Author Topic: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I  (Read 101650 times)


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #300 on: January 03, 2018, 01:10:52 PM »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #301 on: January 03, 2018, 02:35:15 PM »

> Both of you exchange numbers.
> What name will you give to the Arumi in your contacts?
> "Will send you a message when I am free."
> And, as if nothing else has to be said, the woman turns around and leaves.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #302 on: January 03, 2018, 03:31:59 PM »
>Just Arumi.
>Sigh a bit.
>"I guess that's it for today."


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #303 on: January 04, 2018, 06:42:08 AM »
>Just Arumi.
>Sigh a bit.
>"I guess that's it for today."

> You save 'Arumi' in your contact list.
> "I am glad you are getting along with Arumi." Ikeda speaks.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #304 on: January 04, 2018, 07:26:11 AM »
>"See you again, Sensei."
>Gather our things and head home, if that's where we would go after school.
>If we spot Aoi along the way, stop by.


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #305 on: January 04, 2018, 05:56:48 PM »
>"See you again, Sensei."
>Gather our things and head home, if that's where we would go after school.
>If we spot Aoi along the way, stop by.

> "Okay, Valentine. Take care and give Rumi my regards~"
> You depart from school...
> ...
> There's no such luck as of finding Aoi in your way back. In fact, university was quite empty when you left. People really did wanted to leave, huh...

There's nothing else you do besides this usual routine...
And so you must continue with your usual ritual.
You train physically, as always. Your body may be slender and fragile-looking, but your physical condition is just all the better.
Nothing is different from what is left from this day as hours pass away, the message from Arumi not being received yet. By the time night arrives, it's obvious she won't send it today.

Well, that's good.
This is FINE.
You couldn't ask for something better.
Finding yourself with plenty of free time for the rest of the night, it seems it's time for the most important thing to be done. As always and as it should be.
You can't help it, as you decided to walk down this path and there's no turning back now.
You find yourself looking at THAT door in your room. The one that leads to a 'world' where common sense is not applied. A place where no one is allowed to enter besides you. This is it. You will spend the rest of the night in your workshop.


> ...
> "Wake up."
> Don't taaalk...
> "Wake up."
> Shuush...
> "Wake up!"
> Who's making a fuss?
> "For the love of... WAKE UP ALREADY, DAIKO!"
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #306 on: January 04, 2018, 06:02:27 PM »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #307 on: January 04, 2018, 06:08:53 PM »

> You say no.
> And you do say no.
> ...
> "Fine."
> ...
> Ah that beautiful silen-
> ...
> Curious... why don't you feel bed anymore?
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #308 on: January 04, 2018, 11:28:01 PM »
>Look around.
>"My comfort..."
>Allow gravity to apply if applicable.
>>In the case that we fall: "Whyyyy?" until we land.


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #309 on: January 04, 2018, 11:58:47 PM »
>Look around.
>"My comfort..."
>Allow gravity to apply if applicable.
>>In the case that we fall: "Whyyyy?" until we land.

> You groggily look around. A-Are you moving...?
> It doesn't take you much time to realize that... you are being carried.
> _
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 12:17:06 AM by Tashi »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #310 on: January 05, 2018, 04:25:38 AM »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #311 on: January 05, 2018, 06:41:28 AM »

> "I won't forgive you for choosing sleep over attending a woman who came to visit you!" The Oni and grandma, Sakura, also the one carrying you against your will says.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #312 on: January 05, 2018, 07:32:48 AM »
>"It was just a bit more sleep..."


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #313 on: January 05, 2018, 07:41:42 AM »
>"It was just a bit more sleep..."

> "A bit?! It took minutes to wake you up! Now, she wants to talk with you!"
> Sakura leaves you on a pillow at the living room. It seems there's someone on the other side of the table you are facing.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #314 on: January 05, 2018, 07:45:46 AM »
>Sit up and assess ourself for a bit, then see who our company is.


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #315 on: January 05, 2018, 07:48:18 AM »
>Sit up and assess ourself for a bit, then see who our company is.

> You hold yourself together, waking up a bit more. Geez, she surely is really orthodox...
> You look ahead. It's Daiyousei, who is sitting down and holding a cup of tea between her hand, looking dumbfounded at the scene.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #316 on: January 05, 2018, 07:51:52 AM »
>"Oh. Good morning/afternoon/evening" (whichever applies)


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #317 on: January 08, 2018, 07:46:50 PM »
>"Oh. Good morning/afternoon/evening" (whichever applies)

> You... don't really know...
> "Morning." Sakura tells you.
> "M-Morning..." Daiyousei looks a bit down, but then looks up to you. "I am scared about this." She plainly says. You know very well that she means about what happened a couple of hours ago...

1st Archive
Hikikomori Quest.

If I stayed at home probably I would had a normal life...

The story begins with Daikoku 'Daiko' Susumu. A reclusive man of 20 years who is also a hybrid of human and youkai who spends his time in his room, away from society.
With black hair, black eyes and just the usual brown kimono of the Human Village, which is where his house is located, he doesn't outstand in anything physically... except his tallness.
Everything is different inside him, however. Not used to deal with people due to his own reclusion, he can't stand to see someone in the need of help. His inteligence made him earn the respect of many of his 'friends', because it's really his most incredible feature. This is even acknowledged by the school teacher.

However, since he started to get sick from everything and everyone, he locked himself in his own room. No one had to take the time to look for him, and neither he had to care for others, as they just were... a nuisance. They were so... childish, and that was annoying. Envy? But of course they were envious of you. If not, they would have looked for you and probably tried to repair things. They were just nuisances over your intelligence.
He preferred, overall, to just stay in his room to read the book you had at hand. It was more fun than to be with other people.
To this very day, the number of times he gets out from his house is... very, very small.

Away from him, his mother is lost. Her mother was a youkai, more specifically, a Yuki-Onna. She could predict the future, albeit partially. His father is just a human that is... well, dead.

Who took care of him? Sakura Susumu, which is his grandmother and also mother of his mother. She recommends him to change his way of life... but is that even possible by this point?,20352.msg1292606.html#msg1292606

While you were at the living room of your house, reading the 'Wrath of the Exiled Vampire' book, you attended your grandmother's call while she was cooking. (She was wearing her usual blue kimono) She gave you a list with things you should buy, which had a lot of rice-tastic adventure in it. It also wanted you to donate in the Hakurei Shrine... (,20352.msg1292897.html#msg1292897 )
Of course, you would have refused to make this due to the obvious 'you have to go outside' issue, if it weren't for the fact that Sakura didn't had any chance to work recently, and the money both of you had stored in the removable floor tile isn't too much. You couldn't let things be like that, so you accepted.

Before anything, you and Sakura had the usual breakfast, and she tells you that the book you are currently reading reminds her from the 'Red Mist' incident, which happened long ago but you sincerely do not remember much.

And off you went! The outside, honestly, was nice. One of the few times you go outside...
After spotting the teacher of the school and evading her, you met with the cruel fate of being tackle-hugged after a loud 'STOP RIGHT THERE!' (,20352.msg1293905.html#msg1293905 )

Soon enough, you remembered this person's name. She is Arukas Hantai. With a pink kimono with flower patterns in it, she is wearing a skirt, white socks with slippers and a coat. What defines her, however, is her blue hair and eyes... and her ice horn at the left side of her head. This person was your best friend at school, and the second best of the class, only surpassed by you.
After the rough meeting, you realize you don't have the list with you, which prompts both you and Arukas to start the pursuit for it, as you see it flying due to the somewhat strong wind.
After being able to retrieve from a ceiling of a house's roof, and talking about 'super thief of woman underwear' both of you notice this isn't the shopping list! (,20352.msg1293992.html#msg1293992 to,20352.msg1294024.html#msg1294024 )

Instead, it was a brochure. A brochure announcing the future Fantastic Danmaku Festival. Basically, a competition that will be celebrated at New Year's (in a month and a half) where various groups of people will compete to see who can make the most beautiful danmaku pattern, and the winner will earn some money from the Hieda Family as an extra reward.
After a brief promise to both attend to the festival, you think that you should... give it a try to be less inside your house.

After starting to search for the REAL shopping list, Arukas tells you about the incidents that have been occurring all of the time you have been cooped inside your room. A vampire, even! Arukas jokes about you staying one night at the mansion vampire, and after an adorable looking upset Arukas, you compliment her (,20352.msg1294294.html#msg1294294 ), you finally find your list in the snow.

Both you and Arukas decide to buy the food already, so you head to the marketplace. Arukas, by the mention of the word 'faith', switches something on in your chest, in a bad way that quickly goes away (,20352.msg1294371.html#msg1294371 )
However, you decide to change directions. You head to the Hakurei Shrine to get that done AND THEN buy the food. So much time since you have been outside the Human Village...
In your way there, Arukas tells you about the 'Kuchisake-Onna' that attacks people at night after asking them if she's pretty. She even tells you she wants to meet that hostile someone, much to your amazement. You OBVIOUSLY do not approve this, but you are soon interrupted by the mention of 'faith' once again... and by a stranger. (,20352.msg1294497.html#msg1294497 )

It's a girl that asks for help from both of you with her stand, whose wheels are buried in snow.
When you are about to help, however, you feel that someone is behind you. When you try to reach to the nothingness, you notice you grab something. Soon enough, it is revealed that they were three fairies cloaked, under the names of Sunny, Luna and Star, who are also the culprits. Taking Luna by the arm and not letting go, as well as threatening with calling the teacher of the school for some well-deserved headbutts, they help you to get the stand wheels out of snow. You also learn the stand girl's name: Mystia Lorelei.
Bonking Sunny's head after she tried to steal some money from your bag, she leaves, swearing revenge. After Mystia tells you that she will repay the favor by letting you eat free lampreys at night, when the stand is open, you and Arukas resume your way to the Hakurei Shrine.

In your way there, Arukas sudden change of attitude scares you slightly. Something about 'fate' and 'changing it'... This, nonetheless, leaves you deeply disturbed. (,20352.msg1294655.html#msg1294655 )

Still going to the shrine, still uncomfortable about the previous situation, Arukas tells you she's a mixture of Yuki-Onna and Oni, making her, in her own words, an 'Ice Oni'.

Walking up the stair of the shrine you hear that there are two persons talking at where the shrine should be, but Arukas tells you she knows them. When the top is reached, only one person is there: Reimu Hakurei. The shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine (,20352.msg1294774.html#msg1294774 )

Going to the donation box of the shrine, you attempt to insert the 100 yens that is what Sakura usually donates to the shrine.
... Of course, if it weren't for the fact that the muns stayed in the air, like anything. You realize this was Sunny's revenge, as she has that money AND the other 2400 yens you had in your bag. She quickly leaves and you, along with Reimu and Arukas, chase her. (,20352.msg1294813.html#msg1294813 )
However, the pursuit quickly ends when Sunny bumps into a tree, falling unconscious afte the fact. You even clean a bit of blood on her forehead, as it was a really hard it... and even then, out of mercy, you leave a coin of 10 yens on Sunny's hand.
Afterwards, you take her to the shrine.

Sunny's Dream

*Ends at Reply #366 (,20352.msg1294988.html#msg1294988 )*

After properly taking care of Sunny at the shrine, she wakes up and, as a really caring way to repay you for helping her, she kicks your face due to a bad dream she had about someone named Clownpiece and... Well, it was really weird.

After that, you ask the three fairies about the vampire mansion. They tell you it's more larger inside than in the outside, for some reason that they explained as 'because the powers of the chief maid'.
You also find out that Arukas has been practicing with danmaku and can fly.

After ALL of that happened, you finally donate the 100 yen to the shrine and leave, not before knowing from Sakura that she wants to talk with Keine about the Kuchisake-Onna. After constantly 'annoying' her, she accepts to let you tag along if she's going to search for her.

Both you and Sakura converse about what motivates each other in life, and you find out that she needs to find someone, just like you want to find your mother. You also know that she and Keine, the teacher of the school, have been worried sick about you. (,20352.msg1295203.html#msg1295203 )

In your way to the village, however, you see start to feel a heavy pressure. Soon enough, you see a figure with an umbrella that is the source of it, heading to the shrine. The power that this person has is... (,20352.msg1295241.html#msg1295241 )

After a dry good day to this woman with an umbrella, both of you continue your way to the village, wondering if she was the Kuchisake-Onna. You also converse a bit, learning that the power of the Onis reside in their horns, so if they are cut, they would lose their abilities and strength.

And speaking of abilities, wondering if you could have the same ability as your mother, which is predict/foresee the future, you try to imagine what would happen later between you and Arukas, only to feel a strange feeling in your right arm. (,20352.msg1295338.html#msg1295338 )
Going further into the matter, you keep trying to decipher what this is, imagining different situations alongside Arukas.
Afterwards, you try to do so with her AND Keine. The feeling in your arm becomes a feeling of being bend and disappears. You wonder what happened...

After talking a bit about abilities, Arukas gladly offers you hug, but she awkwardly says something about protecting you, which totally cuts the flow of the situation. (,20352.msg1295501.html#msg1295501 )

After that, both of you arrive to a less crowded Human Village, just to find out that the teacher of the school, Keine Kamishirasawa is buying some prepared food. You and Arukas go to greet her. (,20352.msg1295527.html#msg1295527 )
Talking with her, much to her delight for you to be outside, she recommends that you could get a job related to the things about the festival and get money for home. And, at the moment, you make the important question: You ask Keine if she could teach you how to shoot danmaku and how to fly.
Keine tells you that she's looking for the representant team of the Human Village, which Arukas is in. Keine says that she's a judge, alongside Akyuu and 'someone else', and that the teams are of five people full, and one of them must be the leader. She also ultimately accepts to be your teacher at danmaku and flight. (,20352.msg1295569.html#msg1295569 )

Keine seems to try to hide the name of 'Mokou', a friend of hers in her own words, that is on the bag she used to store the prepared food. After that, and a minor Kuchisake-Onna talk, Arukas tests her strength with you, bending your arm a little. This confirms you that the previous feeling was a indeed a prediction. (,20352.msg1295594.html#msg1295594 )
After that, she leaves to meet with her friend 'Mokou'. Arukas also leaves to her home, telling you to meet with her at the outskirts of the village for the practice of danmaku and such.

And so you start to buy the food that the list tells you, but you feel observed all the time you are doing so. There's even a moment where a seller points to a woman with lavender hair, but she left before you could spot anything besides her hair. (,20352.msg1295731.html#msg1295731 )

Straying from your objective of buying food, you go to a 'corner' of the village to try and meet this person stalking you, and you are successful. YOu met the forever-poker-face youkai Hata no Kokoro, her telling you that she was watching you because you were 'interesting'... except the buying stuff part. (,20352.msg1295839.html#msg1295839 )
Your conversation with her is... strange. She's so... inexpressive, really, so it was a mix of strange and funny 'conversation'. You find out that she's the so-called Kuchisake-Onna, and that she wants to be the 'new and improved' one. However, talking a bit with her, you offer her to join your team, which is the team for the Human Village, for the festival. After that, she leaves, not before showing you her first, albeit really small, smile.

However... in your way to your home, a voice speaks in your mind. 'Casanova'. (,20352.msg1296042.html#msg1296042 )
According to her, because the voice is female, she's YOU, and she wants to get out from a box in your mind. You imagine a 'you' in your mind and a possible box, just to find out that indeed, there's a box with a CAT inside it. A black cat, that is.
Attempts to take her out from it are futile, and she says to you that she's probably your 'female self'. To put it bluntly, it seems she's 'you' but at the same time is a separate being with different likes and such. Strange stuff indeed. You also offered her some names, as she doesn't want to be called 'Daikoku'.
As both of you and... the cat in the box... discuss about taking control of your body and such, you arrive at home, greeted by Sakura. Soon, you tell her about the abilities similar to your mother's. What Sakura says afterwards... is really worrying (,20352.msg1296156.html#msg1296156 )
She wants you to take care and not depend too much on that ability. She says that was what made your mother be so... stressed...

After your conversation with Sakura, you head to your room, finally getting down to business to try and get the cat out of the box. (,20352.msg1296232.html#msg1296232 )
Attempts and theories are made, however, they don't seems to work. She, however, tells you to lift her and try to persist. When you do so again you fall into the box, along with her, which makes everything go dark...


When you 'wake up' you find yourself surrounded by clothes. Calling for your friend in your mind, you free yourself from the things surrouding you... only to find out you are a black cat.
Imagining her and the box, you find out that your 'female self', is a Neko girl now.
More attempts are made, which end up feeling pain from both parties. In the end, the neko girl seems to give up. You get into the box to swap bodies with her again. This is so confusing...


After trying to encourage her to do more attempts, she seems to succesfully make your fingers twirl a bit, much to your surprise.
This works. The neko starts to make your limbs and everything move at her leisure, even being able to FEEL.
While doing all of this, the box literally starts to crack and, after more tests, it makes you fall unconscious once it finally breaks.


Coming to your senses once again, you find out that there's no more box, and that the neko can change from being a cat to her neko girl form and viceversa. Happiness envelop both of you at the feat. But the question is... how will she be outside? She's still in your mind...
And you quickly find it out. Doing more tests, you manage to swap with her, letting the neko girl be outside at the real world, while you are in her mind. This is just great.
It's late at night, so you decide to let her happily take control tonight and sleep in the real world. Tomorrow will start the new lives of the pair of neko and half-youkai.

And so, she decided her name would be Kiku.

> Wait warmly for the second archive tonight~


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #318 on: January 09, 2018, 03:38:11 AM »
2nd Archive
Hikikomori Quest

If he stayed at home, I wouldn't have the chance to met her...

The day begins with Kiku finally waking up, Her very first time in the real world... This is magnificent.

Talking a bit with his 'male self', Daikoku, who is now in the 'thoughtscape', she takes a bath.

Both of them reach the decision of finding a way for Kiku to have her own body, mind and, basically, her own self without the need of Daikoku.

After the bath, both of them swap, leaving Daiko in the real world. He soon enough dresses with another kimono for the 'date' (AKA learn danmaku and flight) he has with Arukas today. (And also cleans the room.) (,20411.msg1296751.html#msg1296751)

But before that! They leave the room to let Grandma Sakura know about this 'secret' they have.
It all goes alright. Sakura finally meets her 'granddaughter', thanks that they swap again.

After this, they leave the house, turning into the black cat form after doing so, much to some peoples bewilderment.
In their way to the outskirts, they notice a maid and a woman with a 'provocative' dress, the latter carrying many bags of purchases. They leave the pair be, though. (,20411.msg1296970.html#msg1296970)

They arrive at the point of reunion to find Keine, who is still waiting for everyone. Teasing her a bit and waiting, Arukas arrives. Daiko and Kiku planned to give her a 'surprise' greeting... but, uh, it ends somewhat roughly for them... (,20411.msg1296998.html#msg1296998)

Arukas, Keine and Daiko converse a bit about Kokoro in the meantime... while Keine mentions a shrine maiden that lives at the Youkai Mountain. A shrine maiden that can cast miracles. Maybe she can help with splitting Daiko and Kiku...?
The training begins. Keine firstly teaches you how to fly, which you end up doing succesfully.
But everything is interrupted by a Tatara Kogasa, a Karakasa Obake, that tries to surprise you. (,20411.msg1297121.html#msg1297121)

Quickly getting along with Kogasa, the training of flight continues. Everything goes splendidly, both Daiko and Kiku giving it a shot.
However, feeling a bit mischievous, Daiko throws a snowball to Arukas face, which makes her take Kogasa to build a snowman together, The result isn't so good for Daiko. (,20411.msg1297232.html#msg1297232)

Before the three of you depart to the Youkai Mountain, since Daiko wants to see if she the shrine maiden, this 'miracle worker', can help with the body splitting. Keine gives some lessons of danmaku to both Daiko and Kiku.

Next destination: Youkai Mountain.

Following Keine's advice, the training of danmaku continues even while they advance.
However, the same is interrupted by a strange sound of a certain object. It doesn't take much time for the Ace Reporter, Shameimaru Aya, to mark her appearance in the scene. (,20411.msg1297347.html#msg1297347)
Aya tells them that the Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion tried to hire Kochiya Sanae, the shrine maiden, as a maid.
As soon as she's told that a maid and that woman are in the village, the reporter blasts off to where the mansion is, leaving them continue their way to the shrine.

There they finally meet with Kochiya Sanae, Yasaka Kanako and Moriya Suwako. The shrine maiden and the goddesses of the shrine respectively.
After conversing with the three of them, they find out that, indeed, Remilia Scarlet tried to hire Sanae as a maid, adding more sauce to the grill when she tried to even tease Kanako and Suwako.

And while at that, Kanako takes advantage of the situation that both Daiko and Kiku have, since Sanae can possibly help with it. She wants information of the SDM in exchange of the miracle that would separate the two in different bodies. (,20411.msg1297558.html#msg1297558)

Daiko and Kiku end up teaming up with Arukas to come up with a plan to infiltrate in the mansion: be hired as maids.

And so they leave,

But the moment has arrived.

Daiko finally declares his feelings to Arukas-


Rejection is what comes out. Plus, a truth that stabs deep in your back. (,20411.msg1297738.html#msg1297738)

After this massive hit in Daiko's feelings, he and Kiku go to the Hakurei Shrine, since this is where Kokoro is thanks to a hunch that Daiko had.

Finding Kokoro in front of the shrine, dancing, they meet with her. She offers comfort to Daiko. (,20411.msg1297827.html#msg1297827)

The moment is suddenly interrupted by the calling of two womans. They meet with Elly and Kurumi. (,20411.msg1297961.html#msg1297961)
They seem to be looking for Kazami Yuuka. Kokoro helps them to find her, given she said she has seen her near the village.
However, in Daiko's mind, Kiku finds a golden key necklace lying in the nothingness of the thoughtscape.
Imagining a golden box in their mind, she tries to open it with the key...
This leads to a very caring light ball with cat ears to come out of the box. (,20411.msg1298027.html#msg1298027)
Kiku recalls things linked to a white cat...

As Kokoro, Elly, Kurumi and Daiko continue, they are suprised by icicles. After dodging, a mad Elly goes after the culprit.

It seems that they were shoot by Cirno, an ice fairy, who is accompanied by her friends: Daiyousei, Wriggle, Mystia, Rumia, Letty.
There's a small misunderstanding, but things cool down. Also, Daiko and Kiku find out that the cat light ball is a girl, and they give a name: Bastet.
You also find out that Yuuka is living at the SDM
Also, Cirno, Daiyousei, Wriggle, Rumia and Letty are a team for the Danmaku Festival

While the expanded group goes to the SDM, Bastet seems to be communicating.

At the gates of the SDM Reimu is found, along with Sakuya and Meiling. The former is interrogating the maid for answers about their doings.
Meanwhile, Bastet achieves her cat form, thanks to Daiko helping with that. (,20411.msg1298616.html#msg1298616)
It seems she is a great friend of Kiku, in her own words...

After conversing and Sakuya letting the group get into the mansion (minus Reimu, who left moments before), looking for Yuuka. Also, Kiku takes the opportunity to talk with Sakuya concerning becoming a maid.
Bastet achieves her neko youkai form. (,20411.msg1298764.html#msg1298764)

After the heartwarming reunion that Yuuka has with Elly and Kurumi, Sakuya takes Kiku to where the library is for maid business.

The magnificent sight envelops Kiku (and most likely Daiko) as soon as they catch a look of the Scarlet Devil Mansion library. The gigantic bookshelf are exquisi-
In here can be found a very special person. Koakuma, assistant of the magician of this library, is presented to Kiku thanks to Sakuya. (,20411.msg1298982.html#msg1298982)

Sakuya leaves for a moment, Koakuma being the only person with Kiku.
In the thoughtscape, Daiko visions Kokoro and later Sakuya with his future-sight. He learns a new thing: People who are seen in the visions can notice when they are being watched.
In the meantime as they wait, Koakuma shows a nice spell to live inside the stories of books: Falsum Verum. (,20411.msg1299439.html#msg1299439)
It's what it is. A spell to live a novel.
Both Kiku an Koakuma watch together the developing of a novel of the latter. Kiku learns that Koakuma wants to be a writer.
However, the nice moment is the interrupted by the sudden appearance of Patchouli Knowledge, who is Koakuma's master.

> Wait warmly for the third archive~
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 03:44:50 AM by Tashi »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #319 on: January 09, 2018, 08:22:16 AM »
3rd Archive
Hikikomori Quest

Well, it seems now I have a mansion as a house.

1 ~ 50

Finally meeting Remilia Scarlet, the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion; and her friend, Patchouli Knowledge, the magician of the library; the Scarlet Vampire offers some tea to Kiku and to converse a bit, as she seems interested.
Meanwhile, Daiko finds out that the thoughtscape can be manipulated at will by just imagining what he wants. It's his-... err, their mind after all, right?

Conversing and conversing, Remilia seems to want something in exchange for their hypothetic help in the body splitting matter of Daiko/Kiku/Bastet.
Showing their interest, Kiku proceeds to show them the Soul Swap ability.

51 ~ 100

Daiko finally has the pleasure (or not so much like that) to meet the Mistress when the Soul Swap occurs.
Remilia instantly points out what she wants.
She explains a bit of how, since possibly Daiko, Kiku and Bastet have different life forces, they can increase them individually without affecting the others'. And so, she says she wants for them to gather energy for the vampire.
But suddenly, a group of kappas emerge from the depths of the library, just to tell Remilia that 'it's done'. A crashing sound happens from where they came, to which Remilia lets the kappas gather some tools from the Youkai Mountain to finish this 'thing.'

Saying the good byes, Daiko finally leaves, just to swap with Kiku and foresight the kappas. Something big could be seen. It doesn't make any sense to him.

And so, they arrive to the living room, just to find someone... very familiar.

101 ~ 150

Arukas, or rather, Sakura, was standing in the living room, waiting.
She came with the objective of talking with Daiko. And so, Sakuya gives them a moment, but Daiko also brings Kokoro to this conversation by the chance of a pure whim.

Sakura apologizes for everything, while Daiko does the same with a few things. The result is the forgiving to each other. Overall, they are family, so that's what matters.

151 ~ 200

After a bit of compliments towards Kokoro, also knowing Sakura's age (530) and Kokoro's (1300 (?), Bastet goes to the real world after soul swapping. Being her first time there, she's really excited.
But this is interrupted by a sudden tremor. They decide to go out of the room they were in to ask for answers.
Asking to Sakuya, she tells that this has been happening for a few days already, and only in the vicinities of the Misty Lake and nowhere else.

201 ~ 250

Leaving the mansion, Daiko, Kokoro and Sakura meet with Meiling and the mermaid of the lake: Wakasagihime. what a hard name...
She tells the group that she felt, while the tremor was happening, magic at the bottom of the lake.
After talking a bit, it's decided that they will go with Keine, Akyuu and Kosuzu for a possible information gathering.

251 ~ 300

Continuing their way to the village, and after Sakura explains a bit how people that are being foresighted can notice Daiko's attempts of doing so, a brief discussion burst out between grandson and grandmother.
... which continues even until they are in front of the Hieda Residence, in front of Akyuu who is going to Suzunaan.
The situation turns out to be really funny and, after apologizing to her, Daiko and Kiku finally properly greet the Child of Miare.

301 ~ 350

The group arrives at Suzunaan after explaining things to Akyuu concerning the SDM, omitting in-depth details of course.
After being greeted by Kosuzu, and her almost being ignored, the group splits in different sections while Sakura and Kosuzu talk privately.
Kokoro is searching for romantic stuff... but...
The DEEP romantic stuff.

351 ~ 400

Kokoro tells that she wants THOSE kind of books to learn more.
Between the conversation, it pops up the question if Kokoro indeed feels love towards Daiko...
which she can't answer clearly, as she isn't so sure, but things seem to lead to that reasoning.
And so, Kokoro says a kiss in the order of the day...

401 ~ 450

Daiko, admitting his love for Kokoro, they are about to kiss when...
Kosuzu interrupts the marvelous moment with her yelp. Everything is ruined from this point on...
The library keeper takes Daiko to a room full of books. It seems, from a request of Sakura, she wants to give him a Demon Book for him to develop his abilities, but ultimately he refuses.

Meanwhile in the thoughtscape, a new key is found, and so is a turquoise box. After opening it, a rainbow-winged fairy is now free from it. A new addition to the soul gang~

451 ~ 500

Returning to where the others, Daiko, Kokoro and Sakura decide to look for Keine in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. Maybe she's there...

Thoughtscape: The fairy's name seems to be Niji. Recalling, she supposedly had a great friend in the past, but she can't remember much more besides that. Nevertheless, she's now part of the crew and a friend to everyone there.

501 ~ 550

And off to the Bamboo Forest they go!
In the meantime, Niji is finally able to go to the real world after soul swapping. She gladly greets Kokoro and Sakura.
However, a weird situation happens...

Someone unknown seems to knock Daiko off.

After waking up, a world of madness surrounds Daiko, Kiku, Bastet and Niji. They experiment they weirdest moment of their lives, and everything due to the appearance in the scene of Clownpiece.
Much to her despair, though, the madness caused by her torch is reverted, and she's quickly restricted.

551 ~ 600

After this, and somewhat befriending Clownpiece, Niji and the others gather.
Clownpiece decides to stick with the group for a bit.

Searching for Keine, they soon enough find what seems to be a talking flame, which turns out to be a woman with a really long white hair. Keine is standing near the door of a house in the middle of the forest.
Daiko doesn't lose time to go and apoloize to her.

601 ~ 650

Keine, really showing that she cares for Daiko, apologizes too to him. It's all good. Teacher-student should be not hold grudges against each other.
Presenting Niji and Bastet to Keine, the group gets into Mokou's house to converse a bit and find out why the fire girl, Mokou, was so mad about.

It seems that Houraisan Kaguya, Eientei's princess, rejected their battles...

651 ~ 700

Conversation goes on, and a test is done. Mokou throws a fire ball to Daiko, then to let him switch with Kiku, finding out that indeed they share injuries.
It continues, leading to the conversation of Daiko's abilities to soul swap and such, leading to some theories that they don't really don't want to test due to how dangerous they are.
Kokoro also mentions about 'Daddy Mimiko'
But Mokou, hearing about the moment Daiko and Kokoro were about to kiss, drags the former to a private conversation.
She tells him to not rush things, as Kokoro probably doesn't know what she wants..

701 ~ 750

And so the group leaves after this...

But a miracle happens.

Trying and trying with all their might, Daiko and the residents inside his mind finally are able to be in the real world without the need of taking turns! They have their own bodies now!

751 ~ 800

After being guided outside of the forest, Keine follows Mokou, who previously left for unknown reasons. Clownpiece leaves too.

Then, the group makes their way to Daiko's house to find a crack and let him meet Miko.

But on their way, they find Mystia's stand shrinking...

801 ~ 850

Turns out that the Oni named Ibuki Suika, misunderstanding what Mystia said, shrinked her stand 'for better mobility'. In the end, after making things clear (and briefly being small) the group decide to eat at Mystia's stand. During all of this, they also met with Mystia's friend: Kasodani Kyouko.

851 ~ 900

While they eat, the group finds out that Mystia has an extremely beautiful voice, and that she sings. The brief song she offers to everyone is so nice that Sakura offers her to join their team for the festival, but she ultimately doesn't say no or yes.

901 ~ 950

The group walks to the house, leaving Mystia, Suika and Kyouko at the stand.
Soon enough they reach it, searching for a crack, finding the 'X' one hiding under the table at the living room, at the floor.
However, before that, Sakura tells Daiko to check his head, which Kiku takes care of...

951 ~ 1000

It turns out that Daiko has a horn, which was Sakura's horn. She made him drink it as a baby via melting it and mixing it with milk. THat made him inherit it.
Also, Sakura's ability seems to be 'absorb energies' which permitted her seal an underground part of the house, the entrance to it being the 'X' in the floor. It becomes stairs that lead to this part of the house after Sakura gets rid of it thanks to her horn.
This underground part is much better than your old house. Much more fancy and comfy. Then, after a bit of chat, Sakura proceeds to show the group the unexplored parts of the house...


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #320 on: January 10, 2018, 08:06:31 AM »
4th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

Really, why I didn't stayed at home?

1 ~ 50

The exploring continues, and while at it, Daiko leaves to search for the library that her grandma told them about.
When he reaches it, a strange feeling seems to be on him, but doesn't pay that much attention to it as he starts to read, learning now how to 'focus' while flying.
Kokoro arrives, and both of them start to search for THOSE books that Kokoro wants... to no avail.
Daiko, however, returns to a book that talks about Danmaku due to something that caught his attention...

51 ~ 100

Reading about it, apparently there's some kind of forbidden danmaku that can pretty much mentally destroy the user. It seems it was a very frightening matter...

After this, and talking about Kokoro's emotions and feeling, both of them leave the library, reuniting with the others.

101 ~ 150

Everyone decides it's time to sleep, so they choose their respective rooms. Daiko and Kokoro go to one to sleep together.
However, after a situation where Kokoro and Daiko shared their first kiss, Kokoro decides to leave, as she doesn't know what she wants nor what her feelings are. She departs, leaving Daiko there.
Him, feeling horrible about this situation, goes to the library to read until he falls asleep...

151 ~ 200

Upon falling asleep, Daikoku appears on what seems to be SPACE. Experimenting a bit, he finds out he can create things at will. A book. His house...
Which leads to him meeting with Doremy Sweet. Baku and ruler of the Dream World, the place where they are right now.
Talking a bit with her, and after telling him that he had a nightmare where Kokoro was giving him a beating, he wakes up forcefully when Doremy tells him he can do it so. They give their goodbyes to each other before that.

201 ~ 250

Searching for Sakura, who talked with Doremy beforehand, is nowhere to be seen in the house after Daiko searches for her. He even leaves, since there are some clues that lead to think that she's out.
The search ends up in the Forest of Magic, where he finds out that she's training with a black-white magician... withstanding the pain of her spellcards. A quick discussion happens between Sakura and Daiko...
... but they are interrupted by the 'Master Spark' of the magician.

251 ~ 300

Both of them try to endure it head-on, but Sakura acts by summoning her inner demon. A monstrous avatar that blocks and deviates the Master Spark.
This, however, makes her fall unconscious.
Tagging along with Kirisame Marisa, the magician, they go to the Susumu Residence so Sakura can rest.
After this, and Marisa returning to her home, Daiko lets Sakura sleep, but he catches some mumbling from her. Something about a Yukari or something.

301 ~ 350

After a bit of wait, she wakes up... and she's changing.
Apparently, after what happened, her body started to change to how she would look if she wasn't 'sealed'. By unleashing her inner demon, it seems this woke up something inside her. She now looks like a gifted woman.

351 ~ 400

After Sakura goes for a new change of clothes for her new size, Daiko goes to the library to read more about the Forbidden Danmaku, but a voice speaks in his mind.
Her name it's Shinju Tsuru, a voice that calls herself a magician that broke free from a box. It seems her situation it's the same as the others...

401 ~ 450

Seemingly she's an human... She finally makes her presence visible in Daiko's mind.
Both of them try to the best of their ability to split up, but the best they can do is Soul Swap. It seems Daiko doesn't have enough energy to split up with her...?

451 ~ 500

Searching a bit in books about souls and stuff, they find out some interesting things about them. For example, that if any of the souls connected to Daiko's soul (Kiku, Bastet, Niji and probably Tsuru) will die if he dies, and viceversa.
Sakura shows up, meeting with Shinju Tsuru. She has a picture of Daiko's mother and her along with some friends.
After giving this to him, she leaves. Daiko then tries to future-sight her, but..

501 ~ 850

He fell unconscious after attempting so, as if someone blocked him. After the others wake him up, Sakura tells everyone about what happened fifty years ago concerning this 'black danmaku'
She basically tells about the incident in the Misty Lake, Orange's disappearance and the mysterious figure that disappeared after confronting Yukari, Suika, Yuugi, Sakura, Himiko (Sakura's daughter and Daiko's mother).

851 ~ 900

Sakura finishes telling everyone about what happened, and Daiko tries to future-sight Orange, but... he only sees Meiling? He tries different things, but so far, the most notable thing he finds out is that he hears Luna's voice, which is one of the Three Fairies of Light.

901 ~ 950

Daiko future-sights Kokoro out of a whim, and he sees that she is with a woman with earmuffs in a place he has not seen yet.
Sakurap then pleads to the group to find Orange, Meiling's best friend. She also gives him the letter that was intended to be delivered to Meiling, written by Orange herself.

After this, the group decides what to do for the day.

Bastet stays with Sakura.
Niji will... try to do something.
Daiko/Tsuru go to Senkai just like it was instructed. Looking at a crack and such...
Kiku will visit the SDM to look for Koa.

When Kiku is about to leave, however, bumps with Marisa, who tells her to call Sakura to the Forest of Magic.
Sakura, gives a special gift to Niji, which is a beautiful bracelet with gems of the color of the rainbow. It seems it's property of her, as it has engraved her name and some words of encouragement.

Tsuru/Daiko, meanwhile, fall into Senkai, which makes Tsuru confront a woman that talks in a peculiar way...

951 ~ 1000

Stuff happens, and it seems that Niji can divide herself seven times thanks to the bracelet. Talk about neat stuff!

Tsuru and Daiko have a brief confrontation with Mononobe no Futo, who tries to 'make them confess their true intention', before Toyosatomimi no Miko, the 'Crown Prince' stops everyone. She then proceeds to help Daiko/Tsuru, who resented from the burns of the Master Spark...

Sakura, Niji, Bastet leave to the Forest of Magic, while Kiku goes to the SDM...

« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 08:55:33 AM by Tashi »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #321 on: January 11, 2018, 10:47:37 PM »
5th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

Are we even going to other world?!

After being treated kindly by the Senkai residents, Daiko receives the notice from Niji that Aya has disappeared. He quickly leaves Senkai to investigate as she stays with Kokoro and the other Taoists.

Meeting with Mystia at her stand, he finds out that Aya is in disguise and goes to Suzunaan, since he used his future-sight to find her future location. After chasing her through the village and ending at the temple, she explains that she wanted to resolve the mystery between the tremors and the 'secret machine' of the SDM.
A crowd of people looking for Aya, however, makes them leave to Daiko's house. There, he finds out how to split up with Tsuru. Kyouko joins a bit after this.
And Daiko calls for Sakura with his future-sight.

Bastet, Alice, Marisa and her, along with Sanae's helpful miracles, found where Aya is, so they head to Daiko's house.
However, to help Daiko and not let Aya get caught, Sakura makes a smart move. Long story short: Kogasa surprisingly declares herself to Sanae. Marisa tells Alice she loves her.
However, Hatate was not fooled about this and arrives at the house, and after a confrontation, Aya confesses her love for her... but Hatate is with Momiji. She then leaves, letting Aya be.
After a reunion with Sakura and Bastet, the group decides to go to the Underworld to get some information about the tremors, briefly meeting with Kokoro, Niji and Byakuren. Speaking of Niji, it seems she is also able to manipulate light... as well as absorb it in her bracelet.

Sheeps swarming Gensonkyo?! Niji's group finds a lot of seemingly lost sheeps. They must investigate! The Three Fairies of Light also join.
Heading to where the sheeps are coming from (Youkai Mountain), there's a confrontation with a group of suspicious fairies. They are seemingly hidding something...

And meanwhile, Kiku got a glimpse of the machine that is being made, and a bit after that, feelings were discovered between her and Koakuma. It was enough. What will came up between the love of a devil and a neko?
Sadly, their moment together shall be later, as Sakuya takes Kiku to training. There, they find out about Kiku's dangerous ability: when she's upset/frustrated, that makes her go in a blind attempt to achieve her current objective and her physical abilities are improved...

« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 10:55:00 PM by Tashi »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #322 on: January 12, 2018, 06:40:39 PM »
6th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

That feeling when an Evil Spirit possess you...

Daiko and his group continues onwards to the Underworld. In here, they meet diverse kinds of Youkai that guide them to where the Palace of this world is. However, as they continue, while meeting Yamame, Kisume, Yuugi and Parsee, end up helping the residents of the Former Capital, which is under a ruckus of Vengeful Spirits. Unfortunely, Daiko is 'possessed by one of these.
While he receives help from Satori and Rin when they arrive at the Palace, this spirit, named Kira, is restricted inside him, as he refuses to leave, but neither he can do anything against Daiko.
Talking with Satori, they find an interesting information, which is the 'Fairy World'. No one knows where it is, it seems..

Daiko, along with Kyouko, who admits she fell in love for him the same way Mystia did, return to Gensokyo. He then goes to the SDM to talk with Remilia. He then finds out that Kira is somewhat known... He is the 'Puppeteer of Souls'.

Meanwhile, Niji has been helping out with the sheeps, and she meets with Marry Shepherd. A fairy that is a shepherd. It seems Marry and Niji were great friends back when she had her memories...

Bastet, when she stayed at the Underworld and met Koishi, found out that her ability is to grant wishes. Proof of this is that Koishi became a Neko.

Kiku, after training, has been helping Sakuya with shopping. When she returned to the SDM, she offers comfort to Flandre, who had a serious discussion with her sister about letting her out for her birthday.



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #323 on: January 13, 2018, 02:58:25 PM »
7th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

Was lewd stuff done?

After agreeing to help Remilia with her machine and leaving the SDM, Daiko and Kyouko (the latter stayed at the entrance to wait for him) meets up with Kokoro. After talking about the love triangle they are into, they talk with Mystia and then all of them go to Senkai to talk with Miko and Byakuren. They, in a very dry way, accept the situation. After leaving Senkai, they meet up with Koa and Kiku, who decided to spend the rest of the day together.
Afterwards, they go back home. Bastet also returns with Sakura and Aya, though the latter stays hidden.
After eating, Daiko's foursome starts to look for lewd books at the library~
Also, thanks to Bastet's ability, Kokoro has her mask of hope back.

Niji all this time has been helping with the sheeps problem and also helping other people. She found a doll that Alice gave life to when she showed it to her. It seems it's an stranded one. Niji named her Yuudachi. They quickly become nice friends.
A clone of Niji helps Nitori with an issue that happened with a failed experiment, and they become friends after she shows the Genbu Ravine to the fairy. They also talk with Yumemi via a transmission.

Also, it seems Niji found a very suspicious group of fairies that... well... They have very strange clothes, much like Tsuru's...

« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 03:02:33 PM by Tashi »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #324 on: January 13, 2018, 06:19:42 PM »
8th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

Show us the way, O magnificent book...

Daiko and his group, exploring the house some, they find out that there's actually a sauna AND a pool! Just what kind of house is this?! Of course, they test them!
After this, everyone decides to go to sleep. Even Niji brought the fairies so they can pass the night at the house!
But of course, before that, Kiku and Koa read a peculiar book together that they found, made by Leiko "Lucy" Kochiya, who was/is a famous author... O, incredible book of the heavens, teach us your content...

Before this, though, Niji and Sakura went to Eientei to look for Keine, finding out some... strange situation that the princess of the place, Mokou and Keine herself reached as an agreement. After the place is shrouded in an insane amount of darkness (made by an entity called Megumi) and everything returns to normal

However, Sakura takes time to show Daiko... what it was Himiko's, his mother, room. There, he finds out that he was going to have an older sister, Mikoto, but an abortion occurred and Himiko lost her. After sharing a sad moment, he opens a box that has a letter seemingly directed to him, and a blank spellcard.

Tsuru see's some strange things at night... but it might be just her.

Morning arrives...

And it can be pretty much summarized in this:

The children of the village disappeared. Also did Yuudachi, Koakuma and the fairies that stayed at home.
Niji had a confrontation with Hecatia at the Hakurei Shrine.



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #325 on: January 13, 2018, 07:05:14 PM »
9th Archive
Hikikomori Quest


A lot of things happen. Everyone is alerted by the disappearances of the children, but different clues lead to the protagonists know that the fairies, the children and Yuudachi are being held in a different vampire mansion than the SDM. (Koakuma was just summoned by Patchouli). One of the major clues is Seija, who left presentation cards all over the place, and she even admits and tells where this mansion is located.
Small incidents happen, such as the lake being frozen and Cirno being inside Daiyousei as an energy, but everything is averted.

And so, everyone goes to Muenzuka, the place where this vampires live... There, no harmful conflict happens... well, the only harmful thing that happens if the Mistress of the mansion, Corin Charite, getting burned due to the sun, but she will be okay.
There, they meet with the previous named one, along with Chloe LeBlanc (the only maid of the mansion), Charlotte LeBlanc (vampire), Satsuki Rin and Megumi (a devil that... is like a twin of Koakuma).
The children, fairies and Yuudachi are freed None of them were having a bad time.

Some extra stuff happens, such as Daiyousei being possessed by an evil spirit, which Daiko takes into him after taking advice from Kira. After this, Kiku, Koakuma, Cirno and Daiyousei look forward to start a relationship the four of them, as feelings were revealed.
Also, Bastet 'fused' with Doremy's sister: Oniru Sweet. Apparently, this is to not let the Dream World collapse... Oniru and Bastet have the mission to find a way to save it.



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #326 on: January 13, 2018, 08:07:25 PM »
10th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

And it keeps on and on...

Several things happen, such as Niji and Marry finding an shrine with a mysterious book, along with a dead Kogasa. However, everything inside this shrine and the shrine itself disappears, leaving only Marry and Niji with the book. After giving it to Kosuzu, she says it's the 'Book of Revelations'.
Sanae and Kogasa, after a bit of a discussion, finally come to an understanding, forgiving each other.

Daiko also finds out that there are two children lost: Orino's children (Ray and Jessica), and he founds them at the SDM. They were the two kids that were going to be used for the clone machine so Flandre can have the food she wants. Remilia offers no resistance and lets them go. Daiko also lets Kira go from his body. He tells him before that, however, that he is brother of 'Mima'.

Daiko also changed the gender of the evil spirit that possessed Daiyousei thanks to Kira's help. He is a boy (now a girl) and his(her?) name is Rafael. Though he takes Rachael as her name now.

Also, Niji, or at least, a clone of hers declares her love for Clownpiece, which she reciprocates. However, some things about her are told to Niji, but even so, she accepts them.

And so, Daiko, Kiku, Koakuma, Cirno and Daiyousei start to make a cake for Flandre's birthday...



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #327 on: January 13, 2018, 09:09:14 PM »
11th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

Who took my house?!

After having a great scare after being told that his house disappeared (and Kyouko suggesting it could be Nue. Luckily, the house was back a bit after that), the cake is done. After giving it to Flandre and sharing a nice moment with the SDM family, Remilia gives some money to Daiko for the favor... For doing this to her sister.

Tsuru, who stayed at the Charite Uncanny Household, find outs that Chloe and Charlotte, much like Kiku (which real name is Kuro), Bastet (which real name is Shiro) Niji, and a 'Mayu' person, are her sisters. All of them were created by Valentine Claythorne.

And so, Niji and the other fairies dive into the lake after receiving information that the bottom of it is the entrance to the Fairy World, and only fairies can get past it.
And they do so. They arrive at the world full of nature that any fairy would like to live in: The Fairy World.
There, they find out that the person that attacked Chen and Ran years ago is called 'Arion/Annie'. It seems it can change genders...
They also find out that this person is searching for 'Elfin Mint', a special fairy, for an unknown reason.



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #328 on: January 13, 2018, 11:26:18 PM »
12th Archive
Hikikomori Quest


At the village, a food competition is happening, and it seems there's a cheater! One of the three eats something that can let them eat as much as they can, but Daiko soon exposes the truth to the light of the day, the winner being a woman called Sekibanki. One is disqualified while the other outright loses.

When Tsuru, Chloe and Charlotte look at the village for Mayu, they quickly find her singing 'Night of Fire'. She happily greets Tsuru with o so much affection.

The search continues and... the fairies find Orange, though she looks as mature as Meiling. It seems she's... Arion/Annie's servant...
And they meet with Arion/Annie herself. After speaking with her, she departs with Orange in search for Elfin.
However, after the group of fairies keep in their business... they meet up with Elfin Mint, the fairy that Arion/Annie is looking for.
... and she finds her, because Annie followed them.
A confrontation inevitably happens and...

Everything turns black.



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/I
« Reply #329 on: January 14, 2018, 05:08:34 PM »
13th Archive
Hikikomori Quest

Fairy World

Daiyousei wakes up, finding out that Cirno is once again inside her. She also finds out about the past of the twins Arion and Annie. Then, she finds, along with the group, both Elfin Mint and Orange, the former in a very bad state. Theb they decie to return to Gensokyo with them.

Daiko meets up with an strange person called Mamizou, who later leaves Mystia's stand. He then finds out that everything he had in his pockets is no longer there...