Author Topic: The Gensokyo of Tomorrow  (Read 3695 times)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
The Gensokyo of Tomorrow
« on: September 05, 2009, 10:31:35 PM »
Because I felt like it
Due to popular demand!

Some random rantings
An artistic masterpiece comes to life!

Ripped straight from some random story
Based on an episode of the astronomically popular series Twilight Spark Zone!

The Motion Picture!


War. War never changes. Since man discovered the killing power of rock, war has been waged in the name of God, Justice, and simple psychotic rage.

In the year 2077, the destructive nature of man couldn't contain itself no longer.

The world was cast into a nuclear inferno, and drowned in the black rain of fallout.

All the world was destroyed, but one, comparatively small area, known by the name of Gensokyo.

A mystic land, of mystic creatures, a barrier of magical nature had shielded the land from the ravages of nuclear war.

But their luck was not to last, for ten years after the bombs fell, the barrier followed suit...

But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of Gensokyo, but just the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Humans, Youkai, Ghosts, Devils, Fairies, Tengu, Kappa and Onis...


I sat on the front porch of the mansion, looking out over the snow covered garden. Snow was falling alongside cherry blossoms, as I could see my breath forming fog in front of me.

The tea I had been served was superb. But the bitterness reminded me of exactly why I was here.

"A bit of tea can warm even the coldest soul in the coldest of snow."

I turned to see the lady of the mansion approach me, sitting beside me. The blue kimono and pink hair were the ones of the woman who took her in.

"This soul and this snow may be cold, but my spirit has been thawing already, Lady Saigyouji." I flashed a smile at the princess of Hakugyoukurou, and then let my eyes feel the beauty of the day in their own way. The tea was steaming, and she was right. It was a great way to warm up.

I tried remembering what happened before I got here. I remember the Shinigami telling me to come here, but before that, things are blurry. I took another sip of tea.

"What happened to me, Lady Saigyouji?"

"You died in a way no being should die in, and now you linger, powerful in life, powerful in death."

I nodded, having suspected that to be the case all along. I finished my tea, and placed the cup beside me.

"I feel the need to return to the material world. I guess I am supposed to finish what I started?"

"How can you finish what you cannot recall. Give yourself some time, and learn about yourself a little." Lady Saigyouji had made a valid point. I didn't know anything about myself, even though I seemed to have the feeling that it would all come to me in due time. I sighed again.

"Fufufufu, I believe you could help my gardener a little, she could use a little help. Her back isn't what it used to be." I looked at the lady of the mansion as she bemused herself with her thoughts.

"Thank you for your kind offer, my lady. I will accept it." I had no place to go to, so this definitely was better than nothing.

"How splendid!" She was beaming with joy. "Youmuuu!"

A second woman, silver hair, green vest and skirt, and two katanas on her hips, appeared next to the princess almost out of nowhere.

"You had called for me, my lady?"

"Hi there, Youmu, sweets. Our guest Re...err, our guest would like to learn more about her ghostly state. Could you help her with that, and then maybe prepare us dinner?"

"Lady, I will do my best, but it will prove a set back in preparing for the flower viewing later this week." Lady Youmu was diligent in her behavior, something that struck me as familiar. I stood up and bowed to her in greeting, as she bowed to me in response.

"Don't worry about that, we have cherry blossoms the year round, but visitors don't always come. I'll see you at dinner." Lady Saigyouji entered the mansion, leaving me with her servant, who sighed.

"My lady, you can be so erratic some times." She chuckled a bit.

"What do you wish me to do, my lady?" I inquired.

"How about proper introductions? I am Konpaku Youmu. Pleased to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you as well. I sadly cannot remember my name."

I was embarrassed that I could not even remember something so simple.

Youmu smiled at me knowingly, as she laid a hand on my shoulder

"It's ok. The dead only remember their death name. You never had the chance to be given one. Just go by your name in life for now, Hakurei Reimu."


Okay, this was the story I originally had intended to be used as episode 3 in TSZ (For those that care), but after putting some thought of it, it exploded into something...far to large for that, so it'll be an ongoing story in this thread.

This story is going to be a speculation as to what if Gensokyo existed in the World of Tomorrow, as depicted in the Fallout series.

Comments, speculations, insults, donations and beatings are all welcome in between posts.

I hope you enjoy this story, as I sure as hell plan to enjoy writing it.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 10:52:16 PM by Edward von Stein »
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: The Gensokyo of Tomorrow
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 10:47:34 PM »
I was embarrassed that I could not even remember my name my own name.

Might wanna fix that.

Besides that, intruiging read. Who wants to bet the first nuke hit the Hakurei Shrine?

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: The Gensokyo of Tomorrow
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 10:50:26 PM »
Now I can have all the ;_; I wanted.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: The Gensokyo of Tomorrow
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2010, 12:25:09 AM »
Was it  spring or was it winter?

That question sprang to my mind as I and Lady Konpaku walked amongst the petals falling from the trees like snow.

A sense of deja vu washed over me as I gazed up into the sky, listening to Lady Konpaku's advice.

I had been here before, had seen the clouds of pink surrounding my motions, and smelled the scent of life springing forth from the flowers before.

I found it ironic, that the afterlife would be the showplace of such a spectacle of beauty.

My brief thought of the irony of it all was pushed back by memories. Not memories of her time in this shower of cherry blossom petals...

Memories of fire. And pain.


"Lady Hakurei?"

I shook my head and looked at Lady Konpaku. Something had changed.

"Are you feeling fine, milady?"

The floor felt different. Harder. I looked down, and saw it was a large stone platform. The cherry blossoms had disappeared, and real clouds surrounded us.

"Where are we?"

I couldn't help but feel afraid...

"What happened?"

"You suddenly screamed, and flew off. I followed you here to the gate."

"The gate? You don't mean to the real world?"

"Yes, milady. Before you lies what has become of Gensokyo."

Like a contrived coincidence, the cloud surrounding us cleared, revealing the land far below.

It was a veritable jungle. Every last inch of the land seemed to be covered by trees. I could barely make out any landmarks.

The most attention grabbing thing was a large tower sticking out of the forest like a sore, if shining thumb. I could see the reflection of the world in the sides of the tower, as if it was made of mirrors.

"The tower of light. Every night it erupts into a glowing explosion of brightness, which lasts until the morning hours."

"I see. This seems...out of place."

"It was created after the barrier fell."

Not far from it, a much less noticeable tower rose from the treetops, much less intend on scraping against the heavens...what appeared to be the ruins of a scarlet red clock tower.

"That tower..."

"...I think they abandoned the mansion...we haven't seen them in forever."


"You'll see."

Towards my right I saw what appeared to be a bamboo forest, which seemed to clash somewhat with the remainder of the forest.

I tried searching for any bodies of water, but failed...until I saw one river snaking its way through the forest

"What happened? I see so much life but so little water?"

"The rains have stopped. And what little freshwater we got was poisonous, and thus banished."

"But that river..."

"Not of this world, but of the true next."

The true next world? I didn't quite follow there...I thought I had already passed on to the next world.

My thoughts were interrupted by a large shadow moving in the wall of mist in the far distance beyond the river, and a large beam emanating from the mist, towards a cloud in the sky, narrowly missing it as the cloud appears to move out of the beam's way and away from the wall of mist.

"What the..."

"I don't know either. A lot has changed since the barrier fell. Hakugyokurou has tried its best to stay out of the now truly earthly affairs that go on down there..."

I shook my head, something about all this feeling just...wrong. I looked at the gardener, and to my surprise she seemed to be crying.

"L-lady Konpaku! What is the matter?"

"Nothing...I believe we need to hurry back if we wish to not be late for dinner."

Go that I saw the world...could I afford to return and turn my back on it for any longer?

"Lady Hakurei?"

No...I had to move forward. Something inside told me that I wouldn't resolve this incident by staying in this afterlife for now.

"I'm sorry. Give Lady Saigyouji my thanks and regards..."

"...Your intuition remains sharp even in death, doesn't it?"

"I suppose...thank you, Lady Konpaku. I am sure I will return..."

"Be wary...this new world found new ways of killing, even the dead."

I heard the last words, and nodded in acknowledgment as I let myself fall from the gate in the sky, towards the jungle below.


One year, and six days after my first entry into this story, I present to you, the second entry. I am aware that the introduction to the world could've been done smoother, but that's the best that came to my mind.

I hope this will be enjoyable, once again...or finally.

On that note, it's time to choose your destiny.

Given the usual nature of Fallout games, this story is not yet set in stone...what does that mean?
You, the reader, get to do some deciding every now and then. Like right now! =D

I gave you multiple landmarks up there, and I am sure you can easily enough figure out what most of them are. Where should Reimu's intuition lead her first?

A) The Tower of Light.

B) The Scarlet Clock Tower.

C) The Out of Place (but not really) Bamboo Forest.

D) The Shadow in the misty horizon.

E) The only remaining river in the area.

F) The suspicious cloud.

The choice is yours, please make one. ^_^;;

Thanks for reading.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: The Gensokyo of Tomorrow
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2010, 12:42:02 AM »
Rivers are good. We need to put Mutant Nitori out of her misery ;_;