Author Topic: Touhou Dream Thread  (Read 322433 times)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #150 on: June 01, 2013, 07:56:34 AM »
Another dream about finding Alice. I'm pretty determined to look for her. This is another censored excerpt from my dream diary. Nothing rude or violent in this one though. Just real names that I had to edit out.

It started off at my grandparents? house. I eventually was allowed to go on the PC. I went on to place this SimCity like game. I feel like I?ve attempted to play it in another dream but it didn?t work. After a bit of trial and error, it worked. I also made a custom map for behind my city. I played on it for a while; trying to customise it as much as possible without much playing of the actually game. Eventually my grandma came through and tried to switch the monitors because the monitor I was using was running out of batteries. Eventually my mum had come home anyway so I stopped playing.
After that I decided to go down to the election booths for the general election and wait for my little brother's dad. After a while of waiting I noticed that I didn?t bring my mum with me and therefor could not vote because I was 17 in the dream. They decided to extend the voting time for some reason that I can?t remember. I didn?t see the point in it because Nobody was going to vote lib dem after how they betrayed us last time and nobody was going to vote UKIP because Scotland would never vote for a right wing ?racist? party. I was dreaming so I didn?t know what I was thinking saying racist. Nonetheless, I wandered around the school for a while. I say people older than me going to vote. I eventually started seeing people with fancy swords. Even one of my aunts was wielding a weird sword. I eventually made my way up the stairs and my eyes immediately caught what looked like Alice Margatroid. I walked towards the person and shouted ?Alice!? but as I got closer I saw that it was just a man cosplaying as her. I did my usual angry tut at him and looked down the steps. I then saw many people cosplaying as Alice. Picking them off from the crowd, I saw that one may have been Alice but later discovered that she wasn?t. I once again took it upon myself to try and find the real Alice. I first went into the school and was often pushed around by people trying to vote. I went around looking for leads. I had forgotten the last person who was with my when I last met Alice Margatroid but I did remember one person who was there ? Kurt Angle. I didn?t have my strongest lead but I was hoping that Kurt Angle would be able to give me a good idea of where she might be. When I got to talk to Angle he was busy though. It was obvious that he was playing his heel persona by the way he talked to me. My main leads were down so I looked for evidence of where Alice had been. I looked through shops and corridors for evidence and occasionally found little trinkets that were Alice based. I followed a crowd that I believed would lead me to Alice but they were getting me nowhere so I went with the band Korpiklanni who sang the song ?Rauta? and broke a wall leading to the art stairs of my high school. I followed the stairs after that and found my little brother playing a game. It looked like a SNES era RPG. In one room, Alice was a shopkeeper. I took the game and continually bought things from Alice and as they changed, I hoped that it would lead me closer to Alice actually being there with me. After a while of buying I noticed a little option that I initially read as ?buy my body? and had a closer look. At closer inspection I noticed that it didn?t buy Alice Margatroid and bring her to the world I was but instead it was the kill her and rape her option which I immediately ignored. I would never do such a thing to Alice. I love her and, by my morals, doing that is completely unacceptable. I looked through the game?s code and found that Alice wasn?t actually an equipable object meaning that I wouldn?t be able to get her even if I did buy all her items. After that I noticed that I had unlocked new monsters for my little brother to use. One had oversized breasts which I assumed my brother would be very happy with. I never got to find Alice in the end though which saddens me.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

an unmatched sock

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #151 on: June 01, 2013, 03:29:23 PM »
   I had a fun one.

   Somehow, I found myself transitioning from a completely unrelated and boring dream into a random park in autumn. The air was cool, and most leaves were off of the trees. There was no one around except me, Unidentifiable Person X (I couldn't make heads or tails of even their features. I guess Nue used her power on him/her), and Sanae. Sanae and X decided to have a race, and invited me to join. I declined, but had the idea to join in anyway. They started running on this really curvy path, but we never said we couldn't cross over the grass as a shortcut. So, naturally, I did. I started running faster than I knew I could, and beat the other two to the end of that curve. I could hear Sanae laughing and yelling something like "Hey! That's cheating!" I didn't care and just kept going. Soon enough, I found that, instead of running normally, I was hopping, but with ridiculous speed. Deciding to test this, I jumped to a nearby tree, and stuck to it, before leaping off again. I tumbled a bit on the landing, but I was having a blast. I decided to try again, going into a frog-like position before leaping again at another tree. This time, as I was in midair, I heard Native Faith start to play out of nowhere. As realization began to dawn on me, I saw that my hair had gotten longer and had those red decorations on them, like Suwako's. Since I figured I wouldn't have a chance like this again, I tried using my earth powers to see if I could break stone with my fists. I leaped up to a tree, like before, saw two grave-like stone slabs (why were there graves in a public park?), and tried to leap down and punch through one. My fist collided, but there was no break, yet my fist didn't hurt. Confused, I looked at it and thought "...Break?" as if asking it to break. Lo and behold, a crack runs out from under my fist, and it splits in half! Amazed, I tried it again with the other slab, this time making it look like I shattered it with a punch. It felt like a legitimate punch, too, not like the normal slow-mo dream punches. Still amazed at the power I now had, I leapt once more into a clearing. Off to my right, I saw Sanae and I think Kanako having a picnic on the grass, and they beckoned me over (Sanae's top also looked a bit tighter than before, somehow.) As I approached, though, the dream ended.

   I still don't know what food was at that picnic  :(

   Also not sure why my subconscious decided that I wanted to be Suwako. Maybe it's the hat. I would have expected someone higher on the list of characters I liked. But it was fun, nonetheless.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #152 on: June 01, 2013, 05:16:38 PM »
I dreamed Marisa and Reimu were girlfriends. And then Reimu was crushed by a giant keystone (oddly enough, Tenshi was not involved). Marisa then went on a quest for revenge, and discovered she herself was destined to die before the year was up. Marshmallow peeps were involved somehow.
well I haven't been here for a while

My avatar was commissioned from this fine person here!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #153 on: June 04, 2013, 11:20:21 PM »
Ok. I had a nap in the afternoon and had this dream. Again it's in parts so I'm only going to post the Touhou related parts.


The dream started off as a game kind of like Metro Cross. First thing I remember is having to play as Marisa and get to the key very quickly then maybe get to a door. I jumped to the speed drink using the flipper. I drank it but didn?t see the point of it because this puzzle was obviously jump based. I then flipper jumped to the raised platforms. I then fell off and repeated those steps. I then jumped in the hole and it blasted me to the other screen. I defeated a pair of scissors and got a key. The voice over congratulated me and asked if it was a ?human key? which probably meant if it was usable to humans or not. I?m not sure if I made my way to the door afterward or not but I know that I didn?t take a key on the ground.

Later I was in Hong Kong and went to an excavation site. There was a skeleton in one pit underwater. The guy in charge was known for being crazy and carrying a cold steel Special Forces shovel. In the end I started looking at the skeleton and feeling the holes in the ground. I wanted to dig it up so I got my friend and announced that we?d dig it. The crazy guy told us to do it exclusively with his shovel so I did just that. Afterwards I went to take off my shirt and put it in my bad. I went into the corridor to do it. In the big glass corridor I saw many people coming through the corridor. One group of people were Marisa Kirisame, Alice Margatroid and somebody who was probably Patchouli Knowledge. At this point the dream became lucid. Immediately I shouted out ?Alice!? She clearly heard me. At this point she had yellow eyes and her hair band wasn?t clearly shown. I rushed to put my stuff in my bag and run towards her. She turned round at the end of the corridor and smiled. I quickly ran towards her. Another Alice also appeared form the start of the corridor as the first went away. I jumped on her back and she started shape shifting as I struggled to maintain control of this dream. At the end I managed to get her up against the wall and kept her as Alice. In the end she smiled at me as I embraced her. And the screen faded to white.

When I woke up, I didn't know if I was happy that I found Alice or if I was severely disappointed that I couldn't stay with her longer. I was kind of half asleep and wondering why it wasn't morning.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #154 on: June 10, 2013, 08:48:18 PM »
I've never really had any dreams about Touhou, but in one I was at some store that seemed to sell discount books and craft supplies with my mom, best friend, and Mokou.  :derp:

Forte Blackadder

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #155 on: June 11, 2013, 01:58:30 PM »
I had this dream  in April 15, good thing I took note every time I had a lucid dream

>had a good sleep, then a dream
>could move freely and felt realistic
>saw Sakuya on the street near my house, distributing leaflets and stuff
>she looked plain, like your average 18-20 years old white girl
>her face was kinda pretty, but dark circles around her eyes
>not sure if goth or just never had a good sleep
>greeted her, she seemed bored
>asked her stuff and shouted her name, got her attention
>got asked how I knew her name, said Touhou and Gensokyo is very popular
>she got real surprised, saying "their existence" meant to be a secret
>asked why she was here then
>she said they needed some "labour"
>changed the topic and asked her age
>she said she was born in 1515 and moved to Gensokyo in 1899
>said Chen was kinda ill out of the blue
>asked who the hell is Chen (yeah, I forgot)
>she said Ran's daughter
>I said wtf, facepalmed and felt her kiss on my cheek
>another wtf
>asked her then who are the strongest in Gensokyo
>she said in order Yukari, Ran, Nitori, someone I forgot, Suika, Remilia
>asked why Nitori
>she said "She invented powerful stuff"
>sounded legit, so I asked where is Kazami Yuuka
>she said about 10th, after someone sounded like "Meh Lop", pink long hair, looked like Lala from to-love-ru
>another wtf
>wanted to ask the biggest question: if anyone in Gensokyo really is lesbian, or they are already in relationships
>She said my Japanese teacher is here, see her after class
>I started to study and repeat what that guy was saying
>remembered I didn't have any JPese teacher
>why was I in the class? I was talking to her on the street.
>it's super dark in there
>woke up

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #156 on: June 11, 2013, 04:39:57 PM »
Except for little references here and there I only had one real dream about Touhou ,it was some time ago ,but I'll try my best to get it together:

Koakuma notices that Parsee is sneaking around the SDM. Parsee can't get any closer because "the angry guard dog" Sakuya is apparently doing Meiling's job, and we know that she doesn't sleep at work. Seeing no solution Parsee leafs she seems to have come up with a plan. On Koakuma's way back to the library she meets one of Remilia's bats and tells it what she saw and that they should get prepaired for an attack from the underground. All of a sudden other bats gether to form Remilia (in her Touhouvania outfit). She starts to dance with Koakuma and whispers something in her ear, this seems to have an hypnotic effect on her and she forgets the whole story with Parsee.
Next Parsee is "on screen " again ,her reason for going to the SDM was to see Patchouli and because that didn't work very well she asked Aya to put an advertisement in her newspaper asking for the most beautiful girl in Gensokyo. Some time later a huge crowed formed on Parsee's bridge. Everyone claim's to be the prettiest  ,but Parsee ,who is sitting on a throne dressed like a queen sends everyone away. Patchouli ,the one she was waiting for didn't come.

I  doubt that I will ever have a better dream than this "fanfiction" right here



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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #157 on: June 11, 2013, 06:07:22 PM »
Except for little references here and there I only had one real dream about Touhou ,it was some time ago ,but I'll try my best to get it together:

I'm still interested in every little reference. I posted a dream where sombody was using Yamame as an avatar in an mmorpg.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #158 on: June 11, 2013, 09:18:24 PM »
I'm still interested in every little reference. I posted a dream where sombody was using Yamame as an avatar in an mmorpg.

And I posted one involving this forum... And the weirdest PM I'd ever seen. Haven't really had any as of late, though...
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #159 on: June 12, 2013, 03:55:53 PM »
I'm still interested in every little reference
I didn't write something down because I hardly remember anything. I know something was in a dream ,but not what it was. The only things I remember at the top of my head are a Pokemon like card of Aya and Iku doing her fever pose in the background

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #160 on: June 21, 2013, 12:06:16 AM »
Last night, I had a dream that I was on a scavenger hunt with some of my friends in an abandoned house. At one point, someone suggested I look out the window to find one of the items on the list, and Marluxia (Kingdom Hearts character) was outside near a blackberry bush. I turn around to tell my friend something, and then look back and HATA NO KOKORO IS KICKING THE HECK OUT OF MARLUXIA.  :o
The rest has pretty much nothing to do with anything.

Also, something weird, once I dreamt I was watching things on Youtube and one of the videos I saw was a Homestuck video of Bad Apple!! It wasn't like the shadow art animation in the video, it was just pictures put together in probably Windows Movie Maker. When I woke up, I had to see if anyone had actually made such a video even though I don't like Homestuck all that much. It turns out that someone made a video that was very similar to the one in my dream.

Failure McFailFace

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #161 on: June 25, 2013, 11:56:40 AM »
My God, I just realized about 5 minutes after waking up that I had a Touhou dream!

Here's the details:
  • Setting: School that "somehow" transports you from the Outside World to Gensyoko
  • Characters In It: Pachy, Maribel, Renko

Essentially, my dream was a voice-over by Maribel, and started with them walking into the school. The school had a rounded facade on the front, with a "stereotypical" flame with the word "FIRE" in all caps. All text on there was white and looked like it was put on after the facade was built.

Maribel and Renko were walking in, along with some of their classmates who didn't notice them. Meanwhile, the voice-over was explaining that the school Maribel and Renko go to (the school in my dream) was connected to the world of Gensyoko. (I'm not kidding, those were the exact words I heard in the dream.)

When the pair came in, the inside of the building is a library that is about as bright as Voile in EoSD. The fire symbol on the front is now a water symbol. The view suddenly shifted so that I was in the dream. I took a look at the HUGE wall of mirrors on the left side of the library, and saw a message written in backwards cursive that I couldn't make out. The voice-over said that technology worked in this school, even though it;s in Gensyoko.

As I continued, I saw Pachy sitting at a small table with PILES of books. I made no contact. Suddenly, my view point swapped from me looking at Pachy to looking at a random student, who looked American. The teacher at the front of the class (which contained around 15 people) dismissed everyone, and the students started putting various materials away. The American-looking student was the first to finish putting away all of his stuff, and thus was looking around.

An instant later, I was again part of the dream, this time in the bookshelves portion. I found a marbled composition notebook on the bookshelf, with Diary of a Wimpy Kid-style pictures all over it. I handed the book to the American student I told you earlier, and said something. He then gave me the "original" book, which had a greenish brown image on the cover, was a hardcover, had only about 6 pages, looked very old, and had a bookend stand on the bottom of the book as it was so thin.

I promptly woke up after that.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #162 on: June 26, 2013, 04:19:34 PM »
I know exactly what caused this, but not why REMILIA was freaking in it.

So I was up until 1 AM RP'ing.

I go to sleep, and I dream first about calling a friend on skype with my headphones off. So naturally, I'm staring at my computer thinking "this is stupid". Anyway, next thing I remember was the Pewter City gym. It was shifting between a POV dream and top down R/B/Y Style graphics, with me chatting to Brock and Remilia, who were right next to one another, which makes no sense. I stayed up RP'ing as Rumia, so if anything, it should've been her right? I can't remember any of our conversation, but I remember a lot of "//"'s and text boxes, then dialogue, then more text boxes, then dialogue... That's sadly all I remember...

My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #163 on: June 27, 2013, 05:16:47 AM »
Alright, so this dream involved a lot of time traveling. I'll just talk about the two times that had something to do with Touhou.
The first time, I wasn't sure what time it was, and I was in some building with one of my cousins. There were towers with slips of paper lining the inner walls. The slips of paper had the names of dead people written on them, but I'm not sure how I knew that. Anyways, I started looking for people who I knew, and one said "Prismriver Sisters" and some word that started with an M underneath that.
The other time was about a year from now and I was with my best friend and one of my friends from Deviantart. Kingdom Hearts III and the full version of Double Dealing Character had come out.  We fangirled. Then we played them. KHIII was really awesome and DDC made no sense, but I don't remember how.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #164 on: June 27, 2013, 08:48:25 PM »
I don't remember anything at all from this dream except this part.

Right before I woke up, I heard someone's voice telling me to wake up. Then Sakuya appeared in front of me and said it was time to wake up. Well, I woke up after that, so that's all there is to say...

...I woke up about 10 minutes before I actually had to get up, so I guess Sakuya wanted me to be early or something.

Or maybe she wanted me to be ON TIME!

...I'll leave now...
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 09:55:25 PM by Blue »


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #165 on: June 27, 2013, 09:13:39 PM »
*blink blink* Interesting.
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #166 on: June 28, 2013, 01:48:08 AM »
I am currently dreaming of making a Touhou tv series for Cartoon Network. The pilot would be about the school lives of the Touhous, with some pies in there (BLUEBERRY).
Also, I am also thinking about an episode based on a species by some dA user named Raging-Banebou called the "Blorbettes" (Play Bowser's Inside Story to get the idea about Blorbs, except they are only female and "aliens" apparently).

I don't know how long it would run or who would work on it.

I'll just keep dreaming for now.
Watch as I sneak up behind this forum!


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #167 on: June 28, 2013, 01:18:07 PM »
Well, this dream diary thing is producing results remarkably quickly...

I just remembered another dream. So I was playing Mario Kart with the members of MarioPartyTV, including Mr. Doom (who has so much luck, you'd think he was Tewi in disguise.) So I remember chucking a lot of nonstandard items over the course of the race (Which now that I think about it, was on a course like a mix of Rainbow Road from Double Dash and Nebula Whatever-The-Hell-It-Was from Kirby's Air Ride), like bombs, spiked balls (which acted like red shells), and fake item boxes that acted like green shells. So I come up on the  finish line, and the setting changes to me running through the auditorium at the high school I graduated from, and I hear Mr. Doom saying as I approach the finish line: "You don't know the bullshit of Mr. Doom", to which I respond with a quote that makes me realize I'm apparently playing the part of Holms. "Yes, I do know your bullshit, Mr. Doom! But I just crossed this finish line, so F*** YOU!" and I throw my clarinet case backwards. Later, I go looking for it in that auditorium, and after a lot of searching, Star Sapphire has it, and she challenges me to a game to get it back. What game? Sadly, that's the last thing I remember. Star smirking at me as she made that challenge.

Tangential, I know, but she still appeared in that dream...
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:

Failure McFailFace

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #168 on: June 29, 2013, 12:59:23 PM »
Another Touhou Dream last night.

This time, it was a blocky world with Reimu, Kanako(?) and Kogasa. Apparently, Reimu and Kanako were mining underground, looking for resources.

Then Kogasa appeared.

Reimu and Kanako were not surprised (as usual) sue to the surprise power from Kogasa being converted to faith then in contact with Kanako.

So yeah.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #169 on: June 30, 2013, 01:53:08 AM »
^Minecraft? :V

Anyway, I'm not sure if this really counts, but I had watched that Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope thing before going to bed, so I had a dream I was watching a new episode of it. However, it turned into Superjail, and involved the warden and Jared meeting Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. Yeah, I don't know either...

Failure McFailFace

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #170 on: June 30, 2013, 03:15:45 AM »
^Minecraft? :V

No, a 2D Minecraft-like game, the game described in the dream here.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #171 on: June 30, 2013, 06:09:52 PM »
I stay up late, I remember my dreams, it seems.


Well. this dream starred SAO, and a weird map of this thing called the ICEe Noelle. So, we (me and Asuna from SAO) moved through it. Some accident happened, and I was left unable to move. I heard someone say "you realize he won't thank you when he finds out what the consequences are.", to which Asuna replied, "I don't care!" For whatever reason, a goddess of archery was teaching me how to shoot bulls-eyes in our kitchen at home, with targets lined up against the wall. Asuna was lounging on the couch in our family room and tapping through SAO's interface controls. So we get to the third target, and Asuna's next to me, moving some control and my head with it. It's covered with like every cooking spoon in the house. My mother and grandmother make an appearance. Then we did an "update" on my head... Which completed at 60%. Weird. Then I could move again, and we took a subway, which when I got off, Utsuho tackled me, saying, "Well, if it isn't my pal Cybeast of the ICEe Noelle! How you been?" (No joke, she said Cybeast. That's not a name censoring.) At this point, the view switched to me playing the game and resolving to buy my own copy, since I'd been borrowing my brother's. And that's all I can remember.
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #172 on: July 01, 2013, 01:20:58 PM »
Today, I had a REALLY screwed up dream that had a little bit to do with Touhou. here it goes: (Also, if you are a Extremely hardcore Orin and Okuu fanboy you might find my dream kinda offensive)

So, It started in this Touhou game, and I was fighting BOTH THE KOMEIJI SISTERS AND YOSHIKA (for whatever reason) at the same time. The difficilty was "Hard", I had Two lives and A Bomb left. As i change my vision to my character, I wasn't controlling Marisa. nor Reimu, nor Sanae nor any of the common main characters. It was ME. I had the same bullet pattern as Marisa in Ten Desires, but with actual bullets instead of Lasers. I defeat the boss, which for whatever reason wasn't that hard, and then an entire screen worth of Power and Point rained down on me.
Now this is where it gets interesting: After this happened, it changed into a First Person perspective, but not like an FPS like Call Of Duty, it actually looked like Time Crisis! So I was in front of a Shopping Mall parking lot (I told you that this dream was kinda screwed up  :V) and then a Orin appeared. She had a head like one of these stuffed Touhou dolls they sell at eBay and her body was like a Popsicle. She was also all grey. She was heading to my direction, so i used my mean of defense that magically appeared in my hand, a Desert Eagle Pistol, and shot her on her head. She simply popped out of existance. STAGE 2 COMPLETE Appeared in front of me. That was an easy boss :3. Now, I look behind me and See an Okuu with the same weird proportions and also advancing towards me. I start shooting her with my bullets but she is actually much sturdier. She gets near me and slashes me. And then what assume was suposed to be the boss theme starts playing. WHAT SONG DID MY HEAD TOUGH WOULD BE FITTING FOR OKUU? OF COURSE THIS ONE! No, I don't get it either. So there was I, showering her with 50AE rounds on her oversized head a-la Time Crisis while she ocasionally slashes me Like A zombie from The House of The Dead, while we both move troughout the parking lot. After around the 600 bullet, she blows up and STAGE 3 COMPLETE appears in front of me, like before. Then I enter the shopping mall where there are a lot of innocents being executed by the bad guys AGAIN from Time Crisis. This is where the Touhou part ends.
I have NO idea why this dream happened. I barely played Touhou yesterday, I haven't played Time Crisis in about a year, and Virtua Cop for longer still, and I haven't touched The House Of The Dead 2 on my PC for a few weeks.
But then all sudden, I dream about playing TC on a Touhou Setting, with Virtua Cop music and MY SCREAM EVERYTIME OKUU SLASHED ME WAS THE EXACT SAME AS THE ONE ON THOTD 2 (go to 2:30 on the video if this doesn't work, and the scream is the one when the right zombie hits you)

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #173 on: July 02, 2013, 01:33:54 PM »
I had one of these last night, which is weird because I don't usually remember anything I dream, or if I do it's really mundane. I woke up very early this morning after dreaming this and wrote down a bunch of notes, so much of this is based on the notes.

In the dream I was playing the extra stage of an un-specific Touhou game for the first time (maybe Touhou 14, doesn't really matter). The playable character selection was huge, way larger than the cast for the main game. Based on the character portraits it seemed to take place many years after the current canon. The human characters were visibly very old, likely in their seventies or eighties, and many of them had signifiacntly different outfits. Reimu was conspicuously missing, Marisa was a very old woman, and Sakuya was similarly old and wearing an outfit like a stage magician instead of her maid clothes and had a sword cane. Youmu was an adult (although not elderly like Marisa or Sakuya) and had five or six sheathed swords on her back, a bow, and a quiver for some reason. Some of the youkai, like Alice and Satori, looked exactly the same while others looked significantly different. Yukari was more gap than woman, with significant parts of her body overlaid by gaps, and Reisen had a lab coat and stethoscope. I cycled through them a couple of times looking for Reimu and selected Marisa when I couldn't find her.

I don't remember much of the actual gameplay and I don't think it featured heavily in the dream, but I do remember that Marisa's sprite was wider than it was tall because she was sitting side-saddle on her broom, which was parallel to the bottom of the screen. The stage took place in the Bamboo Forest (I'm pretty sure the background was just stage four of Imperishable Night again) and featured an extremely short stage portion followed by three short midboss fights in a row against three other characters from the playable cast. The boss fight was against Ex-Keine.

After every spellcard there was a significant amount of dialogue, but it was in Japanese so I didn't understand it. I won easily because apparently in my dreams I'm good at Touhou and elderly Marisa seemed to be able to mow down enemies basically instantly (I believe her shot type was Reimu's Youkai Buster from Mountain Of Faith, but with big yellow stars). I think part of the boss fight was that the patterns never started at the boss, but rather started from all four corners at the screen at the same time and closed in on the character's position.  I watched the ending and took a guess at what was happening, then looked up the script on the Touhou Wiki.

Apparently the story was that all of the characters received letters inviting them to the Bamboo Forest for another test of guts, and after one of them beat the rest down they would find that the letter was sent by Keine. Over the course of the battle she slowly reveals that she had been the secret mastermind behind Gensokyo since her childhood and that it was originally created by a real Hakutaku who passed it's power on to her at the end of it's life so that she could be Gensokyo's author. The Hakurei shrine maidens never really existed and were a fiction created by Keine and her predecessor to explain alterations that they make to Gensokyo's history. At this point Keine is at the end of her life and is trying to find a worthy successor to her power, so she gives Marisa her were-Hakutaku curse and vanishes. The ending features a shot of a horned, elderly Marisa holding a scroll, then Marisa teaching children at the human village's school, and as far as anyone knows she has always been there and Keine never existed. Then we see the new Hakurei shrine maiden, who looks like a cross between Reimu and Marisa and is flying on  a broomstick.

So that was pretty weird. I don't usually have dreams like that. I think that was my brain saying "Hey man, you gotta stop playing Imperishable Night right before you go to bed". Fuck you brain, you'll get intense visual stimulation right before you go to sleep and you'll like it!
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Failure McFailFace

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #174 on: July 07, 2013, 09:47:37 AM »
New one since I keep waking up via the A/C.

After a random band  concert at the high school i'll be going to soon, I suddenly was in a Chinese/Japanese food market with most of the Touhou characters looking for something to eat.

Apparently I was Reimu, according to the boss fight that followed. I was fighting an unknown enemy, on a spell cord that looked like one of Alice's PCB non-spell card attacks. Suddenly, a message appeared at where the spell card name is. It said, "You can graze this spell card to look for food! You can do this with other spell cards, too," or something similar, with said non-spell continuing, but with clones of Reimu following Reimu herself.

Afterwords, I got into a boss battle with Reimu that looked like in the Danmafuku engine. She had 5 (6?) health bars. I somehow exited, and a message with a Momiji-looking character came up that said "Message from Nitori!"

I turned up on a sunny, cobblestone path in between some cherry trees with Nitori. She apparently brought lunch, and brought out some food, along with some machine that controls the ratio of what you eat in one mouthful.

Scene-switch to Aya, complaining that Reimu's pictures were lower quality than hers. Actual dialogue:

Aya: (to Yukari) I know that I some times tell her to take some pictures for me, but mine are of higher quality!

A picture of a happy, chibi Rumia with "cherry blossoms" appears, with a tag on the upper right corner, which says that ".png = from Hell".
Suddenly, the photo turns into an animation, and it turns out that the cherry blossoms were ridiculously fast-moving items. Now Aya is complaining about Rumia's fast item collecting.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #175 on: July 10, 2013, 05:53:39 AM »
I had an extremely weird dream last night. It seemed real. =O_O=
All I can remember is that first, I was falling inside Yukari's gap dimension. The eyes looked like they were made of precious gems, and it was really cold. It felt like the inside of a freezer. The next thing I knew, I was laying face-down in a grassy field. And I could feel the grass and dirt. I felt a hard object hit my head a few times, then a voice, but I was too dazed to make out what it was saying. I looked up and the one talking was Reimu, and the hard object was her gohei. She asked me if I was okay, and I said that I was fine. I tried all of the dream-tests from when I tried lucid dreaming before. All of them pointed to it not being a dream. All that I remember afterwards was me admiring the scenery. It was so beautiful...
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 05:55:37 AM by RegretDesi »
<Die The death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is The Death>!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #176 on: July 10, 2013, 12:53:17 PM »
I had a dream last night that Mystery Incorporated and FUCKING TEAM ⑨ got together to solve a mystery.

Alice Mays became involved, as did time travel.

Anyway, at one point, Fred tells Team ⑨ to, and I quote, "go wild."

This... goes about as well as you'd expect.
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #177 on: July 12, 2013, 01:11:09 PM »
Not much from this last one, it was merely a dream where I was playing Touhou again (because I haven't actively played it in a while). I don't even remember which game it was. The only thing I do remember is that some of the bullet patterns seemed laggy, reminding my dream-self that I had forgotten to change my computer's power settings from Power Saver to Balanced (yeah, that's happened before).
"Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking." - Carl Sagan

NEW AND IMPROVED YOUTUBE, now with 60 fps Touhou videos! Latest video update: WBaWC Lunatic/Extra no-miss no-bomb no-Roars no-Spirit-Strikes compilation.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #178 on: July 14, 2013, 06:38:20 PM »
Ed: removed
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 12:47:31 PM by ReimiliaScarlet »


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #179 on: July 14, 2013, 09:45:33 PM »
I've been on a roll with my dreams for a while and have actually stopped remembering them so much. Therefore, my dream diary isn't quite as full as it should be and not all my touhou dreams are properly recorded. This one isn't.

All I can remember of the dream is having a chat room conversation with a couple of people and 1 person in it claimed to be Alice Margatroid.  I was critical of this because this was the internet and was most likley a role player (I dislike role players)  and not the real one who I've been looking for in my dreams for months now. Later on in the conversation, she claimed to be 13 years old which in my mind disproves her validity as the real Alice.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!