Phewww, it's been a while since I've actually completed a substantial project. Anyway, here it is!
500 Followers Giveaway Prizes (I'm uncreative with names...)
VideoEDIT: The original download had a bug (thanks to Sparen for pointing it out to me) where you'd get an error message if you tried to save a replay. I've changed the download link to a fixed version, so please redownload it if you got the old versionDownloadSo as I mentioned in the master post, this is a little something I did for my followers on my Tumblr blog. I ran a random number generator and picked three lucky winners to commission a Danmakufu script from me. 3rd place got 1 nonspell and spell, 2nd place got 2 nonspells and 2 spells (though the guy who won this place didn't have a second nonspell idea, so he just opted to skip that part), and 1st got 3 nonspells and 3 spells. They provided music, sprites, and ideas (some ideas were very in-detail, others not so much--in which case I improvised).
Most of the characters featured are OCs, but keep an eye out for a few familiar faces. :3
And with that out of the way, on to my next project! For the time being, I really want to work on Eirin, so that may very well be the next completed project you see from me.