Author Topic: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-  (Read 139401 times)

Failure McFailFace

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #750 on: March 20, 2016, 03:36:00 AM »
You guys are going to have me added to the Big List o' Nicks as bigyihsuan

I got the game last night. It's fun, but it's very different compared to Vainglory (LoL is super slow paced/low activity with occasional bursts of activity here or there, while VG is super intense throughout all 30 minutes).

I also need to know what items to get because I feel like I spellspam a little bit too much, and I need that mana. And my right mouse button is going to wear out/break eventually from this game.

Is there a way to change the binding of Basic Attack to the left mouse button? I feel like it would control better (personally) if I had it that way.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #751 on: March 20, 2016, 11:55:51 PM »

Also TSM is 6th while Wildturtle is 1st. Looking pretty stupid there Regi for dropping those tryouts where Turtle could have kept his space because OMG DOUBLELIFT IS FREE [Despite the fact he was FIRED]
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #752 on: March 21, 2016, 12:17:29 AM »
I also need to know what items to get because I feel like I spellspam a little bit too much, and I need that mana. And my right mouse button is going to wear out/break eventually from this game.
Is there a way to change the binding of Basic Attack to the left mouse button? I feel like it would control better (personally) if I had it that way.

Check out what items exist and experiment. If you're using a champion which is based around spellslinging though, the recommended items should cover you for the most part. Learning champions and items is for later - right now stick to just getting the very basics down. I recommend doing intro bots a few times, they have a pretty good tutorial system going there.

And yes, there is, iirc. But you'll have to check around the keybinds.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #753 on: March 21, 2016, 08:08:54 AM »
Also TSM is 6th while Wildturtle is 1st. Looking pretty stupid there Regi for dropping those tryouts where Turtle could have kept his space because OMG DOUBLELIFT IS FREE [Despite the fact he was FIRED]

That game was so tight. They were winning, ahead by 10k gold, casters were like, "Wouldn't be the first time TSM lost after a 10k gold lead". Lo and behold.

At least we got legendary STOP, IN THE NAME OF THE LAW! chase.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #754 on: March 21, 2016, 08:28:06 AM »
Also TSM is 6th while Wildturtle is 1st. Looking pretty stupid there Regi for dropping those tryouts where Turtle could have kept his space because OMG DOUBLELIFT IS FREE [Despite the fact he was FIRED]

doublelift has been doing fine tho

tsm's problems are entirely b/c their shotcalling is a huge fucking mess and no one is ever on the same page read about me playing league i guess

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #755 on: March 21, 2016, 08:29:02 AM »
By the way, am I the only person super-duper excited for Aurelion? His kit is a little wonky but holy crap sassy space dragon is right up my alley.
especially since this kinda looks like the first champion that may or may not actually be gay? maybe? idk his comment towards tryndamere is super suspicious in my book

tsm's problems are entirely b/c their shotcalling is a huge fucking mess and no one is ever on the same page

Hasn't that been TSM's biggest problem historically? I mean, since like... ever? That they're all individually great players but as a team they kinda just suck?

Haven't kept up with the pro scene in a while (heck I didn't even watch season 5 worlds) so idk.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 08:42:29 AM by Sacchimon »


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #756 on: March 21, 2016, 08:35:05 AM »
By the way, am I the only person super-duper excited for Aurelion? Hit kit is a little wonky but holy crap sassy space dragon is right up my alley.
especially since this kinda looks like the first champion that may or may not be actually gay? maybe? idk his comment towards tryndamere is super suspicious in my book

i'm pretty sure that leona and diana are Actually Gay in canon

Hasn't that been TSM's biggest problem historically? I mean, since like... ever? That they're all individually great players but as a team they kinda just suck?

Haven't kept up with the pro scene in a while (heck I didn't even watch season 5 worlds) so idk.
tsm's problems historically have been that they always hung dyrus out to dry and just shrugged when international top laners would roll their team b/c it's almost like telling one of your players to go fuck himself every game is a bad idea. they have had shotcalling "problems" aka bjerg "doesn't like to do it"(as he screams over yellowstar in every mic check) and therefore never really got good at it and they would show macro weaknesses against teams with good shot calling. but the biggest problem was always that you could camp top every game and they'd never ever adapt to it read about me playing league i guess


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #757 on: March 21, 2016, 09:58:28 AM »
especially since this kinda looks like the first champion that may or may not actually be gay? maybe? idk his comment towards tryndamere is super suspicious in my book

There's reaching and then there's REACHING. Besides, Taric fits the ambiguous part just fine so Aurelion'd hardly be the 'first'.

they have had shotcalling "problems" aka bjerg "doesn't like to do it"(as he screams over yellowstar in every mic check)

All the TSM fans were so excited about YellowStar joining TSM due to legendary shotcalling, but then it looks like YellowStar's been completely disinterested in doing actual shotcalling? I think the team's tongue-in-cheek name does reveal a crippling weakness, in that they still rely on mid to carry. Svenskeren had a few dubious engages and got caught a few times, and while everyone yells he's shit I want to believe he was just following shotcalls or something. Doublelift's been disappointing as usual.

Less disappointing: #703 Karma in the world, #274 Karma EUW. One day, I'll be recruited for being world best Karma. Such a fun champion. E buffs will be hilarious.

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #758 on: March 21, 2016, 10:12:41 AM »
There's reaching and then there's REACHING. Besides, Taric fits the ambiguous part just fine so Aurelion'd hardly be the 'first'.

I'm not talking about flamboyant characters, aside from generic stereotypes Taric's current iteration really doesn't have anything going for it that screams homosexuality. As far as I know, this is the first time a champion has made a (potential) sexual innuendo towards another champion of the same gender, which is far stronger evidence than just relying on tired old stereotypes. I mean, he could just mean it literally and just be complimenting Tryndamere's sword but considering that he belittles pretty much everything else man-made I think that's a bit far-fetched.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #759 on: March 21, 2016, 11:50:01 AM »
I'm not talking about flamboyant characters, aside from generic stereotypes Taric's current iteration really doesn't have anything going for it that screams homosexuality. As far as I know, this is the first time a champion has made a (potential) sexual innuendo towards another champion of the same gender, which is far stronger evidence than just relying on tired old stereotypes. I mean, he could just mean it literally and just be complimenting Tryndamere's sword but considering that he belittles pretty much everything else man-made I think that's a bit far-fetched.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

He's belittling Tryndamere. Same sarcasm he uses when he utters, "Of course I love Runeterra! You have buildings and... more buildings."

You can listen to it there. He's chuckling and mocking Tryndamere quite clearly, though I guess if you want to read homoerotic undertones into it I can't stop you.

When Illaoi says, "You, I like" to some of the girls, there's a much stronger case to be made for bisexuality than I think there is for an all-mighty dragon that's forged galaxies since the birth of time who scorns mortals to fall in love with Tryndamere and make dick jokes.

I seriously think it's reaching when you say Aurelion Sol's using his taunt to compliment Tryndamere's dick, though.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #760 on: March 21, 2016, 11:56:07 AM »
I don't know, he makes the rest of his sarcasm and sass fairly obvious. I interpreted his tone as him laughing at his own poor joke, but I suppose you are correct. And I did forget that Illaoi complimented some of the girls. Although...

When Illaoi says, "You, I like" to some of the girls, there's a much stronger case to be made for bisexuality than I think there is for an all-mighty dragon that's forged galaxies since the birth of time who scorns mortals to fall in love with Tryndamere and make dick jokes.

Just because you're almighty doesn't mean you can't also appreciate simpler things. I mean, Tryndamere himself makes a similar joke.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #761 on: March 21, 2016, 10:56:25 PM »
All the TSM fans were so excited about YellowStar joining TSM due to legendary shotcalling, but then it looks like YellowStar's been completely disinterested in doing actual shotcalling? I think the team's tongue-in-cheek name does reveal a crippling weakness, in that they still rely on mid to carry. Svenskeren had a few dubious engages and got caught a few times, and while everyone yells he's shit I want to believe he was just following shotcalls or something.

listen to any of their in-game mic checks. bjerg and sven are yelling shit over yellowstar in like every single one. kind of hard to shot call in that kind of environment

Just because you're almighty doesn't mean you can't also appreciate simpler things. I mean, Tryndamere himself makes a similar joke.

after hearing the joke myself, i'm pretty certain that he's just making fun of tryndamere and not flirting with him sry read about me playing league i guess


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #762 on: March 22, 2016, 09:35:54 AM »
Just because you're almighty doesn't mean you can't also appreciate simpler things.

True, but Aurelion Sol's entire characterisation is that he looks down on everything that isn't a cosmic being. Breaking that characterisation in order to have an interspecies homoerotic interest in a married man is just not something that I think is a very plausible situation.

Tryndamere's joke is more about masturbation than homoerotic interest though.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #763 on: March 23, 2016, 01:42:16 AM »
PSA: soraka is even more broken than before, please enjoy freelo while you can

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #764 on: March 23, 2016, 07:55:12 AM »
PSA: soraka is even more broken than before, please enjoy freelo while you can

I disagree.

Her base heal; is worse but her heal-over-time is better. She's stronger against poke but far worse against all-in; especially if the all-in has C.C attached [even a slow] which stops the 15% speedboost when running away.

Soraka is more matchup specific now. She's a lot worse at saving someone from; say Annie/Lucian now than she was before; but if you're playing Ezreal+Lulu... have fun.

Also generally worse in teamfights too because HoT just doesn't cut if if there are multiple people attacking a target usually.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #765 on: March 23, 2016, 07:58:31 AM »
idk why but her Q feels like it hurts so much more now, is that just me?


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #766 on: March 23, 2016, 02:05:28 PM »
idk why but her Q feels like it hurts so much more now, is that just me?

It no longer splits the damage between the very centre and the rest; so it probobly does hurt more.

Also if you get it by it Raka gets a HoT so it's kinda hard to win early trades against it.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #767 on: March 23, 2016, 03:35:10 PM »
It no longer splits the damage between the very centre and the rest; so it probobly does hurt more.
Nope. It used to be that the very center does bonus damage, which is no longer the case. So if anything, it hurts less (but also guarantees a slow even on edge-hits). It has, however, become a lot more spammable, with a reduced cd (at early ranks) and basically halved mana cost. So you will probably get hit more.

Meanwhile... new patchnotes. Many nerfs, some buffs, aurelion sol possibly imminent.
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #768 on: March 23, 2016, 06:09:41 PM »
Nope. It used to be that the very center does bonus damage, which is no longer the case. So if anything, it hurts less (but also guarantees a slow even on edge-hits). It has, however, become a lot more spammable, with a reduced cd (at early ranks) and basically halved mana cost. So you will probably get hit more.

Also, levelling Q now gives you additional Healing over Time from her Q hits, so there's Sorakas who level Q a lot sooner.

Also generally worse in teamfights too because HoT just doesn't cut if if there are multiple people attacking a target usually.

It also gives the target movement speed when moving away from enemies, which improves kiting for everyone involved and is a great boon to teamfights actually.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #769 on: March 24, 2016, 07:33:01 AM »
I disagree.

Her base heal; is worse but her heal-over-time is better. She's stronger against poke but far worse against all-in; especially if the all-in has C.C attached [even a slow] which stops the 15% speedboost when running away.

Soraka is more matchup specific now. She's a lot worse at saving someone from; say Annie/Lucian now than she was before; but if you're playing Ezreal+Lulu... have fun.

Also generally worse in teamfights too because HoT just doesn't cut if if there are multiple people attacking a target usually.
On the other hand, the changes actually gave her more flexibility. They had to tone her heal down a bit, but now she has significantly more room not to play like a pussy in lane due to the Q changes. Naturally, Q max is in vogue now (highest WR skill path).

It hurts me to say this, but she basically does Sona's job in lane, only somewhat better.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #770 on: March 24, 2016, 11:59:07 AM »
It hurts me to say this, but she basically does Sona's job in lane, only somewhat better.

Does Soraka have a DJ skin?


Sona > Soraka by definition, then. :V

(can you tell i love that skin? cause i do)

Also, Aurelion's Champ Spotlight is out. His gameplay is just as weird and finnicky and awkward as I thought it would be but who the hell cares SASSY SPACE DRAGON BABY


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #771 on: March 24, 2016, 05:49:34 PM »
New champ looks pretty slick. A very definitive Midrange mage with a clear zone of control. I love the mechanic with the stars  and movespeed-based abilities. Having a q stun also helps.

Almost makes me want to play league again.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #772 on: March 24, 2016, 08:37:18 PM »
I tried Zac on the FW, i love him ! He`s so fun to use ! Instabuy !
I just need to get better with him.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #773 on: March 25, 2016, 04:55:42 AM »
Max E first, then W. E at high levels has a huge range which makes for fantastic ganks.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 05:05:28 AM by NekoNekoRex »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #774 on: March 25, 2016, 05:08:02 AM »
Does Soraka have a DJ skin?


Sona > Soraka by definition, then. :V

(can you tell i love that skin? cause i do)
Of course Sona will always be the one true bae :^)

e: So as I was saying, Q-max Soraka is freelo.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 06:48:07 AM by Aba Matindesu! »

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #775 on: March 25, 2016, 09:10:06 PM »
why are so many people not banning soraka read about me playing league i guess

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #776 on: March 29, 2016, 02:59:35 AM »
Well, now they're catching on.

Good thing I rode the freelo train while I could've.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #777 on: March 29, 2016, 03:17:52 AM »
Protip: Never play the game in times where nobody should be playing (like, say, 3am).

You're almost guaranteed to get the same people several games in a row regardless of your ranking and god fucking help you if just so happened to not do great in the first game. Happened twice with me yesterday - first someone said I was trash and was going to pick mid adc just so that I wouldn't pick adc "because I was trash at it" and if I started feeding he could just troll because "lol this is a smurf". Second time happened with a different person that was going to go twisted fate jungle... just because I was in his team.

And because "I didn't get an assist until 19 minutes in" (which isn't even correct as I ended that game with 0 assists but 4 kills, let's please forget that I was a vayne against a graves/braum lane, a fed kassadin, a fed trundle and a katarina teammate that wouldn't let me farm for shit. And I somehow only died twice.)

Now can someone please tell me why I can still hear this toxic ass shit in my champ select even though I muted them in the previous game?

(I dodged both games, btw, I'm not dealing with that shit.)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 03:27:47 AM by Sacchimon »


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #778 on: March 29, 2016, 03:24:21 AM »
i love playing at 3 am

b/c i'm nocturnal and everyone else is sleepy so it's easy lp read about me playing league i guess


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #779 on: April 01, 2016, 06:23:22 AM »
Man seeing all these idiots complaining expecting URF to be out today when Riot said like a month ago that there would be no URF on April 1st because it's being put on Rotating Game Mode; and will show up at least twice this year on it once it's released.

It makes me 1: Glad I'm not that stupid and 2: Despair.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.