Author Topic: Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros [HIATUS]  (Read 119858 times)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
And now you've caught up to where I am...I should really get back to playing this, now that I think about it...
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
By the way, I did an unnecessarily large writeup about Stage 19 for you in advance, so that you won't have nightmares about the
triple party split
I'm curious about your strategy. Surely it will be better than mine. Using 2 full parties to slowly wipe out one path at a time is very slow and tedious... but safer.

And now you've caught up to where I am...I should really get back to playing this, now that I think about it...
Go ahead then. But don't play like me who juggles between frantically keeping up with Serela and MewMewHeart in NoR and me trying to keep this LP on schedule.

In the mean time, I have been listening to Toono Dance 1. A lot. It is infinitely better than Battle 2 BGM of GoS.

Stage 15 - Forest of Magic 2

Reimu is a Grade A asshole.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Yes Saya's friend comes up and gets saved if you don't skip the cutscenes :V And yeah, if you know exactly what to gear up for on 2/3 routes of stage 19, it's not hard to clear them out the normal way. It's just, well... normally you would have no idea exactly what to prepare for, resulting in nightmares.

Straw Doll Kamikaze is actually pretty powerful if you want it to be. It powers up with Alice's HP, and if you abuse a questionable thing in postgame you can hit obscene numbers with it... but it's just surprisingly solid in general if Alice has any patk to speak of (which she won't really for a long time, unfortunately, once the rainbow greave's attack power wanes off- why would you take them off, after all?!). I still used it for Yukkuris, even then.

Reimu in that cutscene is amazing. They make so many sprites for poses and gestures she will never use at any other point. (GoS does this a lot, actually. It's great!) Just to kick in how awful she is. <3

And, yeah, of course using a first tier weapon from game start, in late game, is not going to work well. XD Satori can learn flare and holy, but honestly, they kinda suck eggs and aren't worth bothering for.

And next is...! ...something really easy.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Straw Doll Kamikaze is actually pretty powerful if you want it to be. It powers up with Alice's HP, and if you abuse a questionable thing in postgame you can hit obscene numbers with it... but it's just surprisingly solid in general if Alice has any patk to speak of (which she won't really for a long time, unfortunately, once the rainbow greave's attack power wanes off- why would you take them off, after all?!). I still used it for Yukkuris, even then.

Reimu in that cutscene is amazing. They make so many sprites for poses and gestures she will never use at any other point. (GoS does this a lot, actually. It's great!) Just to kick in how awful she is. <3
I know how to do it. With Sanae's max HP buffs right?

That's why I only use 1 portrait each character. Ripping all the character's expression will take a really long time.

frantically keeping up with Serela and MewMewHeart in NoR and me trying to keep this LP on schedule.
The bad thing about rushing 2 games at once is that you ended up underleveled in both games, which is not good.

As much as I don't like GoS, at least it's bosses difficulty increased steadily with sharp increase in difficulty during stage 10 and final stage. In Nightmare of Rebellion, previous bosses I faced only has 2 x 300 HP, which I can one hit easily. And then, next stage's boss has a whooping 8000 HP...
At least it's Boss 1 Theme is pretty catchy. 

Stage 16 - Genbu's Swamp

Is that the boss for this stage?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
For funsies I've killed her in literally 1 turn before  :getdown: It wasn't easy, but doable.

So, big dump- since the stage after next is the triple split, here ya go for stage 19!

...oh wait. It's stage 18. Well I mixed them up then. You know which one I mean.

This is the first stage you get Trapezohedrons, I think. These are VERY VALUABLE. You will not have as many as you want, and you will still care even in postgame since they aren't just for character-specific gear this time. I don't remember there being -any- armors worth using them on. Sakuya's Vyse Sword has -very- useful slayers (Hopefully you didn't run out of her specific material) and if you don't forge the Kusanagi, Youmu's Doujigiri Yasutsuna is almost a -required- craft for the final boss. But, well, if you can afford the Kusanagi you totally want it anyway, so. Anyway, that warning out of the way, onto strategy.

RouteA: Unlike the other two routes, the enemies here are actually pretty varied. You'll need a variety of elements and both physical and magical attackers. When well set up the other two paths should be breezy easy, but this one isn't- and since there's no one tool to use to win, all I can say is, you need to be prepared to take on any kind of enemy with this party- there's many that will force you to use certain types of attacks.

RouteB: A lot of the enemies are very vulnerable to instant death; time to bring out the Executioner axe! The HDDs and mind flayers especially are weak to it, I recall... this is -the- party to give your Launch Earrings to, no doubt. There's also a good amount of slash-weak enemies, and if you forge the Kusanagi, the slayers combined with slash and instant death will keep this area entirely easy to clear out, provided you've got the status resistance for it. Don't bother with any magic here (it won't work well on many enemies anyway, apart from not needing it), but do NOT neglect to outfit -everyone- for status resistances, even if you bring Sanae for RES buffs; I did say mindflayers, and the flowers use sleep.

If Nitori's learned any physical chasers yet, using those with executioner will bring not only good damage, but each chaser proc can land that sweet instant death; their damage is also boosted by IND for some reason (? It's weird, but true.), so it comboes well. Elemental chasers are not [? Element] and as such will not carry over the weapon effects like Death. There's some interesting applications for goofy weapons.

RouteC: Nearly (or literally?) everything is weak to light and/or elec. Even Satori's super basic magic like Plasma Ball and the star ones are useful (because mad thunder costs notable mp). You don't need physical attackers- but you do need some petrification resistance. And maybe Alice, too... if you bring her, this route is a breeze.

Notable details:Each path has an adamantite and orichalcon shard to grab. The generic wizard drops the Wisdom Ring III- and the IIIs are important because they upgrade into IV later AND you can get ANOTHER III to drop once you upgrade the original. I don't remember what drops the strength one...

You can learn both Psycho Blast and Shield Wall on Satori, which is a valuable unique MAtk+Mdef debuff (and much more accurate than Byakuren's, as are all of Satori's due to her POW tree) and a flat damage reduction support skill. Shield Wall requires Aya manipulating turn order to go first because it's very fast, and, as usual, you have to charm them the turn they're already planning to use it... and it's got a 2 or 3 turn cooldown even after POW trees since it's not magic. But it reduces all physical damage for the party to 25% that turn, and that can be seriously useful in a few bosses if you care (like the final one), without being an expensive spellcard like Starlight Barrier.

Before you fight the bosses, I'd really recommend having Mokou reach Fujiyama Volcano. I always got it before reaching them (the fact that you have to use literally everyone helps, she's gonna get plenty of exp in this stage like it or not) but if you don't, might wanna grind some, it's massively powerful and you need it. I have no doubts Reimu will hit Super Duplex Barrier by then with how much you use her. edit:Well you already got that BUT
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 01:46:35 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
So, big dump- since the stage after next is the triple split, here ya go for stage 19!
Well, those two stages are exactly the same though, I don't blame you.

It's going to be a lot of hell in the next stage.

Stage 17 - Genbu's Lake

Never thought those guys could actually gave me a lot of trouble.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Hourai Forest formation must be a typo. You get big bonuses to the character in front as said. Still, not a pleasant formation. I could imagine it being okay if you're like "For the penalty slots, this person uses instant death but has no real power, this is sanae for buffs, back has no penalty, and the front goes my big hitter with the kusanagi!" for route 2 or something, though. But... I'd rather do without a speed penalty.

Also, Remilia will be giving you some formations around now/when you step into the temple. One of 'em is a 4 person! At that point you're just missing Yuyuko's 4 person for Youmu dealing a bunch of instant death but, eh, you've got enough to choose from, probably.

Woohoo! Kusanagi! Sweeeeeet. Just the perfect time for Reimu to learn a good attack, too. Next stage shouldn't be tooo bad with my guidelines... equipping/setting up for it alone will be a lengthy endeavor, though.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 01:38:26 AM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #97 on: August 02, 2016, 03:51:08 AM »
Woohoo! Kusanagi! Sweeeeeet. Just the perfect time for Reimu to learn a good attack, too. Next stage shouldn't be tooo bad with my guidelines... equipping/setting up for it alone will be a lengthy endeavor, though.
Like Super Duplex Barrier, that is incredibly useful.

A lot of my friends has been recommending me to play The Last Remnant lately. Is it that good I wonder? I heard it is also grindy, turn based, and has multiple parties... just like a certain game I let's played.

Stage 18-1 - Lakebed Temple

Like Bhava-agra, this is one stage that I really do not want to play. Even with Serela's strategy, this stage is incredibly tedious and difficult, and I'm just 2 level below this stage's minimal level. This is just great.

And in NoR, the Train Station got two freaking bosses for God's sake, all of them are equally difficult. Let's see, go back to GoS and it's tedious stage 18, or go back to NoR where Mamizou's rival's ready to kick my ass.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 08:40:56 AM by Your Everyday NEET »

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #98 on: August 02, 2016, 05:15:36 PM »
Stage 18-2 Lakebed Temple

This game! This fucking game! I had a bad day today, and this game makes it worse! Just 3 stages left... Drag yourself to the finish line, NEET.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #99 on: August 02, 2016, 08:11:33 PM »
Oh yeah, always do needles first since it's super short but can go sour. Kagami is the safest fight so she goes last.

Thankfully stage 18 being done should put the frustration out of the way. The next two aren't that bad (and the bosses are fairly easy), and then you're at the finish line. You don't even really need to fight anything in stage 21 (although running is pretty hard there...) 'cept maybe try to encounter some yukkuri kings at the last room after the checkpoint's been hit!
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #100 on: August 05, 2016, 04:32:16 AM »
Oh yeah, always do needles first since it's super short but can go sour. Kagami is the safest fight so she goes last.

You don't even really need to fight anything in stage 21
That is my mistake, I fought the needles last in my second fight because I want to continue recording new screenshot.

On top of very low escape chance, that place is cramped and filled with lots of enemies. So, no.

Stage 19 - Lakebed Temple Depth

I like bosses whose only strategy is Hulk Smash.

So, I heard that the last stage's BGM is so good.

It's even written as such in that game's TV tropes page.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #101 on: August 05, 2016, 09:52:27 PM »
If you stack Satori and Byakuren's debuff, the fight is a lot safer since you've got two layers to shrug off. Even Patchouli can take zeroes like that. Satori can also do incredible damage since she's weak to elec for Mad Thunder. She's not too hard if you can keep magicians alive (since magic is way more effective in this fight), although relying on debuffs that can be removed is somewhat risky- but if you've got a good strike resist accessory for Alice and use her provocation and parrar spam, it's not too dangerous, mostly.

The speedrun has Byakuren give her an elemental weapon buff so that all of the bosses attacks hit elementally, which is abusable in various ways. It's pretty amusing.

Full Moon Revenge/Chaotic Flowerfall is from the Romancing SaGa series. FMR is really strong earlier in the game, but it gets very outclassed by Sakuya's normal multihit noncards once you can devote the POW to make them more reliable. It does look pretty awesome.

The accessories requiring trapezohedrons to upgrade is only part of why you'll never have enough... ouch.
They also upgrade the reward code weapons from Rinnosuke's shop, and while most of them are eh and upgrading the exp sword is nice but not too important, it's pretty useful to upgrade the MP drain dagger; lots of people could use such an easy method to regain large amounts of mp, like Sakuya or physical status Satori.

And yeah, the orichalcon/adamantite stuff is almost exclusively postgame because it's actually not very hard to obtain those materials at that point. Just a matter of working for it. Otherwise you have to deal with very low drop rates on stage 21 random boss encounters... although they do drop some nice upgradable gear, it's very much a completely skippable thing for any but the most dedicated players.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 09:55:06 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #102 on: August 07, 2016, 01:35:51 PM »
If you stack Satori and Byakuren's debuff, the fight is a lot safer since you've got two layers to shrug off. Even Patchouli can take zeroes like that. Satori can also do incredible damage since she's weak to elec for Mad Thunder. She's not too hard if you can keep magicians alive (since magic is way more effective in this fight), although relying on debuffs that can be removed is somewhat risky- but if you've got a good strike resist accessory for Alice and use her provocation and parrar spam, it's not too dangerous, mostly.

The speedrun has Byakuren give her an elemental weapon buff so that all of the bosses attacks hit elementally, which is abusable in various ways. It's pretty amusing.

The accessories requiring trapezohedrons to upgrade is only part of why you'll never have enough... ouch.
They also upgrade the reward code weapons from Rinnosuke's shop, and while most of them are eh and upgrading the exp sword is nice but not too important, it's pretty useful to upgrade the MP drain dagger; lots of people could use such an easy method to regain large amounts of mp, like Sakuya or physical status Satori.
Maybe I should've switched Sakuya with Patchouli or Marisa.

Heh heh, Cheeky bastard. We could changes the boss' attack to earth since we use thunder to hurt her and I have 5 earth resisting accessories, plus, it's counted as buff, not debuff, so she couldn't block it.

Trapezohedron are stupidly rare in stage 20. Dammit.

Stage 20-1 - Divine Temple

I thought it was going to be an ordinary stage... I was wrong. It took me my whole weekend (With a side dish of NoR) just to get through the first half of that stage.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #103 on: August 07, 2016, 08:31:56 PM »
Because of all the elemental weaknesses in this stage, chaser parties can be effective. However unlike earlier stages where you can mostly wipe fights with one element, there tends to be various different weaknesses in one battle... so it might be more accurate to say it's best to bring a lot of good elemental attack users. Anyway, you already basically finished the stage.

The "second part" is very short if you know how to solve the puzzle (or look up the solution). It's also the only place you can encounter the terrifying Hydra... I recall it having some nice drops if you're specifically set up to encounter it.

Even if you aren't set up, it's not too large, so clearing all the enemies and futzing around still is much shorter than the rest of the stage.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #104 on: August 09, 2016, 01:08:10 PM »
Because of all the elemental weaknesses in this stage, chaser parties can be effective. However unlike earlier stages where you can mostly wipe fights with one element, there tends to be various different weaknesses in one battle... so it might be more accurate to say it's best to bring a lot of good elemental attack users. Anyway, you already basically finished the stage.

The "second part" is very short if you know how to solve the puzzle (or look up the solution). It's also the only place you can encounter the terrifying Hydra... I recall it having some nice drops if you're specifically set up to encounter it.
Unfortunately, I haven't use chasers since stage 5.

No, I don't know how to solve it. And no, I didn't specifically set up for that thing.

I'm going to be honest. I'm actually really scared of facing Strawberry Bose's bosses. Usually, before facing a particularly difficult bosses, after I reached the save point, I took a break, and set up my strategy before facing them. It's even to the point when I spent 3 days of strategizing when up against a certain boss in the expansion (Well, at least I first try it). Probably that's why I quit playing soon after. Even in NoR, I spent half a day setting up strategies against those 3 shitheads. Even then, my strategy failed because the buttefly always ruin my strategy in my run and the FUCKING DEER Mega Stroke me twice.

Stage 20-2 - Divine Temple

I hate Trial-and-Error! Not knowing that a certain boss will TPK you before dying? Ooooh, that's difficult alright.

I'm still really bitter at the fucking butterfly fucking poisoned me before the fucking battle


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #105 on: August 09, 2016, 03:31:13 PM »
Biotopos is pretty easy, her TPK counter at the end is about all she's got since you can just overwrite her fields. Blasting her down with magic and Fujiyama Volcano, it's only a matter of time.TPK death counters are sort of cheap but she's easy, so, whatever.

Hydra requires Aya's breath reflection (and enough power to take it down, like youmu+byakuren), and is just about the only non-party-split time Aya is worth anything outside of the commander slot. Low p.atk, awful MP, support that isn't really worth anything in random battles (or almost any bosses, either)... it's really too bad she's not more useful, but that bad MP stat makes it hard to even use her half-decent physicals, which of course, cost too much MP to cast. At least she's a good commander.

I think it had a decent drop rate on trapezohedrons...

Dang, sounds like these kinds of RPGs aren't quite your thing. At least we're here to help you on the strategy part if you're struggling.

edit:Hydra has 25% trapezohedron drop rate, so if you really want to get more, it's your best bet.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 03:46:47 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #106 on: August 13, 2016, 02:57:00 AM »
Biotopos is pretty easy, her TPK counter at the end is about all she's got since you can just overwrite her fields. Blasting her down with magic and Fujiyama Volcano, it's only a matter of time.TPK death counters are sort of cheap but she's easy, so, whatever.

Hydra requires Aya's breath reflection (and enough power to take it down, like youmu+byakuren), and is just about the only non-party-split time Aya is worth anything outside of the commander slot. Low p.atk, awful MP, support that isn't really worth anything in random battles (or almost any bosses, either)... it's really too bad she's not more useful, but that bad MP stat makes it hard to even use her half-decent physicals, which of course, cost too much MP to cast. At least she's a good commander.

Dang, sounds like these kinds of RPGs aren't quite your thing. At least we're here to help you on the strategy part if you're struggling.
That's what I do during my fight against her.

Maybe I'll beat that cheating bastard after I'm done with final stage and before fighting the final boss.

I'm more of an RPG Maker guy than a bullshit RPG one. Well, at least here I still have my sure fire strategy. No such luck for NoR though.

Stage 21-1 - Gorgon Barrier

Welcome to hell where all the enemies took twice as long to beat and a generic rock song plays 24/7


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #107 on: August 13, 2016, 03:18:05 AM »
Unfortunately, a lot of the encounters in the next two maps are much nastier, so it's a dash to the finish line z.z Can't even hope beat the scary mecha-angels unless you're specifically set up for it (and not exactly easy then either)... and mind flayers, oh god the mindflayers.

But the last map, once you've touched the checkpoint and don't have to worry about game overs anymore, oooh, delicious yukkuri kings. Awkward to level up off since you need to bring a party capable of killing them reliably, (Aya commander, Sakuya to timestop, Nitori's guns, other various multihits, etc) but so much delightful exp.

...Lithos is a very goofy boss fight. Ontop of surviving her unorthodox attack strategy, in the way of killing her is lots of Divine Barrier and mdef, and I think evasion too...? At least she has two weaknesses.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #108 on: August 14, 2016, 11:15:57 AM »
...Lithos is a very goofy boss fight. Ontop of surviving her unorthodox attack strategy, in the way of killing her is lots of Divine Barrier and mdef, and I think evasion too...? At least she has two weaknesses.

I fucking hate dodge tank! Strawberry Bose's main way of increasing difficulty aside from making the boss one hit you is making them very hard to hit.

Just like those strong idiot, cheaters, and fucking dodge tank in NoR, they have a weakness against a single element and weapon. Holyshittheyarethesamecharactertype! Strawberry Bose has no shame of using the same character archetype.

Stage 21-2 - Gorgon Barrier

Welcome to my hell


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #109 on: August 14, 2016, 12:25:43 PM »
Oh boy, here it comes! So, the Final Boss...

Unless you want to make things hard for yourself, the second form basically requires Alice+Youmu+Byakuren. Give Youmu one headshot goggle and the Kusanagi (or her god slaying katana, but kusanagi is just as good if you don't need it in phase 1) or you'll cry at the very end, and I highly recommend Byakuren's All Up party buff among the more obvious Dark Weapon and patk and heals (Actually, use her RES buff on youmu too if you've got any more slots, but it's not super important- it stops Vortex though). The rest of that party's survival support is flexible based on what you want in your first party. And when you're going into the fight- don't forget to put both parties in the correct party order for your formation! If you're using poison shield that's pretty easy though since you just put the tank first iirc.

The summon roulette can bring up annoying minibosses. So, just DON'T KILL THE MORE HARMLESS SUMMONS. If they're crocodiles or snakes, leave 'em the heck alone. If it's a turtle, well, that's gotta go, not much choice there. You shouldn't have to worry about minibosses most of the time since you'll only have to deal with a few summon roulettes this way. A couple of them can be killed really fast at least if they DO show up, but it's taking time away from the actual fight.

Anyway. First form, Anastasis does some pretty scary stuff, so you need some method of handling her spellcards, whether it's Duplex Barrier, Aya party evasion blinktank, timestopping past it, Satori's Shield Wall, Nitori commander bomb, etc. Her mdef is very low and she has the least Divine Barrier so she is the easiest sister to damage, magically at least; Mad Thunder deals hella damage, although I don't recall if it bounces it's damage onto the summons... Nitori chasing works very well in part 1 of the fight overall if you don't care to have her commander bombs for phase 2.

Biotopos has more mdef and Divine Barrier, less pdef. Fujiyama Volcano works well for her FISTING WEAKNESS if you don't want Mokou (commander or inparty reraising) for revives in the second party. She's got Mad Thunder, so you want your main tank (Dodgetank Aya works, since Alice is needed in party 2, but you can build any durable character for it) wants some elec resist, other than that she's pretty boring iirc.

Lithos has higher mdef and iirc a staggering 40 Divine Barrier (see a pattern?) so even physical attacks against her low pdef and hitting weakness don't do super high damage unless you have exorcism; tanky as f.  She still has status effects and Vortex and such so you don't get to decide you want Sanae in party two, you need that RES buff and status healing skills, and probably resist accessories on her so Sanae doesn't go out of commission unable to fix up your party. If you've got Reimu in this party, you might want her status barrier.

Second time around, Anastasis and Lithos seem more likely to charge up their specials, and Anastasis will kill you if you don't have the defensive measures I mentioned earlier. Other than that, everything goes about the same.

PHASE TWO. Kill it in 9 turns or you're gonna die harder than ever before, no questions asked. No weaknesses anymore, but they have a 666 damage petrification attack, so your tank needs some MYS resist to reduce that to a survivable amount and petrify resist. They've got like... that, Earth Shower (which is also painful all-target earth damage), and stuff I don't remember mattering at all. It's mostly just a damage rush. You -need- to be able to kill this in time so save those bombs! Sakuya's Timestop can mess up their pattern and buy you a little extra time, but it also winds down all of your party's buffs, so it's not necessarily amazing. A good chaser party can blow this phase out if Satori's in it using Mad Thunder, otherwise stuff like Fujiyama Volcano and Sakuya should be able to seal the deal. If you get them next to dying ahead of time, swap to Party 2 and start buffing Youmu up. If patchy is in party #1, after you get some damage out use Void Spirit to CLEAR THE LAND. CLEAR IT, CLEAR IT NOW. KEEP IT CLEAR.

PHASE THREE. Your tank still needs petrification resist. I think she has one spellcard that can sorta do instant death too but I don't recall it ever landing? Manipulating for dark is fine (the boss regens in light), but you need the 4 other elements to stay neutral or you die. Youmu is all the damage you need, just have everyone else present do their support thing. Patchy or Satori can cast opposing element magic (or Patchy's Void Land) to keep the land in check, but you should be able to damage rush her if you just went in with neutral land, so Patch isn't required (although it does add a little risk). If the land gets too high, use panic survival skills like Mokou/Nitori 3 bomb commander skills or Little Legion, Starlight Barrier, etc, but... the boss's land counter isn't guaranteed to go off the first turn it can, so it's a gamble whether you pick the right turn and live or do it early and die due to inability to stop it. Fixed 777 damage to all and big heal to herself from eating the land power. RIP.

You want either Reimu or Satori in this party for support like LOTS OF HEAL SPAM and emergency damage prevention to stop people from dying while Byakuren uses a heal instead (if you teach Satori Area Heal and Reflect Wall or Starlight Barrer or Leaf Shield; if she doesn't have any of those, she may as well stay in party 1 with mad thunder) and a commander with actual helpful bomb skills like Nitori, Mokou, or Aya. You can't revive people at all if you don't bring Mokou, Nitori adds serious survivability for if you get into a pinch, and Aya lets your healing go first so you don't die. BTW, if you have a spare turn for it while someone else prevents damage, I like using Alice's shield boosting field here, as it's basically a global party durability boost. ARE YOU USING THE AEGIS SHIELD? YOU PROBABLY WANT TO MAKE THE AEGIS SHIELD. IT'S WORTH THE COST

First party's commander is just whatever schmuck didn't make it into the other 11 slots. Their commander doesn't really matter. Mine was Sakuya because she's useless in party 2 and didn't fit into my particular party 1 setup, and Sakuya's commander powers are completely irrelevant, so.

...that should basically do it. >.> *Coughs*
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 12:30:36 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #110 on: August 15, 2016, 03:19:23 PM »
edit:Hydra has 25% trapezohedron drop rate, so if you really want to get more, it's your best bet.
So, I farmed Hydra for it's Trapezohedron. Apparently, the game read my mind and reduces it's encounter rate to a crawl. Somehow, I met more Yukkuri than Hydra. You know what's funny? HOW THE FUCK DO I GOT A VERY RARE 1% MATERIAL OVER A 25% TRAPEZOHEDRON?! This game is messing with me!!! Anyway, it took me 45 minutes straight just to get 1 Trapezohedron. That Aegis Shield though... Hehehehe.

Load, encounter, reset, load, encounter, reset, load, encounter, reset, load, encounter, reset, load, encounter, reset, load, encounter, reset, ARRGH!!! It's so boring!!! Fuck those mini bosses in Gorgon Barrier. If I count my reset like Validon, it'll probably reached 150+ now.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #111 on: August 16, 2016, 09:47:36 AM »
Stage 21-3 - Gorgon Barrier

This update is another filler of me fighting the RNG, the game that hates my guts, grinding, and boredom.

I predict that the next update is going to take a long while because the final boss wouldn't cooperate with me, plus, I have a bunch of stuff to do IRL.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #112 on: August 16, 2016, 01:10:50 PM »
I... I forgot the Aegis Shield takes obsidian. I thought it was something I crafted before the final boss in both playthroughs, but that's way too high of a requirement until postgame!! I must have used a small shield that's a step down... in any case, that'll make the final phase much easier, you really might be almost invincible! By the way, the Yata No Kagami and Yasakani no Magatama are godlike awesome accessories, if it wasn't obvious already. I often give them both to Alice along with Rainbow Greaves to cancel out magic weakness, and then Little Legion is like soaking damage into a pillow.

The magic-resisting one is also the only way in the game to resist Void attacks. This makes a lot of rather terrifying attacks much easier to mitigate since you can just Little Legion them away. >_>

About lv60 is good for the final boss (and you only even need to get all the way there on a few characters like Youmu; a couple yukkuri kings can set anyone's party up) but a bit extra certainly can improve your RNG chances. Wind of Miracles is a VERY useful thing to have around so that's a pretty good boon.

Rando-boss encounter rate can be a little frustrating, but as you level the escape rate improves immensely. Still, they're pretty intensely optional. At least their special equipment drop rates (not the forging materials though, whew) are pretty good. The other boss in the same area as the big giant blue guy (Hecatoncheries? I forget), anyway, it's Ambivalence, and it has Medoroa, and mindblowingly strong pierce-AoE void-element Satori spell... that costs 99 mp. Scary. With her mp reductions and a reduction staff it's usable...? I wouldn't worry about it, but it's worth mentioning in the thread for being so damn powerful.

Oh, and I think the last monster kill milestone is only 15k. Still, that's a crazy high amount. On my first playthrough I don't think I hit 10k until slightly -after- I reached the postgame final boss. You sure get some crazy recipes for it, though.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #113 on: August 19, 2016, 05:13:38 PM »
Huh, I first try the final boss. I guess Serela's strategy did work after all. Compare that to my 2 years ago playthrough where it took me 3 days just to beat them, even on easy. Thanks Serela

The Final Boss

You guys don't know how happy I am right now. After all the frustration, I finally finished this game.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 05:39:01 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #114 on: August 20, 2016, 01:58:28 AM »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #115 on: August 20, 2016, 05:07:17 PM »
Lesson to NEET: Never do 2 updates worth of content in a single day.

Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue Part 2

So that was Genius of Sappherios. A very hard, frustrating, bullshit, game that can be fun once in a while. I would like to finish this LP, but unfortunately...

There's still an expansion for this game waiting for me. I won't be covering it immediately though as I want to take a little break at this LP

To play some other game like NoR (I mean, almost everyone by this point already completed NoR and reaching the end of the expansion, while I'm still stuck at halfway point of the game with my crap agility and survivability, how do I move faster than my enemies and bosses?) and my unfinished games in my steam library. See ya.

Well, that is to be expected. I guess I'll be taking a break from that game as well. Don't want to further frustrate myself you know.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 11:53:53 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #116 on: August 21, 2016, 11:39:15 PM »
Oh yeah, that's one of the harder bosses in the game. IF you want a tip- make someone a full time debuffer (With heals on the side). Magic doesn't work well on her anyway so your magician is open. (Mystic might do okay, but I think she's got good mdef too? The debuffs are more important anyway) Buff+debuff makes her physicals miss and her attacks mostly survivable, especially when Akyuu's main skill is up because damn that magic hurts.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #117 on: August 22, 2016, 02:14:05 AM »
I know this is a old post, but:
Reimu in that cutscene is amazing.

Disagreed, Reimu may be a asshole in canon, but she's never been THAT bad in canon.

Also that scene was way too fucking mean for me to find it funny.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #118 on: August 22, 2016, 09:35:28 AM »
Congrats on beating this bullshit game.

* CF7 checks his save file to see if he wants to try to beat final boss too.

Party levels.
Reimu/Marisa/Aya/Mokou/Satori - 67.
Alice - 60.
Everyone else - below 50.

Nope, nope, nope. Not today. And likely never.
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Reimu Hakurei VS Reptillian OC - Let's Play The Genius of Sappheiros
« Reply #119 on: August 22, 2016, 06:25:03 PM »
Oh, GoS Reimu is definitely a huge asshole and not "accurate"- it's like canon Reimu exaggerated to a parody level. I can see it being too much for some people, but it works for me. <3

* CF7 checks his save file to see if he wants to try to beat final boss too.
One or two Yukkuri kings would get the rest of the party up to speed (most people being below 60 is fine, and they will get DOUBLE EXP from yukkuri kings below mid 50s- which will explode their level upwards. Only reason you may need 2 instead of 1 is since Youmu wants to be lv60) so I wouldn't let levels hold you back. It's a hard fight though and takes a good chunk of prep, so I can't blame you for not wanting to do it!
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore