Author Topic: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming  (Read 163004 times)

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #540 on: June 18, 2014, 02:32:03 PM »
>"What are you talking about Sanae, wouldn't we just fly there?"

> ??You haven?t noticed I take it,? Sanae sighs. ?Bluntly, these Galactic guys do horrible things with gravity. We send some scouts flying up, Galactic notices somehow, guessing radar maybe, gravity is turned on high, and our scouts are forced back down. Often at high speeds and straight into a tree. We hardly want to send an army up, that?s for sure.? She then rolls her eyes. ?A lot of the mountain youkai lack discretion when it comes to secrecy. Bad habit of over-classifying everything and letting their gods sort it out. So yes, we put up a no fly zone, and yes, it?s because everyone who flies too high got sent crashing down. It?s a safety issue, not a security issue.?

> ?And you have a plan to get around that,? Nue smirks.

> ?Several,? Sanae says, her attention on you and Kaguya. ?Some of them are too dangerous for mortals. Are you interested??

« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 04:25:01 PM by capt. h »


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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #541 on: June 18, 2014, 08:34:39 PM »
>Consider being annoyed at having our immortality taken for granted.

>"Nue, it sounds like Sanae plans for us to die, and I wouldn't want that to happen to you."

>Wonder how Keine is doing.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #542 on: June 18, 2014, 10:26:50 PM »
>Consider being annoyed at having our immortality taken for granted.

> You are annoyed. You wonder if Sanae’s plans were created since Momiji found you, or if she already had the plan and dismissed it until you came along.

>"Nue, it sounds like Sanae plans for us to die, and I wouldn't want that to happen to you."

> “Yeah I got that,” Nue sighs, getting up.

> “We are not breaking up the team,” Cirno says, before chasing after Nue.

> “I don’t enjoy death,” Kaguya snarks. She shares your irritation.

> “Kanako understands you may be less than happy,” Sanae says. She then pauses. “Perhaps it’s best that just you two hear, that fairy might not be the most reliable ally.”

> “That’s for sure,” Kaguya huffs. “Neither me nor Mokou enjoy having our immortality taken for granted. However, I do at least want to hear how you plan to kill me.”

> Sanae shoos away all the nearby tengu, before continuing. “It’s not intended to be a suicide mission, but we weren’t planning on sending our best. She takes out a scroll labeled “Operation Pillar”. “We saw your battle with Palkia. We assume the gravity effects only amplify existing forces, we’ve yet to see otherwise.”

> Sanae unrolls the scroll. She then drops a few talismans on the table. The overall instructions are simple enough.

1. Get launched from the top of the ‘pillar of Babel’ into Sinnoh airspace, where Sinnoh gravity will dominate.
2. Land.
3. Place tracking talismans in safe landing spots – Anyplace wide, mostly flat, and covered in deep snow.

> You are certain these Moriya guys were fully aware of the “Tower of Babel” when they named their pillar. You suppose the only person allowed to make a tower to touch the heavens would be “god” herself. Suppose it’s natural for gods to have god complexes.

> Part 2 seems to be the hard part. The instructions indicate Galactic is putting up artificial storms which are causing white outs throughout both Coronet and Youkai Mountain. There are many scribbles about ideas for avoiding rocks, cliffs, and other obstacles that could spell death if unseen.

>Wonder how Keine is doing.

> You can always call her. You’d hardly be surprised if she’s still in the Canalave Library.

> You feel the ground rumble again. Looking out towards the middle of the Moriya camp, you spot the pillar rise yet again. You also realize its taking Cirno too long, as Sanae watches you closely, judging your reaction to her plans.

> Sanae speaks to Kaguya, saying, “I’ve heard a bit about you Kaguya, so tell me, would you like to be a real Orbital Drop Shock Trooper for once?”

« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 12:05:44 AM by capt. h »


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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #543 on: June 19, 2014, 08:15:32 AM »
>Walk a short distance away and call Keine.
>Some pleasantries, some asking how she is doing, but mostly to ask what she thinks about exploiting our immortality.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #544 on: June 22, 2014, 03:03:11 PM »
>Walk a short distance away and call Keine.

> You excuse yourself. You don?t like people other than yourself exploiting your immortality.

>Some pleasantries, some asking how she is doing, but mostly to ask what she thinks about exploiting our immortality.

> Keine doesn?t immediately respond to your immortality question.

> ??I didn?t know you felt so strongly about it,? Keine says. ?I can find someone else to pass my legacy onto if you feel that way.? She sounds disappointed, as she continues, ?If you don?t want to help that Hieda girl with her histories after I?m gone, you don?t have to, I?m sure she?ll manage on her own, like she always has.?

> Looks like Keine had some plans for you too. You debate giving her a little context so she doesn?t feel guilty. You feel like you should say something, but you haven?t decided what.



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #545 on: June 24, 2014, 11:39:59 PM »
>"No sorry, I meant in the short term. Like getting down a cliff by falling, or eating poison to see how it tastes."
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #546 on: June 29, 2014, 12:08:27 PM »
>"No sorry, I meant in the short term. Like getting down a cliff by falling, or eating poison to see how it tastes."

> ?Oh, that?s what you mean,? Keine says, perking up. ?Don?t you do those things anyway??



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #547 on: July 02, 2014, 01:54:36 PM »
>"Well, yeah, but it's a matter of principle. You know, I guess it's all right. Thanks Keine."
>"Anything interesting going on with you?"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #548 on: July 04, 2014, 04:34:48 AM »
>"Well, yeah, but it's a matter of principle. You know, I guess it's all right. Thanks Keine."

> You decide to drop the subject. Keine isn’t immortal, nor does she have your history, so it’s understandable she has some trouble understanding your views on the subject. Immortality abuse might be better discussed with Kaguya, not that you’d admit it to either of them.

>"Anything interesting going on with you?"

> “Half of Canalave has decided ‘Moriya’ is the true name of whatever god they’ve always worshipped, even swapping ‘Moriya’ in for ‘God’ in their prayers.” Keine says. “When God says the end of the world is here, people believe it. They believe heaven is real, and it’s directly overhead.”

> “I’ve never seen so many drunkards in church, nor have I ever seen so many priests drinking away their sorrows,” Keine chuckles. “Canalave is having a real crisis of faith, and the news we’re getting concerning Gensokyo only makes their beliefs more confused and their actions more unpredictable."

« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 01:30:49 AM by capt. h »


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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #549 on: July 07, 2014, 12:40:37 AM »
>"Hey, at least people in Gensokyo don't worship pets."

>"Well, nice talking with you Keine. I've got to discuss this with Kaguya. Hope to see you relatively soon."
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #550 on: July 10, 2014, 08:55:22 PM »
>"Hey, at least people in Gensokyo don't worship pets."

> ?That we don?t,? Keine replies. ?Course, our pets can?t end the world either.?

> ??I take that back, forgot about Utsuho. And before you ask, yes, she does have worshippers in the human village. Turns out being a sun deity is a big deal.?

>"Well, nice talking with you Keine. I've got to discuss this with Kaguya. Hope to see you relatively soon.?

> ?All I ask is no matter what happens, even if the world ends, try not to beat yourself up too much about it. Those old regrets will only make you miserable.?

> You say your farewells, hanging up the line. Kaguya approaches you, pouting.

> ?I?m going with Sanae?s stupid plan,? the princess says. ?I am going to save the world, be worshipped and loved by everybody, and have a huge feast celebrated in my honor. And as much as I hate to admit it, you would be helpful in taking down gods.? She rolls her eyes, saying, ?I guess we can share the glory. Alright??

> ?Oh, and before we do the stupid human cannonball part of Sanae?s plan, we should talk to Nue about borrowing her Alakazam,? Kaguya grumbles. ?Teleportation sounds more pleasant.?

> You note that you have a ditto in your party. You can use it to copy other pokemon and their abilities.

> Two big questions are on your mind. 1. Should you go on Sanae?s suicide mission? 2. Who should you bring along if you do?



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #551 on: July 12, 2014, 09:16:38 AM »
>"Teleportation? Is that as simple as it sounds?"

I think we should do the mission with Mokou and Kaguya.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #552 on: July 12, 2014, 04:11:01 PM »
>"Teleportation? Is that as simple as it sounds?"

I think we should do the mission with Mokou and Kaguya.

> Kaguya takes out her pokedex and browses it.

> ?It says teleport get less accurate with range,? Kaguya says. ?So if we?re teleporting a couple miles, we could end up 500 feet off the ground. Not really an issue for us. Oh, and teleport preserves momentum, so speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.? Kaguya pokes her pokedex a couple times, then adds, ?So? yes, it?s exactly as simple as it sounds.?



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #553 on: July 13, 2014, 01:30:04 AM »
>"500 feet above the ground isn't nearly as bad as 500 feet under the ground. Have you ever tried to dig your way out of a landslide?"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #554 on: July 14, 2014, 11:35:47 PM »
>"500 feet above the ground isn't nearly as bad as 500 feet under the ground. Have you ever tried to dig your way out of a landslide?"

> Kaguya turns her attention back to her pokedex, scrolls down a few lines, and says, ??Yeah, we?ll need to aim high.? She continues scrolling, her face speeding past pale into green territory, as she adds, ?Best to avoid teleporting into anything other than air. The section on teleport related injuries is very? detailed on the matter.?



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #555 on: July 17, 2014, 02:17:31 AM »
>"So who should we give the bad news to first: Sanae, that we're not using her catapult thing or Nue, that we're leaving Cirno behind?"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #556 on: July 19, 2014, 06:56:05 PM »
>"So who should we give the bad news to first: Sanae, that we're not using her catapult thing or Nue, that we're leaving Cirno behind?"

> ?I?ll take one, you take the other,? Kaguya says.

> You note that you do need to talk to Nue if you?re planning on copying her Alakazam with your Ditto, although you can ask Kaguya to do it for you. Unless you plan to take Nue along, in which case who tells her the news is moot.



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #557 on: July 20, 2014, 12:07:34 PM »
>Go find Nue.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #558 on: July 20, 2014, 06:35:08 PM »
>Go find Nue.

> ?Right, so, meet you back here,? Kaguya says, as she takes Sanae aside.

> It doesn?t take long for you the find Nue, arguing with Cirno behind the Moriya shrine. Well, by that you mean Cirno is aguing, attempting to bring Nue into the Moriya shrine suicide mission with such helpful words of wisdom as ?It would be for the greater good,? and ?Everyone dies eventually!? Nue is just giving a series of non-committal grunts such as ?uh-huh? and ?sure.?



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #559 on: July 24, 2014, 04:17:22 AM »
>"Hey Cirno, shouldn't you be sparring with Suwako now? You shouldn't keep her waiting."
>Hopefully that will allow us to talk to Nue alone. If not, there's always melting her.

>"Nue, how much do you know about teleportation?"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #560 on: July 28, 2014, 02:33:26 AM »
>"Hey Cirno, shouldn't you be sparring with Suwako now? You shouldn't keep her waiting."

> ?Frogger is looking for me??

> ?Yes,? Nue lies for you.

> ?Alright, wait here and don?t do any cool missions without me!? Cirno says, turning to leave. She then pauses, saying, ?Uh, where is frogger??

> As Nue points to the top of the Pillar of Babel, Cirno thanks her and scampers off. Nue adds, ?Kaguya must be a special kind of lonely to put up with three weeks of that.?

>Hopefully that will allow us to talk to Nue alone. If not, there's always melting her.

The melting option is still on the table. Especially if she comes back before you finish with Nue. Eh, the quicker the conversation, the less Cirno there is to deal with.

>"Nue, how much do you know about teleportation?"

> ?Didn?t have much time to use it. Alakazam seems to have some accuracy issues with places he?s never been before, especially if he doesn?t have line of sight.? Nue says. ?We stopped practice after an unfortunate incident involving a food pantry. I?m guessing Eirin?s noticed by now, Kogasa would have been proud.?

> Nue smirks. ?You have a plan, don?t you??



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #561 on: July 30, 2014, 02:39:44 PM »
>"Kaguya had an idea, and I want to know how bad it is."
>"Can Alakazam teleport us to Sinnoh? What are the chances of something going wrong?"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #562 on: August 01, 2014, 03:16:25 AM »
>"Kaguya had an idea, and I want to know how bad it is."
>"Can Alakazam teleport us to Sinnoh? What are the chances of something going wrong?"

> ?Alakazam can?t safely teleport 30 feet without line of sight,? Nue says. ?With this cloud cover and that distance, there is not going to be a safe landing.?

> You contemplate modifying the plan to make it less dangerous. You recognize that your pokemon are assets which would be useful in that regard. You have the following pokemon with you:

> Haunter ? specializes in hypnosis, confusion, and disguise.
> Rapidash ? Fastest mode of transportation across clear terrain, a close second to Charizard through thick wooded areas.
> Charizard ? Flight and fire.
> Lucario ? Radar and telepathy based on his aura abilities.
> Registeel ? Unmatched durability.
> Ditto ? Can mimic another pokemon?s abilities for a short time.

> While you aren?t sure what Kaguya?s pokemon can do, you know she has the following:

> Venasaur
> Clefairy
> Lunatone
> Absol
> Gardevoir
> Jigglypuff

> Course, Kaguya?s plan would probably work fine without modification. For immortals. Mortals, not so much.

> Short version, Kaguya?s plan ought to work, but these are resources you have to make a better/less painful one.



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #563 on: August 01, 2014, 07:20:13 AM »
>"I'm not that worried about safety as long as I don't get buried underground."

>"Nue, would Alakazam be able to read your mind and teleport to a place YOU'VE been before?"
>We can copy Nue's Alakazam with Ditto. Perhaps we could have Alakazitto read our mind and teleport us to the peak of Mt Coronet.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #564 on: August 08, 2014, 12:46:47 AM »
>"I'm not that worried about safety as long as I don't get buried underground."

> ?Uh? try to teleport above whatever you want to hit then.?

>"Nue, would Alakazam be able to read your mind and teleport to a place YOU'VE been before?"

> ?Yes,? Nue says. ?You aren?t taking my Alakazam with you, not without me. And I don?t want to die.?

>We can copy Nue's Alakazam with Ditto. Perhaps we could have Alakazitto read our mind and teleport us to the peak of Mt Coronet.

> You can, but you are currently closer to Team Galactic?s base than you?ve ever been in Sinnoh. It?s hard to gauge with the cloud cover, but you think you?re about 2 or 3 miles away vertically, whereas the closest place you?ve been in Sinnoh would have been an easy 20 miles.

> You wonder about reading the mind of a pokemon that used to live on Mt. Coronet instead.



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #565 on: August 08, 2014, 08:30:49 PM »
>"OK, I think I can see a possible way for Kaguya's plan to work. You and your pokemon won't be teleporting with us, we'll use one of mine to do that. I'll need the assistance of a couple of your pokemon though."

>We can use Ditto to imitate Nue's Alakazam, then have Alakazitto read Nue's Dragonite's mind and teleport us to the sky over Team Galactic's base. So simple, what could possibly go wrong?

>"Let's get Kaguya."

>What TMs do we have?
I'm thinking maybe teach Bulldoze to Fujiyama (Registeel) in order to break through walls faster, and/or teach Roost to Lighter (Charizard).
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 09:14:21 AM by O4rfish »
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #566 on: August 29, 2014, 09:51:27 PM »
>"OK, I think I can see a possible way for Kaguya's plan to work. You and your pokemon won't be teleporting with us, we'll use one of mine to do that. I'll need the assistance of a couple of your pokemon though."

>We can use Ditto to imitate Nue's Alakazam, then have Alakazitto read Nue's Dragonite's mind and teleport us to the sky over Team Galactic's base. So simple, what could possibly go wrong?

> More things than you can count could go wrong. You decide to do it anyway because what?s life without a little adventure?

> ?Eh, sure,? Nue says. She sighs, ?This kind of sucks. Leave something for me to do when I catch up, ok??

>"Let's get Kaguya."

> You hear a loud bang. You spot Kaguya and Cirno about 50 feet away, both covered in lime green paint. Cirno moves to get something from her bag, then a second bang goes off covering them in bright orange.

> ?Looks like someone found my presents,? Nue chuckles.

> A lot of people are staring on Kaguya and Cirno.

>What TMs do we have?
I'm thinking maybe teach Bulldoze to Fujiyama (Registeel) in order to break through walls faster, and/or teach Roost to Lighter (Charizard).

> You have the TMs for Iron Tail, Roost, and Bulldoze.



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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #567 on: August 30, 2014, 01:51:41 AM »
>"Nue, go apologize to them, or help them clean off, or whatever."
>Use TMs to teach Bulldoze to Fujiyama, and Roost to Lighter, unless that would take longer than a couple of minutes.
>Too bad Cirno didn't get delayed by Suwako. Maybe we should take her with us anyway.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #568 on: September 27, 2014, 01:03:30 PM »
>"Nue, go apologize to them, or help them clean off, or whatever."

> ?Nah,? Nue says. ?I?m not sorry and the new colors are an improvement.?

> Your disapproval only makes her chuckle.

>Use TMs to teach Bulldoze to Fujiyama, and Roost to Lighter, unless that would take longer than a couple of minutes.

> Done. Magical move teaching CDs are magical like that.

>Too bad Cirno didn't get delayed by Suwako. Maybe we should take her with us anyway.

> You can tell she got distracted en route. You think you can redirect her pretty easily.

> Considering everything you know about Cirno, you go over the facts and consider whether she would be an asset in an orbital insertion mission, and whether you want her along for the ride regardless.


Hanzo K.

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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #569 on: September 27, 2014, 01:39:06 PM »
>Take a few looks at Kaguya and Cirno, then look back to Nue.
>"Aw hell, who am I kidding. sometimes it's the jokes that don't kill that are the funniest."
>Pause for a moment. "Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that not everyone's immortal like me and the NEET...Aside from fairies that is."
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Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure