Package was received when i was out that day, and unfortunately Tenryuu managed to bite it before i got to open it properly!!
Also i accidentally read the first thing on the CN42 list..a comic????from america?
whens mahvel
Tenryuu doing a spot check to make sure there aren't any traps in the package, seems fine

First out of the bag is ...?! whats this?

a piece of red plastic? wait a second i recognise that ddicton name from somewhere-

A clear file appears
WOW ITS ME AND PASU cause we're known as aki1 and aki2 rightttt ok shuddup mebut whats inside the clear file????clearly it isnt flat- o i see my name in kata

its a paper bag(?!) which is also clearly not flat, a ..card with Lily White on it and...another card? wait no those are some papers

curiosity inclines me to look inside the red bag first and ooh i see marisa and..marisa?.. and--
OH NO A WILD EEVEE APPEARED GO PIKACHU jk its one of those plastic uh things you arrange and heat up and they stick togetherblahabjbd

?!a tiny marisa pops out of the bag and

is joined by a relative! THE PLUSH STOCKING IS CUTE AS HECK a friend was like "marisa are you my christmas present" HEHEH NO... SHE'S MINE NOW..... also a !!!ryuko and satsuki badge attached onto it www

this is not an american comic WAIT WHHAT THE FUCK COULD THIS BE
THE one and only reimari doujin that's
The DEMOUR402 book with motorcycle marisa inside, yep, yep it is wow isn't this fuckign old how did you even-
a worthy addition to my ever growing doujin shelf
that no one else visits anyway ;_;haha wow the memories of reading this for the first time are coming back

saved the best for last because what else could possibly top getting a drawing of the glorious crown prince?! 太子様こんなにかっこい)ry
also i realised i should have opened the letter/cards in this photo but--

group shot of all the stuff! zoom for the text on the cardpapers!

i should really be sleeping for the coach ride tomorrow but thank you Nobu!! 2 OTPs and wonderful cape miko ;<;;;;;;;;;;;; also fucking haku spoiled your identity before i could finish my search so there
And to answer your letter, my favourite eevee is jolteon :v and i really liked your miko pretty good job on a first attempt!
compared to mine all your presents are belong to glorious toyotamimi! my version of miko is way worse than just "bit selfish" but i'll take forever to describe :^)
@triangles glad you like them! hopefully the little socks dont get attacked... i had fun working on the book i did it before for my sketchbook as well, its supposed to be a rough map of gensokyo lel SORRY FOR THE MISSING WORDS THANKS HAKU FOR POINTING IT OUT