東方 Defense of the Shrines 【Trailer】
Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to announce the following video.
This is a fan made unofficial promotional video, in tribute to Defense of the Shrines, a touhou spin-off from DotA created by HJISTC and his development team. We from shrinemaiden thought it would be a nice idea to actually promote DotS to the fans, as it contains 51 playable touhou girls as heroes with skills, items and everything.
A dozen of people from shrinemaiden forums have helped me creating this video. Thank you for the support and help: Pesco, TranceHime, Kitten4u, Loolicon, Dormio, Infinity, reVelske, Dular, eronar. Thank you for your time and effort as well. I will still kick your ass with Remilia in dots though. Other regular dots players, also thanks for the support and playing. Let us hope we can get the tournament also off the ground.
Want to know more about DotS? Read our DotS thread here at shrinemaiden:
ps: requesting embed for video.[matsuri]k[/matsuri]
:3 thanks Matsy