Author Topic: Satori Quest - Day in the Life  (Read 169103 times)


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2011, 04:38:30 PM »
>As you shake your head, you read the ideas in Marisa's head disappear into nothing. Looks like she's stumped.

>"I guess you're right, da-ze. S'pose you could get a better LOCK FOR THE DOOR!!" she pouts.

>"Oh... right... not gonn' be too hard, is it, da-ze? Don't wan'a do my back in, I've gotta go borrow some magic books from Patchy tomorrow an' I don't wanna barge through wit' a limp 'nd all. Sak'ya could have my guts for pads if I'm not strong enough. Also.. have you seen my mini-hakkero around here?" as Marisa speaks, you cringe at her inability to enunciate any word properly.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
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Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2011, 04:53:14 PM »
>"you realy need to learn to enunciate. id teach you but I dont want to spend the better part of the year trying."
>"we will look for it in the morning."
>"Now if you excuse me, Im going back to bed."
>Leave for bed.


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2011, 05:04:22 PM »
>"Everybody is enti'led to their own way o' speakin' and all, da-ze!!" she shouts, pouting.
>"Oh, fine... but if it's damaged I'm so-"
>You leave, ready to go back to bed. Marisa shouts after you to untie her, but she could be a liability so you leave her as she is.

>You wake up a few hours later to a nudge from a confused Koishi. "Satori... why is a magician tied up in the kitchen? Also... why are there spellcards all over the floor?" she asks innocently. You groan as you realise you didn't clean up, and you go into the place you were holding Marisa in, to see the chair overturned and her fast asleep.



  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
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Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2011, 05:13:54 PM »
>"Koishi, this why you shouldnt steal."

>"Im going to do put the spell cards away, you can do whatever want to wake her up."

>leave to go put the spellcards away.


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2011, 05:27:44 PM »
>"That means I'm tied to a chair in a kitchen and forced to sleep with my legs in the air?" You give a mental face-palm at her naivet?.
>Koishi nods at you, grinning insanely.
>As you leave to put the spellcards away, you arrange them into neat piles in the drawer. In the corner of your eye you see Koishi sat on Marisa's legs bent over the chair, poking her cheeks with childlike giggles. You smile faintly. Despite all that Koishi does, childish-prank-wise, you love her. Even when she's... straddling the legs of an unconscious thief and making said thief look rather stupid by tugging on her cheeks.

>Marisa wakes up, screaming as she sees Koishi's face almost an inch from her own.
   "IT'S THE DEMENTED LITTLE SISTER, AGAIN, DA-ZEE-mp!" Marisa's scream is cut off as a separate hand is placed over her mouth. You look up, it is none other than a very, VERY, pissed-off Orin.
   "Satori-sama... your... guest is very loud." she hisses, ready to force Marisa into her corpse cart and throw her into Hell's core personally. You can't blame her. That magician's shout is very screeching. Okuu pokes her head around the open door also, checking out the commotion.
   Everyone isn't entirely pleased with me, are they, da-ze? You blink as Marisa's thoughts echo in your mind. Huh. You finish tidying the spellcards away, before ripping the ties from around Marisa and letting her stand up.
   "You're going to sweep the outside and the inside of the palace. Non-stop. If you dare stop or try to fight anybody, I won't have a second thought about having you clean Okuu's control-arm thing. She's volatile with that thing, you'd become ash if you messed up." you tell her, before walking over to a chair and holding a small teacup in Marisa's face. "But first, make me some tea, please. I'm parched." Marisa grumbles, before going to brew the tea, and you watch Koishi go off to wander about, and Orin drags Okuu away from the house as they begin their daily jobs. You smile in peace, resting your head in one hand.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2011, 05:50:37 PM »
>we have anything planed for today?


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2011, 06:56:40 PM »
>You sigh as you remember that today is bath day for Orin. Orin, naturally, hates baths. Maybe Marisa could do it...?


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
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Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2011, 07:46:48 PM »
>Its probly for the best that we do it. orin is all ready pissed at Marisa. Besides Marsia probly doesnt understand the term gentle.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2011, 11:21:22 PM »
>Keep an eye on Marisa. If give her instructions if there is something she can not find.
>What tea do we usually drink anyways?
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2011, 12:47:54 PM »
>You nod knowingly to yourself. If there is only one person in Gensokyo that probably cannot even spell the word "gentle", let alone understand it, it's Marisa.
>You speak up to Marisa as she hands you the tea, asking her to give Orin a bath today.
"Can she be in her kitty-form thing when I do, da-ze?" she asks. You accept the request, and call Orin back to the house, and the kasha returns reluctantly. Knowing what today was, she walks into the wetroom, shrinking into a cat as she does so. Marisa follows, and you keep your eye on the crack of the door, in case Marisa tries anything.
>You take a long sip of tea, stopping mid-way through and staring at Marisa through the door. How did she know how to brew your favourite tea, and in such a perfect way, too?! Maybe Koishi affected her subconscious to know how to make it. You look into the now empty cup, sighing contentedly as you feel the hot and mildly sweet green tea reach your stomach. You sit back in the chair and wait for screams of pain and hatred of water to emit from the wetroom.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 06:47:34 PM by Orin Kaenbyou »


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2011, 06:49:01 PM »

>You shout into the bathroom to Marisa,
   "Oh be careful of the-" crash. "Never mind, looks like you found the hole in the floor."


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2011, 07:34:25 PM »
>..... why is there a hole in the floor again?


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #42 on: December 14, 2011, 08:44:47 PM »
>The hole from when Orin last had a bath. You pulled a rug over it.. but rugs aren't entirely sturdy. You smile as you hear Marisa scream. Either she's stuck in the hole in the floor, or Orin is and has just clawed Marisa's leg. Either way, it cannot be comfortable in there.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #43 on: December 14, 2011, 09:02:24 PM »
>Man, Orin realy hates baths.

>Just poke our head in, just to make sure Marisa isnt bleeding on our rug.


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2011, 05:45:46 PM »
>You sigh. As far as you know, cats hate baths.

>You poke your head around the door. Marisa isn't bleeding on your rug... she's busy with what looks to be the task of drowning Orin. You sigh. You see several splinters in Orin's (cat-form) fur. From what it looks like, she tried to escape and got caught in the hole. The scream was obviously Orin clawing Marisa when she pulled her out. You breathe harshly through your nose as you see Marisa abusing Orin in a way even Yuuka Kazami herself would find extreme.



  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2011, 06:06:56 PM »
>Enter the room and shut the door behind us.

>Go up to Marisa and give her a good thwack on the back of the head. Treatment like this is not gonna fly with us.

>"What part of 'gentle' did you not understand?"


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #46 on: December 15, 2011, 06:16:25 PM »
>You enter the room and close the door. Marisa, however, does not notice.

>You walk boldly, almost run, towards Marisa and give her a harsh slap on the back of the head. She is startled, and stares at you whilst rubbing her head. "The hell 's that for, da-ze?!" she whines.

>As you speak, she pulls an awkward smirk. "Yeah... that cat o' yours is all demented. Thought of puttin' her down, da-ze?" You nearly are tempted to give her a slap on the back of the head with a knife in your hand, but you do not do so.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2011, 06:49:34 PM »
>she is realy pushing her luck.

>Grab her by the front of her shirt and pull her in close. we need to make sure she gets the message.

>"Listen here, and listen well. For Im only going to say this once. You are treading on thin ice. You already broke into my home and attempeted to steal my things and insulted my pets, and now you are saying Orin is crazy and should be put down. You sling ONE morer insult or anything of the like, so help me I will make you wish for the grasp of death to close on you, and it will NEVER come. Do you understand?"

>If so then relese her. "Now I will finsh up here, You can go find my sister and bring her to me. I wish to give her something."
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 06:54:31 PM by master105 »


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #48 on: December 15, 2011, 07:22:58 PM »
>You hiss a little, something you picked up from Orin.

>You rest a hand on the neckline of her shirt, balling your hand into a fist and drawing her about an inch from you.

>Marisa nods. At least there is one thing she understands.

>You release her, and she gasps a little, before running off to look for Koishi. Tenderly, you finish giving Orin a bath, and she returns to her human form (fully dressed) and sighs. She has a few splinters of wood in her hair, and you pick them out quietly.
   "You aren't going to have me put down, are you, Satori-sama?" Orin quietly asks. You gasp and hug her. Of course you wouldn't. Orin smiles and quickly escapes before you plan to give her anything similar along the lines of a bath. You smile, walking into the kitchen where you see a pissed-off Marisa sat down with Koishi plaiting her hair.
   "More plaits look cute on your, Mari-chan!" Koishi sings. You sigh. "Did you want me for something, sis?" Koishi asks, fingers still gently plaiting Marisa's hair.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #49 on: December 15, 2011, 07:30:07 PM »
>"Its good to see you two getting along so well."

>"Now Koishi do you know why Marisa is here?"


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #50 on: December 16, 2011, 02:17:40 PM »
>Koishi smiles, "You've always said be nice to guests, sis~!" she says. You sigh again.

>"Nope. Did you invite her here?" Koishi innocently asks. You shake your head. If that had been the situation, you would have considered having a polite conversation with the thieving magician. Not the case.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #51 on: December 16, 2011, 02:58:36 PM »
>"Not quite. You see Marisa here did something bad, and now she has to help out around here to make up for it. However, Due a recent event" ,Glare at Marisa,  "I believe that she is not suited for the tasks I planed to give her. So I believe that you might be able to get a bit more use out of her than I would. She will do anything you ask of her, without complaint. If she doesn't you may discipline her as you see fit, with in reason. Think of it as you get your very own pet for the day.

>"Some ground rules though. Do not ask her to harm herself or others, unless it is a matter of self defence. Dot not ask her to do anything that will break any laws or rules. And most importantly, She needs to be in one piece at the end of the day, both physical and mentally. Understand?"


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2011, 08:15:01 PM »
>Koishi's face lights up. "M-my own pet?!" she looks down at Marisa with wide eyes, who has been unnerved by the glare you gave her (did you overdo the glare?), then back to you. "Even if it's for the day, this will be fun!!" Koishi hugs Marisa.

>Koishi nods as you lay down the rules. "What if there are two separate pieces and I stick them together?" she cheekily asks. Remembering something, she grabs Marisa and quickly drags her out of the door. As she leaves, she shouts to you. "Orin told me she had something for Marisa that she left with Okuu! I'll go have them give it to her!!" You facepalm as they both leave. You can only imagine what Orin has in mind, but you know it cannot be pretty. You decide to follow them, but when you exit you cannot see any sign of Koishi, Marisa, Okuu or Orin. You get confused.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2011, 08:30:36 PM »
>Oh boy... we had better find them before someone gets plastered over the walls.

>Where would Orin be at this time? How about Okuu?


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #54 on: December 16, 2011, 11:28:06 PM »
>You set off running to find them.

>Okuu and Orin are usually together, at the big sun at the centre of the Hell of Blazing Fires. Despite the rising heat, you decide to go there in a hurry. It's not long before you get there, and Koishi runs over to you in panic.
   "Sis! I can't find Mari-chan! Orin said she'd be right back, and took Mari with her, but I can't find them!! Help me out!!" You curse under your breath. Orin is pissed as it is, left alone with Marisa means a head is going to roll. Probably Marisa's. Koishi in tow, you run over to Okuu as you see her. Okuu seems just as confused.
   "Satori-sama! K-Koishi-sama? Have any of you seen Orin? I saw her walking off with a blonde magician, but I haven't seen the pair of them since!" You curse yet again. Mid-curse you hear a distorted scream before seeing a frazzled Marisa fly in between your little group, and Orin is hot on her heels.
   "Get back here, you bitch!!" Orin hisses. Marisa doesn't really care for orders, and swerves around fake obstacles to throw Orin off course. Orin is not one to quit. It's not long before you Orin catches Marisa, pins her to the floor and begins to claw at Marisa's arms protecting her head.


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #55 on: December 16, 2011, 11:43:43 PM »

>If she doesn't listen, then go up to her and thwack her on the back of the head.


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #56 on: December 17, 2011, 07:31:11 PM »
>Orin doesn't respond.

>You give her a firm hit - not too hard, you still want her to like you - on the back of the head. Startled, she looks up at you and flushes red, before edging away from Marisa. She isn't bleeding. Phew?


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #57 on: December 17, 2011, 07:39:00 PM »
>"Orin , why did you just attack Marisa?"
>though we porpably allready know why, just need to be sure.

>help Marisa up.....


Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #58 on: December 17, 2011, 08:00:11 PM »
>Orin pouts,
   "Not only did... Marisa... throw me through the hole in the floor back home, when we left she decided it would be funny to pull my ears, and both of my tails. At the same time! I may be a patient kasha, but there's only so much I can take!!" Orin is close to tears by this point, ready to slash Marisa's throat as soon as she looks at her again.

>Marisa is already up, edging closer to pull Orin's tail again. You raise a finger, clicking your tongue in an I-can-see-what-you're-about-to-do manner. Orin storms off. Okuu follows her, and Marisa rubs the back of her head with an awkward giggle.
   "Everythin' that cat 'as said is true, y'know, bu' I is innocent over here, da-ze. She was all goin' insane on me so I fel' obliga'ed to defend me'self." Her words are like fingernails down a blackboard. She needs... to learn... how... to speak!!


  • Don't worry, Crest Worms... I will (ahn~♥) protect you...
  • I can prove your not here.
Re: Satori Quest - Day in the Life
« Reply #59 on: December 17, 2011, 08:26:29 PM »
> "You really need speak properly."

>"And if it was self defence then why were you about to provoke Orin again?"
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 08:37:38 PM by master105 »