Author Topic: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)  (Read 5759 times)


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Rika and Nitori have been quite curious lately with the increasing number of people. Always satisfying to see us working, but we're often bunch of shut-ins, spending hours in our workshop trying to get those games and scripts running. Who are we? Tell us! Whether you are danmaku scripter, platform designer or other game creator for touhou fanwork: Give us a brief introduction, show us your workshop (room) and perhaps your desktop and tell us if you have any major projects going or are small-scale programmer. Even if you're a retired scripter/programmer or roam around to help/post, feel free to introduce yourself as well and tell/show us (if any) what past work you made.

(this thread may be archived in the A to Z thread)

To have the honour to kick off:

About me
Helepolis is the name, currently 27 years old, been around since December 2008. Mainly interested in Danmakufu scripting since that is how I found my way here. Back in those days tutorials were rare so I have learned a lot from the "elders". Which is how I started the video tutorials online to help people out. When Stuffman decided to resign his moderator status, I had the honour to be named to moderator of RikaNitori and continued the improvement and advertisement of this forum section.

My motto is a bit like Marisa's: If it aint flashy, it aint danmaku. Which I am trying to reflect as much as possible in my work. Although I terribly lack the mathematical knowledge when it comes down to complex calculations (orz). Thankfully we have our math-lords to help out the poor souls like me (thank you all).

Interest and work
My major project is a 3-stage Uwabami Breakers/Touhou spin-off game called "Dance Contest! Showdown!" which I have been making since 2009. Originally it was a single boss script (Afro guy) but then decided to make it a full game with stages and everything. Until now, it was delayed due to real life reasons, but recently picked it up again. It will become very flashy, please look forward to it! I've created many other small scripts which are scattered around the internet. You can find the videos on my youtube if you want to see them faster. I haven't been able to list the downloads for them yet.

This is how my workshop looks like:
Equipped with a 26" screen at 1920x1200, scripting becomes easier. Stage designing is serious business so I often draw sketches on a notebook to visualize as much as possible my stages. The calculator there is for lazy/fast calculation of 3D drawing positioning. Yes those are guitar picks to sometimes take a break from it all.

Bottom row of my taskbar is filled with folders, photoshop, mp3 player, browser, dnh, basically all the tools I need to work. (I'll post a desktop screenshot when I am at home).

« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 03:24:44 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 02:27:13 PM »
(I guess we're going for forum nicknames here) Dark, 19 years old. Got here as well mostly because I got interested in danmakufu. I looked at all the tutorials and found the programming language to be fun to use. Except that, I have also some experience in the programming used in robots and in, say, TIA portal. (My english skills could be better.) They weren't as interesting, but not boring either. I haven't gotten into the higher levels of math so far regarding school so I lack abit on mathematics used in programming. My recent project is the largest I've released so far which I have worked on from time to time since I took a break after my Aya script. All scripts can be found on my thread here or on my bulletforge/youtube account. Probably won't work on another script for a long time and instead rather check on others scripts or maybe help someone on the Q&A thread which is also quite entertaining.

What I use when I script, well, that would be the danmakufu wiki, a calculator for making math even simpler, the Q&A thread when I got a question, notepad++ because it's great and sometimes wikipedia or any book for inspiration.
Imperfect Metamorphosis Yuuka would make for a cool surprising script, but since I have like no experience in art, it would never happen.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 02:33:08 PM by Darkness1 »


Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2013, 03:36:41 PM »
Matteo, 24 years and one of the few italian scripter on this site, i guess.

My english is bad, my math skills are worse, still i keep coding and improving.

As you can see from my projects, i don't like really much danmaku windows style, my dream is to be a good pc-98 style scripter!  :3


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Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 10:27:01 PM »
I'm Sparen, a new Danamkufu scripter. I started Danmakufu in around October 2012, I think. I originally scripted Danmaku in NetLogo. Right now, my main project is Pok?DigiDanmaku, a game that is planned to have 6 stages on 6 difficulties + an Extra and Phantasm. I script for attention (in truth) but also to see what I am capable of and to see if I can create something that I like. I believe that Danmaku must look good, and don't really like random spewing of bullets, although I've been accused of it before. I try.

I also create Danmakufu 0.12m Tutorials. I'm a High School Student in the US, so I have less time than I'd like, but my eyes are dying already, so I obviously spend too much time on Danmaku and Forums. I'm also a member of LOCAA.

Dark Kitsune

  • Code Fox
Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2013, 11:18:00 PM »
I am a danmaku game creator but I don't use danmaku. Instead, I write all my engines from the ground up. I use Java, GML, and Visual Basic for most projects.

I have 2 major projects:
The first is BloomDev, a danmaku game creation tool meant for making Touhou danmaku games. It's meant to be an easy yet powerful alternative to script runners like Danmakufu. BloomDev outputs the games as distributable .exe applications, so they don't depend on anything to run.

My other major project is Iridescent Bloom, a danmaku game that will be a full-length game when it is finished. The engine I made for it is called Bloom Engine 2, a completely rewritten version of an older engine used in a game called Incandescent Bloom. I'm designing this game to have the feel and playstyle of TH games 5 through 9. The spellcards are almost all original, and 2 of the characters are original.

And my working area is too messy to show here...


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Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2013, 11:37:42 PM »
I'm PhantomSong, or Phantom. I'm fourteen and I'm currently heading into my freshman year of high school (9th grade).   I started coding around late December 2012 early January 2013. I'm not the best, but I try my hardest when I code. My friend convinced me to code Danmakufu because he says I have that "Child's mind of creativity".
When I make boss fights, I try to make special touches. These touches may include unique non-spell concepts for the boss and underrated features of a boss for spells.

My work space includes DELL Windows 7 monitor and hard drive. My Desktop is usually opened to a private playlist of Danmakufu scripts and Official games for inspiration on Youtube, Bulletforge, YoutubeRepeat for music, which helps me think properly, Email, Skype, and other stuff. I keep a notepad nearby for drawing out patterns. This notepad goes everywhere with me however. I also have AppLocale shortcuts for both PH3 and .12m and I have a player/script testing folder with another shortcut of .12m.
And that's me~

Gusano Wornis

  • Member of Team Mystique
Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2013, 01:12:14 AM »
Hello, my name is gusano2314, lit. Worm2314, but call me just gusano.
am a noob spanish danmakufu scripter, and am learning about this amazing program.
actually am making my own Touhou based full game that i want to sell
carrying dead weight since 2015~


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Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2013, 12:26:09 AM »
About me
I'm Imosa, or MaestroAlvis (or some variation there of). I am 21 years old and been here since about June of last year. I am interested in a lot of aspects of game design, including programing and art, but find myself especially attracted to creative ideas in any part of the process. Most of the work I do is under the motivation of trying something new and interesting, so if it looks like I won't be encountering any more interesting problems, I usually stop working.

What I'm doing
My first project was the one I came onto the forum to make, a Tension Bar Tool to be used for Touhou Sky Arena, which was completed successfully. I have also tried to make 2 games, Defined Sense of Atmosphere, a danmaku 3D shooter with a unique full sphere of vision, and Project Hex (never made a thread about it), a tile based Rouge-like with some RTS elements and some real trippy geometry. Both have pretty much been put on indefinite hold due to entering uninteresting stages of development. If anyone is interested in trying a similar project, I'd be more then happy to share what I know.
Currently, I'm working on Reddit, including the Touhou Reddit. I do CSS to format the pages, a little pixel art in making our flairs, and a little python programming to write some bots. I'm also working with another artist to make the whole place look nice. The wide variety of things that need to be done are giving me a lot of experience.
I currently don't spend a lot of time around here but I hope to spend more in the future. I've had an idea for a few bullet patterns which I may try to make. However, my primary focus is an idea for a kind of Danmaku game engine, with some very unique features which I'll try not to discuss until the project is further along. Incidentally, if anyone has experience in JavaScript and wants to work with me on a cool project, PM me and we can talk.

The Workstation

The main (smaller) screen is for my current work. Right now I've got Grafx2 and a Hatate flair I'm working on.
The secondary (larger) screen is for persistent programs and references. IRC and Teamspeak are on all day. On the left I've got a browser. Right now I've got my CSS reference, w3schools, up. Otherwise I've got reddit, gmail, facebook, reference art, a python reference or, of course, MotK.
On the right, there's water to stay hydrated, peanuts for protein.
The Rubik's cube is less about compulsively solving it and more about just holding something to mess with.
Not shown are the complete mess on the rest of the desk and my trusty white board with random curiosities written on it.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 12:29:47 AM by Imosa »

Fujiwara no Mokou

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Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2013, 04:45:22 PM »
Hello. I go by the alias 'Mokou', and I do it in several places including here. I've been around for quite some time now, though I'm not as active as I once was. Recently I'm going to change that.
For those who don't already know, I'm a big Mokou fan, and I like to write roleplay and first-person stories. I first learned of Danmakufu after watching ZUNmaku, thinking it was hilarious and fun to do, and then I joined here and made some of my own scripts, similar to IN extra.
Shortly after, I became an avid C++ programmer, and now I'm proficient at it.
I'm actually looking into making my own  Touhou Danmakufu copy, with faster draw calls and very similar syntax. It's intended to replace the one we already use here because I plan to make it open source so that the community here can add their own native instructions that they might find useful.
It's not quite finished yet.

Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2013, 05:45:18 PM »
About me

Hey my name is Azure and I'm currently 18 years old. I just got into C++ last day ago. I have mainly been interested in RPG and TRPG Touhou games. I have had other accounts before, but I deleted them and made a new one I am going to stick to. In my previous accounts, I have learned many things from people of this selection of the forums which I take into account.

Interest and Work

Still learning C++ in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express, I don't have any game in making as I am still a complete newbie to the C++ language, but I am planning of making a Shin Megami Tensei Touhousona series in the future once I get more experienced in C++.  My other major project I am planning of doing, is to make a Touhou Final Fantasy 9 game engine and release it out to ShrineMaiden people.


Toshiba Windows XP SP3 Laptop with 110GB harddrive, 2GB of Ram, 2.16GHz of CPU and a Portable 80GB harddrive is my main point to make my planned out Touhousona series on.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 01:23:13 PM by AzureAmulet »

Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2013, 09:26:48 AM »
Hello all! I've just returned from an extended weekend out, time to introduce myself.
I'm Tesral, an undergraduate games programmer with a strong preference for C++. British, 19 years old, I only started programming a year or two back but i've already shot up amongst the top students of my year.
You'll normally find me sleeping till midday, programming till dinner and playing on Steam in the evening, a perfect holiday cycle.

My workspace:

Pretty nice setup of Turtle beach headset, FILCO mechanical keyboard, 27" moniter and a GTX680 graphics card with a 3.8GHz i7-3820. (Not pictured: The towering monolith of a desktop holding it all together, a Coolermaster Cosmos II.)

I'm currently working on a metroidvania-style C++ Touhou fangame, expect to see a pre-alpha build demo around this weekend. If anyone is interested in taking part in the project to any degree,  feel free to message me.

Maths ~Angelic Version~

  • Aspiring Mathematician of Brilliant Laziness
Re: Rika and Nitori are curious (introduce and show us your workspace)
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2013, 12:45:33 PM »
I'm Maths ~Angelic Version~, or some variation thereof. I'm currently 17 years old. I never tried any programming before Danmakufu. My first attempt at Danmakufu was in early 2010, with 0.12m, I believe. However, I was "only" 14 at that time and too impatient to do any real programming. All I did was messing with some of the values in various sample scripts.
In late 2011, I decided to try again, this time with ph3. I went from messing around with existing scripts to writing my own, which is what I did for most of 2012. I tried experimenting with various functions and patterns. I don't remember when I discovered this forum, but I do remember that it was before the release of the TD demo. In February 2013, I finally stopped lurking and made a user.
I don't do that much scripting because I'm lazy and easily distracted. Hi, TV Tropes! (I knew making a TV Tropes account was a huge mistake...)
When I do script, it's usually for fun. I basically like to test out random patterns and functions to see what happens. Sometimes the results turn out enjoyable.
I'm a small-scale programmer. I haven't released anything yet, but I'll hopefully release my first project (a battle against the Aki sisters) soon. I just need to fix a few problems, but as I wrote, I'm lazy and easily distracted. In contrary to what my Imgur previews make it look like, every attack has been made. It's just the fact that I've had some problems with my computer and that I've been too lazy to update the Imgur gallery. I have no plans for what I'll do after releasing my first plural script.
Besides Touhou and Danmakufu, mathematics is one of my main interests (hence my username). My knowledge of mathematics is far from great, but I sometimes find it useful when I make patterns. On the other hand, I try not to insert pointless mathematical stuff in my scripts only to prove that I can.

I don't have a picture of my workspace, but you probably don't want to see it anyway. It's just my messy desk. I keep pencil and paper nearby in case I need to draw figures or something. I fail at basic trigonometry when I don't have drawings.
The shortcuts on my taskbar: Danmakufu 0.12m (with AppLocale), AppLocale, GeoGebra (I don't know why I haven't removed it from my taskbar yet), calculator (when I'm too lazy to do simple maths myself), OpenOffice Writer (which I barely use anymore after I stopped writing a diary and started writing my random stuff in Notepad), Danmakufu ph3 (without AppLocale because I believe some non-Japanese fonts cause problems when using AppLocale), iTunes, Notepad, and Firefox.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 12:59:58 PM by Maths ~Angelic Version~ »