Author Topic: Touhou Dream Thread  (Read 339655 times)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #240 on: September 08, 2013, 12:16:12 PM »
Had two instances of Touhou showing up last night. In the first one, I had opened up TD Extra and was playing against Mamizou. However, her first two attacks were only loosely based on those from her actual fight, and I had to stop playing after that because it was messing with my computer. In the second, I and several other guests were staying at a friend's house. Among those other guests were Touhou characters, though I only remember Youmu and Yuyuko specifically, and they were all dressed in more casual attire. We ended up playing a few video and board games while we waited for some crisis outside to settle down.

EDIT: Because I don't want to double-post. In last night's dream, much to my own shock, I found myself dressed in a variation of Kogasa's outfit. I say " to my own shock" because I don't think it's the kind of outfit I'd be able to pull off that well. However, I felt more comfortable with it in the dream, and it's making me reconsider trying it out in real life.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 03:15:34 AM by ふねん1 »
"Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking." - Carl Sagan

NEW AND IMPROVED YOUTUBE, now with 60 fps Touhou videos! Latest video update: WBaWC Lunatic/Extra no-miss no-bomb no-Roars no-Spirit-Strikes compilation.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #241 on: September 14, 2013, 04:25:20 AM »
To date, I've had exactly 113 Touhou dreams. I keep a dream diary specifically for Touhou dreams only. I write them as soon as I get up, so there's a few typos, but I choose to leave them there for the sake of authenticity.

Here's one of them:

16:During a weird dream, I was Batman for a moment, and I was helping Robin out of a red crate in the sky, but the the "Camera angle" moved slightly, and I could see Yuuka climbing on the crate. Batman then put Robin back inside the crate and threw it down to the ground as fast as he could, in an effort to save Robin. When the crate hit the ground, Robin turned into a rubber fish, which I picked up and filled with water at a nearby stream. Apparently, that made too much noise, because Yuuka came down and snapped Hercules's neck (the one from the Disney movie.), which caused it to "reset" back to where I was filling the fish up with water. I then tried to do it more quietly, and when nothing happened when I filled it up, I squirted Yuuka while she was in the air with the water.

It then turned into this weird game where Yuuka and I were facing odd against each other from on the ledges of my shower in my bathroom, but the shower was about five miles wide. I remember it had something to do with easy buttons on the side of the wall, and there was attack and defense points. Initially, she had way more attack and defense than me, but neither of us attacked for a while. Yuuka then attacked and killed Batman, and I began to panic. I began to search all along the walls of my bathroom to see if I could spot her, and for some reason, while Yuuka was on the walls, I thought she was supposed to look like a golden, glowing scarab. She eventually appeared behind me, and asked how I had become more powerful than her. She then struck at me with something, and didn't do any physical damage, but once she hit me, she checked these weird consoles that were inside my bathroom. She then said that this "wasn't right.", and that she was going to kill me. With that, she started smashing all the consoles and easy buttons. For some reason, I even started helping her. When the last easy button came around, she was right in front of it, and I felt ready to die. However, she said that it would be nice to rule over Hercules and Greece (I had become Hercules) so she came to a screen that looked like it was from the Hearts of Iron "do you wish to make an alliance" scree, that had a picture of some mountains on it. When she hit "accept"m her request was denied, she then turned around and starting walking towards me, then the dream ended.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 04:26:53 AM by AfrikaKorpsSoldat »


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #242 on: September 14, 2013, 08:18:04 PM »
So I have 3 dreams to talk about today. I tried to shorten them while still making sense.

The first dream was in a world with no electricity. So after fighting off a ninja, I was talking to my cousin and my best friend when Yukari appears. She said that she forgot to pick me up. I go with her and the rest of the dream is me and Yukari hanging out.

The next dream took place in this 2-in-1 game. One of the games was a hidden object game. I started this section off in a house. After exploring this house for a little bit, I found myself in a swamp so I walked forward for a little bit and then Yuyuko comes out of nowhere and hugs me and I was like :blush:. The dream ended shortly after that.

The last one was just me playing IN with Reimu solo and fighting Marisa and I was doing really well compared to how my fights with her usually go. 
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #243 on: September 19, 2013, 12:25:38 AM »
Awhile ago, in July, I had a crazy Touhou dream.

The details are fuzzy, but I remember what follows:
Reimu (with cat ears) and a metric ton of catgirl maids and myself were all at (what I've deduced to be) the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and then, the eponymous ojou-sama of the mansion (who i never actually saw but i can assume was Remilia) comes out and informs us all that the many catgirls here have an incurable 'hunger' for humans, and demands they all be either exiled or killed. Upon hearing this, Reimu demands we be given time to devise a cure to free them of this 'hunger'. So then, suddenly there's teams of scientists and catgirls who appeared from nowhere and are all working at making this cure. I knew we had about an hour to get this done, and we had it done by the time i woke up. I like to the whole cure thing and individuals eating humans comes from The Last of Us, which I had just finished about a day or two before I had this dream.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #244 on: September 20, 2013, 02:04:56 AM »
The night before last, I had a dream where Orin ran up to me and hugged me. I could actually feel her hugging me, and she looked extremely cute.
I can't see cuteness.
Last night, it was the same dream, except Orin was even cuter, and there was sound.
Juubi linked me a video today that was a remix of Orin's theme, with a voice that sounded exactly like Orin did in the dream. I had never seen the video before.
<Die The death>! <Sentence to death>! <Great equalizer is The Death>!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #245 on: September 20, 2013, 03:45:43 PM »
I had a weird dream a couple of nights ago. It started out at a school where Marisa was dropping her son off.It shifted to the principal who planned to call three students after school to talk about their bad grades. It then shifted to youmu who was preparing to fire a bottle rocket. It shifted outside and I was watching this happen on a TV. I got to press the button that fired the bottle rocket. Then it shifted to a random hallway after school where the principal was discussing the 3 students bad grades. Marisa surrounded her son with a ring of stars to prevent him from escapeing before he talked about his bad grade. Then the dream ended. 
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #246 on: September 23, 2013, 07:01:38 AM »
I'm having trouble remembering the non-touhou part of this dream so I'm just going to post the touhou part for now and record it in my dream diary later.

It involved a grand theft auto like game (I don't have GTA 5 yet so it wasn't quite gta 5) and eventually I got to my appartment. I was in hiding from some organisation. I'm sure I had an argument about food with sombody and I think Alice Margatroid was in the room. If she wasn't then it was just that protecting her was top of my mind. I went into the kitchen to make a butter sandwich and in the middle of making it, I heard sombody complain about my butter sandwiches. I looked aroun and found it was coming from my phone. It seems that an organisation (I don't know if I was with them or against them) were about to start a mission. Captian Macmillan was saying the mission details and I was listening in. He had a female assistant for the job as well. The girl had medium length white hair and wore the dark brotherhood uniform from oblivion. She was kitted out with technology. Apparently Alice had helped her get the technology but didn't know what they were going to do with it. The girl zoomed through an underground train station until she met Wakasagihime where she proceded to let out these drones with cameras (she had killed some youkai monkeys that I had met to get them) and attack her. Wakasagihime fought back violently but she was calmed by an attack and killed. I was horrified by what had happened. I remember the smell. I described it as "green" in the dream. Wakasagihime turned white and desolved into the ground. She revived almost immediatley afterwards. It turned how wakasagihime knew this person who had killed her. She wanted revenge for the killing of 2 poeple.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #247 on: September 23, 2013, 07:30:00 AM »
I had a dream that had Reimu fist fighting a tiger? (must have been Shou) The match ended with Reimu winning, but when Marisa randomly comes out of no-where doing weird things with her broom. . . I appear out of the shrine and I try to hop on Marisa's broom, but she yanks it away from me. After that, a bunch of random stuff I'm no aware of. If only I can remember more. . . .


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #248 on: October 01, 2013, 01:51:11 AM »
Related to Touhou cosplaying so it should be more like a cosplay  related dream but... Had a dream that I drove down to AWA in a jiffy... AND FORGOT TO BRING ALL MY COSPLAYS D:
"Times will bring that up over and over again. It's like I'm dying from my mental hemophilia... Forgetting the past is easier said than done. You know it dies hard, and when it dies, it dies with you."


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #249 on: October 01, 2013, 11:47:02 PM »
I had only one 2hu dream in my life, in which I started a new term in a university that for some reason looked like a castle. The road to the dormitory was a tiny brick bridge with rosaries hanging from the tiny rope rails, which I crossed on all fours almost shitting myself.
Inside was, ridiculously enough, a normal dorm room, except Remilia welcomed me as my roommate.
I said hi, went to unpack and suddenly she went for my neck. I covered it with arms and she bit into my arm. And for some ridiculous reason, I let it slide with only a "Hey, stop that! #%@$!, you left a teeth in my wrist!" The rest of the dream was me studying and getting annoyed by her smiling and staring at me, then I got tired and wanted to get out... and realized there's no way in hell I'm going back through the bridge, and she is lucky to have wings.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #250 on: October 03, 2013, 04:27:02 AM »
I had one dream that seemed eerily close to a fan made 3D version of EoSD. So, it was kinda like this, except first person and no white box.

As far as I remember, I was just flying around, dodging "shots" from Reimu with a bunch of bamboo sprouts everywhere, like IN. That went on for a relatively long time, until she "darted" (Flew really fast) towards me, and I woke up.

Not the most amazing of dreams, but still something.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #251 on: October 03, 2013, 02:28:43 PM »
Last night I dreamed I was adopted by Remilia. For most of the dream, I was hanging out with Flandre, until Remilia invited us both on a trip to... somewhere. I woke up at that point. At some point she had to explain to Flandre that no, I can't use danmaku, so please don't play rough with me.
well I haven't been here for a while

My avatar was commissioned from this fine person here!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #252 on: October 06, 2013, 05:34:06 AM »
I had a dream recently that involved some war between the SDM and some other faction/mansion/I don't know. Apparently, the SDM wasn't a mansion, but it was some awesome looking military base. I don't remember seeing anyone from the SDM in it, but I remember seeing Okuu. Suddenly, for some reason, Minecraft physics kicked in. Since there was lava near the SDM base, I used a bucket to get some lava, and then I poured it down the enemy's underground base, and they all retreated, causing us to win!

Now I only hoped more characters made an appearance...


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #253 on: October 06, 2013, 10:13:52 PM »
I had a touhou dream last night but forgot about it immediately after waking up. I literally thought "I need to write this in my dream diary" when I woke up but then immediately afterwards I completely forgot about it and decided to get up to play the PS2. All I can remember is being next to Alice.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #254 on: October 07, 2013, 02:32:36 AM »
It's not clear at all, maybe because I dreamed that two weeks ago, but I caught a glimpse of Seiga chasing me through one of Eientei's tunnels. (???)

wow such red themes

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #255 on: October 07, 2013, 01:43:46 PM »
I dreamed that I was on vacation, reading a novel about Touhou. In the novel, Sanae and Youmu had been brainwashed or something, and were being confronted by Eiki. The details are a little fuzzy, but basically while they were being evil, Eiki asked them if they were lovers, to which they replied "of course" and kissed. Eiki then decided that the way to cure their brainwashing was to bathe them in fountains that would cure their sexual deviancy.

Needless to say, dream-self was pissed. I stopped reading and threw the book off the bunk bed. And then started crying. Which is basically the way I react to homophobia in real life, so!
well I haven't been here for a while

My avatar was commissioned from this fine person here!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #256 on: October 07, 2013, 05:33:20 PM »
I have two dreams from a while back to share.

The first one was this weird quiz show with Koishi in the living room of my mom's apartment. I had to fight her off while trying to guess the touhou character from there shadow.

The second one was I was in a military academy classroom with Cirno and someone else I did not know. So Cirno was asked what day was today and she said Thanksgiving. S o then, her and the teacher went out for a talk. So I went up to talk to the other person and we started talking about Cirno. Right when I was saying something, Cirno came back into the room. I don't know why but I thought I was going to get frozen by her ???.
But she just patted me on the head.
The dream ended shortly after that.
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #257 on: October 11, 2013, 03:23:56 AM »
Had a vaguely interesting dream in which I was taking Satori out to a fancy dinner for some event, and our waiter was one of my old teachers, who at one point gave a ten minute speech about the history of Texas. Satori got bored part of the way through and started playing Dwarf Fortress on my laptop, but oddly the most memorable part of the dream for me is that we never ordered any food.


  • The Strongest!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #258 on: October 14, 2013, 10:37:07 AM »
Another two dreams to share.
In the first one, I was about to go to sleep when my dad called me to tell me about something. I went back to my room and Alice was standing there. So we talked a little and then she went to sleep in my bed. Dream ended shortly after that.

The second one was part of this weird sequential dream. So in the middle of it, there was this dog chasing after cats. Chen in her cat form comes out of nowhere and starts fighting the dog. Me and Yukari were watching the fight. I tried to move closer to Yukari to talk to her and Chen asks me to help her. The dream ended right after Chen said that. I never got to talk to Yukari.
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !


  • Vocaloid for the win!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #259 on: October 17, 2013, 10:18:01 AM »
unfortunately, my PC is at another house so no dream diary excerpt. Still I'll write the dream here. It may not make much sense though - lots of time skips because I can't remember parts of it.

I was watching a play of some sort. It was about a drink that was kind of a drug. Then I noticed that Alice Margatroid was in the play - or at least the actor was playing her despite also wearing a spiderman suit without the mask. I complimented the voice actor as she seemed to play Alice's voice quite well. The person next to me noticed that I was in love with Alice because I was quite clearly feeling for her and always looking at her. I also felt despair when she took the drink but in the end she was strong-willed enough to let go of it more than everybody else and I was happy with it. After a while I noticed I had the ability to fly. After a bit of messing around, I decided to contact the real Alice. Eventually she came down from the sky and I kissed her. After a while I lost her and had to find her again. When I eventually did, I flew straight at her shouting her name. I got straight up to her and asked her "what kind of ring do you want?" I don't know if metals like gold, silver or platinum affect magic or not. "oh, white." she said looking quite disappointed. She probably expected me to ask her to marry me right there but I don't have a ring for her so I couldn't - unless Japanese weddings don't need rings and she's gotten used to them. Still, I took her answer as white gold and flew to the nearest jewellery shop to find rings for her. I did find some for her but I had no money on me and I couldn't buy one for her. I didn't feel like stealing something that Alice would be wearing for as long as we love each other.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • Shipper On Board
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #260 on: October 21, 2013, 04:41:20 AM »
I had a pretty crazy one last night. I dreamt I was back at school, and we were sitting in the hall having our final assembly of the year. I was sitting next to one of my male friends, except in the dream he was now my boyfriend so we were holding hands. Suddenly, all the kids who'd ever bullied me came to the front and started performing a song and dance routine to celebrate halloween (even though the school year ends in July, so wtf). It was this loud rock song, but it had an oddly familiar melody, and it hit me that they're singing along to a rock arrangement of Alice Maestra, so ofc I immediately started telling everyone around me that I recognised it. Then the song kinda turned into 滅星プロミネンス by halozy (youtube link for those curious) and they were singing in Japanese and everything, which weirded me out because the bullies loved making fun of my Jpop back in the day. Naturally I then started translating the lyrics to everyone around me, and then yelled "Alice Maestra is THE ReiMari theme song!"

So ofc my dream self started thinking about how great ReiMari was, and ofc my dream changed as a result. I was now in a cave with a huge pool of water, and at first I was Marisa, but then it changed to me watching Marisa. The pool was really cloudy and dirty, and for some reason all my stuff was at the edges, and I kept worring they'd get wet. I was drinking apple juice out of a carton too, and at one point I accidently dipped it in the water, which made me sad. Anyway, Marisa was standing in the pool, waiting for Reimu to show up, and then a few minutes later she did, and for some reason I thought "This is just like stage 4 of LLS!" I then waited for them to start their danmaku battle, but instead Marisa rushed forward and hugged Reimu. Dream self was delighted, naturally.

Then I woke up...

Shio Yamote

  • Like a Miko
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #261 on: October 22, 2013, 05:48:27 AM »
I only had 2 touhou dreams until now so:

1: I was taking a walk in the park when suddenly I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was standing in front of the scarlet devil mansion. The gate was open, so I walked in and I saw Meiling. I got scared because I tought she was going to kick my ass because I was a intruder but she just told me to go inside the mansion. She called Sakuya and told her that their guest arrived. Sakuya came and greeted me with some coffee and we all went to the dinning room. Remilia and Flandre was there and they told me to take a seat. We had breakfast together and spent the whole morning talking about gensokyo and its residents.

2: My dream begun with me in the middle of a desert with a oasis next to it. Suddenly, the water froze, and I saw Cirno flying nearby. She approached me and told that I was needed in one of the most decisive battles in gensokyo. I told her I didn't knew WTF was going on, but she grabbed me by my arms and we teleported. I arrived with Cirno in the hakurei shrine, along with Reimu, Marisa, Sanae and Yukari.  I heard a scream and we all went outside. There was a girl being killed by a man(Woman?) in a black coat. Suddenly we got bombarded by a huge amount of kunai danmaku that we luckily avoided. Suddenly, Marisa asked Cirno: ''Cirno, what the scouter says about his power level?'' I LOL'd and Cirno screamed ''It's over 9999!'' and then she exploded and I woke up.
Normal: All
Hard: PCB, IN, TD
Lunatic: IN
Extras: EoSD, PCB Extra+Phantasm, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #262 on: October 24, 2013, 03:50:20 PM »
Apparently, Unzan plays baseball. He doesn't even need a bat. He just bitch-slaps the ball. And DAMN is he good at it.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #263 on: October 25, 2013, 02:12:08 PM »
Had a dream involving Kanako and Reimu. Why? I have no idea...

It started off with some party-like thing going on at my grandparents' house. Well, I saw Kanako and Reimu hanging out near a tree (I think it was a tree, but I'm not too sure...) and I walked over there to talk to them. They seemed nice, but for some reason, Kanako's eyes were blue instead of the usual red. We then went to some other place (I remember the inside of the building having white walls, though I cannot recall the actual place) for something important. Kanako and Reimu then walked to the bathroom, but they were never seen again after that. Either I missed them coming out, or they never came out at all.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #264 on: October 31, 2013, 05:14:53 PM »
2 Dreams this time to share.

The first one was with me, Marisa, and Mystia in my mom's apartment. Marisa and Mystia were talking about something and I was just listening when Marisa got up to take a shower and Mystia and me went into my room. Right before the dream ended, Marisa told a joke and Mystia laughed and then the dream ended.

The second one starts with me running away from this dog-werewolf thing. So, I climb a rope outside one of the buildings and after I get a good distance up, I look down and guess who is looking back at me.It was Yuuka looking back at me and she starts climbing the rope. Something happens and she ends up flying above me while I am still on the rope. She fires a laser at me from her parasol. I dodge it and fire some Ki blasts at her. Suddenly, she goes through the wall of the building to appear on the roof. The dream ends with her looking down and doing an evil smile at me. 
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !


Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #265 on: November 03, 2013, 05:15:55 PM »
I just had a recent dream with Team 9 . I seem to have randomly been teleported to the outskirts of Misty Lake, having to have landed on a bench with Cirno. We just discussed stuff and . . .math. Then that's when Rumia,Wriggle,and Mystia showed up claiming an incident has occurred. They fly away since it seems that it was something in the sky though I couldn't fly, so they tried to teach me,quick. Cirno made temporary icicle wings on my back, but I ignored the frost bite they just told me to climb a tree and to fly, but I just face-planted to the ground. Sooner or later I got the hang of it then we flew off! That's when we see Lily White up in the sky, flying away from something, and that's when I wake up.

Shio Yamote

  • Like a Miko
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #266 on: November 06, 2013, 06:49:12 AM »
Well, some days ago, I just beat Flandre and last night I had this dream:

I woke up next to the Scarlet Devil Mansion just like my last dream but this time instead of Meiling, I saw Flandre standing next to me. She said congratulations for defeating her and that the next time it won't be that easy. We spent the rest of the dream talking about dodging danmaku. I woke up and I had another Touhou dream:

I was in a grassy field with Marisa, Reimu, Yukari and Suwako. We spent some time having a picnic and talking about random stuff. Later Marisa said she wanted to play soccer, so everyone agreed and we started playing. I was the goalkeeper and everything was going OK until Marisa started shooting danmaku at me and Yukari started teleporting everywhere. I yelled to them: WTF stop cheating! Reimu told me that she was going to kick their ass if they did that again. After soccer, Suwako pulled a prank on me. I opened my backpack to get some sandwichs and then guess what was inside? Hundreds and hundreds of frogs. They started licking me and I ran away while she was laughing at me. When I came back she apologized and hugged me  :blush:. Then I woke up. I think I will start to practice Lucid Dreaming soon.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 07:07:22 AM by Shio Yamote »
Normal: All
Hard: PCB, IN, TD
Lunatic: IN
Extras: EoSD, PCB Extra+Phantasm, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #267 on: November 11, 2013, 06:52:29 PM »
I had a dream a while ago in which I got pretty angry at a certain touhou hentai doujin (not going to say which one) due to what I'm going to call "mistreatment of Alice's body" - which means I morally can't read it due to me being in love with her. In the dream the doujin was in black and white so when I woke up and looked at the doujin again I was surprised to see that it was actually in full colour.

The doujin in the dream does actually exist and I morally can't read it until it's translated because I care too much.  THP keeps telling me to stop getting mad over porn but I can't help myself.

I think that doujin is the right word for it anyway. I don't have my dream diary with me so I'm using this thread as a stand in.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #268 on: November 12, 2013, 06:43:45 PM »
I think I will start to practice Lucid Dreaming soon.

Good luck with that... I am unable to, I swear...
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


  • Vocaloid for the win!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #269 on: November 12, 2013, 08:40:02 PM »
Good luck with that... I am unable to, I swear...

Lucid dreaming takes time and luck to do. different people seem to have different ways of figuring out how to do it. I've heard of people constantly checking watches in real life so that they notice time being abnormal.  I've also heard of people who used constantly flashing lights to create somthing wierd to notice in the dream.

I was actually following a lucid dreaming guide when I started keeping a dream diary.

Alice doesn't appear in my lucid dreams so I've stopped trying to have them
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!