Author Topic: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki  (Read 11575 times)

Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2012, 01:26:03 AM »
Gengetsu,Yumemi, Rika, Rikako.

Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2012, 03:00:08 AM »
Yumemi, Yumeko, Elly, Meira, & Kurumi.

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Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2012, 03:40:19 PM »
Luize, Sara, Elis, Sariel maybe some Rikako and Ruukuto too. Ruukuto had a lot of potential to come back given she's like...Reimu's personal maid. Rikako could cement herself (maybe along side Rika, Yumemi and Chiyuri) as Gensokyo's first 'Science Crew', which would be neat to see how it fares in Gensokyo. Meira would be nice to see again what with her motives in SoEW. You'd think she'd be incredibly persistent about it but...guess not :V

Luize and Sara I've always found interesting, Luize for her tourism and Sara for her occupation. Elis/Sariel I've always imagined as an interesting duo, but since they appear in a game that gives no background I'm left wondering what they're whole story is. I'm especially curious on why Sariel (the only angel in Gensokyo even) is in a world of demons. Did she fall from grace, or is there some other motive behind this? I can only wonder.

Also, fuck you, I want my Shinki back.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 03:49:38 PM by Touji Suwagata »
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Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2012, 07:46:40 PM »
Kana, Meira, Elly, Yumemi and Rika.
Kana because her theme is really pretty and she could have a really interesting backstory and personality, being produced by the mind of a mentally unstable girl and all.
Meira because we need another sword-user to show up now that it looks like Youmu is going to be playable in the games (or maybe it was just a one-off, we won't know until TH14) and she seems... interesting? I don't know.
Rika because themes and evil eye sigma.
Yumemi because I feel like she didn't get enough attention even though she was the final boss - the science has started to disappear from Touhou now. Of course, with Yumemi we should get Chiyuri as well.
Elly because we had Yuuka and she was the gatekeeper, so why not? What's she even doing? I don't think Yuuka mentioned her at all in PoFV (I haven't played the game, just looked at the wiki's translations of some of the dialogue).
I would say Yumeko but it would be kinda weird to have her back without Shinki and the thread title says not to ask for Shinki so yeah :V

Also it would be interesting to see how they've all changed, in personality and design. Alice and Yuuka's personalities seem to be a bit different and of course, they look different too.

Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2012, 10:16:01 PM »
Apparently ZUN has stated several times that the PC-98 series isn't actually canon to the windows series (the wiki actually has links to those various interviews). Thus any reference to a PC-98 game in the Windows games is more like a mythology gag than a confirmation that the entire PC-98 series is canon to it. Of course, that doesn't mean PC-98 characters or locations can't "return". If anything, it gives more freedom for them to return. It's just a question of whether or not ZUN would want them to (many of them didn't because he didn't feel very comfortable with them in the windows version of the Touhou story. Some like Rikako really wouldn't make much sense after several stories in the windows game like Silent SInner in Blue, etc, have taken place)

In this regards, it is highly likely that several Windows characters are revisions of certain PC-98 characters. Meiling is probably a revision of Orange (in fact, their battle dialogues are VERY similar) and Kaguya is likely a revision of Kotohime (both are rabbit princesses and collectors)

I do sincerely believe that Mima is the current god residing in the Hakurei shrine. Because given the situation (of the god being angry at a lack of faith and things to the point where no one remembers her name), that's hilarious.

I like Yumemi a lot. However, I think Maribel's stories are basically a revision of Yumemi's themes. Yumemi is a teacher of a university in a world where all energy has been unified and magic is the one thing left unexplained. Magical Astronomy is basically the story of a university girl in a world that has unified all forms of energy discovering one that hasn't been unified yet and being declared a magician (magic) for it in the end.'d be cool if Yumemi was one of Maribel's professors, though.

Honestly not sure I'd see the point of most PC-98 characters reappearing in the windows game. A lot of them were very undeveloped and really wouldn't have a unique niche now that several Windows characters are there (we already have poltergeists, maids, vampires, etc)


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Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2012, 08:04:12 AM »
Apparently ZUN has stated several times that the PC-98 series isn't actually canon to the windows series (the wiki actually has links to those various interviews). Thus any reference to a PC-98 game in the Windows games is more like a mythology gag than a confirmation that the entire PC-98 series is canon to it. Of course, that doesn't mean PC-98 characters or locations can't "return". If anything, it gives more freedom for them to return. It's just a question of whether or not ZUN would want them to (many of them didn't because he didn't feel very comfortable with them in the windows version of the Touhou story. Some like Rikako really wouldn't make much sense after several stories in the windows game like Silent SInner in Blue, etc, have taken place)
If you're referring to this one...

Then no, he didn't say that the PC-98 games are non-canon to the Windows series; he simply says that he wants people ignore them, and that is not the same thing as retconning them.


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Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2012, 08:54:22 AM »

Please leave stuff like this in the other thread though, I can easily see things spilling out already.

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Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2012, 05:18:36 AM »
I like what Donut said about Meira. She seems like a character who could have had far more significance that she was given.
Rika would be cool for a somewhat similar reason.
Above all however, I'd like to see Kotohime suddenly return and once again try to throw Reimu in prison.
Many of the other cool ones have already been "recreated," like Rikako-Patchouli for example. I don't accept Kaguya as a Kotohime equivalent though. There are some parallels, but their personalities are very different.


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Re: PC-98 characters you wish to see back THAT AREN'T Mima and Shinki
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2012, 08:22:35 AM »
Kotohime's personality is adorable. She just wants to put Reimu in jail!
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