Author Topic: My First Touhou Fanfict! "Negative Explosion" (Sorry Postponed)  (Read 3932 times)

My First Touhou Fanfict! "Negative Explosion" (Sorry Postponed)
« on: October 21, 2010, 05:32:04 PM »
This is my first Touhou fanfict. My english is bad so I hope you can tell me if I make some mistake. Enjoy! ^^

Chapter 1?Sudden Incident?

Today the weather in the shrine is really good. The bird chirping can be heard and many fairies are flying all around. This shrine, Hakurei Shrine is where I?m living in this world between dream and reality called Gensokyo. Oh, I forget to introduce myself. My name is Reimu Hakurei, a shrine maiden plus a Youkai exterminator. Youkai is a non human, most of them eat human. I?m like a guardian that guard humans from the Youkai. As for my appearance, I?m just around 150 cm tall and wearing an unusual red and white shrine maiden uniform. It?s unusual because it has detached sleeves, it makes me feel comfy but people always bother about it. My hair is black and long to my waist; usually I tie it with a big red ribbon.

Dressing as usual, I then go cook and eat my breakfast and then walk to the front entrance of my shrine. As I predict, the front shrine is full of dry leaves. I sighed and then pick a broom, starting to sweep it. If I don?t sweep them, people won?t come to my shrine and donate some money. Well, the donation box is always empty most of the time. I don?t know why it always empty though. Thanks to that, everyday I?m eating rice and some food that I found from the mountain that most of them are vegetable, fruit and some stuff that I can eat. Sometime I think that I? m starting to looks like a cow, I rarely eat some meat you know?

While I?m lost in my thought, I heard someone calling my name.

? Hey Reimu! Morning~?

I know that voice already, it?s Mima. She?s an evil spirit who lives with me. Even if she is an evil spirit, she forgets her evil intention. Long time ago, she ever tried to kill me. She says that the one who killed her is my ancestor. Hakurei Family is a human family that blessed with high magical power and passes it from generation to generation. I?m the last bloodline of that family, so it?s my job to exterminate the Youkai and much other stuff that my ancestors always do. Well, thanks to my natural born talent, I?m already strong even if I?m not doing any training. Mima freeloading in my shrine after I beat her in Danmaku fight.

Danmaku is based on the Spell Card Rule that I made. Someone attack their enemy with a Spell Card that when you use them then it will shape into magical bullet pattern that you made. It will wear off in some time. In the other hand, the enemy that you attack will dodge your spell. Run out Spell Card means you lost, the same goes if you unable to continue the fight. Watching Danmaku fight is really exciting. The magic bullet pattern looks so beautiful for me.

Mima appeared from the side of the shrine, she?s floating (well she?s a ghost you know) approach me. Her long green hair is in mess and her blue dress is tangled. She yawns and then wears her blue triangle hat that she?s holding while floating.

?Morning Mima~ What?s the matter? It?s not like you to get up so early in the morning?

Mima grin and float closer to me.

?Well? Reimu~?

She rubs my head with her hand while still grinning.

?I?m worried about my student you know~ I want to look how much she grows~?

The student that she means is Marisa Kirisame, my best friend. Marisa ever learns magic from Mima. She?s a human but she wants to become a witch. She thinks of me as her biggest rival. I?m impressed with her power, so sometime I think her as my rival too. Mima hide herself from Marisa. She says that she wants Marisa to create her own way to become witch.

?Okay, okay. Stop rubbing my head. For now just hide okay? My intuition* tell me that Marisa will coming soon?

?My my, don?t be so cold Reimu, but if your intuition tells you like that then it must be true. Please watch over my student okay? And make sure she?s do-?

?Yes yes. You don?t have to tell me that. Just hide now or she will find you?

The evil spirit smile and quickly float to the side of the shrine again. That?s when I heard another familiar voice. My intuition is true, it?s Marisa Kirisame, and she?s flying in her magic broom and landing in front of me. She?s wearing her black and white gown and black pointed hat in her head. Her blonde hair is swayed by the wind.

?Heya Reimu~ I?m here to have some of yer snack ze~?

(Sigh) ?Cut it out will you? Help me sweep first then I will give you snack?

?Awww?. Okayss?.?

Marisa then uses her magic broom to sweep. She sweep rather quickly but she?s skipping a few dry leaves. I don?t really mind about that, as long as she does not ruin the dry leaves that I already swept.

Both of us sit at the shrine terrace sipping a glass of warm tea. Marisa takes one of my rice crackers and eats it happily. I ignore her and quietly sipping my tea. After some time, Marisa starts a chat.

?Reimu?. do you ever hope for an incident to occur again?  You know, it?s bring to doing something like this everyday ze~?

?You?re starting to sound like those elder Youkai. It?s true that sometimes it feels so boring. But I can?t make an incident like I want right??

(Grin) ?Then how ?bout I make an incident by myself? It will be fun ze~?

?If you do that, I will exterminate you right here and right now even if you?re not Youkai?



Marisa and I are surprised by that loud sound. We sprint into the front shrine quickly. There, we see smoke from Forest of Magic, Human Village, Scarlet Devil Mansion, Myouren Temple, and Moriya Shrine.

?Wha?wha...what in the Gensokyo is happening ze~??

?Marisa let?s split up. Go to Forest of Magic and I will go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. We?ll meet up at Human Village Ok??

?Roger that Reimu ze~ Looks like my wish is come true ze~ (grin)?

I throw one of my Ofuda to her and she dodge it. She giggled and fleeing with her magic broom to the Forest of Magic. No time to waste, I?m flying as fast as I can to a white castle in the middle of a big misty lake. It?s the Scarlet Devil Mansion; the misty lake around it is full of fairy. I can see Cirno and Daiyousei are playing at the lakeside, buy I just ignored them and continue my trip to the mansion gate.

There, I found the gate guard, Hong Meiling, sleeping like a rock while sitting in a small wooden chair. Lucky for me not to deal with that stupid gate guard, so I tiptoed pass her and grab the gate door?s handle. That was when someone is grabbing my hand.


Please comment it so I can decide whether I will continue or not. Thx
« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 05:57:35 PM by BlackAlice »
Alice Margatroid

Now writing:
Negative Explosion Chapter 3

Re: My First Touhou Fanfict! "Negative Explosion" Chapter 2 is out!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 04:58:57 PM »
After getting probated for a while, I released the chapter two. Sorry for the admin for giving some trouble =_= Enjoy thhe story...

Chapter 2 ?A Loyal Maid and an Assistant?

My heart feels like stopping for a few second, chills running down on my back. I slowly turn to the one who?s grabbing my hand. A girl with short silver hair and maid uniform is glaring sharply at me.

?Say your business here! Or I?ll STAB you death?

The maid let loose her grabbing, but she then draw a short knife and point it at me. Oh crap, I?ve been found by some troublesome person...
I quickly lunged and make some gap between us.

?Please put your knife down Sakuya. I don?t want to fight or steal anything here, just want to do some little investigation here.  There is an explosion here right??

Luckily, Sakuya put her knife down. She?s always cold and strict to every people. Well, I don?t really mind about her attitude. Being a head maid in vampire mansion while she herself is a human is really frightening. Her full name is Sakuya Izayoi, she ever says that she doesn?t know her real name and she got that name from her mistress. She?s skilled with knife throwing and power to manipulate time and space. I ever fight her one on one. Her power to manipulate time and space is very dangerous, making wrong step means you?re dead stabbed by many knives.

??I see?then, please follow me. I will escort you to my mistress. But first?.?

Suddenly, Sakuya draw a knife and throw it at Meiling?s head. The knife stab her Green Beret hat and making a small hole at it. Meiling waking up in instant and she is falling from her wooden chair.

?Ouch! Who dares to wake me up while I?m taking a na- Uh?oh??

?Hmmm? You have something to say right? Go on and say it, after that I?ll STAB YOU TO DEATH!!!?

?Eeekk?.!! Forgive me Miss Sakuya. I..I just rest for a while. Please believe me! It?s true!?

?Do you think I will take on your silly excuse? Like hell I will! Now, prepare yourself!?


About ten or more knives are appear out of nowhere and stab Meiling until she collapsed into the ground making a huge thud sound.

?Sorry to make you wait, now let?s go shall we??

?Well?Yeah, I guess??

Poor Meiling, luckily she?s a Youkai so she can regenerate for a while*.

The hallway of the mansion is very huge. There are a few candles that light our way and we walk along the hallway?s red carpet. Weird, there aren?t any maid fairies who always keep this mansion clean. I guess the explosion make them quiet busy.

After walking around five minutes, we are arriving in front of a big door that carved by some rose shape. I can feel demonic aura just by standing in front of it. Sakuya knock the door lightly.

?Mistress, the Hakurei miko wants to meet you?

?Make her come in??  A young girl voice coming from inside.

Sakuya slowly open the door and go inside. I tag her along and go inside. Inside the room, Sakuya bow deeply at a young girl wearing a pink gown and a pink poofy hat. She has a short blue hair and a pair of black bat wing at her back. The bat girl is sipping a cup of red tea and then turned to our direction. I can see her scarlet color eyes and her sharp teeth which she always uses to suck human blood. This girl name is Remilia Scarlet a vampire and the mistress of Sakuya plus the owner of Scarlet Devil Mansion. Even if she looks like a 10 years old girl, but in the fact she?s around 500 years old. She has a little sister name?s Flandre Scarlet.

?Good to see you today, Reimu. Please sit down?

?Sorry Remilia, I don?t have much time. I just want to ask you about the explosion that occure in your mansion?

?Oh I see. You can ask Patchy about that, she?s in her library cleaning the mess caused by the explosion?

?Okay, I?ll go there?

?Wait, I want to go there too. It?s easier to discuss something with her if I was there right? Sakuya, you come with us?

?Yes mistress, with pleasure?

We left the room and quickly walk to the Voile Library. Sakuya walk in the front followed by Remilia and I. The library is in the basement near Flandre?s room, it purposely built there in case to prevent Flandre for going crazy. She?s not mentally stable and has the power to destroy everything she wants to destroy. I hope she never cause any rampage again. If she goes nuts, even the entire mansion won?t be able to stop her. Marisa is the only one who can stop her. She?s really fond of Marisa, maybe it because Marisa beat her in Danmaku fight.

After a few minutes, we are arriving in the library, it is a very huge room filled with many bookshelves. Each bookshelf is full of thick book that written with a language that I can?t understand. The library is dusty and dark. Only a few candle light our way.

?Oh! Mistress Remilia, Miss Sakuya, is there anything that I can help with??

A girl appears from nearby bookshelf. She?s carrying 6 or 7 thick book with her two hands and put them in the floor so she can bow to Remilia and Sakuya. This girl is Koakuma, often called Koa. She?s a succubus* plus the personal assistant of Patchouli, the library owner. Koa wearing a red tie in her neck and a black long dress. Her hair is long and res, she has a pair of small wing in her back and a pair of horn that resemble her black wing but much smaller.

?Koa, please escort us to Patchouli. We have to discuss something to her?

?Sure Mistress Remilia, she?s quiet sensitive now, so be careful not to piss her off now. The explosion really gives her a lot of trouble.?

I really have a bad feeling here. The succubus picks the books that she put in the floor before and escorts us until reaching the center of the library. There is one big table full of thick dusty book and a candle at the center of the table. Patchouli Knowledge, the owner of this Voile Library is reading a book in that table. She wears frilly purple night gown and a purple poofy hat. Her hair is long purple and tied with two colored ribbon in the left and right.

?Lady Patchouli, I have brought you the books that you want. There are guest for you too?

The purple girl takes a glimpse to us and then sighed.

?*cough* Thanks Koa. Remi, Sakuya why is that red-white shrine maiden is here? *cough*?

Ugh, I really hate being called red-white. Koa pat Patchouli?s back because she?s coughing a lot. Well, Patchouli is a powerful magician who mastered all elemental magic, but she has weak body. It must be because she always locked herself in this dark and dusty library.

?Hey! Don?t call me red-white! I?m just here only to ask you about that stupid explosion in this mansion?

Good, because of that red-white thing now I?m losing my temper. Patchouli widens her eyes, she put her book down and she glared at me.

?That explosions ? I take a LOT of time to repair the damaged in my library! If I can catch the one who caused this, I SWEAR I?LL BURN HIM/HER INTO ASHES! *cough* *cough*?

?Lady Patchouli, please calm down? Koakuma pat Patchouli?s back again when the magician started to cough continuously.

Suddenly, Patchouli draws a card and shouts.

SPELL CARD! Fire Sign ~Agni Shine~


Can you give me some critics? I need it so badly. This is far from prefect....
Alice Margatroid

Now writing:
Negative Explosion Chapter 3

Re: My First Touhou Fanfict! "Negative Explosion" (Sorry Postponed)
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2010, 06:03:39 PM »
Sorry for sudden postponed =_=
I'm working on other of my touhou fanfic because I'm joining the "New Writer Contest"
To tell you the truth... This story is not written seriously. Plus I'm not using any of my writing skill (my hand just move by itself). I just write this for my friends who don't know about touhou. And, you know the result. FULL MESS!!! Confusing enough, my friends like this story and beg for me to finish this story. MY GOD!!

Alice Margatroid

Now writing:
Negative Explosion Chapter 3