Author Topic: Waking up from the Dream - Discussion Thread (Previously Registration Thread)  (Read 53580 times)

Took a bit to stitch this one together, and I needed a bit of advising to get ideas, but let's see how this turns out!

Name: Roark
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Origin: United States
Home: Palace of the Earth Spirits
Occupation: Former student, errand boy
Visual Description:
    ?   Hair colour: Brown
    ?   Hairstyle: Short, parts on the right side
    ?   Eye colour: Dark brown
    ?   Clothing: Normally jeans and a solid-color shirt, with grey tennis shoes; he has more professional clothing for more formal situations. He also wears glasses at all times, as he requires them to correct his nearsightedness.
Personality: Roark is overall quite shy, and generally does not speak to strangers unless spoken to, or if he needs something from them. However, he is quite friendly to those he has met before, and will often listen to his friends' problems and offer what advice he can give. It is very difficult to get him angry; however, one who makes him angry would do well to make amends, as Roark has been known to hold grudges for a long time. This is oddly contradictory to his dislike of hate, however.
    ?   Likes: Seafood, quiet places, being hugged, helping people
    ?   Dislikes: Bitter things, constant loud noise, hate
Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: All Roark really wants in life is to see the people close to him happy. He aspired to become a programmer when he was younger, but could not muster the required knowledge.
History/Background: Roark's past is relatively dull. He was the eldest of four children, born to a lower-middle-class family. Because of his slight socialization issues, he had few close friends and generally kept to himself, working on his programming aspirations through study of the Java and C++ languages. He was fairly recognized throughout his hometown of Bellevue, however, as his parents would often send him to run errands for them, which usually entailed borrowing from or returning items to neighbors or buying groceries from the local market.
One such errand took him to a dank and dark cave, where he was to look for a neighbor's lost wedding ring -- the man had lost it while spelunking in the cave and could not find it again. When Roark went inside to look for it, he ended up getting lost in one of the twisting passages and could not find his way back. Trying not to panic, and with his energy spent, he decided to sleep on it and find his way back in the morning.
When Roark woke, the cave looked...different, somehow. He resumed his search for the exit and, to his surprise, came across an underground bridge and the city beyond it. The city's *ahem* lively activity was a bit much for him, however, and he quickly passed through it only to come across a majestic palace. Figuring he could ask the residents for directions, he knocked on the door and was greeted by a pink-haired woman, who explained to him that he had found his way to the Palace of the Earth Spirits in Gensokyo's Former Hell, which didn't sound at all like any place Roark had heard of before.
The palace was unlike any building Roark had seen before, with its long hallways and ornate furnishings. The woman, who introduced herself as Satori Komeiji, allowed Roark to stay at the palace, as he did not have a home in Gensokyo to return to. Staying at the palace was...interesting, to say the least; Roark quickly found that Satori would sometimes finish his sentences for him, as if she was reading his mind. There were also a cat and raven, nicknamed Orin and Okuu respectively, living with the woman, and they could take on (mostly) human appearances; seeing these transformations was shocking at first, but as time passed, Roark became accustomed to the residents' oddities and accepted that he was, so to speak, not in Kansas anymore.
Roark offered Satori his services as an errand boy to earn his keep, much as he had back home. While he was still getting used to Gensokyo's oddities, such as Satori's mind-reading and youkai in general, he rather enjoyed this new world. Some of his errands took him outside the cave and into Gensokyo proper, allowing him to see more of the strange land he'd ended up in. This is not to say that activities in Chireiden were uninteresting: one day, the geyser that Okuu used to vent her nuclear power had been plugged, and Satori sent Orin out to investigate. The kassha later returned slightly bruised, but had solved the issue; a celestial named Tenshi Hinanai had decided to stir up trouble to cure her boredom. The next day, Roark answered the door to find that Tenshi and her guardian, Iku Nagae, had come to visit; apparently it was common practice in Gensokyo to have tea with the winners in disputes. Tenshi spent much of her time during that visit teasing Roark for having no powers, much to his chagrin, though Iku assured him that she was only doing so because she found him interesting for being a rare powerless human living among youkai with much power.
Fun Facts:
    ?   Roark's nearsightedness causes him to be quite clumsy when he's not wearing his glasses; he is prone to tripping over furniture if someone has decided to hide his glasses as a prank.
    ?   Due to his lack of powers, many of his errands take him to the human village to minimize his risk of running into hostile youkai. Normally, these errands entail buying medicine or food that cannot be made in Chireiden.


  • It's a cheer up charm!
  • *
  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden

Picture: /\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/
Name: Himiko
Gender: Female
Age:  16
Origin:  Definitely not Japan.
 Home:  Youkai Mountain (lives with Kasen)
Occupation :  Formerly a high school student, currently a freeloader.
 Visual Description: 
?   Hair colour: Very dark brown
?   Hairstyle: Longish and straight with bangs, parted down the middle.  Her eyebrows are on the thick side.  No hair accessories to speak of.
?   Eye colour: Dark brown.  Her left eye has turned to a rather suspicious shade of green.
?   Clothing: Dark blue jeans, brown sneakers, a grey-green t-shirt.  Overtop of this she wears a hooded white winter vest with fake brown fur lining the hood.  Her outfits vary, but they generally include some sort of article of clothing worn in the winter, such as a scarf, coat, or hat.  She has both pants and skirts in her possession, but doesn?t really show a preference towards either.

Personality: Himiko is rather shy, clamming up around strangers and people she doesn?t like.  Rather predictably, however, she is more open and talkative around friends.  It is then that one can see that she is imaginative and sensitive?to a fault.  Even then, Himiko tries to come off as more calm and collected.  In reality, she is just keeping careful guard around herself. 

Another thing about her is that she would rather not say anything at all than lie, instead avoiding telling the truth all together if necessary.  Thus she is rarely involved in conflict, preferring to watch everything play out and keep to herself as usual.
?   Likes: Drawing, sleeping, computers, video games, and stuffed toys.
?   Dislikes: Spiders, thunderstorms, needles, confrontations, and large crowds.


~ Learn how to fly, imperative.

Himiko has lived a normal existence.  Her school life?her entire childhood, really?could be summed up as ?trial and error?, making mistakes in elementary school that mucked up relationships and led to her being picked on throughout middle school.  Thus Himiko continued to spend her life normally, keeping to herself.  When she entered high school, however, she started sleeping more frequently and deeply.  Her waking hours were spent recording her dreams almost religiously.  She fell behind in her schoolwork, and it wasn?t long before she fell ill.

After being discharged from the hospital, Himiko was sent off to stay at her friend?s house for a few nights.  While walking there, she took a wrong turn and found herself in a completely different world: Gensokyo.  She had somehow ended up in a mountain range after taking a shortcut through the local park.  Confused out of her mind, Himiko wandered around lost for a few days before being found and taken home by Ibara Kasen, a hermit living in the area.  Himiko had nowhere to go and no way of returning home, so she ended up staying with Kasen.

After about a month of living in Gensokyo, one of Himiko?s brown eyes turned green.  Kasen wasn?t sure of why this was so, but Himiko eventually shrugged it off as something in the air.  Still, she too was worried, and started to wander away from her new home in search of magician or someone who could help her.  In the end, however, she wasn't able to find anything.

Theme:  (Optional)

Fun Facts (optional): 
~ Has an extremely high potential for magic, but lacks the capabilities of tapping into it. 
~ Low stamina and pain endurance, not good with hand to hand combat?or any sort of combat.  Unless she?s truly angry, she?s usually too scared to hurt anyone.
~ Her language is noticeably fouler when she?s talking to herself.

Additional Information/Background/History: (added later) 

Relationships: (added later)
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 12:51:49 AM by 日巫子 »

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Picture: (N/A)
Name: Jeremy Nezu
Gender: Male
Age: Early 20s
Origin: Upstate New York, United States

Home: Yakumo Household
Occupation: Freeloader, ideamonkey, household help, plaything (but mostly freeloader)

Visual Description:
Jeremy is a pale-skinned Caucasian punk of about average height, with a slightly scrawny build and a blue-eyed baby face that makes him look much younger than he really is. He has short, straight, generally unkempt black hair, neglected due to indifference about his appearance. Likewise, his clothing puts comfort and convenience ahead of style: He greatly prefers loose and simple clothing like t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and slacks, usually of flat and typical color. The only real concession he makes in appearance for his clothing is the occasional use of wanna-be-witty images, captions, or sayings on otherwise plain shirts. A recent favorite has been a plain black t-shirt with the phrase "Normal is too boring." For reasons even he's not clear on, he also always wears a vaguely conical rock on a chain around his neck, hidden beneath his shirt. He has a rather irrational obsession with never letting it leave his side, though the origin of the urge is unclear...

Jeremy is a cynical and somewhat irritable Touhou fanboy, with a habit of making wisecracks and challenging assumptions. Has a dry sense of humor, usually providing 'witty' one-line quips in response to the situation. Can be sweet-hearted if you get to know him well, but tends to be very slow to trust thanks to moderate paranoia. Loves his otaku references. Strongly believes more in the value of sentience and thought over race, species, or faction, to the point of possible na?vet?. Has a substantial anti-authoritarian streak and tends to be inherently wary of those in powerful or leadership positions; he also gets oddly upset over people acting submissive toward him, and may turn around to use that leverage to instead insist that he be treated normally. Typically tries to give people several chances and sincerely listen to people he disagrees with or dislikes, but can be vicious if his patience is completely lost. Extremely creative, which is his only real point of pride. Has a great appreciation for, and makes extensive use of, 'meta' concepts beyond the obvious layer of events. Romantically and sexually timid, yet surprisingly willing to face more physical fears and throw his life away for justice risk his life for the proper cause. Usually very practical, serious, and rational, but has a mischievous and mocking streak that surfaces from time to time - including decent tolerance for harmless mischief of others. Impatient, but very capable of wasting waiting time wandering in his own thoughts at the expense of his ability to pay attention. Has little respect for privacy and secrets, preferring open knowledge without a very good reason to keep things secret. Obsessive about and hard-working for his oft-changing current fancies, but lazy about just about everything else. Can be rather foul-mouthed, especially when angered. Is a long-time user of, and virtual citizen of, the internet, including a fairly long-standing interest in Touhou itself. Has fairly good self-restraint about following through on selfish or stupid whims. Somewhat self-deprecating and occasionally depressive. Easy to embarrass, especially by sexual issues.

Knowledge, thought, reason, understanding, openness, strawberries, cute things, fluffy/fuzzy animals
especially Rantails
, equality/egalitarianism, honesty, meta, intriguing stories, scheming/planning, being creative, figuring things out, discovery, entertainment, cuddling (occasionally), Touhou,
his long-distance boyfriend in the outside world

Manipulation, mindlessness, selfishness, spitefulness, deception, casual physical contact, having plans ruined or fail, conflict between friends, idle waiting, having to lie, authoritarian behavior, pride&the proud, being treated formally, small talk, drinking alcohol, doing stuff he doesn't want to, people messing with the rock-chain he wears,
himself (sometimes)

To enjoy himself, to avoid harming others, to amuse others, to live a simple life, to spread even unwanted truths through the world wherever he can, to break down the illusions of the manipulated - and to reveal Gensokyo to the outer world, so long as it would continue to exist.

In the outer world, Jeremy grew up as essentially your typical asocial geek: socially awkward and unpopular, preferring videogames and online interaction over more 'normal' activities. Aside from irregular depressive episodes and spending far too much time on MMORPGs, he did well for himself for the most part, with good grades and going to a decent college, ultimately settling on a major in psychology while pursuing his geeky hikkikomori ways whenever possible. In particular, he picked up an interest in the Touhou game series, a bunch of vertical-scrolling shumps based in the magical land of Gensokyo...

And that's where his memories get murky. He doesn't remember how he got in Gensokyo (though offhand evidence seems to suggest that Yukari gapped him in for one reason or another - what that would be, he's never gotten a good answer for), but he does remember eking out a meager existence in the human village for a while, preferring to go hungry rather than pawn off the aging laptop that came with him and being very timid about visiting or even speaking with the major figures he knew of from the Touhou series.

A chance meeting with Ran during one of her shopping trips to the village brought an end to that, after a rather bemused kidnapping by Yukari ultimately allowed him to freeload at the Yakumo household in exchange for entertaining the gap youkai. Even after several months of this, Jeremy's still in disbelief about having Yukari's attention like that, and suspects an ulterior motive - but despite politely asking about it once or twice, he's never gotten a satisfactory answer for why she keeps him around.

His best guess is that Yukari somehow sensed his less than benign desire to reveal Gensokyo to the outer world. How he'd manage to do that he isn't sure; perhaps via the internet. (He can't quite remember whether there was access in the human village, and doesn't plan to risk trying to visit to find out, but it would explain his refusal to surrender the laptop.) This would explain why Yukari would bring him over; to keep a close eye on him to make it impossible to get away with while also having him available to taunt and tease in the meantime, if only with the functional, high-speed connection available at the household. Jeremy's been careful never to accuse her of this, but he's getting less hopeful that there will be an opportunity to sneak evidence out within his lifetime.

But in the meantime, he's mostly trying to enjoy himself. He still lurks many of the same sites and chatrooms he was at before coming to Gensokyo, with the cover story of getting an excellent 'job offer' in Japan with a rather secretive group that treats him well enough that he's willing to respect that secrecy. (The part he doesn't say, since Yukari could obviously scan his message logs for anything undesirable: "For now.") He's also taken to playing along with, taking in stride, or even inspiring some of Yukari's mischievous shenanigans, and helping with Ran's housework when it suits him. A peaceful and pleasant, if relatively dull, existence, but lately he's been getting the nagging feeling that something's not quite right...

For the time being, Season 1 events and implications will be left alone.

Normal - ???
Serious - ???
Angry - ???
Mischievous - ohgodwhat

Fun Facts:
"Nezu" is not Jeremy's original last name; he started using it in Gensokyo after being annoyed at people mispronouncing his real last name. What that name is, he doesn't tend to tell people.

A side effect of Jeremy's runaway attempts at creativity and cleverness is a tendency to come up with odd nicknames for people, often arising from once-removed word association or focus on a particular trait of theirs. These names aren't always very nice, so he tries not to use them publicly. Usually.

 Jeremy's knowledge of the Touhou series and surrounding internet treatment gives him rather extensive knowledge of most major figures in Gensokyo, though the numerous conflicting fanmade personalities result in a lot of uncertainty and possible misconceptions about them on his part. That, and a lot of people get creeped out by him knowing so much without having ever met...

Jeremy has little skill in combat or magic, having only taken a year or two of sub-black-belt karate and receiving no formal training with the magic of Gensokyo. Despite this, he recalls figuring out two minor spells on his own - a very limited ability to conjure up food for himself, and turning a blade of grass into a very sloppy decoy of himself that would probably only fool a fairy. He hasn't bothered trying to use them in ages, and he doesn't remember how he picked them up, but he's pretty sure he's done it before...

Additional Information/Background/History:


Yukari generally treats Jeremy as a plaything, source of amusement, and occasionally mischief advisor. When she isn't sleeping the day away, Yukari sometimes drop in on Jeremy while he's at the computer or however else he's occupied and interrupts. At its most benign this tends to turn into asking what he's up to, prying to embarrass him, and exchanging quips with him about stupid internet memes or whatever mischief Yukari's been making recently; other times it's closer to Jeremy grumbling in annoyance as he dances for Yukari's amusement (sometimes literally, but more often by stoically playing along with or putting up with some sort of elaborate prank, ranging from random lake-dunking to brasserie blindfolds to exceptionally elaborate Portal references). On occasion, he'll provide some sort of mischievous prank for Yukari to play around with, or suggest expansions for an existing one (such as hanging undergarments from each of the Scarlet Devil Mansion's residents from the mansion's spires, rather than just one of them).

While this pranking and teasing is generally good-natured and the two get along fairly well, Jeremy's patience is limited, and on a few occasions he's actually worked up the courage (or anger) to actually ask her not to go to certain extremes, particularly in the realm of molestation and other direct sexuality. Amazingly, she actually listens most of the time - something Jeremy finds very strange considering Yukari's personality, but isn't about to question. Odder still is the more recent trend of him successfully managing to gently persuade Yukari to tone down two or three particularly mean pranks, something that surprised everyone in the household...

Jeremy is mostly timid around Ran: between repressing unsafe fanboy urges, guilt over relying on her housework with so little given in return, and fear of retaliation for becoming integrated into the Yakumo 'household' without Ran's express approval, he's decided the safest course of action is to tread carefully. He prefers to stay out of Ran's way as much as possible, treating her politely and nervously avoiding confrontation or even proximity with her when feasible. So far, Yukari hasn't abused this fear TOO much.

On occasion, Jeremy will pull himself away from random internet idiocy long enough to quietly handle simple household chores when Ran is otherwise occupied, as a silent and rather feeble apology for his freeloading. And one time, he DID happen to encounter Ran as she was brushing her tails... she accepted a hasty offer to help with the task, leading Jeremy into the rather stressful situation of blissfully fulfilling one of his shallow fanboy dreams while forcing him to desperately resist the temptation to grab an armful of tails, bury his cheeks in it, and end up with his trachea forcefully confiscated. He did manage to make it through without really embarrassing himself, but even with that friendly encounter, Ran remains silent about her own opinions...

Jeremy and Chen see each other often enough during her visits the Yakumo home between wanderings through Gensokyo, but the two rarely speak with each other. Since Ran is somewhat protective of Chen, Jeremy has tried to avoid getting involved with the nekomata to avoid her master's wrath... but instead, Chen's shown some curiosity about him. Jeremy's managed to avoid having to answer her for the most part with Ran or Yukari around to annoy him, but she did manage to corner him for a brief interview once while the 'greater' Yakumos were occupied. (With what, Jeremy is reluctant to guess at.)

Jeremy was rather nervous during that main talk with Chen, but it was a friendly exchange: Chen proved to be completely adorable, and Jeremy couldn't resist the temptation to suggest some cute antics for her to try to please Ran-shama. Whether she made use of them, he isn't sure - and hopes that Ran won't attack him for interfering.

Jeremy does not like to travel (even by gap) and would rather not risk visiting the major players of Gensokyo that he knows of, but as Yukari's plaything any particularly strong whims of hers take precedence. So far she seems to be content with mostly annoying him at home, but she's brought him along to a few other places for her amusement. 'To where' will be left ambiguous for future exploitation!
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Okay, things are getting really close to having everything set up well enough to start off, I think. We're just missing two profiles, and I'd like to get confirmation about resolution for a few remaining character claim conflicts:

People that have signed up but have not yet posted a profile:

- Gappy
- Moerin

I know Gap is incredibly busy (and I haven't seen her for a few days honestly) but we're going to need these sooner or later. Moerin, like I've said before, if you want help putting together your profile, just ask me here or in the IRC chat.

Existing character claim conflicts:

Zengar + Trance

Acidus + Himiko

Acidus + rdj

rdj + Yono

Rin Satsuki:
Moerin + Zengar

NOTE: These markings are based on what characters are listed without strikethroughs in peoples' original signup posts; if these have been resolved, I would like the 'surrendering' person to strikethrough their previous claim to make it clear what the decision is. (For example, I'm pretty sure Himiko gave up Parsee, but it isn't crossed off in her signup here, and has now marked it off as requested, while rdj has very clearly marked giving up Hina and Nitori.)

Let me know on IRC or here once you've edited those so I can mark off the claim conflicts here!

Potential late returns from Season 1 and resulting character conflicts:

- Had Yuyuko, Youmu, and Kogasa
Yuyuko claim could conflict with Someome/YuyukoYukari.

- Had Satori, Koishi, and Merlin?
Satori could conflict with rdj, but I'm pretty sure she's not a priority for him - shouldn't be an issue.
Koishi would conflict with Acidus.

Madness Chaser
- Had Eirin and... was that it?
Might be signing up too late, gonna talk to Gap about it.

Has dropped. Flan is open and should no longer be an issue.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 08:44:42 PM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
My conflicts, they are over. Hooray!


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Okay I'm a lazy ass but it's about time to do this.


I'm probably gonna be fairly lenient about stuff here, but I'm also going to provide warnings about things that I see that could become problematic if not handled well.

Adri, Annalessa: OK
An 'empty shell' character will be interesting to work with, especially given the emotional nature of things that will eventually be relevant. No explicit supernatural abilities makes this easy to accept.

Jana, Jan: OK
A returning character with little reason to reject. There's a little detail missing, I guess, but nothing too concerning. Just be careful about the extent of magic use in the future - given the option, Patch and Koa are the experts, after all.

Kakyoin, Ken: OK
It's... certainly usable, but I'm definitely getting an 'all-around hero' vibe from him that makes me wary. Careful not to go overboard with it; don't forget that this guy was mostly a student and sports player, rather than a fighter.

LordVant, Vant: OK
Brute force/martial art specialization is alright, but remember that it has limits, especially as a human in Gensokyo. I can buy being an okay match for Meiling in martial arts, I guess, but not in danmaku as well.

Anathe, Hiroko: OK
Interesting. Her... influences are subtle and non-invasive, which is quite acceptable. I suspect they'll come into play more in the future - just be careful to keep their consequences in proportion and/or remain quiet until the scope they'd have is reasonable for current game events.

Trance, Hirowaza: OK
Another one to be careful with, but some IRC discussion and using VIVIT for scaling excuses makes me comfortable enough. Keep it synergistic.

Yonowaaru, Umbron: OK
A bit bare-bones, but okay. Just keep the swordmaster shenanigans in scope.

Erebus, Owlbear: OK
Based on IRC talk, apparently toned down significantly from season 1, possibly for the better (though was he really that strong then?). No real concerns to speak of.

Rabbit, Daimon: Needs some modification
As I warned, while the character and history are appropriate, it needs to lead back to starting off in Gensokyo, though the exact reasons for it can be left unclear. I'm not sure if there should be as many references to Season 1 events as there are, but I'd be willing to let that much slide.

Zengar, Wodan: OK
Nothing to complain about here. Quite good.

Anthony, Joey: OK
Also quite appropriate. A good amount of wandering connections, but nothing to complain about.

Etch, Etch: OK
Nothing to complain about offhand, unless there's some world-changing secret in that laptop. :V Let's just not have a repeat of Ria's antics, shall we?

nemoma, Amarillo: Please revamp
As discussed on IRC a day or two ago, the current version (April 26) is pretty much the Season 1 one without any revisions or updates... and I'll admit powers and such for Amarillo have always concerned me a bit. Let me know if you need any help updating it, but I'm not confident with it as it is.

Sectimonious, Hugh: OK
Pretty interesting. Sure thing.

YuyukoYukari, Yuki: OK
Very cute. :P No complaints to speak of.

Kanjou, Tsunade: OK
I like it. I suppose... don't go overboard with whatever that "mysterious girl" she runs into is? That's the only real concern I can try for.

rdj, Roark OK
Fine. No concerns to speak of; hopefully, if I helped out with it. :[

Himiko, Himiko: OK
I like the character, and it sounds like a good setup. Just be careful how far "great potential for magic" ends up going in the near future, I guess?

E-mouse, Jeremy: Bullshit
what the fuck is this shit i asked for a profile not a novel SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP


A rough plan/outline is in mind for the restart scenario and post that I may end up writing some stuff for soon, but again, I'd like to get a final few things sorted out. I still need to get final answers from Xan and Gpop, and there are still two profiles unwritten so far.

Thanks for the patience, everybody @_@
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 05:18:21 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

No problem! I'll try to add some more in the afternoon, I kinda left it unfinished, soo..


  • I'm a strange type of crazy...the one you love and fear
  • Do not challenge the gateguard
>I can buy being an okay match for Meiling in martial arts, I guess, but not in danmaku as well.
>Vant vs. danmaku
not a chance in hell...aside from dodging....on the ground....where I can't do much anyway..other than PAWNCH



  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
>It's... certainly usable, but I'm definitely getting an 'all-around hero' vibe from him that makes me wary. Careful not to go overboard with it; don't forget that this guy was mostly a student and sports player, rather than a fighter.

I have mechanisms in place (read: plans) to prevent this from happening. One example: my character does not have much actual combat experience with ANY of his skills, and it will show. He was training to become a well-rounded, capable fighter, but his training was cut very short by the Neo WufTD events.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 05:48:45 AM by kakyoin01 »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
  • *
  • I am the leader of TCF <3
    • TCF's Gaming Channel
I like it. I suppose... don't go overboard with whatever that "mysterious girl" she runs into is? That's the only real concern I can try for.

Don't worry about it. The mysterious girl is just a... how do I describe it... someone who won't make an appearance in the game bar Tsunade thinking she saw her. Like a 'do I keep seeing her out of the corner of my eye' thing. I know the rules, so I won't break them; it might give me room to make a side-story out of it in PSL though once the game has gone on for a while. (Has too many ideas.)

Thank you either way; I look forward to getting started with this. XD

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something

Nothing to complain about offhand, unless there's some world-changing secret in that laptop.

I can assure you, there are no such things. If anything, Etch might end up getting a new laptop with a longer battery life.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Time for Hirowaza to go back to basics!

* TranceHime eyes the pile of Wooden Swords on the table.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Name : 林 希莹 / Amarillo Viridian
Picture: Art By BorisX
Gender : Female
Age : looks 12.
Actual Age : 16

Background Story:
She was created by NOD (Yes, that NOD) using a gene template from another deminsion to figure out how her template's ability (which is telepathy and healing animals in that deminsion) works and how it can be turned into militiry use. She was never awakened and goes by the codename "HEALER". However, before the experiment even started, the Chrono Agents, who are a group of humans with abilities related to time control broke into the lab as a step of "fixing history" and bring her back to their time-frame.
Upen discover the truth behind her and NOD's experiment, the leader of Chrono Agents, GA-01 林仙凤, decided that the best way of stopping her from their enemy's hands (and possibly cruel experiments) is to make her one of them instead. Thus, her DNA is once again modifyed by the Chrono Agents, and GA-01 put part of her own personality in it to finish the thought system. Thus awakened her.
She was giving the name 林希莹 and the Number 4 in their ranks, and is giving a chance to Serve as a Chrono Agent for her ability of Telepathy, or being protected and live a normal life. She choose the later.
Thus, she was sent to Gensokyo instead.
However, it seems luck is never on her. She was dropped into Gensokyo in the exact moments when NOD and FARGO(A cult whose goal is to use people with abilities for unlimited power) invaded Gensokyo for the Youkais. The only lucky thing about it, is that she falls on Koakuma, who acts as the cover in the retreating of SDM. At that point her new power awakened that enable her to talk telepathly with the fairies in Gensokyo and eventually the two fend off the pursuits and retreated to Hakurei Shrine.
After the threat of NOD and FARGO are all clear. She lives in a hut that's on the edge of Forest Of Magic.
Short before the incident which destroys Gensokyo, she learned the existence of Satsuki Rin, who perferres to be far from other's. After learning the exact nature of Gensokyo Fairies, she developed the ability to synchorize their thoughts and merge with them.
Amarillo is the name she chooses around that date, to remind her of her abilities' origin.
Amarillo is alarmed of the collapse of Gensokyo by her collagues in the Chrono Agent Team, that gives her planty of time to call upon Lily White, A fairy she trusts the most and get out of there before anything bad happens. Luckily, all of her fairy friends made it out. She first get help by a minor Chrono Agent member and even has a home of herself in the Town Shop Tourist Helpers. She is proved to be a reliable, caring and gentle girl in other's eyes.
She fought with her friends and companions....
She enlisted other's help....
And she is back in Gensokyo for now.....
But Is her fight ended?
The Story Continues On.

Amarillo looks like a Grade 7 Girl with long blonde hair tied into a single ponytail. There is no other special visual qualities about her - she can perfectly merge and hide into a large crowd of people. She has a Chrono Agent Uniform but never wears it, instead she keep her own emblem - A Four Leaf Clover and pin it on a large straw hat that she wears. Her usual jacket and jeans also has that clover motif. Her eye color is blue, however the colors of her hair and eyes will change when she merges with a Fairy.

Amarillo perferred to sort thing out with talks and brains, She dislikes violence, but will resort to them when things gets tough. Overall she is kind and easy-going, perhaps too easy-going that others may think that she is really 12 year old. She took that as an advantage. Under that cover she is actually very calm and concreated.

Not-So-Fun Facts - How her ability works:

(no, you can totally ignore the detailed parts, just know that when she merges with the fairy the fairy's own ability is amplified and she gain's Amarillo's stats.)

Amarillo Viridian's ability is officially named Fairy Synchro. This ability enables her to telepathically commute with all fairies from Gensokyo within a 2km radius. However, the most important trait of this ability is that by clear her mind she can merge with one of them. The merge or a fusion results in the fairy temporary gains Amarillo's memory, knowledge and mindset, with the fairy's elemental properies and wings intact. Also, even without a mana source like Gensokyo itself. Amarillo's energy will be enough to keep the fairies alive and their ability working. The radius of this energy sharing is 700m, outside of that range, the fairies begin to lose their fairy traits until they become as weak as normal humans.
Some of Amarillo's stronger forms (or rather, some of the strong fairies when they ampifyed themselves via Amarillo's powers) include:

Amarillo GALE
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Green
Element : Rain/Restore
Amarillo with Daiyousei AKA Gale, in this form she controls the element Rain, and she can extend the life energy sharing from fairies into other species, too bad this won't actually heal them like the fairies did. She can stay longer in this form without exhause her self that much thanks to the Restore Element she gains.

Amarillo SUNNY
Hair Color: light yellow
Eye Color: Brown
Element : Light/Mirror
Amarillo with Sunny Milk, nothing special is enabled or disabled besides Sunny's ability to manulupite the reflection of Light.

Amarillo STAR
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Element : Light/Eternal
Amarillo with Star Sapphire, nothing special is enabled or disabled besides the better sense she gains via Star's ability.

Amarillo MOON
Hair Color: Light Yellow
Eye Color: Brown
Element: Light/Sound
Amarillo with Luna Child, in this form she can alter people closely surrounds her so they hear things projected from her. It could be a music piece, or Amarillo's thoughts.

Amarillo LW
Hair Color: Unchanged
Eye Color: Red
Element: Spring/Birth
Amarillo with Lily White, this is the form she had taken most, since this form enables her to telepathly commute with anyone in a 100m radius thanks to Lily White's Spring Element, however it's limited to sending only, if she wants to read people's thoughts or perform anything that involves using Telepathy to change one's thoughts, she will be drained fast and can only perform for 5 minutes before needing to rest.

Amarillo LB
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Element: Judgement/Rebirth
Amarillo with Lily Black, this form enables her use her energy to release lightening-like energy waves. However it's driven on Telepathy and is very exhausting. Plus, she is really not with Lily Black for most of the time since Lily Black thinks that her gentle nature makes her "too soft".

If Amarillo merges with Cirno, Cirno will completely burn her down when using her original Ice Powers, in fact, last time she did so it killed Amarillo outright. Luckily being from a different Time-Frame, her death can be averted by simply construct another body and bind it with her "soul" again. However it's assumed that this form can freeze everything in a certain radius.

Fun? Facts:
When Amarillo sleeps, there is absolutely nothing that can awake her. She can be killed by simply stab her when she's sleeping. That's why one of the fairies will ask to act as her guard whenever she's asleep. It's not like that fairies need that much sleep anyway.
All of Amarillo's life skills is entered as Modules and can be easily added when she's in her old timeframe. However she don't need all of the skills and took only cooking instead.
Even though Amarillo's created, that don't count her as an android or robot, she is 100% human.

Daiyousei, Cirno, Lily White : +++
Lily Black, Three fairies of light : ++
SDM crew, Subterrain crew: + Due to her 1st encounter in Gensokyo, and similiar ability to Satori.
Everything else in Gensokyo : Neutral
She don't really hate anyone currently.

Theme: Normal : Y.W - Heart Is Life
               ??? : Cranky - EVERGREEN
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 10:15:15 PM by Refreshing Lillian »

Break anything that stands between you and them!

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Player Name: Xan
Returning character: Yes
Team Name: (don't remember...)
Character Name: Shoko
Character Gender: Female
Team Members:
Konpaku Youmu
Saigyouji Yuyuko
Tatara Kogasa

Name: Shoko Kagemaru
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Origin: Kyoto, Japan.
 Home:    Hakugyokurou
Occupation : Cook.
 Visual Description:
?   Hair colour: Black
?   Hairstyle: Long, straight hair
?   Eye colour: Brown
?   Clothing: EGL style, Green, orange, and black.

?   Likes: Cute things, hugs, relaxation, robots.
?   Dislikes: Hot days, mosquitoes, serious people.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: Continuing relaxing lifestyle.
History/Background: Arrived in Gensokyo in a mysterious incident a few years previous and, for survival's sake, put her talents cooking to use where they'd most be of use: Feeding Yuyuko. Fairly normal life prior, what more need be said?

Theme:  More...
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Any lengthy OOC discussion goes here!  :3

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
  • *
  • I am the leader of TCF <3
    • TCF's Gaming Channel
Well, I won't class it is 'lengthy' but I'll probably post in here a fair bit.

Side note: YAY! It's finally up! And such a good starting post too. A couple of things to ask though...

1) Our fluffy Kirby look-alike. By the sounds of what you said, we can say what it does to us. However, does this mean that we decide what it drops or does that decision come down to you? This I want to make certain of before I type anything.

2) With our Kirby look-alike heading into the skies, I some how don't think it'll reach me on my first write-up (well, in my head anyway.) He/she doesn't have to be in the opening part of our write-up does it? If not, I can do a more feasible explanation (or wait for someone to progress it enough for me to make a better connection to me) of how it makes its way to me. This way, it actually gives me a nice chance to set up everything before the next post in the timeline.

These are my questions for the time being. Thank you for getting this up, by the way. I have been looking forward to this so much! <3


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Thanks. :3

In answer to your questions -

1) You can decide what it drops. Nothing that grants superpowers, please. Simple, mundane treasures and food. Maybe it shoots them as danmaku? Hmm, there's a thought.

2) The god of plenty doesn't have to feature in your first post, no. Still, it's a good starting point and a way to join the rest of the crowd. Also, it might not necessarily stay up in the sky. It might drop and bounce about along the ground or something. Just use your imagination. Nothing about Kirby the god of plenty is set in stone. :3

Yuyuko Yakumo

  • Carry me~ow
  • Rawr I eat your face with maaaaaagicalness
Wait, we're supposed to follow the Kirby thing to the shrine? I kinda just let it bounce away.
I know, I know. I'll get a real avatar and signature soon. -_-


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
The Kirby thing is bouncing around erratically, dropping food and invitations wherever it goes. Hitting it would probably produce more, but isn't necessary to find some of them dropped along the way.

Also, Yono, there's some relatively minor issues with your current post (and regrettably the backstory set up for Murasa that I didn't notice earlier but is easy to remedy):

1. Timestamps/timeline: Pinky puffball didn't eat and run at the Hakurei Shrine until at least 6 AM, realistically significantly later: It wouldn't have left invitations there until a while later. Move at least that timestamp up at least half an hour (preferably more), and/or cover it more as Aya reporting on her latest scoop after a quick investigation of the puffball without trying to stop it for whatever reason.

2. Somehow I didn't notice/point out the part about the Holy Palanquin ending up on Youkai Mountain in your profile. Unfortunately this is directly contradictory to canon (it was used as a base for the main Myouren Temple in the human village), so hopefully it won't be a problem to rework that a little. A branch shrine in the tengu village would make sense, and hopefully having it be generic instead of the Palanquin itself won't cause any trouble for your plans. Sorry I didn't catch this earlier. orz

I'll also hopefully have a list of minor curiosities going on (mostly Nemo's ideas) that I should have pointed out earlier available later on for consideration; just a couple of odd things going on in Gensokyo that aren't quite normal, but aren't Incident-worthy. Possibly just fairy antics, but...~
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
  • *
  • I am the leader of TCF <3
    • TCF's Gaming Channel

2) The god of plenty doesn't have to feature in your first post, no. Still, it's a good starting point and a way to join the rest of the crowd. Also, it might not necessarily stay up in the sky. It might drop and bounce about along the ground or something. Just use your imagination. Nothing about Kirby the god of plenty is set in stone. :3

Don't worry, I have an idea of sorts. In fact, with how many people are planting the inclusion of our lovely fluffy friend, I've got a decent time that should work out for me (and hopefully everyone else.) Fluff-ball will be included in my 2nd part (still writing) when a couple more chirp in.

Also, yes, that was me posting just now in my character profile. Don't be confused.  :3 I did say I had a lot of ideas.

And Nazrin... I hope mine is ok. I had to have a character with a journal of sorts.  :derp: [Hides away for thinking too much.]

The first thing has been fixed, gotta have some continuity, right? Sorry about not seeing that...

The second part... In my backstory thing, I kinda wrote that the palanquin had moved to the mountain. If that is too barring or something, I'll try to remove it and think of something else.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
The second part... In my backstory thing, I kinda wrote that the palanquin had moved to the mountain. If that is too barring or something, I'll try to remove it and think of something else.

Unfortunately, I didn't notice it then and think about it enough to properly point it out. But it WAS used as the main foundation for the temple in the human village, and I don't think revising it into a branch shrine (that Murasa handles solo for some reason, probably personality traits that help her get along better with the tengu than with humans) would cause much trouble. Sorry for the hassle, but I think this would be for the better and shouldn't be TOO much trouble.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

All righty! I don't mind at all, just so you know. A branch shrine would do fine. I'll change it somewhere in the near future.


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Sorry that this is so late.  Sorry sorry sorry sorry. >.<

But, uh, here goes nothing...

Picture: (Obviously not mine, but I can't seem to find the original link.  Oh well.)
Name: Nathanial Theodore Wrist (Nate for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Origin: Ambiguously British.  Was born in Edinburgh, but moved around the country a lot whilst he was growing up.
Home: An apartment above his bookstore.
Occupation: Nate owns a small bookstore in the Human Village that specialises in texts from the outside world, more specifically books published after the border went up (so works of the 20th-21st centuries).  It doesn't get that much business, but enough people shop there to allow Nate to survive.
Visual Description: Tall, but very thin and pale.  Nate's body structure and soft facial features tend to give him a somewhat effeminate appearance.
?   Hair colour: Brownish-blond
?   Hairstyle: Messy and wild, mostly because Nate never bothers actually doing anything with it.  When he first entered Gensokyo it was pretty long, reaching halfway down his back, but for unknown reasons he recently had it cut to just above shoulder length.
?   Eye colour: Dark blue
?   Clothing: Nate doesn't put much thought into what he wears, and generally belongs to the "jeans and t-shirt" contingent.  Most of the clothes he bought himself are black.  More recently, however, Reisen has taken it upon herself to make him more presentable and has bought him a new wardrobe, which is noticably brighter than his old one.  Nate is shortsighted, and thus wears a pair of glasses with small, rectangular lenses.

Personality: Cheerful and polite to everyone he meets.  Unless he's behind the counter, Nate is very shy and reserved, and usually rather quiet, but once he gets started talking it's very difficult to get him to stop.  He's also somewhat eccentric, and has a reputation for harbouring some rather strange ideas (even for someone living in Gensokyo).  A pacifist by nature, Nate will only ever fight out of self-defence, or if something or someone he cares about is being threatened and/or in danger.  Although he is usually rather cheerful, he is prone to the occasional bout of severe melancholy, although this has become a less common occurance since he met Reisen and the Watatsuki sisters.  Whilst Nate is generally a somewhat silly, bumbling and kind of lazy character, when he gets serious he really gets serious, to the point that he is almost frighteningly hyper-efficient.

?   Likes: Books (especially old and/or rare volumes have been known to make him act like a squeeing schoolgirl), figuring out "the truth" (what Nate actually means by this is unknown, but at least he's pretty fervant about it), cute things, super robot anime, aliens, time travellers, espers, sliders, and
that one cute blonde girl with the weird musical instrument that he keeps seeing around town but can never work up the guts to talk to.
?   Dislikes: Obvious solutions (nothing is ever so simple!), the single cabal of powerful individuals (dating back to ancient Egypt) directing the course of human history that the common man prefers to believe don't exist, Japanese food, people who mishandle books, and that nagging feeling that somehow he's getting everything wrong and there is no conspiracy (complete nonsense, I know, but you have to keep an open mind to every possibility).

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: To unravel the conspiracy he just knows is all around him, to get to the truth no matter what, to somehow keep his book store running even whilst doing this, and finally,
to somehow always be surrounded by cute girls~ ^_^V
History/Background: Nate was always kind of weird, to be fair.  Most people tend to have some strange ideas whilst they're children, but he's never really let go of them even after reaching adulthood.  Whilst he was growing up, his parents kept moving from job to job, and so he spent a lot of time moving about the country.  As such, he was never really able to make any deep friendships, and mostly spent his time reading.  He's... Not entirely sure why, but at some point in his late teens he ended up in Gensokyo, a land of myth and magic hidden away in secret from the outside world ("Called it.") and, with nothing really better to do, he set up his book store in the Human Village.

About a year after entering Gensokyo, Nate somehow came into contact with the Watatsuki sisters, Yorihime and Toyohime, and their servant Reisen.  The three were seeking lodgings, as they were on a diplomatic mission for the Moon Kingdom to Gensokyo, and Nate, not being one to pass up the opportunity to help out some beautiful alien princesses and their cute bunnygirl, gleefully offered to let them stay at his place for as long as they needed.  A few years have passed since then, and Nate is starting to regret being so charitable, as they still haven't left.  But as long as they're not causing too much trouble, he puts up with his Lunarian guests (besides, in Nate's eyes the downfalls of the arrangement are more than made up for by the fact that his lodgers are, y'know, really hot alien women.)

Recently, Nate has started noticing a strange girl hanging around the Human Village, possessed of an ethereal, somewhat melancholic beauty.  He'd really like to get to know her, but he can never seem to work up the nerve to approach her, and anytime he thinks he has she always seems to have disappeared before he can approach her.  Asking about her around the village tends to get baffled looks from everyone, as no girl matching the description Nate gives of her has been seen anywhere near the village.

Theme: Normal theme - Try Again
"Serious Time" theme - Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite

Fun Facts (optional):

Additional Information/Background/History: (added later)

Relationships (added later)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 08:08:41 PM by Theorin »
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Moerin: OK
Looks good, Moerin! (  '  3 ' )b so when are we getting your first story post
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Ooops, how can the GM play without her own profile? :P

Name: Mitaka
Gender: Male
Age:  18
Origin:  London, UK
 Home:  Hakurei Shrine
Occupation :  Live-in shrine caretaker
 Visual Description: 
?   Hair colour : Black
?   Hairstyle    : Messy bed-hair
?   Eye colour : Hazelnut
?   Clothing     : Just a rather worn hakama and gi at the moment

He's a rather laidback, easygoing person who enjoys good jokes, good friends, and a good life. He can be a bit sarcastic sometimes but he's a compassionate person at heart. He is simple, naive, lacks personal ambition. Fiercely passionate about helping others. Couldn't stand still when people are suffering before him. Has something that can pass for intelligence under casual observation, but not exactly good with reading situations and reading between the lines. Can make up plans on the fly, however. He values his friends and family more than anything.

?   Likes          : Laughter, jokes, witty people, good food, good friends, music, Gensokyo
?   Dislikes      : Lame jokes, people who take jokes too seriously, spicy food, darkness, heights

- Live a nice, simple, peaceful life.
- Learn more about the Gensokyo that Reimu protects.
- Help Reimu protect Gensokyo.
- Keep those he cherishes safe from harm.
- One day show his friends in Gensokyo the beauty of the world outside, particularly London.
- One day actually defeat Suika in a drinking game.
- Learn to fly properly to avoid having to ride Genji around all the time.
- Somehow get more people to donate more to the Hakurei shrine.

A former Japanese expatriate who was raised in Britain. He had returned to Japan for what he thought was going to be a brief holiday during his gap-year. For reasons unknown, he somehow ended up in Gensokyo, finding himself lost and alone in the forest of Magic. He stumbled around for 2 weeks, narrowly escaping becoming youkai food a good few times. He was finally rescued by Reimu when he was on the verge of becoming spider food alongside Cirno and Rumia. Reimu offered him shelter for a while and they quickly became good friends.

Theme:  (Optional)

Fun Facts: 
- Is nicknamed 'Taka-kun' by Reimu.
- Is nicknamed 'Deodorant' by Jeremy Nezu. Probably a play on the Armpit joke.
- Reimu is nicknamed 'Armpits' by the very same Jeremy. Probably good to note.

Additional Information/Background/History: (added later) 

- Reimu (Benefactor, Boss, Close Friend) - Reimu is a saviour to whom Mitaka owes his life. When he first met her, she was shut in, isolated and struggling with poverty. Mitaka has since worked hard to help her open up, interact more with those around her, as well as help her with earning money in and around the human village. For some strange reason, they didn't quite feel like strangers when they first met. It's as if they had always known one another. Now a few years have gone by and they've become, at the very least, close friends.

- Marisa (Friend, Fellow Prankster)

- Alice (friend? Mostly target of teasing. She seems to loathe him.) -

- Suika (Close friend, Adopted Little Sister, Fellow Prankster)

- Ruukoto (Friend, Family?)

- Byakuren (A bit more than an acquaintance, something of a friend)

- Jeremy Nezu (Friend, fellow outsider) - Mitaka first met Jeremy through a certain Yukari Yakumo, frequent visitor and tea-moocher at the shrine. At first glance Mitaka thought 'gap's boy toy'. For some reason, he seemed quite familiar. Either way, they became friends of sorts. It was inevitable, considering how often Yukari crashes the shrine.

- Vant (Acquaintance, rival?, Fellow Outsider) - Mitaka considers Vant his 'counterpart' at the Moriya shrine, though he kind of envies the fact that he's treated more like an honoured guest there.

- Yuki (Acquaintance, Customer, Fellow Outsider) - Mitaka met Yuki on one of his visits to the human village while pedaling fortunes and charms on behalf of the shrine. He particularly enjoys her violin playing - something not too common in Gensokyo, and decided to frequent her performances whenever he passes through the village.

- Ken (Acquaintance, fellow outsider) - Mitaka's aware of Ken, an outsider living in the human village. Being the caretaker of the Hakurei Shrine, Mitaka also takes care of the human village register, keeping tabs on births, deaths, new arrivals and departures. Keine came along and reported Ken's arrival at one point and since then Mitaka has made a point of visiting him and making his acquaintance one day.

- Hugh (Acquaintance, customer, fellow outsider) - Mitaka had been taken by surprise when he found a fellow outsider selling produce at the farmer's market. He has since developed great respect for Hugh and his great knowledge of agriculture and how easily and quickly he had integrated himself into the farming community of the human village.

- Hiroko (Friend, Fellow Outsider) - A rather strange friend who's always friendly yet mysterious. Mitaka could not quite understand her fully. He understands even less how she manages to survive in the perilous darkness of the underground around the Ancient City. She seemed strangely familiar, even on their first meeting, and, her being so forward and friendly, they quickly became, at the very least, friends. Mitaka relies on her for help getting in and out of the Ancient City, particularly past her friend, the rather jealous bridge princess, who seems to hold a grudge against him for some reason.

- Hirowaza (Friend? Fellow Outsider) - Mitaka doesn't quite understand Hirowaza. He knows quite well that Hirowaza's close friend, Meira, has something against the Hakurei, thus the distance she keeps. Hirowaza on the other hand has, on occasion, chatted with Mitaka. He still seems quite distant after all this time though. Mitaka feels he's met Hirowaza before somewhere, but couldn't quite place it....

- Tsunade (Acquaintance, Fellow Outsider) - Mitaka has bumped into her several times, mainly when he comes down to the Ancient City, either to extract Suika out of the drunken company of her oni friends, or on errands to the city that somehow always inevitably end with trouble with Yuugi, who just can never get enough of challenging newcomers (for some reason she could never commit Mitaka to memory and thus as far as she's concerned he's always fresh meat). He's quite fascinated by her singing and thinks quite highly of it.

- Himiko (Acquaintance, Fellow Outsider) - As far as Mitaka is concerned, Ibara Kasen is an enigma, and so is everything that has anything to do with her. Himiko is one of them. Mitaka is under the impression that Himiko is a fellow hermit and he feels great respect for that. He knows he himself would never be able to make that dedication.

- Umbron (Acquaintance, fellow outsider) - Mitaka's aware of Umbron, him being a fellow outsider. He hasn't met him much though, seeing as he lives in a secluded area up in the mountains.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 12:28:09 AM by Gappy »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
re; my first post


Gappy, Mitaka: OK?
It looks good, though established relationships with most of the existing cast may throw a wrench into a few plans (like most of my stuff with Jer not knowing him, and overcoming the reclusiveness of some of the others). If anyone gets thrown off by that too much, it might be worth trying to smooth over sometime. (Though I'd rather do that in chat with you if we get the chance.)


The thorough readers may have noticed something about a list of mini-incidents late in the fucking 20 pages of reading thrown in your general direction. If you noticed without reading this, congratulations!

While the details of these aren't intended to be widely public knowledge and should be of little relevance during the Great FOEKirby Chase, there are several locations that, if happened upon, have extra details to consider adding if you want a little extra spice and continuity:

1. Korindou (especially talking to Rinnosuke)
2. Youkai Mountain's waterfall
3. Sky above Misty Lake (SDM lake)
4. Far end of the Forest of Magic
5. Hakurei Shrine backyard (caution: currently guarded by a Yukari)
6. Lake Suwa on Youkai Mountain

It's worth noting that virtually all of the items here can be easily written off as fairy pranks, so there's no need to get too worked up over them, whether it's noticed or not.

A few of these player-characters and Touhous would normally have noticed, even if it wasn't considered a big deal; hopefully tomorrow I'll send PMs about that to people who should have background knowledge of the relevant detail. And work out a little bit of the details with Gap and Nemo. For now, I desperately need sleep.

There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
A few points I want to add here.

1. The first rule of WUFTD is: you do not talk about WUFTD

1. I would have preferred it if Gappy hadn't established a connection with me already, as that forces my involvement with the majority of the participants (seeing as Gappy's character, Mitaka, knows everyone else and seems to be drawing many others to him). I have a lot of other obligations in life that deal with graduate school and staying healthy, so my free time is short, and it will be even shorter come summer in a few more weeks. I don't feel comfortable allocating a lot of time to making sure I do a good job including others and their partners in my own posts often, because if I'm included in a large group by someone else, that probably means I'm expected to include everyone else (or most others) in that group in my posts at that time, as well. Which leads into my next point...

2. I do feel comfortable pairing up with one other group for a while, though. Focusing on one other group for a bit is much less complex and time-consuming for me than having to keep tabs on everyone. Just let me know via PM here or in the IRC chat and we can work something out.

I hope everyone understands where I'm coming from with these two points. And lastly...

3. Just a general thing: Write as much as you want in a post in the RP thread. You can even post multiple times if you want, per situation. Don't worry about how much others post in relation to you, just work at a pace you are comfortable at. You don't have to write the next Touhou novella, just have fun!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 06:54:34 PM by kakyoin01 »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
I'll need a bit of time to think on how I'm going to jump in on this. Being essentially a dimension away from the main event does prove to be a bit of...a hindrance, but I can think of something, if given time, I suppose.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Quick note on the current situation - I believe it would be most logical for Our Kirby to try and attack the SDM next, after being driven away from the Human Village. It would be rather easily chased off by the residents there (though I suspect it could get past Meiling), but it does give Jana an excuse/reason to post!

orz being controlling

Here's a quick rundown of its movements so far:

F.O.E. Kirby, Gluttonous God of Plenty
6:30 AM - Hakurei Shrine
6:35 AM: Skirted Youkai Mountain? (timestamp changed by request, sorry)
700-8:00 AM? - Forest of Magic
8:30-9:00 AM: Human Village
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 03:15:09 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...