Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: Recon 5 on January 08, 2010, 05:12:19 AM

Title: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Recon 5 on January 08, 2010, 05:12:19 AM
They've been the protagonists of the entire Windows series and most of the PC-98 series (minus StB of course) and no one would miss them if they take a break for one or two installments or even the rest of the Windows series for that matter. It would create two slots for new characters or for ZUN to bring back some old favorites.

What does everyone think? Can the series continue without those two in the main spots? Should it? Would it be better after Reimu and Marisa step down?
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Xijiy on January 08, 2010, 05:17:06 AM
Hm, I suppose it would be a real shocker to see some new main characters. I'm a bit unsure of that matter myself. While I think it would be a cool idea to see some new characters/spell cards/attacks/stories from the players perspective. The new characters could be rather awful and it wouldn't be as fun to play as them or hear about their stories.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 08, 2010, 05:24:37 AM
Theres no reason, So I doubt this will happen soon if ever.

Lets be honest. Every Touhou game is a set formula like a Megaman game. Add a few new faces in for the six robot masters bosses, and then throw megaman megamari marisa and reimu at them and hope shit blows up well. Sometimes old characters get cameos as shot types. Reusing Marisa and Reimu saves time on completely redesigning shot types and characters.

At that, what would really require a different person than Marisa and Reimu? Ones a witch, ones a miko, they fight crime solve incidents. The only people to worry about are the bosses, really.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: shadowbringer on January 08, 2010, 05:27:49 AM
canonically, humans and youkai must fight each other, and the spellcard rules were made so that youkai could fight the shrinemaiden without worrying about (the drawbacks of) defeating her. If Reimu were to retire, or become too grownup/elderly to play danmaku, she would need a successor (unless she's unavailable, for some reason), even if that successor doesn't get to appear in the games.

Marisa could've given less 'screen time' without much serious consequences, like Alice and Patchouli seem to be getting gradually less appearances, however Marisa could be also one of ZUN's ways of showing Gensokyo to the players, through the games, since Marisa is an human, and so, easier to identify with. (this isn't discrimination, it's said that youkai think differently from humans)

Maybe the challenge would be, to have another character that could be good enough to replace them. Possibly, a newcomer.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: ebarrett on January 08, 2010, 05:28:27 AM
I could really go on a rant but these are modern times which put modern demands on modern people so I'll be brief and just ask politely, in hoping to keep an elevated level of debate, to everyone who is and will be involved in this discussion to BURN THE HERETIC
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Recon 5 on January 08, 2010, 05:38:05 AM
Thing is, people keep asking for old characters to be brought back as bosses, but we all know that ZUN's policy is usually to introduce new characters as bosses. Why not bring some old characters back as mains instead of Reimu and Marisa?
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 08, 2010, 05:41:14 AM
Maybe the challenge would be, to have another character that could be good enough to replace them. Possibly, a newcomer.

If Zun DID replace them, I can simply say making it not a video shark jumping moment would be his toughest task. Reimu and Marisa are not the kinds of characters that people wouldn't care vanish, if their successors didn't pass them, they'd get no end of crap for being 'the characters that replaced marisa and reimu'.

Thing is, people keep asking for old characters to be brought back as bosses, but we all know that ZUN's policy is usually to introduce new characters as bosses. Why not bring some old characters back as mains instead of Reimu and Marisa?

Oh fuck. Not this. Crap, This entire thought process was about old characters being brought back? Are you loving KIDDING ME?

Asking for old characters to return at all is pretty ridiculous. It happens, But USUALLY alongside Reimu and Marisa. Ex. PCB and Sakuya, IN and the other teams and partners, SA and the shot types.

If there were new mains, They're NOT going to be old characters.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: warpshadow on January 08, 2010, 06:54:07 AM
Even though I don't know ZUN's thoughts I have the strange feeling that he isn't willing to go through another storm of fanrage the likes of which was seen in Shoot the Bullet when Reimu and Marisa were absent either. This time it would be even worse because the two main characters would be replaced.

Besides do Reimu and Marisa look like they are getting too old to fight monsters? They look about as old in the latest game as they did in EoSD.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Nine West on January 08, 2010, 07:01:04 AM
Thing is, people keep asking for old characters to be brought back as bosses, but we all know that ZUN's policy is usually to introduce new characters as bosses. Why not bring some old characters back as mains instead of Reimu and Marisa?

To be honest, I would prefer old characters being brought back (if ever again) as bosses rather than PCs, because being bosses means that you get to show more of your Danmaku.

If the only thing that matters is the actual appearance of old characters in-game, just say you want another StB-type deal.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: nintendonut888 on January 08, 2010, 07:03:45 AM
Besides do Reimu and Marisa look like they are getting too old to fight monsters? They look about as old in the latest game as they did in EoSD.

I must be the only person who actually thinks Reimu and Marisa look like they're in their mid-twenties. >_> As for looking the same, people generally stop looking different after 18, which is about how old I'd put the two in EoSD.

Anyway, I severely doubt it. The series' alternate official title is Project Shrine Maiden. Marisa I admit is in every game mostly out of tradition, but I really don't think the series would be the same without Reimu.

FYI, Reimu and Marisa appeared in the backstory to StB.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 08, 2010, 07:24:06 AM
While Reimu isn't my fave Touhou character, or even among my top 5, I rather do like her, which is unusual for most main characters. As for Marisa, she's something like my 5th fave or so, around that ballpark. Anyway I rather like them as main characters, why screw around with a formula that obviously works?
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Grand Octopus on January 08, 2010, 07:31:17 AM
Yes, they're both old and past their use-by-dates. The next batch of playable characters should be either the Moriyas, the Komeijis, or Yuki, Mai and Alice.

Not really.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Aisha on January 08, 2010, 08:06:50 AM
Didn't ZUN say that he considered Marisa to be a sub-character? I can't remember where I read that. Certainly feels contradictory to how much attention she gets in the series, though..
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Garlyle on January 08, 2010, 09:03:57 AM
I feel like mentioning Shoot the Bullet.

No it's not a major game but it's still there, and the only playable character is Aya - hell, Reimu and Marisa never appear in that game.

However, the entire reasoning behind StB - and it's change of character to Aya - is that the idea of photographing bullets simply did not work with Reimu or Marisa.

In short: The next time you can expect to NOT see Reimu and Marisa as main characters, will be the next time that the gameplay itself dictates that they simply can't work.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Pesco on January 08, 2010, 09:29:48 AM
It happens to be the HAKUREI shrine and the HAKUREI border. Reimu holds all the rights. Marisa could get replaced by Sanae then oshitSuperMario!
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Apotheosis on January 08, 2010, 10:05:12 AM
Well, I've been meaning to tell y'all this, and I suppose now's a good enough time.

I've been talking with ZUN. Now, nothing's official, not yet, but according to him I'm slated to be the next protagonist.

So look for TH13, starring the asian dude in the sleeping bag with legs!

Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 08, 2010, 10:31:46 AM
It happens to be the HAKUREI shrine and the HAKUREI border. Reimu holds all the rights. Marisa could get replaced by Sanae then oshitSuperMario!
boo Sanae is one of very few Touhou characters I somewhat dislike.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Helepolis on January 08, 2010, 10:51:52 AM
Danbooru pictures of touhou: over 100.000
#1 Kirisame Marisa 11751
#2 Hakurei Reimu 10892
#3 Izayoi Sakuya 8454

It is not going to happen. ZUN wishes to live peacefully in the mountains.

It would create two slots for new characters or for ZUN to bring back some old favorites.

What does everyone think?

ZUN is NOT going to bring back old characters. 'Favorite' is a subjective view. Just because people want for example Mima back doesn't mean Mima is a favorite character or anything.

Stop whining about it.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Rikter on January 08, 2010, 02:41:42 PM
I must be the only person who actually thinks Reimu and Marisa look like they're in their mid-twenties. >_>

You are.

Anyways You do not change the main characters in a series after about 4 games. Its too late to change at that point.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: DarkslimeZ on January 08, 2010, 02:48:01 PM
Touhou 13 main characters: Sanae, Sakuya, and Satsuki
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Blackraptor on January 08, 2010, 04:29:47 PM
Touhou 13 main characters: Sanae, Sakuya, and Satsuki
Trade in Sanae for Youmu or Keine and you have a deal.

Also Touhou 14 with Mima and Shinki's return is slated for 2013 BTW...

World ends on 2012.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Serela on January 08, 2010, 05:31:46 PM
Also Touhou 14 with Mima and Shinki's return is slated for 2013 BTW...

World ends on 2012.
I would laugh so hard if he actually did that and there really was an apocalypse.

Not to mention all the "MIMA'S COMING BACK, ITS A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE!" jokes that would occur.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaotic Phoenixma on January 08, 2010, 06:46:47 PM
boo Sanae is one of very few Touhou characters I somewhat dislike.

Sanae is fine. So are most of the other MoF characters. I can't stand Kanako though, I ****ing hate her so much.

Marisa would be more likely to get retired, but it's not likely anyway.

I'm kind of expecting Kogasa for playable in Touhou 13 or as an Ex Boss or something later in the series. But then, is it really a surprise then if some people would expect that as a surprise?
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 08, 2010, 08:35:49 PM
Trade in Sanae for Youmu or Keine and you have a deal.

Also Touhou 14 with Mima and Shinki's return is slated for 2013 BTW...

World ends on 2012.


They misread it, and recently discovered the Mayan calendar ends on 2208. No apocalypse in our lifetimes, mates.

Also, regarding the age problem, I bet ZUN's going to give us a time skip once Reimu and Marisa get implausibly old while still looking like loli's. After said time skip Marisa would be a youkai and Reimu a ghost/goddess/Yukari-hacked-immortal, keeping them loli, and allowing them to be main characters. 'Cuz with ZUN, it's all about the loli's.
Since so many things are named after and revolve around Reimu, she's probably going to stay the main character. She's the Mario, the Link of Touhou, she'll almost always take the lead role. And Marisa is the rival/friend since the second game, so although she has less plot importance than Reimu, she'll probably keep sticking around. (Unless ZUN wants to go the grimdark route and kill her off for drama)
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: DgBarca on January 08, 2010, 08:38:48 PM
"Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?"
"Is it time for Mario to retire?"
Well no.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Kuma on January 08, 2010, 08:44:43 PM
Retire? They're, like, 12.

But if they HAD to be replaced, it'd be Reimu's daughter/grandaughter, and Marisa as a Youkai, or Marisa's apprentice who wants to carry out her dream to find a legit way for a human to become a youkai without giving up their humanity or whatever.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Patorikku on January 08, 2010, 09:09:16 PM
They misread it, and recently discovered the Mayan calendar ends on 2208. No apocalypse in our lifetimes, mates.
The Mayan's are long gone. Their calendar ended a LONG time ago. Still, no apocalypse anytime soon. :V

Anyways, the idea of switching out such despised loved characters as Reimu and Marisa is ridiculous in itself. Marisa is an understandable one, sort of, as she really only follows Reimu for the fun of it, but like Pes said, it's alwaysabout the HAKUREI border, not the Moriya or Komeiji border. Though, to be fair, I'd love it if it was the Komeiji border...

And Kogasa as a playable? Ghal, my friend, I'd sooner see Nue as playable. :V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Slaves on January 08, 2010, 09:15:09 PM
short answer: no
long answer: noooooooooo~

changing something drastically usually leads to something bad.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: AlexX Unlimited on January 08, 2010, 09:24:37 PM
I must be the only person who actually thinks Reimu and Marisa look like they're in their mid-twenties. >_> As for looking the same, people generally stop looking different after 18, which is about how old I'd put the two in EoSD.
I actually always thought this was plausable. The girls age in rougly real-time, right? Sure, they still look loli, but even the 'old hags' look incredibly young in teir ZUNart.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on January 08, 2010, 09:40:10 PM
Think about all the trouble that would mean for ZUN. He might have to create a whole new reason for a character to fight instead of just using 'It's an incident'
And in the worst case he wouldn't even be able to use the
'Everybody drinks tea at the shrine'
-Ending anymore and be forced to do something new  :V

No really, I'm fine with the playable cast we have now. As long as they get some new shottypes from time to time that's good enough, they don't get boring. New characters are always enemies in Gensokyo, that's how it is.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: shadowbringer on January 08, 2010, 10:03:22 PM
Retire? They're, like, 12.

But if they HAD to be replaced, it'd be Reimu's daughter/grandaughter, and Marisa as a Youkai, or Marisa's apprentice who wants to carry out her dream to find a legit way for a human to become a youkai without giving up their humanity or whatever.

didn't want to miss the jokes :p
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on January 09, 2010, 03:44:18 AM
I must be the only person who actually thinks Reimu and Marisa look like they're in their mid-twenties. >_>
I do!
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 09, 2010, 05:20:48 AM
And Kogasa as a playable? Ghal, my friend, I'd sooner see Nue as playable. :V

Eh? I'm the only guy who can be considered "ghal" that I know of. And I never said no such thing, not even close.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Patorikku on January 09, 2010, 05:51:04 AM
Shoot, sorry, I meant Enigma. I looked at the quote tag for some reason. ._.

But still, Nue comes sooner than Kogasa.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on January 09, 2010, 05:49:50 PM
I'm sorry, I'm just seeing a lot of "This is my favorite character. Therefore, the creator of the series should make them more prominent." (Yeah, yeah, I know, but still ...)
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 09, 2010, 06:48:24 PM
I'm sorry, I'm just seeing a lot of "This is my favorite character. Therefore, the creator of the series should make them more prominent." (Yeah, yeah, I know, but still ...)

This is basically what everyone wants. No one really gets -why- old characters don't really return with new moves, or why Reimu and Marisa are the prominent Heroes.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Seian Verian on January 09, 2010, 07:41:44 PM
I think that Byakuren should replace Reimu :V *shot* Marisa should never stop being playable~ <3
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 09, 2010, 07:46:43 PM
I think that Byakuren should replace Reimu :V *shot* Marisa should never stop being playable~ <3

/me reloads his shotgun*

I do agree about Marisa though, especially since shes the obviously more likely candidate. At this point, she really seems more like a mascot than Reimu, And given 'Project Shrine Maiden', its a great irony.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: nintendonut888 on January 09, 2010, 07:58:47 PM
/me reloads his shotgun*

I do agree about Marisa though, especially since shes the obviously more likely candidate. At this point, she really seems more like a mascot than Reimu, And given 'Project Shrine Maiden', its a great irony.

You ever hear of Or was it supposed to be
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 09, 2010, 07:59:39 PM
it's homestarrunner.

Still though, Reimu and Marisa are still loveable as %#@$, leave em alone I say.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 09, 2010, 08:16:19 PM
it's homestarrunner.

Still though, Reimu and Marisa are still loveable as %#@$, leave em alone I say.

I think that was his point.  :V Homestar is supposed to be the main character, but strongbad takes the lead.

And yes, Besides, No one could really replace them and keep the same feel as the other games.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on January 09, 2010, 09:13:30 PM
You ever hear of Or was it supposed to be It's Dot Com!
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Bias Bus on January 09, 2010, 11:03:51 PM
Personally, I'd like to see a game that changes things up for once and let's us play with some of the other characters that get less spotlight than the others (Shut up, I'm not talking about PC-98, although that would be nice). Maybe something with, I'unno Nitori or something. I don't know, just anything's better than the same thing over and over again. I guess

But what do I know, I'm just good at bitching about something that won't change anyway.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 09, 2010, 11:07:04 PM
But what do I know, I'm just good at bitching about something that won't change anyway.

I love when people make my points for me.  :V

If anything, To really keep the theme, You'd probably not get any of the youkai as PCs. Probably someone like Sakuya or Sanae. So really, the only way to have a new game with new mains would be new characters, or Sakuya+Sanae Double Team mayhem game.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 10, 2010, 01:21:20 AM
Well many of the fangames feature different main characters, some of them are bad, but many are excellent. Normally fan-made works for games aren't really considered, but dismissing them for Touhou would be a mistake IMO. The amount of work and dedication to your average Touhou fangame is way past other games that I've seen, furthermore, since Touhou itself is a doujin game, doujin fan games about it are pretty "official" in their own right.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 10, 2010, 01:26:21 AM
Well many of the fangames feature different main characters, some of them are bad, but many are excellent. Normally fan-made works for games aren't really considered, but dismissing them for Touhou would be a mistake IMO. The amount of work and dedication to your average Touhou fangame is way past other games that I've seen, furthermore, since Touhou itself is a doujin game, doujin fan games about it are pretty "official" in their own right.

...Is this a response to me or just a general comment, cause ya lost me. :V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 10, 2010, 01:35:56 AM
...Is this a response to me or just a general comment, cause ya lost me. :V

The people who want to toss Reimu and Marisa out on the street like chopped liver crowd in general.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 10, 2010, 01:41:26 AM
How does it really discourage them? :V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 10, 2010, 01:44:32 AM
How does it really discourage them? :V

Now you lost me. Ignore everything I said and pretend I said something like "MIMA CHAAAAAN!!!!!" or whatever.

Truly though, without Reimu, how are Touhou fans gonna get their armpit fix? Sanae's just don't have the same luscious curves.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Thaws on January 10, 2010, 03:05:33 AM
I'm kind of expecting Kogasa for playable in Touhou 13 or as an Ex Boss or something later in the series. But then, is it really a surprise then if some people would expect that as a surprise?

Up till now, all playable characters in the main window games have been humans. (PoFV and StB are the only exceptions) So it's not that probable for Kogasa to be playable. '^'

Unless something like StB is released, and it's like Kogasa dodges danmaku while go up to scare characters from TH10 - 12.  :V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 10, 2010, 03:18:10 AM
Up till now, all playable characters in the main window games have been humans. (PoFV and StB are the only exceptions) So it's not that probable for Kogasa to be playable. '^'

Unless something like StB is released, and it's like Kogasa dodges danmaku while go up to scare characters from TH10 - 12.  :V

Thaws says it all. MS is pretty much the exception that proves the rule in this case, and Sanae technically counts in both fields being related to Suwako. (Same technically applies to Youmu.) IN also counts if you consider the Youkai Partners like Shot-Types in SA, Or its just another exception (Except for the Windows Series).

Its the small things like Youmu/Sanae's dual nature and IN itself that tend to make you think its not true, but really, Touhou's set up is Humans Fight Youkai.

Almost makes me want to make a Danmakufu game with the opposite theme. :V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: ebarrett on January 10, 2010, 03:31:00 AM
Touhou is a series about Reimu solving incidents, everything else is Christmas specials and bonus tracks.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Patorikku on January 10, 2010, 03:53:31 AM
Touhou is a series about Reimu solving incidents, everything else is Christmas specials and bonus tracks.
Sounds like your average american cartoon show to me.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: shadowbringer on January 10, 2010, 04:32:04 AM
Well many of the fangames feature different main characters, some of them are bad, but many are excellent. Normally fan-made works for games aren't really considered, but dismissing them for Touhou would be a mistake IMO. The amount of work and dedication to your average Touhou fangame is way past other games that I've seen, furthermore, since Touhou itself is a doujin game, doujin fan games about it are pretty "official" in their own right.

fangames <> canon; you may do whatever you want in a fangame you create, you have that sort of freedom in them. (ZUN was worried that -- possibly newer -- people would think that the Maikaze anime would be canonical.. provided that said people could distinguish between canon and non-canon, for example, doujinshis.)

Anyways, good news! I came back from the future, and guess who will be the new protagonist for the next Touhou game?

*gets Yorihime to protect him from the upcoming tomatoes and shotgun danmaku*
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 10, 2010, 04:43:01 AM
This shotgun of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning bullets tell me to defeat you! Take this, my anger, my biscuits, and all of these bullets!


*Shoots non-danmaku*
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Moerin on January 10, 2010, 05:11:35 AM
Anyways, good news! I came back from the future, and guess who will be the new protagonist for the next Touhou game?

I support this idea 10,000%!

No seriously, I'd love to see my princess show up in one of the games~
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 10, 2010, 05:26:11 AM
I support this idea 10,000%!

No seriously, I'd love to see my princess show up in one of the games~

This is usually a sign its a bad news. :V

Seriously though, As a shot type, she'd be a redone Youmu to the point people would question why you'd not just choose the more likable character, as a boss people would probably -revel- at the chance to beat her up, and it'd probably give more ammo against her.

As a Shot-type support ala SA or something though, It might be a decent idea if done right. Maybe save her from the depths of backdraft hell. But its more likely given the personalities of the moon princesses to just make people hate her more.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: shadowbringer on January 10, 2010, 06:24:28 AM
the Lunar Capital can be compared to Gensokyo, though they didn't use spellcard rules there (at least until SSiB). That's why I thought about her.

And the people who dislike her, need to have a dose of Inaba of the Earth/Moon vol. 26 :D
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 10, 2010, 06:33:24 AM
the Lunar Capital can be compared to Gensokyo, though they didn't use spellcard rules there (at least until SSiB). That's why I thought about her.

And the people who dislike her, need to have a dose of Inaba of the Earth/Moon vol. 26 :D

I don't see V. 26 helping them any time soon, Amusing as it was. Also, I'll give a slight sure to the lunar capital comparison. The scale of the two and issues would be MUCH smaller though, I imagine the capital has a smaller 'absurdly strong compared to others' count than gensokyo. In fact, the closest thing to an incident would be that particular plotline in SSiB.

Which would be plain annoying to see resurface at any point.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on January 10, 2010, 07:04:29 AM
I was thinking of making this side-scrolling platformer where Yorihime is the player character and she invades Gensokyo ... and the majority of the boss battles are "losing is mandatory" bosses that have cutscenes where you get beaten up out of gameplay if you win, and if you lose the game keeps going, they just skip the "you get beaten out of gameplay" part of the cutscene.

But it got a bit too big.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Chaore on January 10, 2010, 07:07:04 AM
I was thinking of making this side-scrolling platformer where Yorihime is the player character and she invades Gensokyo ... and the majority of the boss battles are "losing is mandatory" bosses that have cutscenes where you get beaten up out of gameplay if you win, and if you lose the game keeps going, they just skip the "you get beaten out of gameplay" part of the cutscene.

But it got a bit too big.

I should hug you for this on principal. :V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on January 10, 2010, 07:11:13 AM
*purrs* |3

Oh, and also, she learns A Valuable Lesson in the process. Or not, depending on the number of optional bosses you fought.

It's ended up about twice as long as Metal Gear Solid, and about as brain-twisty. (Not as brain-twisty as MGS2, though, on the grounds that you actually know going in that it's going to be like this ...)
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 11, 2010, 09:27:50 PM
This may be slightly off topic, but looking at the 'retire' in the title, I suddenly see Marisa and Reimu as nice, little, old ladies sitting at the shrine while looking at their successors. Maybe even Yukari and several other youkai pop in (all mostly unchanged) to memorize about the good old times.

Then Cirno causes trouble near the shrine and Reimu and Marisa suddenly become badass grannies and kick Cirno across Gensokyo.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: AlexX Unlimited on January 12, 2010, 03:04:10 AM
This may be slightly off topic, but looking at the 'retire' in the title, I suddenly see Marisa and Reimu as nice, little, old ladies sitting at the shrine while looking at their successors. Maybe even Yukari and several other youkai pop in (all mostly unchanged) to memorize about the good old times.
SPOILER: The final touhou game reveals that everything was just the girls having one big flashback. =V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on January 13, 2010, 07:41:29 AM
I'd say make Sanae available in 3 different choices.

like the old Reimu games.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Be Pok U (1998 burst style) on January 13, 2010, 10:01:09 AM
The stories are barely about reimu anymore. How interesting is reimu suppose to be these days except to be the I'll kill you all shrine maiden ?
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: nintendonut888 on January 13, 2010, 10:18:58 AM
The story hasn't been about Reimu since Story of Eastern Wonderland. >_> However, Reimu is a vessel for which to carry the story, as it is her duty to become involved in everything strange.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Be Pok U (1998 burst style) on January 13, 2010, 02:58:15 PM
The story hasn't been about Reimu since Story of Eastern Wonderland. >_> However, Reimu is a vessel for which to carry the story, as it is her duty to become involved in everything strange.

And that's why mima needs to return.  :V
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: shadowbringer on January 14, 2010, 03:04:45 AM
SPOILER: The final touhou game reveals that everything was just the girls having one big flashback. =V
the flashbacks are from Reimu, who is dying, due to an internal hemorrhage from her fight with Yorihime. Marisa has to replace Reimu as the protagonist, since she's human and is familiar with youkai 'exorcism', Aya becomes Marisa's partner, Sakuya tries to murder Yukari for having sent them to the moon, which resulted in Reimu's condition, Yukari is forced to ask Sanae to use the powers of both Kanako and Suwako to exterminate the SDM, in order to contain Sakuya and prevent a revolt against herself, without drawing attention.

Tenshi witnesses Sanae's attack on the SDM, and realizes that it was Yukari's maneuver. She then talks about it to Marisa, and explains that in order to defeat Yukari, she and Aya must first defeat Yuyuko. Marisa visits Yuka, and convinces her to make the Saigyou Ayakashi bloom fully, unsealing Yuyuko's human self, which is then murdered by Marisa, followed by Youmu.

Without Yuyuko, it's Eirin's turn to make Yukari pay for having stirred the unrest in the lunar capital and have put the blame on her. She decides to summon Toyohime to eliminate her and clear Eirin's name. Eirin herself fought Ran, but is betrayed by Tenshi, who kills her, and allows Ran to take revenge on Toyohime. With Toyohime dead, it's the lunarians' turn to invade the world they've forsaken as a prison, and with this, all of the mortal Earth creatures die screaming, while Reimu still can hear them. And so, her memories are no more.

edit: nothing. :p
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Tengukami on January 14, 2010, 02:24:54 PM
Eh, I don't see a problem with bringing in other PCs, but Reimu and Marisa are Touhou. What you're asking for is the equivalent of seeing Van Halen fronted by Sammy Hagar instead of David Lee Roth. And we all know how much Van Hagar sucks.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 14, 2010, 03:22:29 PM
the flashbacks are from Reimu, who is dying, due to an internal hemorrhage from her fight with Yorihime. Marisa has to replace Reimu as the protagonist, since she's human and is familiar with youkai 'exorcism', Aya becomes Marisa's partner, Sakuya tries to murder Yukari for having sent them to the moon, which resulted in Reimu's condition, Yukari is forced to ask Sanae to use the powers of both Kanako and Suwako to exterminate the SDM, in order to contain Sakuya and prevent a revolt against herself, without drawing attention.

Tenshi witnesses Sanae's attack on the SDM, and realizes that it was Yukari's maneuver. She then talks about it to Marisa, and explains that in order to defeat Yukari, she and Aya must first defeat Yuyuko. Marisa visits Yuka, and convinces her to make the Saigyou Ayakashi bloom fully, unsealing Yuyuko's human self, which is then murdered by Marisa, followed by Youmu.

Without Yuyuko, it's Eirin's turn to make Yukari pay for having stirred the unrest in the lunar capital and have put the blame on her. She decides to summon Toyohime to eliminate her and clear Eirin's name. Eirin herself fought Ran, but is betrayed by Tenshi, who kills her, and allows Ran to take revenge on Toyohime. With Toyohime dead, it's the lunarians' turn to invade the world they've forsaken as a prison, and with this, all of the mortal Earth creatures die screaming, while Reimu still can hear them. And so, her memories are no more.

edit: nothing. :p

The ultimate bad end :'(

I really hope Touhou ends with a big, happy ending without any casualities, and that Reimu and Marisa (EDIT: and ofcourse Sanae, Sakuya and Youmu) get to live with their youkai friends for ever and ever....

Yes, I'm a softy.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 14, 2010, 05:36:36 PM
The ultimate bad end :'(

I really hope Touhou ends with a big, happy ending without any casualities, and that Reimu and Marisa get to live with their youkai for ever and ever....

Yes, I'm a softy.

Oh so Sakuya and Sanae are chopped liver? they can just rot? tsk >=P
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 14, 2010, 05:41:30 PM
Oh so Sakuya and Sanae are chopped liver? they can just rot? tsk >=P

They were going to get destroyed by the Lunarians too at the end. Yes, the moonbitches destroying the Earth is in my eyes very much a bad end. Though I'm happy Ran kicked Toyohime's ass.

Oh, if you're regarding to the happy end, I automatically mean everyone in the series with friends, so the forever and ever counts for them too.

Fine, I'll fix it.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Blackraptor on January 15, 2010, 01:48:28 PM
They were going to get destroyed by the Lunarians too at the end. Yes, the moonbitches destroying the Earth is in my eyes very much a bad end. Though I'm happy Ran kicked Toyohime's ass.

Oh, if you're regarding to the happy end, I automatically mean everyone in the series with friends, so the forever and ever counts for them too.

Fine, I'll fix it.

Suddenly! Sariel comes down from heaven while Shinki and Mima rise from Makai and screws over the Lunarians.

Then Galactus shows up.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Moerin on January 15, 2010, 02:32:19 PM
I see a flaw in your logic: Why would the Lunarians try to conquer a world that they want absolutely nothing to do with?  Can't say I blame them, either..

Of course, I for one welcome our new freaking hot alien overlords~  Oh Yori, my beautiful princess... Mmmm~<3  ...Ahem.

Yes, I know the reason that it's so obviously stupid is because it's a joke, but I like to poke holes in things~
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 15, 2010, 02:35:39 PM
Then Galactus shows up.

Followed by Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Moerin on January 15, 2010, 02:37:59 PM
Followed by Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Then Ideon explodes, killing everyone and everything~  Ufufu~
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Blackraptor on January 15, 2010, 02:39:57 PM
Then Ideon explodes, killing everyone and everything~  Ufufu~

Game Over.
Mission Resets.
No Battle Mastery for you.
Use your seishins more effectively next time.
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: shadowbringer on January 15, 2010, 05:54:49 PM
I see a flaw in your logic: Why would the Lunarians try to conquer a world that they want absolutely nothing to do with?  Can't say I blame them, either..

Of course, I for one welcome our new freaking hot alien overlords~  Oh Yori, my beautiful princess... Mmmm~<3  ...Ahem.

they didn't came to conquer the Earth, but to devastate it as a retaliation for Toyohime's death.
didn't you think that Tenshi wanted them to do this, in order to have the Earth for herself? ;)

I think that there are flaws in my logic, that story was a bit rushed (based in some key points, like
Aya being present in all games until UFO
Sakuya fans raging over her being 'replaced' by Sanae
), but for now, all I can say is, "nice try" :p
Title: Re: Is it time for Reimu and Marisa to retire?
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on January 15, 2010, 06:07:28 PM
Game Over.
Mission Resets.
No Battle Mastery for you.
Use your seishins more effectively next time.
And I immediately get MGS2's VR-Missions "mission failed" theme in my head. D'oh!