Author Topic: Touhou Dragon RPG (Title Pending) Help Requests/Team Recruitment  (Read 1979 times)

Hello, everyone! :3 As you can see by the (current) topic title I'm making a Touhou RPG and I need help with the materials! ^^; The program I'm using to make it is RPG Maker VX Ace. Currently, I'm in the process of writing the story and deciding the actual gameplay engine. :3 However, I already do need some materials and staff to help me out here, since it turns out I'm not quite the best at making games alone. ^^;; It's for that reason that I decided to make a "Team" of sorts to make this! Together, we could make the most famous Western Touhou RPG! ...Maybe. ^^; Here I'll put what's necessary for you guys to have a better idea what I'm doing so you can help, maybe a feature or two that's decided when I find help, staff member positions that I'll need with how many positions open/I think should be minimum, and a very (currently VERY) brief explanation of the story. :3 If someone simply decides to help out with a thing or two without Joining the team, I'll just put whatever name they wanna be called by in the small Credits section at the end. :3 Hope we can make this work! ^^

On an unusually calm day, Reimu and Marisa are spending time talking as always when the Dragon God of Gensokyo appears and begins to attack the village. After burning down most of it, it unsurprisingly and mysteriously vanished. Reimu and Marisa decide to investigate and maybe put that dragon in it's place! Along the way, they recruit the help of both Alice and Sakuya. Together, the four of them travel Gensokyo searching for clues and punishing the Youkai that began to go out of control along the way.

-Current Members-
-Nikushimi (That's me!) - Head Writer, Game Director
-Kwr32 -Co-Writer, Programer

-Members Needed-

-Spriters (Preferably 2 or 3).
-Scripter (Maybe).
-Music Composer/Arranger. (Mostly free to chose the music they wanna make!)

/Currently Needed Most/
-Custom Sprites (Both Overworld and Sideview Battle)! Can't have a game without sprites! ^^; What I need right now are Overworld and SideView Battle sprites for the main heroines (Reimu, Marisa, Alice and Sakuya). For the Overworld sprites, something cute in chibi style with light colors. :3 Reimu preferably with her brown-hair, ponytail style. Battle sprites using the same color pallet as the overworld sprites in a SPECIFIC format. Namely Holder's Animated Battlers. (These here:  ). The specfics of the format are here:   As for the style for the Battlers? One that resembles the Overworld sprites style in a non-chibi format please. :3 Or whatever looks best. ^^; Remember, they have to be custom made! Not a rip from one of the Official games! ...Please. ^^;

/Credits for Helping/
-No one yet!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 09:22:09 PM by Nikushimi »


  • Mysterious Flying Donation Box
Re: Touhou Dragon RPG (Title Pending) Help Requests/Team Recruitment
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 12:49:33 AM »
HEEEELLOOOOO project. I love these things.  :derp:
Is this filled with Dragon Quest vibes for a reason or is it just the Dragon God thing... eh.

I can do co-writer and programmer (I've had Ace since its release soyeah), though not scripter. Maybe minor scripter, except Ruby I still suck at terribly.

Oh, right. I'll go ahead and immediately suggest that the team you form joins together in some Skype chatroom, because I find it a miraculously effective way to keep people reminded that something exists. That and I check MotK anywhere between daily to once a month.

Hope to hear from this soon, since you sound ambitious.
Ambition is a very good thing, in my book. Even Oda Nobunaga seems to think so, but I guess everyone already knew that.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 12:51:32 AM by Kwr32 »

Re: Touhou Dragon RPG (Title Pending) Help Requests/Team Recruitment
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 04:39:45 PM »
Hm... Never thought of it having Dragon Quest vibes. X3;; Maybe I should replay the games I do have. :3 But anyways, having Ace since release does give you pretty good credentials on this! :3 It's easy to say you're practically welcomed aboard in this case! XD The Skype chatroom is a pretty good idea too actually. o: I'll look into actually getting Skype today then. ^^;; Send me a PM sometime so we can finish settling the deal! :3 ....Even if it's not a deal per se. I just like saying that. X3;;