Author Topic: Stupid Theories  (Read 18129 times)

Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #60 on: May 05, 2012, 12:45:27 AM »
The characters fighting in a (standard) touhou game are actually just fragile doppelgangers of the real character, who flies along a lil' offscreen.
This is why...
  • the PC sprite has such a small hitbox: only the core is actually solid.
  • the PC sprite bursts in one hit (the danmaku damages the fragile core), and comes back a few moments later from the bottom of the screen (the character sends the next simulacrum forth).
  • there are "lives": the life pieces you collect make up the core, so stockpiling enough allows you to create an additional duplicate to use.
  • things that should probably be lethal (such as knives) aren't: they're only attacking a clone.
  • the enemy bosses don't die in one hit: they use a much sturdier variant that's able to take greater punishment while pumping out many more bullets, trading quantity for quality.
  • Mokou seems to die to reportedly non-lethal danmaku: she, being immortal, just uses her regular ol' body.
  • Reimu has a smaller hitbox: the Hakurei clan had a tradition of using this type of magic, and is able to create a copy with less material for the core (one of the reasons she accepted the spell card rules is because it gave her an advantage).


  • playing with training wheels
  • "Touhou" is japanese for "silly hats only"
    • my Pixiv
Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #61 on: May 05, 2012, 01:58:02 AM »
Reasons for why Miko is a Dating Sim Protagonist:
1) Used to be a man
2) Top level politician (=smooth and well-spoken as HELL)
3) Can listen to a girl's most secret desires and TELL HER EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS TO HEAR.
4) Comes prepackaged with:
4.1) clingy, unlucky "promised girl" (Tojiko)
4.2) clumsy, timid but hyperactive girl (Futo)
4.3) experienced and naughty nee-san (Seiga)
5) Even the "guy roles"!
5.1) "holier than you" rival (Byakuren)
5.2) bromantic interest (Kanako)

Dating Sim hero, Miko.


Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #62 on: May 07, 2012, 08:30:10 PM »
Gensokyo is all a delusion by a very chuuni Reimu.


  • Behind each smile
  • is ten thousand sorrows
Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #63 on: May 07, 2012, 08:54:53 PM »
Gensokyo is all a delusion by a very chuuni Reimu.

Oh I thought it was a delusion by either Rinnosuke or Maribel lol
"Times will bring that up over and over again. It's like I'm dying from my mental hemophilia... Forgetting the past is easier said than done. You know it dies hard, and when it dies, it dies with you."

Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #64 on: May 07, 2012, 08:58:19 PM »
that's actually true for Reimu in Concealed the Conclusion

Religion has actually been deemed as simple Fantasy and is now forgotten in the Human World, causing the religions to appear in Gensokyo.

Next game, yet another Youkai Jesus


Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #65 on: May 08, 2012, 04:22:28 AM »
Koishi has domain over the unconscious mind, right?

Well, back when I saw Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventure, one thing bothered me: There wasn't any particular explanation for how Koishi was able to...Alter...Herself so much. (This is hardly the only grievance related to canon the series has, but I digress.) Sure, she's powerful in the games, but it's mainly from a danmaku standpoint. We don't get to see any of her secondary abilities really in action.

Then it hit me.

The unconscious mind includes dreams, and with dreams come nightmares.

So my point, ladies and gents, is this:

Koishi may very well be Gensokyo's harbinger of night terrors. D:


  • playing with training wheels
  • "Touhou" is japanese for "silly hats only"
    • my Pixiv
Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #66 on: May 08, 2012, 01:26:49 PM »
Koishi has domain over the unconscious mind, right?

Well, back when I saw Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventure, one thing bothered me: There wasn't any particular explanation for how Koishi was able to...Alter...Herself so much. (This is hardly the only grievance related to canon the series has, but I digress.) Sure, she's powerful in the games, but it's mainly from a danmaku standpoint. We don't get to see any of her secondary abilities really in action.

Then it hit me.

The unconscious mind includes dreams, and with dreams come nightmares.

So my point, ladies and gents, is this:

Koishi may very well be Gensokyo's harbinger of night terrors. D:

Let's put some weight behind this:
1) Kanako explains in SoPM that she picked Okuu to receive the Yatagarasu because the crow was stupid. Something about "encourage a pig enough, and it'll climb a tree." The point is: when you don't know how far you can go, there are no limits to you.

2) The part of us who knows anything is the ego. Koishi lacks an ego.

3) From 1 and 2, it follows that Koishi may succeed at anything she tries. Her powers are effectively unbounded.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #67 on: May 08, 2012, 02:39:45 PM »
Let's put Futo into the heart of the Myouren Temple and see what happens...

Will the Temple see another morning?
> assuming she burns it down

> assuming she boat-boards the place

> assuming she attempts to screw with the feng-shui
idk if she has any actual knowledge about object/position-related feng shui manipulation but otherwise she can't really screw with someone else's feng shui

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #68 on: May 08, 2012, 07:31:53 PM »
Let's put some weight behind this:
1) Kanako explains in SoPM that she picked Okuu to receive the Yatagarasu because the crow was stupid. Something about "encourage a pig enough, and it'll climb a tree." The point is: when you don't know how far you can go, there are no limits to you.

2) The part of us who knows anything is the ego. Koishi lacks an ego.

3) From 1 and 2, it follows that Koishi may succeed at anything she tries. Her powers are effectively unbounded.



Sanae, you poor sodding girl, why did you have to be so right about Gensokyo and common sense?

Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2012, 12:33:44 PM »
-Sigmund Freud is a result of Koishi sky diving at mach 10 into Sakuya's stop watch.

-Tunguska event follows because Okuu was stalking Koishi and stole Dr. Who's TARDIS to follow her.

-DON'T LOOK AWAY, DON'T EVEN BLINK. They are fast, faster than you think, beware of the Weeping Tenshi!

-Aya lays eggs every month buts eats them for breakfast because there is no one to fertilize them.

-Odin and Loki got drunk and went cross dressing, they woke up but lost all their memories and so they mistook themselves for vampires, a woman attacked them with a knife when they tried to bite her and chased them all the way to Japan.

-If one were to water the plants in ZUNS garden with anything other than beer, they would die and turn into very, very angry barrels of beer which upon touching you will induce a barrel roll followed by a series of geddan.

-Nitori is building a real, working Kappa Gundam so Gensokyo may enter the Gundam Fighting Tournament that happens every 4 years in the outside world.

-Metal Gear Solid 5 will be set in Gensokyo when Houjuu Nue becomes Liquid Nue. (go look at a picture of Nue if you don't get it.)

-Pandas are not endangered, they merely migrated to Gensokyo, now without human supervision they are free to make nuclear weapons out of their magical bamboo, World War III is prevented when they defeat USA, China, and North Korea and save humanity from themselves.

-At night, ZUN ventures into the sea of black trees, wherein lies an old abandoned shrine, his hair turns white and he enters through a portal into a mystical eastern land.

-NASA/Illuminati fought a long, cold, shadowy war against the Lunarians, they lost, years later several individuals who worked in governmental offices were detained and institutionalized when they tried to prove that their superiors had rabbit ears or other strange features.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 12:36:10 PM by Cold War »


Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2012, 03:04:27 PM »
Lily White is Space Core. :V

Spring. Spring. Spring. Wanna go to spring. Is it spring yet? Are you spring? SPRRRIIIIIIIINNNGGG!!!1one


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: Stupid Theories
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2012, 05:01:38 PM »
-In SSiB, Eirin predicted Yukari to just steal things, and decided to play along to prevent her from using her Boundary powers to destroy the Moon when too cornered.

-The three fairies possess greater power than Reimu, come on, think about it.

-Ex Keine caves Mokou on a regular basis.

-Kaguya does indeed have access to the Internet, and is posing as Tengukami to protect her pride as a NEET.

-Miko was the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

-ZUN loved beer.
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