Author Topic: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-  (Read 139731 times)


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #660 on: January 21, 2016, 07:53:33 PM »
Legit refusing my provisionals because I can't use new champ select. :[

Join the club. While I play every role and can hold my own in every role at my Division [Gold 2] I would much; much; much rather to play my stronger roles [Jungle/Support] over my weaker roles [Mid/Top]. Maybe with occasional ADC thrown in.

I'd do Fill but let's face it. Fill = Support. And in the rare case Fill =/= Support; Fill = Jungle. And if it's somehow not Jungle; then it's ADC which is my 3rd role anyway.

How fortunate I am for not being someone who can get dumped into my weakest positions by Fill.

Also by 'hold my own in every role' I mean 'Not feed unless I get super-camped and not go far behind in CS'. Not 'Win lane'. Admittedly part of this is because my sololane playstyle is being annoying and focusing on farm and I don't really play lane bullies.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 07:57:01 PM by Raikaria »
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #661 on: January 22, 2016, 02:57:58 AM »
I don't really see a problem with that. Sure, you won't go 10/0 and singlehandedly carry the game but being consistent is quite valuable.

I'm just sad that they're apparently doing away with ranked teams. I used to love them because I could play somewhat seriously with friends that have a large skill differential with me.

and carry them to gold
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #662 on: January 22, 2016, 08:53:04 AM »
Info on the Mage update

- Aimed for mid year
- Likly to be similar to the Marksman update in scope
- Includes 6 'significant updates' at the current time Riot aim these to be Malzahar; Vel'Koz; Brand; Vladimir; Zyra and Cassiopeia [Again.]. Seeing Vladimir there is no shocker; no is Malzahar and Brand since they are very binary. Vel'Koz; Brand and Cass on the other hand I'm not happy about seeing. Especially the former two who I play. [Also I think this makes Vel'Koz, who is probobly competing with Trundle for 'most time spent without a real buff/nerf'  the champion with the fewest releases between release and rework]
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #663 on: January 22, 2016, 11:10:56 AM »
i hope the malzahar rework is "we realized this piece of shit garbage champion is horrible and are removing his stain from the game" read about me playing league i guess

Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #664 on: January 22, 2016, 02:12:25 PM »
Good bye traditional Mages. Everyone needs dashes.

Silent Harmony

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #665 on: January 22, 2016, 04:02:11 PM »
Good bye traditional Mages. Everyone needs dashes.

I have no idea where you get that idea from. Even if these mages were picked because they don't have mobility, it doesn't mean that they are all suddenly getting blinks and dashes. That's like saying Juggernauts all got dashes in their update because melee needed to be able to keep up with the mobility creep. ::)

Seriously, the problem with all 6 of these characters was explained in the first post of the thread. Each of the 6 characters suffer from at least one of these problems:

Distinct - offer a unique reason to be picked
Cohesive - deliver on their core thematic and gameplay fantasy
Healthy - balance-able and fun to play as and against at all skill levels

Note what isn't there? MOBILITY! Seriously, could you imagine Zyra suddenly getting dashes in her kit? How the hell would that be cohesive at all? I love Zyra and I can't even imagine it.

Even the healthiest of these champs, Vel'koz, suffers not because he lacks mobility, but because he offers nothing beyond damage and, uh, more damage.

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League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #666 on: January 22, 2016, 05:11:15 PM »
I'm actually surprised Swain's not on that list, unless he's in the "nuke from orbit" total rework pile.

Silent Harmony

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #667 on: January 22, 2016, 05:19:18 PM »
He is. I am not home so it'd be a pain to link it but yeah if you look at the 1st response in the Dev Corner thread they said he's on the full rework list for likely next year.

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League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #668 on: January 22, 2016, 09:41:33 PM »
A guy named Trick; on Gamers2 [G2] just picked Udyr in the EULCS.

The reaction of everyone was insane. Especially because; you know... there's this Trick2G guy...
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #669 on: January 22, 2016, 10:38:06 PM »
Good bye traditional Mages. Everyone needs dashes.

I doubt it, if the juggernaut update is anything to go by, we'll more likely see a lot of damage and tankiness.

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #670 on: January 22, 2016, 10:55:42 PM »
This doesn?t mean we?ll be magically giving everyone dashes or any other instant remedies to all their problems (weaknesses often exist for a good reason). Instead, this information will help us understand which direction to take each champion and where the opportunities lie.

Also while Teambuilder is kill and New Champ Select is also kill I'm spamming ARAMs and despite constantly outputting the highest/2nd highest damages on my team [Even as champions who don't really excel] I lose every. single. ARAM.  I mean you know something's up when a Tristana deals more damage than an Ahri in an ARAM [And Syndra beat her too]

I mean I got Corki so it makes sense I did the most that game; but it doesn't make sense that I outdid the enemy Ezreal and Nidalee by like; 15% damage even with my team losing and me focused hard every fight...

It's not even that my teams have bad players. [Except one Lee Sin who never went in against a poke comp.] It's just we end up with... worse champions. One particually bad game was a typical ARAM-style team vs... 2 carries; a Syndra [Needs levels to come online badly] a Nunu and an Ahri. We got steamrolled before we could come online. I'd understand this as a sort of 50/50 thing; but this is like; 5 or 6 games in a row now.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 11:00:56 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Silent Harmony

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #671 on: January 22, 2016, 11:13:51 PM »
The thing is ARAM is basically impossible to balance 50/50 by design. The word "RANDOM" is even in the name! The fact that it's only 1 lane and players cannot control what their team comp is means that MMR has lower-than-normal influence on match outcome. More critical is the fact that people have "ARAM only" alt accounts that only contain a handful of champs that exploit the mode's unique qualities makes this even worst. The only way to realistically improve odds would be for RIOT to either open up the entire champion pool for that mode for free or at least put a minimum number owned requirement like they do for Ranked, if only to loosen the possibility of "losing in champ select" even a little.

It's one thing to bemoan trolls and people who refuse to listen (my ARAM friend hates them) but really it's the most casual permanent PvP mode in League. It's barely more try-hard than Bots in my view. Personally speaking, if you go into ARAM seriously worried over winning or losing each game...then ARAM is probably not the mode for you.

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League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #672 on: January 22, 2016, 11:27:16 PM »
I doubt it, if the juggernaut update is anything to go by, we'll more likely see a lot of damage and tankiness.

i, uh, don't really think so

you saw damage and tankiness in the juggernaut update because, you know, juggernauts need to be tanky and also do enough damage to be threatening

mage update will probably be more focused around cc, zone control, and methods/techniques to deal increased damage unique to each champion. read about me playing league i guess


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #673 on: January 23, 2016, 08:59:30 AM »
What exactly is the problem with Vel'Koz though? Sure, he mainly just does damage, with a little bit of CC attached, but all his abilities are skillshots that work differently from one another and he is rewarded by hitting multiples of them in a short timeframe. This makes playing as (and against) him largely a matter of hitting/dodging various different kinds of skillshots, which is fun to play as and not really unfair to play against. His ult is very satisfying as well.

So... what's the problem with Vel? Is it that his fantasy is incomplete because desintegrating enemies does not actually make you smarter?   :derp:
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #674 on: January 23, 2016, 04:51:07 PM »
I mean you know something's up when a Tristana deals more damage than an Ahri in an ARAM


Trist does a fuckton of free damage in aram what are you talking about


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #675 on: January 23, 2016, 05:43:30 PM »
What exactly is the problem with Vel'Koz though? Sure, he mainly just does damage, with a little bit of CC attached, but all his abilities are skillshots that work differently from one another and he is rewarded by hitting multiples of them in a short timeframe. This makes playing as (and against) him largely a matter of hitting/dodging various different kinds of skillshots, which is fun to play as and not really unfair to play against. His ult is very satisfying as well.

So... what's the problem with Vel? Is it that his fantasy is incomplete because desintegrating enemies does not actually make you smarter?   :derp:

I could go on for quite a while about Vel'Koz's problems as a Mage specifically.

But here's the Core one:

Fantasy Pushed in all promotions and things: DESTROY THEM WITH LASERS

Life Form Disintergration Ray: 1550 Range; 2.5 sec channel; 0.6 AP ratio over that duration 130/110/90 C/D

Final Spark: 3340 Range; Burst Damage; 0.75 AP Ratio with potential +0.2 from passive proc and applies passive for another effective 0.2. 80/65/50 cooldown

Vel'Koz's damage is all bundled into base damages. His AP ratios range from merely acceptable [Q] to a joke [R]; which makes him scale really; really badly with AP in comparison to other Mages in his niche. When the fantasy pushed by all the promotion is LIFE FORM DISINTERGRATION RAY and yet an already existing champion already does that, as their Ultimate, in a more satisfactory manner ... you have a problem.

The fact that a spell with a 2.5 second channel and half the range AND a longer cooldown scales worse than Final Spark does is an absolute joke. 100% of the time; assumeing the damage is equal; Burst is preferable to DoT [And no; Steraks dosen't count all DoTs do damage in quick enough intervals that it'll not reset]. Especially when the DoT can be canceled by C.C. That's why we had League of Thunderlords and not League of DFT. Because Thunderlords is Burst.

I mean what feels like you're getting disintegrated more? Getting Final Sparked and chunked or getting slowly ticked down by LFDR?

I mean watch First Contact again. What is the only ability Vel'Koz shows? Look at how devastating they make it look. It's literally carving and melting the ground under it without even touching it. But in game? It's underwhelming. Even in the champion Spotlight Summary; Phreak introduces him as 'Armed with an array of lasers' and 'fires abilities to keep his enemies at bay while he primes his DEVASTATING Ultimate'.

But that's the thing. For all the buildup; his R is a really big letdown.

His other issues include Waveclear vs Harass [Which he ignores as a Support]; the fact that he gets 10 True per level but every champion gets far far more than 10 HP/Level so his passive actually negatively scales in terms of relative power; and his R base damage is 500/700/900 meaning Vel'Koz peaks at Lv 6 [His full spell rotation is avaliable so he can apply maximum passive procs at 6; but his negative passive scaleing combined with his lacklustre R ranks after 1 makes his relative power gain after 6 a lot, lot less.] and starts going downhill in relative power from there... which is pretty dumb for a midlaner [But great as a support]

I mean he's also only pushed as a midlaner in all the promotions and his reveal page. He is most commonly played Support because of his lack of scaleing and the simple fact that he gets to ignore his issues as a Support. Vel'Koz in a midlane; given farm and solo XP is a waste of resources compared to other Mages in his long-range niche who gain more power from levels and AP than Vel'Koz does.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 05:59:03 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #676 on: January 23, 2016, 10:51:24 PM »
But that's the thing. For all the buildup; his R is a really big letdown.

His other issues include Waveclear vs Harass [Which he ignores as a Support]; the fact that he gets 10 True per level but every champion gets far far more than 10 HP/Level so his passive actually negatively scales in terms of relative power; and his R base damage is 500/700/900 meaning Vel'Koz peaks at Lv 6 [His full spell rotation is avaliable so he can apply maximum passive procs at 6; but his negative passive scaleing combined with his lacklustre R ranks after 1 makes his relative power gain after 6 a lot, lot less.] and starts going downhill in relative power from there... which is pretty dumb for a midlaner [But great as a support]
His R also applies his passive multiple times, which is a notable portion of its damage. For his passive to give "less extra damage than champions gain hp per level"... seems like a pretty unfit comparison, since that basically assumes you get one proc of your passive per level. Which is especially untrue lategame, during teamfights and with his ultimate.

Generally though, these things sound in like you are just unhappy with the way his damage scales with items. Which can easily be adjusted without a rework. Even something like an increase in range or width of the ult would not require a rework. So... yeah. Unless what you are proposing is making his ult much much more devastating, in which case it would require something like a chargeup before it goes of. Because that is an advantage it has over Lux's ultimate. It starts dealing some of its damage (including applying passive stacks) instantly... which is that all so important burst you talked about. And if the enemy moves away, unless they are too close to you, you can turn after them.

And I am not saying that vel'koz is on the correct powerlevel or that he couldn'T be improved by tweaking some of the numbers regarding his scaling. I just think his kit is perfectly fine imo, meaning he does not require a rework.  :derp:
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #677 on: January 24, 2016, 01:07:01 AM »
What exactly is the problem with Vel'Koz though? Sure, he mainly just does damage, with a little bit of CC attached, but all his abilities are skillshots that work differently from one another and he is rewarded by hitting multiples of them in a short timeframe. This makes playing as (and against) him largely a matter of hitting/dodging various different kinds of skillshots, which is fun to play as and not really unfair to play against. His ult is very satisfying as well.
It's less his control scheme that's unsatisfying.  I think it's more that he's just sort of... there.  There's a lot of damage-and-a-bit-of-CC mages that exist, but there's very little reason in those to pick Vel'koz.  If you wanted to harass from range, you'd pick someone like Ziggs or Xerath; if you wanted to deal damage+support, Karma/Morgana/Lux; if you wanted to be deleting people, Brand/Cass; if you want to be really hard to kill, Vlad/Lissandra... you get the idea.

Vel'koz doesn't really have any of that.  He might have some unique control aspects, but otherwise you can basically forget he's there.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #679 on: January 24, 2016, 07:22:26 PM »
His R also applies his passive multiple times, which is a notable portion of its damage. For his passive to give "less extra damage than champions gain hp per level"... seems like a pretty unfit comparison, since that basically assumes you get one proc of your passive per level. Which is especially untrue lategame, during teamfights and with his ultimate.

Generally though, these things sound in like you are just unhappy with the way his damage scales with items. Which can easily be adjusted without a rework. Even something like an increase in range or width of the ult would not require a rework. So... yeah. Unless what you are proposing is making his ult much much more devastating, in which case it would require something like a chargeup before it goes of. Because that is an advantage it has over Lux's ultimate. It starts dealing some of its damage (including applying passive stacks) instantly... which is that all so important burst you talked about. And if the enemy moves away, unless they are too close to you, you can turn after them.

And I am not saying that vel'koz is on the correct powerlevel or that he couldn'T be improved by tweaking some of the numbers regarding his scaling. I just think his kit is perfectly fine imo, meaning he does not require a rework.  :derp:

Yes; but I covered the issue with his passive. As I said; Vel'Koz peaks at Lv 6. From there; his kit goes downhill relative to most other champions. Combine that with his AP scaleing being bad, and that's the problem keeping him from being a viable option midlane. [That and he either maxes Q but has no farm ability or maxes W and has no lane presence.]

I don't support a Vel'Koz rework; I want number tweaks and power adjustments so more power gets put into his R and less into his other abilities. I presume the 'small changes' would be based on his W; since... well... it's kinda bad and bland. Also his E is literally a worse Cho'Gath Rupture. Less damage; smaller AoE; and it applies Suspension; not Knockup [So is reduced by Tenacity] and doesn't have a following slow.

W/E are the only skills I'd want changed; and changed in a way that they can put more power into his R [Or his passive; which is tied to his R]
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Silent Harmony

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #680 on: January 24, 2016, 07:34:04 PM »
I think somebody already said so here, but Vel'koz's rework will most likely be Caitlyn-tier, where all she got pretty much was an ammo system for her traps, a tweaked Q, and another way to proc her passive via her traps. Basically taking her "long range single-target sniper" fantasy and polishing it. Riot will find a fantasy for Vel'koz that already exists in his kit and will refine things accordingly.

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League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #681 on: January 25, 2016, 04:00:38 AM »
Ended my placements 1W 9L, Silver IV.

Out of the 10 games, 9 had at least 1 rager. Guess what was the one game which didn't have a rager.

Also I've discovered that when I'm allowed to do my own thing, I do decent to good, and when I'm not, I do horribly.

Ah, yes, I'm also apparently a horrible player for not doing suicidal engages.

And today I discovered just how toxic one of my friends really is so that's someone that I'm literally never playing with again.

Fun times!

At least new dynamic queues have made my personal life so much easier, at least the fights start in-game and not in champ select anymore.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #682 on: January 25, 2016, 04:59:55 AM »
1W 9L
Out of the 10 games, 9 had at least 1 rager. Guess what was the one game which didn't have a rager.
Read this as "Rengar" instead of "rager"
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #683 on: January 25, 2016, 02:27:01 PM »
They could be one and the same with some of the games I've seen  :V

I do hope we get the fancy champ select system back soon, I had forgotten how much of a crapshoot pre-game lobby and matchmaking are in normals.  Well, I can't really avoid the latter unless I start playing ranked but as someone who only played 100% Team Builder yeeeesh.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #684 on: January 25, 2016, 11:27:54 PM »
new champ select is up on NA currently read about me playing league i guess

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #685 on: January 25, 2016, 11:42:34 PM »
Amazingly new champ select never went down on BR. :V


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #686 on: January 28, 2016, 10:22:17 AM »
Currently 0/4 in placements due to a combination of never getting my Primary role; trolls [Annie Jungle...] Jaxes who think they can 1v5 and toplaners and midlaners who go combined 0/12 in 20 mins.

So; after this suffering and losing more placements than the last 2 seasons [7/3 in each] without a win; and with Party IP rewards up; I'm currently making people suffer in Normal Draft.

I made a game miserable for an enemy team with Singed just now. Not that they didn't deserve it. They had a Nunu toplane. Something about running rings around a Nidalee who tries to gank you while you're Nunu snowballed is hilarious.

I only died 3 times in the game. Once was to Baron who popped up right after we killed Rift Herald; got poisoned and finished me off [I had no armor their team was 3 AP champs; Blitzcrank and Corki] as I picked up Doom's Eye that our jungler didn't pick up despite me... dying to Baron.

I took this as a quick trip back to base to spend my gold. Still; that's my first execute in years.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 10:24:16 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #687 on: January 29, 2016, 05:52:29 AM »
What do you guys think about the new shen? Just had a weird game, I went 9/0/4 as Quinn adc, had more than half the team's kills, but my toplaner shen still out-damaged me. Huh.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #688 on: February 02, 2016, 03:16:51 PM »
Bought Jhin, not very impressed. Caitlyn still does the sniper fantasy better, I think, outside of Jhin's ult. His W just feels incredibly clunky.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #689 on: February 11, 2016, 12:41:00 AM »
RIP Dominion. I liked that mode.

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