Author Topic: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release  (Read 101817 times)


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #90 on: November 01, 2011, 05:56:59 AM »
well the patch SAYS it's 1.01 on my comp. but I dl'd it from another site. Soo. I'll try this one I suppose.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #91 on: November 01, 2011, 06:04:36 AM »
Thanks, I'll do just that~

And I feel a bit broken asking over and over, but if anyone knows anything regarding the matter of the saves, please don't hesitate to let me know? I'll be checking back every now and then~


  • I am a save frog
  • *wink*
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #92 on: November 01, 2011, 10:44:36 AM »
Blast it. Got wiped out during [Sakuya's World]. My first Game Over thus far. ^^;

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #93 on: November 01, 2011, 01:05:09 PM »
Kilharu: All data that isn't intermission or map saves are stored in gsw01_sys.sav (and a backup made in gsw01_sys_old.sav) in the savedata folder. The game does not affect any folders outside the main game folder itself.

Also, Translation Patch v1.02 has been released. Those who have not finished stages 8 (or 11), please apply it; those who have already passed those stages, I give my apologies.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 02:45:28 PM by Deranged »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #94 on: November 01, 2011, 03:36:58 PM »
Interesting. I don't have those files at all, let alone the folder. So then, how is it remembering? I can delete the whole folder itself, all files inside included, create a new one with the same name, put all fresh files inside, and savedata isn't gone.


  • I am a save frog
  • *wink*
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #95 on: November 02, 2011, 01:07:59 AM »
Wait, so I gotta replay the game again? I...really don't want least not now (is it worth it?). I've already gotten this far. And what are stages 8 and 11 again?


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #96 on: November 02, 2011, 01:18:06 AM »
I imagine it fixes a bug only applicable for those two stages, and is apologizing for you dealing with the bug now that it's too late for it to be fixed for you.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #97 on: November 03, 2011, 04:44:16 PM »
I am pleased to say that I have no more problems with Reimu's Sense skill. Thanks for the help in resolving this, guys~ Makes the game much more enjoyable.


  • A Random Chicken Passing By
  • Das Nunstuck Git Und Slotermeyer
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #98 on: November 10, 2011, 05:48:07 PM »
Hi, quick question. I actually took a peek at the spoiler file, and was wondering if I'm missing something.

Entry #9
Position: Between Kourindou and Spellcard Rules
Condition(s): Clear Marisa's route chapter 2.

I'm on Marisa's route, and I'm on chapter 7 now. This entry hasn't appeared, even when i've met the conditions long before.
Also possibly related, but I suddenly have Aya's theme song in my music room, despite never having seen a single battle animation involving her.  (Reimu-3 was the furthest I've gone thus far)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 05:57:10 PM by achicken »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #99 on: November 23, 2011, 04:11:50 PM »
I can't even get the game to work. It just gets stuck immediately after the first loading screen (So I can't even get to the title screen). Already tried a few things:

- Removed saved data
- Completely reinstalled everything
- Used compatibility mode
- Run as admin

But nothing. It already gave this problem yesterday, but I got it to run after reinstalling. But today, that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Rebooting seems to work, but it would be nicer if I don't have to do this all the time
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 04:52:31 PM by Zero »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #100 on: November 24, 2011, 08:31:36 PM »
Thank you so much for this.  I'm no stranger to Super Robot Wars so I beat the game plenty of times over in the raw without difficulty, since they didn't really change much from that basic formula.  The plot was also easy enough to figure out from the presentation, but knowing what is exactly going on and being said is always great.

I do notice a few more typos here and there in the script but I don't remember their exact locations anymore.  Though I do remember there being one in the skill purchase menu: P-Evade's description says "...dodging and attack" instead of "an attack". 

Though much more troublesome is the completely incorrect description of what the Sunflower potentially dropped in Ch 10.  In the patch it is described as restoring 10 SP per turn, like the Minmei CD of SRW Alpha 3.  But that's not what it does, it grants 10% MP recovery per turn (in addition to the flat 5 recovery per turn).

I think that one is really worth pointing out and I don't see that mentioned elsewhere here.

Anyway, thanks again for the hard work and I hope you'll be doing the next part when it comes out.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #101 on: November 25, 2011, 03:19:22 AM »
Heh, not many people can even get that item. Killing the boss that has it is super hard.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #102 on: November 28, 2011, 03:22:03 PM »
Really? I didn't find it that difficult.  I did have to restart the chapter since the actual stats of said boss were a lot tougher than I expected to be thrown at me in my blind first playthrough though, but the next actual  attempt ended with success.  I do admit, it's very much something you had to be preparing for from the onset of the game, I lucked out in that I pretty much never spend anything, so I had plenty of reserves to experiment with.

Assuming Alpha Gaiden difficulty, since that is what the average player would start on, the boss will run at 7500 HP.  There's two main ways to make that level of damage happen: Reimu's Fantasy Seal with Lvl 3 Youkai Buster supported with Keine's Headbutt, and Marisa's Master Spark with lvl 3 Danmaku Power supported by Alice's Shanghai Doll.  Criticals may need to be forced, which Berserk can help facilitate in the case of Reimu and Marisa- Keine and Alice, especially Alice, can naturally critical her with comparative ease.  If Fantasy Seal or Master Spark critical you should be good to go so long as it wasn't Shield Defended and the support hits.  Even without Berserk to force a critical with Fantasy Seal (Reimu CAN critical with it against her, but it's very very unlikely to happen) with a critical Headbutt should be enough if you properly reduced her HP down close to that 7500 range. 

On F/Final and EX settings the thresholds are 8625 and 9750 - the same methods work on the higher difficulties, but they require appropriate adjustments in upgrades and skill purchases.  Marisa becomes the easier option to use on the harder settings since a critical with her can easily break 7000 damage.  I prefer using Reimu since Daiyousei can use Cheer on her for double EXP while Reimu herself can double the money gained, for a very lovely 50K. 

You want to make sure all the parties involved have 150 morale, and basically want to kill as many of the mooks involved as you can before the boss spawns, since everyone destroyed afterward will give her morale.  Keine should have P-Damage, Reimu P-Evade, those help in the morale gains department rather well.  Alice gets excellent gains from dodging and should be fine without anything else.  The key if you plan on using Marisa is to never let her attack until you are ready for the deathblow- if it's not her first battle encounter with her, an event triggers when you use master spark; the first battle conversation preempts the event, allowing you to get the attack in without penalty.

I only use the four mentioned above to deal with her, everyone else just boxes Sakuya in to keep her from moving in and attacking them- she should likely just constantly target Daiyousei or Cirno, whom can easily be covered by Nitori if they fail to evade. 


  • A Random Chicken Passing By
  • Das Nunstuck Git Und Slotermeyer
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #103 on: December 08, 2011, 06:24:44 PM »
Quick bug report - Stage 10 has the Stage Complete convo replay itself, after Sakuya claims that she still has to "stop your army from getting..." It's very apparent that this should not be happening, because by the time Nitori states that Sakuya's fainted a second time, everyone ELSE has already /Retreated and the speaker is an empty tile. Fortunately, this repeat only occurs ONCE before putting you in Intermission, so it isn't an infinite loop. I can't screencap this reliably.

(And yeah, unfortunately I didn't prepare well for Yuka, so I can't kill her. Master Spark does less than 4k at 150 Power, and I didn't buy Reimu's or Marisa's wife skills, and nobody knows Hot Blood yet. My only hope is to scum criticals off an assist for BOTH attacks, and even then the assist has to come from Keine, who isn't at 150 Power. Ah well...)

« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 06:27:58 PM by achicken »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #104 on: January 12, 2012, 12:19:44 PM »
Just some screenshots:

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #105 on: January 13, 2012, 05:29:56 AM »
Wow, nice. I assume this is the second part of Fantasy Maiden Wars.
Why is Komachi's name Shinigami? Is it supposed to be that way when you first meet her in the game?
And Flandre's usable? Her HP seems so much higher than the other characters. I wonder does she keep her regen skill.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #106 on: January 13, 2012, 05:58:38 AM »
>.< No, this isn't the next fantasy maiden wars. I just looked through the memory of the first game to enable hidden characters.

Komachi has her own theme music and everything, as well as wife bonus up to level 3. Flandre does have her regen skills in the playable version, but only levateinn. I can't enable Remilia or Yuuka, unfortunately...

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #107 on: January 13, 2012, 06:52:55 AM »
Wow, that is pretty cool.
The Remilia part doesn't make any sense. Remilia is a playable character in this game. I believe her regen as a playable character got upgraded
to medium and she has over 10,000 HP. You can only use her for one chapter though.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #108 on: January 13, 2012, 07:00:29 AM »
Yeah, she's playable in a field map, but I can't add her to the list of characters in the intermissions. I'll try, but no promises..

So this is Komachi's wife upgrades:

She has active portraits + sprites that have all the animations (hit, attack, etc), which I think indicates that she was definitely a possible playable character that got cut. Hopefully we'll see her in the next version.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #109 on: January 13, 2012, 08:51:24 AM »
That looks like Keine's abilities. Komachi seems like a tankier Keine.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #110 on: January 13, 2012, 11:12:55 AM »
MYSTERIOUS SHINIGAMI is playable for one scenario in Sakuya's route normally.

Her Wife Bonuses are the exact same as Keine's, presumably for nothing much else than show.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #111 on: January 13, 2012, 01:56:44 PM »

Oh, I just read the Japanese wiki, and you're right. Apparently you get to play Komachi in Sakuya's final episode 0.0

When I enable the characters in 1 save, unless I hold it constant through an external application, they don't stay after the battle.


I've prepared a save for each chapter that has10000000 points/2000 WP/2000 Graze with all characters enabled at lvl 20 for every stage for Reimu and Marisa's routes in lunatic difficulty. You can choose the upgrade/skill/WP level for every battle. Note that points/WP graze might fluctuate depending on the save - no guarantees. This is kinda a backup for me too - so that I"ll have something ready when a new release comes out.

Here's the dl:

Just backup your old save folder and extract it in your save folder.

The save at savespot 99 is an "ultimate" save clear data for Marisa's route and has characters with 1000% upgrades, lvl100 unfocused movements, etc etc.

Note that most WP bonuses for the hidden characters don't work, except for lvl1 sakuya and lvl1-3 Komachi. And In the stages where new characters appear for the first time, the new characters will have old stats and not the lvl20 stats. Just how the engine works I'm afraid.
The hidden characters won't stay for your next battle, so if you want to keep playing, just load the next save after you finish the battle.
There may be some overupgrades that slipped by, though I changed back what I could. They were done for testing purposes, so it's your choice whether to use them or not.

I included my sys save too, in case they aren't compatible with uncleared games. Side effect is Sakuya's route should be open from start, but eh. If you're downloading this you aren't adverse to spoilers, amirite?

If you guys can use these saves to update information on the wiki regarding the statistics of the temporary playable characters, I'd appreciate it.

These were all done with testing in mind. Any comments about "cheating" will be ignored.
I take no responsibility if these saves cause any adverse affects on your game.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 01:59:31 PM by orgolove »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #112 on: June 12, 2012, 09:01:57 AM »
Hi there.

In the recent reitaisai, the group that made the original version (Sanbodo) just released the new version, titled Fantasy Maiden Wars "Maiden". It appears that it deals with the MoF patch, and has a lot of new exciting features. You can check it out in their blog:

or translated:

Some videos of their attacks are already up!
Kanako and Suwako's attack:
Reimu and Marisa's combo attack:

I really, really enjoyed the first game. Is there any plans at all for you guys to translate the new game? I'd be willing to help in any capacity I can, but I barely know much Japanese...

Please, I ask you to consider translating the new one...


  • I am a save frog
  • *wink*
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #113 on: June 12, 2012, 07:03:02 PM »
I agree.

Also, one question. I beat the final boss in Reimu's story a few weeks ago. However, after the following scene, everything went black for a pretty long while. I assumed the game crashed and I had to close it. Did this happen for anyone else?

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #114 on: June 13, 2012, 04:04:44 AM »
Yes.  I reloaded, beat the game again and it worked.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #115 on: June 13, 2012, 04:41:03 AM »
In wrapping up a less sloppy playthrough of the first game in preparation for the second part, I noticed something pretty troublesome.  It seems the patch changes what the final boss carries as her drop.  It should be an Oni's Fang, but instead is an Oni's Nail.  As far as I know, it's the only one in both games too, so the carryover gets kinda borked.

It definitely think it's the patch because I tested my save files on a clean install without the patch, and it's correct.  I install the patch, restart the chapter, and she's now carrying the wrong item to drop.

I guess I doubt the patch will be revisited and corrected, along with that nasty incorrect description of what the Sunflower does, but I might as well put that out there since there's going to be a lot of people porting their data over to the next game.  So you all might want to make sure to get a save file to transfer over with the correct item drop in Ch 15.


Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #116 on: September 17, 2012, 09:51:43 AM »
Sorry for posting in an old thread, but I've got a few things to say about those saves provided. First, the download link for them is no longer valid for all 8 websites provided.
Second, trying to play as the temporary characters (Akyu, Komachi...) or characters from Sakuya's story in the main game doesn't work. They simply don't appear on the unit selection screen. You only get the 8 permanent characters you usually have as options to choose from. 

When I enable the characters in 1 save, unless I hold it constant through an external application, they don't stay after the battle.
I believe this is the issue. Without this external application, you can't actually even choose those characters. So I've been wondering if it's possible to either share it with us or update/modify the saves provided so we could possibly use these characters.
Once again, sorry for posting in an old thread but I figured it might be worth it to mention these points.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #117 on: November 28, 2012, 04:59:49 AM »
Okay, I finally feel like playing this again but I am running into a problem I had a while ago.

I start the game, it begins loading, screen flashes black for a second, then it finishes loading, but...

When it starts it has a frame rate of like 3. It is virtually unplayable, and nothing I do helps.

This problem also persists on the non-translated version, but I remember it happening less often when using the RAW game, hence why I am asking in this forum.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars E: English Translation Patch Release
« Reply #118 on: November 28, 2012, 07:45:45 PM »
I was having the same problem happen recently too, and it turned out to be an issue with my gamepad of all things. If you've got one plugged in, try taking it out and seeing if that fixes things.

More specific info, in case it helps: I use a PS2 controller though a USB converter, and my converter does this weird thing where it causes the computer to recognize it as two controllers, even though it's just one. I went into device manager and disabled the redundant controller so it'd stop showing up when configuring things, but I had to reenable it to get this game to work properly. This is the only thing where it caused any kind of issue, and I have no idea why it happened.