Author Topic: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [ Epilogue - Game over! ]  (Read 42182 times)


  • Charisma!
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My previous games:
Party at Scarlet Devil Mansion (2010)
Defend the Scarlet Devil Mansion (2011)
SDM Personnel Crisis (2011)

This game is a similar game to Defend the SDM except this time you will be featuring as the Myouren Household. There is no real reason for picking this team instead of Chireiden or Taoist girls. I just felt like it. Didn't also wanted to use same team again (even though people suggested it 4 years ago). Perhaps in future I will pick another team? Who knows.

Defend the Myouren Temple

Original artist for sprite: 小唄さん

An unknown force has breached the borders of the Great Hakurei Barrier and they have targeted peaceful Myouren temple. Gather your strength, wisdom and patience to repel these foolish threats. Now... Namusan!

※Game description and goal ※
Game duration:  13 days (26 turns).
Win condition: Defend the temple until end of the game and successfully destroying ALL enemies.
Losing conditions: Hijiri-sama pichuun and/or all statues are stolen or unable to destroy all enemies at end of the game.
Buddha Statues: Guard them with your life. An enemy will steal an unguarded statue! NAMUSAN!

◇ Due to intense administration, Sadly, I might have to filter players based on their activity, reputation and history. Not sure yet. Don't be afraid to sign up!
◇ Even though we're all humans, I expect activity. If you have anything that might disrupt your activity (RL,exams,holiday,etc) then please don't join. I will also do my very best to host the game.
◇ No drama - at - all. Period. Any concerns/questions towards the game, me or each other are to be handled without drama.
◇ Deadlines are set with timer. Failure to respond will result in exit.
◇ If you "pichuun" in the game, you're not allowed to interact/post. "Dead/K.O" people don't talk.
◇ Namusan!

※Basic gameflow explained※
◇ A day has 2 turns. So this game will last for 26 turns.
◇ Each turn has ~24 hours to decide/play. I will use one of those web timers to display it.
◇ If Hijiri-sama writes in her post "Now, NAMUSAN!" she will confirm all commands and immediately execute the turn (I will do my very best to process it immediately unless I am at work).
◇ Unlike in DSDM, you may decide for yourself which characters attacks first / last. DSDM had fixed order, here you are free. Hijiri-sama confirms the order by ##Order <char1> <char2> (ry
◇ As you might have guessed, this game is heavy collaboration and discussing. Choose and act wisely. A lot of skills have synchronisation or interesting combos when used correctly.

◇ Basic flow:  Submit Minor/Major actions > decide order of play > fighting! > enemy strikes back! > end of turn.
◇ Each turn every player may submit maximum of one minor and one major action. A minor action will always take place first unless stated otherwise. Or a player may chose to fully idle or partially. (like skip the minor action)
◇ Minor commands: Move, Purchase, Use, Give.
◇ Major commands: Attack, SC, Supreme Ability.
◇ Money is shared (coin/points) and purchasing items will deduct the team's money.
◇ Faith and Spell Cards are individual per character. Can be transferred or given by Byakuren.
◇ Supreme Abilities have a cooldown of 4 turns when used.

  • ##Supreme Ability <ability> <target> - Uses a surpreme ability.
  • ##Attack <target> - Performs regular attack. Uses STR as base power.
  • ##SC <spell> <target> - Use a spell card. STR as base power + added spell power.
  • ##Move <location> - Move to desired location. Normally, you can only move 1 area at a time. Apply any effects that might influence this action.
  • ##Purchase <item> - Purchases an item. Deducts points. Item is obtained by the purchaser. (If an item is instant use, apply effects).
  • ##Use <item> - Use one item in stock. (If Nazrin uses Cheese, she will summon a mouse near her).
  • ##Give <item> - Gives one item to another player.
  • ##Idle - Will idle and do nothing. This action is automatically executed if a player fails to submit on time.
  • ##Command <mice#> <action> <target> - Command a mouse under Nazrin's control.
  • ##Order <char1> <char2> etc. - Declare the order in which the girls attack/move.

※Basic game mechanics ※
The follow default mechanics apply. Some skills / attacks may report differently.
◇ Girls attack first, enemies follow.
◇ Regular attacks need dice roll, spell cards have 100% rate. Examples: 1d3 (33%) > 3 = fail. 1d4 (25%) > 4 = fail. 1d6  > 6 = fail.
◇ Other success rates are usually the "middle". Example: Minamitsu's Shining Palanquin smash. 1d20 to K.O > 10 becomes "success" unless stated otherwise. 
◇ Basic damage formula: Dmg = (Power + player STR) - (enemy DEF) - (possible effects). Power is the base damage for spell. Minimum damage is always 1 unless stated otherwise.
◇ Critical hit, if available, is decided by xd6 where x = doubles/triples/etc. Critical increases base power, not final damage.
◇ Common negative effects are: Blind, Stun, Immobilize, Silence, Bleed. More effects are present but are described.
  • Blind > If no instructions, flip coin > heads = ok, continue regular play.
  • Stun > cannot use any attacks or spells.
  • Immobilize > cannot use attacks.
  • Silence > cannot use spells or supreme abilities.
  • Bleed > usually  suffers x-dmg per turn.
◇ Negative effects of same type will never stack or renew unless stated.
◇ Bonus % dmg is applied to the final damage.

Shops and services
Name/TypeCost ---Description
Cheese100Gouda's famous cheese!
Sutra Scroll100Contains prayers, read them with respect.
Eientei MediKit100Contains basic supplies → Target nearby ally, heals 5 HP and remove bleeding, immobilize and poison.
Magic Potion200Brewed by the ordinary magician. → Grants random effect 1d6 [1] Nothing [2] 1d2 self dmg [3] +5 STR [4] +4 DEF [5] Immunity to dmg 1 turn [6] Don't roll dice, maximize results and success.
Protection Amulet200Made by the Hakurei Shrine Maiden → +3 DEF and blocks negative effects once.
Broom300Famous brand with improved stability! → You may move to any area directly. Upon arrival you gain +25% evasion against regular attacks in same turn.
Megaphone350YOU'RE TOO LOUD! → Enemies in area suffer -1 DEF and are stunned. Allies in area suffer -50% accuracy for regular attacks.
Yin Yang Ball300Deploy this anywhere. Any ally can teleport to the ball. Upon arrival you gain +1 DEF for one turn. Persistent item, Ball has 5 HP, cannot attack. After 2 uses, the ball breaks.
Hakurei Reimu1500Troublesome Youkai Hunting → Grants global -50% damage and blocks negative effects. Target area receives Aoe Power 15, 1d3 stun.
Kirisame Marisa2000I came to play! → Select an area to make her fire Final Master Spark. [AoE power 15]. Afterwards, Marisa will seek out a boss/elite and do [Power 15, 2d6 crit.]
Toyosatomimi no Miko2500Religious fight enfolds → Globally all enemies have chance to get caught in the crossfire. Crossfire damage: 1d3 , 10 pure dmg. Confusion: 1d3 per enemy to stun.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2015, 08:39:41 AM by Helepolis »


  • Charisma!
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 09:30:13 AM »
〓 The Myouren temple crew 〓
  • Byakuren: The magician who had been corrupted by her desires and powers. Byakuren has strong offensive and some useful abilities.
  • Shou: Clumsy girl who is a faithful follower. She always loses her Pagoda. Has very strong abilities and spell cards... if she doesn't loses her Pagoda.
  • Minamitsu: Tough and defensive dangerous girl. Wears a skirt. She enjoys flying the ship and occasionally crashing it.
  • Ichirin: Without Unzan, she is extremely vulnerable. But when she 'wields' him, her powers are straight forward and extremely offensive.
  • (Unzan: Summoned by Ichirin. Is quite shy.)
  • Kogasa: Tries hard to be scary. Maybe in this game she will succeed! Has extraordinary abilities.
  • Nazrin: The tiny tiny clever commander who is often burdened with her master's (Shou) clumsiness. Has strategical abilities.
  • Nue: Unknown girl who is hard to identify. Ok ok ok, she is erotic. cough*
  • Kyouko: Cheerful girls who is loyal to duty. This game might be stressful for her. Has strategical abilities.

Symbols explained
★ / ◎ → Spell card cost. One symbol means one cost.
[ x ] → Faith cost to use this ability. Different requirement may be noted.

Important skill notices
◇ Shou or Nazrin can only use either normal or pagoda skills. Carrying a pagoda does not extend your skill set.  Similar goes for Minamitsu when she goes phantom mode.
◇ Exception is for Nazrin's Dowsing > Find Pagoda where the skill describes how to use it.
◇ Another exception is Ichirin and Unzan. Ichirin gains extended skill set while wielding Unzan and this bonus may even improve.

〓 Hijiri Byakuren - Melee / Magician [ HP: 35, STR: 6, DEF: 3 ] 75% regular hit chance.
★ [15] Supreme ability: Equality → Byakuren believes in equality. Nobody can or will attack for current turn. This attack has highest priority and will cancel all actions. Other effects will continue. After equality ends, Byakuren will snap into ♥Namusan~♪ mood. She will uncontrollable attack for 2 turns with inhuman strength K.O-ing random targets ((1d4)d NumberOfEnemies with 1d3 chance. Elite and Boss targets suffer 50% of current HP damage. 
★ [-] Supreme ability (passive): Namusan → Once per turn before any other action, Byakuren may transfer portion of her own faith to 1 other. Maximum 3. This action doesn't count as minor or major command.

◎ [5] Charm → Byakuren charms a normal enemy with her beauty and kindness to fight for you for 2 turns. Byakuren may control the enemy as a minion, if it has abilities they are reported. Charm cannot be reused until controlled enemy dies or effect ends. Affected enemy cannot be controlled again.
◎ [2] Ride On! → Summons a motorcycle, running over multiple targets. Select 5 global targets. Byakuren can move globally. Last target is her destination. [Power 5, global single target]
◎ [1] Super Human Byakuren → Select 3 targets. Swiftly attacks 1d3 number of targets rendering them confused. Next turn the target must roll 1d6 before doing anything. Uneven result is harm self for same power. [Power 4]
◎ [1] Caring → Byakuren restores 10 HP to target and removes all negative effects.

Generates +3 faith per turn. (+1 for each Sutra scroll in the team).
Generates 1 Spell Card per turn for 1 Player (player doesn't needs to be near)

〓 Toramaru Shou - Magician [ HP: 30, STR: 2, DEF: 2(+4) Bonus is gained while holding pagoda ] 50% (+25%) regular hit chance.
★ [15] Supreme ability: Radiant Jewelled Pagoda. Requires Pagoda. Fires lasers all over the battle field. [Global AoE power 20, blind all enemy]
★ Supreme ability (passive): Shou-chan upgrades. If Shou-chan is equipped with:
Shimenawa → Gain +2 STR whenever Shou-chan uses a non-Pagoda skill. Shimenawa will be torn after 2 uses.
Pads → +10 DEF for next two attacks Shou-chan suffers. Pads will burst then.

Skills (normal) :
◎ [-] Spear thrust → Thrusts spear with chance to do critical damage. [Power 6, 3d6 crit]
◎ [-] Shou-chan Spark! → Requires Hakkero. Single target or up to three. Consumes Hakkero. [Single power (20 minus result of 1d10) or Multi power: (10 minus result of 1d6)]
◎ [5] Nazrin! Na-zuu-riin! → Calls Nazrin over. Next turn, perform after your own turn another turn as Nazrin regular attack. You cannot use supreme ability or mice based moves. You will play as Nazrin's current state. Nazrin's own turn isn't skipped (unless she has no Pagoda and used Pagoda ability).

Skills (Pagoda):
◎ [1] Vajra of Buddhism → Sweeps the area with intense radiant beams. [AoE power 3]
◎ [1] Curvy Lasers → Fires inaccurate curving lasers. Area effect, has 20% chance to hit an enemy. [AoE power 10]
◎ [1] Vajra Flash → Blind all units in area. Has 100% success on normal. 50% vs elite/boss, Flip coin, if heads it succeeds. Blinded enemy need to roll1d20 to attack. If result is 10, they are safe. Flashes self + allies too:  Roll 1d5, if result is 3, you're safe. 
- [-] Lose Pagoda → *cries* Nazrin I lost my jewelled pagoda again. Loses the Pagoda.

Generates +1 faith per turn. (+4 if holding Pagoda)

〓 Murasa Minamitsu - Tank [ HP: 45, STR: 3, DEF: 8 ] 75% regular hit chance.
★ [6] Supreme ability: Tragic history → Minamitsu remembers her tragic past turning viscous and reckless again. +7 STR -8 DEF +25% hit chance. All her abilities become phantom abilities. Lasts 3 turns.

Skills (normal):
◎ [2] Palanquin smash → Smashes the Palanquin into enemies, chance to do fatal damage. Has 20% chance to render Minamitsu stunned and 2 self damage. [AoE power 6, 1d20 K.O normal]
◎ [1] GET OVER HERE → Select 5 targets globally. Swings multiple chained anchors latching to enemies and pulling them to Minamitsu. Enemies cannot escape or use abilities and must fight Minamitsu current turn. Does not affect elite/bosses.
◎ [-] Anchor Smash → Swings anchor to do heavy damage. [Power 6, 1d5 stun]

Skills (phantom):
◎ [5 HP] Sinking Anchor → Smashes enemy doing 10 damage regardless of resistance. Enemy is crippled and will receive +20% damage.
◎ [5 HP] Ship flip → Not a table flip. Smashes the phantom Palanquin, target enemy is flipped and cannot use regular attacks for 2 turns. Effect does not stack or cannot be renewed. [Power 25 normal, 15 elite/boss]
◎ [5 HP] Hatred of disrespect → HER NAME IS MURASA MINAMITSU, YOU SECONDARIES. All secondaries (normal enemy) in area suffer damage regardless of resistance or buffs. [AoE Damage 10]
◎ [5 HP] Maelstrom → Minamitsu becomes reckless trying to drown all. Has 25% chance to harm allies but they won't drown. [AoE power 15, K.O 1d6 normal or 1d10 elite/boss]

Heals self +5 HP at end of day.

〓 Kumoi Ichirin - Destroyer [ HP: 20, STR: 2, DEF: 2 ] 75% regular hit chance.
Unzan → [ HP: -, STR: 3, DEF: - (Immune to effects) ] 100% regular hit chance.
★ [6] Supreme ability: Unzan speaks! → Unzan becomes enraged. Ichirin can each perform 1 normal and 1 Unzan skill per turn at the cost of 1. Unzan gains +4 STR. Lasts 3 turns.

Skills (normal):
◎ [-] Charged rings → Tosses charged rings at 4 targets. [Power 2, 1d6 stun]
◎ [4] Kintama → Block any damage on Ichirin and directly reflect it for 200% back. Ichirin still can receive negative effects.
◎ [1] Unzan! → Summon Unzan. Ichirin can no longer move around, gains +1 DEF while Unzan is out, and may use 1 normal and 1 Unzan skill per turn.

Skills (Unzan):
◎ [-] Fist smash → Unzan smashes target, [Power 8, 3d6 crit]
◎ [-] Choking grab → Grabs target. Target cannot be attacked or attack. Current or next turn will receive double damage from Unzan only. Does not affect bosses.
◎ [-] Pulverize → Lands down a fierce strike, can miss. 1d6 for effect: [1] Power 10 + 2d6 crit [2] Power 10 Enemy immobilized. [3] Enemy K.O (normal only). [4,5,6] Nothing.
- [1] Scolding ends → Unsummons Unzan. Ichirin may move around again and her DEF returns to normal.

Generates +2 faith per turn.

〓 Nazrin - Strategist [ HP: 15, STR: 2(+4), DEF: 1(+2) Bonus is gained while holding pagoda ] 75% regular hit chance.
★ [5] Supreme ability: Yapoon! Nobody knows this word → Huge discount received! All items in shop are 50% cheaper for the entire next day!
★ Supreme ability (passive): Tiny tiny clever commander → For each cheese Nazrin used, she can use a mouse. Mouse HP: 3, STR: 1, DEF: 0, 50% regular hit chance solo, +25% near Nazrin. Mice can be controlled to attack. Mice are fast, so all enemies have +25% evasion to hit them regular.

Skills (normal):
Pendulum (passive) → Each turn you gain 1 gem up to maximum of 5. Nazrin gains +1 DEF for each Gem present.
◎ [1] Pendulum (active) → Unleashes the gems swirling around Nazrin doing damage. Next, Pendulum will block 2 * NumberOfGem as final dmg for all girls near her. Gems shatter after this skill ends. [AoE power 1 + NumberOfGem]
◎ [-] Dowsing → Dowses for gold and items. For gold → 1d5 to succeed then 1d20 result x 10 = coins received. For items →1d6 chance to find 1d3 special item for Shou-chan [1]: Mini-Hakkero [2]: Pads [3] Shimenawa. Each item can be found only once.
◎ [-] Jewelled Pagoda → If Shou lost her Pagoda, you will find it. On your next turn, you may use 1 normal and 1 Pagoda skill at the cost of 1 Spell Card. At the end of that turn, you return the Pagoda to Shou automatically.
◎ [2] Mice March → Requires mice. Send forward your army biting the asses of enemy targets. Select up to [NumberOfMice] targets, Target is bitten for 1 damage per mouse (regardless of resistance).
◎ [2] Thieving Mice → Requires mice. Select up to 1dHasMice targets. 1d4 to succeed per target. Upon success: will loot following [1] Weapon  [2] Gold  [3] Nothing (1d3). Gold = 1d10. > Weapon = +1 STR until enemy dies. Enemy -1 STR.

Skills (Pagoda):
◎ [2] Radiant Pagoda → Unleashes five uncontrolled high intensity beams. Hits random targets. Tagged enemies receive +20% more damage current turn. [Power 4]
◎ [2] Shielding Pagoda → Nazrin grants a shield for current turn. Shield will block all negative effects for all allies. Shield will reduce 3 damage after final calculations. If damage is negative or 0, it will be 0.
◎ [-] Flash → Blind single target. Has 100% success on normal. 50% vs elite/boss, Flip coin, if heads it succeeds. Blinded enemy suffer and need to roll 1d20. If the result is 10, they are safe. [Power 4]

Generates +50 coin per turn. (+50 if holding Pagoda)

〓 Tatara Kogasa - Melee [ HP: 20, STR: 4, DEF: 4 ] 75% regular hit chance.
★ [10] Supreme ability: Guerilla Typhoon → Summons immense typhoon. Global AoE power 10 once upon activation. Global Effect: All enemies -50% damage. Kogasa gains +2 power on her spell cards. Effect lasts 3 turns.

◎ [-] Boo! Were you surprised? → Tries to scare enemy. Select up to three and roll a 1d4 for each. Scared enemies cannot attack current turn. Does not affect bosses. 
◎ [1] Spin-to-win → Kogasa becomes dizzy next turn. All actions need 1d6 → uneven = miss/fail. [AoE power 4, 3d6 crit]
◎ [-] Lick → Bleeeeeh~. Roll 1d6, if result is 3 the enemy becomes frightened and will receive +100% bonus damage current. [Power 5]
◎ [1] Surprise! → Hides though can still be targeted. If she is targeted: Kogasa appears, surprising all the enemies in area. Enemies cannot attack next turn. [AoE power 4]

Generates +1 faith per turn.

〓 Kasodani Kyoko - Melee [ HP: 25, STR: 5, DEF: 4 ] 75% regular hit chance.
★ [10] Supreme ability: OHAYOUGOZAIMASU → Can be only used during start of a day. Knocks back all enemies globally to the front gates. All enemies -25% accuracy. Auras of enemies are disabled for current and next 2 turns.

◎ [5] Yamabiko → Kyoko will exactly reflect the next attack that lands on her, including all effects after enduring it.
◎ [2] Gyate Gyate! → Chants the Heart Sutra partially. All allies in area gain boosted STR same turn while enemies lose DEF. [+STR/-DEF 1 + 1 per Sutra Scroll]
◎ [-] Broom Smash → Smacks target. [Power 2, 1d6 stun, 2d6 crit]
◎ [3] Cheerful presence → Kyoko raises morality rendering all allies near her immune to negative effects for 1 turn. If this skill is overused there will be side effects.

Generates +1 faith per turn. (+1 for each Sutra scroll in the team).

〓 Houjuu Nue - Ranged [ HP: 15, STR: 3, DEF: 3 ] 100% regular hit chance.
★ [10] Supreme ability: Unidentified → Alters the identity of something or something or something or something. Pick one of the three:
  • UNKNOWN → target is UNKNOWN and cannot be targeted nor identified. Because of this, the player loses control. Heals to full HP. UNKNOWN has fixed 15 STR 100% hit chance and will attack randomly up to 5 targets or same target if no more present. Lasts 2 turns.
  • Swap identity → Target becomes someone present in the battle field. Gains the same current HP and stats and accesses all skills with same conditions / requirements. Downside is that all damage is -50%. Post effect you revert to normal. Lasts 3 turns.
  • UFO invasion → Summon 3 UFO in area. Blue UFO: reduces enemy DEF by 4 in area. Red UFO: Fires randomly [Power 5] up to 5 enemies. Yellow UFO: Kidnaps 1 normal or elite (removed). Lasts 5 turns.

◎ [2] UFO crash → Nue hops on her UFO to become immune to damage and effects. Next turn, Nue automatically crashes down doing. Ignores DEF. Nue receives 1 dmg and cannot use skills for 1 turn. [AoE power 10]
◎ [2] Heian shooting → Fires an unknown arrow inflicting random damage regardless of enemy resistance. [Damage 5] + 1d6 > [1 or 5] 5 dmg [2] Bleed, every turn 1 dmg. Bleed may stack. [3] Enemy receives +100% damage from all sources for next turn [4] non-elite/boss flees the battle field (removed) [6] Nothing.
◎ [3] Unknown Horror → Nue becomes very scary. Target enemy receives +50% more damage and does -50% damage. Lasts 1 turn. [Power 5]
◎ [1] Erotic Nue → Nue becomes charming and deadly. Select 3 targets, Nue cannot be attacked by those targets and next turn automatically does a critical blow to seduced enemies. [Power 4 + 3d6 crit]
◎ [5] Playstation ?○△□ → Causes copyright infringement. Enemies current turn will be confused and have chance to harm themselves or each other. [AoE power 4]
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 07:51:24 AM by Helepolis »


  • Charisma!
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 09:30:20 AM »


Number of Statues present: 6
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 08:13:51 PM by Helepolis »


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2015, 12:53:41 PM »
I never knew these kinds of games existed on MotK in the past (then again I wasn't a member around then), but it looks fun so

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Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2015, 02:11:55 PM »
dat complicated-ness

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1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2015, 05:02:11 PM »

What the dickens is this.


Hmm. Iiiiinteresting.

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(I'm going to get filtered on activity so hard ;_;)


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2015, 05:55:10 PM »
Due to real life stuff that just came up, going to drop out.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 11:14:46 AM by Ruka »


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2015, 07:20:33 PM »
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« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 11:12:12 PM by PX »


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2015, 10:49:42 PM »
These games are a rare treat from what I can observe, and this game has caught my interest.

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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2015, 11:24:44 PM »
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2015, 09:01:27 AM »
This looks complicated and potentially fun.
Alright I swear I've read this over at least 30 times trying to perfectly understand it. I'll just hopefully learn and adapt along the way.
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2015, 09:49:03 AM »
Ye the game is probably overly complicated over the top mechanism. Actually, I made it "less complicated" than the SDM version. Now you would probably think, WTF HOW IS THIS LESS COMPLICATED? Well, the SDM had  "area bonus" for some girls and also team bonus for some conditions met.

Either way, if you break down this game to it's core it is basically like this:

- Enemies will appear in "waves".
- Players discuss their actions together and decide order in which to attack.
- Fighting!
- Repeat per turn

The skills and items aid combat. Each player will start with few spell cards and some faith points to kick off.

From there it is lots of planning, guessing and HOPING the dice rolls in your favour.

Oh speaking of the dice rolls, I will just use Keine-sama from IRC for that and post logs of results here.


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2015, 12:20:38 PM »
I'm glad there's overly complicated mechanisms. It's not often you see a forum game with those.

I'm not so glad that the statistics changed around since I reread everything! There's an extra day? Shou with pagoda generates one less faith? My spreadsheets! /s


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2015, 02:37:53 PM »
The kick-off of the game won't take place before some things have been discussed / checked so probably a day will be given to orientate/discuss.

I have been doing some minor tweaking because some things were bit conflicting or under/overpowered. During gameplay they cannot change anymore so I rather try to get them straight away fixed.

The final thing for me left to decide is whether to process this with just plain old Visio OR try to Table Top Simulator and screenshot the "map" like that. I'll fiddle around this evening to see how "efficient" TT sim is otherwise I will revert to good ol' Visio


  • Greatest Fairy
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2015, 06:32:59 PM »
Oh yea, I meant to mention this and I guess I forgot. But uh it seems that Nue doesn't have a generation thingy like all the other girls.


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2015, 08:39:13 PM »


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up ]
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2015, 09:02:37 PM »
Makes sense, she's not really as much of a tenant of the faith as the others (neither is Kogasa for that matter but I guess she is thankful for having someplace nice to scare people so it counts?).
Or game balance reasons but really who cares about those in an RPG-like game amirite?  :colonveeplusalpha:
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up 7/8 ]
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2015, 09:13:38 PM »
If I am not mistaking I am counting 7 people in. Ruka dropped due to RL (he was 8th).

Fair is fair so current 7 people get a spot. 8th spot is now first come first serve.

I will prepare the map / table in the morning.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 09:18:18 PM by Helepolis »


  • Some weird programmer
Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Sign up 7/8 ]
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2015, 10:20:50 PM », if no one else is signing up, then screw it, ##Sign In
Sudo make me a sandwich.


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Preparing Game ]
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2015, 08:17:35 AM »
Confirming signups are 8/8 and closed.

Requesting all players who signed up to keep their nicknames the same until the end of the game (would save me a lot of trouble at least, thank you for understanding)

Processing players and randomizing character connections. Please watch warmly.


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Preparing Game ]
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2015, 01:59:42 PM »
In order to assign random characters to random players I used List Random to first randomize the playerlist (that is a lot of randoms). Clicked the button 3x to "shuffle". The outcome was:

Validon98, FlamingRok, Failure, Wildsour, PX, SirChaotick, Miniking, Tsurubami

Why is this important? Well, now with my awesome Bingo Machine I have drawn a number. The numbers 1-8 resemble the characters as same as order in the Skill overview (Byakuren = 1, Nue = 8).

Through this method, the following characters got connected to the following players:
Validon >>> Shou
FlamingRok >>> Nazrin
Failure >>> Kogasa
Wildsour >>> Ichirin
PX >>> Nue
SirChaotic >>> Minamitsu
Miniking >>> Byakuren
Tsurubami >>> Kyouko

So there you have it ladies and gentlefolks. Your map is up. Your overview is up. Until the official kick-off, feel free to ask questions / discuss things among yourselves and plan a strategy.

Do not worry too much about the surprise factor. Enemies will come in waves and you will be warned 1 day (ingame day) a rough number of threat. Example: "Warning, Day 2 medium force detected from WEST and EAST". So you will have almost 2 turns advantage to plan. That is how SDM version also rolled.

Oh, finally I forgot to mention about the STATUES. I will update them in the rules but basically: If an enemy moves into a room where a statue is unguarded (No Mice / Player) then the statue will be instantly stolen and the enemy will disappear with it.

Watch the timer!

>>> Time until official kick off 29 june 22:00 <<<
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 02:06:36 PM by Helepolis »


  • Greatest Fairy
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2015, 03:05:08 PM »
Alright from what I understand about skills we need 1 spellcard to use a skill (that's not passive of course), but need the minimum amount of faith next to it to use it. That was the bit that was confusing me even after I read everything.
Also quick clarification, I can't just throw spell cards all willy nilly across the temple and have to be in the same area to give them right?


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2015, 03:31:21 PM »
Correct,  an ability costs 1 spell card and x-number of faith (or HP for Minamitsu's phantom abilities). If there is a [ - ] reported, it means the cost of faith is free.

You cannot throw a spell card globally unless the skill says it is a global effect. A spell card is always instantly used unless it has some persistence/turn based effect). We could classify them as:
- Single target >> Usually written as [Power: x ]
- Multi target >> Description explains what type. Each enemy will receive the Power amount of damage and/or effects
- AoE >> All enemies in the area get affected/damaged. (Minamitsu's Palanquin smash)
- Global >> Covers the entire map. (Example Shou's supreme ability)

« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 03:33:20 PM by Helepolis »


  • Greatest Fairy
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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2015, 03:44:30 PM »
Ah my mistake for not being specific enough. I meant as Byakuren I couldn't just give one of my allies a spell card if they're across the map. They have to be in the same area for me to hand them one.


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2015, 04:45:57 PM »
Ah my mistake for not being specific enough. I meant as Byakuren I couldn't just give one of my allies a spell card if they're across the map. They have to be in the same area for me to hand them one.
Ah no that is possible. You can give a generated spell card to any character across the map. (was same in old version)

I should probably specify this clearly in the description.

Edit: Done.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 04:51:35 PM by Helepolis »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2015, 04:56:51 PM »
Okay that makes things much easier than I previously though they'd be.


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2015, 05:28:21 PM »
Whelp, 1/4th chance to get a character I wanted (Nue or Kogasa) did not work in my favor. Instead it's time to perpetually lose a pagoda for the lawlz (and for strategic Nazrin ability getting purposes, but also for the lawlz).
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2015, 06:02:34 PM »
Throwing out my own two cents here,

Building up a large amount of cash and then using Nazrin's supreme ability brings a huge opportunity for getting some powerful items early in the game, and whenever the Pagoda is obtained, more cash is generated. This leaves Shou with poor accuracy to defend herself with. Dowsing seems unreliable, though this may be good during rounds of the game with weaker enemies. Also, staying out of combat for the most part seems like the better idea until my DEF has built up from gems, because I have a feeling my 15HP isn't going to last too long, and unlike Nue, I don't have very many ranged attacks to stay clear with. The ability that removes all gems is a great defensive and offensive tool during the moment, but afterwards will leave my defenseless, so I've got to make certain I have an escape route.

Already enjoying the thought that has to be put through for this game, looks like this'll be an enjoyable forum game to take place in.


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Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2015, 06:39:14 PM »
Typo noticed for Unsummoning Unzan. It doesn't cost SC to do this (would be really dumb). Losing Pagoda also reports - so that means no SC cost either. Fixed also missing typo for Byakuren:  Generates 1 SC per turn for 1 player.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 06:40:56 PM by Helepolis »


  • Some weird programmer
Re: Defend the Myouren temple Namusan! - [Status: Prologue ]
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2015, 07:11:46 PM »
BOO YEAH, I got exactly who I wanted~

And yeah, this game looks great, can't wait till the official kick-off.

Also, should kyouko get a bonus for using the megaphone? just curious
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 07:13:51 PM by Tsurubami Senri »
Sudo make me a sandwich.