Author Topic: Tales of the eastern wonderland  (Read 1212 times)


Tales of the eastern wonderland
« on: October 19, 2013, 08:32:02 AM »
How to beat SoEW? Let's learn!

First of all, i'm talking about SoEW on hard or lunatic. Because from normal to hard there is a huge jump in difficulty.

So... tactics about the bosses or comments? I will add all in the list of each bosses.

1- Flower Tank VOTE : 4 / 10. I don't like it at all.

a) Why flower tank?

b)it's me or the last barrage of white orbs is completely random?

2- Meira VOTE : 8 / 10 I like her. really.

a) Meira is corner sensitive. Yes. When she dash four times, creating the random and aimed (but mostly random!) dots, i founded that the right corner is +50% safer than the left corner.

b) Cheapshot alert : i love that if you stay near Meira when she shoots the bouncing balls, there is like 70% of chances that she will shoots 2 balls at you. Clipping you because she is like 20 pixels from your position.

c) Funny way to die : in the first pattern if you stream bad the first wave of dots (going up right or left of the screen)... she will start the 2 dash attack ( V pattern) and will end right clipping you. Or is better say that she will end slashing you with her sword?

3- the 5 orbs VOTE : 6 / 10. Mmm...i would like those better if the gaps would be a little wider.

a) How is it possible to stream the first attack?

b) It's me or it is normal to do like 10 runs before being able to dodge by reflex the lasers with like 1 sec of delay?

If you have tips or strategies...because i usually follow only my reflexes in this boss fight.

4- Marisa VOTE : 8 / 10 I love her.

a) I really don't know how to wonder her double ring stream attack. On normal, she simply fires a lot of rings and you first go left and then right when she change angles. Or viceversa.
On hard, the rings with slower speed are a problem.

Mima VOTE 10 / 10. Perfect.

Only one thing... how is it possible to dodge the bouncing star attacks? On hard is completely different!


All those things i listed here are why i still can't 1cc SoEW on hard...


Re: Tales of the eastern wonderland
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2013, 03:28:37 PM »
a) Meira is corner sensitive. Yes. When she dash four times, creating the random and aimed (but mostly random!) dots, i founded that the right corner is +50% safer than the left corner.
It should depend on which direction she goes when she makes the diamond. I think you should go to the side she started on (i.e. where the bullets start scattering first). That way you get through before the far side's bullets reach you.

On the 5 orbs, the fight is almost completely static. Try to memorize everything you can.

Mima's star attack can be misdirected to her side, but that requires you to know she's going to do it beforehand. Otherwise it's effectively impossible, and I suggest you just bomb it every time. Her attacks do have a set order to them, so learning that can help, particularly with the spinning orb attacks. You'll have to guess what move she'll start each phase with though.

General tips:
Type B (the one with homing at full power) is probably the best choice.
The only difference between Hard and Lunatic is the suicide bullets. Everything else is identical, even bosses. If you can clear Hard, you can clear Lunatic.
You life stock is limited, so if you're about to earn an extend with a full stock, you should kill yourself first to refill the bomb stock.
Alternatively, you can suicide twice at the very start of the game. This fills your bomb stock, and you'll still reach a full life stock as well. You may get less bombs overall, but doing this spares you from losing power from later suicides.
In this game, if you mash the shot button instead of holding it, you do more damage.

Re: Tales of the eastern wonderland
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 12:21:05 AM »
General tips: Autofire (unless you think that's cheating, in which just mash the Z key for 25 minutes).  Stream almost everything else.  Stop shooting sometimes on Lunatic to give you some room to restream the suicide bullets.  Bomb ahead of time because this game is a dick and has input lag or delays on bombs or some shit like that.  Bomb the fuck out of Mima's final because the hitboxes on the bullets are bigger than the bullets themselves.  I learned that the hard way once ;_;.  I think that applies to some other bullets too but I'm not sure.  Stage 3 is pretty frightening with the indestructable red balls and the pink balls on Lunatic.  The red ones limit your movement and the pinks come in swarms and will either flood you with suicide bullets or try to ram into you if you don't kill them quickly.  Play it safe on this stage.

I can't give specifics sadly since I don't like SoEW enough to have actually bothered learning it, but copying strategies from youtube uploads from decent players might be worthwhile.  Here's Mima, stage 4 and Magic Stones.  Alternatively, you can just get an okay first few stages and then bomb the fuck out of Marisa and Mima if you care more about clearing than how good it looks.