Author Topic: Super Touhou RPG ~ Abandoned due to mod (Pesco's) screwups  (Read 60061 times)

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2009, 12:53:48 AM »
<_< The reason I healed UK was partially because of the amount of damage, and partially because WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ATTACKING SO SOON FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT WHEN YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE IT BACK?! This isn't like a normal mafia game, where you can just vote someone and take it back, you should be more careful about what you do. And while the amount of damage isn't what made it a problem, it really did make it even worse, and you're wasting everyone else's time and resources when you do something like that.

It is true that we didn't have to heal her, but in my case, I thought it was a better way of disagreeing with the action than attacking you. Heck, you did encourage people who disagreed to heal her.

As far as stats... I think it would be a good idea to reveal the amount of health we all have. Maybe seeing each other's health stats actually would make it less likely for someone to do something like what Rou did. Kinda like when someone doesn't want to put someone else at L-1 if they're not sure in other games or something like that.

"Warning: 4 new replies have been made while you were typing this post"

Nothing else to add except that if Rou actually wanted to get something started, HE COULD HAVE JUST ACTUALLY SAID HIS PROBLEM INSTEAD OF DOING A RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL ATTACK HE COULDN'T UNDO!


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2009, 01:00:37 AM »
The amount of damage I can do has, in my opinion, been blown wildly out of proportion. From what UK is saying, I'd still need a good two shots on her for a KO, and that's assuming no-one heals her. So saying 'it's a big move you can't take back' is really overreacting, since it can be patched up with a few heals (more than some attacks, but still relatively managable).

Quote from: Drake
My entire point is that actions speak louder than words. Plenty of people had said they were willing to attack, but none of them actually DID, and there was no obvious sign of that changing.

Also, if I'd just given opinions and not tackled anyone, I'd be accused of cheerleading. Lose-lose situation, so I may as well take the option that generates discussion.


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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #92 on: October 17, 2009, 01:02:26 AM »
The amount of damage I can do has, in my opinion, been blown wildly out of proportion. From what UK is saying, I'd still need a good two shots on her for a KO, and that's assuming no-one heals her. So saying 'it's a big move you can't take back' is really overreacting, since it can be patched up with a few heals (more than some attacks, but still relatively managable).

3 heals for every attack you do, disabling whoever is healing for that day. How can you possibly think this is pro town with your WEAK reasoning?

My entire point is that actions speak louder than words. Plenty of people had said they were willing to attack, but none of them actually DID, and there was no obvious sign of that changing.

Also, if I'd just given opinions and not tackled anyone, I'd be accused of cheerleading. Lose-lose situation, so I may as well take the option that generates discussion.

And drops someone to close to half health. Real fucking smart. You actually wouldn't have been accused of cheerleading quite likely. Most people here would probably recognize your tankity tankness is TOO FUCKING POWERFUL FOR WEAK D1 REASONS!


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2009, 01:04:36 AM »
##Tackle: Ramus

Healing someone on your own accord does not seem right especially when the defendant has announced her intention to hit Rou 2 more times, even if the hits were ineffectual.  Same comment goes to Drake (holo rare).

I thus give you people an example of what I don't want.  Very little basis against me healing, and from what I've seen, UK is incapable of dealing damage so far.  Perhaps she can, but I haven't seen that yet.  Would you like to tackle me again out of ignorance?  Or tackle me because I decided to heal instead of hit someone?

Care on Roukanken: He stepped in too early and used his offensive character to kick start the game.  I give him props for that.  He had a lot more guts than the rest of us, and the only fault he has is that he has a strong character.  I'm willing to put down that Roukanken is very towny right now for at least doing something.

That being said, I still recommend holding back on the fire power for now, since 3 HP is crap load.

ALSO:  UK and Roukanken, STFU now, you're detracting into a flame war which tends to remove attention from the scummies.


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2009, 01:08:00 AM »
ALSO:  UK and Roukanken, STFU now, you're detracting into a flame war which tends to remove attention from the scummies.

I refuse. Unless Rou gives me decent reasoning for his actions, apologizes for them, or proves sufficiently that this will be a useless deadlock.

He stepped in too early and used his offensive character to kick start the game.  I give him props for that.  He had a lot more guts than the rest of us, and the only fault he has is that he has a strong character.  I'm willing to put down that Roukanken is very towny right now for at least doing something.

I refuse. To give him credit either way. I'm not sure if townie Rou would be so fucking retarded, to be honest.

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #95 on: October 17, 2009, 01:09:08 AM »
The amount of damage I can do has, in my opinion, been blown wildly out of proportion. From what UK is saying, I'd still need a good two shots on her for a KO, and that's assuming no-one heals her. So saying 'it's a big move you can't take back' is really overreacting, since it can be patched up with a few heals (more than some attacks, but still relatively managable).

Yes, a good two shots more. That's because though it takes out NEARLY HALF HER HEALTH, it doesn't quite reach that point. Let's put it in perspective though... You have THREE TIMES AS MUCH ATTACK POWER as some other people have. That means that it's three times as much of a problem if you're wrong. Three times as good if you're right, but the odds are that you are going to be wrong, especially with reasoning like that!

My entire point is that actions speak louder than words.

And what if those actions happen to be rather obviously not a good idea?


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #96 on: October 17, 2009, 01:09:50 AM »
Yes, a good two shots more. That's because though it takes out NEARLY HALF HER HEALTH, it doesn't quite reach that point. Let's put it in perspective though... You have THREE TIMES AS MUCH ATTACK POWER as some other people have. That means that it's three times as much of a problem if you're wrong. Three times as good if you're right, but the odds are that you are going to be wrong, especially with reasoning like that!

Thank you. Maybe this will get it through his skull, which is quite obviously as thick as his armor.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2009, 01:10:30 AM »
Roukanken, go apologize to UK for hitting her.  That's not we do at school.


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #98 on: October 17, 2009, 01:11:57 AM »
I'd like to state that I will not look at this thread for an hour. Because quite obviously I can't argue without stooping to attacks on my fellow players' intelligence.

I will hopefully have cooled off by then and can argue without the personal strikes.

Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2009, 01:12:58 AM »
Why the hell am I lecturing you on this? I'm the most impulsive damn factor IN this game and I think what you did was ridiculous.

This is actually a good point. You've got someone who given the chance will kill someone as soon as possible for any reason she can muster, even if it's just a gut feeling from looking at the name's list, who is whining about being targeted by an attack that didn't even take off half of her life total, which is basically this game's equivalent of L-3 in a normal 9 player game.

Now that this has been put into perspective, I'd like to call out UK's overreaction as unusual self-preservation.

Cut: Drake's response makes me feel better about his heal. Ramus not so much now.

The amount of damage I can do has, in my opinion, been blown wildly out of proportion. From what UK is saying, I'd still need a good two shots on her for a KO, and that's assuming no-one heals her. So saying 'it's a big move you can't take back' is really overreacting, since it can be patched up with a few heals (more than some attacks, but still relatively managable).
I agree with this too. Healing is basically this game's equivalent of Unvoting, so it's not as if this is "SERIOUS BUSINESS PERMANENT DAMAGE OH NOES T_T". Heck, If everyone heals UK, and then Rou attacks her again, there's a more than likely chance that the end result would be her hp total would be exactly what it was at before this started (due to the Max = Start+3 rule)

four more cuts stop effing posting you guys ;_;

Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #100 on: October 17, 2009, 01:17:41 AM »
...okay, now that I'm not trying to post something, you guys can start posting again >.>;


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #101 on: October 17, 2009, 01:18:00 AM »
Yes, but healing is not quite like unvoting as someone else can do damage and you can heal for them, so it's like a massive vote shifting game.  More so, this can be abused so that anyone townie will spend time healing instead of hurting, giving the Mafia time to do whatever they want.  So, while an opening hit is nice and all, it's not to be continued.

#100 reply GET



#101 GET

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #102 on: October 17, 2009, 01:24:21 AM »
Healing is basically this game's equivalent of Unvoting, so it's not as if this is "SERIOUS BUSINESS PERMANENT DAMAGE OH NOES T_T".

Unvoting in other games doesn't prevent you from voting. And that's usually because you change your mind about something, not because you disagree with something someone else did. If Rou attacks, and two, three other people heal, there's very little happening other than wasted time. It's at the VERY least annoying when time is wasted on something like this, but, if the scum have some way of attacking outside of just the normal hurt/heal mechanics, then it actually would benefit them if we waste our actions.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #103 on: October 17, 2009, 01:35:13 AM »
Just telling you guys I'm off for the night.  Please don't tackle me in my sleep.  And I think I'll wake up tomorrow and immediately skip over the UK and Roukanken slap fight for the real meat of the discussion.

On final note:

Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #104 on: October 17, 2009, 01:36:36 AM »
People also seem to be ignoring the fact that Rou has only voted once. Seriously, this is blown so out of proportion - he made one tackle that ended up as three votes, not even taking out half of her life, and the backlash in immense. People are treating this as if he plans to attack her every day until she dies. Everyone that complains about having to waste their days healing UK makes it sound like we're going to lose the game because Rou apparently put a draining leech on her and that effectively takes out three townies for the rest of the game who now have to heal her every day. If that is the case, tell me, and I'll consider the verbal attacks on Rou justified, but if he doesn't attack anyone for two days, it's effective the exact same strength as any normal attack this game.

Response to Drake: So then don't waste your time healing UK. Everyone who even glances through this game knows she's lost three hp, and other people are less likely to vote for her without better reasoning because of it. like I said, Rou voting for one day out of three is exactly the same as a normal attacker voting once every day, and I trust he at least has the responsibility to not fling around such a heavy vote (Heck, he even said beforehand that he didn't want to without a good enough reason, and that reason was jumpstarting the game.)

Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #105 on: October 17, 2009, 01:51:49 AM »
Now that I think about it, I have a good point. Ramus, Drake, if you both think it's a waste of time healing someone that Rou targeted, then why are you wasting time healing someone that Rou targeted? More importantly, why does the blame for someone wasting their vote on healing Rou's target fall onto Rou, instead of the people who are choosing to heal Rou's target?


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #106 on: October 17, 2009, 01:58:10 AM »
Now that I think about it, I have a good point. Ramus, Drake, if you both think it's a waste of time healing someone that Rou targeted, then why are you wasting time healing someone that Rou targeted? More importantly, why does the blame for someone wasting their vote on healing Rou's target fall onto Rou, instead of the people who are choosing to heal Rou's target?

Gut reaction, mostly.  HP counts are still unknown, and again, like I said, I don't need anything too drastic happening early game for a stupid kill.  Basically, all healing after the first time should be useless.  In theory anyway.  It'll probably fall apart a couple of days into the game.

And I'll get off now.  Mafia has already made me stay up half an hour later than usual...


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #107 on: October 17, 2009, 02:10:16 AM »
Been close nuff to an hour. I'm calm enough to leave the personal attacks out of this now...

This is actually a good point. You've got someone who given the chance will kill someone as soon as possible for any reason she can muster, even if it's just a gut feeling from looking at the name's list, who is whining about being targeted by an attack that didn't even take off half of her life total, which is basically this game's equivalent of L-3 in a normal 9 player game.

Now that this has been put into perspective, I'd like to call out UK's overreaction as unusual self-preservation.

How convenient.

I disagree with your argument since more is lost than a regular "triplevote"

I agree with this too. Healing is basically this game's equivalent of Unvoting, so it's not as if this is "SERIOUS BUSINESS PERMANENT DAMAGE OH NOES T_T". Heck, If everyone heals UK, and then Rou attacks her again, there's a more than likely chance that the end result would be her hp total would be exactly what it was at before this started (due to the Max = Start+3 rule)

Healing still takes actions we probably shouldn't waste for reasoning already stated.

Unvoting in other games doesn't prevent you from voting. And that's usually because you change your mind about something, not because you disagree with something someone else did. If Rou attacks, and two, three other people heal, there's very little happening other than wasted time. It's at the VERY least annoying when time is wasted on something like this, but, if the scum have some way of attacking outside of just the normal hurt/heal mechanics, then it actually would benefit them if we waste our actions.

Drake once again eloquently states my point :S

And I think I'll wake up tomorrow and immediately skip over the UK and Roukanken slap fight for the real meat of the discussion.

Careful, I like to slip important things amongst the noise so no one looks at it. It's fun ^-^

Zak 104: I disagree that his reason was good enough to justify the attack. Further, I don't think it's as blown out of proportion as you say, but I agree my reaction was a little over the top. I was a little addled when I reacted...I...should be ok for now.


  • Lurking librarian
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #108 on: October 17, 2009, 02:11:00 AM »

Double octothorpes aren't necessary just because I'm not used to them.  I'm assuming that if you put bold something that looks remotely like
Hurt/Heal: Someone
that you actually mean it.

Also, Ramus will be modkilled if he again compares Mafia to Mafia Wars.  actually not, but it needed to be said


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #109 on: October 17, 2009, 02:31:46 AM »
Now that I think about it, I have a good point. Ramus, Drake, if you both think it's a waste of time healing someone that Rou targeted, then why are you wasting time healing someone that Rou targeted? More importantly, why does the blame for someone wasting their vote on healing Rou's target fall onto Rou, instead of the people who are choosing to heal Rou's target?

I said this earlier, I thought it was a better way to disagree with what Rou did than attacking him, or even just saying it point-blank. My point was that if nothing ends up getting done because of a move like what Rou did, then it isn't a good thing. It was NOT that healing her was a waste of time in itself, it was that THE ENTIRE SITUATION was a waste of time if we ended up right where we started. I didn't see any real reason to believe UK was scum, so I didn't want to leave her at such reduced health like that.

 Technically, the odds are that UK is town, since there have to be more town than scum, so odds were that leaving UK as she was and not doing anything was WORSE than just having nothing happen because we end up where we started.


  • hoho
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #110 on: October 17, 2009, 02:39:33 AM »
UK is incapable of dealing damage so far.  Perhaps she can, but I haven't seen that yet.  Would you like to tackle me again out of ignorance?  Or tackle me because I decided to heal instead of hit someone?

Do not look at the consequences of her actions, but rather, what happens.  She clearly wanted to hurt Rou as much as she hurt him (though she might say that is the adrenaline talking) at the time of your tackle, making her just as bad as Rou from your point of view (whether or not she can do damage does not factor in).  Calling this line of reasoning ignorance is rather strawmanny.

Drake's reasoning seems better than Ramus'

And I don't like Rou going 'what I did was okay because no one else will do what I did just now' especially when I was in the same position to do what he did when he made this post.  Granted, I was not able to come back before the day ended, but knowing that his shot was rather powerful, he should not have used it and goad the actions of 3 other townies for healing, especially others were alright with taking the less powerful shot.


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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #111 on: October 17, 2009, 02:46:46 AM »
Do not look at the consequences of her actions, but rather, what happens.  She clearly wanted to hurt Rou as much as she hurt him (though she might say that is the adrenaline talking) at the time of your tackle, making her just as bad as Rou from your point of view (whether or not she can do damage does not factor in).  Calling this line of reasoning ignorance is rather strawmanny.

Oh, I agree that my attack was impulsive. Just three times less damaging, so three times more ok.


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #112 on: October 17, 2009, 05:00:49 AM »
You folks should be treating this more like a standard mafia game.  We've got an informed minority versus an uninformed majority, and the only way for the latter to kill the former is by hurting those they find suspicious.  You should generally expect an unlimited nightvig to attack someone every night, right?  Healing is, very generally speaking, anti-town, because it surrenders control of the game to scum.

It raised my eyebrow when Rou gave up such an early, unasked-for ability claim, but I don't find anything scummy about his subsequent actions.  Even with no way to place a vote without taking it back, there still need to be some actions beyond fingers of suspicion.  There's a fine line between doing something stupid to turn the early game into a circus and doing something that can't be ignored for the purpose of starting up discussion, but I think Rou tackling UK falls into the latter category.

UncertainKitten was basically asking to get tackled with how lightly she seemed to be taking the game early on, and now she's tunneling without any apparent consideration for actually catching scum.  I don't like the kneejerk OMGUS, lampshading or no, and the subsequent attempted self-heal isn't any better.  Drake and Ramus earn my suspicion for acting as though UK were townie enough to deserve healing - it could be protecting a scumbuddy, it could betray a scum mindset, or it could just be an honest unfamiliarity with effective Hurt and Heal strategy.

We should be dropping people down into the HP range where they're in mortal peril, two or three at a time if possible.  Chances are that we'll put a mafioso in danger that way, and scum will be forced to play their hand one way or the other, and we can clear some players and cast further suspicion on others.  Unless we do that, then we're just trading empty words until scum can angle around to pick each of us off.  I want to see some more tackling.

##Infect Nazrin's Cheese with Listeria monocytogenes (Tackle UncertainKitten)
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #113 on: October 17, 2009, 11:26:25 AM »
3 heals for every attack you do, disabling whoever is healing for that day. How can you possibly think this is pro town with your WEAK reasoning?
It's more pro-town than letting people continue to do nothing, if you ask me.

And drops someone to close to half health. Real fucking smart. You actually wouldn't have been accused of cheerleading quite likely. Most people here would probably recognize your tankity tankness is TOO FUCKING POWERFUL FOR WEAK D1 REASONS!
Oh god, it's so powerful that I'd need to do it for three days straight to kill you. Take it easy, UK.

Very little basis against me healing, and from what I've seen, UK is incapable of dealing damage so far.
Healing UK effectively means you think she's Town because you don't want her to die. You then heal her on the basis that 'she took too big a hit', which is a waste of a heal unless you have a reason to believe her.

I refuse. Unless Rou gives me decent reasoning for his actions, apologizes for them, or proves sufficiently that this will be a useless deadlock.
Why is 'because otherwise nothing is going to happen' not a good enough reason, exactly?

You have THREE TIMES AS MUCH ATTACK POWER as some other people have. That means that it's three times as much of a problem if you're wrong. Three times as good if you're right, but the odds are that you are going to be wrong, especially with reasoning like that!
Stop acting like I'm a vig. She's hardly at death's door, is she?

And what if those actions happen to be rather obviously not a good idea?
Still gets people talking and starts the game, doesn't it?

Roukanken, go apologize to UK for hitting her.  That's not we do at school.
I'd apologise if she'd done something, anything, to make me think what I'd done was a bad idea. All I see is her basically overreacting in a game where tackles really aren't as absolute as she makes out to be.

More so, this can be abused so that anyone townie will spend time healing instead of hurting, giving the Mafia time to do whatever they want.
This is exactly the problem I have here. Why are people so paranoid about having everyone at absolutely perfect health? It's like being scared because you have one or two votes on you.

Unvoting in other games doesn't prevent you from voting.
We also have about 3 days where normally we'd have one. I'd say it just about evens out.

I disagree with your argument since more is lost than a regular "triplevote"
But we are probably capable to lose more at this point. Because, well, it's a setup where you get a new vote every day.

Healing still takes actions we probably shouldn't waste for reasoning already stated.
What are the odds of everyone having made some sort of action by the end of the day? Pretty low, I'm willing to guess.

My point was that if nothing ends up getting done because of a move like what Rou did, then it isn't a good thing.
So to prove this point, you...healed UK and thus made sure that nothing got done?

We should be dropping people down into the HP range where they're in mortal peril, two or three at a time if possible.  Chances are that we'll put a mafioso in danger that way
The way you word this, it sounds like you want to pick these people at random. T_T

Anyway, because the whole UK/Rou catfight isn't accomplishing anything...

Revving Up The Engine: Edible

Has produced nothing today other than 'Rou should calm down because his tank is OP' and needless setup speculation. I don't approve.

Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #114 on: October 17, 2009, 11:46:10 AM »
Oh, I agree that my attack was impulsive. Just three times less damaging, so three times more ok.

If you divide a negative number by three, it's still a negative number. I'm not even willing to place Rou's vote as three times as damaging since he at least had reasoning provided for why you might be scum. Yes, it was weak reasoning, but your reasoning for attacking him was OMGUS Pure and simple - absolutely nothing to do with scum hunting in the first place.

I said this earlier, I thought it was a better way to disagree with what Rou did than attacking him, or even just saying it point-blank. My point was that if nothing ends up getting done because of a move like what Rou did, then it isn't a good thing. It was NOT that healing her was a waste of time in itself, it was that THE ENTIRE SITUATION was a waste of time if we ended up right where we started. I didn't see any real reason to believe UK was scum, so I didn't want to leave her at such reduced health like that.
I understand where you are coming from, but you have to understand that the point you make of Rou forcing people to Heal UK sort of falls flat on it's face once you realize that Rou never actually forced anyone to Heal UK. In the end, you and Ramus both chose to heal UK. Apparently, for the fact that you both thought healing UK was a necessary waste of time when it really was not necessary.

Technically, the odds are that UK is town, since there have to be more town than scum, so odds were that leaving UK as she was and not doing anything was WORSE than just having nothing happen because we end up where we started.
Technically this is true. I've never seen anyone win a Mafia game on technical probabilities however. In fact, just going off of Technical probabilities, the town is much more likely to lose, because if every lynch was randomly selected, there would always be more than a 50% chance of a townie dying.

This is why we're suppose to be attacking each other with logic and reasoning - so that we can form information. Rou at least tried to hunt for scum with his vote, so it doesn't make sense to fault him for it, but UK didn't have any reasoning for attack Rou other than he was responcible for a loss of three hitpoints. More importantly, people started jumping on the Heal UK wagon with little thought other than "Wow, Rou did a lot of damage and UK is mad." which seems too much like needless defense.

Finally, you're once again failing to include the human factor. Rou is not an automatic vote UK machine. And he is probably the only one this game that even has three attack. If I'm getting the math from UK's clues right, there would need to be at least three people, two of which with 2 attack, that would have to jump onto UK WHILE ignoring the fact that she had lost three HP already. In fact, if UK is a townie, and this actually did happen, then we as town should be THANKFUL it happened because it's almost a sure thing that someone is scum on that wagon.

We have to keep in mind that this is a Mafia game, not a popularity contest.

Speaking of which, only two people on this entire site actually fulfilled the condition I mentioned yesterday. Those two people were Umu and Pesco, the Mods. I didn't even tell them what the condition was, but they were the only ones who did it.

and the condition was to WISH ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY byakuren H. hijiri you guys, I feel so lonely now. ;_;

Also, Serpentarius is right in that in this game the town has a unique ability to put massive pressure on more than one person at a time. Right now my biggest suspicions are UK and Ramus (I'm getting an innocent feeling from the way Drake is phrasing his response, so he's not as bad as Ramus in my view)

Ramus's 66 is also very highly suspect. Rou asks what to me looks like a very legitimate question, but Ramus avoids answering it and instead says he doesn't want to see anyone step on someone else's toes. The lack of justification until after Drake's post is also suspect.

##Slap with a Frozen Tuna: Ramus

and finally:
UncertainKitten has taken 3 damage.
u? has taken 1 damage.

Everyone else has taken no damage.

It is now Day 2.
I think I know why UK's hit didn't work on Rou.

Cut: That's going to take too long to read...

Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #115 on: October 17, 2009, 11:52:57 AM »
Edit: Okay, I read it. It's bulk is basically what I said except in concise response form instead of rant form.


  • Lurking librarian
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #116 on: October 17, 2009, 12:01:50 PM »
Revving Up The Engine: Edible
Is this a hurt?
Hm... Maybe after the next damage count the ##s need to be reinstated.

Also @Zakeri:  Your birthday isn't listed on this site.  Curiously, you listed it on that other site - that's how I found out.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 12:03:28 PM by u? »


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #117 on: October 17, 2009, 12:04:23 PM »
Also, Ramus will be modkilled if he again compares Mafia to Mafia Wars.  actually not, but it needed to be said

I don't even know what Mafia Wars is.
It's a viciously popular/annoying facebook application.
(yo dawg I heard you like wasting time so we put apps in your facebook so you can waste time while you waste time)

@Serp #112

It's a nice idea, but you're failing to factor in the spellcards.  We really have no idea what anyone is capable of with spellcards.  I'm pretty sure if Roukanken can do 3 damage with a single blow, we've got far more devastating means of destruction in this game.  So getting someone in mortal peril will cause them to pull out that spellcard, and hit a townie, which could be even worse.

Finally, Affinity, you've made two posts, both of which have been potshots at me, one of them tackling me without actual reason.

Drake's reasoning seems better than Ramus'

Your latest post.  Explain.

And your #69 post, on page 2:

Healing someone on your own accord does not seem right especially when the defendant has announced her intention to hit Rou 2 more times, even if the hits were ineffectual.  Same comment goes to Drake (holo rare).

Why me over Drake?  More so, what's wrong with my reason that I don't want anyone to die too soon because of a stupid accusations, like the UK and Roukanken fight.  In fact, if you really don't like what I'm doing build a case on it instead of making tiny little posts once or twice a day.

Finally, I foresee this game ending with a townie and mafiat squaring off in a duel.  That'll be badass.


Ramus's 66 is also very highly suspect. Rou asks what to me looks like a very legitimate question, but Ramus avoids answering it and instead says he doesn't want to see anyone step on someone else's toes. The lack of justification until after Drake's post is also suspect.

Fuck this, this is not a game to be a nice guy, because everyone else ends up being morons about it.  (More so, you guys need a sense of humor to go with it.)  Affinity, I demand you talk now.

##tackle Affinity
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 12:08:01 PM by u? »


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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #118 on: October 17, 2009, 12:23:31 PM »
The way you word this, it sounds like you want to pick these people at random. T_T

If we didn't have any evidence to go on, then I'd settle for it, but evidence always piles up one way or the other, so the point is moot.

Quote from: Zakeri
I think I know why UK's hit didn't work on Rou.

Oh, you think that UK blew her load on u? and was spent when it came time to hit Rou's tank?  If that's the case, I don't know why Rou would claim that his tank protects him from a limited amount of damage.  Of course, it could just be a huge coincidence, but I'm inclined to bet that it was blocked by Rou's claimed protection ability...  Odd as it is for him to have that in addition to a three-point cannon.  Oh well, I'm not going to try to outguess the mod with setup speculation this early in the game, but it's worth noting.

Quote from: u?
Hm... Maybe after the next damage count the ##s need to be reinstated.

I'm Serpentarius and I approve this message.

Quote from: Ramus
It's a nice idea, but you're failing to factor in the spellcards.  We really have no idea what anyone is capable of with spellcards.  I'm pretty sure if Roukanken can do 3 damage with a single blow, we've got far more devastating means of destruction in this game.  So getting someone in mortal peril will cause them to pull out that spellcard, and hit a townie, which could be even worse.

Well, we don't know just what sorts of abilities are granted by spellcards at this point, but as I see it, even if most of them end up dealing lots of damage, the odds of a townie hitting a scum with it are significant enough that if the townie is agreed upon to be the best bet at killing scum, and is going to die anyway, forcing him to activate his spellcard first is probably for the best.  Heck, the townie in peril might just end up vindicating himself by killing off scum.  And if it's scum that get pressured into using their spellcards before they die...  Well, better to force it and then finish them off than to let them choose the tactically most effective time.

Quote from: Ramus
Finally, I foresee this game ending with a townie and mafiat squaring off in a duel.  That'll be badass.

Badass as it might be, I hope you'll forgive me if I try to avoid that.

Also, this umu = u? wordfilter is going to bite us on the ass the next time someone aims for the moe sound effect.
Aww, but I like getting attention :(
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 12:41:11 PM by u? »
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #119 on: October 17, 2009, 12:59:05 PM »
Well, we don't know just what sorts of abilities are granted by spellcards at this point, but as I see it, even if most of them end up dealing lots of damage, the odds of a townie hitting a scum with it are significant enough that if the townie is agreed upon to be the best bet at killing scum, and is going to die anyway, forcing him to activate his spellcard first is probably for the best.  Heck, the townie in peril might just end up vindicating himself by killing off scum.  And if it's scum that get pressured into using their spellcards before they die...  Well, better to force it and then finish them off than to let them choose the tactically most effective time.

Fair enough, after all, we really can't do much about what we don't know.

Badass as it might be, I hope you'll forgive me if I try to avoid that.

Yes, I know.  But still...