youkai Mountain, living in the Tengu village
Occupation :  Swordsmaster
 Visual Description: 
?   Hair colour: Dark brown
?   Hairstyle: Long,  straight hair.
?   Eye colour: Black
?   Clothing: His clothes are all-black. Wears a leather jacket.

Personality: Rough, gets angry easily, but is kind and can be funny once you get to know him. Otherwise he just seems grumpy. He is quite skilled with his sword, which he has given the name of claidheamohmor.
However, he usually calls it Claymore. He's the kind of person that will always stand up against evil, even in his darkest hours, because he has utter belief that good will prevail.
?   Likes: People who don't know what they're doing, weak people, people who try to trick him
?   Dislikes: Magicians, people who call him 'grandpa'

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: Finding out why and how he got to Gensokyo. Defeating any enemy that crosses his path.
History/Background: A swordsman of great strength, he was born in Scotland and was trained by the great masters of the old ages.  He trained in the mountains from when he was a mere kid, and so it's his battlefield of choice. Knew monsters existed from the point he first heard of them, and has never been afraid of them.. yet.  He was exploring the mountains and entered a cave to fight a monster that turned out to not be there. When he exited, he found himself on Youkai Mountain. He met Aya on the mountain, and befriended Murasa when the palanquin left the village for the mountain.


Fun Facts (optional): 

Additional Information/Background/History: (added later) 

Relationships (added later)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 06:40:09 PM by Yonowaaru »

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Picture: Coming soon when I feel like drawing one.
Name: "Owlbear", true name is lost due to amnesia.
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Origin: Virginia, USA
 Home: Makai (Lives with Luize)
Occupation: Vassal Servant of Shinki 
Visual Description: 
•   Hair colour: Black
•   Hairstyle: Short, curly. Can be styled in an Afro if he grows his hair out.
•   Eye colour: Dark Brown (sometimes mistaken as Black)
•   Clothing: Likes to dress loose and casually, having a black, hooded jacket with an old white t-shirt beneath. Trousers usually consisted of a pair of denim jeans but will occasionally change depending on the overall tempreture around him (he'll lose the pants and go with basketball shorts if it's too hot). Servitude with Shinki has changed this attire drastically, in so much that he now wears a suit fitting for his job as a servant; a black colored suit. This seems to be the only thing that bothers him about working for Shinki...he hates getting dressed up. A constant seems to be a pair of glasses, to which he usually needs given he's farsighted. Has a navy blue baseball cap with the words 'Wal☆Mart' located on the front, which everyone seems to dislike him wearing...

Personality: A free spirited individual who likes to live life on his own terms and loves lazing about. Although to himself most of the time, he doesn't mind the company of others, becoming a friend of his isn't that hard either (provided you have one thing that's in common with  then it will be easier to befriend him). Once you have him as a friend he'll show a strong loyalty to the one he sees as his 'bro', doing what he can to defend them if he needs to. Doesn't seem to like the concept of 'leaving others behind' and will try his best to help others even if he is reluctant to do so, this is due to the fact that he seems to feel guilty for the person's suffering as he could have prevented it by helping them. Can be fairly emotional if pushed far enough, usually dropping his quiet demeanor and outbursting in anger towards the one who provoked him. He's not above throwing hands if he has to and will usually see violence as the first option if he's angry enough. One of the largest issues with Owlbear's personality is that he's a "child at heart", and hasn't fully grown out of many of the things he used to do as a kid. One major problems dealing with this is the fact that he doesn't like accepting responsibility when he needs to and isn't above avoiding situations that require him to do alot of 'growing up'.

Owlbear's childish demeanor is often reflected in the activities he likes to indulge in and in several other instances of his personality. For the most part, Owlbear really enjoy playing video games and forgetting the fact that he's 22 years old and, as a result, has responsibilities as an adult. Owlbear does have the potential to focus and grow the fuck up...he just doesn't want to because he's too lazy to accept many of his duties as an adult.

Thankfully does not throw tantrums.
•   Likes: Vidjya Games, drawing, originality/individuality,
•   Dislikes: Reading books with no pictures, Working too much, Vinegar, "yuri", conforming to a majority.

- Has an interest in Makai's geography and wants to learn more about it.
- At some point, become a better servant than he is now. He knows he's not the best and wants to change this, but...
- Find out what the fuck happened to his memory. Yeah, there's that...

History/Background: A 22 year old, african american, college student from a backwater, country town located somewhere in central Virginia. Attended a community college for general studies and was, apparently, going to aim to become an artist. Of course, he usually has a lack of interest in much of the coursework he needs to do and usually likes indulging in his long time love for video games and computer meddling. For the most part, Owlbear held a fairly average life for his age and was nearing his final year in college, however, this would all grind to a halt thanks to an odd accident that would take place and would change his life forever. Near the community college he attends, there sits a large, rolling field a signpost stating this location to be the town of "Carson", yet nothing remains. No one knew what happened there, no one seemed to care...all except Owlbear. He's held an interest in why "Carson" was the way it was and was fixing to check it out after he forced himself to drive to the location toward the town that never was...

Sometime afterward, Owlbear awoke in a room he...didn't quite recognize, finding the accomadations much different from what his old house was. Owlbear was not alone here within this house of mystery as a young woman by the name of Luize was also present and seemed to have been the owner of said house. Luize came to explain to the college student that she had found him unconcious in the outskirts of Pandemonium and gathered several demons to help carry him to her home. The demon asked if he knew of where he had come from or if he could remember how he got into Makai. Owlbear could recall no such information...not a single trace of where he had come from or from what his life was like before entering this realm. Even his name seemed to have been lost to him...the college student giving himself the name Owlbear as he told Luize he couldn't seem to remember his original.

With nowhere else to go in Makai but the very place he was brought to, Owlbear began staying with Luize although remaining jobless as he himself didn't even know what he was going to do in Makai now that he was here. That said, the former college student, now grade A slacker, proceeded to laze about and draw whenever he could find a pencil and paper to do so. For a time, Luize didn't mind this rather lax lifestyle of his, but after a was clear that even though Owlbear was doing pretty much the same thing all day and that she would have to give him a much needed push if she ever wanted to get his lazyass out of the house. That said, Luize pestered the aimless slacker into becoming a an errand boy for one of the maids within Shinki's Palace; Pandemonium, seeing that the job itself was fairly simple enough, even for him. Even though his laziness made him work slow, Owlbear has proven to be rather useful as far as housework is concearned and would come to remain there. Owlbear has even stated to Luize that one of the reasons he has stayed was that the prescense of Shinki is something he enjoys...even though he only sees her in passing during his work hours...

Theme:  VS MODE
Serious Hotblooded Toughguy Theme: Final Round!


- Luize (Landlord): Luize took Owlbear in when he had no home to go too, as such, Owlbear lives with her as a tenant. Used to be a mooch until she psuedo-forced him into getting a job working for the demon god; Shinki. The two seem to get along well, but Luize will get a bit fed up with Owlbear's laziness and immaturity if he persists with it.

Yuki and Mai (Troll/Disdain): The two have met once or twice in Shinki's palace, Yuki has a penchant for teasing Owlbear while her 'friend' Mai seems to see Owlbear as the 'busted wheel' to the workforce of demon maids and usually labels him as weak. Although Owlbear sees some good in Yuki despite her teasings, Mai seems to be the opposite of this and Owlbear has even come to call her 'an ice queen'...which is also a pun given her affinity in magic.

- Yumeko (Stage 5 Boss): Due to his job as working for Shinki as a servant, Yumeko became Owlbear's superior by default. Yumeko has a rather no nonsense disposition and as a result usually sees Owlbear's laziness as annoying. Owlbear seems to fear Yumeko to a large degree and will easily shape his ass up if she's showing signs of going full on 'pissed off demon maid'.

- Shinki (Supreme Final Boss*): Owlbear works for Shinki and therefore she is his superior, ranking much higher than Yumeko, obviously. Even though Owlbear has only seen Shinki a few times, he feels compelled to try and get to know her. Yumeko intimidations usually do not help in this respect. Shinki herself seems to acknowledge Owlbear's existance and is rather curious of him, if only due to his human background.
*this is probably not a word


- Alice Margatroid (Passing rumors): Has hear of 'Shinki's daughter' through rumors from the other demon servants who work for Shinki. Owlbear often wonders on why this 'Alice' would run away from home...

- Sara (Passing compliments): Much in the same to how he's heard of Alice, Sara is someone the demons of Shinki's palace praise for her job as Makai's gatekeeper (despite her fail during the mystic square incident). Owlbear hold's respect towards her, knowing that guarding an entire dimension from harm is no easy task.

- Reimu Hakurei ("why whould she do this...?"): Was told of how the shrine maiden came to Makai, along with 4 others, and fought with Shinki resulting in it's destruction by the goddess' hands. Although, this is mostly Makai based propaganda to breed disdain towards the outsider who caused chaos in their realm, Shinki seems to see this in a different light as the true problem on the matter was sort of...her fault. Nevertheless, Owlbear does hold the name Reimu in discontent but doesn't outwardly despise her...

Fun Facts (optional)
- Has a tremendous sweet tooth and a cavity to show for it. Said cavity has been filled but will act up on occasions depending on how sweet the food is that he ate.
- Although he's something of an man child, he DOES show moments of higher intellect. Those who knew him back home have praised him for saying that "he's much smarter than he lets on to be". Although this may be because he's playing stupid so people won't ask him to do things, no one can really say.
- Has a knack for fighting, but his laziness and lack of training don't seem to work well with whatever fighting skills he may have. Owlbear favors Wrestling moves.
He's a mama's boy.
Although he seems to have forgotten his life and family outside of Makai, the effects of this still remain.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 11:54:35 AM by Fattybus »
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Name: Daimon "Daigo" Gordon
Gender: If I have a gender I prefer it to be multiple choice! Male
Age: 25
Origin: Most recently, the Canadian Wilderness
 Home: Wherever he may roam
Occupation : Kung Fu Fighter
 Visual Description:
?   Hair colour: Brown
?   Hairstyle: Like a matchstick
?   Eye colour: Brown
?   Clothing: A red jogging suit with black trim and sunglasses

Personality: Dai is flamboyant in the extreme and never says anything in fewer words than he needs or has to, or without some kind of inflection, like William Shatner's worst nightmare.  He enjoys testing himself against strong opponents in any field, whether it's debate, fighting or cooking (where "strong" is defined in terms of level of skill) even if he is not particularly good at whatever he is attempting.  It is the challenge that matters more than the actual accomplishment.  He also tends to say exactly what he feels before even thinking about it, causing him to blurt out numerous uncomfortable or embarasssing facts, or point out the obvious in a situation.  He has a strong sense of fairness and always repays favours, and hates few things more than people who go back on their word.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: To find a way to escape from his contract Take over the world WRRRYYYYY


Daimon was born to a family of (faux) Wicca practitioners, the Gordons, who saw the look of a warrior in his eyes from the day he was born.  Unfortunately, the look of a warrior is the look of death and they mistook it for the evil eye so they named him Daimon.  He was pretty evil.  Throughout his childhood, his parents tried to forestall the cruel fate they believed would befall him, a life of killing and death (by killing) that would only end when he was put down like the rabid dog he was, so they drilled good old-fashioned American values into his head.  When he was 10, his parents were contacted by Social Services after a concerned neighbour overheard them talking about their "demon" of a child, and he was sent to foster care, where he was beaten up by the other children for having a stupid sounding name.

His only comfort was kung fu action movies, which he watched with an almost religious awe.  In kung fu movies, the criminals were always caught, good always triumphed over evil, and justice was served with a side helping of badassery.  Over the course of three years he tried everything - being a smartass, insulting his tormentors, ignoring them, trying to compromise with and befriend them (though not necessarily in that order).  He once resorted to trickery, playing harmless pranks in order to get revenge and make them see that he was more than good enough to run with their little gang, but they just beat him again in reprisal.  The adults all meant well, and tried to help him, but they always thought that because he retaliated against them it was he who had the problem.

Dai decided that the only thing the other boys would understand was fear, and that no one in a position of authority could be counted upon for help.  Slowly he began to fight back.  He built up his tolerance for pain, endured the beatings silently, and then reached for whatever weapon was available at the time.  At first it only got worse, and when the adults found him trying to bash another boy's brains out with a brick they put him in solitary confinement for a week and beat him themselves, but he learned and learned quickly.  His first lesson was the golden rule: Don't Get Caught.  What he couldn't accomplish through diplomacy or trickery, he accomplished through fear.  Everyone hated him but nobody touched him, at least not when he was looking.

He continued to study martial arts, watching through the window of the local dojo as the rich kids practiced karate, and copying their moves.  Later he hung out with the workers, the stuntmen, and eventually the lowlifes of the city.  He learned how to brawl with the best of them at night while during the day he recited the Bible and did his times tables.  Eventually he got a job as a stuntman himself and by the time he was 18 he made a living starring in low-budget obscure action flicks that nobody cared about.  Although he had paved his way through hard work and determination, it still wasn't enough for Dai and as he became more successful he became more and more ambitious.  The independent film scene began to die out and it became more and more difficult for aspiring actors to find jobs, the best having moved on to try their luck on Broadway long ago.

There was no outlet left for Dai's strength but the underworld and he descended to the level of a common thug.  His flamboyant, outspoken style did not intimidate people as effectively as it used to when he only dealt with weaklings on the right side of the law and he never got particularly far.  As a smalltime crook, he got virtually no takings and could not muscle in on gang territory without incurring their wrath.  Sadly for him, he got desperate enough that he did just that and was hunted down.  No matter how good he was as a fighter (at the time, not that good), numbers were not on his side and they clubbed him unconscious, drove him to the Canadian border, cut him up and left him to bleed out in the snow.  Far from home and with no evidence that he was a murder victim, Dai was fated right there and then.  That was the day Gensokyo died.

Escaping the chaos were a number of magical creatures both spiritual and temporal.  One of them was a spirit of chaos and destruction that caused, according to popular legend, untold destruction through earthquakes and floods.  This spirit, assuming the appearance of a catfish, was drawn to the strongest, most desperate soul at the time and it found Dai.  In his dying delusional dreams, it made him an offer - revenge and an extended lifespan in return for letting it share his body in a symbiotic relationship.  With no other alternative, Dai accepted without thought for the consequences and the catfish spirit possessed him, filling his body with strength and magic.  Sprouting a pair of nightmarish wings, he flew with inhuman speed, pursuing the gangsters back to the hole they called a home and burned them to a crisp with lasers of pure hatred.

After this, his mind finally reasserted control, demanding that the catfish uphold the other part of its bargain - an extended lifespan.  He argued that extending his life implied allowing him to live it as well, and the catfish reluctantly agreed, but warned him that as long as he rejected it he would never be able to access the full potential of their contract.  Dai simply shrugged, and the catfish advised him on where he should wander from then on.  Having nowhere else to go, Dai listened.

Theme: Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions

Fun Facts (optional): Dai does not much care for Bruce Lee.  His preferred action movie star is Steven Seagal.

Additional Information/Background/History:
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Let's do this!

Name: Wodan Ymir
Gender: Male
Age:  20
Origin:  The heavily populated Shinjuku
Home:  A rather humble cottage on the middle of the Human Village
Occupation : An engineering student on the outside world, the lack of science on Gensokyo has turned him into a gardener. He also runs small errands that don't go far from the Human Village.
Visual Description: 
?   Hair colour: Silvery white.
?   Hairstyle: Short, always half kept in such a way that it's an ordered mess.
?   Eye colour: Dark blue.
?   Clothing: A white jacket most of the time, black jeans and brown shoes. This is his signature look, there are casual changes in coloring as the days pass.

Personality: Down to earth, but still heavily influenced by his background, Wodan's willing to help a friend with whatever he can do, even if it's something impossible to him. When things are looking grim he will accept this fact, but he'll also reject the idea of retreating or cheesing things up. If it's worth doing it, it's worth doing it the best way possible. He also possesses a very developed sense of justice: Wodan won't let any injustice unpunished if he's capable of doing it. Of course, being a rather common human in Gensokyo means that he's constantly unable to step up to the plate as many times the offenders are Youkai, and even Wodan knows that he has no choice but to let that pass.
?   Likes: Video games, Mechs of all sizes, SCIENCE!, swords, and justice being served.
?   Dislikes: Guns, unfair combat, esoterism, homeopathy and obsessive use of magic.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: Making name for himself on this place. Even if it's only on the human village, being well known is his biggest desires. That is because he believes deeply that the true death of one comes when he's forgotten by everyone.

History/Background: His pre-Gensokyo life wasn't the most exciting one. Son of two old-time otakus that have been delving on the mecha genre, he caught up quickly to said trend, loving everything mecha ever since he was 10. This love of mechas has developed into a love for science overall. The night of his 20th birthday, he went to sleep like always... but the morning after, Wodan woke up with a very annoying pain in the back. What the hell? He wasn't on a bed anymore, but in some plains. Red eyes were wollowing him as he approached what seemed to be a small village... the human village. In here the people taught him about Gensokyo, and all he needed to know. Surprised on how he never met the shrine maiden while everyone else got to meet her when arriving, he thought... maybe he's a special case. Trying to disregard this fact as much as he can, he has started to live a peaceful life in the village, helping everyone with what he can. And thus, several years have passed...

Theme:  Positive Force

Fun Facts:
-For some reason, his parents managed to give Wodan the same name than a Mech-related character that would be known to the world several years after his birth. He has proceeded to flip out at them several times in the past due to this.
-Apart from SRW Games, he's in love with shmups, to the point that he has cleared some of the hardest games, all of them related to mechs (Like Dodonpachi, Ikaruga, the like). For some reason he goes out of his way to avoid games related to magic like Deathsmiles or Touhou.


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Picture: Here's one, just ignore the clothing :V

Name: Joey Tolo

Gender: Male

Age: 22
Origin: Michigan, U.S.A
(Before Gensokyo)Small Cottage on the outskirts of Sawina Town
(In Gensokyo) A small one room shack on the edge of the Scarlet Lake, a good midpoint between just about everything.

Occupation : ~*~Jack of all Trades, Master of None~*~ Proficient in carpentry, minor engineering, odd jobs.

Visual Description: A male 5'5" in height, his body is somewhat toned on the arms and legs. His hair blond and parted down the middle, its length going down to his waist., some times it's tied in the back as a ponytail, a little frizzy and messed up at times.  His eyes a dark, ocean blue, usually having bags under them from late nights and early mornings.  Dress style is usually a t-shirt, varying in color from day to day, stars a common theme, blue jeans with a simple leather belt, watch on the left wrist, and two bracelets on the right, one studded while the other is red with stars, his shoes a simple, somewhat worn down pair of blue chuck taylors.  He usually has a olive green satchel with a few black stars strewn about it, kept shut with two strap and buckle type restraints, what looks like a handle wrapped in leather sticks out from under the flap.

Personality: He's a carefree, easygoing person who enjoys life the simple way.  He cares for his friends and family, or just about anyone he sees and thinks isn't bad, and doesn't like it when anyone messes with them, is willing to scrape and tussle to protect them.  When things get unnecessary complicated he starts to get angry.   His mind tends to drift off from time to time, either from ideas on things to make, or from personal fantasies.  Enjoys rainy, storming, and snowing days, sunny days are nice too but get a tad bit too hot.  He's weak against anything spicy or hot, and generally dislikes the heat.  Being simple, he is also truthful, and would hold a promise till the end.  He dislikes staying still or being stuck in a spot for a lengthy period of time, a natural tendency to move about.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: None really, other than to live a joyful life with that special someone, make a living without stretching the money.

History/Background:  Living a normal life in the Midwest of the U.S., he lived a somewhat academically advanced school life, getting into the occasional accelerated class and such, maybe roughhousing and getting into the occasional fight.  As he graduated High School, he went on to College to become an architect, living life from day to day, dealing with the daily grind of life till one day he stepped out in the wrong place.  It was a late Saturday night when he was walking around to clear his head, taking a wrong turn he stumbled upon a mugger and the muggie, and in a fight or flight response, he tussled with the mugger, knocking him out for a while, running away with the muggie, a young girl with slightly curly brown hair and a slim face.  The two got to know each other, enjoying their time from day to day occasionally.  As life continued on, it soon stumbled into another late night stroll, where instead of taking a wrong turn, the wrong turn took him, took him by bashing him over the head with a nice big rock and dragging him off to some run down motel room.  As he awoke to the rugged, messed up face of the mugger he saw a few weeks ago, he learned that a man knocked out is a ticking time bomb to one's life, as Joey soon found out by getting a few hard whacks across the knees with a metal pipe, busting one of his knees into bits before he was tossed off at the entrance of a hospital.  Eventually he recovered, a bit of limp and drag in his steps, but life moved on none the less, eventually him and that girl split up, if it was that she found someone else or his busted leg due to the dark side of the world dragging at him, he never knew, and never really cared afterward. After finishing up his semester that year, he decided to take a bit of a retreat to foreign countries, starting with a lengthy stay in Japan, living life out of an old shack on the outskirts of a small town, from odd job to odd job, though from there everything gets a little blurry.....

After the fuzzy parts, all there is it that he found himself on the edge of a large lake in the middle of winter, and soon encountered Letty, got to know here while looking over the frozen lake, and things kicked off from there.  Needing a way to live, he works day to day from odd job to odd job from the magical forest, to the human village, and through out the few years he's made himself a small shack of a house on the shore he found himself, went to hell Makai and back, making a friend or two, hanging out at the Hakurei shrine like everyone else, and enjoying some flower petals in another afterlife, or technically an afterlife even though he wasn't dead, just on a small trip to Hakugyokurou.  Day to day he lives his life, a different tale for each day.

Normal Theme: Don't Fence Me In (Cover by Louis Arnstrong)
Alone Time Theme: Brick Ballades (Houston Street)
Action Theme: Theme of Lupin the 3rd
Standoff Theme:Wanderer
The "It's time to smash stuff and do the impossible, and I just ran out of stuff" theme: Theme of Xabungle

Fun Facts: While growing up there were three things he always watched, Hockey, Boxing, and Wrestling, and while living life, he's learned a few things from having to drag knuckles against a few hot heads and thick skulls and the antics he's seen on the tube.  Later on when he was introduced to the internet, another thing graced his watch, that being mecha, which he's become a fan of since, but more for the old school.

During his teens in High school he got his driver's license, and started to learn things about cars, and how to drive them in style to show off, since then knows his ways around engines and how to turn a car on a dime, what happens afterward not included.

He keeps a random assortment of items in his satchel due to his constant traveling about Gensokyo, rope, matches, candles, snacks, and a home made beatstick, about 4 feet in length in total, half of a foot being the handle wrapped in leather, the length of it flattened into being 6 sided, being at most 3 inches wide.

-Friendship and training buddy with Sara.
-Friendship with Youki, along with him being a man of many a wise word.
-Friendship with Genjii.
-Friendship and Close relation with Letty.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 09:43:01 AM by Anthy Tatara »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Awaiting approval

Picture: (to be added)

Name: Etch E. Sketch

Gender: Guy

Age: 24 Years

Origin: Nowhere USA

 Home: A small shack near the human village

Occupation : Odd jobs (still learning to get along without the Lappy)

 Visual Description: A 5'9" light skinned person who is getting a tan, what with all his time in the sun. He has shortish black hair and a goatee
             usual clothes= Beige long coat, dark blue shirt with an alien head pattern on the front, black cargo pants. May or may not have shades on him

Personality: A bit headstrong, despite hi attempts to keep a cool head and look at the situation. Doesn't like doing anything he doesn't like. Maybe it's laziness, or is it procrastination.

Likes: Sweet, sour, or salty foods. Kittens and hanging out with the guys.

Dislikes: His current financial situation. Bad things happening just as things are getting kinda ok. (Come on, guys, let a guy relax for one sec)

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions:  1) To live life to satisfaction. 2) To get the lappy recharged.


Born in Nowhere USA, Etch lived a rather normal life. He and his friends messed around a lot up until college. Flunking out, he sought enlightenment of the world through travel, doing odd jobs here and there to earn money to move from country to country. The various misadventures he's had has left him with all sorts of weird and probably useless knowledge. It was during his travel through the Midwest US that he encountered a small little town. It was nice, what with the friendly folks there. You could even say it was paradise for some. It was also where he got a decent job. It was a nice little place, so he thought he'd settle down for once, even getting a job at a small video game company. On his way to get his first paycheck, he was met with angry parents who were opposed to violent games, claiming that it made kids violent. The details after that are pretty fuzzy. All he knows is that one thing leads to another, and Etch left the city before things got too crazy, grabbing a laptop computer (he nicknamed it the Lappy) and a long coat full of various things. It was then that he resumed his knowledge seeking journey...

One particular trip through a Japanese town would prove to be quite the experience. After being chased by the yakuza for something he might or might not have done, he fell into a river and blacked out. The next thing he knew, he was being nursed back to health by a certain Kawashiro Nitori. Apparently, he was pulled out of the water after falling in or something. He had fallen into Gensokyo the way he left the little town in Midwest USA, only wetter and with a dead battery for Lappy. More of the details seem to get fuzzy afterwards. Not long afterwards he met Inubashiri Momiji. During a trip to the human village, he got lost and encountered the Hieda household, where he met and was befriended by Akyuu. During a trip to Myourenji in search of a job, he met Ichirin Kumoi and Unzan. The cloud seemed to take a liking to him, and Ichirin and Etch became familiar with each other, if only in passing.

Theme: Catgroove  By Parov Stelar

Fun Facts: Nowadays he keeps a sketchbook with him. He's also good on his feet, probably from running from various, dangerous things during his journey.

Additional Information/Background/History: (added later)


Hieda no Akyu- Dear friend(?)

Kawashiro Nitori- Dear friend

Inubashiri Momiji- Dear friend

Ichirin- Knows a little bit about her

Unzan- Friendquaintance
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 06:13:30 PM by Colossusketch »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
There's no need to feel ashamed of dropping; this is a pretty damn huge thing as it is, and probably more of a commitment than it's worth for a lot of people. (And more selfishly, it means less work for the GMs in managing it!)

That said... hmm. I'm not sure how to deal with Touhou-character claim conflicts just yet, though looking at it there are a few that will need to be smoothed out sooner or later.

I've PM'd Gappy with a few questions I have in mind, but for now, I'm going to give the tentative suggestion of having your OC meet with the Touhou characters you intend to claim on a fairly regular basis; this may or may not end up being important. For now it may be best to avoid... intimate relationships (with possible exceptions for established pairs from the first game - Gpop is considering returning and has reason to call dibs on Koishi for that), especially so that people with conflicting claims don't get into any spats on the matter. :V
NOTE: This is not a requirement as far as I can tell, so don't panic if your profile doesn't use this, can't be easily modified to include it, or if you just don't want to set things up that way - I'm mostly being a stickler for plot consistency and plausibility, and I think there are ways around it. There's a chance this may change based on Gap's word, but for the most part this is more something to consider than necessarily add.

Furthermore, skimming some of the profiles here so far, I have one concrete issue and one tentative one to address:

Rabbit, I'm pretty sure that all the players are supposed to start out in Gensokyo, so adding to the end of Daigo's backstory to reflect that is likely required. Otherwise, no real issues. (Arguable contrivance about the setup, but tolerable.)

Etch, given the nature of the reboot, I think you're currently (as of midnight Tues 12-13) using too much from the previous 'season' in your backstory; I'll have to double-check with Gap but I think you may have to turn things back further or at least redact immediate memory of the causes for a few things. (Also, consensus is that a solution/cure for the genderswap and age shenanigans was/were found offscreen between the old game and this, so continuing the genderswap is entirely optional.) Don't forget what Gap said in the OP about the reboot setup -

I'm a returning player. Is this a reboot/fresh start?

No, this is a continuation, a sequel if you will, of season 1. However, in a way, it is also a fresh start. You will again, for some reason you don't quite know, start in Gensokyo, having lived there for a good 2-4 years now, happily living amongst the other denizens of this fantastic mythical world. You're not quite sure what you were doing before you arrived in Gensokyo, knowing only that you're from the outside world.

(granted I'm still asking about the full extent of that "knowing only that you're from the outside world" part but you get the point)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 04:51:55 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Amarillo Viridian
Picture: Line Art - Art By BorisX
Name: Amarillo Viridian / 亚玛丽欧 维拉蒂安 / アマリロ?ヴィリディアン
Gender: Female
Age: Looks like 12.
Strength: ESPer ? Limited Telepathy with nature deities, healing, weak Telekinesis, Force Sensitive(Locked)
Weakness: Brute Force (Not specialized for Long-Term close hand combat due to limited strength and stamina caused by her ability)
Home: N/A, Saniwa Shrine
Occupation: Shop keeper of TOURIST HELPERS
Visual Description: See above data
Personality: Calm and Gentle
Partners: Fairy Team sans Cirno
Fun Facts : Can fall asleep everywhere, anytime. (A critical draw back of her ability because she can?t stop her force from running away.)[She had most control of it currently.] Also, she have great fishing skill.
Also, this is her 4th body since she tend to get herself wounded a lot, her superiors prepared numberless clone bodies for her. The same system is applied to all GA-Members after her.
Additional Information/Background/History:
FARGO, thanks to the paradox that NOD had created, successfully invaded Gensokyo and captured a few of the residents including Cirno and Keine for their plan to corrupt every time and place with ?Unseen-Power?. Two Chrono Agents was assigned to solve that matter and they had brought Amarillo with them ? Not together, but 2 month after they had make their come-in.
Unlucky for her, she had landed right in the middle of a battlefield, and was rescued by Koakoma, who is sending a disk containing her master?s memory data to the Shrine to be resurrected using the technologies of ?Norman Hospital? (A organization from another time line which do research on cloning). That?s when her ability started to manifest that allow her to commute with fairies of Gensokyo and fight with them.
Under the help of several fairies she had greatly weakened the enemy?s defense, allowing the incident to be solved with a landslide victory.
After the battle, she was giving a chance by Satori, the master of the Subterrain Palace, to face her original self ? ?YELLOW? from another time-space but sealed in her memory. YELLOW admits that she had locked 50% of Amarillo?s power in order to ?Prevent another tragedy?. Amarillo somehow proves that she don't need a limiter anymore, and unlocked her powers by erasing her original self, by doing that all her connections with YELLOW has been broken. Which indicates that she is officially a Chrono Agent Member.
However, now the border is collapsed and she must find a new way of living and eventually revive Gensokyo ? ALIVE.

Theme: Normal : Y.W - Heart Is Life
               ??? : Cranky - EVERGREEN

« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:48:09 AM by Refreshing Lillian »

Break anything that stands between you and them!

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Oh, and a bit off-topic here ( i think), Is there a prequel to the first day of the first version of Waking up from the Dream? Because Day 1 kinda starts a bit too sudden, imo.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Oh, and a bit off-topic here ( i think), Is there a prequel to the first day of the first version of Waking up from the Dream? Because Day 1 kinda starts a bit too sudden, imo.

It is off-topic, and I suggest you PM the first WufTD players about it.

I hope everyone from here on out will only make posts to this topic that are relevant to its purpose and progress (at this moment: participants' character profiles) to avoid cluttering the thread. Thanks in advance for cooperation.  ;)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 06:47:51 AM by kakyoin01 »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Right now, I am more interested in returning to action than ever before... provided I can alter some history of my really, really terrible old profile. Or rather making it more enjoyable to read.

8lue Wizard

  • Cobalt Magician
  • (Apparently)
...yeah, I got nuthin'. Lousy goddamn stupid lit class drained all my creativity. I'm withdrawing too.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Based on a PM with a later timestamp than his post here, I think Tapsa (AKA 34, right?) has actually changed his mind and decided to pass as well. And mean as it sounds, 8lue's dropping does resolve the two-Nazrin-first-choice conflict I noticed.

Claim conflicts are trimming down a bit, which is good, but we'll have to see how it goes in the end.

also I should probably get to work on actually making a profile
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
  • *
  • I am the leader of TCF <3
    • TCF's Gaming Channel
Ok, I've asked E-Nazrin about the current situation so I'm here to show my interest in this, based on the response I received.

Player Name: Kanjou.
Returning Player: No.

Planned Character name: Tsunade Gakudan.
Planned Character gender: Female.
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yuugi.
2nd Choice: Yamame.
3rd Choice: Yumemi (unlocked as the story un-folds [explanation in profile.])

I've got most of the profile written out, with some bits I need to tweak here and there. I've got a picture of her main attire/appearance so that's handy too. I'll post that & profile up if I'm allowed in.

I think that should do it then. Thanks again E-Nazrin.

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Name: Cuan Fitzpatrick
Gender: Male
Age:  26
Origin:  Ireland
 Home:  A small cabin just outside the Forest of Magic
Occupation :  Hunter
 Visual Description:  Short, but lean and well-muscled, Cuan is obviously the kind of person that enjoys getting a lot of exercise. A scar runs down his face, from above his right eye down to the left side of his chin. Another scar from the same incident, actually a continuation of the first, runs from right by his neck down to the edge of his left thigh. Of course, most people never see this scar.There are also a number of somewhat smaller scars across his body, but most are barely visible underneath his tattoos.

?   Hair colour: Red
?   Hairstyle: Short in back and on the left side, long bangs cover his right eye most of the time
?   Eye colour: Green
?   Clothing: Grass green shirt, brown pants, very dark green duster. Wears a leather wristband on his right hand that bears a representation of the Irish flag, made of the fur of a red fox. The green had to be dyed, of course.
?  Tattoos and Jewelry: Tattoos cover his entire body from the base of the neck down, showing fierce looking dog-like creatures, with the kind of detail that makes them almost seem real.

His left ear is pierced, and a gold loop with countless tiny images of shamrocks engraved in it hangs there.

Personality: Cuan is, really, quite abrasive. He's arrogant, even rather reckless, and often seems to be itching for a fight. He is extremely proud of his Irish heritage, to the degree that he seems rather pretentious about it, as if it automatically makes him better than everyone else and so he should get what he wants.

?   Likes: Being the center of attention, fistfights, archery, hunting, meat, drinking, feeling superior to everyone around him, flirting
?   Dislikes: Being outshined in anything physical, being ordered around, taking time to think, any implication that he's not the toughest person around

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: Become strong enough to beat Yuka in a fistfight
History/Background: Cuan was raised in a rural town in Ireland near a large forest, by a kleptomaniac mother and a poacher father. From an early age, he was taught the tricks of the trade by his father, though he would never get any major field experience until he was in his teens. Despite his parents' disrespect for the law, which he inherited from them as well, they did instill in him a great pride in his heritage, and his mother often told him many Irish legends.

In school, Cuan got average at best grades in most subjects, finding little interest in them and putting out little effort, but shined whenever Irish history or mythology came up. He also excelled in gym class, as he very much liked all the physical activity.

The first thing Cuan remembers of his arrival in Gensokyo is wandering through a large forest, which he now knows to be the Forest of Magic. While he wandered, lost, he came across a youkai, which he somehow thought would be a good idea to try and kill. Nearly all of his scars, including the largest one, are from that incident. He claims to those who he speaks of this to that he killed that youkai, but the truth is, he nearly died. He fell unconscious due to blood loss during the conflict, and he still has no idea how he survived. His memories of shortly after that incident are hazy as well, even if he does remember something of it, he won't say.

Since then, however, he has managed to become something of an accomplished hunter. He knows better than to attack Youkai now, but he often traps or even shoots more normal animals, selling many of the skins to those who will buy, and eating the meat for himself. If he ever sees something humanoid in one of his traps... He simply leaves it there, so as not to have to deal with an angry youkai.

Fun facts: Though he can drink a great deal of alcohol without passing out, Cuan quickly becomes even more shameless than he already is after only a few sips. He's flirtatious to begin with, but he's likely to proposition random people when drunk.


Name: Hugh
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Origin: Mid-West United States
Home: Myouren Temple Crop Fields
Occupation: Former student, currently farmer
Hair Color: Brownish-red
Hair Style: Cropped short, with short beard.
Eye Color: Blue.
Clothing: Wears rugged and worn brown pants, a dingy grey sleeveless shirt that used to be white, mudstained black leather boots, a blue denim jacket, and a faded blue Atlanta Braves baseball cap. Usually has a pair of black leather work gloves in his jacket pocket.

Personality: Hugh is usually quiet and watchful, but always ready to jump into a conversation with a possibly witty, usually mildly insulting, observation. He is usually slow to act, but quick to criticize, preferring to wait for information to make itself known before going on a course of action. That is not to say that he never acts or refuses to risk himself; he is willing to take risks, so long as he's sure the gains and consequences are worth it. It's also difficult to make friends with him: he doesn't isolate himself, but he always keeps people at arms length away. It's very easy to tell when he considers someone a friend, however: usually they're the ones he picks on the most.

Likes: Gardening, puzzles, teasing people.
Dislikes: Ignorance, egotistical people, people who abuse authority, coconut.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: When he first arrived in Gensokyo, he tried to get back to the real world immediately, but, after nearly being eaten, he decided to lay low for a bit. After three years of living in Gensokyo, he's grown to appreciate the environment, but would like to establish a more ready means of transportation between Gensokyo and the real world.

History/Background: Hugh is tight lipped on what he did before he arrived in Gensokyo, or even how he arrived in the place. The most anyone's been able to get out of him is that he's from America, attended college sporadically, and worked occassionally. When he did arrive in Gensokyo, though, the first thing he did was try to find a way out: it didn't end very well for him, and he had to be rescued by various personages from the Human Village and Myouren Temple. Since then he's worked as a laborer on the fields that the Temple overlooks, and helps with various other projects. His organizational skills and analytical mind has been a boon for the Temple.

Theme: Security Off

Fun Facts/Other:
1. Tends to call people by their last names, if he's not familiar with them.
2. Can be a bit surly about people taller than him, even though his height of 5'8" isn't even short. Ironically (or, more accurately, hypocritically) enough, he tends to treat people smaller than him as though they were younger than him, sometimes seeming condenscending.
3. Despite his quiet and somewhat rude demeanor, he's surprisingly helpful, always providing assistance and advice whether it was asked for or not, and with varying amounts of teasing. Probably due to his dislike of ignorance.
4. Likes children, and will roughhouse with or mentor them. Probably ties into fact number one.
5. Capable hand to hand fighter, who uses his 180 lbs size against opponents. Sadly, not as useful against youkai, who would just blast him, stab him, or bite him. He can easily hold his own against most adequetely trained humans, though.
6. Absolute shit at magic.
7. Surprisingly capable at sewing and stitching. Useful for mending clothes.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
After searching this entire topic, it seems that no one has yet laid claim to Medicine, so I shall add her to my Touhou partner wish list. Updating my first page registration post with this information.

See newest team listing, please.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 04:16:19 AM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Yuyuko Yakumo

  • Carry me~ow
  • Rawr I eat your face with maaaaaagicalness
Picture: Uses create: 3.39:Yuki:100:223:144:37:61:61:15:1:50:113:0:4B95F6 (about the same except for whatever discrepancies are listed in the visual description)
Name: Yuki Kurasumi
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Origin: Northern Japan
Home: A small house in the Human Village
Occupation : Before ending up in Gensokyo, she was just an average teenage student.
Within Gensokyo, since she needs to make a living herself, she often plays her violin in the human village for money.
Visual Description: She's relatively short for her age, standing at a little less than 5 feet (1.6 meters). Her hair is a soft and light shade of blue, arranged into two short ponytails that sit beside her head. She keeps it as clean and tidy as possible, though it sometimes tends to be rebellious and refuses to stay where it should. She also sports a light pink ribbon on top and slightly to the right of her head. Her face is young and innocent, with two soft, also light blue eyes.
Her clothing consists simply of a sky blue skirt that reaches down to about her knees. The skirt also has short sleeves for during the summer and so they don't get in the way of her violin-playing. It has a pattern of white dots and a wavy white line on the bottom to give the impression that it's snowing right on her clothes. She enjoys the cold much more than warmth so, when it does get cold out in the winter, she has only a thin (also light blue) jacket to keep from catching a cold, though it usually happens anyways. Her sandals change monthly, and one can notice she cycles through a rainbow of them throughout the year.

Personality: Yuki can be described with several adjectives: hyper, cute, fun-loving, caring, compassionate, and smart. She loves to run around whenever she can, around the village, in the forest. With friends, she can find plenty of ways to have fun, no matter what the situation is. She also likes to be thought of as cute, evidenced by the fact she loves to be called Yuki-chan. She loves to make friends with anyone that's willing to play with her as well. She also cares deeply for her friends and will do whatever she can to help them out. However, this can sometimes lead to her going too far into people's personal problems.
Yuki is smart, but not smart. She is quite skilled at the violin and can pick up new pieces relatively quickly. Also, when presented a situation, she likes to think of creative ways to solve it. But many times she can behave younger than her age (which may or may not be annoying, depending on who you are). She can also be distracted by little things, say, by a butterfly in the air, unless she is involved in something that truly requires her full attention.
Because of her past, she can be depressed for a short time (see background). Same goes for when she's left alone for long periods of time. Fortunately, she recovers quickly with friends that encourage her.
?   Likes: anything cute, colorful, or pretty, music, friendly people, snow, sweets
?   Dislikes: insults, being alone, bees

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: *Get as good as possible at the violin
*Return to her family in the real world
*Make even more friends!

History/Background: Before arriving in Gensokyo, Yuki led a fairly normal life. She has one younger sister with whom she had a healthy relationship with. Both her parents were also very caring. She actually had very few problems with her family.
She always dreaded going to school because she had very few friends there, none who were as close to her as she was to her little sister. Her erratic personality, though it works in anime and in Gensokyo, is what repelled others away from her. She could never sit still and was always looking into others' personal lives. Upon entering high school, the situation worsened as harmful false rumor spread about her. As a result, she was often alone and isolated in school, which led to her fear of being alone now.
Two things kept her from being completely depressed with her life: a love for music and her little sister. She was introduced to music at a young age, and it completely fasenated her. Despite her behavior, she is able to keep full attention to music. At first, she began with piano, but when she was introduced to the violin, she became completely absorbed in it. This skill applies well in Gensokyo, because it's how she supports herself in the foreign land.
Her little sister, Amaya, is one of the few people in Yuki's life she feels she can get along with. The two are always seen playing, goofing off, encouraging each other. They aren't twins, but it sometimes feels like they are. Ayama loves music as well and can play the piano. They often have cute duets with each other.
Her first moments in Gensokyo were alarming and frightening for her. She was on a school trip one day; the bus was driving near a forest. A tire in the middle of the road caused the bus to veer off of the road and into the forest. Yuki lost conciousness in the mess. When she came to, she found herself alone in the forest. The bus, her classmates, and her injuries were all gone. For hours she wandered, trying to find her way out, but it seemed to stretch on endlessly. Finally, she was at the point of giving up when she heard the beautiful sound of a violin in the distance. Filled with hope, she ran towards it, hoping to find someone that knew the way back to the bus.
Instead, she found that the violin belonged to a youkai with the name Lunasa Prismriver. Yuki was frightened by her at first, since she was floating at the time and the violin was playing itself, but she found that Lunasa was more like a normal person than a ghost. They quickly became friends and Lunasa led Yuki to where the human village was. Lunasa gave her some money for a house ("Just don't be like Lyrica and never pay it back") and Yuki moved in comfortably. The house was already pre-furnished with the basic necessities.
The next day, Lunasa visted with a gift: one of her old violins. After being assured it wasn't haunted, Yuki accepted it with an idea. Now five months later, she uses it to play in the middle of the human village for entertainment and so she can support herself. Lunasa also visits frequently with a new song in hand for her to play. Yuki's smart enough that she can sight-read with relative ease.
She hopes to discover what really happened that day the she arrived in Gensokyo. She also misses her family dearly, especially her little sister, and wishes to return to them someday.

Theme:  (If I ever find one)

Fun Facts: *Yuki means "snow" in Japanese. Ayama means "night rain."
*If it hasn't become obvious by now, her favorite season is winter because that's when it snows. Of course, this is reflected in her appearance as well.
*She commonly refers to herself in third person to act cute.
*(and maybe more to come)

Additional Information/Background/History: (added later)

Relationships: (added later)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2011, 03:52:20 PM by YuyukoYakumo »
I know, I know. I'll get a real avatar and signature soon. -_-

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
  • *
  • I am the leader of TCF <3
    • TCF's Gaming Channel
OK! After all that time, here you go. I hope this is to your liking.


Picture: [Without the headphones and microphone. My thanks to a friend of mine that made this.]
Name: Tsunade Gakudan
Gender: Female.
Age:  19
Origin:  Unknown (From the UK)
Home:  Ancient City; Former Hell
Occupation :  Barmaid/Singer
 Visual Description: 
?   Hair colour: Blonde.
?   Hairstyle: Long.
?   Eye colour: Green.
?   Clothing: Green Kimono.
     Other Attires: Black/White School Girl Outfit [Yay for Create once more.]
                              Baggy trousers and a few ?Persona? and ?Homestuck? shirts; dark brown/black coats included.

Personality: Sometimes quiet, sometimes loud; always bubbly. Whilst she may come off as being a bit of an airhead, she?s smarter than she seems. She?s able to remember quite the list of things and knows what she?s doing... well, most of the time. With the people she knows, she can be friendly and respectful; though that vanishes with just the mention of sake. To those she doesn?t know, she talks slightly less than usual. She isn?t good with new people after previous incidents; especially when they start making bad acquisitions before they even get to know her.
?   Likes: Sake, Music (singing especially), Parties, Watching Fights.
?   Dislikes: Awkward Silence, Messy Rooms, Smoking (especially indoors), ?Acquaintances.?

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: Originally, it was to become a well known singer in the outside world. Now, having considered her new location home, she just wants to take it easy and enjoy the  life she?s currently living. However, she does want to find out the identity of a mysterious girl that keeps running into her from time to time.

History/Background: Known by the friends she has as Tsunade, she has had a fairly weird life. She isn?t sure where exactly she was born, only that she has never been outside of the UK and has been to almost every place there. Having brief stints living in England, Wales, Scotland and even Ireland, she has never been able to befriend people long enough to know them well. Eventually, her parents finally settled near the border of Northen Ireland and Ireland; much to the bewilderment of Tsunade. Having finally had time to settle down and link up with people she had met briefly before, she finally started to have some fun with her life. She made a habit of going back to England however for convention purposes. She has a knack for singing and loves learning about the Japanese Culture. After getting lost in England during a night that had seen her fall out with a couple of her friends, she exited through a tunnel of sorts and found herself in a place that certainly didn?t match her previous location. No sooner had she walked around, a group of youkai notice her and give chase. She flees back into the ?tunnel? and notices the youkai don?t follow her in. As she looks back in relief, however, she trips over a bucket and plummets even deeper into the cave; along with said bucket. After waking up, she finds herself in the arms of an unknown lady; and in quite some pain too. The lady, who has a singular horn on her head and is also carrying the bucket she tripped over, tells her to rest and she does so.

Upon waking up again, the lady talks to her properly; addressing herself as Yuugi, an oni. The bucket had a girl inside, whose name is revealed to be Kisume. Tsunade explains what happened leading up to her being here, after which Yuugi tells her she is now in Gensokyo. Kisume apologises for ?laying around? and, having nowhere else to go, stays with Yuugi for a few days. Yuugi overhears her singing at one point and asks if she has any intention of finding work. Before that, she wants a place to live and, to her surprise, Yuugi points out a recently vacant building across from her. Before long, she has settled into her new home, but not without some issues. Finding work was hard enough; being human and all. But she now works in one of the countless bars, though at first isn?t used to the amount of oni and the noise they make; both there and around her house. Whilst doing bar work, she meets with Yuugi from time to time; normally once a fortnight, even a month at times when Yuugi is really busy... or simply just not there. Her alcohol tolerance, as big as it was before, is even greater; though she still feels nervous drinking with any of the oni round her based on how much they drink in the first place. Kisume has even spoken to her on a few occasions; even if it?s only because she was responsible for her being inside Former Hell. She has heard of Yamame, who is supposed to be close to her, but has never seen her.

Now, Tsunade is well known for her singing; never stopping to practice when possible. She is known at work for it now; going as far as to use it to bring more people in, along with getting free drinks here and there. She also reads outside of everything else, after finding a variety of books ranging from novels to intellectual readings. One name that stands out on a few of these are Okazaki, a person Tsunade wouldn?t mind meeting, despite knowing nothing about them. One thing that is still catching her out though is someone running in to her from time to time. Oddly enough, she?s convinced that it?s the same person each time; though she is unable to make her out clearly enough to identify her to others. Despite that, and even though it has been so long since she has seen the surface, Tsunade is quite happy calling this place known as the Ancient City ?home.?

Theme: 1st Theme:
Think of it like... A stage theme. She's not so good in a fight; in fact, she tends to watch them more than take part in them. She wishes she could be just as strong, but until then, she keeps away from troublesome situations. This theme reflects that.
                2nd Theme: A Secret! There will be a 2nd theme for when she is able to hold her own in a fight; but that's for another time.

Fun Facts (optional): Because of her parents constantly moving around the UK, Tsunade has seen and learnt a variety of things. Along with this, she remembers key things about each place. This has come to her favour at random times, but shouldn?t be counted on.
Despite working around groups of oni almost everyday, Tsunade isn?t that strong. She can?t sustain a quick run for long either. She has made it an aim to become more durable, but worries that asking an oni for training might kill her.
As mentioned earlier, Tsunade is not good with talking one-on-one with complete strangers; despite working at such a crowded and lively place. She has been known to shun people completely and even act hostile to those who try asking about her life. It probably doesn?t help that her closest friends aren?t near her anymore; to the point where she can be afraid of the same situation happening if she ends up leaving her new home.

Additional Information/Background/History: (added later) 

Relationships: Yuugi (Friend & Helper; Fellow Resident in the Ancient City.)
                            Kisume (Friend; Gensokyo ?Welcomer?)
                            Yamame (Kisume?s Unseen Friend.)
                            Okazaki: (Unknown Inspiration.)


If there's something... off, please tell me. I've checked it, but knowing me, I'm bound to have missed something.  :ohdear:

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Since I can't guarantee the dedication this will probably need, upon further inspection, I will withdraw. Sorry for the inconveniences ^^


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Due to several major factors/rules that I do not agree with, I am possibly dropping out. I will wait to hear more discussion and finalization of additional system(s).
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 08:24:38 PM by kakyoin01 »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
I signed up for an RP, not a giant ball of stress.

I'm sorry, Gappy, Mouse, Nemo. I can't stand watching what's happening right now. I signed up almost on a whim anyway, and... This is not worth it. Even if it's dealt with enough to start up as an actual RP, I don't have faith for it to work out well at this rate.

I'm out.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
As it stands I, too, have a rather large chance of withdrawing.

I'm going to see how things turn out in the end. I'll most likely have to draft a new character. :fail:

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Guys, I don't want to see this RP dead before it's actually revived, this is ridiculous.
The thing here is people is complaining about limitations and too much limitations. We are currently talking it over and see if we can do something about it.
Personally I don't mind some ESPers floating around in our team......

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi

Okay, for people that haven't been following the #wuftd chat obsessively, basically there's recently been a spat about a offhand comment from Gappy about regular players not being allowed to learn/use magic, and the trouble that causes with people that have already set up profiles that already use that and/or uh, come from the first 'season' when this is was allowed anyway.

Before anyone else gets upset, this has been redacted for all intents and purposes. Player characters ARE allowed to have magic, though the exact extent hasn't been gone over thoroughly - personally, I'm inclined to at least allow things comparable to the more reasonable characters from Season 1, for fear of painful hypocrisy. (And we certainly owe an apology for not making the idea clear from the start - or thinking the matter through, or even talking about it much.) Fighting with system numbers (whatever we end up using) will probably remain ongoing for some time, but magical abilities/potential will be permitted, if limited.

The real problem - as I see it - is the issue behind why MTG wanted to put that in effect in the first place: The intent of the game and the mana link/partner system to encourage or require interdependence between the 'leader' and members of each team, with the default concept being that the mundane outside-world humans need help protecting themselves from... the various threats that come about, and the Touhous that they provide mana for need to protect their 'master' in order to stay alive.
I think the perception was that having player-characters with magic and/or exceptional ability to defend themselves on their own undermines this format, giving the player-character much more opportunity to be the only one of the group of any relevance and reduce their Touhou partners to window dressing or harem material, rather than useful, competent allies or real characters in their own right.

But as implied there, magic is not the only way to go about this (if I recall right, our main problem figures the last time around didn't heavily rely on it, perhaps as an easy way to get under the radar): Any substantially powerful 'master' character on their own has the opportunity to do this, if they're unscrupulous abut it.

So I'm inclined to handle this less by restricting character creation itself than by having those restrictions imposed once the link system becomes relevant to the game's restart. That event will, conveniently, include ways to arrange for significant power nerfs that should get groups down to roughly the same level.

Yes, this shows very little trust in the players. Sorry, but after some of our problems the first time around, that's the default stance, if only for the time being.

As far as I'm concerned: If your character is significantly more powerful than an average human right now, that's okay. But be prepared to arrange for being knocked back down to more 'normal' levels of competence and magical ability once we start providing for Touhou characters through mana links. If you can't come up with a way to reasonably explain that drop with the characters you get, we will.


Less time to investigate but worth talking about: There are some character conflicts even with the... recent drops, and it'd be worth discussing the details of that and plans for what each of them had in mind to try and work it out without getting into a brawl or resorting to first-come-first-serve.

fuck now I need to get to bed I work in the morning
There was something here once. Wonder what...