Author Topic: That WoW Topic.  (Read 9931 times)


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2010, 11:10:58 PM »
I'm all for giving a guy that needs the loot more than another person in some situations.
It just with dkp I hate the whole imaginary points thing. I want real roll numbers.
also the time it takes to do the biding portion is stupid long.

The type of player I hate the most is the "Hold on guys I gotta take a 15 minute smoke break" guy.
The main tank for the ally back on woc would take a smoke before every boss till the point where it just got annoying when 1 hour raids turned into 2 hour wipes.
Not all dkp systems bid. But fair enough.. Giving loot to a person who "needs it more" isn't as easy as it sounds though. who needs what more? Does one person need something more because he gets a bigger upgrade? It's not just that simple, what if that person has gquit over the drop of the hat in the past, and only just recently re-joined? what if that person just changed specs, and already had excellent gear in their old spec? etc etc. when you have a full raid, there are almost always variables that are difficult to weigh to REALLY determine "who needs it more"... My point is no matter what, the loot system has got a huge flaw somehow, it'll never be perfect.

As for smoke break guy. I hate that too. But what REALLY pisses me off are people who take large breaks at the LAST EFFING MINUTE of some OTHER person's break. ffs. Or people who afk for like half an hour after a wipe. gah

I meant to ask for stupidity specifically however, rather than douchedom, doh.

Not really more surpised that you are a priest. I myself Can't play anything that doesn't live in plate or mail.

I found that armor weight had very little to do with a character's survival. Pretty much everything in a raid that cannot be controlled or avoided is magic damage which ignores that anyway, and you'd end up with some gear made sub-par due to needless points wasted on stam. why do I need 120 stam on my dps plate chest when the tank plate chest has 120 as well? derp derp.

some people like stam on their raid dps gear because they think stuff which is avoidable isn't...Or they like intentionally not avoiding it so they can do 0.5% more dps and make the healers work 100% more, yay. *rage* people who wouldn't back off from lurker's tail spin, or keep dpsing when they have the "PWN ALL YOUR NEARBY ALLIES LOLOLOL" curse.


  • Cya
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2010, 11:45:21 PM »
*rage* people who wouldn't back off from lurker's tail spin, or keep dpsing when they have the "PWN ALL YOUR NEARBY ALLIES LOLOLOL" curse.
SSC was one of my favorite raids, especially Lurker.  I still don't know how people screw up like this, unless they're just hitting a hotkey while browsing the web or something.

I got seriously hardcore burnt out by DKP through BC.  After grinding through heroics for badge gear (which was a godsend if you didn't have insider access to a raiding guild, but still hell to get through), I finally managed to get into a raiding guild with Zerosum DKP.  Meaning everyone started off at zero DKP, and gained points as they raided and lost points as they gained gear.  So you could actually be in the negative, you just had to claw your way back up.  Of course they gave gear to those with the highest DKP.  I ended up pretty much hitting the bottom then hitting the top in DKP guild-wide, I raided so much and spent so many points.  And towards the end as Wrath approached, people just gave up on the raids.  So I was stuck in a weird spot, still partially in badge gear, waiting to clear out Hyjal (just needed to kill Archy), get through BT and start doing Sunwell Plateau.  Blizzard really botched the final BC patch, it really killed off any sort've progression momentum.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 11:47:33 PM by Momiji »


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  • Berninghousn
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2010, 12:05:06 AM »
I played WoW from a little after release up until the beginning of Arena season 2.  During that time I played, 2005-2007 were the best times being on that server, t'was in a good guild and the server community was awesome;  Everyday involved drama and flame wars, everyday had some juicy gabfest to watch unfold.  Good god what the hell did they do to that game.  It was so fun up until the Naxxramas patch and the release of BC.  Goddamn...


  • Cya
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2010, 12:20:07 AM »
It was so fun up until the Naxxramas patch and the release of BC.  Goddamn...
What was so bad with BC?  Just curious, because I didn't really get to do much pre-BC.


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  • Berninghousn
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2010, 12:37:49 AM »
It pretty much fragmented the community to an intolerable degree.  And I needn't get started on arenas, ugh.

Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2010, 12:49:56 AM »
I found that armor weight had very little to do with a character's survival. Pretty much everything in a raid that cannot be controlled or avoided is magic damage which ignores that anyway, and you'd end up with some gear made sub-par due to needless points wasted on stam. why do I need 120 stam on my dps plate chest when the tank plate chest has 120 as well? derp derp.

some people like stam on their raid dps gear because they think stuff which is avoidable isn't...Or they like intentionally not avoiding it so they can do 0.5% more dps and make the healers work 100% more, yay. *rage* people who wouldn't back off from lurker's tail spin, or keep dpsing when they have the "PWN ALL YOUR NEARBY ALLIES LOLOLOL" curse.

It's a pvp perfence for me really.
I can play any class during a pve raid, but being a clothie or leather in pvp just gets me killed. So I go with plate and mail.
I like to go toe to toe with people, chase them around, and then shoot them in the back when they try and run away.  8)

Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2010, 12:53:11 AM »
Played WoW around the time of it being released, I was a Tauren Druid.

Druids back then... sucked to say the least. However I didn't really care, got to 60, got into a good guild and we did a bit of ZG, UBRS, and when it came out, AQ20. I was on Medivh, the first server to successfully activate AQ20, and the first to experience all the chaos on it.

Eventually BC came out, all progress I had on my character was gone, not too happy on it, but Blizzard finally made Druids and Warlocks much more powerful. I was allowed to tank in instances rather than be stuck to healing all the time. Eventually I left my guild and joined a new one. In this new one, I was doing a lot of raiding and I got a lot of gear, however the raids started cutting into the night, I started to lose sleep. Schoolwork was not an issue surprisingly enough, my grades in fact were improving rather than dropping at that time. Maybe because it was an easier year of high school, not sure.

I got my epic flight form, and it was a great time... until members of the guild started become more and more inactive. Eventually I became friends with a few people on another forum, I made a Warlock and we all played on a server for a long time. One of these friends was in fact a Touhou fan, posting many pictures of the characters, but she also was a lolicon... so... I didn't go far into researching what the games themselves were around this time as I didn't know they were actual games. Had I known, I probably would of gotten into the series a few years earlier.

When I got a new computer, I disappeared for about a few months because I was too lazy to reinstall WoW and MSN, so I lost contact with most of them, including the Touhou fan. Apparently they broke away from each other during my disappearance. I played a bit more of my Druid, last time I was really active was during the great zombie outbreak where players and any NPC could be turned into zombies by other zombies and kill each other.

Got WOTLK, got to 80, then... stopped. Haven't played in months now. Eh.

I think I lost interest because I don't have any friends to play with anymore. But it was fun while it lasted.

Helix ⑨

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Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2010, 05:59:43 PM »
Woot Birthday Triangle <3 Grats.

Personally I enjoyed raiding Vanilla the most. Things were grand, it was alliance vs horde, we were battling dragons and there was a REAL difference between noobs and pro (the way it should be). Gear meant everything, you could see how good some1 was purely from his gear. You'd shit your pants when a full tier 2 warrior with ashkandi appeared in your BG, while newly 60s in greens were cannonfodder. Gear also improved your char in a much better way (this item increases your current stats with 1% crit and 30 attack power, opposed to the +42 crit rating, +13 agi but 20 less AP, +25 armor penetration but you're gonna lose 40 haste rating. But you'll get an extra 10 intellect tough!).

Nowadays everyone looks the same, noobs can get the same gear as you without the same effort. PvP is fucked, the old honor system was fine, hardcore gamers get rewarded with the best while normal gamers could still get decent gear. I beated clothwearers like flies on my hunter, but I'd shit my pants if a warrior charges and hamstrings me. You had real boss encounters like the 1st and 2nd in BWL, instead of copy paste from old encounters.

And last but definetely not least: Paladins vs Shamans.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2010, 09:28:35 PM »
Woot Birthday Triangle <3 Grats.

Personally I enjoyed raiding Vanilla the most. Things were grand, it was alliance vs horde, we were battling dragons and there was a REAL difference between noobs and pro (the way it should be). Gear meant everything, you could see how good some1 was purely from his gear. You'd shit your pants when a full tier 2 warrior with ashkandi appeared in your BG, while newly 60s in greens were cannonfodder. Gear also improved your char in a much better way (this item increases your current stats with 1% crit and 30 attack power, opposed to the +42 crit rating, +13 agi but 20 less AP, +25 armor penetration but you're gonna lose 40 haste rating. But you'll get an extra 10 intellect tough!).

Nowadays everyone looks the same, noobs can get the same gear as you without the same effort. PvP is fucked, the old honor system was fine, hardcore gamers get rewarded with the best while normal gamers could still get decent gear. I beated clothwearers like flies on my hunter, but I'd shit my pants if a warrior charges and hamstrings me. You had real boss encounters like the 1st and 2nd in BWL, instead of copy paste from old encounters.

And last but definetely not least: Paladins vs Shamans.

If you enjoyed vanilla most that's your own personal taste which I wont argue. I will however say that your reasons listed are bogus >=P. There were STILL awful players in amazing gear in Vanilla, and excellent players with no gear. A great example of someone in good gear with no skill is the example I listed of a girl who didn't know her talent trees could scroll down. She had a shadowflame staff from nef, along with more than half her tier 2. all before the release of AQ.. so yeah, she was geared. Basically, back then, to get gear you had (HAD) to be in a hardcore guild, which didn't neccesarily mean you were skilled, just meant you had to play alot, and be in a guild full of people who played alot, and you had to have some luck. I remember I never got my car-door from chrommaggus until I was already doing Naxx ffs, in addtion, I never got one piece of T2 (except the helm from ony), until we already fully cleared BWL several times (they just wouldn't drop..ever).

Oh don't even get me started on how Garr dropped his bindings of the windseeker NINE FUCKING TIMES for me, and baron didn't drop his ONCE. Stuck tanking with the sword from raptor boss in ZG ftl.

Gear improvements also were not always better the way you listed. You're basically complaining that there is more variety now you realize? But anyway even with what little variety there was in Vanilla, you didn't always get an upgrade in every catagory upgrade with each piece of gear, and furthermore, you more often ended up with OLD gear (pre-60 blues) that were better than raid gear. Great example was hand of justice in BRD being better than pretty much everything. Or the truestrike spaulders from ubrs (20 ap 2% hit I recall) being better than drakefang spaulders from ubrs (I forget the stats, basically it had no dps stats at all except for like 20 strength). Plus vanilla was the only time wow would put int and spirit on melee-oriented gear, and strength and dex on caster oriented gear, not the other way around.

There was definately the feeling of accomplishment to doing a raid in Vanilla though. defeating almost every boss back then could only be compared to doing something like taking out a final boss in other dungeons for the first time in newer expansions pretty much.

I really hated BWL though, I just hated the atmosphere, and the boss strategies.. Oh and I didn't like how I was MAIN KITER for the first boss, Guaranteed death on the 2nd boss, no matter HOW good we did (main tank always gets death-clocked by boss 2 ftl), 3rd boss was ok, 4th boss pissed me off when the offtanks weren't taunting before the wingbuffets, which was like every damn time.

It was worth it for nef though I guess, I remember fondly running to grab nef w hen I still had like 30 drakanoids on me, being a main tank back then made you god >=P Nowdays maintanks are really just another class.

Helix ⑨

  • No Pain, No Gain
  • No Guts, No Glory
    • my youtube, 95% touhou vids, mainly extras and last words.
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2010, 01:21:47 AM »
How can you hate BWL, it was the greatest thing ever. I, as a hunter, was obviously a kiter aswell, and I loved it! They totally ruined that aspect in the expansions. I remember kiting trash after the supresion room because it couldn't be CCd and fighting them would be too hard, so me and an other hunter had to take care of it. He died and I was kiting both, so the raid leader goes after a while 'Hunter X is dead but where is the mob?' and I'm like 'Yeah, I'm kiting both, HELP PL0X'. Such epic moments were totally destroyed with TBC, where you just nuked trash, and in WotLK where you AoE basically every form of trash.

And my guild killed Ragnaros on the first try, it was a long night, we finally beat majordomo and wanted to check Ragna out. And we freaking killed him, probably one of the most epic gaming moments I ever had. Didn't see anything like that AT ALL in Wotlk.

I'm just saying, eventough there might be some biass due to nostalgy I still think Vanilla WoW was the best. I wonder what the next expansion will be like, since they're going back to the alliance vs horde thing and azeroth and DWAGONS! Doubt I'll start playing again tough.


  • Cya
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #40 on: February 28, 2010, 04:23:48 AM »
TBC still had the gear separation, but a lot of people of course got their gear without necessarily being skilled.  It also has to do with the guild's progression level and speed, and motivation.  I was stuck in part-T5 part-badge gear at the end of BC, due to the guild's motivation being exhausted.

I think part of the nostalgia behind Classic WoW raiding is the effort in putting together 25 to 40 people together in a coherent fashion.  You don't have raids on that scale like you did then.

As for Wrath, it has some of the least-stressful fights I've experienced so far.  I've literally had to ask to crowd-control in instances, just because I was bored.

Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2010, 06:17:25 AM »
I must add my main rant about BC.

Separation between PvE and PvP gear.

I had about 3 sets of gear, one for DPS, one for tanking, one for healing as a Druid... but when I realized resilience made PvE gear suck in PvP... well... fourth set of gear.

Plus it made all my PvE progress feel a bit more useless as I knew it would only help me get more gear for PvE. That was back when I had the mindset that gear ultimately was to help you be better than other players in form of fighting rather than in out DPSing/Healing/Tanking them.

And Old Old AV. Back before they had this reinforcement crap and they tried to shorten it down. Back when the battles could last for a day, and at a rare occasion, two. Humongous push battles, field of strife I believe it was called with actual landmines in them, frostwolf collecting, giant battles between the Horde's superior Shaman vs the Alliance underpowered Paladins and Lokholar and Ivus... epic battles were too unfold.

Of course at the time, you could be one shotted by rogues and warriors reigned supreme, but the battles... were just incredible.

Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2010, 08:24:06 AM »
A fusion of pve and pvp gear would be nice,
but till CAT is released I have no idea had all the gear stat changes are going to effect sets.

If they were to fuse though there maybe there would be less armor models so they could work on other models.
imo Blizzard needs to start adding more model objects into to WOW other than robes and armor.


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Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2010, 08:33:56 AM »
giant battles between the Horde's superior Shaman vs the Alliance underpowered Paladins

I'm not sure whether to laugh or ::)

Paladins might not have been able to kill much in PvP, but they were basically priests in plate with an annoying as hell stun.  And cleanse...dear lord was cleanse ever annoying.

Plus the lack of killing power was kind of balanced by the fact that Paladins were much better for raids.
Cheating? I cannot even wrap my head around the point of it. Wouldn't you know you had cheated? How on Earth could you maintain crisp certainty of your superiority to all others? And if you're unable to do that, what's the point of anything?

Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #44 on: February 28, 2010, 08:42:40 AM »
Yeah, my first character was actually a paladin. It's just comparing them from that time... to now...

Especially Retadins, those guys went from the laughing stock of the game to one of the most powerful classes in the game. And in raids, those guys can cause the group to do so much more damage...

While Shaman went the exact opposite route.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #45 on: February 28, 2010, 10:30:33 AM »
I'm a carebear so I didn't really care much for pvp, though I was on a pvp server for reasons I speculated about that proved false until after I was already committed in my guild (the honor system didn't come out to begin with and I knew it was coming so... yeah)

ANYWAY, pvp in vanilla was better for those who weren't hardcore pvpers. The whole pvp-set mentality is bad, adding resilience to it just made every reason why it was bad more prounounced. Back in Vanilla, if you had T2 raid gear, you OMGWTFPWNT people in blues, like you should, even if they were wearing blues that were more itemized towards pvp than pve (though that didn't mean much back then aside from maybe 10 more stam on a piece..maybe).

Nowdays you can be in full top-end raid gear, and if you get jumped by some scrub in ENTRY level pvp gear, you STILL get omgwtfpwnt assuming you aren't that character's bane-class, or that they aren't total nimrods. This made self-defense against a ganker when you aren't intending to pvp virtually impossible against a skilled ganker, etc. Quite annoying. PVP specs are *SO* much more different than pve specs too, moreso than they used to be I mean. Back in vanilla, blizzard really didn't have a really good plan towards what each spec would be like, and what they expected players to spend their points on, so many specs weren't quite so dramatic towards min/maxing towards pvp and pve like they are now. Speccing nowdays is more fun for some classes in the sense that almost every tree is viable for something, so some classes have more variety. But it's bad for t he classes that already had good variety. I have a rogue alt, and the number of actually GOOD spec options in vanilla for rogue were nearly limitless, there were like FIVE that didn't even use 31 point talents (and more than DID), nowdays blizzard practically MAKES you pick those end talents, thus really restricting the number of "free" points each player has to spend to like... 10 (in most cases).

I still think things have improved overall though...

anyway I hated blackwing lair for numerous reasons. I already said I hated the atmosphere. Being a main tank for that place stunk too. I mean, kiting as a tank just isn't fun, especially w hen your success doesn't even depend on your own kiting ability so much as relying on the rest of the raid TO NOT SNARE/SLOW GODDAMNIT! Vael stunk because I was guaranteed dead in 30 seconds or whatever it was for his 3rd timebomb thing. Broodlord (was that his name? I forget) was ok, his mortal strike really made me crap my pants if I was too cheap for a flask of titans that run though (those weren't so cheap back then you know, they are a given these days, but back then they costed an arm and a leg. Being a prot warrior isn't exactly the best gold-farming class to boot, especially since you already blew thousands on your flipping fire resist set! And maybe another several grand on your nature resist set for AQ.. mara gear just doesn't cut it for huhu who nails you for physical damage AND nature if you're the tank).

Firemaw...Well, let's see. a dragon spamming fire in front, I get to look at his toenail pretty much, behind I was against a wall, so I basically saw nothing but black the whole time, along with the flashes of red and such. As for what I did, pretty much nothing but gather threat, no challenge or movement or anything. Just get ready to taunt if the offtank didn't taunt enough wingbuffets. Ebonmaw was virtually the same thing, except taunt off other tanks when they get a debuff. Flamegor was the same thing, except you shout "WTF HUNTARDS" on vent when the boss didn't get tranqshotted shortly after a beserk.

Don't even get me started on those trash pulls. They were all annoying without actually being challenging as a tank.

Chromaggus would be kinda fun if he wasn't so damn long. I mean nef was long too yes, but at least he had alot of variety during the fight.. Chrommaggus was the same damn thing for like 20 mins straight. yawn.

Nef was indeed fun though...Unless it was warrior call, 9k shadowflames were not fun. Newbie priest during the priest call also wasn't very fun...Nothing really made me crap my pants like that did. Though seeing 30 huhu debuffs would have been if I didn't expect to die.. My guild only downed her like 4 times, so I just accepted losing to her >=P. Probably would have been much easier if we didn't have our secondary Nature resist tank gquit or something like 4 times in a row.

Yeah, my first character was actually a paladin. It's just comparing them from that time... to now...

Especially Retadins, those guys went from the laughing stock of the game to one of the most powerful classes in the game. And in raids, those guys can cause the group to do so much more damage...

While Shaman went the exact opposite route.

UGH, the pally/shammy debate. Pallies were only significantly better than shammies when your tank didn't know how to threat. Salv wasn't needed if the tank DID know how. I admit most didn't. I remember when we got our first threat meter running back during aq. I'd be surprised if anybody was even close to HALF of that...Excluding fights with wing buffets of course. I imagine salv would be extremely helpful for broodlord and ony for that reason.

Strangly enough, the only thing I could never really tank well that everyone else had little trouble with were those molten giants. They would always knockback punt me like 5X more than the other tanks. It was so annoying. They were tauntable though so it never really caused any problems. But it was still annoying watching my threat get chopped in half or whatever like 6 times before the other guy got his halved once...consistently. For that reason I actually preffered destroyers.

INB4 Dorf priest fear ward qq.. I never had a dorf priest in Vanilla, even if I did. It wouldn't have made a difference, not only did I, but pretty much every tank in the guild knew how2.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 10:36:26 AM by Ghaleon »


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2010, 02:53:02 PM »
I never played WoW beta, but got it right at release. Played a Human Warrior all the way until I realized WoW was continuing to ruin all aspects of my life and I quit cold turkey not too long after our first Twin Emps kill.

I can't make any comparisons about Vanilla to the expansions, but there were good times. PVP in Blackrock Mountain was probably some of the best when guilds were trying to head to Molten Core at the same time after the raid lock reset. Ventrilo was great at any major boss, particularly our first Ragnaros attempt, our first Rag kill, our first Vael kill, and our first Nefarian kill.

My favorite time in WoW was probably the one time we decided to do a Molten Core clear from beginning to end and about 5 of us in the raid also made a drinking game of it. Every time we killed a boss and every time we wiped, we'd take a large swig from our liquor bottles as well as whenever we felt like it. By the time we were working on trash after Shazzrah, we were getting drunk (and wiping on giants/core hound and firelords sped that up too). We were flat out incoherent by Ragnaros, but we still got the kill first try and finished the raid in a little over 8 hours at around 4 AM. The progression on Molten Core to our dominating it like above is pretty much my defining enjoyment of WoW and as we saw BWL and AQ, it never quite felt the same as that.


  • You're suddenly Director of Fixing That Shit!
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Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #47 on: February 28, 2010, 11:41:55 PM »
UGH, the pally/shammy debate. Pallies were only significantly better than shammies when your tank didn't know how to threat. Salv wasn't needed if the tank DID know how. I admit most didn't. I remember when we got our first threat meter running back during aq. I'd be surprised if anybody was even close to HALF of that...Excluding fights with wing buffets of course. I imagine salv would be extremely helpful for broodlord and ony for that reason.
Paladins were good for more than Salv.  Paladins didn't have to worry about people in their group running out of range of their buffs (auras excluded), they didn't have to be in a specific group to buff people.  Paladins didn't have to deal with the fact that part of their blessings were useless depending on what group they were in.  And for a long time, Paladins were the healer to have since FoL spam was amazingly efficient with Illumination (I think that was the talent) could practically keep doing it forever without having to worry about going OOM.

So yeah, Paladins were still significantly better than Shamans from a raid perspective.  Things started improving with BWL, though I don't think the equipment was really appropriate for a Shaman's role in raids until T3 (which most of the player base didn't get to see).  And it really needed some class mechanic changes (lower mana cost on totems was a huge improvement).  Once gear caught up they could heal fairly well, but they still needed really good gear for that and would end up getting cloth/leather that the other casters passed on since the mail options kinda sucked.

Of course, Paladins being hax didn't stop the Horde on my server from killing Ragnaros before the Alliance's top guild did.  That same Alliance guild got most of the other server firsts before the Horde, but the top Horde guild kind of imploded a few months later so that wasn't entirely surprising.
Cheating? I cannot even wrap my head around the point of it. Wouldn't you know you had cheated? How on Earth could you maintain crisp certainty of your superiority to all others? And if you're unable to do that, what's the point of anything?


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #48 on: March 01, 2010, 02:29:20 AM »
Paladins were good for more than Salv.  Paladins didn't have to worry about people in their group running out of range of their buffs (auras excluded), they didn't have to be in a specific group to buff people.  Paladins didn't have to deal with the fact that part of their blessings were useless depending on what group they were in.  And for a long time, Paladins were the healer to have since FoL spam was amazingly efficient with Illumination (I think that was the talent) could practically keep doing it forever without having to worry about going OOM.

So yeah, Paladins were still significantly better than Shamans from a raid perspective.  Things started improving with BWL, though I don't think the equipment was really appropriate for a Shaman's role in raids until T3 (which most of the player base didn't get to see).  And it really needed some class mechanic changes (lower mana cost on totems was a huge improvement).  Once gear caught up they could heal fairly well, but they still needed really good gear for that and would end up getting cloth/leather that the other casters passed on since the mail options kinda sucked.

Of course, Paladins being hax didn't stop the Horde on my server from killing Ragnaros before the Alliance's top guild did.  That same Alliance guild got most of the other server firsts before the Horde, but the top Horde guild kind of imploded a few months later so that wasn't entirely surprising.

Yeah blessings don't dissapear with range, but they only lasted 5 minutes...Which was a big problem for old-style raids, most of those lasted much longer than 5 mins. And rebuffing the whole raid like that wasn't exactly convenient. Salv was really the big one reason why most people thought they were better.

Flash of light was super efficient, and you could do it forever. Unfortunately this was a noob-magnet too. I can tell you from personal tanking experience that 90% of the pally healers just think they do their job fine by spamming FoL over and over, and while it was efficient, that thing provided SLOW AS @#%#@% healing per second. a heal for 800 every 1.5 seconds just didn't cut keeping a tank getting hit for 4k+ every 2 seconds. It works when there is a whole raid healing just you sure, but most didn't know to toss the occasional holy light up for faste rheals when other healers died, or they were assigned to healing an offtank solo or something. bah.

I remember when BC was new, every damn pally healer would spam FOL on me when that lobster boss in slave pens put up that "heal the tank to full or this dot NEVER goes away" debuff, so annoying. Sometimes other classes being newbie is funny, but when it's a healer and you're a tank, it's frusterating >=P... Though even I was laughing when all the priests in my guild killed themselves on curator via shadow word death >=D.

Re: That WoW Topic.
« Reply #49 on: March 01, 2010, 09:19:51 PM »
I got exalted with Ebon Blade and broke 4000 GS today. Derp Derp.