Author Topic: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition  (Read 252492 times)


Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #930 on: December 15, 2012, 12:46:03 AM »
IIRC there is no Cranberry Trap in StB.

I did 10-4 and EX-7 quite a while ago, if you want to check the replays. For the 6th and 7th phases of 10-4, you definitely should -not- be dodging among the potatoes. Macro dodge the whole thing like you do with the 3rd and 4th phases. EX-7 is circling and managing Suika's movements. As far as StB scenes go, that spell is pretty damn far from pixel perfection, in my opinion.

Also, Malkyrian has done every scene in the game. You can probably find those either on her youtube channel or
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 12:53:26 AM by Zil »


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #931 on: December 15, 2012, 12:52:40 AM »
...I meant forbidden fruit. fail me.

I looked on her youtube channel, but only a few scenes are up, sadly. thanks for the replays!

I honestly feel like an idiot when asking these things, to be honest :V

as for Ex-7 perhaps I'm doing a terrible job at it and thus I get to weave to mini gaps while trying to run away from suika.

EDIT: forget forbidden fruit. just cleared it. all that's left is 9-6, 10-4, 10-6 10-7 10-8 EX-3 EX-4 EX-6 and EX-8. some are painstakingly difficult, others I just don't get. derp. maybe I will skip kinkaku-ji after all :V I do have a 6-photo thing for a replay. just that's only after another 800 shots or so, I suppose.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 02:01:36 AM by Sakurei »


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #932 on: December 16, 2012, 06:16:22 PM »
I imagine this is pretty much inevitable when trying to get your first MoF lunatic 1cc, but...

Divine Virtue of Wind God. Holy. Crap. I had a life and two bombs somehow, I thought I was set! Even if it was my first time getting to it on lunatic I expected to get farther than halfway at least...
So... how? Nonfocus continuously? Vertical movement or not? Dodge through walls? I have no idea, it's ridiculous!

(please let there be something I overlooked so I have an excuse for my suckiness)


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #933 on: December 16, 2012, 07:43:17 PM »
Enter with as much Power as you can; personally, I'd prefer entering with 0 Extra Lives and Full Power and 1 Extra Life and 2.00 Power or less. The Spellcard is based on a timer, so entering with less Power will not only prevent you from dealing greater amounts of damage, you'll also have to deal with the hard part much longer. The shottypes with the highest damage output can take out almost the entire Spellcard before the hard part begins (at least Marisa C if I recall correctly). Nonetheless, you'll still have to dodge, but it's possible to avoid the micro-dodging by escaping to the sides. Not always, of course, but keeping the sides in check can actually save you. Granted, that will require you to unfocus in order to get there in time.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #934 on: December 16, 2012, 08:12:46 PM »
Marisa C with 4 frost throwers on top of Kanako will take out VoWG before the hard phase.
Other shot types, not so much. I got good at VoWG before I 1cc'd with ReimuB.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #935 on: December 16, 2012, 08:20:16 PM »
Ah, I've always used ReimuB. But I shall give MarisaC a shot right now.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #936 on: December 16, 2012, 09:07:11 PM »
No need to switch shot types, I was using the low-power ReimuA for my first 1cc (video). You may get the 1cc faster by staying with whatever shot type you're used to, though MarisaC isn't a bad shot type to use in general.

Anyway, watching others' videos (plenty of timeout videos out there) and trying to follow why they're moving the way they are can help you get a feel for the card, without having to play through the rest of the stage every time. I didn't manage to learn how to dodge through the "walls" before my first 1cc, but that means you shouldn't need to either.

Alternately, you can work on improving your bombing route earlier in the game. Reaching it with 3-4 lives should be enough to bomb through pretty much the entire card.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #937 on: December 16, 2012, 09:45:40 PM »
Did an hour of practice with MarisaC. The verdict is "eh". If one could get all of the options to hit, maybe... but I'll be sticking with ReimuB.
And 3-4 lives? Holy... I was proud to have gotten there with a single spare.
Looking at some videos right now and it looks pretty much the same as what I try to do except they're not crashing into them.

I guess there's nothing for it but ARDUOUS PRACTICE. Except for there's no practice mode for stage 6 until I actually do it, so it'll be LONG and ARDUOUS PRACTICE;

Which is fine by me since boy, can I use some practice.

But for all it's worth, my standard bombing route:
Stage 1: Always capture everything except Promise of the Wheat God, for which bombing is acceptable.
Stage 2: Capture all stage portions. Bomb the midboss spell, attempt to do all boss spells. Bombing happens in about 2/3 of the spells.
Stage 3: Bomb once right before random Nitori appearance. Bomb midboss. A bomb is possible during the four large sequential fairies right afterwards. If it doesn't happen, it generally happens when the kedamas come on screen. A last stage bomb is possible if I end up being walled by the last fairies, but it generally doesn't happen.
Nitori: Bomb first nonspell unless I'm feeling really brave(I'm getting better at it). Capture first spell and second nonspell. Bomb the waterfall. Capture third nonspell (most of the time), bomb the Cephalic Plate.
Stage 4: Oh dear. Often a bomb for the first death fairy. Always a bomb for the cascading blue pellet masses afterwards (seriously, is there a way to do that but extreme nonfocussing?). Rarely bomb the second death fairy. Most certainly two bombs for Momiji and another for the pellet storm afterwards. One, but more often two bombs for the death fairies afterwards and another for the crows.
Aya: Capable of capturing the first  nonspell, but rarely do because clip. Bomb Saruta. Bomb second nonspell. Bomb Storm Day twice, third nonspell once, and last two spells a total of three times.
Stage 5: No bombs until big yellow bullets appear, may need one or two bombs just before the midboss. Bomb both midboss attacks. Probably a bomb for the streaming bit afterwards too.
Sanae: Second and third nonspell are always captured, Moses Miracle and Divine Wind rarely. Bomb everything else; two are needed for the other spells, one for the mentioned ones.
Stage 6: Two bombs each for the kedama barrage. I'm pretty sure it's all aimed straight at you but borderline impossible to stream anyway.
Kanako: Capture second nonspell. Maybe capture last nonspell. Bomb first four other attacks once, Source of Rains twice. On Virtue of Wind God, bomb until dead. Repeat until permanently dead.

Anything that can be significantly improved there? (also going to sleep now)


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #938 on: December 16, 2012, 10:49:58 PM »
You could always replay glitch MoF stage 6 (watch a replay of a full run with the shot type you're using, it'll unlock the stages in stage practice). Though if you'd prefer not to use a glitch, you can still make use of the game's unlimited continues. I recommend watching someone else's first 1cc regardless, since their skill will probably be close to yours, and if you see someone with similar skill capture something you don't, that's something you can try to learn how to capture. (This advice applies to a 1cc of pretty much anything actually)

As for the stage-by-stage breakdown you listed:
Early-game: If you can reach stage 4 without dying, then your bombing route up to Nitori should be fine.
Aya: First nonspell is static based on her position, so you can memorize a strategy for it that minimizes chance of clipping. Same with her second on Lunatic, where each wave has a safespot on the edge of the rings aimed directly downward (position yourself on the edge of the enemy marker).
Stage 5: The stage portion should be doable consistently without dying with a good enough bombing route (one death if you don't start with high enough power). If you aren't, practice the stage some more.
Sanae: Many of her cards are a combination of static and aimed elements: all of her star phases are a static pattern aimed at your position, and the lasers in her first boss card are also static. It's easy to get clipped on them, but at the very least you should learn them enough so none of them should take more than one bomb. Also, her final card isn't too difficult to capture; since you need to switch directions for each wave, make sure to move far enough when you reverse direction that you won't be cornered by an aimed bullet.
Stage 6: Like with stage 5, you should be able to reach Kanako consistently without dying if you start with high enough power, so if even you're using continues to practice you should still be able to reach VoWG on starting lives. Also learn how to capture Kanako's first card; it's really easy for a stage 6 card.

As for the 3-4 lives, I believe that's something I did for one of my lower-difficulty MoF 1ccs. Not really recommended, but just evidence that you can still bomb pretty much every wave despite the way Kanako becomes invincible whenever you're bombing; you just need a ridiculous number of bombs to do so.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #939 on: December 17, 2012, 03:49:29 AM »
I imagine this is pretty much inevitable when trying to get your first MoF lunatic 1cc, but...

Divine Virtue of Wind God. Holy. Crap. I had a life and two bombs somehow, I thought I was set! Even if it was my first time getting to it on lunatic I expected to get farther than halfway at least...
So... how? Nonfocus continuously? Vertical movement or not? Dodge through walls? I have no idea, it's ridiculous!
Nothing to it but lots of practice. The entire thing is statically aimed at your starting position when it starts, so be at the same place on the screen every single time. I start at the bottom middle, though other people may use different starting positions. I don't know how the difficulty of the spell is affected by the starting aim though. Other than that, just play it a ton. For the walls, I think micrododging and moving to the corner are both equally valid ways of dealing with them. Really though, the best way to deal with VoWG on a first 1cc is to just get to it with 2 or 3 lives in stock :P.

But for all it's worth, my standard bombing route:
Stage 3: Bomb once right before random Nitori appearance. Bomb midboss. A bomb is possible during the four large sequential fairies right afterwards. If it doesn't happen, it generally happens when the kedamas come on screen. A last stage bomb is possible if I end up being walled by the last fairies, but it generally doesn't happen.
Nitori: Bomb first nonspell unless I'm feeling really brave(I'm getting better at it). Capture first spell and second nonspell. Bomb the waterfall. Capture third nonspell (most of the time), bomb the Cephalic Plate.
Stage 4: Oh dear. Often a bomb for the first death fairy. Always a bomb for the cascading blue pellet masses afterwards (seriously, is there a way to do that but extreme nonfocussing?). Rarely bomb the second death fairy. Most certainly two bombs for Momiji and another for the pellet storm afterwards. One, but more often two bombs for the death fairies afterwards and another for the crows.
Aya: Capable of capturing the first  nonspell, but rarely do because clip. Bomb Saruta. Bomb second nonspell. Bomb Storm Day twice, third nonspell once, and last two spells a total of three times.
Stage 5: No bombs until big yellow bullets appear, may need one or two bombs just before the midboss. Bomb both midboss attacks. Probably a bomb for the streaming bit afterwards too.
Sanae: Second and third nonspell are always captured, Moses Miracle and Divine Wind rarely. Bomb everything else; two are needed for the other spells, one for the mentioned ones.
Stage 6: Two bombs each for the kedama barrage. I'm pretty sure it's all aimed straight at you but borderline impossible to stream anyway.
Kanako: Capture second nonspell. Maybe capture last nonspell. Bomb first four other attacks once, Source of Rains twice. On Virtue of Wind God, bomb until dead. Repeat until permanently dead.
Nitori: If you're going into stage 4 power strapped, you should probably learn how to do Cephalic Plate. It's very simple streaming and redirecting, and you should have a decent capture rate after some practice at it.
Stage 4: For the first blue wall mass, you'll want to stay in the middle, then dodge to the left side and stream the big white bullets through the light blue "walls". There should be big enough gaps for you to do that. Check out some perfect stage 4s if you want to see it visually. I don't know how good you are at Momiji, but if you let her time down to about 12 seconds, then you won't have to deal with the post-Momiji walls at all. Might be worth considering. For the crows at the end of the stage, stick to one side and stay there. You may still need a bomb, but you shouldn't need it every time.
Aya: Storm Day has some kind of invincibility or something during its opening 5 seconds or so, so avoid bombing during the first wave if you can. I don't think you should need 2 bombs for it. If you can get past the first 2 waves or so of PWG, you'll only need one bomb to clear it.
Stage 5: The first midboss non-spell is aimed at you and always unfolds statically, so memorize a path and that should be easy. I recommend going "into" the star when it unfolds. Check out a stage 5 replay for specifics. The midboss card is static based on Sanae's position, so you can memorize it if you want to.
Sanae: First non-spell is actually easy. The opening stars are aimed based on your position and can be dodged the same way every single time. Again, watch a replay or video for that method. The lasers in the first card are static, but if you don't want to learn it, just know that you never want to stray too far from the middle or the "lagging" lasers will get you. Sanae's penultimate card is aimed on your position I believe and should only take 1 bomb if you're uneasy about it.
Stage 6: All of the kedama barrages are completely aimed at you and can be easily streamed if you start in the right corner. Starting on the left will probably get you killed.
Kanako: Like Karisa said, Kanako's first card is easy. Learn it. Third non-spell can be captured by moving the same way every single time. Check a replay for specifics, though it's an acceptable bomb at times.

Good luck!


Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #940 on: December 17, 2012, 04:04:59 AM »
The entire thing is statically aimed at your starting position when it starts,
That's not true. The first few waves are completely static, then the rest are randomly oriented.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #941 on: December 17, 2012, 05:53:31 AM »
Whoa, so much feedback... enormously appreciated!
I'll refrain from commenting to everything since it'll result in a big old wall of text, but I shall definitely keep it in mind. This afternoon shall definitely be dedicated to MoF... after the Latin exam  :ohdear:

Thanks to all!


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #942 on: December 17, 2012, 07:45:16 AM »
The 4 frost thrower thingy requires a trick, btw, if you didn't know.
That involves putting 2 frost throwers (when you only have 2) in the right place, and then collect power (by bomb if necessary) while sitting close enough that the new options will appear in the right place. (i.e. you bomb, place 2 frost throwers on the death fairy, move a bit left, when death fairy dies, collect items and voila).

Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #943 on: December 17, 2012, 07:53:42 AM »
That's not true. The first few waves are completely static, then the rest are randomly oriented.
Oops well, I went back and checked my MoF replay where I thought that was the case and you're right. I just panicked and was dodging from the right of center and wasn't used to it.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #944 on: December 23, 2012, 01:22:36 PM »
Halp me

Looking for help about spellcards where the bullets move in a circular movement, for example, one line of bullets doing a clockwise rotation while other line of bullets doing a counter-clockwise rotation. Examples of these attacks:

* IN's Tewi attacks;
* Eirin's Curse of Apollo 13;
* Mystia's first spellcard;
* Suwako's last spellcard;

I watched some replays but I want some tips or if you can recommend to me some instructive replay I'd be glad :)
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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #945 on: December 23, 2012, 03:00:06 PM »
You didn't state any difficulty so I'm just going to assume Lunatic.

Tewi: I usually find the very first wave of bullets to be the most troublesome here because they seem to come in faster. I dunno if that's just me being placebo dumb here though. I usually find the more dense bullets to be the harder thing in this pattern, not the lanes of bullets. Try to position yourself in a way so that the lanes of blue and red bullets won't hit you but even if you don't succeed at that, there's usually enough time to weave through the dense patterns and out of the way of the lanes at the last moment.

I'd say it's an attack pattern that's hard to explain and hard to pull off if you don't know how but with enough practice you should become more competent at it since it plays out very similarly from run to run. Her second attack should probably not cause you any issues. if it does, practice. It really should be easy though.

Eirin: This one can be really hard to track. A lot of really skilled people fail this on occasion so don't worry too much about it if you fail it. Supposedly the pattern is supposed to be static but aimed in random directions if I got this right, i'm not sure. I think it's better that Zil explains this as it was him who mentioned it originally. What I do is basically is read through the pattern as quickly as possible and dodge it. No trick, just pure dodging. I do remember something about the card getting easier if you move to the opposite side of the screen compared to Eirin, horizontally of course but that might also be placebo.

Mystia: Just dodging. I say grind it out in Spell Practice until you get the hang of the pattern.

Hot Frogger: I recall never having trouble with this one. What I did when I first encountered it, and what has worked ever since then is to simply sit in one spot and tapping left or right whenever a bullet is about to hit me. Shouldn't be too bad for anyone who can get to the spell.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #946 on: December 23, 2012, 08:47:39 PM »
I used to have trouble with those types of attacks too. You just need to practice them until your brain can process the patterns properly. I'd suggest grinding out Apollo 13.

Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #947 on: December 23, 2012, 09:40:04 PM »
Halp me

Looking for help about spellcards where the bullets move in a circular movement, for example, one line of bullets doing a clockwise rotation while other line of bullets doing a counter-clockwise rotation. Examples of these attacks:

* IN's Tewi attacks;
* Eirin's Curse of Apollo 13;
* Mystia's first spellcard;
* Suwako's last spellcard;

I watched some replays but I want some tips or if you can recommend to me some instructive replay I'd be glad :)

You didn't state any difficulty so I'm just going to assume Lunatic.

As far as I know he plays on Normal, but the main idea of the spellcards he mentioned are pretty much the same between the difficulties.

Tewi clips the hell out of me. Try to dodge close to the corner I guess. But be careful about the red wall of bullets. Most times  I bomb her due to nervousism as she seems to cut your deathbomb time, and the last time I fought her was at my first and only Lunatic 1cc. :V

Eirin is pretty much what Zengeku said, and there's a risky safespot that you stay very close to Eirin and then do to the exact middle of the pattern circle, but it does need a ridiculous movement accuracy even with Border team. Especially on Normal, as it's the same difficulty as if you were doing on Lunatic if you try the middle spot thing. :V Here's a capture replay where I use both the risky safespot method with a non-Border-team hitbox and the normal way.

Mystia's first midboss card, or boss card? The midboss card is pretty slow and easy to read, and Mystia will move accordingly to which side you are compared to hers. But if you're talking about the boss card.... I recall if being a bit different on Normal, in which Mystia throws two (three) walls of bit bullets, and then throw other three very fast. Idk, maybe you should kind of balance between shooting her and killing the familiars. Here's a timeout replay where I cancel the first wave of bullets by blocking the familiar, in which you would destroy them instead in a normal run.

Mishaguji-sama is mostly precise dodging and some basic reading (it's the easiest Extra final spellcard btw). Try going to the bottom and dodging using diagonal downwards movements, it helps me getting some extra accuracy (you'll only move to the sides anyway since you're at the bottom).
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 10:58:01 PM by Wriggle »


Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #948 on: December 23, 2012, 10:33:44 PM »
Apollo 13 is essentially static, yes. There are two sets of bullets which are radially symmetrical, though they can each be rotated separately. You can memorize the outer wave and recognize a spot that's easiest to dodge through, then there are basically three ways the inner wave could be oriented with respect to the outer, so you could memorize that, etc.

Anyway, you seem to be asking for general advice with criss-crossing bullets. They can be very hard to deal with, yes. What I would say is you don't want to just take everything on at once. The approach you want to use probably depends on the pattern, but there are a number of ways you can try to read them, or at least two. (I might say it depends on the downward angle of the bullets, but whatever.) One way to look at it is to actively look for bullets that are crossing over each other, then wait for them to separate, and go up through the gap. That gives you time to position yourself. If you're actually looking for the gaps themselves you'll probably notice them too late. Or maybe you can try to see a "cone" of bullets that are going to cross each other, and be ready to stay right under where they cross. Personally, I read Suwako's last attack like this.

Also you could try to look at half of the bullets at once. Like, view the bullets coming from one direction as forming "lanes," and the rest of the bullets make individual rows cutting through the lanes. Then you can kinda move through one lane while dodging the rows from the other direction. This is what I'd recommend for Tewi's patterns, I think.

Other things you could practice are Swallow's Cowrie Shell, Chen's midboss spell, maybe some Prismriver stuff, Youmu's nonspells, etc. I think PCB and IN have much more patterns like this than most of the other games.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 10:36:35 PM by Zil »


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #949 on: December 23, 2012, 11:46:16 PM »
Thanks for the answers guys S2 :)

I said some spellcard names that I remembered to have problems with them at the moment when I posted that because I didn't know what "class" of bullets that patterns are called. "Circular criss-crossing bullets" sounds nice for me :P

As far as I know he plays on Normal, but the main idea of the spellcards he mentioned are pretty much the same between the difficulties

You didn't state any difficulty so I'm just going to assume Lunatic.

No no I am playing on Hard mode now :V

And thanks again for the training material and replays, now I can start my Summer vacation's criss-crossing bullets special training , if I have a specific problem I'll come back to search for more halp :)
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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #950 on: December 24, 2012, 12:13:24 AM »
TD Yuyuko's fourth card might also work to practice bullets coming from two diagonal directions, and it's in a game with spell practice.


Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #951 on: December 24, 2012, 12:22:38 AM »
Are there any tricks to make Youmu's first boss phase spell card a bit easier? It's too dense for me even on Normal.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #952 on: December 24, 2012, 08:07:20 AM »
Are there any tricks to make Youmu's first boss phase spell card a bit easier? It's too dense for me even on Normal.

That would be 200 Yojana in 1 Slash, yes? My personal solution to this is to find the least dense space, get into it, and wait for the time-slowing to appear. The important thing is to make sure not to tackle any bullets before the time-slow comes up, because it can mess up your movements because of the switch in bullet speed. At least, here's a replay.
(Strike-through indicates a clear)
Hard Clears: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC.
Lunatic Clears: Someday, perhaps.
Extra Clears: EoSD, PCB, PCB Phantasm, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC.


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #953 on: December 24, 2012, 11:20:44 AM »
Are there any tricks to make Youmu's first boss phase spell card a bit easier? It's too dense for me even on Normal.

The only tip that I know about this spellcard is to dodge the bullets unfocused while the slow motion effect is occurring, this can be hard at the start but after it'll help you. Generally I try to found a secure path between the bullets at the side where Youmu isn't there because the bullets look to be less dense there but I don't know if it is true or not :P

TD Yuyuko's fourth card might also work to practice bullets coming from two diagonal directions, and it's in a game with spell practice.

With this one I don't have problems anymore, just keep moving up and down :)
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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #954 on: December 24, 2012, 03:18:41 PM »
Daiyousei's 2nd last card in Phantasmagoria Trues, the one with the blue leaves with the massive hitboxes. Would have had a perfect boss minus that card.
Aiming to perfect every stage in Touhou. loljk don't care anymore You can find my perfects here or here.
Best perfects so far include UFO 6, MoF 4 and IN 6A.

formerly known as Seiga Kaku


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #955 on: December 24, 2012, 06:11:05 PM »
With this one I don't have problems anymore, just keep moving up and down :)
On Lunatic?


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #956 on: December 24, 2012, 09:52:28 PM »
On Lunatic?

Ah, I never tried to play TD on lunatic until today, after all I captured this spellcard in 10 tries, also I opened one Overdrive for the first time and captured it in 12 tries just going up and down :)
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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #957 on: December 25, 2012, 03:46:21 AM »
What's your opinion on the order of difficulty for the six routes of th128 on Lunatic?


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #958 on: December 25, 2012, 03:52:39 AM »
What's your opinion on the order of difficulty for the six routes of th128 on Lunatic?
B1>C1>A2/B2>A1>C2 with B1 being the hardest. Been a while since I played A2/B2 though, so I can't say which of the two is harder.
Aiming to perfect every stage in Touhou. loljk don't care anymore You can find my perfects here or here.
Best perfects so far include UFO 6, MoF 4 and IN 6A.

formerly known as Seiga Kaku


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Re: Spell Card Help Topic V: Cheeto Lasers Edition
« Reply #959 on: December 28, 2012, 12:12:48 AM »
I need help with Lunatic Cirno's opening shotgun. On Easy through Hard I can survive by doing this (forgive the lame Paint work!)


Being at those points when each shot goes off, then making a large jump back right after the final one. But on Lunatic, the shots are just too wide to escape them in time.