Author Topic: [art] Kozau's den of art  (Read 2696 times)


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[art] Kozau's den of art
« on: April 15, 2011, 01:29:16 AM »
Lol I guesssss this is where I will post art or something. Because imageshack was being a dick when I was trying to upload the pictures, here they are NOT in their thumbnailed form (as planned) but rather as pictures JUST within the limit provided on this board :V (not as planned).

(Though I recently see in other peoples threads that people say not to use imageshack. Well then, everything has goneasplanned.jpeg.)

<Naut> Please thumbnail excessively large images, >150kb or >640x480.

Have an Okuu, a Ran, a Remilia and a Yukari. I draw in a lot of different styles  I guess... I can never stick to one. :C But I have a lot of Touhou graffiti / street style / urban stuff that I haven't uploaded yet (lol, gangster Remilia). I'll upload them one day when I am not lazy.

I update a lot on my DA, which is here; I'd love to chat to anyone on there, I am on
there frequently and that is where I post art.

I am a total newbie on this board so please be gentle, but comments are welcome! ~ I'm pretty new to drawing people (as you can probably tell) and have only been drawing them for a few weeks now, but I am slowly getting there (I am an animal artist... hence me being a 'cat' on my DA.)

Well... I hope you enjoy my lame-o pictures regardless!  :V <3
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 07:16:25 AM by Naut »
[ -------Shaplz. ----- ]
('Lets just keep on dreaming... its all we have left now.')


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Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 03:12:09 AM »
First and foremost, welcome aboard! Good to see another artist in here.

I see you already have your distinct style and certainly will help you a lot in times of self-doubt and lack of confidence. Really, that heavily animated style looks bloody awesome.

Now, onto some comments.

You already have strong basic in shading and texturing, which means you do have some history of painting under your belt. Your experience oozes out, brother. Good job. However, I am seeing

faulty jaw line in Remi and Ran piece. Shift down the apex of the curve little, for it looks like some magical razor cut off good chunk of their jaws. Okuu's chest looks quite manly. Shift the back

contour line towards to right and that will fix it up. Also, I can see you were trying to pull off foreshortening and yes, that is a (bleep)ing hard. From the painting, your focus was on the control rod

of Okuu and that means her elbow should be more pointed. This gives an impression of that she is missing elbow joints. Fix that up and it will look better.

Again, glad to see you here and keep those hands busy.

ps. That Yukari piece just made me go 'OMFG, can I please have that?!' mode. Can I put it into the reference folder of mine?


  • What is this I don't even--
  • So wrong, but it feels so good.
Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 03:32:28 AM »
Thank you for the crit! <3 Hopefully I can fix it for my next pieces; I'm a graffiti artist so I am used to drawing odd... abstract body shapes; when it comes to drawing anything even remotely normal / in perspective it takes me a while to get anything even remotely human looking. xD (Now that you mention it... FFUU OKUUS ELBOW WHAT WAS  I EVEN THINKING.)

The 'heavily animated' style (like the Yukari picture) is my normal style. You may steal her x3 I actually have sketches in that kind of style that are much better than that picture; that one didn't take me very long at all...I have a picture of Youmu with her swords with heavy cherry blossom graffiti in the background, and Yuugi at the gates of hell drunk off her ass (as usual). I should ink and upload them sometime! xD

[/Salutes!] Yet again, thank you for the comment! :)
[ -------Shaplz. ----- ]
('Lets just keep on dreaming... its all we have left now.')


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Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2011, 04:55:30 AM »
Yo, pleasure to meet ya amigo  :D These are awesome man, that Okuu in particular is insane. Don't have any real advice though xD welcome to the forums anyway brah.


  • What is this I don't even--
  • So wrong, but it feels so good.
Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2011, 02:28:41 AM »
^Nice to meet you too, man! I hope you like my art.

Here, have ANOTHER Remilia (I adore her, clearly);

Look how clashy her clothes are. She has no modern fashion sense. >: Y I love drawing art like this though, I may make a Sakuya one somewhat like this soon too. I think somehow she will look slightly more classy.

Hopefully this is within size limit this time...I totally failed with my first post, argghh. Must... learn... thumbnails...

(See the full sized version at my DA:
[ -------Shaplz. ----- ]
('Lets just keep on dreaming... its all we have left now.')

Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2011, 02:32:23 AM »
I love how stylized it looks :3


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Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2011, 04:05:10 AM »
Too high dosage of colors! Must unsee...

Just kidding, my friend, that is quite great.

The coloring selection is great, kinda gives off that 70's vibe for all its glory in using 'warm' colors like orange/yellow and strong composition of background is also a plus. However, along with the posture of the figure, the piece gives some sense of confinement and unbalanced (little too heavy towards to the right). That would be the obvious reason why you used orange more heavily towards to the left.However, I still would assume you cropped some part of background or diverted from the original plan. If not, add more orange chunks of pixels to the left, it would
look more 'stable'.

I think your strength lies in using sharp angled straight lines, and that gives some character to your works. Now, I am seeing your attempt in blending more 'general, vanilla-flavored' style to your own. It certainly exudes different vibe than your previous works and that is my sole evidence of taking this pot-shot.Anyhow, it could be frustrating, but once you get it sorted out, it will blow some peoIple's mind off. I will certainly look forward to that.

Thank you for another addition to the thread, and keep those hands busy.

ps. Search 'ideolo' in Danbooru, I think the artist has similar strengths to that of yours.

ps2. I am a f-cking Neanderthal lost in the sea of modern technology, however, Photobucket gives me the code for links with thumbnail. Give some consideration about that.   


  • What is this I don't even--
  • So wrong, but it feels so good.
Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2011, 04:32:42 AM »
Thankies for the comments, bros! <3

@Red: I don't really think that much when drawing, I just like randomness and always have. xD Pictures differ depending on what I am listening to (admittedly at the time I was listening to this.... aha I love this song)  and I am pretty much always plugged into my music. And when I mean 'always', I mean literally, I barely ever have my huge DJ headphones off this skull o' mine. If I am listening to soft music or pretty music, then pictures come out more generic and un-stylized; if I am listening to hard core hip-hop or rap, then it comes out like the above picture. I've always been a fan of disorganization. ~

Safe to say, I have TONS of pictures like the above one, though I just never ink or colour them because I am lazy. xD Hopefully I can get some up soon!

Ideolo is amazing; but I aim to be more like the manga creator that drew Soul eater. ;) More squares and sharp lines and 'urban-ness' and less curves. As you said. ;)

And sadly, photobucket doesn't work on my netbook. Hence the reason I use tiny pic. :3 Nothing will upload to it and I am unsure why. [/Is not good with computers, evidently.]

Yet again, thanks for looking guys!
[ -------Shaplz. ----- ]
('Lets just keep on dreaming... its all we have left now.')


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Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2011, 05:51:42 AM »
After looking at some of your art, I can say it's very unique and very well done. I like your art a lot~


  • What is this I don't even--
  • So wrong, but it feels so good.
Re: [art] Kozau's den of art
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2011, 05:50:48 PM »
Thank you very much and thank you for looking! I aim to be different. ^^ I should be uploading another piece tonight... I have drawn probably the most ghetto Sakuya picture ever. Oh god, gangster Sakuya is gangster.

Gangster Sakuya = The total opposite of normal Sakuya.
[ -------Shaplz. ----- ]
('Lets just keep on dreaming... its all we have left now.')