Author Topic: Crossing the Border  (Read 21868 times)


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #60 on: May 26, 2011, 12:47:33 AM »
Supremacy Final Part 2


Ken's POV
As the oni froze me to the ground by threatening me, I quickly tried to think of an escape from her eventual wrath.

(I need to get out of here...maybe she won't notice if I move to the...)

At that moment, Suika sent her fist up my chin, uppercutting me into the air.  My teeth were shut tight from the impact as I looked like I had a pompous face.

(OW FUCK!!!)

My teeth stung as I placed my hand on my chin before forcefully pulling it to get them to stop being stuck together.

(I hate to think what would have happen if my tongue was in between those cheeks...)

(Good thing teeth doesn't break in Gensokyo.)

I stopped myself in the air to prevent straying from the Hakurei Shrine.  In my somewhat watery vision, I was high above the courtyard.

(Damn it, where's Yukari when you need her?!  I got a freaking oni who's yelling her name at me for no reason.)

"I can smell yous~" yelled Suika before throwing a black ball towards me.  It kept making loops in the air as it twisted around and around in its seemingly random path.

(Wait!  A black ball!  If I can remember from playing SWR, it's supposed to...)

During my train of thought, it ominously stops in the air...and interrupted my train of thought.

(What's it doing?  Is it defected?)

I looked at Suika, who seems to be trying to smell the air with her nose, moving her head awkwardly in the air like someone just made fresh pancakes.

(Ohh....maybe she can't smell over her own damn scent of alcohol.  At least she's so drunk she doesn't think about taking off the blindfold, not like she looks like she cares.)

The black ball seemed to grow smaller as I sighed in relief, before it imploded into itself and swelled up instantly to about five times its size.

(Wow..what a huge package in something so small.)

Now the black ball is sucking in everything.  I totally did not just make that observation because the tree leaves were coming off of the trees nearby and my shirt is wavering in its direction.

(Good thing I'm far from that thing.  Otherwise...I don't wanna know.)

"If I can't smell you, I'll just suck you in!" exclaimed Suika, intently looking at the black ball.

(That sure is lazy, the problem is that you only have one ball out.  How the hell are you supposed to-)

Yet again my train of thought was interrupted when she threw out several more black balls swerving in dizzily motion.

(Oh for the love of Gensokyo...)

They each imploded into literally black holes like the first one, which is still sucking in more stuff.  The weird part is...some things got stuck in between two holes, except for the leaves, they were just ripped in half.

(It must be really strong if I get close to them.)

(I don't think I want to know what would happen if I got stuck like that.)

Despite having that thought, I couldn't help but give into the temptation of what could happen.  I pictured myself being in between two holes, my shirt and pants being ripped in half, revealing my underwear, and incurring the failed wrath that is the shrine maiden with the ofuda being sucked into the holes.

(I shalt be another Mannosuke if that happened..)

(I wouldn't want to ruin the purity of the Hakurei Shrine with my rock hard abs.  Oh ho definitely not~)

(I should probably take the initiative now.  I'm going to blast her with my ambush card!)

From my pocket where a card suddenly appeared when I thought of it, I took it out and declared in a whisper "Seeker Sign! Ambush!"

15 globe bullets are on each flank of me, before they rushed themselves towards the drunk little oni.

(Good thing she's blindfolded too, you can't smell danmaku.  Unless I totally want them to smell like rosemary or whatever.)

(Hmm...I should remember that.  Scented danmaku, it would come in handy.  Illusion danmaku would be nice too, but that would be copying off a useless little rabbit's idea.)

(Then again, there is no such thing called copyright in Gensokyo.  It's a dog-eat-dog world but with no harm and fought with cards.)

(Reminds me of pink leaves on trees that capture people, I don't know why.  Must be off of some anime I watched.)

(Hey, what is my spell card doing?)

I witnessed the globe bullets speeding past the holes, but they were gradually being slowed down as my lips turned into a frown and my eyes narrowed.  Then as I predicted a second before, the bullets were sucked into the holes.  I was disappointed as none of them hit Suika, who seems to be walking towards me on the ground.

(God...I feel so dumb.  If I knew the ofuda would go straight into the holes, what makes me think my bullets wouldn't go past them scot-free either?!)

I glared at Suika through the strangely opaque holes, as she was directly under me, and she had her arms tucked around her legs bending down.

(I should probably get ou-FUCK!)

I was unaware of the fact the holes sucked in everything, as I was being distracted by the leaves just hitting me in the face.

(What the fuck is this??  I mean, I just cussed in my thoughts for getting hit with leaves.)

My bullets stopped after a few seconds, dissipating in thin air.  The black balls also disappeared, finally ending the attack of the leaves.

(Thank goodness that stopped.  I love how Suika stopped my spell card with black balls that she can easily make.)

(I just realized I have one hell of a useless spell card, what's the point of it now? hmm...)

(Is it possible to discard spell cards?)

While I was thinking and wiping off the leaves off my body,  I immediately felt a bump on my legs in the air by an unknown force.  It didn't hurt, but it just took me by surprise, especially since my legs feel like they are lying on something.

Looking down, I saw that the little loli turned into a big loli.  Her hair felt surprisingly smooth.  I was expecting a bit more coarse, thick, and sticky hair.

(If I was more lower in the air, I don't think I would like that, especially since her horn is right next to me.)

(Am I supposed to be doing something right..oh SHIT RUN!)

I immediately tried to fly out of there, but the oni grabbed me in my escape, squeezing me with her fingers.  The fact that she was touching my bruise was not helping at all.

(To her, I'm like a plush toy right now.  A very uncomfortable plush toy who's going to smell like alcohol all day.)

Literally, her hand was sticky and had a really strong alcohol smell.  It was Suika's right hand, so she must have used that sake bottle with that hand.

(Hey, how come I'm not trying to get out right now?  Then again, I should not be able to break an oni's grip, especially if she's like ten times my height.)

She lifted me above her head slowly, before throwing me towards the ground.  I hit the ground with the pain on my leg searing.  I rolled over a few times before I stopped, I kept my eyes on Suika, trying to figure out what she's going to do next.

(Damn it, I'm a cripple, you don't throw cripples you stupid oni!)

All of a sudden, Suika shrunk back to her usual height, before she took out her sake that came out of nowhere, and proceeds to chug it.

(What a magical bottle...)

Suika stops pouring, wipes her mouth, and makes the bottle magically disappear behind her back.  Then she runs towards me with her arms flailing in the air with a drunkish grin and her eyes seemingly closed.

My leg hurts too much for me to even twitch.  The pain was just too much for me to bear.

(So much for Meiling's training!)

Suika was getting closer by the moment.  Though it may look like Suika is asking for a bear hug with her arms outstretched, she actually wants to beat me down into a pulp.

(Wait a second, can't I just fly up to evade her?)

With my still body, I flew up into the air.

(Jeez, I can still smell the alcohol from up that still hurts!)

The pain has dulled but it hasn't stopped from literally stunning me.  Suika still appears to be running towards me as if I was still on the ground.

Observing her, she seems to slowed down a bit, before bending her knees and flipping forward.

(That's amazingly coordinated for someone who's drunk.)

However, I was expecting her to also fall flat on her face.  I mean, it's pretty unlikely for someone to do a flip like that and land on their feet unless he or she watched too many drunken fist movies.  Her body suddenly became as stiff as a javelin in mid air as her entire body was in a 45 degree angle towards the ground.  She seemed to somehow 'hurl' herself with her feet being the spear, hitting the ground hard.

She immediately rebounded off, but as soon as she did that, a colossal crystal has rose up, chipping off the courtyard tiles like it was nothing.
It was unbelievable how her own little feet caused a crystal like that to rise up.  I was facing the crystal in the air as it continued to rise up. It gave me an unbelievable shock when the very tip almost prickled my nose.

(Oh sweet jesus, that scared the shit out of me.)

At the same rate it went up, the crystal is receding into the ground, right before it transforms into earth strangely.

(That's so weird.)

(Wait, where's Suika?)

I focused so much attention onto the crystal that I didn't even pay any heed to Suika.  I looked around frantically for Suika, just in case she might try to jump me.  That pain was ignorable enough now for me to freely move my limbs around.

(You're not supposed to be able to ambush someone when you're drunk!)

"She's over there" nonchalantly said Reimu, pointing towards me.

(By the way miss shrine maiden, your courtyard is getting damaged and ugly.  Shouldn't you even give a shit helping me out instead of sitting there sipping your little goddamn cup of tea?  You're supposed to have an effing sense of duty!)

"Why are you pointing at me?" I asked,  getting a glare from Reimu like I was the one being impudent. "Shouldn't you even be helping?"

"What's the point?  I'm too tired.  And you can always clean it up later" said Reimu, making me face palm.

(Oh you little lazy.....)

Holding back my anger, even if said miko was 'too tired', I said confidently "did you know to repair the courtyard, it costs money?"

The shrine maiden was disrespectfully sipping her tea when she heard the word money, she froze when she heard it in the same sentence as repair.

"I'll pay for the repairs!" said Yuyuko whimsically with that smirk on her face.  Youmu raised her eyebrows at her offer.

(Why would you wanna help her?!  She should pay for it herself.)

"And that leaves you to repair it" said Reimu, giving a smile to Yuyuko beside her.

(Stupid ghost princesses....wait, who pays you the money anyway?  You may be a princess but where the hell do you get your money?)

(I never thought I could be so angry at Touhou characters.  So much for taking it easy.)

(I would so give the bird to Reimu right now if she actually knows what it means.)

All of a sudden, I felt a very hot force punch me in the back.  The next thing I knew, I was flying towards Yuyuko.

(Crap, I forgot to turn around for Suika!)

(All I have to do now is to regain control and...Youmu, why did you just throw your tea cup directly in the air?)

The next second, Youmu was doing her job as a sentinel for Yuyuko, who didn't seem to be fazed by a human projectile at all.


Youmu whipped her leg around to form a reverse roundhouse kick.  As she twirled around, missing Reimu's ribbon by a hair, she connected her foot and my chest together, forcing me back.

My vision tumbled around as I just experienced the sudden shock of being kicked back.

(Okay, STOP!)

I forced myself to stop in the air, causing myself to be a little bit delirious.  It felt like I just lurched forward in a car then being pushed back in your seat, without that gut feeling you would get from wearing a seat belt.

(Why am I still upside dow-...shit.)

I saw Suika launch a metal chain towards me.  Who knows where she got that from?  I made a barrel round to the right and managed to dodge it.  I wouldn't want to know what would happen to me if I got wrapped up in that.

All of a sudden, it magically disappeared as I righted myself to face Suika in the proper position, who is now just standing there.

(Now time to attack!)

I brought out my hands and brought forth the seeking sand attack.  Innumerable amounts of danmaku bullets are pouring out of my hands towards Suika.  Despite that mysterious hum I'm getting from the danmaku hitting Suika, she continues to stand there impetuously.

"Heh, I never knew you used such weak attacks, Yukari" taunted Suika, only succeeding in me looking at her in disdain.

(Again with the Yukari thing...)

"Enough!" declared Suika before throwing out another black ball that turned into a black hole in front of Suika shortly.  It began sucking in my danmaku as they changed their course towards the black hole.  The hum is now gone from my head and I had to fly back constantly to prevent being sucked in.

(Hey!  That's cheating!  I knew I shouldn't have tried it after what she's done to my seekers.)

(I wonder how something like that will be canceled out in a danmaku fight...)

I stopped using my now useless attack.  With her drunken revelry, my danmaku wouldn't even hurt her by a little.  I started to get frustrated.
(Goddamn it, none of my attacks are working!)

(Now all I got left is my splitting laser.  But what good will that do?  It will only split into little danmaku balls.)

(I'm going to need backup if I have to take her on.  I know Reimu won't help me for sure.)

Getting one glance behind me while trying to keep my attention on Suika, I noticed that no one was there except Reimu.  I did a double take to make sure my vision wasn't fooling me from fatigue.  I instantly felt almost all hope escape from me.

(Fuck....where did they go!?)

(Why is Reimu the only one that's there?)

"Yukari, give up!  Blinding me did nothing but make my smell stronger!" jeered Suika.

(...wait...maybe there is some hope.)

(If I can go up to her face and take that off, she will stop attacking!)

(But if I do get close, there are so many things she could do right now to me.)

(Then I have to do this right, I have to try to first burn it off with my splitting laser.  Then I will charge in as fast as I can.)

I placed my full attention on Suika who had her arms outstretched in the air directly above her head.  Her fingers were spread out.  Above those hands was an orange ball accumulating in size.  It was fiery as there were various flares coming from them.

(That looks like a spirit of Dragon Ball Z.  Now that I think about it, Goku and Suika do seem somewhat similiar.)

(But I can't focus on that right now.  It's all about getting that blindfold off.)

A spell card appeared in my hand.  I held it up and declared "Split Sign! Splitting Beam!" as Suika's spirit bomb was three times the proportion of her.

I put my hands in a kamehameha pose, palms faced toward Suika, before unleashing a tiny beam of hell.  Luckily for me, I accurately hit Suika in between her eyes on her blindfold.

"Bahahahaha! I can't feel that, you puny youkai! Take my spirit bomb!" cackled Suika before hefting the spirit bomb with her hands just as the beam grew to the tip of my fingers.


The good news is that she's somewhat getting pushed back by the beam, although she doesn't seem to be doing anything right now to be honest.  The bad news is that the spirit bomb is on its way towards me, albeit slow-moving.  But with its massive size, it's starting to pick up speed.

(Come on...I don't even have to split them, just push her back a bit more...)

Suika's center of balance begin to tip towards the ground, as Suika strangely lets herself fall back.


I immediately canceled my spell card, dashing under the massive spirit bomb, which is now headed towards Reimu.

Just before gravity's momentum makes her fall into the ground, I quickly grabbed Suika's face and shoved her into the ground with one fluid motion.

Her own head cracked the very tiles she hit, as I fumble around her face before latching onto her blindfold.  It felt like leather despite seeing only a white cloth  With all my strength and using the other hand braced on her face with my palm on her chin and my fingers latching onto her cheeks, I pulled as hard as I could.

(Damn it Yukari, why did you have to make such a strong knot!?)

The blindfold was slowly tearing off, but it showed a lot of resilience strangely.  I got frustrated even more and put more pressure on her face, when she just started to mumble incoherently and frantically.  Her arms went up and down like a sledgehammer, as her hands continued to make more and more cracks.

Suddenly, my own momentum carried me backwards as I successfully teared the blindfold off of her.  I found myself holding a piece of cloth that somehow felt like leather.

Sweating a lot, I dropped the cloth to the ground and sighed, floating only a few feet away from Suika, who seemed to relax on the ground.

Tilting my head up and peering down, Suika's eyes were still closed.

('s finally over.)

"Hey, open your eyes" I said, breathing heavily.

And Suika did.  She opened her eyes and sat up as if nothing ever happened to her in the first place, her face did seem slightly burned.  That's at least one thing I managed to do to her.

Looking at myself, I looked completely beat up.  There were bleeding scratches on my skin, my bruise got worse, and my lungs felt like I just got punched in the gut.

She sat up and looked at me.  Immediately her face became scrunched with confusion. "Heyyyyy~, you're not Yukari.  Where did she go?"

(Oh for the love of...)


Third POV

Ken has fainted to the ground.  Suika grew more confused as she stood up and 'poked' him on the ground multiple times.  When I said poked, I meant punches.

"Heeyyyy~!  Where's Yukari~?!" drunkenly said Suika, slurring her words.

At the donation box, Reimu sighed again.  She barely fended off that massive spirit bomb that could have destroyed her shrine.  If she didn't already use her spell card to block it, she would owe Yuyuko a lot more than needed.

Taking her last sip of tea and placing it on the donation box, she got off of it and landed on the ground.  Her legs shook for a second before they started moving.  Reimu goes towards Suika with a false smile and a gohei behind her back.

Various beatings can be heard on both sides.  Normally Reimu would have defeated her quicker, but the fact that she is tired doesn't really help against a now almost sober oni.  Reimu gets angrier and angrier everytime she tries to use danmaku against Suika and they end up canceling themselves out in the black holes.

As Suika yelped from Reimu spanking her on the backside with her gohei, the Hakurei Shrine doors immediately opened a little bit.  A head popped out who is none other than Chen.  She looked irritated as her mop hate immediately flew off.

"Hey!  We're trying to play Po-ker here!" said Chen, mispronouncing the word poker.

"Mistress Yuyuko! Stop taking my cards!"

"It's called acquisition Youmu~, it's what I have to do~!"

"Stop bending the rules!"

My desire to write more is slowly growing.  Maybe it has something to do with the winter.
This concludes the Supremacy Arc, after about 7 months, we can finally move onto another chapter.  Hopefully the hiatus I have will be shorter and shorter.
Ah well, comment and review please!


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #61 on: May 26, 2011, 12:48:47 AM »
Caliginous Illumination Chapter 1 (Can be abbreviated for as C.I.  Be sure to put the whole chapter name in the chapter text.)

[WARNING: Chapter may be NSFW)

[size="6"]Yukari, Baby![/size]

Third POV

"My, I can't believe it still fits" remarked a half-naked blonde woman.  She looks like someone whom you never seen before in Gensokyo.  A woman wearing an Aeropostale brand shirt.  Dark blue, monotone flowers were made down the side of the shirt, going against the light blue background and the subtle brand name on top of the flowers.  Underneath is an embroidered bra that is also blue with dark borders.  At the bottom, she is only wearing a matching pair of a bikini.

In her bathroom, many ribbons can be found on the counter.  A plugged in hair straightener is seen beside the sink.  The faucet was dripping water very slowly.  The countertop itself was marble while its base was wooden.  The floor was tiled with light and intricate patterns.  Discarded dresses can be found in the bathtub and on the toilet. A seemingly young woman stands in front of a glass pane mirror above the countertop, before stepping back. She stops about a foot in front of a tan wall.  She curves her hips and pivots to marvel at all the angles she sees.

"I don't wear this often, I wonder why?  As they say, I'm sexy.  Sexier than the city" says the woman again, touching her finger to her lips.  She then takes her fingers to her ass softly and slowly. "Tsssshhhhh.  All I need to do now is to get my hair cut, perhaps medium length?"

The woman looks down at the sink, and smiles. "Now for the final piece."

On the knob of the sink that controls the hot water, a self-explanatory H found on its somewhat spiky knob; is a pair of weathered jean shorts, the edges seem to be ripped out.

The woman takes the jean shorts and begins to wear it, lifting her feet up into the holes.  As her derriere slowly becomes more and more covered, the woman smiles even more.  When they are fit, the woman zips up the zipper at the front, and buttoning the copper rivet, making it tight on her. "My, that's tight."

The woman looks at herself in the mirror one last time.  The youkai grabs the sunglasses and dons them on top of her hair. "I, Yukari Yakumo, will shall again go by Yuna Venicci."

A saddened look comes across her face when she sees her paper fan on the counter. "Ah well, I don't need it anyway."

She swipes her hotel card key and cell phone off the counter and puts them in her jean pockets, each accessory having its own pocket.

She heads out of the bathroom, closing the door.

Yukari was just about to open the door out of her hotel room when she felt her own bare feet brushing against the strange black slippers with black laces she usually wears.  She sits down on the floor, looking at her own slippers in disdain.

"(Oh no, I can't wear that.  Not in this world.  I need something else.)"

Yukari thinks for a second, glancing up with her finger on her lips.  Then she lifted that very finger into the air, as if she had an idea.

"(I've seen a lot of women wear those so called vans.  Maybe I should try those...)"

Yukari opens a gap in the air.  A shoebox with the label "Vans" drops right next to the slippers.  Yukari smiled as she closed the gap.  She reaches over with her back stretched to grab the box and place it on her lap.  She takes off the top and pulled out a light blue skate shoe, comparatively thinner and smaller than a tennis shoe.

Again, Yukari smiles; already she seems to have liked this particular brand of shoes.  She eagerly takes out the paper within the shoe, and does the same for the other one.  She sets them on the ground before standing up, setting the box aside beforehand.  She slips her feet into the shoes, a perfect fit for her.

"(Now all that's left is to tie them)" thought Yukari, as she puts one of her knees on the ground so she could tie one of her shoes.  Her fingers move with great speed, before the laces on her shoe already become tied up in a ribbon.  Yukari alternates with her other knee, tying the other shoe.

Yukari stands up, tapping the front of her shoe against the ground, before moving once again to the door.

"(My feet are going to hurt so bad.  Nothing like a foot massage from Ran when I come back)"

She heads out of her hotel room, closing the door behind her and locking it with one swipe of her card.  A click responded indicating the door is locked and secure.  A cold, drafty wind came along and struck Yukari for a second before subsiding.  Yukari shivers and covers her arms.

"Ohhhhhh~, so cold" moans Yukari, before blushing and covering her mouth. "My, that could get anyone to help me."

Yukari smiles, before walking down the carpet hallway.  Yukari plays with her hair along the way before she stops at an elevator.  She knowingly pressed a button that meant to go down.

"Hmm, it's nice to get some exercise once in a while~" said Yukari, looking at her shoes.  She hears the whir of the elevator coming up. "Ahh, it's here."

The two inch thick elevator doors open as a man with a snorkel mask and flippers shuffles out with water squishing.  Yukari walks in nonchalantly, before turning around to see the man staring at her like he never seen anything like her before.

Yukari presses the lobby floor button labeled with a L beside an assortment of buttons while looking at a man.

"(I should try testing myself out from how I seen humans work in this particular world)" thought the youkai, before slowly taking her finger off of the G button and, starting at her lips, she caresses her finger down her body.

The man drops the pipe he was holding in his mouth, slowly getting turned on.

Yukari smiles seductively, and stops her hand below her zipper.  She playfully rubs her underside and licks her lips, just as the elevator doors were beginning to close.  Just what is that Yukari up to?

"(Good thing he didn't notice)" thought Yukari, closing a hidden gap in between her legs.  When the elevator doors closed, with the man out of sight, Yukari holds out a wallet in front of her.

She smiles before she opens it, looking at the contents, intent on gathering only one thing: money.  She unfolds the leather wallet, and fingers her way around to the paper money section, the very back pocket behind the credit cards and a driver's license.

"(What a shame, he's only 24 years old)" thought Yukari, feeling sorry for him.  But she goes ahead and takes an amount of $121 dollars that was already taped together in the start.

The elevator lurched, making Yukari lose her center of balance for a second, as it descends to the ground floor.  Nobody seems to want to use the elevator right now. "(I never did get used to that. I should give this back.)"

Opening a gap, She simply throws in the wallet.  In the man's swimming trunks, a lump suddenly appeared, meaning the wallet is at where it should be.

The elevator stops, as Yukari again loses her sense of balance before becoming stable again.  The elevator doors open, revealing a luxurious lobby room with the lobby desks in a corner.  Various couches are seen with coffee tables meant for relaxation.  People shuffle in and out of the lobby, sometimes with a bellhop assisting them with their luggage.  Yukari heads in the direction towards the main doors.  Right before she's about three feet from the doors, Yukari dons her sunglasses that was on her head.  The doorman opened the door for her, bringing in a nice breeze of warmth and the smell of the nearby flowers in the garden.  Yukari smiled at the doorman and walked outside in broad daylight.

Seeing a nearby valet offering a man to take his car and park it, she walks past them, eying the stranger's Dodge Viper.  The street is in front of her as cars whiz by, while Yukari continues to walk on the sidewalk, going to the hair stylist nearby.  Across the street were parking lots and various stores and motels.  On Yukari's side was a line of towering luxury hotels.  The tinted blue glass panes shone with the sun.

Yukari was attracting attention, apparently everyone was looking at her as she walked by them.  Men gawked and made flirty comments towards her while women continued on their way.

"You're pretty."

"Nice ass."

"I would tap that."

"Damn nigga, she's cold."

"Are her boobs natural?"

"Snooki likey!"

Yukari liked the attention, although she was kinda getting disturbed by the number of sexual comments she's been receiving, especially from the girl with the bump in her hair and her strange orange tan.  At least for her, she's close to her destination.  She peered down at her own breasts, blushing at how large they are to the men walking beside her.

"(It's been a while since I've been here.)"

Yukari only takes occasional trips to the human world for fun unless she has some business to do.  To her, this seems like a vacation from sleeping all day and watching over Ken.  She knows her way around in this place.

"(Hmm, maybe after I get my haircut, I'll get Ken something from his world.)"

Yukari looks in glee at the destination before her.  An outlet mall, after a hard day of stealing wine, there's nothing better to do than to shop extravagantly.  But first, she has to get her haircut from the corner stylist that is very close.

Yukari walks up to the door, seeing a large room full of beauty.  She opens the door, as a soft electronic bell can be heard from all around the shop.  This beauty salon has more than just the average cut your hair and be done with it.  It's also like a spa, with various facilities ranging from shampoos to facials.

Yukari walks in, immediately gaining an immediate response.

"Welcome back, Yuna!  Same treatment as before?" said a peppy woman behind a desk in front of Yukari.

Yukari nods in response. "Yes Melody.  Is my personal stylist here?"

"Yes, she just got done with a client.  I'll ping her."

Melody holds down an unknown button with her petite finger, before saying "Juli!  Yuna's here!"

She lifts her finger off the button. "She'll be here in a second~."

"Excellent" replied Yukari, before sitting at a nearby couch and reading a beauty magazine in front of her on the coffee table to pass some time.
"Hello Yuna!" said another peppy voice.

Yukari looks up and puts away her glasses, putting it partly in her shirt. "Hello, Juli!"

"Ready for me to take care of your hair?"

"Ready as ever~!"

Yukari gets off the couch and follows Juli around the salon, leaving Melody to calculate Yuna's bill once more.

Yukari's treatment is basically getting her hair shampooed and getting it cut to about medium length.  But most of the time, she continues to talk to her personal stylist, while catching the eyes of jealous women.

"(I love these two people.  It's so easy to strike up a conversation with them.)"

As soon as Yukari was done, Juli lets Yukari admire herself in the mirror for a second. "Grrl, you are looking beautiful."

"Girl, yes I do!" replied Yukari, smiling, as the hair stylist takes the blanket like cloth off of her.  Juli leads her back to Melody, who waves to her.

"Okay Yuna, $110 dollars please~" asked Melody.  Yukari responds by giving them the wad of cash she got from the man earlier.

"Keep the change please" said Yukari, winking.

Melody giggles in delight and stuffs the remaining money in her shirt. "Thank you!"

Yukari leaves the store, and continues to walk around in the outlet mall.

A sign on a store gets her attention. Yukari gets interested and begins to walk to it, ready to go shopping.  This is basically how she spent the rest of her day.  She walks into stores and see if she likes anything.  If no one is nearby, she just gaps it into her hotel room.  If people are nearby, then she gaps their purses/wallets to her hands out of sight of the person she stole from.  Then she proceeds to buy the item she wants.  The first store she went to, "Bath and Body Works," she had to pickpocket money from people via gap.  After getting some products, she was given an unusually large bag.  She uses that bag to gap the items she bought back to her hotel room.

In other words, Yukari is having one hell of a shopping spree, enjoying the attention she is getting especially with her new haircut.

Now it is night, as Yukari was just resting on a bench.  She didn't like how her feet felt from breaking in her new shoes.  People were starting to leave the outlet mall as they shuffle to their cars and drive back home.

"(Whew!  I did so much today.  My feet are all sweaty and they hurt real bad.  I should take them off.)"

Yukari does so, untying her shoes that her hot feet were trapped in.  After a few minutes, Yukari felt relaxed, feeling a breeze brush past her feet, cooling them down.

"(I should probably head to the hotel now.  I want Ran to massage my feet.)"

After a few minutes of letting the pain in her feet subside, she stands up and begins walking on her bare feet, leaving her shoes behind.  She walks with her empty bag as she walks out of the outlet mall onto the parking lot.

Yukari secretly eyes a suspicious van alone in the parking lot, when its doors suddenly open.  5 people got out of the van.  They were skinny, desperate-looking men who had their eyes set on Yukari.  They walked ominously towards her, as their wood appears to be growing too.

"(My, are they desperate for some love..I guess I should give them a surprise.)"

Yukari drops her bag.  She watches carefully as she gaps in two very clandestine items into her bag.  She gets ready to use them as soon as possible.  The five men encircle her as they get closer and closer, breaking into Yukari's personal bubble.

Yukari bends down and grabs the two items in her bag, not taking them out yet.

The men starts to make moves.  They grabbed Yukari's boobs, put their extensions to touch her ass, and even one man rubbed Yukari's underside.  Yukari secretly wanted to kill them right now, but she's waiting for the perfect moment.

"Boys, we are going to have a good time.  She's letting us do this shit" said one of them, a rough and deep voice.

"Ohhhh~, do you want me so bad?  do you boys?" seductively moans Yukari, gripping her items tighter.

A string of "yeah, baby!" made its way through its group.  One of them grabs Yukari from behind, as that person's hands found its way to her zipper.  Yukari despises how uncomfortably close he is, but she can't do it yet, she has to let them become relaxed and off their guard.

"You like it, don't you whore?" teased one of them.  Yukari at this point would gladly let him die in the most painful way possible, but she instead replies "Ohh~ yes, I like boys like you."

The anxiety creeps up on Yukari even more uncomfortably as the man unzips her zipper and places his hand on her bikini.  He begins to playfully rub it.  Yukari unfortunately begins to get turned on as well, but she is still focused on killing them.

"Ohhhh~" Yukari makes a fake moan. "Yeah, please...more."

Everyone in the group begins to unzip their jeans and cargo pants, including the man who grabbed her from behind. He leaves the hand on her bikini so he could unzip his own jeans.


Yukari quickly takes out the two items out of her bag.  Two Uzis were in her grasp as she pointed the hand-held submachine guns towards two of them.  She pulled the trigger and lets loose a fury of bullets for being sexually assaulted with unusual proficiency.  She seemed very angry, moving her arms and jerking the guy off her back.

Taken by surprise, they fell to the ground as multiple bullets has pierced their unprotected bodies.  Their eyes rolled up and their body loosened up ironically.

"Ohh~, you can't touch this darling" said Yukari, turning around to see the man begging for mercy.  His hands were clasped together, as Yukari shakes her head.

She throws the two Uzis at the man, sending him backwards by a foot, before she gaps herself away back to a hidden spot beside her hotel.  She became thoroughly disgusted with herself by the encounter, zipping up her shorts.

"(Never again will I ever let anyone like them get close to me.  It's sad how the human world works, men trying to lose their virginity when they get themselves killed.)"

She views the man via a gap, who is currently being pushed into a police car while policemen set up a don't cross section around the dead bodies.

"(That's what he gets for trying to rape me.)"

Yukari realizes she forgot her bag, but then she decides it isn't worth trying to get back.

"(That's right.  I need to pay up)"

Yukari opens a gap, a box plopped onto the ground.  Yukari opens it to reveal the alcohol she collected from the girls in Gensokyo.  She smiles before she hefts it up and makes her way to the entrance of her hotel.

"Welcome back" greeted the doorman as he opened the door for Yukari.

Yukari smiles back as she began to walk towards one of the desks for checking in.

"Hello Yuna.  I see you brought your payment" said the clerk of the check-in desk, who happens to be the manager.

"Yes I have, these kind are extremely rare and exotic.  Something that would bring tourists into your hotel to have a taste of your most exquisite wine" said Yukari, placing it on the desk.

"And in return, you may stay in the hotel for as long as you like, just as long you don't forget to pay up from time to time."

"I assure you, I won't" said Yukari, grinning. "I'll be in my room, sleeping and working, please tell the employees to not disturb my room."

"Don't worry about that, miss Venicci" said the manager, before his attention was grabbed by a heavily tanned man. "Ahh yes, is there anything I can do to help you, Mr. Sorrentino?"

Yukari was already on her way to the elevator, pressing the up button.  She awaits impatiently, as she taps her bare feet.

The elevator doors finally open after about two minutes as many people shuffled out of the elevator.  Some of them headed to some desks to check out with their luggage, others looked ready to party in a club.

The elevator is yet again alone to Yukari, as she walks in and presses her floor button.  The doors closes and the elevator lurched up, as Yukari was unsteady for a second before balancing herself.

"(One eventful day, and I learned a lesson from it too~)" sung Yukari in her head.

When the elevator doors open, she immediately heads towards her room.  She gets her card ready to unlock the door to her room.  The card seemed to be of VIP status, whether she stole it or bought it was unknown.  It was eminently golden that was singled out from the bland, silver cards everyone else usually gets.

Her feet hurt again, even after walking only so many steps in the long strides Yukari takes, but she finally makes it to her room.

"(I could just gap into my room, but that would be too easy.  It's nice to get some exercise once in a while)"

With one swipe of her card, she opens the door and immediately puts the card on a nearby counter.

"(Oh my, so many boxes and things I bought in my little shopping spree.)"

Her room was neatly littered with boxes of all sorts and things she bought.  From shampoo to mini cooking grills to the soda in the refrigerator, Yukari certainly went on more than a little shopping spree.

As soon as she closes and locks the door behind her, she walks towards where her balcony would be.  She tugged aside the curtains and opened the door to her balcony.  She immediately sits in a plastic lawn chair, breathing a sigh of relief.  She looks out into the beautiful view she has.
A beach in the night as waves continue to wash up into the sand.  Lights were still on in the nearby hotels while Yukari's room was dark. Myrtle Beach was certainly the place to be in these times.

Yukari looks up into the sky, seeing a luminescent full moon clashing against the night. "It's going to be a full moon soon in Gensokyo.  The youkai will get more restless, and a certain teacher will go mad.  I hope I don't have to lead another 'invasion' for them to learn their place."

After a few minutes of relaxing, Yukari decides it's time to go back to Gensokyo, where a youkai like her really belongs.

"(Time to check up on my shikigami~!)" thought Yukari before opening a gap to Ran and Chen. They were still in the Hakurei Shrine, Chen was curled up sleeping while Ran continued to endlessly play cards with Yuyuko and Youmu.  She sees Ken resting in a nearby futon. "(My, I wonder how long they were playing.)"

She walks through the gap, generating an immediate response from the three.

"Yukari~, where were you?  And what are you wearing?" asked Ran, gawking at her.

"Just something that you wear in the outside world, Ran" said Yukari, closing the gap and sitting down next to Ran.  She ignores her other question, rather not wanting to explain what she's been doing.

"Do you happen to have any food, Yukari?" asked Yuyuko, getting an exasperated face from Youmu.  Yukari laughed softly. "Sorry, but I'll bring in some food soon."

Yukari looks to Ran beside her. "Ran, as soon as you're done, I'll take your place playing cards, and you will massage my feet."
"Yes, Mistress Yukari" said Ran, although she wasn't exactly eager to massage the feet she can already smell.

"How was Ken? and where's Reimu?" asked Yukari.

"Well, he suffered to the oni because his spell cards never could bring any real power" said Youmu, looking at Ken and shaking her head. "Yuyuko, your turn.  Oh, and Reimu is talking to the oni outside."

"My, doesn't Ken know?  Even that witch knows.  Today, danmaku no longer rules the battles we have.  Only when you combine danmaku and melee can you win.  That doesn't mean that you can't have a pure danmaku or melee spell card."

The three nod as Yukari continues talking. "Tomorrow, we need to refresh Ken again with a clean slate.  Especially since it's going to be a full moon soon~.  Ran, is Yuyuko cheating in Go Fish?"

One hell of a chapter to start off a new arc.
Comment and Review please!


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2011, 12:51:19 AM »
C.I Chapter 2

[size="7"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Timeless[/font][/size]

Ken's POV

I was bound to the floor in a dark room by an unknown force.  Only a strange floating candle was above, barely illuminating the surrounding area. It looked like I was in some sort of log cabin.  The wood floor was weathered with chips and cracks while the walls were basically logs barely standing on each other.  No doors were seen in my vision and I didn't see any windows either.

I was struck with apprehension as I could barely see what lurks in the large room.  Whenever I think I see something move in the darkness, it's gone.  Cold sweat ran down my skin.  I had no garment of clothing on except a pair of red and white plaid boxers.

(Fucking Christ, where the hell am I?  It looks like I'm in some kind of religious horror movie.)

Then anxiety screwed with my brain as I looked up at the candle.  My breathing was unusually fast as the candle flame almost flickered.

(I really hope there's none of them scary kids in this place.  I don't really need...OH FUC-...wait, it's a woman.  Who is she?  How did she get in here instantly.)

I finally saw a still figure appear out of nowhere in front of me.  She looked very frail and had some sort of fine instrument in her hand.

(What is that?  Don't get that near me.)

My muscles contract with no avail, I couldn't move away from whatever is in front of me.  The unknown force still held me down and I was breathing frantically.  My eyes narrowed as I tried to discern the woman in front of me. Whatever is keeping me in here, I seem to be imprisoned for that woman.

She began to walk slowly towards me.  I could slowly make out details as she got closer.  She looked...dirtied, seemingly baked in a translucent layer of dust.  She was very pale and skinny, as her hair had split ends that covered her breasts and her face.  She wasn't wearing anything but a scantly clad panty.

The thing she was holding in her hand was in fact a syringe.  But it flickered out of her hands when it went into the broad yet faint candlelight.

(Wait, she looks familiar....who is she?)

My mind raced as I looked up at her head.  It was basically a head of hair, as I was unable to discern who she is.

(Bloody Mary?  No, there's no mirrors.)

I looked around in a split second just in case, seeing no mirrors at all.

(Medeiros?, that can't be.  She's skinny and pale...but that can't be possible.  There's...there's no....fuck...there's no...Medeiros doesn't have hair...but...I think that's it.)

With the false confidence I was building up, I seem to grow more prepared for whatever that woman is going to do to me.  That doesn't take away the growing chill in my heart though.

(Then who's left....Damian's a boy...and...oh fuck no no no no! Not...Alma.)

I looked at the woman square in the face again, who seems to be getting on top of me.  Defying the unknown force, she forced my body to form a crucifix position.  She sat just before my dick albeit barely on my chest.

(No!  What are you going to do to me?)

Her chest and head leaned in closer to my body, her head of hair was approaching my own head.


(I mean...GET OFF!)

I couldn't speak, it was as if my vocal cords were pulled out.  My lips moved but I could not make a sound.  It tortures me that I can't speak what I think.

She stopped momentarily about 6 inches away; her unclean hair was blocking out the surroundings of the log cabin.

(Damn it!  If I'm going to die...or get raped, show me your face!)

It was as if she obeyed, her small hands were about to pull back her facade of hair.

My heart began to beat very fast, as I continued to try to struggle out of this unknown force.  My eyes were focused on the ever-growing crack.

I saw the face of a normal person.  I immediately relaxed despite the creepy atmosphere already generated.

But something wasn't right.

Her eyes were very cloudy, I could see very faint cuts in her pupils like she never cried.  Her lips were cracked.  Her entire face was very dry.  Then for some reason, the facial features of a very dry human's face in front of me...twirled into something I thought was malignant.  It stimulated my body in fear as it turned into a huge mouth of sharpened teeth.  Little worms were seen crawling around in her mouth.  Surprisingly, there wasn't a drop of saliva, but there was something in the middle of her mouth abyss that caught my attention.  A little yet extremely worm-like figure was dropping at intervals, gaining in length.  It grew more and more hideous as it got closer, turning into a big and metallic-like worm that squealed.  It exhaled a strong breath of what smelled like a poorly-maintained bathroom.

( no no!)

It bared its little teeth as the eyeless figure dashes towards me.


Third POV

It was a particularly beautiful day at the Hakurei Shrine.  But it was also very hot outside.  The sun's glare was very strong, causing even the cracked tiles of the Hakurei Shrine's courtyard to glow, causing unneeded exposure to human eyes.

Speaking of cracked tiles, the Shrine was in disrepair.  Other than the cracked tiles, the grass in various spots were seared, leaving only a thinning of the perennial grass that will soon grow back.  There were some holes in the ground as if they were dug out.  There are holes smaller than others, as the whole courtyard looked like Reimu decided to go on a treasure hunt.  Strangely, there are earthen rocks laying nearby; tufts of grass were found on the rocks.

Overall, the shrine looked very inauspicious.  Surprisingly, the building itself was untouched.

A little oni was sleeping on the Hakurei Shrine's roof.  Her feet were hanging off the edge of the tiled roof.  She clung onto her gourd like it was a body-sized pillow.  Her expression on her face showed discomfort and anxiety, while her body sweats from the sun and her apparent nightmare.  The nightmare must be involving Suika and a certain dreaded word that starts with the letter S and ends with a letter y.

Today is the first day of Suika's new living residence, the Hakurei Shrine.  This may seem crazy to a normal, uneducated, backwards, dogmatic, and yet unbiased human villager, but logic doesn't exactly rule well in Gensokyo, just like this contradicting human villager example in this run-on sentence.

Reimu assured herself a way for her to get donations in her absence.  And also a very primitive security system.  Why primitive?  Well, Suika is still sleeping whilst suffering to her nightmare of the dreaded 'S' word, and she's in broad daylight.  And her drunken behavior doesn't exactly help in discerning a person willing to donate and an intruder.  Plus the fact that she is an Oni, but that works both ways.  An Oni is very resilient in combat, and Suika can also manipulate density, a power that other Onis would want.  But as it seems right now, Reimu basically lowered the chances of her getting donations.

Speaking of Reimu, she is currently trying to wake up Ken in her shrine.  Ken looked like he was on the edge while he was in his futon.  The covers were already drawn off of Ken, and not even taking off his pillow could stop Ken from continuing his apparent nightmare.  She even tried moving his arms around and blowing a blast of air into his face, but to no avail.

Reimu decided to stop putting in so much effort into trying to wake up Ken.  She haughtily thought that she could have been done repairing the Shrine's aesthetic beauty already.  She got up off the floor and wiped her face with her right hand in exasperation.  Thoughts of using a certain Fantasy Seal card on Ken ran through her head, but after just remembering that she's in her shrine, Reimu thought of another alternative.  A sound just whistled from nearby.  A sound that sums up Reimu's current frustration over Ken.  Reimu grew a little smirk, after almost blowing up in sweat.

Reimu walked into the room where she was boiling her tea, which was flavored with seared grass.  A subtle substitute that Reimu liked; she never tasted seared grass before, so she's hoping that Ken would be so willing to try it.

She poured it into a single cup, before calmly putting back the cast-iron kettle.  She took the cup and walked back to Ken.  She threateningly held it over his unaware head.

However, when Ken began to stir violently; the border between dream and reality was about to be broken, Reimu panicked and dropped the cup over his head.  The liquid flew out of the cup as it spun.

Ken opened his eyes in sheer terror out of his dream to see tea falling into his face.  The liquid splashed over his entire head, blurring his eyes and slipping into his nose.


Ken immediately jumped up and ran out, screaming "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKING MEDEIROS RESIDENT EVIL ALMA FREAK!"  During his violent awakening, he shoved away the cup towards Reimu.  It still had some tea on it, and splashed on Reimu's chest.  Luckily, it was not enough to soak through to her sarashi. He instinctively slid open the door forcefully and leaped over the donation box.  He ran almost like a maniac with tea blinding his way when he landed.

At the stairs leading up to the Hakurei Shrine, he accidentally took a step in the air and proceeded to fall down the stairs.  "Ow"s and "Uh"s were heard from the poor Ken as he tumbled down and then rolled a bit away from the stairs.

Reimu stood there in utter bewilderment.  First at Ken storming out of her shrine, then her tea-stricked outfit; what was going on that made Ken running all terrified and...stuff?

After hearing Ken fall down the stairs, she giggled as she covered her mouth before walking out of her shrine.  She closed the door before heading towards Ken.  She figured that her outfit would dry up in the hot sun, and that she could kill some time right now.  Her outfit was already no longer dripping tea, but it still annoyed her that she has to clean up the tea on the mattress and on the floor in the shrine.  She could always get Ken to clean that up anyway.

In the meanwhile, Ken finally got some sense knocked into him.  He sat up grudgingly rubbing his eyes with his scratched up hands while coughing.  He finally knows that he's not in his dream anymore, what is still in him is the tea.  He continues to cough until the tea is gone.  He ran his finger across his nostrils, before snorting up a little air.  He begins to breathe normally as he looks around in his surroundings.

Ken's POV

(Eugh...I did not enjoy the taste of that.)

(God, now I have cuts all over my body now.)

I stood up on the ground, looking all around my body to see all the little bruises and cuts I apparently suffered during the journey down the flight of stairs.

My eyes were no longer blurry after I scratched them for a little bit.  My face felt really hot, but I don't think I have any burns on me.

(Hmm?  Say, how about a little deja vu?)

I remembered something similar to this happened before, only I was still running and the miko was chasing me.  I smiled, thinking about how long ago that was.

(I was a noob in Gensokyo back then.)

I start to jog down the path under the canopy of trees, shading me from an otherwise very hot day.  I felt the tea on my face already drying up.

(Man, I should go ahead and take off my shirt.)

I took off my shirt while jogging, leaving it in the pathway.  I almost hit a tree while taking it off, but I managed to pivot myself from hitting it.

(I better not get heatstroke in this weather.)

I felt a breeze go past my body while I jogged.  I looked around in my surroundings.  The only thing civilized is the paved path I was jogging on.  Everything else is surrounded by vegetation and trees, as if people wanted nature to stay there.

(I gotta say, it looks beautiful.)

After jogging for 6 minutes, I had no sign of being winded.  The path slowly deteriorated as I continued jogging on the path barefoot.  My feet began to gather up little cuts due to some little rocks I stepped on before.

I looked to my left, and saw a circle of bushes with a tree in the middle.  I slowly came to a stop as I came to investigate how this was possible to have a coincidental thing like this.  As I came closer, I saw a distinctive white object atop one of the bushes.

I smiled and picked it up, feeling how soft and plushy it is.  It was nice to feel a piece of modern technology in this backwards world.

(Oh toilet paper, how I missed you so...too bad I don't need you no more.  Gensokyo makes you comfortably constipated.)

I remembered the spot, it was where I made my first and last mark.  It was gone now, probably have decomposed into the soil below, but it sure was memorable.

(Say, how did it get there anyway?  I only remembered the toilet paper being at Marisa's...)

I examined the toilet paper, before putting it back atop the bush.  I thought it was very sentimental.  This would be the spot where if anyone needs to go take a shit, you could go here for toilet paper.

(I don't need you no more, but I'll come back whenever I gotta feeling.)

(Heh, I gotta feeling.)

I remembered the song back in the outside world.  I started snapping my fingers to it as I go back to the path and began to walk on it.  I start singing to every song I remembered. I sung to them as I walked down the path.

(Sometimes I throw my hands in the air sometime, saying heyo, gotta let go.)

The path seems to get more and more dilapidated as I go on, eventually turning into a dirt path.  And apparently, I walked for probably five hours.  I noticed the sun setting as it was noticeably cooler and the light was orange.

(Should I start going back?  Or should I keep walking?)

The path that my feet was on top on looked unfinished.  It was only mere dirt and bricks.  Bricks were at the side, just waiting to be set, but there wasn't anyone to put them into place.

I began to see danmaku burn marks on the path, they began to get more and more numerous as it stirred my mind.  It looked familiar, but what was it?

I felt a wind sweep through the forest, leaves rustled as I looked up; I saw a large clearing above. I sighed, considering going back, while trying to figure out what was so familiar about this place.

(What is it about this place that I'm trying to remember?)

While I was thinking, 6 bird youkai jumped out from the bushes nearby.  They ran around me as they struck me bewildered for a few seconds before I regained my senses.  They sneered at me, licking their lips on their ravenous looking faces.  They look like they hadn't had dinner for a while.

One of them was standing out. She had gray eyes, short pink hair, pointed ears like an owl, and light pink bird-like wings with purple highlights. She was in white and brown clothing with an apron and a small hat. She looked like some fanatic of birds, wearing many bird-shaped accessories on her hat and apron.

(Mystia?  Now I remember...they aren't going to get me this time.  Let's break the ice.)

"Oh hi, Mystia!  How's it going?" asked Ken, looking at the youkai.  The youkai looked confused before looking straight at Mystia.  She looked surprised before glaring right at me.

"Youkai.  This man must have strange mind-reading powers.  Eat him if you want his powers" said Mystia before flying away to the clearing, now leaving me confused.

(Well, I'm not a mind-reader.  Not sure how you got that.)

(And where's that chin-chin everybody loves to hear?  I only hear your friends getting ready to eat me.)

They smirked as they brandished their talon-like hands.  I also smirked, for they underestimated me to be a mere human.

(I could just fly away like a little girl, but where's the fun in that?  I rather see what I can do against a group of hungry-looking berserk youkai.)

I pointed at one and gestured for him with my hand to come at me.  His mouth was drooling as he held out his hand and swept it like a sprinkler once, making a single wave of red danmaku.  He stood there, analyzing me with his glaring eyes.

(Oh really?  You really think I can't take that?)

I looked at the youkai disappointed.  The wave doesn't seem to be fast enough, and when it spreads out, none of them are going to hit me if I just stand still.

And so I did, I stood there as the wave of danmaku moved past by me relatively slowly.  I shook my head and gave that youkai a thumbs down, who looked surprised.  The youkai looked at each other before they each made a wave of danmaku towards me.  They sneered at me as they looked like they were getting ready to leap at me.

(Now it looks like the waves will hit me if I actually stand still.  I bet they expect to move in panic and they will respond to wherever I go.)

(I think I rather stand here.  I don't wanna move yet.)

I let some of the danmaku bullets hit me.  I remembered that it used to feel like a hot drill.  Now it just feels like a warm prod.  The youkai looked at me bewildered before they talk to each other in the universal chin chin language.  How I will understand the enunciation of the word chin?  I don't know.  I probably won't at all.

(Well this is boring.  Why am I still here?)

I peered up at the sky for a short moment before staring back at the youkai.

(And it's getting late too.)

I decided to taunt them, if they want my body so bad, then they should actually try to get me.

"Can you youkai fight at all?  You guys seem very weak" I rudely snarked.  I made a little fake laugh to go along with it.  Then I thought I heard someone laugh in the background, before thinking it was my imagination.

The youkai in front of me looked very angry, before saying "MINCE YOUR WORDS! HUMAN!"

He, in a furiously berserk state, lunged towards me with talons outstretched.

(This is sad. You actually fell for it.)

I sidestepped out of his way as the ground soon meets the youkai.  I found a nearby large stick and picked it up.  I poked his head and his wings to see if he was okay.

"Are you okay there, kid?"

I think he was enraged by that comment, because his head was lifted off the ground and was about to bite my leg.  Again, I shook my head at how sad this was for that unnecessary pause that told me that you were going to bite me.  I then proceeded to curb stomp his head into the earth.  His whole body twitched as his head was soon in the earth.

(Your hair felt really coarse and dirty.  You're not an urchin boy sweeping the earth for food, right?)

I looked around me, seeing the youkai paralyzed and actually looking terrified now.  They still tried to play off their intimidation by the brandishing of their shaky hands.

(That would have been the perfect moment to jump me.  But you guys...come on.  I'm going back to the shrine.  This is a waste of time.)

"If you guys can't even take one human, then I'm just going to the shrine to get the miko to take care of you" I said, suddenly making a joke in my head.

(In Soviet Russia, the weapon fires you.  In Gensokyo, the miko fires you!  Even though that does not make any sense at all.)

I start to fly above their heads back to the shrine.  But when I looked back, they were giving chase to me.

(Let's see how you like my spell card!)

"Seeker Sign! AMBUSH!" I declared.  Strangely, nothing happened.  I became confused and put my hands in the pockets of my shorts.

(Where are my cards?  And why can't I declare them?)

They were gaining up to me, they seek to avenge their friend in the dirt with their talons outstretched while consistently making danmaku waves.

Meanwhile, I hastened my flying, scrambling through my pants to see where my cards went.  The only thing I actually have in my pants is the Reimu doll I have yet to remove.

(Goddamn!  Can you actually take someone's spell cards?  And they picked the most inconvenient time to attack!)

(No, they should come back to yo--goddammit.)

One of the bird youkai was scraping my back with his talons. He was definitely making incisions too, but they weren't bleeding surprisingly.
"Damn, not now!" I exclaimed, before grabbing one of the youkai's hands.  I jerked his wrist into a direction before I threw him into the forest behind my back.  He is now no longer to be seen, but the other three are still behind me.

(Damn it, leave me alone!  I'm trying to figure out where my cards are-)

"Spirit Sign! Fantasy Seal!" declared a certain miko whose voice was very distinctive to me.

(Was that you, Reimu?)

I turned around in mid-flight just to see the three being engulfed in 7 orbs of rainbow deadliness before a explosion ensued, leaving them on the ground.  They were blackened and crispy, just waiting for someone to engulf them in frying batter.

(Well, that was much-nee-OW!)

I hit a tree along the way without looking with my head.  I stopped and rubbed my head, not liking that one bit.  I felt a bump grow on my head, but not to an exaggerated size you would see in animation; it was still noticeably big.

My back rubbed against the tree before I quickly stopped, stopping the stinging pain that made me arch my back.

(I really hope I don't have splinters on my cuts.)

(Damn you physics!  Why do you have to work in Gensokyo!?)

I saw Reimu flying up to me.  She didn't look happy at all to see me, or at least she tried to not look happy.  She had her hand clasped on her mouth, looking like she's trying to stifle a laugh.  Yet at the same time, she glared at me with those unhappy eyes.

"Was that you laughing earlier when they had me surrounded?" I asked, as Reimu nodded.

(It was so funny you couldn't even tell me.  Oh wow.)

(Wait, why the hell were you following me?  Don't tell me you're all the scary things I mentioned!)

I sighed, shaking my head.  I realized that the building that I ran out of wasn't the log cabin, but it was the Hakurei Shrine.  And judging by the tea on my face earlier, that was from Reimu.

(No wonder I felt tea....wait a minute.)

Looking at Reimu with contempt, I gave her something that I believed she truly deserved for her actions and attitude.  I lifted off her hand from her mouth; Reimu looked at me in question, before she closed her mouth from laughing.  We had a brief moment of silence looking at each other's eyes, before I slapped her hard on the cheek.

(That's what you fucking get.)

She quickly covered her cheek with her hand as I left a red mark.  She gaped in shock and anger as she slapped me back on my right cheek in response.

(You bitch!)

I quickly rose my hand in the air ready to slap her again.  Reimu stood in the air unflinching from my threat.  I was ready to slap her as hard as I could.  It would be so hard she would be flying through the forest.

I moved my hand towards her face...and stopped at the last moment.  My hand was on her cheek yet no wrath was incurred.  Her eyes were squinted shut and her head was slightly turned away.  I drew back my hand, looking at it in surprise.  It was slightly red with a little stinging sensation.

(Now that I think about it, I have no reason to slap her.  I really didn't like her attitude, but she still gave me a futon to sleep in her shrine.  It's kinda like I...I'm just going to say sorry and sleep in her shrine again...)

(I have no fucking right to do that to her...but she just frustrates me so much!)

Reimu still had her eyes closed for a moment.  Then she began to open them slowly.  I felt strangely bad that I slapped the miko who gave me a home when I needed it.

She looked up to me again with her confused face as I dropped my hand to my side.

"I'm sorry" I briefly said, before turning my back on the miko and moving around the tree.  I flew back to the shrine in a somewhat sulky mood.

(Did I really feel bad...or did the miko somehow guilt trip me with her feint?)

I tried to convince myself that she feinted to gain sympathy, like a bitch would.  But I just couldn't shake the feeling that she genuinely was scared.

(She's been face to face with almost everyone in this world.  There's no way that can be believable.)

I was already at the Hakurei Shrine, realizing that it was night and the Gibbous moon showed itself in the sky.  I sat on the porch of the Hakurei Shrine in front of the donation box after floating over it.

I took out the Reimu doll I've been meaning to take out of reach of my balls for so long.  I wanted to imagine that it was a voodoo doll and that I would punch it with all my might.  But instead, I just fiddled around with my fingers on it.

(At times like this, I usually go home and destress...)

(Going home...going home...)

Memories of my past flashed into my head.  My home, my friends, and my school all appeared in my head.  My mom and dad also appeared at brief intervals.  Then the pictures of the members of Toujinstyle appeared in my head.  Some were pretty, some were plain, some were ugly, but all were memorable.  I remembered the guitar I used to play a lot at home.  I remembered the computer that I used to play a lot of Touhou games on.  I remember my touch cell phone where I always kept texting a lot of people.  I remembered an out of breath Jonathan who asked me to play basketball with him for the sake of his pride.  I remembered the food my parents cooked that was out of place yet delicious; mixing spaghetti with fried chicken to bourbon chicken on a stick.  I remembered the boring and plain classrooms, the color coded long hallways, and the drafty gym at my school; drama was a plenty at my school, but I never really cared because I was with my friends.

(Jonathan...Bradley...Lenna...Brianna...Mom...Dad...god, I miss them all.)

(I miss the outside world.  I miss my own fucking world.)

(I think it's been a year since I got here. It's around the time when I first came here.)

(Had it never occurred to me that I had never thought of home and friends for so long?)

(I wanna go back.)

(Will I ever stay here?  What am I doing here?)

(Will I ever go back to my world?)

(What will people think when I come back?  They must be juniors now, and I'll still be a sophomore since I missed too much days.  Do I really want to go back?  I could always drop out, but what will my parents think?)

(Would that mean I would go back to Gensokyo?  The dream world which I thought was unreal?)

(That's it.  I got it.  I will come back someday to see everyone, then I guess...I'll live in Gensokyo.  I'm not sure how I will live in a backwards place like this.  But all this relies on...Yukari.)

(She's the one who brought me here.  Am I supposed to thank or hate her now?)

(Will my powers work back home?  That would be an excuse for the govt. to hunt me down like an animal.)

My heart ached as I grew homesick.  I peered up, seeing Reimu flying towards me sulking.  She didn't really look angry at all, nor did she look happy either.  It's that same stoic look, but yet her eyebrows looked more slanted.  She seems to be a bit worried.

I hid the doll beneath and between my knees.  I left it hanging with just one arm.  She sat beside me before I felt her eyes looking at me.  It didn't feel like the glare I was used to.

(If you're going to tell me to get out and never come back, I guess I will go back to the SDM soon.)

"Ken, can I tell you something?" asked Reimu.  I didn't answer her because I really didn't have the motivation to.  There was no incentive in it.

"Look at me" asked Reimu in a more commanding tone.  I sighed before looking at her face.  The red mark was still apparent on her face but other than that, her facial expression was alien to me.  She looked calm, but I could tell she's anxious since she seems to want to tell me something.  But she wasn't her usual stoic and bitchy self, she was very different.

I still filled the air with the lack of silence, I really didn't want to open up my lips to someone like her.

"Did you know...that you were the first one to hit me like that?" said Reimu more shyly, that slight pause in the middle gave me confusion.  She seemed more eager for my answer.

(You would be the one to act nice and emotionless to people.  But you're different.  You're really different.  You're like...Lenna when I'm alone with her.  You sound...honest.  I'm pretty sure there's no such thing called an acting school in Gensokyo.  But,'re pretty believable.)

I shook my head in response, then Reimu let out a slight "oh".  She slightly turned her head in another direction before asking "well, why did you...apologize to me back there?  I know why you slapped me."

(What's this?)

Reimu looked like she regretted her attitude towards me.  She showed me through her tone and facial expression that she's remorseful and that she wants to make up.

"Because..." I finally moved my lips as Reimu paid close attention to me. "I didn't know how nice you really were until now.  I thought you were a bitch."

Reimu quivered a little bit and looked down in shamefulness.  I guessed she only paid attention to the bitch part.  I was surprised she knew what that meant, since that kind of language doesn't really flow around here by my guess.

"You were definitely high-maintenance, telling me to sweep and clean for you.  You were really greedy and I didn't like you basically.  You were definitely not a shrine maiden that a villager would want to get to know."

"Does that mean that I should change?" asked Reimu, feeling her red cheek. "If I'm not being a good shrine maiden, then I need you to tell me."

(Should she change?  That freaky to be honest.  Reimu is Reimu.  She's like a tsundere and a kuudere combined.  But I don't think I see anything about the dere part.  Just the tsun and kuu part.  She's mean...and she's emotionless.  But I'm guessing as of right now, those two don't fit her.)

(Plus, Reimu being randomly nice to everyone would be really weird and contradicting everything I know about fanon Reimu.)

(I don't want her to change.  She's supposed to control the youkai by exterminating them.  She may be able to take on Remilia Scarlet, and all those other bosses in the games of a drunken man.  But she gets absolutely almost nothing in return except being friends with them......and that's exactly what she really wants right now.)

(A friend to cure her of boredom.  Someone who can shoulder her emotions from going...this sounds like an anime.  But it's Gensokyo.  The idea may not look realistic, but it makes sense somewhat.  Just like a master spark is not realistic, but it kinda makes sense when you get blasted by it.)

"Ken?  Tell me!" yelled Reimu anxiously, before she covered her mouth and looked down.

"I'm sorry" she peeped out in a little voice.

Without her looking, I immediately became disgusted at that.  She would normally look at me in anger and even occasionally hit me with her ofuda or something.  It felt foreign to me.  I didn't want Reimu to change.

( something I don't want.  I don't want you to go softy on everyone.)

(I want to prevent you...from becoming a moe-blob.  Because then you have to be extremely dependent on people.)

I realized how Reimu can get easily angry at the sight of tea mixed with spit turned into a projectile.  I can see why Reimu wants me to clean up for her.

(You're individualistic.  You're not the push-over kind or the oddly silent kind.  You're someone who's not afraid to speak her mind despite being emotionless.  You're not a pussy.  Okay, maybe that could have been worded better.  I'll stick with the former.)

"Reimu...I don't want you to change.  I understand why you get angry at me" I said.

Reimu looked with interest at me. "Do you know why?"

"You don't want me to be just a freeloader to you.  You try desperately to get money, and I don't remember you giving me anything to eat before.  That of course makes you greedy, but only because I realize you work really hard when you usually get nothing in return, especially in conditions like this.  But you're still lazy because I only see you sitting around.  You're not afraid to bark at me with your insults and your thoughts.  I like that about you because I just realized it, and you don't lie" I spoke, thinking about how grateful I am to Reimu now.

She did scrunch up her eyes a little bit when I said she was lazy, but she smiled at the last part.

"I make sure I keep Gensokyo under control.  I make sure the border doesn't do anything strange.  I make sure the youkai don't get stupid by punishing the more cockier ones.  But I get nothing.  Nothing.  And you of all people understand that?  I think it's getting more than unusual in Gensokyo, but...I'm glad you understand that" said Reimu. "You won't get mad at me for yelling at you in the future, right?"

(Okay, that's pushing it.  But I like the fact that you took my mind away from my past.  You cheered us up both.  I guess we're more than acquaintances by now.)

"I can't promise you that, but I know that you mean well" I responded, before I remembered the little doll I was holding onto with my knees. "By the way, Reimu?"


"I have something for you.  And it's not money, you greedy miko" I joked, smiling.  As much I learned a lot from realization, it was getting kinda awkward.  So, I decided to return things back the way they were.

Reimu smiled before she frowned and pushed herself away from me, sliding slightly across the porch. "What is it, idiot?"

I sighed in relief, seeing herself back the way she is.

I pulled out the small Reimu doll I clung onto.  Reimu gasped and took it from me easily with her sticky fingers.  She examined it carefully and squeezed it with her fingers.

(Apparently, dolls is Reimu's orgasm button.)

"It's so soft!  Where did you get it?" exclaimed Reimu, tickling the straw-like hair.  I never knew Reimu had a taste for girly things.  She's the NEET kind playing Mabinogi and The Sims.

"From...a willing participant who is unconscious as of this moment."  I instantly thought of Alice when I said that.  I wonder if she's still sleeping at the spring.

"Why is that participant unconscious?"

"Does that matter now?"

(I really hope she doesn't know that Alice and dolls mix well.)

"I guess not" said Reimu, before looking up at the sky. "Hey Ken?"

(Are you enjoying your balls-infeste-, what?)

"What?" I asked, not liking Reimu for interrupting my train of thought.

"Can I ask you to do something for me besides cleaning this mess up tomorrow?" she asked.


I quickly looked at the courtyard, before my jaw noticeably dropped.  A sound of an anvil hitting the ground was immediately heard in my head.  It was like a battlefield took place on her courtyard with catapults and trenches and holes.  Not to mention how cracked the actual courtyard is.

(Oh my fucking god, SUIKA!)

(She never used effing rocks!  What the hell did Reimu do to get her angry?!  That meddling miko!)

I looked around in anger as I suddenly wanted to pummel the oni again into a pulp.  This is the biggest cleaning job Reimu asked me to do, and I don't like it.

I drew my breath in through my teeth, trying to calm down, before exhaling it through my nose. "Sure, as long as it's tomorrow."  I managed to say that quite calmly with barely an anger.

(I bet it's going to be awful hot tomorrow too.)

"Thank you.  Are you sleeping here?" asked Reimu, hugging her pillow.

(Well, I am also pretty tired.  So I guess so.)

"Yeah, I guess" I said, before stretching out my arms, yawning.

"Your bed might be a little soggy if you don't use your pillow."

I raised my eyebrows at that comment.  Was Reimu really the one who poured tea on my face?  I was about to ask her why she did that, then I decided it's not worth it.

(Why....I don't even care anymore. I just want some Zzz.)

"Meh, I do use my pillow, so it's okay.  I'm going to bed, good night.  Enjoy your present."

"I will, and good night.  You'll be busy tomorrow so get all the sleep you need."

(You're funny.  Enjoy the special treatment I gave to the doll I gave you.)

I headed into the shrine by going through the already open entrance.  It was really dark inside, and I couldn't find my bed in the little moonlight I had, so I just found a nearby spot on the floor and got ready to sleep.  My stomach growled painfully as I sighed again, having the desire to eat and drink something.

(There's a funky smell in this shrine.  I'm not liking it.  I'm also not liking the fact I haven't even ate the entire day.  I should of ate those birds while they were nice and crisp.)

Before I succumbed to sleep, I remembered my fanfiction called Crossing over the Border.  It used to be a big part of my recognition on the forums before I came to Gensokyo.

(I wonder if any of my fans are still there, seeing as I abandoned it for a year now.)

Then I remembered the conversation I had with Reimu just earlier, and linking that to my writing expertise, I had one last thought before I shut off my brain.

(Goodness, I'm such a Stu.)


There you have it, Chapter two of the C. I Arc.  Points if you can post where the Medeiros girl is from!
Progress on Chapter two of the More than Words and Actions Fiction will start soon.
Review and comment please!

Note: Tatsu011, Zuku can no longer upload my chapters to fanfiction, please upload for me from now on if that's okay with you.

[color="#2E8B57"]Vote for me as Best Writer in the 2010 DS Best Writer Poll! *shameless self-promotion*[/color]


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2011, 12:52:38 AM »
C.I Chapter 3

A Not So Fresh Morning

(All thoughts are now italicized.)

Ken's POV

Okay. Something doesn't smell right, or my last name isn't Asian.

I woke up to a very weird smell. It took me a while before I realized it was that same funky smell I detected last night. I kept my eyes closed while my nose wasn't particularly enjoying that stench. I could feel the light morning sun on my face with a slight orange tinge in my closed vision.

I guess Reimu never bothered to clean that up yet.

Reimu, she enjoying that doll I left for her?

I opened my eyes, as I stared straight at the sun immediately. I squinted my eyes and brought out my hand to block the sunlight from hurting my eyes.

I'm not liking that sun. I just slept on the floor without a mattress or a pillow. And it decided to attack me.

Well, I guess it's time to get up.

From not sleeping properly, it was a little harder for me to get up because I used to be so comfortable in a little spartan-like futon. Now, I'm feeling pain all over.

Maybe I should have went through the trouble to find a futon to use in the shrine.

Nevertheless, I managed to stand up and took a few steps outside onto the porch of the Hakurei Shrine. I yawned loudly and stretched for half a minute. I could hear my joints cracking, feeling satisfied to hear that familiar crack. My head also felt slightly tilted to the right; and there's nothing like moving my head to hear plenty of cracking noises and put back my head.

Oh yeah, that feels good. I remember having used to spin my head, before I heard about a small chance that I could kill myself. That's too bad. I liked the sound of that, despite everyone else thinking that it was disgusting.

I turned around to see inside of the Hakurei Shrine. It was barely visible inside; being still somewhat dark inside. Out of curiosity, I walked back in. The strong stench almost repulsed me from taking any more steps, but I continued to take more steps in.

God, that stinks. If Reimu isn't going to clean that up, I guess I have to. If I can find it.

Unless I can wake her up...if I can find her.

I'm pretty sure she took her time to find one herself to sleep in.

I looked around as best as I could in the dark room, using what little light I had. It's actually pretty difficult for me to find a shrine maiden in a small and dark shrine.

A flashlight would be so useful right now. It's like the miko is playing hide and seek.

Eventually, my feet ran into something soft and strangely moist. I looked down, squinting my eyes to see if I found Reimu.

You didn't pee yourself, did you Reimu? Something's moist right here. The smell is also stronger here. There's only one way to find out.

I took a breath in, as I was about to do something rash that could incur the wrath of the sleeping miko with her hidden god-like danmaku.

I put my right foot behind me in the air, then I kicked with it. I hit the wall with my toe, which fortunately gave me some relief, but definitely not in the physical sense.

Man, I would have died if the miko was right there. I rather have a stubbed toe than getting killed.

Still, where the hell is that miko?

I looked around again, not having any luck with it being so dark. Then an idea came through to my head, as I immediately looked over at the sliding door entrance to the Hakurei Shrine.

Maybe if I slid open that sliding door some more, light would get in; then I could find Reimu and see if she's cuddling that doll.

I silently stride towards the sliding door, getting in the light and feeling slight warmth on my face and chest. I placed my hands on the door and pulled. I looked back into the dark as it slowly begins to be illuminated. The little dust speckles in the air begin to disappear, becoming more and more invisible.

I stopped pulling and placed full concentration into scanning the Hakurei Shrine. I finally saw Reimu, who is sleeping in a futon right beside a barrel full of water.

So you were right beside the barrel of water huh?

Stepping over the stinky unused futon; my vision of Reimu began to get clearer and clearer as I stopped right beside her. I sat down and examined her closely.

She looked snugly fit in her futon, with a smile on her face. She only wore her sarashi into bed, exposing much of her skin. Her hair was undone, as it stretched from her head to inside the futon. She was cuddling the doll I gave her. At first, a devilish smirk went across my face, knowing that my precious marbles have poisoned the doll and tainting the shrine maiden. I chuckled a little bit, making sure to cover my mouth to muffle my laugh.

Then somehow, a complacent smile that seemed way less malignant than the smirk replaced my expression. I was surprised at first, then I accepted it.

Wow...what's with me today in the morning? I'm not falling victim to the disease of Moe. Am I seriously immune now? I'm sitting right next to a half-dressed miko who was meant realistically to be portrayed only in 2D. But well, I guess she does look cute.

In fact, she looks so cute and adorable that I want to pinch her cheeks. But I rather not find out what happens when I incur the wrath of the shrine maiden.

Then again, the desire was rising for me to touch her. My grin grew bigger and my eyes narrowed more.

I guess Moe is not out of my system yet. But I'm not fainting with exaggerated nosebleeds now.

Okay...maybe one poke won't hurt.

I reached out with my right hand while sitting on my knees. I braced myself with my left hand on the futon with the palm placed right next to the Reimu doll.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen again. Not going to get my ass kicked this time.

My sole intention was to poke Reimu's left cheek once with my index finger, since she was sleeping on her side. My shaky hand lurched right above her face; revealing that I was actually pretty reluctant to do this.

Living an otaku's dream huh? Not when you could actually get hurt, despite Meiling's special training.

I just sat there, trying to poke a shrine maiden's face with a shaky finger that I struggled to steady. Even in the morning, I was too tense to take any real action.

Come on...just do it! If she tries to whup your ass, you can't feel any pain.

Finally, after about 30 seconds, I pushed lightly against her cheek. Immediately after about a split-second of touching, I drew back my finger. Reimu mumbled a little bit, but even that alarmed me to the fullest extent as I had goosebumps and I retreated about two paces away. But then she flipped over to the other side, facing away from me now. Her hair seemed to cover her back almost entirely, drawing me back in closer. long is that hair?

I've always seen Reimu with her hair tied up with her ribbon. And I've seen it reach down to her hip. Just how long is it?

My curiosity got the best of me as I slowly slid off the blanket that concealed her body with the same shaky hand. I made sure to lift it off at the same time, so it doesn't feel like the cover is rubbing off against her.

Careful...Care...DAMN! What the fuck?!

I stopped, dropping the edge of the cover onto her legs. The hair was like a monster, stopping just at her slightly bent knees. My face contorted so much in surprise that I hurriedly put the cover back on.

Wait a second. If her hair grows..., how come I don't see my bangs?

I frantically touched my own hair, feeling that my hair was short. It was always this short since I got here. My face contorted even more in surprise. I touched all over my cheeks and below my nose and mouth, trying to feel any facial hair. And yet, not a single hair was felt.

What...the...fuck?! Why don't I have hair growing? What the hell is this?

My mind raced for any possible solution, before quickly coming to terms with this weird phenomenon.

Then again, I can't think of any incentive I could get from having long hair, and I never liked having facial hair.

Plus, you never see animated or drawn characters in anime, manga, light novel, whatever having facial hair. I guess Japanese people like to shave...a lot.

Still, I was still sitting there in shock while I stared blindly into the roof. It felt unnatural that I have no need to get a haircut or shave any part of my body. An even more puzzling question to me was why Reimu's hair was growing and mine wasn't.

Reimu's hair wasn't that long around the time when I was first here. But was that with or without the ribbon on?

I tried to remember what Reimu looked like last summer. Trying to think about it only gave my head a headache that I didn't need.

Okay. Forget it! Gensokyo is fucked up. Whoever the fuck designed this place was fucked up in the head.

"Ken?" said a light voice below me. Surprised by the familiar voice, I looked down to see Reimu looking at me sleepily while laying down. She was still hugging the doll to her chest, but her other hand was covered around her nose. I could see slight wrinkles on her face, knowing that she doesn't like the smell that I grown used to. "What is that smell?"

Thank god for that smelly distraction.

"I think it's from that futon over there" I said, pointing over to the source of the smell. Reimu's pupils barely moved in her seemingly narrow vision.

"Oh...I guess we'll have to..." Reimu stopped briefly to yawn, closing her eyes by reflex. I raised my eyebrows at her, before lightly shaking my head.

"...air it out" finished Reimu.

"How are we going to do that? We don't have a clothesline or anything like that" I asked, seeing as there is no post that could support said clothesline. And technology is too backwards in this world for any washing machines and the like.

"We do. We can set it up between the closet and the shrine. It's less troublesome with your help."

"Oh. Okay" I said, not really taking interest anymore. Since now I have to help Reimu with her laundry.

"Anyway, why are you sitting next to me?" asked Reimu, before sitting up and glaring at me with her doll basically strapped to her chest doing the same.

Uhh~, that's a good question.

I sat there, looking at Reimu and her hair, while trying to come up with an answer to her question.

If I had a Twix, I would...oh wait; how the hell am I supposed to actually clean up the courtyard? I can't exactly clean holes and cracked tiles. That's asking for way too much.

Well okay, I didn't even need a Twix

"I'm not cleaning up that mess in the courtyard" I said frankly. "Just to tell you."

"I know. You're too stupid to be able to come up with something to fix a mess like that. I'll just get Suika to clean up the mess instead."

Oh gee, thanks.

My eyes narrowed at her decision. "Are you sure about that?"

"I do have something coming up. She will clean up for that" said Reimu sleepily yet confidently at the same time.

Something? What the hell is that something?

"What is that something?" I asked, being very curious. However, I had an inkling that Reimu purposely said something because she doesn't want to explain to me right now. Now I expected the miko to not answer my question at all.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready. And do I look ready to you?" said Reimu, before she smirked. This left me at a loss, because I have no idea what Reimu could be smiling about. Then she said, "Oh, were you disappointed that you can't lay your head on this?" She pointed with her free hand at her breasts.

Heh. Really? You sound like a slut. But I guess it was my fault earlier for having weak moe barriers back then.

"You, a shrine maiden, can say stuff like that?! Oh my dragon, I think someone isn't as chaste as she looks like" I remarked sarcastically, feeling odd about using the word dragon instead of god.

Why didn't I use the word god? If even Rumia knows about Christianity, then it should be okay to say god in front of the pope of the Hakurei faith.

It seemed that Reimu took my remark seriously, as it looked like she just woke up. She looked straight at me with wide eyes. Blushing, she shook her head before frantically saying "I am chaste! And I forever will be! My duty as a shrine maiden will enforce it!"

Reimu? What the hell? You get serious when I make a sexual joke now? You normally would be relaxed about everything.

Pssh, who cares? You look so funny when your face is like that. Yeah...

Still, I looked at Reimu in shock, as a sudden feeling of guilt lashed all over me. I didn't feel like laughing at all, despite the previous thought I had. I felt like it was something I shouldn't say.

"Just get out and let me get dressed!" yelled Reimu while still blushing. She squished her doll against the middle of her bandaged breasts and turned away.

Jeez. Alright, alright! Damn...

I immediately got up and started walking towards the open sliding door. If it's at the request of the miko, I guess I'll do it. Still, one thing irritated me for sure, and I wanted to be done with it.

In my stride with my back turned towards the shrine maiden, I said "And please hurry up and get rid of that smell."

Reimu didn't say anything back. My theory I came up with while closing the sliding doors was that she was still too shocked to say anything else for now. I found her reaction very foreign yet very funny to the sex joke.

Usually I find Reimu to be easy-going, but when I make a joke that makes Reimu sound like she's easy, she goes on a QQ rampage. I have a feeling this day is going to be pretty long.


I'm going to experiment and see if short chapters are the way to go. Review and Comment please!
I won't re-edit my previous chapters to fit the new thought italics.  So Tatsu011, be sure to include that statement I made at the beginning of this chapter when you post it on


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #64 on: May 26, 2011, 12:53:08 AM »
C.I Chapter 4

Silly Things

Wow, there really is nothing to do right now.

I sat on the porch of the Hakurei Shrine, looking at the lonely clouds in the blue sky under the shade.  It's been a few hours since I ventured into the Shrine to see if Reimu was holding the doll I gave her.

Right now, I feel annoyed.  I'm annoyed at the fact there's nothing to do after helping Reimu set up the clothesline and get rid of that godforsaken smell, and now a gender-swapped person is basically singing Rapunzel.

"Suika! Wake up!" yelled Reimu, standing on one of the broken tiles and looking right above me.  She's been at it for five minutes now.  Her voice gets more and more annoying if I keep listening to her.  Suika I'm guessing is sleeping quite happily on the roof.

I think she's the kind that doesn't wake up to outside voices.  It's like she has some noise-canceling headphones on her.  Damn!

I'm getting a headache just hearing her scream.  I need to make her stop.

"Hey, I got this.  Now shut up before you give me a migraine" I said, getting off the porch and standing out into the sun.  This invited a glare from Reimu, but she shut her mouth.

Hey!  Don't look at me like you're superior!

Okay maybe you are, but I could care less now.

I flew up onto the roof, landing on the slanted tiles.  It's a little difficult to keep my balance on the roof, but at least I'm not wearing shoes.

Oh yeah.  You're definitely out cold.  I could definitely get a tan like this.

Then I thought of myself accidentally slipping off and causing a bleeding injury on my body.  I shuddered at the thought before looking at Suika.  She was drooling away from her mouth, creating a little tributary to the little river of saliva running in one of the indentations of the roof.  It wasn't dripping off of the roof fortunately, since it was stopped at the edge.  I felt disgusted, while my makeshift plan of slapping her cheeks to wake up were suddenly discarded.

Goddamn, you can only drool so much.  It's only been a few times for me whenever I drool in my sleep.  I'm definitely not touching that.

Reimu continued to look up at the roof while crossing her arms.  I find it creepy that it seems like she's examining every move I'm doing.

"I'm waiting~, don't keep me waiting~" teased Reimu, trying to be threatening.

Wanna know my reply?  You won't understand what it means.

I looked at Reimu, then I held out my hand.  My hand where all but one finger was in a fist position, the only one left standing was the middle finger.  I'm giving Reimu the bird.

Just as I expected, Reimu narrowed her eyes in confusion, and proceeded to try to do it herself.  Her fingers were clumsily moving as she struggled to do the bird.  She looked down at it herself, freeing myself from her stare.

Reimu, if you don't know what it means, don't even try extending your digitus impudicus.

Now I was trying to get Suika to wake up.  I can't wake her up by shouting at her face, and I'm not going to touch her face.  I'm not groping her; I rather not get pummeled into oblivion.  How am I supposed to...oh wait a second.

Yukari's POV

I am on the couch, watching Ran and Chen play competitively against each other on the Wii.  I smiled at how an electronic device with a simple purpose managed to capture these two very easily, playing a game of virtual tennis.

Both of you are so silly...just when you two were getting worked up about not getting the dresses or the ears you want on your little avatars.

With one overhead swipe of a Wiimote, Chen serves the ball over to Ran and eagerly gets ready to counter any move she has to offer.

Even though I've already exploited the fact you only need to move that remote ever so slightly, I guess it's nice for them to work it out.

Ran and her avatar's eyes focused on the ball as it bounced in the virtual court.  Automatically the avatar moves to where the ball would go; then Ran immediately tries to simulate a tennis backhand:  she puts her Wiimote at her hips as she quickly pivots from left to right.  As she pivots, her hand moves along at a faster rate in the same direction.  It sways upwards, finishing the motion with her hand above Ran's head.

I shook my head and almost giggled; an impudent smirk on my clean face.

Was it really necessary, Ran, to do that?

Chen smiled, much to Ran's dismay.  Ran's timing was unfortunately too late for the avatar to take the same action.  The ball moved past the avatar, with its second bounce out of bounds, signaling a temporary victory for Chen.

Chen looked very happy as she jubilantly jumped into the air. "Yay!  15-love~!"

"Don't underestimate me, Chen~!  I'll win for sure!" responded Ran confidently.

At least we have a friendly family competition here, and not like one of those...hardcore games.

I remembered a game that everyone played in the USA.  I knew that it had an M for Mature rating, making it unsuitable for kids like Chen to play it.  But nevertheless, parents and kids alike bought them and spent their hours away on a video game console.

Hmph.  It can't be that hard to conceal Chen from...kill-streaks.  If she ever felt empowered with a gun in a video game, me and Ran would do quite an intervention.

The scene in front of me seemed very unlikely, as it looked like they could play tennis all day.  I predicted that there will be a day where Chen will get more and more engrossed in increasingly violent video games.

She already terrorizes the human village.  We don't need her to get more evil than that.  I'll be sure to teach Ran about Parental Control later.

After a few minutes of watching the two play tennis, I got up and went into the kitchen nearby after being somewhat bored.  Chen had already won a game earlier, causing Ran to get even more determined at beating her in a game that takes little effort.

I wonder how Ken is doing at the shrine.  I haven't checked on him in a while.

I teared a gap in space with a flick of my hand, with the gap revealing a building.  It was a bird's eye view of the Hakurei Shrine.  I became confused when I saw Ken position himself on the roof right behind Suika.  Reimu was looking up at the roof, crossing her arms and showing contempt for some reason.

Ken, what are you up to?  Why is your foot raised in the air?

Ken looked very weird, holding his foot right behind his body, as if he was about to kick something.  Then he whipped it forward, kicking the oni on the head off the roof towards the ground.  It didn't seem like a hard kick, but that doesn't mean it probably won't hurt.  Even for an oni.

I noticed that the oni was headed right towards Reimu.  She quickly sidestepped and peered down at Suika in surprise when she face-planted the ground with a loud thud.

"What were you thinking?!" asked Reimu, still staring down at Suika's slowly reviving body.

"I was thinking that something more than a headache would wake this heavy sleeper a lot" replied Ken, before he lost his balance on the slanted roof for a mere few seconds, while Reimu's attention was on Ken again.  He then stabilized himself and sat down, looking down at the two.  Reimu looked really disappointed that Ken didn't fall off her roof before she began to help Suika up.

My, Ken.  You sure are creative.

As Suika began to get up with Reimu's assistance, Ken suddenly stared off into a certain direction like an idea just popped into his head.

What is my dear Ken up to now?

He looked at Reimu and stood up, before beginning to float up into the air.


"Hey, Reimu.  I'm going to go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.  Thanks for letting me stay over here" said Ken briskly before flying off into the distance towards the Misty Lake.

Just as Ken flew away, Reimu while helping Suika up, yelled "Wait! ...Just"  Ken was no longer at an audible distance.  After a few seconds, I heard Reimu mumble to herself while looking at the same direction Ken was last seen.  She didn't seem to be happy.

Oh come on, Reimu.  I believe you don't need his help in cleaning that oni's mess up.

Hmm, I should get a snack.

I left the gap open while I walked over to my silver refrigerator.  I opened the right door and examined the contents.

Hmm...let's see here.  Ah!  A cup of strawberry yogurt will do the trick!

Amongst the other dairy products like milk and a tub of butter, I found four cups of yogurt attached to each other on the top shelf of the fridge.  With the resolve to only get one, I took out the four cups, separated a cup from the four, put back the three, and closed the fridge with a cup in one hand.

Now for a spoon~.

I opened a small gap that is only big enough for my hand to fit through.  Using my free hand, I reached in and took out a plastic white spoon.

I closed the gap and opened another one.  I ripped out the top of the yogurt to reveal a pinkish and thick consistency of fermented milk.  I deposited the top into the gap and closed it, knowing that I simply threw away the top with unnecessary efficiency.

I scooped up yogurt from the cup with my spoon before bringing it into my mouth.  I savored the cool and flavorful explosion in my mouth as I took out the spoon from my mouth.

Humans.  I love them for making something so healthy and delicious.

While enjoying my snack, I went back to the gap I left open earlier.  While I fed myself with another spoonful of yogurt, I saw Reimu telling Suika to clean up most of the mess in the courtyard.  Suika only looked so exhausted that she looked like she could fall asleep any second.

Poor Suika.  First her plan is ruined, now she has to clean for a human.

"Is the supposed father not here?" asked out a random yet childish voice coming from the entrance.

Hmm?  That voice sounded familiar.  Could it be that brat?  I haven't seen her in a while.

Reimu turned her head to face the entrance.  Then she frowned; apparently she doesn't like whoever is visiting her.

"You?  And whose father?" asked Reimu, puzzled by the sudden question.

"Ken.  He hasn't visited in a while, and we were wondering where he went.  Flanny's been crying for him to appear, and Sakuya would like to speak to him" explained the now recognizable voice.

Oh...Remilia.  Speaking of Ken and Sakuya..

I closed the gap before I opened another one to throw away the now empty yogurt cup.

After having closed the gap, I walked back into the room where Ran and Chen were playing.  They are now engrossed in a game of virtual golf.  I knew their patterns when they would play golf on the Wii.  Chen would immediately strike the ball towards the hole as far as possible without taking the wind into account.  Ran on the other hand would strategically strike to a ball to a better position before shooting for the hole.  Her highest number of strokes was a par, since she would usually get birdies while Chen would struggle with triple bogeys, taking many impatient strokes until she was finished.

I have already removed the barrier between them and Remilia long ago.  Ken is not in need of support anymore emotionally.  So no doubt that Remilia can interfere with her weaving of one's fate.

Still, their feelings are left unchecked.  I don't know if they still love each other or not.  But it seemed like a relationship that spurred out of nowhere, at least from my point of view.  And those won't always work out.

Chen, when will you learn that you have to be careful with your shots.  That's the fourth time you got into that bunker.

Ken's POV

I wonder how Flandre is doing.  I hope she's doing fine without me.

I continued to fly in the air over the lake.  I could feel the sun's heat even with the wind cooling me down.  I wasn't close enough to the water to, in theory, feel more cool and comfortable.

Why is it so hot today?  Should I fly faster or should I fly lower?

I tried accelerating at a faster speed, but that didn't necessarily alleviate the problem enough.

I hate how there's no wind chill even when you go faster.

So I flew closer to the water, already beginning to feel the frigid air cooling down most of my body.  I felt relieved and slowed down to a much more comfortable pace.

That's much better.  Although my feet feels really cold, it's a lot better than sweating in this heat!

Now that I'm over the lake, how come I haven't seen those two fairies yet?

I began to peer around, trying to find any sign of a fairy whom I pictured in my head to be freezing innocent little green frogs.

Nope.  No one.  Where are they?

Ah!  There's the Scarlet Devil Mansion!  I should say hi to Meiling.

I saw the only clock tower in Gensokyo attached to a mansion with the time at 1:00 PM from reading the roman numerals.  I tried to look for Hong Meiling by using the dirt trail that Marisa carved earlier with her master spark.  My eyes followed the dirt path until it stopped right at the courtyard entrance of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.  I already pictured in my head a ginger gate guard sleeping against the wall on a stool.

One hell of a boring job she got.  Other than gardening.

As soon as I got close enough, I touched down into the ground and glanced at the gate.  Unsurprisingly, it was the exact same picture I was currently seeing in my head.  Hong Meiling was sleeping on the stool; her hat was on the ground unsupervised; as if someone could have took it from her and she wouldn't notice.

Well Well Well~, would you look at that?  I think I'll just take that hat.

I began to walk towards the entrance of the courtyard.  I reached out my arm so I could take the hat along the way, bending my body to get my hand in reach.  Just as my hands touched the metallic star on the hat, I felt a strong wind blow past me.  Alarmingly, I let go of the hat and became knocked back by a strong blunt force on my abdomen.

The blunt force somehow brought a very strong impact on my skin, then the force just passed through my body like it was water.  Then the same mysterious force knocked me back into balance and penetrated my body.

What the-, where the hell did Meiling go?

Why is my heart burning so much?!

I felt like my heart was experiencing a massive scolding sensation that isn't pleasant at all.  I looked at myself to find out that my entire abdomen was brightly glowing with a rainbow tint to it.  As time increased, my abdomen began to glow more and more intensely; while my insides was suffering from searing pain.

Gahhh!  Where the hell-

I turned around just to see Meiling crouched down on the floor with her back facing me.  Her pose was very much like a ninja after doing one of those pseudo-samurai instant death dash.

Me-Meiling!?  DAMN YOU FOR THIS~!

As the pain levels in my body soared far above agony of the highest, the foreign rainbow energies began to shake my body very violently.  If anyone would see me right now, it's like an exorcism gone wrong.  Some demon tried hard to hold possession of its host.

My vision suddenly began to blur in and out rapidly.  The exposure of glare from the sun began to get stronger and stronger.  My eyes began hurting from seeing things like this.

(Damn it!  I'm going to have to get her to stop somehow!)


Sorry for the short chapter after so long.  I'm experimenting by going back to my roots when I first started.  Maybe the whole cycle will start again?  It's kinda hard to satisfy and deny writer's satisfaction at the same time.
Review and Comment please!


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #65 on: May 26, 2011, 12:53:31 AM »
C.I Chapter 5

I faced Sakuya in a darkened room.  The dimmed source of light was some sort of chandelier above me.  Nothing else was in the room other than the chandelier and Sakuya.   The walls were painted a shade of blue that seemed very familiar to me.

My body now felt very warm for some reason as I continued to look at Sakuya's face.  Something was very different about her; her appearance remained completely unchanged; but a sense of familiarity from Sakuya made me felt uncomfortable.

It's like I met her before.  Even before I came to Gensokyo, just what is it?!

Her expression was expressionless, so to speak.  Right now, you wouldn't be able to tell if she was actually a life-sized figurine or a human being.  She just stood there, giving me this blank stare with her motionless pupils.  Even her gray pigtails hung in the air as if they were frozen.

We both stood idly; I wondered why I didn't take any action to get Sakuya's attention.  The weird thing was: I didn't have any motivation to.  I just never had any incentive to do so.

Perhaps the particular motivation was affection, but that was gone.  It was not there for me to get Sakuya to even nudge a bit.  Maybe it was the strange feeling of familiarity that threw me off.

Why do I feel like I don't love her?  Why is my brain tingling at the sight of Sakuya?  Is she like someone I know very well?

I think I had this feeling before.  I never had it before with Sakuya until now.  I know this feeling.  I have to!  I need to figure this out!
What the hell...why is this so hard?  So damn difficult.  It feels so foreign yet so nostalgic.  God-damn...

Wait.  I just had a brief memory flash of it.  I think I felt that feeling with someone before.  Someone I know I can trust.  I don't think it's a guy, but maybe it's...

While my mind was hard at work figuring out this mysterious feeling, my eyes caught the expression on Sakuya's face slowly changing.  It seemed very creepy, because it was like her whole body was being manipulated very slowly by a puppeteer.  Her mouth became wider, enlarging the gap of her two lips, and her eyes became slightly bigger.  It distracted me from deducing where I had gotten the feeling, so I went ahead and tried to see what Sakuya was doing.

Sakuya?  What are you...

A loud and piercing scream immediately came from Sakuya.  I quickly looked around, spreading out my arms just in case something from a nightmare tried to jump me.  She was screaming, and it seemed she was too paralyzed to do anything.  It was very ironic, because Sakuya would just take out the threat with her knives.  Another odd thing was that it wasn't her voice at all.  I never heard Sakuya scream before though, but it didn't seem like her voice at all.  It was very familiar though, and her reaction was familiar too.  It frustrated me because I just couldn't remember why it was so familiar.  It frustrated me because I also could not find what she was screaming at.

When I turned around to check if there was anything behind me, I felt a barrel press into my head between my eyes.  When my eyes adjusted from the slight blur, I saw a black silhouette.  The black silhouette seemed to have long hair and was wearing a dress.  It pressed a gun to my head.
Just before I moved my head out of the way, I heard a gunshot.  I clenched my eyes and prepared for the worst.  Nothing came at first at all, and I felt the barrel lift off of me.  When I opened my eyes, I heard a loud bang with a long and loud ringing sound.  Nothing was there anymore.  I deduced that it was probably a illusion, possibly one of the side-effects from Meiling's unknown charge.

Is Sakuya still there?

I decided to turn around to see if she was still there.  During the process of turning, I felt a metallic object bang against my head.  It brought my head forward and blurred my vision, before...


Third POV

Ken shot up from his bed.  He frantically looked around in the dark before blanking out and staring forward.  He was in a barely bare room.  The one window beside his bed was devoid of scarlet curtains, completely bringing in the moonlight.  It barely lit up the room, with much of it still in darkness.  The walls themselves were scarlet, yet the edges of the walls were white.  Ken was in a bed with scarlet sheets with white edges and scarlet pillows.

The room was basically full of a certain reddish color that is typical of the mansion's owner.  Perhaps she does not like variety in her design of the mansion?

A lone box sat in one of the corners of the room.  It had things that belonged to Ken; things that he only had left from the world he came from.
Ken shook his head after he took some time sitting in bed and staring at a wall.  It appears that he needed a lot of time to cleanse his brain from any remnants of his dream.

During his blank stare period, he had wondered long and hard about the meaning of his dream, along with the strange behavior Sakuya was exhibiting.  But it was to no avail, for Ken only came up with nothing.

He felt his stomach churn and growl; wincing at the stomachache that he should have got rid of a while ago.

With his desire taking control of him, he prepared to get out of bed when he just realized that someone was under the covers with him.  He didn't feel the two soft and petite hands grasping his left hand.  He noticed a large hump right beside him when he squinted.  Ken quickly checked to see if his pants were on, then facepalmed himself with his right hand after finding out that nothing was wet down there nor was there an erection.

Then Ken facepalmed himself again for thinking about that possibility and growing an erection.  When he checked if he had pants on, Ken could barely see under there with the covers darkening whatever is under it from the moonlight.

After much squinting and being uncomfortable from adjusting his back and turning his head, Ken became frustrated enough to take off the covers forcibly.  He must have been extra grumpy from not having anything to eat since he took off the covers with so much force.

But now he knew who was under the covers; it immediately struck Ken mentally as he saw Flandre sleeping on his left side.  He continued to stare at Flandre with surprise until his stomach growled again.  It was a very audible one too, but it did not awaken the vampire.

Overcome by his much-needed desire, Ken subtly tried to slip his hand out of her grasp without waking her up.  Flandre didn't really have much of a grip on his hand, but that didn't stop Ken from trying to be sneaky.

He slowly inched off his hand from her grasp in order to not raise her hand.  If it were to drop after Ken's hand is released, it might have a risk of awakening the vampire.  And if the vampire does awaken, Ken would find himself in a difficult position to get anything to eat if he would have to deal with his 'daughter.'  Trying to avoid Flandre's attention isn't exactly on his mindset; rather, he's just trying to avoid waking her up.

As soon as his hand was free, he placed the covers back on Flandre before he turned around and placed his legs over the edge.  He placed his feet on the floor before he stood up from the bed.

Ken, in an exaggerated stealthy manner, began to sneak out of his own room briskly.  He silently applauded himself for escaping Flandre with a grin.

Just when he was about to open the door to the hallway; moaning made Ken froze up and glance back immediately back to Flandre.  He saw her twist and turn onto the other side.  He held his breath instinctively while he continues to observe what Flandre might do next.

"Daddy, I wanna stay with you in this mansion.  We'll...always be together here.  I don't wanna go anywhere" said Flandre in her sleep, freezing up Ken even more.  He expected Flandre to turn around and guilt trip him into going back to bed.  But instead, he stayed where he was while Flandre didn't even turn to look back at him.

Ken felt very guilty for leaving Flandre's side as soon as he woke up, but he would need something to eat if he wanted to get through the night with a nice sleep.

After a while, Ken exhaled slowly and finally walked out of the room.  After being a few feet away from the room down the hall, he pondered Flandre's words.  Then he started wondering about why Flandre started looking up to him like a father from the start.  As he continued to think, he walked down the hallway in complete darkness.  He doesn't seem to know that yet; the only way he could tell is if he hit a wall.

Ken felt like he didn't know anyone anymore in the mansion.  He doesn't really know much about them.  He questioned his fatherly relationship with Flandre before.  Now, he also wondered why Sakuya was infatuated with him.

From his experience of hanging out with his group of friends at school, Ken doesn't understand how he and Sakuya are in a relationship when they both haven't really established any common bond of friendship before.  Ken began to doubt his thinking now; knowing that he had a friend named Stephanie where they both were very close without really being friends for a long time.

He blamed his brain for being deprived of nutrients from not eating for a long time and made his goal into getting into the kitchen and eating whatever was there.


After aimlessly walking through the dark and endless hallways, Ken managed to find the stairs by tripping over them.  With the sudden decrease in height, Ken had crashed down to the floor and felt disoriented.

Despite the fall, it was a welcome change than to occasionally bump into walls and busts alike.  At least he remembered that the kitchen should be nearby.  He could see the way since there were actually windows in the foyer with the moon illuminating it.

The moon was emitting a strange blue tint to its light, yet Ken was too hungry and confused to notice the blue light.

His stomach growled again; a sound that Ken had to grow accustomed to on his way here.  He stayed on the floor until he is no longer disoriented.
Then Ken stood up and began to step forward on the way to the kitchen when a bolt of lightning grazed his left cheek.  It made his cheek a little singed as Ken stopped immediately.  His brain was immediately alerted into a state of fight or flight as Ken began to look around for the person.
An orb of fire was sent up into mid-air, before it became a bright light and lit up the foyer with its yellowish light.

Ken looked at the person who was behind him, recognizing the person as Patchouli.  No other person would be in their purple pajamas, have a floating book in front of their face, and holding a floating wisp of green.

"Oh.  You finally woke up?" asked Patchouli, surprised to see Ken awake.  Ken looked like he didn't understand what Patchouli meant.

"Wh-what do you mean?" asked Ken in an almost hoarse voice.

"You were sleeping for quite a while.  Three days to be exact.  Meiling must have grown stronger in the past few weeks" replied Patchouli. "If I didn't know it was you, you would have been shot down dead by my spells for intruding the mansion."

Ken visibly shivered when he heard Patchouli's last sentence.  He concluded that it must have been all those busts he accidentally bumped into that caused Patchouli to wake up.  After all, several 'bumps' on the floor caused by broken chips and the breaking of the busts must have caused Patchy to grow suspicion.

"U-uh..."  Ken was unable to come up with anything to say.  The fact that he could have been shot dead by Patchouli plagued his mind.  There was a little awkward silence, until Ken's stomach growled loudly again.

Patchouli coughed when she tried to laugh from hearing Ken's stomach.  Ken narrowed his eyes at her while clutching his stomach.

"Can I get something to eat?" said Ken sickly, trying to stop Patchy from coughing and laughing at the same time.

Patchy stopped about five seconds after Ken posed the question.  She said, "well recently, Sakuya and Remilia went out to refill our food supplies."  Patchy paused for a few seconds, possibly debating on whether she should say the next thing or not. After a moment's hesitation, she said "they haven't come back yet."

That brought chills to Ken's body.  He wanted to eat for so long; he was eagerly waiting to stuff himself with all kinds of food from the fridge.  Now that he knew that there was no food left, he wanted to bang his head into a nearby wall.

In fact, Ken was just about to when Patchy said, "you could look for them."  That was before she coughed again due to her asthma.

"but I'm hungry~" slurred Ken exasperatedly.  He wasn't motivated to get out of the mansion and look for someone when he was hungry.

"They have the food already, I bet.  I know a few food vendors that would be still open at this hour from what Remilia and Sakuya told me during our first days here in Gensokyo.  It is either that or they are at the Hakurei Shrine's festival to celebrate with Reimu" said Patchy.

Much to her surprise, Ken was already out of the mansion when she said her last words.  The doors were left open as it seemed Ken was in a rush.
"Find them Ken; they've been gone for a long time" said Patchy to herself, before shutting off the orb in mid-air.  Now it was only the blue-tinted moonlight that illuminated the foyer once again.

Patchy made another orb that lit up her nearby surroundings but not enough to penetrate all of the darkness in the whole room.  She began to make her way into the library as the orb followed her.  The doors to the vast library were open already.  And a faint light far into the library practically invited Patchy in.  She seemed eager to dive into her books while she lets everything sort themselves out.  Whether it was Ken figuring out where Sakuya and Remilia went or what her doll garrison is doing to improve themselves.  There were occasional dwarfed figures of the SDM crew silently patrolling the library in groups; while Patchouli made sure not to step on them.


Ken's POV

I. Am. So. Fucking. Hungry.  Need.  Something. To. Eat.

After exiting the mansion and crossing over the Misty Lake; all I could think about is food.  After realizing that the mansion had no food for me, I felt devastated.

How could you not have any food in the fucking mansion?  You have fucking fucking!  Forget fucking it!
I'll even eat rice without anything added to it!

I was hovering just above the trees of the Forest of Magic.  My stomach was being impatient with me; I could feel it eating off my muscles to sustain my body by the pain I felt throughout this whole endeavor.

My brain was barely working at the moment.  I almost injured myself multiple times by letting my legs graze past the top layer of the trees; running through branches and leaves at the same time.

In fact, I really wanted to bang my head against a tree and hope fruits fall down for me to eat.

I just want some food.  I don't ca-ow.  I want something to get my fucking stomach to shut the fuck up.  Why can't fucking Gensokyo of all fucking places to fucking give me a piece of food.  I don't care.  Give me a fucking flaming gay fairy...give me a fucking...........bird.

That's it!  The bird has to be the word!  That is the food I am looking for!  THANK YOU SO MUCH REIMU! THANK YOU FOR COOKING THE BIRDS WITH YOUR GODDAMN YU-GI-OH SPELL CARD!

I grew very eager to get into the forest and go on a rampage to find those birds Reimu had burned up before.  I didn't care at the time if the birds were contaminated with insects or fungus.  I just had the raw and ravenous desire to eat.  I wasn't foaming at the mouth, at least not yet.
Then the moment of truth came:  I got ready by gaining some height in the air and preparing to go into the forest.

I felt like some rapid animal ready to feast on a nearby human; but it was justified in my head by this primitive instinct I had for some reason.
My mind and body felt already prepared to undergo the process and to rip off the flesh of the birds that were already cooked.

I immediately dove in head-first to the forest.  I was fucking ready to bite into nicely cooked chicken.  I wasn't going to let a few branches and fungus take me down from filling my manly way of things!  And I bet even the fucking forest won't even have the fucking nerve to stop me!


Been pretty busy.  League of Legends, upcoming Crysis 2 demo, school, guitar, and keeping up with things in general.  Review and Comment please!  I didn't bother to check for grammar in this one.  So bear with me!  :P


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #66 on: May 26, 2011, 12:53:53 AM »
C.I Chapter 6

[size="6"]A Hypocrite Darkly.[/size]

Third POV

It was night with a strange twist.  The light the full moon emitted had a strange tint of blue to it.  Screams of unknown monsters and humans alike filled the air as the youkai strangely became more aggressive and the humans themselves turned insane from the moment they glanced at the moon.

Even those at the human village could not have been tamed by their peers upon looking at the moon.  However, the human village seemed to be non-existent.  There was a huge patch of land in Gensokyo; a huge clearing surrounded by trees and such.  There aren't even roads that lead to it; every trace seemed to be hidden.  It was as if the history of the human village itself was non-existent conveniently on a night like this.  Who knows what would happen if the village was still there?

In the Forest of Magic, a ghostly woman happily chomped down on a bird-like youkai's remains while sitting on the ground.  Her entourage waited impatiently for her to finish.  She wielded two katanas with both hands, and a sperm-like white wisp followed wherever she went.  She paced back and forth as she watched her lady cleaning off the meat of a bone.

"Yuyuko, please, let's hurry" said the silver-haired entourage.  She slightly shivered when she saw her master lick the bone in pleasure.  She felt a little disgusted at seeing her master do such demeaning things.

"Oh Youmu, must we?  Good things come to those who wait~" sung the woman, known as Yuyuko.

"Not literally, my mistress.  Now let's go" replied Youmu.  She walked over to her mistress before she stretched out her arm, trying to take the bone away from her mistress.

Yuyuko swatted away the hand playfully and blushed. "Now now Youmu, I'm not finished~."  She continued licking the bone as Youmu brought her hand back.  Her face was blushing as she felt even more uneasy than before.

She sighed before she went behind her mistress's back and lightly grasped the neckline of Yuyuko's blue kimono.  Then she begins dragging her mistress on the ground towards an unknown direction in the forest.  Yuyuko continued licking her bone as if nothing happened as they both soon disappeared.  Yet another thing society shouldn't see!

"Youmu, have you found her yet?  I want to eat her~" asked Yuyuko casually in the distance.  A snap of an object was heard before a loud moan that belonged to Yuyuko followed.

"Aww~, you're no fun~".  Answer me, Youmu~" said Yuyuko playfully.

"No, I have not, my Mistress who almost choked to death on a bone.  She disappeared deep into the forest before I could catch her." replied Youmu.

"But I know she we-"

"Shut up" interrupted Youmu, tired of her mistress's useless behavior.

Silence followed after Youmu's silencing remark as the two became too inaudible to discern any of their words.  They finally went on their objective to investigate, even if Yuyuko really wanted to eat whatever she came across.  Youmu wasn't willing to take any detour at this time.

There was a carcass left over from where Yuyuko and Youmu used to be at.  All flesh and muscle were cleanly eaten off; and the bones had bite marks all over it.  A certain somebody must had quite a feast; even going as far as licking the blood clean.  Although, there was that one little bone that was a foot away from the carcass.  It had spit and a little bit of half-chewed muscle on it.  Perhaps that certain someone detested that bone in some way that it had to be separated from the carcass?

About ten feet away from the feasting site, leaves on a tree rustled vigorously for a few seconds before a figure landed and buckled to her knees on the ground.

She then collapsed to the ground.  There was a grip mark on her thigh, and part of her dress was ripped off.  She clasped her wound on her stomach, as she bled out a small puddle of blood.  Her pinkish hair was dirtied and ruffled, while her wings lay lethargically on her back.
Her other hand lied flat on the ground as the greenish claws dug into the earth.

Her left cheek was against the ground, as it revealed her fatigued and dirtied face.  It was like she went through a huge defeat and gave up life.  She was a still target for anyone to come nearby.  She was very still though, so someone would mistake her for a corpse.

After a few minutes, she struggled to get up as she panted.  Her wings flapped at a very low and lethargic pace.  Her wound stopped bleeding as she managed to keep it under control with her bloodied hand.

Finally, she was able to stand on the ground.  Her hand dripped blood to a puddle just below her and her dress was stained with it as well.

Third POV Limited

It hurts.  It really hurts.

The bird-like girl tried to take a few steps on the ground.  On each step, the ground acted like an electrical shock pressure pad that would deliver a stinging taze to anyone who dared to step on it.  Without the needless exaggeration of the ground, the girl cringed at every step she took.

After a while, she was able to walk again.  Even youkai hated the aftereffects of your limbs falling asleep.

Mystia wiped her hand on her already bloodstained and ripped dress and leaned against a nearby tree.  She continued to pant with fatigue as she looked up at the moon.

The moon is really weird.  So far, it's being mean to me...

I never saw a moon like that.  But it's making everyone turn stupid and attack.

Even my useless friends suddenly wanted to eat any human they could find.  The one who was with me was stupid.  Very stupid.

He wanted to eat so badly.  I wanted to stay in safety but he just had to take me and get eaten himself.

If he was smart as me, he wouldn't do that.  He would help me sell food.

But no~, you had to be selfish and not help me make a lot of money.

I don't think even my singing would give me more people to use.  I bet it's because that moon is playing a joke on them by making them more hungry.

Mystia stomped her foot on the ground in anger, thinking about what happened recently.  Her teeth was pursed, as she seethed out her exasperated breath.

The moon made me stupid too.  It's all the moon's fault.  It made me try to help my friend even if he was about to get eaten.

That woman with a ball that has a tail to it was too fast for him.  He got chopped up and she just stood there, looking at my dead friend.

How does she learn how to chop so quick with those long knives?  It's like she spends all day cooking and chopping meat.

Then out of nowhere, this lady grabbed me really hard.  She was really cold too.  She wouldn't let go of me.  She even scratched my tummy with her fingers and ripped off almost all the front of my only dress.

Doesn't she know that I don't have an apron yet for my customers?  I have to look good.  Or else they won't like my food.

She won't even go away when I tried to make her not see anymore.  Is she not human?  She looks like one.

She had those weird floaty things around her so I don't know.

I finally got away after she saw my friend's dead body on the ground.  When she let go, I ran away as fast as I could.

Then I had to stay up in that tree. Mystia glared up at the tree she fell down from. The tree made it really uncomfy for me.

Why is today a bad day for me?

Mystia worriedly looked around for anyone that could be passing by.  Her hands twitched towards her front, getting ready to cover any part of skin she has.

There was a rustle in the trees above her.  Becoming alarmed, Mystia immediately ran to the other side of the tree.  She peeked out and apprehensively looked around for any sign of danger.

She visibly shook in fear. Is it going to get me? She stayed alert for anything that could mean a threat to her.

It was probably just the wind. Mystia tried her best to fill herself with false confidence before she ventured out into her former spot.  She suspiciously looked up, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.  The leaves illuminated in moonlight as they always have been.  Mystia continued to look around in an apprehensive behavior, but she stopped looking up.

She began to sit down against the tree.  Her butt slid down towards the grounds she prepared to get a moment's relax.

Suddenly, the rustle returned, and it continued.  It was more vigorous than before, and the moonlight illuminating the leaves had disappeared.  Mystia tried to run away, but she was unable to stabilize herself during her descent.  She rapidly fell towards the ground on her butt as her knees temporarily rose up.  She backed up against the tree by scraping her feet towards the ground.

Don't hurt me!

Mystia cowered into a fetal position, using her arms to cover her face and her chest with her legs.

A man in his teens fell from above into the ground.  The grass bent as the man landed on his stomach and faceplanted his face into the puddle of blood Mystia left earlier.  A brief rain of leaves and sticks filled the space between the man and the tree as they harmlessly fell to the ground.  Moonlight shone once more onto the tree.  Some of it managed to brighten up the trunk.  Part of that managed to hit Mystia's face as she began to uncurl.  Peeking through her growing vision, she looked at the man who fell into the ground.

He doesn't look like anyone that would come from that village.  He wears very weird clothes.

Mystia sat staring at the unconscious person in front of her. Is he dead?  She grew curious as she began to rise out of her fear and paranoia.

A little spark of anticipation went off in Mystia's head, as she reached for a long stick and repeatably poked the body from a distance.  That spark of anticipation grew into a fire that was seen in her eyes.  She eagerly licked her lips in front of the man.

Food for tomorrow!  A human too!  I'm so good I didn't even have to blind it.  It came towards me when I didn't even sing.  He must be looking for me!

Not realizing the fact that the man could be insane and is possibly hunting down youkai like her, Mystia began to brandish her claws and got ready to cut up the man.

Her claw pricked the man's left arm as she began to go deeper and deeper.

"Blood?  I smell...blood" said a joyful unknown voice.

Mystia gasped upon hearing the voice and stopped incising into the man's arm.  She licked the incision in order for it to temporarily stop bleeding. Oh no!  It's one of...them.  Is it?  They aren't touching my food!  I rightfully found it, and they won't get it from my cold-dead claws!

Determined, Mystia was filled with an out of nowhere burst of energy before she dragged the man's body by the hand away from the current scene into the forest unknown.

I just have to find those things when I get there.

Unknown POV
Ah.  They ran away.  So much trouble.

I stepped upon the ground where I detected blood.  I saw a puddle of blood right below me.  Out of my curiosity, I crouched down and licked the blood from the ground.  Luckily no one saw me partake in this blood in such an uncouth way.

That was before I spat it out in disgust.  I knew the blood wasn't that of a human from the moment I touched my tongue to it, but I always had to make sure I checked for any human traces.   Even if it tasted oh so riveting.

Youkai blood.  So disgusting.  Servants are after all disgusting in many ways, and therefore serve our kind.

I rose up and saw a trail of blood that lead into more of this dark forest.  I smiled and began to follow this blood trail.  I stalked silently in the grass while staying out of the moonlight.  It seems like this won't be so troublesome after all.

This chaos.  If it were such a person, I would thank it for pleasing me and my appetite for blood.  Already, I was able to partake in many humans.  They are strange today.  Is it the moon?

I looked up at the moon in a hole through the forest leaves.  It had that strange tint to it.  I threw away the possibility that it could be the moon.

The humans were so erratic that they dared to attack me.  They were so easy to take a sip from.  The youkai were also unlucky to face me in the night.  They were all aggressive towards anyone.

Now I will come towards them.  They will dare to face me and they will have the same fate as the ones I encountered before.  This is the perfect opportunity to break free of this god-forsaken contract.  Nobody will know.  This is all for me.

Before we were kings of the night, now we can only be hand-fed by those disgusting servants.  I will betray my contract, for more.  For more.

I had reached the end of the trail blood in the forest.  It seemed to have dried out from sliding against the grass many times.  I still see a trail made past the blood.  The grass never lies.

Perhaps one had go a-hold of their prey.  I shall follow, and I shall drink.  I can still smell it.

I walked on the grass trail with the smell of blood getting closer and closer.  I walked faster and faster, breaking into an inhuman stride of patient steps.  I dared not to implant my mark upon the earth by putting more pressure on the grass.  What if they find out?

The perfect night.  For more.

I began to see a light in the midst of the forest.  I smirked before I no longer walked.  I no longer had a need to stalk.  My vision was all over the forest, since I was everywhere.  No one could detect me even if they tried.  I moved forward towards the light, ready to unleash a surprise.

You look like someone who's got a lot going on beneath the surface.

Third POV Limited

A small light emanated from a small Japanese stall.  The fresh smell of fish wafted around the stall as there were various noises coming from inside the stall.

Mystia quickly rummaged through cabinets below the stove.  The unconscious man laid right behind Mystia on the ground.  An apple sat right beside his head while his mouth was wide open.

Ah ha! There it is!

Mystia took out a small box and laid it right on the unlit stove.  She lifted the cover to unveil roasted soybeans.  She then went back in her cabinets, looking for more items.

A light blue fog began to appear in the forest, as it began to surround the stall.  It made it obscure for anyone to see into the fog.  As it encircled the stall, the noises of the youkai and humans began to die out.  It seemed to be blocking out the noises for anyone in the stall.

Mystia noted the strange silence; it wasn't surprising to her at all.  She had past experiences of facing them in the forest whenever she carried a victim.

She seemed visibly worried, as she placed dried sardine heads around the stall.  She at least had someone alongside her to help her out in fending off a certain type of race.  Now she had no one on this unfortunate night.

In her seemingly last stand, she carried her box of roasted soybeans.  She stared into the fog, fatigued but determined. I dare you to take my food!

After a few seconds, the fog stopped its progress, being about 3 feet away from the stall.  Mystia began to get apprehensive.  Of course she had experience taking them down, but she always had someone helping her.

I better make the first move!  I better show it that I'm not one to be messed with!

The Ultimate Doom Theme song(Metal-Remix)

She threw out a handful of soybeans towards the fog.  She smiled; as the soybeans flew through the fog, she could hear a sizzling sound.  That meant to her that it was taking damage, and it would soon take action.

How about you be nice and quiet and listen?

Beginning to be confident, Mystia sang as high-pitched as she could.  The fog actually receded back into the forest after it erratically moved around.  As it receded, the chaotic noises coming from all over the forest have returned.  And the fog was soon nowhere to be seen.  Mystia beamed at her initiative.

Ha! It's scared of me!

Mystia continued singing and throwing out soybeans in all directions.  She may be having a little celebration thanks to her bravado, or maybe she was secretly paranoid.  She knew that where she stood was the only place where a sardine head was not placed, and yet she continued to carelessly throw around soybeans.

"SILENCE!" boomed a dark voice, as it echoed throughout the forest.  The ground shook violently around the stall as Mystia was taken by surprise.  She felled to the ground on her butt while her box of soybeans flew towards the man.  It landed upside down on his face, as the soybeans began to waterfall into his mouth.

The earthquake shook so much that the leaves rustled on the trees, and a few of the trees themselves began to fall.  It even woke up the man.

Ken's POV

"Hahahahahaha!" resounded an evil yet deep voice.  It gave me the chills.  I thought I was kidnapped when I felt like I was choking and there was something covering my eyes.

When I shook my head and tasted whatever was in my mouth, a box fell off onto an object of some kind that rolled over; while I tasted roasted soybeans.  I quickly swallowed them and felt slightly relieved.

[]Is this an effing earthquake?[/i]

The ground was shaking so much that I couldn't stay in one spot.  Everything from pots and pans to toothpicks fell over into the ground.  I kept hitting wall after wall as the objects banged against my sides.  I had half a second just to witness a butcher knife stick into the ground about a centimeter away from my head.

Gah!  This hurts!  Air time!

After hitting the wall one last time, I pushed off of it and flew slightly up into the air.  My back faced the ceiling I looked at a blender of sorts.  Everything was mixing together like it was some big saute skillet.  I heard something broke in front of me, which seemed to be a gas container to a stove or grill, as a thick and viscous black liquid began to spread through the ground.  It had a stench of oil as I quickly spotted an apple bouncing slightly on the ground.

I can't let it touch that!  That will last me for a bit!

I reached for the apple with my unsteady hand.  I moved closer to the ground as I kept missing and it was bouncing towards the oil.  Then it went in the air high enough to land right into the air.

No!  I must save the precious apple!

I quickly grabbed the apple as I saved it from being tainted with the black oil.  It looked a little bruised, but I immediately bit into it and relished in its taste amidst the chaos.

After quickly swallowing my bite, I held the apple with my teeth.

The evil and raspy laugh returned as the shaking suddenly stopped.  I could hear the laugh coming from behind me. Where the hell is that coming from?

I felt like I was stranded in hell for a second, at least before I turned around.  A body flew by my right as it hit the stove.  The body seemed to hit the grill as it began to be soaked with oil.  When I quickly inspected the body even more, the first thing I saw were those wings that seemed oddly familiar, along with the pinkish hair.

That girl!  Mystia!  She tried to eat me!

But why did she just get thrown around like a ragdoll?

"A human!" shouted the evil voice as I turned back towards the source.  There was no one I could see through the opening that could serve as an entrance/exit for the owner. "I have no need for your blood.  Do be a good source of the purifying pyre."

Pyre? ...oh shit!

Realizing that this place might be set on fire, I quickly used the opening between the stove and the ceiling behind me by flying out backwards into a backflip.  How I managed to fly out with such agility never crossed my head at least once.

I landed on the ground with uncertainly, ready to fly up in the air again just in case the ground hates my feet and wanted to shake again.

Turning towards the forest, I quickly began to fly away from the scene.

"Save her!" yelled a tiny yet orderly voice in my head.  It took me by surprise as I abruptly stopped in mid-air.

Who is that?!  Ahhh whatever!

I turned back towards the stall as I flew in there.  Standing on the ground once more, I gathered the little strength granted from the soybeans I had and the bite of an apple to pick up Mystia from over the grill and carried her over the shoulder.  Her back was drenched in oil so my left shoulder began to get soaked in oil as well.

Crap!  She's too heavy for me at this point!  I guess I'm running!  I hope I haven't rusted over from Meiling's bitchy sessions.

Spitting out the apple and mourning its loss, I started to run towards the other direction, dodging trees and trying not to trip over roots.  I hoped that I wasn't noticed yet for escaping the scene.

I then heard a crash of wood and debris, followed by a scent of smoke.  I never considered glancing back towards the scene; I only kept on running.

"A chase?  My, I guess you wish to become my snack.  Hahahahahaha!" said the evil voice behind me, as it got closer to me with each ha.

Why is this happening to me?!

"Hehehehehehe, I'll have some fun with you, human.  Perhaps you'll be squished before I finally get you!" gleefully shouted the voice.  The hairs on my skin stood up as he finished his sentence.

What do you mean squished?!

While I was running, the trunk of the trees suddenly started to get bigger and bigger.  When I glanced downwards, I saw the roots themselves getting bigger as well.

Why are they growing?!

While I continued looking at the ground, some of the roots from trees immediately shrunk deep into the ground.  I got confused as that would just defeat the purpose of supposedly entrapping me.  That was before I felt a big wind pierce through my back with violent rustling of the leaves.
Seeing an over-sized root, I took the time to jump so high that I could do a 360 in mid-air.  And that I did.  When I saw what was behind me, there was an entire tree down on the ground, along with many more following suit.

You're going to kill trees to kill me?!  FUCK THAT I GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS FOREST!

I turned back towards my original direction and continued running.

"Good show!  Maybe you won't die such an easy death like my other victims" said the evil voice ominously.

Trees are following down!  And someone following in pursuit?  Could this get any worse?!

While I tried to find a way out of the forest, I saw a dirt path that lead deeper into a bamboo forest of some kind.  Can't kill me with falling bamboo unless you whip me with it!  I tried to get my body to stop, skidding on the ground, before I managed to get my footing together and ran down the path.  I was not under any fatigue at all, but I was sweating a lot and I felt very hot.  The oil helped cool my left side.

I felt Mystia slipping off my shoulder, as I could feel her back slide to the feet.  So at this point, I'm holding her by her feet and she was sliding against the ground with her head.

Nah.  She doesn't deserve that!

Slowing down and leaning my upper body backwards, I quickly shot forward with my upper body to slightly throw Mystia in the air, causing her to shoot forward like a torpedo.  Like a clamp, my arm went downwards to secure Mystia on my shoulder as I held her tighter now.

There we go.  Now let's get....oh shit!

Speeding up, I suddenly tripped into the ground as my knees skidded against the dirt path.  Mystia fell gently onto the ground as I hit my chin.

Ow!  Fuck!  Luckily my tongue wasn't there.  I gotta get up!

The thing was, I couldn't get up at all.  It was like gravity thought I was special and pushed me down even more.

Damn it!  Why can't I get up?!

My head was stuck at the same position, unable to even turn or bring it up.  I'm stuck looking through the same point of view.

I felt something light latch onto my leg that soon felt very scolding.  It felt like a card bent around my leg and decided to act like an iron.

Gahh!  It burns!

"That was so much fun, human!" said the voice, now in front of me.  I saw two legs met the floor.  The feet were black dress shoes and the legs were black dress pants with little white stripes.  The voice began gloating as I felt a hand grip my shirt.

I tried my best to glance up to no avail as I only saw the dress pants.

Damn it!  I don't want to die!  Get the fuck of me!

The mysterious person lifted me up through the air as I took note of the clothes he wore.  He donned a black and white striped tuxedo strewn with various blood marks with black cuffs.

He was bald and very pale.  His mouth was seething with saliva as his entire face was revolting to look at.

Soon my eyes met his, a deep red.  I could not stop staring into his eyes.  My vision slowly turned monochrome except for his eyes.  My body limbs began to be paralyzed as I continued looking at his eyes.  His evil eyes were petrifying me as I could do nothing at this point to stop.

I can't move!

"You were the first troublesome human I came across in this delicious night.  Now be mine!" said the man with a dark undertone.  He leaned back and flared his mouth, revealing two little fangs at the top of the teeth.

I knew it!  You're a fucking vampire!  I should have known you were behind this the moment I saw the apple back at the shop.

I became very afraid.  My mind raced with two predominant theories: either I'm going to die or be one of them.

I like the sun unlike you.  And I don't think being a ghost would help anyone!

Nevertheless, I prepared for the moment that could soon come.  I wasn't ready to die at this point.

Fuck my life..

I did not plan for this story to have just monthly updates.  Me not likey.  Review and Comment please!


  • Boisterous Imagist
Re: Crossing the Border
« Reply #67 on: May 26, 2011, 12:55:07 AM »
C.I Chapter 7

[size="6"][color="#FF0000"]Vampires Suck.[/color][/size]

Third POV

Ken hanged in the air helpless against the vampire.  Locked into the stare of his red eyes, Ken found himself paralyzed as his limbs hanged in mid air.  He dripped oil into the ground from carrying Mystia earlier.

The vampire, looking particularly bloodthirsty, flared his teeth as he readied to bite his victim into submission.  Ken sweated before he tried to close his eyes, yet he can't because of the red eyes stare he was under.

Ken was also under a state of cardiac arrest.   Since his body was paralyzed, he can't really breath to help himself.  His lips were forever closed while his nose was unresponsive.

Nearby, the border team was up against the magic team during flight.  Reimu constantly threw her ofuda towards Marisa while dodging the countless number of stars that Marisa kept throwing out.  Compared to the organized and compressed formations of the ofuda, the stars were in disorder and followed a random pattern.

In the meanwhile, Alice moved her fingers like mad, micromanaging each and every doll she has out like a Korean Starcraft player.  The dolls themselves alternated between dodging the ofuda and vomiting lasers from their mouths at Yukari, who toyed with Alice by not trying her hardest and simply redirected the lasers to elsewhere via her gaps.  Some of the lasers she misdirected were indiscriminate, since there were a few singed spots on Reimu.  After all, it was going to be a long night despite the short amount of time that was left.

Both teams other than Yukari were in a state of complete concentration.  Reimu and Marisa zerg rushed each other with countless danmaku and occasionally tried to melee each other.  Marisa held back her trump card for some reason; the Hakkero was still under her hat on her head.  Amazingly, it won't fall off with all the intricate corkscrews and flips Marisa done on her broom.  If there was anything that's worth more than her Hakkero, it was her anti-gravity witch's hat.

Alice showed signs of frustration as her efforts in the battle were doing nothing other than holding back Yukari and occasionally causing herself and Marisa to suffer.  Having to micromanage each doll like a Protoss Starcraft player was taking a toll on Alice, while Yukari continued to troll her to death.

Now back to Ken, he readied himself for the worst as he stopped strugging against the stare.  The vampire got ready to fulfill himself in conceited glory and jerked his head forward.

All of a sudden, a loud cry was heard from behind the vampire.  The vampire stopped with his fangs three inches away from Ken's throat and looked in the opposite direction.  He continued to hold Ken in the air but his gaze moved somewhere else.

Ken exhaled out quickly and breathed frantically as he blinked his eyes to moisten them while finally feeling his heart beating. Curious, Ken looked where the cry came from.

A lone and hungry humanoid wolf youkai stood in the bask of the moon.  Blood draped over the seemingly berserk wolf's dark blue hair as it foamed uncontrollably from the mouth.  It seemed to have claimed many victims, becoming impetuous enough to take on two people.

The vampire smirked and simply glared at the wolf's reddish eyes.  But the wolf brandished his claws in response, not becoming paralyzed at all.  Ken was surprised from the wolf's immunity while the vampire raised his eyebrows.

He dropped Ken onto the ground who continued to breath at a rapid pace.  The vampire brought his body to face the wolf youkai before he slowly began to stride towards the wolf youkai.  The wolf youkai snarled and got down into all fours, as his eyes began to glow red.

Ken watched the vampire who continued to stride towards the wolf youkai unafraid.  Then Ken began to glance around, before spotting Mystia's unconscious body on the ground.  After a few seconds, he crawled towards Mystia as stealthily as he could while the vampire was distracted.

The wolf youkai suddenly leaped off the ground and moved with blinding speed towards the vampire. It held its arms outstretched ready to tackle the seemingly foolish vampire into the ground and rip him to death.  Nothing was in the wolf's way; the vampire would have to act very quickly.

The vampire stopped right after the wolf leaped and chuckled once.  He waited for the wolf to come, before he punched the wolf right in the chest in its flight towards the bamboo trees.  The wolf was soon out of sight as it crashed through the bamboo and landed on the ground unconscious.

Ken was just near Mystia's body when the vampire moved almost instantly to Ken's position.  He kicked Mystia's body two feet away from Ken before he held Ken himself again up in the air.  He stared into his eyes, making sure Ken can't retaliate.  Ken would have cussed quietly to himself if he wasn't paralyzed.  So he cussed in his head to compensate.

Again, the vampire flared out his fangs as he readied to bite into Ken's neck. "No more interruptions~" sung the vampire ominously.  That sent shivers down Ken's entire body as the little hairs on his skin stood up on his own.

"Bitch, get out of my way!"

A voice temporarily distracted the vampire, who grimaced and became annoyed.  Ken cussed in his head again for hearing a curse word in Gensokyo.  He looked in the direction it came from, right before he was suddenly knocked down by a large rainbow-colored laser.

The laser grinded and dragged the vampire into the ground, sliding him away from Ken as his grip loosened when he was knocked away.  When the laser dissipated, the vampire was temporarily stunned and was unable to take any action for a while.

Ken dropped into the ground and breathed frantically again, silently thanking Marisa.  He ran towards Mystia's body and picked her up.  Holding her on his shoulder, he hauled ass with the incredibly lucky chance he was given.

He ran deep into the bamboo forest, taking any turns he can that does not lead him back to where the vampire was.

Ken had thought to himself why he obeyed the mysterious voice in his head and took Mystia with him.   During his train of thought, he stepped on a pile of leaves; the pile of leaves were covering up a trap.  Ken found himself in mid-air before he landed on his back in the hole while Mystia was against a wall.

Ken immediately sat up and scratched his back, shaking his head for not looking at the ground he was running on.  He looked up through the hole as he saw the leaves that he stepped on hover lightly in air towards the ground to join Ken and Mystia.

He stood up, took Mystia, and flew out of the hole and back onto a path.  He himself landed on the ground before he ran again, taking the time to notice if the ground was unsafe or not.

"You...will not get away! YOU WILL FALL TO ME!" boomed the vampire's threatening voice throughout the bamboo forest.  Ken only kept running to maintain the amount of distance he had from where the vampire was last seen.  He hoped that the master spark would have stunned him for at least a little longer.

Ken heard impending footsteps behind him, so he quickened his pace to get away from the footsteps as fast as possible.  It seemed that Ken heard more than a set of footsteps behind him.  He quickly deduced that the vampire was trying to fool him by making it possible to appear from any direction.  Stepping onto a clean wooden platform, he kept on running with his bare feet.  He kept running into the darkness.  He kept on running until he hit a wall with his face.

The impact resounded with a loud thump as Ken was knocked back into the floor with Mystia following suit.  She fell with her lower abdomen landing on Ken's neckline, her legs fully spread apart, and her face on Ken's shorts.  Amazingly, she was still obliviously unconscious to the situation and the possible fact that the readers of this fanfiction felt something funny in their pants.

Ken blacked out for a second before he hazily opened his eyes, seeing something red in front of him in a blurry vision.  He felt more wet, especially where his own lower abdomen is.

As soon as his vision became more clear, he widened his eyes while his forehead became wrinkled with surprise.  He began to sweat as the rest of his body remained paralyzed in darkness.  It was so faint, but it was right in front of him.

Ken lifted his head to get closer to it.  He wanted to lick it, as it was his first time doing something like this.  He put his hands on top of Mystia's oily legs as he brought his head in closer.

When he was close enough, he brought out his tongue and brought up it against it.  Ken relished the taste, and continued licking with no apprehension whatsoever as the saliva from his tongue slipped down.  It was like he had nothing to worry.  He was alone with a Night Sparrow after all.  A night sparrow who playfully liked to shout the name of the extension of skin from the human male body.

Ken stopped after a few seconds; he felt already relieved when he licked up the remains of a strawberry jam on Mystia's right thigh right next to her panties.

He moved Mystia's body out of the way before he got up...before he fell down to the floor again.  It seemed that Mystia was so wet that the oily substance she left behind made Ken slipped.

Ken grimaced and got up, making sure the entire bottoms of his feet made contact with the floor at the same time.  He walked off the puddle with his entire back now oiled, shook off as much oil as he could like a dog, and picked up Mystia bridal style.

He looked around, trying to see what was around him in darkness. Soon, he heard a creek on the wooden floor that made him jump.

Ken tried to back away from the sound of the creek, only to be backed up against a wall.  The apprehensive mood locked him against the wall, as he couldn't really do anything in darkness.  His hands carrying Mystia began to move to opposite sides of her body while making her head point towards the darkness.

Ken saw two faint red lights in his peripheral vision. He quickly turned his vision towards the red lights and pointed Mystia towards it.

As soon as he did however, he somehow fell through the wall.  Ken began to be in a state of free-fall through darkness.  He couldn't see anything, but he was just falling.  He could feel the wind blowing past and whipping his body at the same time.

Ken was in a hysteric state.  He looked around himself in all directions as he twisted his body.  He went back to looking 'upwards' after he felt a nice slap to the wind by looking 'downwards.'

He held Mystia at his side like a spear tightly, just in case she might move away from him.

Ken closed his eyes, shaking his head, trying to see if he was in a dream or not.  Then he felt two soft and skinny hands hold his head still gently.

He no longer felt like he was falling, nor did he detect the presence of Mystia on his side.  He opened his eyes, looking at a face.  He was lying still against the wooden floor on his back.  He could see, since there seemed to be a lit lantern above him.

He felt surrounded by long and light purple hair.  He felt the hands lift off his face as his eyes wandered to the hands.  The hands themselves covered up the face's eyes.

Ken had a girl on her knees on top of him all of a sudden.  She was wearing a black business suit over her white shirt with a red necktie. Her left suit-collar is decorated with a crescent moon-shaped insignia, and there appeared to be paper or business cards poking out of her left shirt pocket. She was wearing a beige skirt that Ken paid attention to specifically.

Ken immediately recognized who she was, and he now knew why he was 'falling' earlier.

"Who are you?  Why are you here?" seemingly whispered the girl.  Ken's face became scrunched with confusion.  He saw the girl's lips move, but he heard only a whisper in his ears.  He doesn't remember that about the girl.  Nor did it seem familiar to the voice in his head earlier.

"I...I..was running away from someone" responded back Ken with apprehension. "Where's the other..."

Right before Ken could finish, his gaze wandered back to where her hands are.  She removed her hands, revealing a set of red eyes.

Ken accidentally looked directly into her eyes, causing himself to have a migraine all of a sudden.  He began having a stomachache, having his hand cover his belly button.  He looked away in pain and discomfort.

The girl looked disappointed before she stood up upright and walked back a few steps from the scene.  With a wave of her finger, the lantern went out, putting the room in darkness again.  Ken immediately sat up, trying to find the girl again by hunting for a pair of bright red eyes.  Unfortunately for him, the girl covered her eyes.  No longer motivated to continue looking for the girl, he stood up and tried 'kicking' around on the floor to try to find Mystia's body.

The girl could see Ken clearly through the cracks in her hand.  She can easily see in darkness, watching Ken and his futile attempts.  Earlier, she took the body away from him and sat her upright against a corner while Ken was 'falling'.  She began to giggle softly to herself, finding it funny for Ken to not be able to see where her body is.
She waited for him to be done, despite her master's recent orders to seal the doors from the incoming intruders.  She wasn't prepared for this clueless human.

"I have finally found you!" resounded a familiar evil voice.  The girl looked away from Ken in alarm and uncovered her eyes.  She didn't expect another intruder to come into the hidden mansion.

Ken began kicking more vigorously in air in a broader range.  He was in a hurry to find Mystia and get out of this place.  He didn't want to be caught unguarded in this darkness.

"I love the darkness! Hahahahahahahaha!" echoed the voice as the girl ran out of the room and into a hallway as dark as the room she was in.  No other 'rabbits' were nearby for assistance, so the girl was on her own.

With her vision, she could see the vampire creeping in the mansion.  He wasn't aware of the girl's presence in the hallway, preoccupied by the bloodlust he had for the human.

The girl shook her head, before she moved her fingers to resemble the shape of a gun.  She was ready to do business for the sake of the mansion's ambiguity...and not get beaten by her master.

She gazed at the vampire with her red eyes.  They glowed intensely in the darkness.  Right before the vampire began to look at the bright red light, he began to 'fall' through darkness.  In reality, he fell to the ground and moved around his upright arms and legs.

"What is this?  Who dares to do this to me?" growled the vampire, jerking his head around in an attempt to find the perpetrator.

Ken, having found Mystia earlier, tried to find a way out of this room.  He heard the vampire's cry but he didn't hear anything else.  It puzzled him as he felt around the walls for a gap in space while Mystia was over his shoulder.  It was amazing on how she wasn't awake yet this whole time.

In the meanwhile, the girl continued to gaze at the vampire.  She held her 'hand' gun continuously towards the vampire.

"What is this? I can't hear myself?  I don't feel anything!  I don't smell anything!  I can't even smell that delicious human!  What sort of trickery is this!?" cried the vampire in anger.  The girl took this as a signal before she walked normally towards the vampire.  She began to shove the vampire with her feet across the hallway.  The vampire showed no reaction to this while he continued to wail.

Finally, the girl gave him one great kick, making the vampire roll into the ground outside.  She looked out into the night, taking a deep sigh.  It would have been bad for her if her master found out there were intruders in the mansion.  And she hadn't done anything with the human yet.

She doesn't know whether she should kick him out or...learn how the humans work from one.  She wasn't really able to learn how to interact with humans that well.  They never understood her at all.

Maybe she could ask her master to concoct a medicine for the human to take so he could understand her.  She became afraid at the thought, because the human was an intruder after all.

All of a sudden, a small girl wearing a pink and frilly nightgown pulled on her skirt.  The girl instinctively held her skirt together with her hands, like she was used to it.  But she was only tugging at her skirt, not trying to drag it down.

"Noo~...Tewi, what's happening?" asked the girl when she looked at the small girl's worried facial expression.

"The rabbits told me they see two people coming towards us.  Some of them saw them beating up that witch and that weird girl with her dolls" replied Tewi in an urgent voice.  It seemed that this 'Tewi' was unable to understand the girl perfectly.

The girl remembered them both when she was on her way home and when she had to undergo her task of selling medicine.  She didn't like them very much, nor that she liked the fact that two more potentially dangerous people are on their way.

"Tewi, round up the rabbits and be ready to stall for Eirin to do her job" ordered the girl.

"Okay.  Leave it to me!" eagerly said Tewi before she ran back out to call the rabbits in.  The 'youkai' rabbits eagerly listened to Tewi as they gathered around her.

The girl quickly ran back into the mansion after briefly watching Tewi round up the rabbits.  She secretly smiled mysteriously for a short while.  She had one last thing to take care of before sealing the doors.

She began to walk back towards where Ken is.

Ken's POV

Reisen, that girl has to be her!

It's only only makes sense has to be her!  There's no one who has purple split ends!  Nor would you find someone wearing a business suit in effing feudal Gensokyo.

Nor would you find a girl who could take care of a bloodthirsty vampire who happens to be chasing after you.

Nor would you find a night sparrow covered in oil.

Nor would you find a person who's trying to come up with more 'nor would you find a' phrases in a world imagined by a blissfully drunken man.

I continued feeling around the wall until I came across a gap.  I reached my hand out to see how far the gap was, only to touch someone's face.  It felt really soft and nice.

I could honestly tell the person was scared, especially after she threw my hand off and screamed for a bit.  A brief silence followed, while I heard no footsteps.

If it's Reisen, should I look into the gap to risk staring into her red eyes?  Or do I stare straight into what I think is the wall until she's gone?

Either way, I don't have to worry about a vampire anymore since apparently, he's gone.  Must have felt pretty ironic.

My curiosity had gotten the best of me, so I decided to look into the gap.  I leaned in my head to see no glowing red eyes.  That was the first thing I looked for.  Anything else, I would have to squint my eyes really hard to see through this already opaque darkness.

Well okay, looks like she's not in the room.  Now let's get....oh god, now?!

Just when I was about to walk out of this room, the red eyes suddenly appeared right in front of my eyes.  I looked away as quickly as possible but I already started to get a migraine.

I really hate the fact that every time I looked into her eyes, something bad happens to me like it meant to be.

Welp, looks like Reisen is forever a loner~!  Unless Eirin comes up with some wacky-ass medicine that counteracts those effects.  I would totally take it if it doesn't involve shoving a leek up your ass.

I have seen too much overdrive that time obviously.

I mean, take a look at Reisen right now, she's obviously twitching in...oh god.

I was so deep in my train of thought that I didn't realize I was in a white world.  Reisen was in front of me, twitching her arms and butt up and down like there's no tomorrow.  She was also slightly translucent, like she was part of the white background.

Mystia was gone from my shoulder...again.  I was still damp with oil, but I wasn't dripping.

Well, I better enjoy this illusion.  This will be...

All of a sudden, a giant blue portal appeared out of nowhere in front of me.  What came out was myself in a business suit and a skirt riding a unicorn.  I had rabbit ears and a cottontail to boot.  You could say I was wearing the same attire as Reisen.

I almost vomited at the sight of me being a trap.  Would this be me going backwards?  Gay in Gensokyo?  Oh no, I don't think so.  Oh no.

Then the trap me started to talk in a deep voice, then a soft voice, then in between; his voice resonated at different frequencies as he talked.  It was very disorientating because I couldn't understand him. From what I gathered, he said "stay in this room, or else you and your freend won't bay talking care off."

Shut up.  You sound like the horse...or unicorn you're riding on.

It was then that I realized that this was going to be a long journey in a lunatic experience.  At least I wasn't suffering a migraine anymore.

This is probably the greatest adventure since Harold and Kumar.

The only problem is that I have got nothing to smoke.  So the next chapter won't exactly be a stoner comedy.

Sorry for a short chapter after so long.  Been pretty busy.  But I've been getting a new influx of ideas, so I may be a bit rusty in my writing skills.

And as of now, I have finished porting over the story over from DS.  This story also marks my actual progress in writing itself.  You can see some things in the early chapters that are displeasing to the reader's eye.  Now I am a lot more experienced in the writing field.  Not to be arrogant, but I revived quite a few writers in DS because of this story.  And I figured this community on MoTK will help me improve more since this place has a more active fanbase.  This is Nosebleed from May 25, 2011.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 01:07:50 AM by Nosebleed »