Author Topic: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!  (Read 264884 times)

Letty Whiterock

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #510 on: March 01, 2011, 03:30:06 AM »
So Reimu's sleeves are attached.

Rin Kagamine

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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #511 on: March 01, 2011, 03:34:45 AM »
So Reimu's sleeves are attached.
Thread is cheaper than razors

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #512 on: March 01, 2011, 04:21:28 AM »
So Reimu's sleeves are attached.

dont fink so


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #515 on: March 01, 2011, 04:36:12 AM »
What if 10D isn't that connected to UFO at all?
Iirc, EoSD, PCB, and IN are largely considered a trilogy. If the same is to be said for MoF, SA, and UFO, then 10D could be a part of something else.

More random speculation: We're going to see another shinigami and yama!


Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #516 on: March 01, 2011, 05:10:22 AM »
More random speculation: We're going to see another shinigami and yama!

I like where this is going. <3

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #517 on: March 01, 2011, 05:11:20 AM »
Spell practice? God Yes, that's what made IN so fun for me, hopefully this means unlockable content such as last words.


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #518 on: March 01, 2011, 05:19:19 AM »
As for Youmu's story in particular.

Youmu is essentially a sheep herder for all the ghosts that wander outside of the Netherworld. Even though these are godly spirits (神霊) and not ghosts (幽霊), she's kind of made it a secondary duty to keep all rampant "ghosts" from causing too much mischief.

This would account for Sanae's side of the story. Through faith you can control the power of the Shinrei connected to your shrine. Even though Yasaka and Moriya aren't dead, it's likely the main motivator.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 05:25:16 AM by Drake »

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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #519 on: March 01, 2011, 05:44:19 AM »
"Gardener" :rolleyes:

Never seen Youmu cut so much as a single blade of grass.


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #520 on: March 01, 2011, 05:57:37 AM »
"Gardener" :rolleyes:

Never seen Youmu cut so much as a single blade of grass.
That's because she does it every time in the blink of an eye. :U


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #521 on: March 01, 2011, 06:00:45 AM »
That's because she does it every time in the blink of an eye. :U
A Trillion Blades of grass In One Slash.
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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #522 on: March 01, 2011, 07:56:07 AM »
Youmu has her motivations (lol UFO's motivation-based shot types) to investigate, plus she's human enough :p (human perspective/view, human role in the spellcard battle system, etc.)
You misunderstand. The characters have their motivations to investigate; it's why they're playable characters, story-wise. I mean, what will be the link connecting the story of 10D to UFO? To PCB? It's all speculation, but hey, it's fun!

Why would Youmu and Sanae's participation mean ultimate weapon of destruction golden disaster to a writer? How does this joss what they've written? (unless CtC or TPSS is involved :p)
It all really depends. Nobody quite expected UFO's multitude of PC-98 references (the return to Makai, most of all), so fanfic writers whose setting is in Makai, or a major plot point was that Makai was no longer reachable, or whatever, now had a bunch of canon information on their hands that made their interpretations suddenly invalid. It all really depends on what information is released. But if this story arc spans back to PCB or something like that, that's got the potential to screw up a lot of writers' storylines.

As for the PMiSS article on spirits, that's interesting stuff. More speculation fuel to be added to the fire. Namely: if Youmu is kind of a sheep herder for ghosts and spirits of different varieties, it does make me dare to hope for Kasen's appearance.

Oddly, my main reason for believing that there's a chance is not because Kasen is a recent character, or because she can destroy (evil) spirits with her bandaged arm, but for the simple fact that she doesn't have a theme as of yet. There isn't much of a precedent for me to think that she might get a theme (only Renko and Maribel of the Touhou characters not in an actual game are close to being exceptions), but I just hope that the idea of her is colorful enough in ZUN's mind to have justified him giving her a theme-- and this, in turn, makes me think of that wonderful line from ZUN's comments on Koishi's theme: "I think a garden with roses strewn all about where thorns can prick you is really fitting for a battle."


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #523 on: March 01, 2011, 09:02:18 AM »
Looking at the available screenshots, Reimu is looking extremely different again compared to UFO portraits. I am really curious how Marisa and Sanae look. As Marisa is like the most fashionable girl in the series.

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #524 on: March 01, 2011, 10:15:29 AM »
I just read Gensokyo.orgs announcement about the game and it has a rough translation of Youmu's shottype. It says something about not being able to fire during focused movement and in its place getting a smaller hitbox.

I seriously don't think this sound very good. The notion of having a hitbox that changes size is scary enough. Not being able to fire while shooting is even worse. I sincerely hope this is something Youmu-only.


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #525 on: March 01, 2011, 10:56:33 AM »
Sounds awesome, but not being able to fire in focused mode as youmu sounds horrible. D:

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #526 on: March 01, 2011, 11:05:36 AM »
Well, it might be worth pointing out that the translation is very rough and some of the kanji was tough to make out because of the poor resolution of the images. It might just be a mistranslation.


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #527 on: March 01, 2011, 11:06:01 AM »
I just read Gensokyo.orgs announcement about the game and it has a rough translation of Youmu's shottype. It says something about not being able to fire during focused movement and in its place getting a smaller hitbox.

I seriously don't think this sound very good. The notion of having a hitbox that changes size is scary enough. Not being able to fire while shooting is even worse. I sincerely hope this is something Youmu-only.

ah but thats what we were going on about earlier. my impression from reading the select screen is that, focus in th13 will be like that in PoFV cuz how it says charge shot and all. that said, i doubt its exclusive for youmu. the hitbox being very small during focus is...its probably something like this -> by focusing, youmu become extremely hard to hit, but she has to uh un-focus to do some real damage... iunno, just wait for the trial~

Well, it might be worth pointing out that the translation is very rough and some of the kanji was tough to make out because of the poor resolution of the images. It might just be a mistranslation.

about that, it is indeed pretty hard to make it out. i had a go at it but couldnt get every fine detail out BUT i got the more complete version off the japanese, if they got their own language wrong then i asdf...i dont think the translation is off, some japanese were pretty worked up about the focus deal too,




( ゜д゜)・・・

oh yeh,

stage 1 boss

sorry guys
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 11:24:59 AM by miracle★cookie »

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #528 on: March 01, 2011, 11:33:11 AM »

That's the best thing I've seen today. (No joke.)


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #529 on: March 01, 2011, 11:38:34 AM »
Looking at the available screenshots, Reimu is looking extremely different again compared to UFO portraits. I am really curious how Marisa and Sanae look. As Marisa is like the most fashionable girl in the series.

Since Marisa was giving an apron with an "M" on it and some crazy-looking wand for UFO, I predict that this time around, she'll be in a full-length sequin evening gown, with a traffic cone on her head.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Letty Whiterock

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #530 on: March 01, 2011, 11:41:18 AM »

dont fink so
That screen shot is blurry as hell and could very well be a fold like it has been in the past.

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #531 on: March 01, 2011, 11:58:08 AM »
I was excited at first but the more I dig up about the game the less eager I am for it. When I found out ZUN was making the game easier, I was disappointed (I don't want to go back to Touhou 10) but thought I could live with it. Then I found out that you had to tap to shoot, so the gameplay will likely be similar to that of the phantasmagorias and GFW. I don't HATE the control scheme, but it's just something I don't prefer for a Touhou game that isn't in decimals.

And now I find out that there's no shooting while focused ... maybe.

I guess I'll wait for the trial to come out before making any definite judgements about the game. I'm still pretty hyped for a new Touhou, but it wasn't the same hype as when UFO was announced.


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #532 on: March 01, 2011, 12:00:10 PM »
charge shots
How did I miss that?
I can't play properly with them chraged shots, don't have enough dexterity/coordination in my fingers, and most importantly, that means I cannot play the game properly on my laptop at all.


Maybe I really should think about buying a controller for PofV/GFW/10D, then...
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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #533 on: March 01, 2011, 12:08:25 PM »
I was excited at first but the more I dig up about the game the less eager I am for it. When I found out ZUN was making the game easier, I was disappointed

This just in, not all fans are great at the games.

Having an easier game gives some of us less talented people a foothold for achievements to inspire us. Frankly, I'm happy he decided to release at least one that was a bit easier, considering how the last few have been stupidly hard (UFO, SA, to an extent MoF [Kanako's final spellcard bars any attempts for me at an Easy clear]).

So thank you, ZUN :D


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #534 on: March 01, 2011, 12:24:58 PM »
I'll laugh if it ends up that ZUN made it easier because it was Mushihimesama Ultra difficult and that 10D is harder than UFO.


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #535 on: March 01, 2011, 12:27:18 PM »
I wouldn't mind if the game was harder, truthfully. I could always use the challenge. I've been playing through the older games are practice for the more recent ones, so...

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #536 on: March 01, 2011, 12:42:48 PM »
Since Marisa was giving an apron with an "M" on it and some crazy-looking wand for UFO, I predict that this time around, she'll be in a full-length sequin evening gown, with a traffic cone on her head.
The wand in UFO was strange to me as well. But looking at the screens (We keep looking at the same screens all the time :V)

Reimu's Gohei is badass big. It must be able to smack 4 Youkai girls in one blow. I hope Marisa will have a fancy broom this time.


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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #537 on: March 01, 2011, 12:43:25 PM »
Really, in theory, easymode should stay at the same difficulty throughout the series, normal mode possibly as well.

However, hard or at least lunatic mode should see a slow rise in difficulty as the series progresses. That way, the people who are not that good at shmups still get the same enjoyment out of it while the people who can do the lunatic 1ccs get greater challenges with each game.
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Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #538 on: March 01, 2011, 12:49:14 PM »
ummm........I have a question, what is reimu saying in the dialogue? I don't read japanese. :)

Re: Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires announced!
« Reply #539 on: March 01, 2011, 01:06:25 PM »
ah but thats what we were going on about earlier. my impression from reading the select screen is that, focus in th13 will be like that in PoFV cuz how it says charge shot and all. that said, i doubt its exclusive for youmu. the hitbox being very small during focus is...its probably something like this -> by focusing, youmu become extremely hard to hit, but she has to uh un-focus to do some real damage... iunno, just wait for the trial~

about that, it is indeed pretty hard to make it out. i had a go at it but couldnt get every fine detail out BUT i got the more complete version off the japanese, if they got their own language wrong then i asdf...i dont think the translation is off, some japanese were pretty worked up about the focus deal too,

Yes and that's what is worrying me. I don't mind when a scoring system is complex and different but i strongly dislike when shmups make survival gameplay any more complex than holding down a shot key and dodging. Having a dedicated key is of course fine. I just hope it won't be too different. But as you say, we can't know how it will play before the actual game is out so we'll just have to see.

I'm a bit worried but i'm still eager to play this new installment.