Author Topic: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread  (Read 19744 times)


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Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« on: July 31, 2011, 10:29:10 PM »
Some time ago, I mentioned we ought to have a thread where we can just throw down game ideas. You know, useful for discussing game design and such. So here it is.
You can introduce a game you're starting on, or maybe simply planning out in your head - Get support and other ideas without having to start a thread with an embarrassing lack of screenshots and visible progress.

Well, that being said... It is a "dump" thread. What I mean is, we all have plenty of game ideas that we worked on but hit a wall, or only planned out and lacked the resources or talent to create. This thread might also serve as a place to post those broken dreams. It may even be a place to fix them and get you back to working on it!

But for as much as I can in words, I'd like to really discourage one-sentence posts. This board is meant for actual game development and such, so let's try to write about our games with good detail.

If the mods say this lacks enough real game development to belong in RaNGE, it's fine to move it.

Well, uh, here's something on my part. I started making a multiplayer battle game where minor and young youkai like Cirno, Wriggle, Medicine, or Tokiko battle. It's a top-down battlefield where players run around and blast danmaku or use specials. One special feature is an item that grants a player a temporary, nigh-broken Ex-Mode.

However, I ran into a problem - The controls.
The easiest control scheme is WASD, and aim with the mouse. Click and right-click are for normal shots. Keys nearby WASD are for specials, bombs, etc. Takes a bit of getting used to, but it can be worked with. The big problem is that, well, you only get one mouse. How can I go 2-player?

How might I change the controls so that two players could share a keyboard? I've tried using keys to rotate a character's aim, but it's incredibly uncomfortable. Maybe something like Asteroids controls? I don't know, it looks a little inefficient for a battle.
Or should I just force the game to be dependent on online players? I'll take any ideas.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 11:33:38 PM by KrackoClock »


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 10:53:35 PM »
idea 1: a top-down, stage-based, grid puzzle game starring yukari that requires the use of various aspects of yukari's boundary abilities for you to traverse the puzzle and get to the finish gap

idea 2: touhou kirby


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 11:03:03 PM »
TOUHOU KIRBY is an amazing idea.
Abilities would seem awfully powerful though.
And would it still have danmaku in it?

And could you specify more about how Idea 1 might work, or give an example? It sounds interesting but very vague at the same time.


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2011, 11:28:12 PM »
overpowered abilities would be offset by blistering difficulty, naturally
danmaku yes

Plot: Yukari is hibernating and is really, really bored of her dreams. So, she navigates through her dream world, creating puzzles for her to appease her own boredom.

Point: Use ridiculous amounts of gaphax and thinking skills to solve puzzles. Travel through her dream world and reach the end of her dream.

Chapters are sorted by color (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple)
Stages are just numbered. 70 in all?

Each stage has a defined width, length, and a height. It's set up like a 3D grid. Tile-based.

-You can push balls.
-You cannot go up or down heights. You can climb up ramps and stairs. You can stop on stairs, but cannot stop on ramps (you slide down).
-Balls can go down ramps, but not down stairs, and not up ramps.

Floor gap:
-Can be made in front of you if there is only floor.
-Can only have two at a time. If two are on the stage, you can select one and it will be replaced.
-Jumping in will carry you to the other gap, plus one square in the direction you were moving.
-Can push balls inside, but you can't go in the same direction as the ball went.

Wall gap:
-Can be shot in a straight line.
-Can attach to a block or a wall.
-Can only have two at a time. If two are on the stage, you can select one and it will be replaced.
-Going in will carry you to the square just outside the other gap.
-Can push balls through.

Boundary Skills:
-Are defined by stage.
-You can use any in the list, but each takes energy to use.
-Once you run out of energy, you cannot use skills.
-You can find food to replace energy.

-UPDOWN: flip screen
-SITFLOAT: no gravity
-LIGHTDARKNESS: stuff involving lights
-STRAIGHTCURVE: block<->ball
-WETDRY: fill/empty water (to your level)
-MOTIONSILENCE: move certain automatons
[/size]I think I wrote that up a year ago or so. Obviously unfinished.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 12:54:32 AM »
This isn't something I've remotely planned to pursue because I'm simply not that skilled or determined to work on it but...

I'm sure some people are familiar with the "Tales of ..." Series.  For those who don't it's essentially an rpg but with real-time battles.  Players are put into a small area they are able to freely move around in, with the ability to use normal or "arte" (special) attacks, especially into combos, etc.

Considering the number of rpg's that tend to come out of Touhou fandom (or any fandom for  that matter), and the nature of the games, I figured that this style of game would be quite befitting of a Touhou genre.

For example, some of the literary devices used are already somewhat in place, for example:
Tales of                                             Touhou
normal attacks                                             non-spells
artes                                                               spell-cards
burst/mystic artes(ToV mostly)                 last spells
skills                                                                abilities? (honestly, not sure on their formal name, but an example is IN Marisa's auto-collection line, or Yukari's
                                                                                                 reaction time)

Certainly, implementing say, Reimu's ability to fly, or Patchouli's magic, would be interesting.

Anyway, just a thought I've been having.


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2011, 01:38:59 AM »
Touhou Streets of Rage.

Imagine Mokou walking down SA Stage 3 smacking the shit out of oni to the tune of Go Straight.

Much easier to program than a fighting game and the sprites don't need to be as high quality (I think Axel is 80 pixels tall?), though it would still be a lot of work to draw all the enemies. D:

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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2011, 02:26:12 AM »
I just had the craziest idea for a Mario-Kart style racer, with full 3d freedom. (So, accel/brake, plus pitch and yaw control... maybe some limited roll for banking or such?) Still in the brainstorm stage, but I just had to share the image of Marisa using Blazing Star to tear through the hallways in the SDM course.

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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2011, 03:52:22 AM »
Touhou setting + EarthBound x Persona x SMT Nocturne battle engine + Persona Enemies + Pokemon Style of Capture + Atlus Difficulty + Touhou spells system.

It has an engine.
Debating with self whether or not to work on it.

Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2011, 08:00:29 AM »
Touhou Soccer got me thinking about other sports Touhou could be worked into.
Baseball seemed like the choice that would work the best.  Imagine pitcher versus batter spell card duels.  A large playing field which allows for spectacular aerial catches.  Most characters could be put into pre-set teams and playing positions, or you could draft your own team to your liking.

Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2011, 08:09:41 AM »
Okay. Here is a little idea that I had while ago...

Lets make a PoFV clone (Phantasmagoria of Forgotten Flowerland)...
The game has both Windows and PC-98 era characters.

What makes this game a bit different, is the "battle"-system and different game modes:

In PoFF your bullets will come out in your opponents screen. Also you got two different types of bomb:
Pressing 'Z' will launch bomb in your screen cleaning it out of fairies+bullets.
Pressing 'C' will launch spellcard attack in your opponents screen.

Shooting fairies or spirits(?) doesn't spawn bullets to opponents screen...


Along normal story- and versusmode, PoFF will have survival, chase and co-op...
Story and versusmode are similar to PoFV so I don't think they  need explanation.

You can not shoot at all... You just have to survive for given amount
of time from rather strong waves of enemies.

You have to exterminate certain amount of fairies... What makes
this rather unique, you can move from screen to screen. In fact some of the waves
are spawned only to one screen.

Let your friend to aid you to finish the story. Unlike the normal story mode, where
the opponent is shown as a player 2 - In co-op, the opponent is shown like a
normal boss.  Opponents bullets will move from screen to screen.

In chase-mode bullets will stay in one screen.


I even have story ready for this, and I will post it as soon as I locate it from the
 depths of my harddrives.
Blog updated: 14.11.2011

Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2011, 11:23:42 AM »
New idea:
A game starring Satsuki Rin...

The game takes place between the events of Mystic Square and EoSD...
Graphicwise the game will be similar to PC-98 (simple without no fancy
transparency tricks) and the game mechanics are kept as simple as
possible (only things that appeared before EoSD, of course some improvements,
like visible hitbox, are allowed).

Basic idea would be this:
Some incident happen (not yet sure what - something that works as a prelude
to EoSD), but because Reimu and Marisa are still at Makai - Satsuki Rin decides to take action.

Like in Lotus Land Story, shot selection will alter the levels a bit (well, actually
in LLS it was about player selection). This doesn't mean the last boss would be different,
only the route to the boss.

After the game, Satsuki decides to retire as youkai extermination isn't as fun as Reimu
and Marisa claim it to be...

In EXTRA you will face either Marisa or Reimu (depending your shottype), who have
just returned from bullying Shinki.

Satsuki has only two different shot types  according to her attacks: Flower and Wind sign...
Flower type would be fast, non-piercing bullets, where as wind type would be
homing bullets.

Satsuki is rather fast and has medium sized hitbox.

Of course this could be rather risky idea as Satsuki is the girl that never was
so fandom might not like the way she will be potrayed...

I will give this more though and see what I can come up with.

EDIT: I will start working on it... If I don't get this done, I post all the files so anyone willing
can continue where I left.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 08:39:34 AM by Tsalop »
Blog updated: 14.11.2011


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2011, 11:58:50 AM »
A danmaku game where you can create your own player using a bunch of different weapons that you can place on your player (simply put, you're in full control of whatever your shots are, the direction of your shots, etc)

My "Intertwining Mechanical Intervention" game that I stopped working on long ago to be more specific :V
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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2011, 01:47:27 PM »
A danmaku game where you can create your own player using a bunch of different weapons that you can place on your player (simply put, you're in full control of whatever your shots are, the direction of your shots, etc)

My "Intertwining Mechanical Intervention" game that I stopped working on long ago to be more specific :V
Yeah I wanted to do something like that (after playing Radius III)
[21:16] <redacted> dgbarca makes great work
[21:16] <redacted> i hope he'll make a full game once

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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2011, 04:11:04 AM »
Pokemon Snap the Bullet


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2011, 06:16:22 AM »
Pokemon Snap the Bullet
So... StB with Pokemon? Or a first-person StB?
Either way, sounds interesting.

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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2011, 09:17:00 PM »
So... StB with Pokemon? Or a first-person StB?

Developing one right now

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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2011, 11:18:33 PM »
Touhou setting + EarthBound x Persona x SMT Nocturne battle engine + Persona Enemies + Pokemon Style of Capture + Atlus Difficulty + Touhou spells system.

It has an engine.
Debating with self whether or not to work on it.

So I'm toying around with this.
The game is now Metroidvania Gensokyobound Personamon
I find that it can be summed up in a few deft sentences:
 "Imagine controlling Reimu or Marisa or Souji or Minato or Ness or Lucas in an exploration platformer which will in encounters with enemies turn into a turn-based RPG with Mother-style HP odometers and Persona-like spells, while capturing figures from mythos and even denizens of Gensokyo with Pok? Balls to add to your party- which will be composed of one of the protagonists and three Personamon- and battle everything."

If the protagonist dies, it's game over.
If a teammate dies, then they're on reserve until they get better and you'll have to summon someone else.

The only problem now is- what's the story.


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2011, 03:58:48 PM »
As a fan of Yugioh, the idea of a card battling game with Touhou characters + spells naturally comes to my mind. Probably going to be my first project in the coming months.


  • I don't mean to be greedy...
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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2011, 04:45:57 PM »
As a fan of Yugioh, the idea of a card battling game with Touhou characters + spells naturally comes to my mind. Probably going to be my first project in the coming months.
I've spent so much time trying to develop the rules for a Touhou card game, but it's tough, just because you have to choose what things you're going to implement. Inevitably, you have to take out a feature that seems really cool. I've revised my rules a lot.

Have you decided on how your card game works?


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2011, 05:51:11 PM »
I've spent so much time trying to develop the rules for a Touhou card game, but it's tough, just because you have to choose what things you're going to implement. Inevitably, you have to take out a feature that seems really cool. I've revised my rules a lot.

Have you decided on how your card game works?

I haven't given it much thought yet. But from an idealistic point of view, here are some of the things i will try to accomplish in my game (pretty much the "guideline"):

1. A competitive environment supported by lots of decision making by the player

2. Allow as much room as possible for deck customization, while maintaining the balance of the game (this will be extremely difficult to deal with)

3. Built in AI (lots of coding...) and able to play on LAN

4. Deck themes: this is the bread and butter that make up a great card battling game. For example, a deck themed around Alice would involve a lot of summoning; A Sakuya deck would prevent the opponent from getting a turn;

5. A story mode that gradually unlock new cards

Am i being to ambitious? Probably. I mean, a project like this is going to take years to finish, and it's not easy. Instead of rushing to get a start, i want to focus more on refining my coding skills first, and in the mean time hopefully i'll run into some people with similar interest who i can work with.

Also, im interested at the rules that you came up with, if you don't mind sharing o_o


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2011, 08:16:30 PM »
Though coding will be hard, I think it'll be bearable. The good thing is that most of the game is just based on card values.

Over time, I'd developed two different games.
Their objective is similar. Both players represent an Incident, and you want the opponent's Incident value to hit 0. You draw characters who fight each other. Defeating a character makes the opponent's Incident value go down by said character's Influence value.

The complicated version :
There are two types of fights - Nonspells and spells. Nonspells only require a character to attack. Spells require a spell card, whose attributes (like demon, spirit, etc) must be fulfilled by the player's party.
Values necessary for battle include HIT (hitrate), EVA (evasion rate), and POW, which determines how much LIFE is lost if the attack succeeds. The character isn't defeated and the Incident value doesn't go down until LIFE hits 0.
These values can also change depending on what row the character is in. The front row is "focused," and the back is "unfocused." (Think about how the row might affect values for Meiling or Patchouli)
Other things include battlefields, which determine how many character slots are in your rows, and how much SP (spirit) you regenerate after a turn. Spirit is used to do things from playing characters and spell cards to using a character's special ability.
Many characters, while in play, affect stats all over the playing field. While in play, Reimu might lower the EVA of all opposing demon-type characters, while Youmu might increase the EVA of all her allies. Along with battlefields and items, much of the game revolves around building up stats before finally attacking.

The simple version :
Characters have POW and EVA. Battle is very much like a tug-of-war. Players take turn boosting their character's POW with spell cards. At the end of the battle, whoever has the highest POW wins. EVA values prevent the opponent from boosting their character with low HIT-value spell cards, limiting their options. Spell cards must also match the character's attributes.
Many characters still provide stat changes to others while in play. SP still exists, but is much more forgiving.

Actually, the game can be further simplified, but that probably won't make it more than a minigame.
Which, actually, since I have such little programming knowledge, might not be a bad idea.


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2011, 08:23:04 PM »
Touhou 2D fighter with GG/BB mechanics plus SNK Boss Syndrome final boss. You know you want to Destroy / Astral Heat Touhous whilst in a Roman Cancel / Rapid combo. :3
Graphically speaking it should at least match GGX. BB-size sprites are admittedly a bit too hard to do.
Plus the music has to be in DaiZUNke Senouwatari style. (Come to think of it my style is pretty much that now)

If I was to take this on...admittedly the programming will be very difficult and graphics will take a very long time. But the music is pretty easy to do!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 08:28:58 PM by YAMA Judgemental Enterprises »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2011, 01:50:06 AM »
With all this talk of Card games (which I myself had an idea for), why not make the cards as trading cards and program it as a Lackey CCG? The source code hasn't been released, but I'll see if I can't look at a plugin and try to reverse engineer it.


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2011, 01:59:04 AM »
With all this talk of Card games (which I myself had an idea for), why not make the cards as trading cards and program it as a Lackey CCG? The source code hasn't been released, but I'll see if I can't look at a plugin and try to reverse engineer it.
This does indeed look like a good place for a start, will look into it.


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2011, 02:01:43 AM »
This does indeed look like a good place for a start, will look into it.

Glad I could help-if you need anything, I'll be happy to help.

Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2011, 09:14:04 PM »
We all know Touhoumon. So... know......  :derp: Touhoumon Ranger: Magic Signs   :derp: :derp: :derp: :derp: :derp: :V :V :V :V
Yeah so i plyed touhoumon and liked it. I got to thinking and this hit me. For those of you who have ds/dsi or whatever you could use one of those flashcard things to put the game on ds. Who thinks this is agood idea.


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2011, 09:35:35 PM »
We all know Touhoumon. So... know......  :derp: Touhoumon Ranger: Magic Signs   :derp: :derp: :derp: :derp: :derp: :V :V :V :V
Yeah so i plyed touhoumon and liked it. I got to thinking and this hit me. For those of you who have ds/dsi or whatever you could use one of those flashcard things to put the game on ds. Who thinks this is agood idea.

So you play as some human, and Yukari gives you some border power to capture Touhoumons?
Nice idea, except it probably won't work unless you hack the game itself and play it on the ds.
I've played that game once with a mouse and I couldn't even get past the first stage.
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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2011, 10:07:39 PM »
I always thought that there should be a Touhou plot where all the non-popular characters (including PC-98) riot against the other characters.. And you can choose one of them and fight the top 7 Touhou characters.. Ex stage being the top. (Which is usually Reimu according to the rankings)  :3 Or make a game with Rin Satsuki, gawrsh.

That, or remakes of the PC-98 games like everyone wants. </unoriginal>


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Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2011, 11:36:34 PM »
Touhou meets open-world game. Result - Touhou GTA a comprehensive danmaku 3D game where all of Gensokyo is accessible. (Wait, wasn't Spaztique making this?) It can be controlled in first or third person...Reimu is primary player, and as for plot I don't know. Either way, spellcards can be obtained/bought and are treated similar to magic spells in western RPGs, and ~ *snip!*

That, or remakes of the PC-98 games like everyone wants. </unoriginal>
That'd be nice too. But again, unoriginal and it'll probably be leagues easier (controls) yet harder (danmaku) to accommodate the Windows fans.

(OT) Your name makes me want a beer plus a return home.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 11:50:55 PM by YAMA Judgemental Enterprises »
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Bad command or file name


Re: Fangame Ideas and Concepts Dump Thread
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2011, 02:55:43 AM »
Hm~ I sorta wanna give it a shot, but my wall i slammed into was Character titles, since i wanted to either use their best title (Alice) or make a new one (Reimu) also have characters that were never given a title (Daiyousei) so wall is pretty hard.

On the other hand, making up danmaku for it i find is quite easy, atleast the brainstorming part.

Also due to my lack of current Danmakufu knowledge and me being stuck with titles, I haven't really gotten any progress x:

If people would like to help me brainstorm some names I'd very much appreciate it. Though I'm not quite sure if that sort of discussion is allowed in this topic x: