> "...Strange. It feels grandiose, but at the same time, I'm stuck here, and can't really do anything across where, like, 99% of where my body is."
> "Do you feel the same way at all? Maybe not, since you can move around, but maybe something similar? Assuming you've become one single Lilith now."
> "Mmm."> "...Did you become one single Lilith?"
> "All right. Gods, that's really impressive...a single person this large..."
> "Who?"
> "Oh. Well, that just means you're that much more amazing, as far as I'm concerned."
> "Hey, try moving around some."
> "Not that I noticed. Maybe walking or running or jumping? Assuming you have the room."
> "Huh. Does that mean you have, like, a ceiling, or walls? What happens if you pat them?
> How does it feel? Good, uncomfortable, etc.> Where is the sensation localized?> "Ooh, I can feel that. Interesting.">> If it feels good, or at least not uncomfortable: "Keep doing that, if you can."
> "How does the surface feel for you?"
> "Well, given where I put you, yeah."
> "I don't suppose you have any growth magic left? Or cloning magic, given the circumstances?"
> Shrug.> "Right. I figured it was worth asking, though. Especially since you've all combined back into one of yourself."
Well, this game happened.
> "Well, I don't exactly want to crush half of Gensokyo, either."