Author Topic: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run  (Read 1780 times)


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
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Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« on: December 25, 2013, 08:15:16 AM »
Hi, I'm just making a quick topic because I don't know where else to ask this. Normally I wouldn't be very concerned with confirming whether a particular run is cheated or not but this one is being submitted for use in a particular project:

TL;DR a friend of mine is making a project where he records simultaneously the perfect playthroughs of all six shot types against Utsuho and puts them side by side in one video. It has come to my attention that one of the replays (Download Here) is suspect of being tool-assisted.

I'll admit that this replay didn't appear THAT strange for me to be certain but I also have 2 other replays from the same person (Here and Here). I want to be absolutely certain before calling him out on it so would a couple of you mind helping me out?

Oh also, these replays (aside from Raiko) were recorded with Drake's boss rush patch for UFO and SA. The other two replays look much less convincing, but the main issue here is whether the Utsuho replay is genuine.

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Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2013, 08:20:52 AM »
[1:07:07 AM] IHNN: Just from the opening
[1:07:12 AM] IHNN: the taptaptaptap unfocused
[1:10:22 AM] IHNN: Movement looks jittery

[2:06:42 AM] IHNN: Mega Flare proves it to me
[2:06:53 AM] IHNN: he continually tries to go as high on the screen as possible
[2:08:45 AM] IHNN: he apparently got the DDC extra run about a half hour to an hour after the Utsuho
[2:10:20 AM] Ozzy: boy that seemed to take almost no attempts, didnt it?
[2:10:53 AM] IHNN: to be fair the DDC extra run I got with no deaths on Raiko also took almost no attempts...but that+the dodging is suspect
[2:11:12 AM] IHNN: Hell and Heaven Meltdown: he chases Utsuho the whole time, not seeming to care about any bullets
[2:11:33 AM] Ozzy: utsuho moves toward you in that one
[2:11:54 AM] IHNN: when you're right to the side she jumps off to one side about 2 character lengths away
[2:11:59 AM] IHNN: he dashes unfocused to follow
[2:12:42 AM] IHNN: Hell's Artificial Sun is obvious TAS too

[2:58:53 AM] IHNN: 1st non, 1st spell, 2nd spell, 3rd spell, 4th non, 5th spell are all obvious TAS from one look
[2:59:04 AM] IHNN: everything else has something that gives it away
[2:59:12 AM] IHNN: except maybe the 3rd non

Just chiming in with my observations, nothing else to see here.


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Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2013, 08:47:56 AM »
You can see precisely where he starts slowing the game down (by secret techniques found from experience). Given the movements found after, it's a dead giveaway.
Opener has suspicious movement.
First card has the sight and control of a Lunatic player, and for whatever reason he heads upwards while dodging. This is a symptom of I-don't-feel-enough-danger-while-TASing syndrome.
Mega Flare honestly wasn't too bad but still for whatever reason tries to move up the screen while dodging.
Fixed Star made me explode with laughter because the guy either doesn't know about the safe zone or is intentionally trying to show off. Really dumb movement all over here, in any case.
Heaven and Hell Meltdown he chases Utsuho. Nobody chases Utsuho, that's retarded. More single-frame movements.
Subterranean Sun is more I-don't-feel-enough-danger symptoms letting himself be dragged up the screen and then going down without flinching. A lot of weird stupid movements, lots of single-frame movements.

Honestly I don't think there's a question here. He's duping.

EDIT: Oh my god what the fuck is with his Byakuren. Holy shit. How does that get past anyone. How did he think people would think this run was legitimate at all. Wow. If there were ever any doubts about the Utsuho run being cheated his Byakuren run blows that out of the water.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 09:04:27 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
  • Currently working on a full Touhou fangame!
Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2013, 10:34:34 AM »
Thanks for the response, Drake, but I found out that the runs were intended to be obviously TAS. This was actually an attempt to troll me, and it worked. I'm sorry for bringing this up. A moderator should probably close this thread. I feel really embarassed now.


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Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2013, 11:02:49 AM »
intended to be obviously TAS
immediately skeptical, sounds more like panicked backpedaling

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2013, 02:48:36 PM »
immediately skeptical, sounds more like panicked backpedaling
Yeah this is classic "I meant to be discovered and called out ALL ALONG lolololl i troll uuuu" backpedaling.

Unless the video in question is a collection of hilarious TAS runs.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2013, 04:20:06 PM »
His diagonals looked really weird to me too.  It looks like he keeps tapping one button and then the other to make a zig-zag instead of just holding both arrow keys.  Silly.


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Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2013, 08:18:59 PM »
His diagonals looked really weird to me too.  It looks like he keeps tapping one button and then the other to make a zig-zag instead of just holding both arrow keys.  Silly.
It's another common thing found in TAS play that comes from getting bored (especially when the game is slowed to a frame-by-frame crawl). It makes you feel like you're actually doing something rather than just holding the same button forever.

Also, to note, even if you were to want to "troll" someone by doing something like this, the troll's intention would be to get themselves included in the compilation and then watch as the person gets mocked for putting cheated play in it. Of course, that doesn't make much sense either because the people would know who did it, and once again the guy would have to reveal that "this was the plan". Going "ha-ha! I secretly wanted you to be suspicious and have my replay flagged for cheating!" is... uh. Why.

I think what's more convincing is that the guy did this more than once. If it wasn't immediately obvious, slowed play takes a significantly long time to complete; much more time than anyone should really be willing to put into just to "troll" someone, never mind doing it multiple times and completing a whole Extra stage. If the goal is really to "troll" someone then spending several hours just to produce runs that he intends people to flag as cheated is utterly dumb in its own right. The dude is trying to damage control and spin it after getting caught.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2013, 09:36:50 PM »
I downgraded my graphics card driver and watched these with the frames slowed down to about 16fps. In the DDC and SA runs, at this speed, you see someone sort of playing the dodges by ear, even a bit sloppily at times, but working through small gaps more or less accurately, if close to a collision now and then. Played at normal speed, the moves seem mechanical and jerky, taking needless chances when more obvious paths were wide open. FWIW.

And I agree with Drake that this being a "troll" is a long shot at best, considering the effort:payoff ratio.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Need confirmation of a possible (very likely) TAS run
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2013, 11:20:57 PM »
HAHAHA Byakuren opener oh man.
tbh I have no problem swimming up bullets in Utsuho's first card on normal, just like any lunatic player should be able to. It's the jerky movements and complete disregard for better paths.