Author Topic: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread  (Read 65684 times)


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Empty Eientei - Reisen is Missing!
« Reply #210 on: November 06, 2012, 07:27:39 AM »
7:34 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo - Bamboo Forest of the Lost (Eientei Front Entrance)

Eirin pushed open the front door to Eientei and peered inside. She shouted out to someone she was looking for in particular. "Reisen? Are you here?"

Kaguya stopped nibbling on some strands of her hair in her mouth and walked in after the pharmacist. "Inaba, where are you?"
    "Well that's odd. I thought Reisen would've stayed here to hold down the fort." Eirin placed her bow and arrow down for the time being and wiped her hands on her dress. "REI~SEN!!!"

    No answer.

    "Maybe Reisen is outside somewhere?"
    Eirin turned to her Princess. "If she is, she isn't in the forest around the mansion. We already looked around before coming in here."
    "Hmm, that's true." Kaguya sat down on the floor and yawned. "Well, it's been quite an interesting couple of days out there."
    Eirin pushed her braid back over her shoulder after noticing it had fallen forward. "All right, give me a quick rundown of what's happened. This whole 'reality' thing has me quite curious." She sat down opposite Kaguya.
    "Okay. So when we got sucked through that weird hole in the Hakurei Barrier, we woke up in this weird room and we were all in these containers. No wait, they're like pods. Our brains were hooked up to them somehow after we fell asleep inside them or...something like that, I'm not sure. But that's what we're doing in here now, and originally we couldn't remember anything about our lives in reality...because the evil organization that captured us and put us in here is changing our minds when we enter this place."
    "Evil organization? And how come you can remember all this now if entering this 'fake' world causes your memory to be blocked or segregated?"
    "Oh yeah, that. So Nitori is in charge of activating the technology, and she figured out how to override the memory isolation, so we came back into this virtual world and we can remember what we were doing before coming here. So you, Eirin, your body is kinda...sleeping in one of those pods, and my body is too. I, uh..." Kaguya grimaced. "I looked into yours and I saw you lying there...not doing anything at all. And I was right there...kinda creepy."
    "Interesting. And why didn't you wake me up?"
    "We were told that it would be too dangerous to try to remove everyone else trapped."
    "Does it have to do with mana?"
    Kaguya smiled. Eirin was quick as expected. "Yeah, apparently your memory is changed when you enter and exit this world. I guess it's like an operation, sorta? You can't interrupt it in the middle or else who knows what could happen?"
    Eirin nodded and frowned. "If my mind got scrambled, that would be disastrous. But how does that relate to mana? Is it because whatever controls this little experiment also controls mana?"
    "'s hard to believe this, but--well, let me give you an example. I didn't even know that boy before the day we met him and learned his name. I wasn't even close to him in the least, you know? And yet..."
    "And yet," Eirin continued, working out the situation in her head, "you became bound to him when you entered reality." She scratched her head. "How is that even possible?"
    "Yuyuko thinks that whatever controls us in this place is responsible for pairing us up after we leave it. Like, it somehow knows how we all interact and pairs us up according to that."
    "That would explain why that man asked me to come back and stay with him. I guess being close by has an impact." Eirin leaned forward, then reached a hand out and took Kaguya's right hand. "Princess, you realize what this means, right?"
    "I know. I won't be able to join you." Kaguya nervously rubbed the fingers of her free hand together. "Maybe I can find someone else? There are a bunch of others here that are going to help us out, so there's that."
    Eirin sighed. "I hope so. I can't just leave you back here trapped in this place!" She looked out the nearby window and let Kaguya's hand go. "Speaking of which, I think this is a perfect opportunity for Reisen to prove and improve herself. Now where could she have gone..."
    Kaguya stood up on one knee. "How about we spread out? There isn't much time."
    As she got to her feet, the pharmacist's legs were shaking slightly, perhaps due to the pact vision she had experienced earlier. "We don't really have much of a choice. Tewi isn't around either...that bothers me a little more. Okay, I'll look around for an hour or so and if I can't find them I'll go back to the Human Village and stay around that Ken fella."
    "Sure." Kaguya got to her feet completely as well. "Either way we have to do what we can. I'll try to explain more later if we find 'em soon enough."
    "Yeah." Eirin grabbed her bow and arrow. "Sorry, home sweet home...we have some more work to do. Let's go, Princess!"

(Eirin and Kaguya briefly discuss how reality and virtual reality are connected and how the mana system works. They will depart Eientei to look for Reisen and Tewi. Kaguya will split off from Eirin and presumably encounter Orphea's OC at some point. Eirin will first look around Muenzuka, then go back to Misty Lake before finally returning to the Human Village.)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #211 on: November 17, 2012, 11:38:30 PM »
Timestamp - Day 3, 11:30 P.M., RAI Graveyard Base Lab, Kamisuiwa.
Upon arriving at the RAI Base, Koishi had informed Nikolas that she had recovered and could walk on her own. Before the young man could object though, the satori had already forced herself down and dusted herself off, stretching her sleepy limbs in the process.
After several minutes of walking had passed, the large group found themselves within an expansive room filled with long rows of human-sized pods that looked like they came right out of some sort of sci-fi fantasy novel. A vast array of strange technology filled every corner of the room. Large cords were sprawled across the metal floor, connecting machines to each other. The entire room had an unsettling atmosphere, as if you had just walked in on some kind of mass conspiracy to take over the world or something.

Nikolas glanced around the room with a sense of urgency. His mind raced with questions and possibilities. What was this place? What are those pods for? What?s going on here? The river of questions would not halt.
?Oh, you.?
Nikolas flinched at the sound of an unfamiliar voice calling out to the group. He spun around, his eyes falling onto the source. A girl, entirely clad in blue and green, even her hair was a vibrant shade of blue. Nikolas eyed the girl in tense silence. After confirming that the girl called Nitori was in fact an ally, Nikolas let out an inaudible sigh of relief.

Nikolas listened carefully as the swordsman, named Ken from what he gathered, explained the situation they were currently in.
The boy?s mouth hung open in awe. A virtual world?? Like a video game or something? Imitating their former home? The young man instinctively glanced at Koishi, who was silently concentrating on the swordsman?s speech. Nikolas shifted his eyes to the floor. Koishi?s home? The home that RAI destroyed?
Nikolas returned his attention to the man?s speech after a second?s consideration. What the man said next startled the boy.
E-experiments? Really? Nikolas gazed out across the sea of pods. A faint sense of terror pounded in the back of his mind. This organization, RAI, they were serious. They weren?t messing around. Nikolas swallowed as his face shifted into a nervous frown. This isn?t going to be simple, is it?
Nikolas was snapped back to the current moment when he heard Amarillo?s voice reverberate around them. As he listened to her words, more questions surfaced in his mind.
Wait, what? Visions? In the boy?s mind erupted a slight panic. He had no idea what these ?visions? were and he did not recall having any for that matter. Just as the boy was about to open his mouth to voice his confusion, he felt something bump into him.
The boy turned around to see Koishi standing beside him. Her green eyes gazed into his own violet colored ones.
??Koish-?? Nikolas began.
?Hey, you need to go in and save someone too.? She said softly, almost in a whisper.
Nikolas stared at the satori for a moment before nodding slowly, unsure of how to really respond to the girl.
As the young man returned his attention to the swordsman?s explanation, he heard him speak of some kind of ?pact?, one which involved blood. Then the purple haired woman spoke of another option, a sort of ?close contact? pact.
Memories of the mysterious white void Nikolas had been transported to, flashed in his mind. His recollection of the event made the young man?s face redden slightly, his gaze shifting to the floor for a brief moment. Listening to Ken?s further descriptions of this form of pact only made him blush more. Despite the feeling of embarrassment however, Nikolas felt a swell of positivity wash over him, like he had done one of the most meaningful things he ever would do. With this reaffirmation, the young man smiled faintly, his mood having been lifted from all of the uncertainty for a short while.
?Everyone find an empty pod, please. You?re all going on a wild, magical ride, so enjoy the show.? Ken announced with poise, ?Oh, but do make sure not to come back empty-handed.?
?Yeah!? Koishi cheered loudly as she leapt into the air for a moment. On her face was an enthusiastic smile, like that of a child at Christmas.

Timestamp - Day 3, 11:34 P.M., RAI Graveyard Base Lab, Kamisuiwa.
It didn?t take long after that for everyone to get to a pod and climb in. Koishi had dashed off across the room as she cheerfully looked for a vacant pod.
?E-eh?!? Nikolas mumbled as he hurriedly weaved through the sea of technology. Within less than a minute the boy had found an empty pod and had climbed in. He fidgeted about, trying to get comfortable, with no luck. The boy could sense the return of the uneasy feeling in his stomach as the lid of the pod closed shut. The hum of machinery resounded within the chamber. Nikolas glanced about nervously at the interior of the pod. His mind raced, unsure of what exactly was about to happen to him. The young man swallowed, inhaled, and then exhaled. Finally, he got his nerve. Nikolas took a deep breath, holding it in, and shut his eyes.
Here goes nothing?!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 11:55:22 PM by Sonae »


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #212 on: November 21, 2012, 01:26:28 PM »
6:10 PM - Virtual Gensokyo - Temple Graveyard

On his way here, Neil fashioned himself a torch. It's just a thick twig with fire on it and he is carrying four other sticks on his other hand since it is so poorly done. After getting past a couple of trees and some bushes, he spots a graveyard. He raises an eyebrow and decides he will simply travel through it, graveyards are usually empty, right?

"Why walk through when you can simply walk around it?" Milican asks, "Too much effort." he retorts with a smirk. He clumsily climbs over the fence and looks around the place. He spots a silhouette in the distance, causing him to panic as he drops his torch and hastily stomps on it to extinguish the light. Hiding behind a tombstone, he sees that the figure is moving closer but not directly towards him. He breathes a sigh of relief as he tries to move closer to examine but Milican tells him otherwise. It again moves closer, this time it's heading right at him. Feeling greatly threatened, he immediately makes a dash back out of the area and behind a nearby tree.

"Ergh, I'm never cut out for this." he mentally admits.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Yakumo Pact - A Fox Fiasco, Part I
« Reply #213 on: November 25, 2012, 01:23:21 AM »
Part II below. I wish there was more room for characters per post. :(

7:09 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo – Human Village (Near Suzunaan)

"So, you two really aren't that close?"
    Ken sighed and turned to address Parsee at his side. "Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. Why does it matter so much to you?"
    The hashihime scratched the underside of her pointy right ear. "Well I'm supposed to mess up things like that. You know, like it's a job."
    "A job?!" Mayli exclaimed angrily. "That's just sad. It's no excuse for you to do things like...what you did!"
    Parsee shrugged. "I'm used to it. Jealousy, it knows no bounds...even for abysmal creatures such as me. It might as well be a job."
    Ken opened his mouth but hesitated. He wasn't sure what to think of her statement. Finally he spoke up again. "Wait a minute. mean to tell me that you can't--"
    "That's right, human. Even one who weaves wicked strings for jealousy to dance along cannot escape its powerful influence." She raised a glowing green hand, watching intensely as the radiance spiraled outwards. The others nearby took a step back to avoid the conic flow of power. Smiling, she let the power within her body calm down as the glow faded. "I am fueled by the very thing I possess and, how do you feel about me now, hmm?"
    "I think," he stated as he started walking once more, "that you're pretty strong. But we really have to keep going..."
    Parsee's mouth twisted. "All right, fine. You're not even a bit scared? At least you could entertain me a bit..."
    Mayli glared at her. "I'm not as scared of you as I am mad at you."
    After a short silence, the two ladies found themselves walking together behind him shortly thereafter. Parsee stole a haughty look at her. "Gosh, you certainly are a pleasant person to be around. Why don't you just drop it already? I just wanted to have a little fun."
    "You clearly don't understand what it means to do that," Mayli huffed.
    Parsee spat on the ground. "Then tell me, o all-knowing one, why I should care to understand it."
    "Because it's just unnecessary! You don't go around kissing every man you find! If you're going to be with us, you can't do things like that. Jeez...doing such a thing without really are rude."
    "Ha. Well it was all worth it for me, so I'll play nice...for now."
    "Are you two having fun back there?"
    They looked at Ken, who was standing in front of them watching. Mayli sighed, realizing that they had halted in their exchange. "Whatever, as long as she doesn't do such impulsive things all the time."
    Parsee drummed her fingers at her left side. "It was just a quick kiss to spice things up. She needs to stop overreacting so much if she actually does care about making things go smooth."
    "I--" Mayli paused. Ken didn't want there to be any more turmoil. As much as she hated to admit it, Parsee was right for the time being. "Fine."
    He crossed his arms over his chest. "Stop baiting her, then."
    "Yeah, okay. Anyway, I get the point already." She looked over at the nearby house. "Humans have such an interesting way of living..."
    "Why is that? You lived in a cave all your life, or wh--oh..." Mayli noticed where they were. "This is Suzunaan!"
    Ken uncrossed his arms and looked over his shoulder. "So it is. It seems like a long time since I last stopped by here."
    "Suzunaan?" Parsee squinted as she examined its simplistic exterior. It looked just like all the other houses to her. "What is this, your secret hideout?"
    "It's basically Mayli's secret hideout, yeah." He walked up to the book renter's entrance and examined the area around it. "I know it's not real, and yet..."
    "This is the closest thing we have to a library here," Mayli mentioned as she walked up and looked through the front window. "Here is where we can rent out books. Although compared to our modern day libraries in reality it's really primitive."
    "Books, huh? I was never one to do much reading." Parsee heard and then noticed that the front door was opening. "Someone's coming out, it seems."
    A girl with reddish-orange hair and a checkered kimono with an apron in her hand stepped out. Taking notice of the company gathered outside, she quickly closed the door behind her. "Um, can I help you...?"
    Hearing her name, the girl blinked and looked over at Mayli. She suddenly broke out into a grin and ran over to her. "Miss Mayli! Oh goodness, I thought you had maybe perished or--ooh!" She quickly gave the student a warm hug. "How are you doing?" Glancing over at Parsee and then to Ken, she looked concerned. "These are your friends, right? Er, that's Ken, but...who's she?"
    "Parsee." The hashihime felt out of place, but it was better than rotting away in the Underground. "I'm with them, don't worry about me." She wasn't sure if she looked human enough to blend in.
    Kosuzu stared at her in wonder briefly. "Oh...I see. You must be a foreigner. Where do you hail from, Miss Parsee?"
    "I, uh...well, let's just say that I usually live alone." She stroked her shiny blonde hair, unsure of what else to mention at the time.
    Ken smiled. It was almost impossible to hate such a diligent, polite worker. "Nice to see you again, Kosuzu. How are you?"
    "Much better now that I found you two! You know, Keine is--"
    "We know," Mayli said offhandedly. She and Ken exchanged glances. Being unsure of how much information to divulge to her was a problem. She turned back and grinned with eyes closed. "We were just going to see her!"
    "Oh, that's good. I got off work just now, maybe we can catch up later?"
    Mayli nodded. "S...Sure. Well...we'll be off now!" She quickly pushed Ken with an outstretched hand towards their destination, much to his sudden surprise.
    Kosuzu blinked before slowly walking off towards her home. "All right, meet at my place?"
    "Okay, I'll be there soon."
    The three of them watched as the hard worker walked away.
    "So, that was interesting..." Parsee murmured. "But we have to go see Keine now, right? You need to tell her what you told me. Maybe she'll believe you."
    "Yeah, let's keep going." He took a look back at Suzunaan. It brought back memories that he somehow had of his past here, trapped in the virtual world. He knew that he almost always saw Mayli hanging around the place, even if he didn't know her that well when RAI had messed with their memories. His thoughts trailed to how she suddenly needed mana. That couldn't be right. She was a human just like him! Then again, the sword he had received as a gift from Keine had carried over to reality...there was too much going on to make any assumptions, and he didn't know what to believe at the time.
    "She's probably already aware of everything," Mayli mentioned. "Mokou was supposedly going to see her, so..."
    "Oh yeah, that's true." Mokou's link was another issue. He couldn't quite understand why, but several of them had suddenly become linked to him after escaping into reality. Kasen and Mayli had been his friends before RAI had captured them and forced them into this world, forgetting their pasts entirely. It wasn't fair that Kasen didn't come out! This virtual world is screwing everything up, he thought out of frustration. Even with Nitori in control, I have a feeling this beast can't really be tamed. I hope everyone makes it out with me later...
    "This village is much different from the Underground," Parsee said with a sniff. "I guess that's to be expected."
    "Depends on what the Underground is like." Mayli had only read about it in books, but she didn't want to get anywhere near such a youkai-infested place. "If it's full of scary creatures, then I'll pass, thanks."
    Parsee frowned. "Humph. Is that what you think it is? We probably have more celebrations down there than you humans do. Not that any of them interest me, or anything. Besides, I'm not...that welcome to those events."
    "Well now you don't have to worry about it as much," Ken replied as he saw Keine's house in the distance. He also wanted to stop by his own place to see if everything was there, and to get the CD he somehow brought into the virtual space. "Sounds like you had a pretty bitter life up until now."
    "You don't know the half of it. This kind of event where a bunch of important people just up and disappear though, that was a good excuse for me to go see what was going on." Parsee heaved a sigh. "I'm no stupid shrine maiden, but I guess my curiosity finally got the best of me. And now here I am, somehow bound to a boy who is going to save the world...or something."
    His eyes narrowed. "I seriously doubt that. I'm not a hero, I just know more things than others."
    Mayli interrupted him. "You also have actual combat training--er, sorta. You can swing a sword and actually use magic, that's definitely something!"
    "Eh, magic?" Parsee perked up. "This man knows how to use magic? Guess I've been living in a hole for too long, and this above ground world changed. Since when can everyday humans learn magic?"
    "Let's just say I had some assistance from...friends." His mind trailed to thoughts of Reisa. He still had yet to run into her again. Last he saw her, she looked like she was in a trance of sorts. Yet he wasn't all that worried. What was going on? Maybe she had gone home to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. He'd ask Patchouli of her whereabouts when she returned, that's what he'd do. Feeling a bit better, he found himself standing near his teacher's front door. We finally made it, Miss Keine.
    Mayli bounded up and knocked on her door several times. They waited patiently for several moments as there was no answer.
    "Um...maybe she's not home?" Parsee suggested. "Given the sudden disappearance of many, it wouldn't surprise me if she's out and about. Heck, even I left my position to come see what was going on. And uh, maybe the festival too."
    "Wait." Mayli signaled for quiet by putting a finger to her lips, then pressed her ear against the door. Sounds of something swishing or the like were emitting from within, very softly. "It sounds like...soft crackling?"
    "Maybe it's Mokou being bored." Ken knocked on the door himself. "She always loved playing with fire, especially now that she's back where she can use it as much as she wants to." He questioned how he knew this despite not remembering much about Mokou, but he dismissed it as he banged harder on the door. "Miss Keine, are you there?!"
    Several seconds later, he heard movement inside. As the door opened, he held his breath in anticipation.
    "Oh, sup."
    Mokou stood in the doorway, looking casually and calmly at them. She beckoned to have them come in. "You're late. What kept y--wait, what's she doing here?!" She pointed a finger at Parsee.
    "You're Mokou, right?" she responded, lips pursed.
    "Answer my question already." Mokou wasted no time beating around the bush. "You're supposed to be in a cave miles away, rotting your life away. Why did you come to this village?"
    "Mokou!" Ken shouted. "That's horrible! How can you--"
    "You must not be aware," she responded grimly, "of what this...thing is. She'll bring ruin to everything good! She's bad luck!"
    "Ken made a pact with her." Mayli looked innocently away after her quick statement.
    "WHAT?!" Mokou looked angry. "Do you have any idea what she will do to you?!"
    Parsee stared angrily at the immortal. "I'm not here to cause trouble...I heard all about the real world that is supposedly outside this one. But if you want to pick a fight..."
    Mokou immediately wore a calmer expression. "Oh, never mind then. You're fine." She turned to her previous comrades. "Well come on in, you might be surprised at what you see."
    "Surprised?" Ken asked as he stepped into Keine's house. "What do you have planned, a surprise birthday party?"

7:15 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo – Human Village (Inside Keine's House)

Ken looked around and sniffed several times. He then turned back to his teacher's best friend, trying not to crack a smile. "Smells like lady in here."
    Mokou glared at him, remembering what she had said previously. "Har har, that's very funny."
    He chuckled to himself as the other two stepped inside. "Well honestly it does, it's Keine's house. Miss Keine always smells nice..."
    Mokou sighed. "You would say that. Why don't you just marry her already? Moving in wouldn't be too bad, since you live right next door."
    "And here I thought you didn't like joking about that subject...we're just--we work together and that's it."
    "Ha, that's a good one. Next you're going to tell me that you kissed Parsee, or some stupid nonsense like that."
    Before anyone could elaborate further, Mayli cleared her throat loudly. "So where's Keine?"
    "Oh, she's in her room talking to Ran. Got some fresh meat--I mean, guy in there too." Mokou looked particularly pleased, yet sly.
    "Someone else?" Ken asked rhetorically. "I she too busy right now, then?"
    "Well, she just made a pact, but..."
    "What!" Ken exclaimed. "She made a...I see. So one of our new--"
    "Yeah. What, are you disappointed?" Mokou grinned maliciously. "You wanted your precious teacher, didn't you?"
    "No, that's not the we have to turn everything into a romantic or sexual discussion?" He sighed and walked past her, feeling his face warming up. "Sure seems like it to me..."
    "Wait," Parsee began to inquire. "You two are students here?"
    Mayli nodded. "We--" she immediately assumed a grim countenance. "Well, we were..."
    "Mmm, I see. Well enough waiting." The hashihime started walking around slowly, looking up. "You all go on ahead. I'll stay out here, I want to see what the interior of a human house nowadays looks like."
    Mokou clicked her tongue. "Right, you're from below ground...all right, let's go." She stood aside and motioned for him to lead the way. "Of course, you know her house best, so..."
    "No, I don't. Are you trying to force me to love my teacher, or something?" He groaned. "What goes on between us isn't really significant, but it's nothing you should be concerned about. Besides, you know that it's all a facade anyway. Miss Keine has no idea what lies outside this place, for all she knows we could be sworn enemies in reality..."
    Mokou's smile vanished. "Yeah, that's true. All right, I guess I've teased you enough by now."
    "Indeed," Mayli said roughly. "I'm a little tired of romantic subtext, can we stay away from that topic for a while?"
    Ken didn't respond, but instead approached the door to his teacher's room. He hadn't been inside her house too often, at least not much deeper than her kitchen or front room to give her graded assignments or quizzes. He wondered how she had managed while he was away, but knowing her she had filled in for him easily.
    He moved close to the closed door further down the hallway and heard several voices. Reaching a hand out, he gave a firm knock and spoke loudly. "Miss Keine?"
    Hearing footsteps approaching, the three of them waited until her bedroom door opened. He held his breath hoping to see her safe and sound, although the fact that it was entirely a dreamlike world diminished his excited mood slightly.
    "Ken!" Keine gasped as she opened the door completely. Looking beyond him, she saw the others. "And two are back after all!"
    "Well duh, of course they are." Mokou smiled as she saw the shocked expression on her best friend's face fade away. "Told you they were fine."
    After giving them both hugs, she looked back over her shoulder briefly, then turned back and put her hands on her chest, beaming. "I'm so glad to see you two here safe. We were worried sick!"
    "Yeah, sorry about that. There were some complications." He felt a rush of adrenaline after seeing his teacher again, and he imagined that Mayli felt the same. "We actually did disappear completely from this world for a while..."
    While she was intrigued, she also couldn't help but feel happy to see them back safe again. "So I heard. Mokou told me everything, and I...well, you'll see what's going on. We currently have some company that I'd like you to meet." Sweeping her hand out, she motioned towards the three others in the room. Ken and Mayli beheld two women with tails, one more mature than the other, and a man with black and white hair down to his shoulders.
    "Let's make this quick," Mokou said hastily. "The dude is Andy, he's going to help Keine escape so he made a pact with her."
    "I recognize him," Ken said. "He was with us when I was helping Lady Patchouli at Tourist Helpers."
    "Yeah, that's right," Andy replied. "I'm still surprised, but more intrigued now. Hey, my kind of exciting adventure."
    "No kidding. Welcome to the club." The swordsman looked over at the two females standing nearby. "And who are they? They look very familiar, but I, uh...somehow forgot their names..." He felt chills down his spine. They had no idea that he knew who they were, or had even met him, even though he had forgotten their names out of the blue. It was truly an awkward situation, if not slightly creepy.
    Mokou raised an eyebrow. "That would be Ran and Chen, the sworn servants of Yukari Yakumo." She pointed first to the fox, then the cat. "Ran is the one with the silly hat, and Chen is the one with the silly hat and fewer tails."
    Ran sighed and smiled slightly. "I suppose that's us, yes..." She waved briefly before addressing them. "It's nice to meet you both."
    "Yeah!" Chen echoed her master's gentle greeting. She had her hands together. "I guess you never saw us before, right?"
    Mayli giggled, responding as naturally as she could sound. "Not really, but I still can't get over how cute everyone is here. And nice fluffy tails too!"
    "Erm, 'here'?" Ran cocked her head to the side. "So there is indeed another place outside our Gensokyo?"
    "There's much more than that," Mokou replied. "These two just came from the real world of humans, like I did. All of us here are actually in the real world, our minds are just led to believe that we live in this Gensokyo, and that it is real and our home." She pointed at Ken, Mayli and then herself. "We're all proof of this, you just gotta trust what we say."
    Keine nodded. "And the pact certainly felt real enough. I think now I can trust what you've all been telling me. So now that that's out of the way..."
    Ken spoke up. "Yeah. What are these two doing here?"
    "Mokou said that you know of Yukari. Can you confirm her fate too?"
    He looked unhappy. "She...well, RAI caught her somehow...Jeremy got captured too, along with her. That's what Amarillo told me, at least."
    "What!!" Chen squealed. "Jeremy and Mistress got captured?! What happened to them? How could--"
    "Chen!" Ran snapped quickly. "Calm down. Jeremy and Mistress disappeared days ago, we can't do much about it. We have to trust what they tell us." She turned to face Ken, hands now together in her sleeves. "Do you have any clue as to what happened when they got captured?"
    He shook his head. "The only thing Amarillo told me was that they went up against Diamond..." Looking at Mokou and Mayli and seeing looks of disgust and unhappiness on their faces, he knew that they all felt uneasy about such a worthy adversary. "And that is absolutely unfortunate. He stomped us flat when we fought him..." He took a breath and continued. "He do I put this..."
    Mayli went on in his stead. "He has the power to declare something happening, and then the situation plays out so that whatever he said actually happens. Is that right?"
    Ran's face became serious. "That' that even possible for a human?"
    Mokou nodded grimly. "Sounds about right. I was about to shoot that fool right in the head with a gun we had snatched from one o' them soldiers, Kaguya had things all set up too with her power to slow stuff down. But he said some weird words that made it so I ended up missing and...well, it was a disaster, pretty much."
    "Wait," Andy began. "You mean, that's what happened earlier that day? That's why the place looked so trashy, because there was a fight there?"
    Ken groaned remembering it. "You got that right. And it would have gone entirely downhill if not for Yuyuko scaring him glad we had her with us at the time." He sighed angrily. "But there's no point in crying more over spilled milk. We have no clue where Yukari and Jeremy are, really."
    "But one thing's for sure, they aren't here!" Mayli chimed in. "To think that this world was your guys' former world, but a complete fake..."
    Ran's mouth twisted. "I still don't quite believe it, but I suppose I'll have to see it with my own eyes."
    Chen nodded in agreement, her tails erect at the tips. "Yeah, we gotta get Jeremy and Mistress back! Those fools will pay!"
    Ken held his hand up. "It's not quite that easy. Let's see, where to begin..."

7:29 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo – Human Village (Inside Keine's House: Keine's Room)

Ran's gentle voice filled the room after Ken had explained more about the situation. "So...pacts cause us to gain energy from those we get bonded to, and because of that we can leave this virtual world...and Jeremy had pacts with us, but now that he's gone, if we were to wake up from this place and reach reality then we would die off without the energy that this place fuels us with?"

He nodded and stood up from Keine's couch. Ran caught on very quickly, which was desired due to their lack of time. "Pretty much. I made pacts with Eirin and Parsee so far..."
    Keine's eyes widened. "Parsee? I'm surprised at you, Ken. Keeping you around has certainly proven to be interesting, but still I am shocked. Why her?"
    "Well, it basically...just happened all of a sudden. We ran into her, Mayli and me, after Eirin took off but before we passed Suzunaan and got here. She seems quite strong and she was interested in coming along, so..."
    The teacher nodded several times in acceptance. "Heh. That's just like you, I guess. Did she have any particular reasons for doing so?"
    "You can ask her yourself in a little bit, she's in the front room." He strode slowly in a small line near the wall. "So I guess this now begs the question of what we'll do from here on out." Turning back to face the general audience, his eyes settled on his teacher. "I was worried about you, Miss Keine, but I guess that's no longer a problem. Now that that's taken care of, what next?"
    Mayli raised her hand. "Do you think you can handle taking any others with us?"
    "Me?" He put his hand on his own chest, and once she nodded he took it off and went on. "Well let's see...I don't have to make a pact with Miss Keine now, and I already got Eirin and Parsee...Patchouli...oh and Mayli too, of course."
    The last one in question rolled her eyes. "How could you forget me, anyway?"
    "Ha, good question! I didn't, naturally." He cleared his throat and looked at Ran and Chen. "So you two, what are you going to do? Yukari isn't coming back unless she somehow gets free, and due to the restrictions on mana that isn't happening any time soon. RAI probably has something in place to keep them from escaping. I mean, I don't--I'm not trying to rain on your parade or anything..."
    The fox shook her head. "I understand. We are at the mercy of this situation, really. Please, how can we help?"
    Keine stood up, Andy following suit. "Let's get out of this room and find Parsee, then we can have a more collective talk."
    Mokou moved away from the wall. "I agree, let's get outside."

7:36 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo – Human Village (Central Fountain)

Ken leaned back and dipped his left hand into the fountain water. It felt cool and refreshing, a good distraction from the current situation. Closing his eyes, he felt the dryness of his facial skin and was tempted to rub some of the water all over it. He had a hard time discerning this world from reality in this moment. No wonder they're all so fooled, he thought. It feels so real in here...just what kind of virtualization technology does RAI have? Who are they, really? This is absolutely incredible...
    Still, he couldn't let himself get distracted so easily. As real as it felt, it was still fake in the end. He looked back at Keine and Ran, who were discussing what to do. Andy seemed to be talking to Mayli, and Mokou was having a serious-looking discussion with Parsee. Finally he could relax for a short time.
    He wondered how Reisa was doing and where she was. The last time he had seen her, he had no time to see what was the matter with her. He thought he remembered that Hatate said she was going to help her out, but that certainly didn't work out as planned. He hoped Hatate too was doing much better, wherever she was. She certainly hadn't been with them when they had all returned to this virtual world.
    "Uh, hey there!"
    "What?" He looked to his right and saw the young cat girl walk up and sit next to him. "Oh...hi, Chen." Then again, perhaps relaxation was further away.
    " it true?"
    "Is what true? What I said about Jeremy and Yukari being captured?"
    She shifted uneasily. "Yeah...Mistress is supposed to be stronger than almost anyone, is she really..."
    He scratched his head and spoke grimly. "That's what Amarillo told us. Sorry."
    "No, it's fine. I just wonder why we're all here right now, when we could be helping her instead. Is there a reason for all this discussion?"
    He smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, keeping it there despite her slight flinch at first. "They're trying to figure out what they should do. You know, despite everything we talked about, it's still hard to believe that this is a fake world, right? You think that way, don't you?"
    The nekomata's tails swished idly. "Eh...I guess so. I just want to save Mistress, so..."
    "We know you do. But if you want to do that, you have to trust us. You need some help to get out of this place, otherwise you'll die. Did that part make sense?"
    Chen nodded slowly. "So...are you going to help us get out?"
    "Well...I probably could, but..."
    "But there's a problem with it?"
    "There's..." he thought for several seconds on how best to explain it. He remembered that the best way to clarify something was with an example. "So let's compare me right now to when I was in reality, outside this world. In reality, my partners were my best friend Mayli over there..." he paused to point her out to Chen. "...and Mokou, Kaguya, Yuyuko, Patchouli...and Hatate, sort of. It sounds like a lot, right?"
    The cat nodded. "I guess, yeah. So there's a limit?"
    "Basically, yeah. Because of complications that I don't need to explain right now, almost all of them had to go because of how dangerous this place is."
    "How is it dangerous? Aside from being a fake world, it doesn't seem too harmful..."
    "The world isn't a problem at all. It's going between them that is the real problem. Let's just say that any pacts made previously may be at risk of hurting us...or at least anyone that was with me." He looked down at his feet. "I didn't see anyone else have that problem...maybe this world just hates me, haha."
    "I you have to get new partners, then. That's why Parsee and Eirin are going to help you instead?"
    "Sort of. They agreed to come with us, they believe we're telling the truth." He scratched his head. "Having Kaguya around definitely made it easier to convince Eirin that we were telling the truth. I think Parsee is a special case..."
    "Ran told me Parsee can do bad things, but that it wasn't necessarily her fault. If I was stuck watching over all those people I'd probably become bored and angry too."
    "Yeah. Well anyway, there's probably a limit to how many of you I and the others can take with us. Did you want to come along?"
    " depends on what Ran wants me to do. I have a feeling she wants to go help rescue Mistress, and she's much stronger than I am..."
    He felt bad for the cat. Eirin was certainly strong, or that was the impression he had gotten from his fake fight against her earlier. Parsee had taken complete control of his body...from what he could recall, Ran was not only very powerful but also thoughtful and careful. He very likely could only afford to take one of them with him. "Then again, perhaps that's for the best..." he murmured out loud.
    She looked at him out of curiosity. "Eh? What?"
    "Oh...I said that out loud, didn't I?" He didn't mean to make Chen feel bad or weak.
    "Hey, you two."
    He glanced to his left and saw Ran approaching them. Relieved of having to clarify his intention, he turned to face her. He couldn't help but get a feel of sincerity upon seeing her staring calmly at them. "Yeah?"
    "Please don't mind my prudence." She took a seat on the fountain edge beside him. "We need to get Lady Yukari, our mistress, back safe and sound. Not only"
    "I figured you were going to say that. So what do you have in mind?"
    Chen snickered. "She wants to go after her, of course."
    Ran let out a gentle sigh. "It's true. But there is an issue of having Chen come with me, is there not?"
    He laid his hand on the hilt of his weapon. "Wait. Are you asking me to make a pact with you as well?"
    "Yes, if you don't mind." She smiled gently and unsleeved her hands. "We didn't know until now that Yukari was in trouble, far beyond our ability to aid her. It's quite troubling to hear this, believe me."
    He ran his fingers through his hair as he saw Chen walking over to Ran from behind him. "Yukari is your master, it makes sense that you want to save her. We know they aren't going to kill her, RAI wants to experiment on you, do I put this...Gensokyoans? Gensokyians?" He gestured to further the conversation along. "You get my point, they're keeping you here and they likely have other tricks up their sleeves."
    Ran curled a finger over her lips. "Yes, we are inclined to believe this. Now, about pact-making...exactly how does it work? What are the limitations? It's obvious that you yourself cannot take too many of us with you, based on what you divulged earlier."
    He nodded grimly. "That's the thing. Anything you do that's beyond what a human can do, it drains us humans of energy. Earlier when we first got free, Mokou--" he gulped. "Well, let's just say that spellcards are extremely damaging to us."
    "I see. This is why Yukari simply cannot invoke her power of border manipulation to get away." One of Ran's tails was slipping into the fountain, but Chen caught it and pulled it back up before the kitsune continued. "So essentially you have a system that resides inside you, and how it works exactly is unknown...but we draw energy from it, and it fuels our abilities, yet we cannot use it too much so it can recharge. This includes such things as danmaku and spell cards, and any other forms of magic or strength beyond a human's capacity. Do I have that correct?"
    He blinked. "Uh, pretty much, yeah. You're quite...meticulous, or considerate or--probably both."
    "I suppose I am relatively responsible, I know how it feels to be in charge of managing situations. But you likely know that already, unbeknownst to us for reasons beyond our comprehension." Ran reached up and scratched her left fox ear over her hat cover. "So, would it be feasible and within reason to take me along with the others?"
    "I'm pretty sure I can take one more with me, but..."
    She already knew what he was going to say. "You don't have to worry about overloading. Chen?"
    The nekomata perked up upon hearing her name. "Eh?"
    Ran stared solemnly at her shikigami. "I'm going to go try to help Yukari get free and bring her back safely, okay? I won't have enough power to keep you with me, it sounds like."
    "Awwww..." Chen's cat ears drooped slightly. "So I really can't come along?"
    "Wait." Ken interrupted them, knowing that there were alternatives. "What if you just ask some of the others who came in with us, perhaps they can--"
    "No, I think it's best this way." Ran looked stern all of a sudden. "We still have to see this real world ourselves. Until I see it, I don't want to risk Chen being lost too."
    "Ran!!" Chen yelped. "But if you leave, what will happen to me in here?!"
    Ran pulled Chen into her lap slowly. "Dearie, look. I'm still here, I'm doing fine. Yukari is completely gone from this place, and I'm her shikigami, but clearly that isn't a factor in my survival or well-being since I'm not hindered at all."
    The nekomata frowned. "That's true...are you going to leave me here, then?"
    "I'm asking you if can stay here where it's safe. I don't feel like I can protect you in case things go wrong, if we're as limited as I'm assuming we are in this other world." Ran hugged her tightly. "Please, for me? I know you're strong. I'm not saying that you can't handle it, I'm--my cautious side is coming out."
    Chen's ears rose slightly. "I trust me to stay here in Mayohiga by myself and take care of the place."
    Ran nodded. "I know you can do it as a favor for me."
    "It's not a bad choice to ask her to stay back..." Ken hesitantly spoke up, but then remembered that such dangerous threats as Diamond were running around rampant, and they couldn't risk too much. "Putting all our eggs in one basket is something we should avoid, anyway. And we do need to get going, I fear that something may happen to Nitori."
    "Oh, the kappa is helping?" Ran asked in surprise. "So she escaped too..."
    "That's right. She helped us get back in here with our memories fully intact instead of partitioned away or...whatever RAI did to our brains. I honestly have no clue what's going on here exactly, but RAI is why you have no recollection of reality whatsoever." He felt bad for Jeremy and Yukari at that moment. Just like how Ran and Chen had no idea about Jeremy and Yukari's status in reality, the latter team wasn't aware of the former. "Okay. So Ran, you really want to do this, then..."
    "Please." She released Chen, who climbed off her lap and stood up, smoothing her skirt before stretching and walking off for the time being. "I have to do what I can for Lady Yukari, and I would implore you to assist me in making that happen."
    Her presentation was so nice that he didn't think he could turn her down anyway, even if he tried. "Okay...but to be safe, you'll be the last one. I doubt my body could handle any more without some sort of complication developing." He coughed. "Not that we want to find out what happens if any of us get overloaded..."
    "Of course." Ran bowed. "Well then, how should I make a pact with you?"
    He felt unworthy of inheriting this woman as a partner, she was so polite. After regathering himself momentarily, he answered her. "Uh...there are two ways, one involves me giving up some of my own blood, which is kinda...bleh..." He didn't want to admit it, but he was growing much more fond of close contact. He had almost panicked when he had to make a pact with Patchouli earlier, since he was unsure of how it would have gone either way, but he definitely preferred the next option.
    Ran frowned. "That doesn't sound like a very nice option at all. What's the other one?"
    "It is the safer option in...more dire situations." He took a breath as he remembered how panicked he was during Patchouli's near-death experience. "Alternatively, we could get close..."
    "Eh...? Close...wait, you mean..." The fox blushed suddenly. "Dear me...that's..."
    "No no! I don't mean that kind of getting close. I mean just a hug, or something." He felt like laughing, but it wouldn't be very nice since she didn't know any better. "That would be...very inappropriate to insist upon."
    "I'm guessing that would work as well though." She rolled her eyes. "You do realize you could take advantage of us, right? If you didn't tell me that but instead told me that I had to, um..."
    He looked away and made sure that no one else who could tease him for the topic was around. Turning back to Ran, he replied quickly. "No! No way, that's...I couldn't impose that on anyone, that's not even appropriate..." His face was getting hot. "I-I mean, unless that's actually something you'd want..."
    "Ahh...oh my, what have I done?" She closed her eyes tightly for several moments. "Let's just forget I said that, can we?"
    "Y...Yeah." He stared at the fountain to forget about it. "I mean, what you said is true, but that's not something I--" He gulped. Mokou would have a field day if she saw this. "So, this pact, yes..."
    She nodded slowly and put her hands together in her sleeves. "Mhmm, the pact. So I should, eh...hug you in my lap, or something? Ah, what am I thinking..."
    He heaved another sigh. "Look, I'll just handle everything, okay? Give me a few moments to prepare myself for it, please."
    "Okay..." She bit her lip. "I'm sorry, but I am a bit you mind if I observe you?"
    "I guess not...I'm not angry at you or anything, it's okay." He glanced in Keine's direction just as she looked over at him. "Er, there isn't much to it, really..." It was awkward explaining the process, since it was so simple. "I have to just tell you what you're getting into and why I'm trying to help you, and then hug you or something like that. Nothing big, really."
    "I see. Then what happens?"
    "Then you and I enter this bizarre's different for everybody. Eirin had to deal with a scary Kaguya monster, Parsee had me fighting some spider girl..." He sat up straight. "Come to think of it, those were pretty serious...Patchouli was dying, so hers was about a revival of sorts, I think..."
    "Dying!" the fox exclaimed. "Patchouli was dying?!"
    "She's okay now. I'll, uh...explain later. But basically, these 'visions' or whatever you want to call them, they are the way of sealing a pact. For some reason they usually involve a short trial, but Patchouli's wasn't like that so I'm not entirely sure." The more he talked about it, the more bizarre it sounded. "And once it's over we are bonded, so when we go back to reality we'll be bound by mana." He covered his face as he rubbed his eyes and sighed. "I know, it sounds like something out of a fantasy novel or what have you..."
    "That's okay, I reckon us youkai are like fantasy creatures to you humans. It's likely similar." She smiled gently. "Do you find me odd because I am a kitsune with a human-like body?"
    He watched her prominent chest rise and fall slowly, feeling the thud of his heart becoming more apparent. Why do they always have to be so...big? His eyes trailed to the slow-moving tails spread out like the petals of a sunflower behind her. These women, it's like they're a special race of animal women from another planet or something...what a ridiculous place that Gensokyo must've been.
    Clearing his throat again, he looked back up at her. "Not really, but the tails are certainly...interesting. Don't they get in the way often?"
    "In all my years, I've grown accustomed to them." She looked into his eyes. "Er, I'm sorry. If you have things to do so you can be prepared..."
    "Nah, this is basically helping me. I just needed to calm down for a moment."
    She gave him a quizzical look. "Is it intense? Maybe I should have prepared myself as well..."
    "No, you'll be fine. I just hope it doesn't shock or scare you. Apparently Eirin's was quite intense. I only saw the end of it though. Wait..." He shuddered suddenly.
    "Are you all right?"
    "I'm...fine, I just remembered something..." He had forgotten that Eirin was supposed to come back with Reisen. What should he do? It was true that Yukari needed help and Ran was likely the best choice to take along, but he couldn't just leave Reisen alone...
    Mayli's words echoed through his mind. "Remember, you aren't here to flirt with the women...try to pick ones you know, okay?" He wasn't so quick to accept making a pact with Ran because she was respectful and beautiful, was he?
    He shook his head. No, he wasn't. It wasn't like that. He'd have to talk to Reisen when she arrived. Hopefully things would just work out. But knowing his luck, they hardly did. We'll just have to see what happens, he thought.
    "Ken? You're fine, right?"
    Finally brought back to the situation at hand, he rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "Er, yeah. Are you ready, my lady?"
    She smoothed her dress with both hands and turned closer to him, facing him from her adjacent seat by the fountain. "Mhmm. I'm prepared, so please guide me."
    He closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath. It was time for him to take action again. Remember, he told himself. You have to help them. That's why you're here, you and Mayli.
    Opening his eyes, he gazed upon her plain visage. He reached his right hand out and, upon seeing it shaking, slowly moved it towards her body.
    Unsure of what to expect, she took his hand in her left. Looking at him in wonderment, she saw his focus as he reached his other hand out. Before she could react to it, he slid his hand into hers. Feeling the warmth of a human's hands felt reassuring to her. Letting him guide, she found herself scooting closer on the fountain's edge as he pulled slowly.
    Suddenly she gasped. Her hands felt warm and velvety, as if having rubbed them between a wire mesh to feel a velvety impression. She felt the sensation spreading up her forearms at a slow rate. Eyes darting to his, she saw him staring openly back. Perhaps he was as surprised as she was, yet his grip held firmly. A small glow began to radiate from their now clasped hands.
    He grunted softly. This pact-making felt much different, yet not in a terrible way. It felt amazingly warm and comfortable, and he felt his fingers wrap snugly between hers. "What's...happening?!" he managed to say in his sudden exhaustion. I didn't even say anything yet! he thought wildly.
    "I don't know!" Ran cried out. Her body was becoming engulfed in a meltingly warm, pleasant aura that did not feel unpleasant. Despite her attempts at looking away, she could not tear her eyes away from the blindingly bright orb of raw energy pulling them together...upon re-observation, she found that it was she who was moving closer.
    She heard voices around them, no doubt from those who were around the man in front of him and herself, blaring loudly then fading into quiet. Her clothing rippled in agitation from the small force of a gust blowing from the center of the glow between them, outwards. She tried to scream out loud, but heard nothing as her vision was overwhelmed by intense brightness...
    "Ke--AHHH!" Keine, who had approached them out of concern, was thrown back before she could anticipate such an impact. Rolling several times over before settling on the ground, she caught her breath and quickly got to her feet.
    "What's going on?!" Mokou hollered. She prepared fireballs in her hands as she stood on point behind Keine.
    "I don't know!" Mayli shouted from her position on the ground. She too had been thrown backwards, and when trying to crawl forwards on all fours she met resistance, pushing her back with growing intensity the closer she came to them. "I can't get through!"
    Parsee shaded her eyes as she tried to see into the intense spherical bubble-like border forming around Ken and Ran. "I can't...see in there...ugh!" Looking away, she felt her eyes burning as if staring into the sun. "I don't get it..."
    Andy tried to remain calm. Was it magic that he wasn't capable of? There was a pact happening, most likely, between the fox woman and Ken. But this? This wasn't anything like what he expected.
    "Andy, what's this?!" Keine asked quickly as she shielded her eyes from the piercing light. "This isn't a pact, is it?!"
    "I'm not sure!" He yelled back to her over the loud rushing noise emitting from the two near the fountain. "I don't think they're supposed to happen like this, though!"
    "Ken...what's going on?!" Keine wondered out loud. She couldn't get any closer without being pushed back. "I hope you're okay..."

7:36 PM - Day 3 - Unknown Location – ?? (Dungeon Cell)

Ran's eyes opened. Her eyes hurt slightly from being suddenly dropped into complete darkness. Taking several short, gasping breaths, she began to realize the environment around her.

Stone walls on all sides encapsulated her in utter darkness. Her tails brushed against hard material at her back, so she assumed she was boxed in, trapped inside. In front of her she saw a different blockade, presumably a gate made of sturdy metal with a strong cross-bolted design she could barely make out. She decided that it was the entrance to this small room. Looking to her left, she felt a soreness in her neck.
    "Ugh..." She tried to move closer to feel the nearby wall, only to hear a dragging noise against the ground. Straining her body, she twisted to her right side and blinked, struggling in the dark to see the source of the sound. Moving her right arm, she heard the clinking noise again. Was it a bracelet? Staring down at her right hand, it finally occurred to her to she could bring her hand closer. She raised it to her eyes. It was hard to see anything unless she focused hard on it. Movement around her arm distracted her. She felt cold pressing against her arm skin, where she had seen movement. She was chained.

    Her heart sank, and she felt her fox ears twitch as they fell slightly. I'm...trapped?
    No, she thought to herself. I can't panic...I have to get out of here. But my body... She let out a grunt as she tried to move towards the gated entrance. Pausing to glance at the ceiling, it seemed incredibly tall, stretching on forever. Perhaps there was no ceiling, and she could fly out. She could at least see what was higher, if her chains would allow for it.
    Closing her eyes, she gathered her inner strength and tried to levitate. She felt the rush of power move her body upwards, only to realize its fading into nothingness. Looking down, she gasped at her bodily pain. Perhaps rising off the ground had amplified it, because she was unable to get far without feeling pain everywhere in her body. With a yelp, she fell to the ground limp as a rag doll.

    Her body ached severely. this happening? She groaned and pressed her palms against the ground beneath her, pushing herself up, but it was no use. The chains clinked against the ground as she laid flat against it, feeling pain shoot through her breasts as her chest hit the ground again. This pain...
    She felt warmer than usual, and it did nothing to improve her lack of energy. The cell was incredibly dark and hot. Trembling, she managed to slide her body around on the ground, scraping the cuff around her right wrist in the process, so she was lying against the back wall of the enclosed room.
    Feeling sweat forming on her face and upper chest, she leaned against the wall behind her. After several attempts, she made it to a sitting position and, letting out a much-needed sigh, leaned against the wall in a slouch. She took a breath as she squinted her eyes, desperately searching for any traces of light in the cracks between the walls. Why am I so weak? How did it come to this?
    She reached her hands up unpinned the collar on her dress. She felt so very warm and uncomfortable, alone in the dark. How did I get here? Sighing, she pinned it as low as it could go. Her chest didn't feel much better being slightly exposed, and she let out a sigh. Looking down, she saw that she wasn't wearing her usual clothing; her dress was shorter and her top felt different, not that it mattered much. She felt too tired to pull off her hat.

    What she thought were several minutes finally passed by. She was contemplating how she had ended up in this situation. Did the human betray her? Had she been captured by someone? She shook her head. There was no proof of any of that. But right now she would rather be thinking of something, anything, than this miserable situation. Was she going to die in here?  Her confusion as to the fact that she no clue why she was a prisoner in this tiny room of darkness gave way to hopelessness.
    "Chen...Lady Yukari...?" She murmured out loud. "What's...why am I..."

    *bang bang bang*

    Her fox ears perked up slightly. Some sort of action going on outside...was it help coming to rescue her? Perhaps it was some sort of fighting, as she heard noises against the door. There were no sounds of a scuffle, but small repeated rapping reached her ears. The clattering was against the door in front of her, on the outside.

    *clink clink*

    The cuff and chains rattled against the floor as she moved her body against the wall so she was directly parallel to the door. Sweat dripped down into the valley between her breasts as she waited in anticipation for something to happen. It was very uncomfortably warm and stuffy in the room. Her tails were withered and she remained still, holding her breath.


    A sliding noise reached her ears, then there was momentary quiet. She held her breath once more, feeling hope rising in her heart. Perhaps she could get out of this awful place after all.


    Just as she began to hear smooth grinding sounds, she saw movement in the blackness of the room. To her initial delight, the solid door was opening slowly, mechanically. She instinctively closed her eyes and nearly cried out as light filtered in through the growing opening. It was blindingly bright, her eyes having adjusted to the clouded darkness trapped inside. She raised her arms up to shield her eyes with her tired hands.


    "Wha?!" She could hardly bear to look outside her shield of arms, the light was overwhelmingly painful to her eyes. Someone was talking to her but she had no idea who it was. The voice sounded familiar to her, though.

    "Ran! You're okay now..."

    The male voice sounded closer, and something blotted out most of the light entering the slitted view between her covering hands.
    Perhaps it was safe to look now. She carefully lowered her hands with hardly a thought, they fell out of fatigue across her body and on the ground.
    "Oh my goodness, you look awful...Ran?"
    Ran gulped as she felt a small passing of cool air. "I...who's there?"
    "Ran, it's me! Ken." The figure drew near to her, and she saw it move down to about her level on the ground. "Oh...I see. Is it too bright for you?" He turned around and walked several paces over to the cell door, closing the cell door with several grunts until it was partially open. He looked back, and she could make out concern on his face. "They left you like this, alone in the dark? How miserable..."
    "Who..." She felt dryness in her throat. "Who did this?"
    He looked at her lying hopelessly tired against the wall. To his surprise, he didn't know the answer. "I don't know, but...we gotta get you outta here!"
    Before she could react, he seized her arm and noticed how warm she was. What had she done to deserve this? He had to remember that it was only a vision, yet now doubt was flowing through his mind. They weren't supposed to be this intense, were they?
    He turned his attention to the cuff on her wrist. His eyes followed the chain to the sturdy-looking ring adorning the wall behind her. "Unbelievable..." Reaching his left hand down, he felt no sword at his side. "Who chained you up like this, I wonder."
    "Can you get it off me?" She sat up straight and stared at the chain links trailing off of the hard cuff wrapped tightly around her wrist.
    "I...I might be able to. I'm not sure." Out of desperation, he looked behind them to see if anyone was coming, then moved so enough light hit the wall near the ring he was examining. He reached a hand out and tried to twist it, but to no avail. "Jeez, this thing is in pretty tight...I'll have to--"
« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 01:25:40 AM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Yakumo Pact - A Fox Fiasco, Part II
« Reply #214 on: November 25, 2012, 01:26:25 AM »
7:37 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo ? Human Village (Central Fountain)


Ken choked as he felt liquid entering his mouth. He felt cold and wet all over. As he spit out water amidst coughing, he brought his upper body up entirely out of water and looked over his shoulder. Grabbing the fountain's edge, he realized that he had been sitting there before--They had been forming a pact, him and Ran. Standing up, he felt the wetness dripping from his soaked clothes. He was close to freeing her from the prison, and then...

They had fallen into the fountain. There was no way to tell if the pact process had worked or not.

Groaning, he pulled himself over and fell off the fountain's edge as he overestimated its width. "Oof!"
    He heard laughter from nearby as he tried to focus in an effort to shake the slight dizzy feeling from his head. He already knew it was Mokou laughing at his failure. How could he not have been more careful than that? Coughing once more, he got to his feet and looked around.


    He turned around and stared at the fountain, then looked down and saw Ran lying in the water. His face melted into horror. "Oh jeez, I'm so sorry! We didn't even get to--"
    She sighed and reached a hand up. "It's okay, just help me up, will you?"
    He instinctively reached down before her sentence was completed and helped her up and out of the fountain. Both of them were distinctly wet, and she was missing her hat and shoes. He assumed they had fallen off in the fountain. Just great, he thought. This better not screw anything up...

7:39 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo ? Human Village (Ken's House)

"You're kidding me. She was chained up?"
"No, I'm serious! That's what WAS happening, and then...I guess we just fell in."

Ken and Ran sat huddled side by side on the couch in his living room as Mayli sat on the floor keeping them company, playing with a pencil she had found on his table. The latter sighed and looked up at her best friend. "Handcuffed as a prisoner, eh. Ken, what kind of kinky imagination do you have?"
    "I'm not--HEY! That has nothing to do with me!" he spluttered, shuddering slightly beneath several towels. "I don't make these things up, I swear! I had no idea what was going on either..."
    "It's not his fault," the kitsune replied with a shudder. The fountain water was much colder than she imagined it to be. "Anyway, we should probably change. Staying like this in wet clothing is about as miserable to be in as that prison cell we imagined..."
    "You should be glad that Mokou isn't in here right now," Mayli said with a closed-eyed smile. "Earlier she was going on and on about how that one would be a funny story once everything settled down."
    "Yeah," he said unhappily and sarcastically. "Along with me getting knocked the fuck out for a whole hour or so, coughing up blood and feeling like I got hit by a bus all because she couldn't control herself and used a spell I right?"
    Mayli frowned. "Let's not talk about that, okay? I was scared shitless the whole time, man!" She stretched her arms out and then stood up. "I'll go see what they're up to, you two better dry off and uh..." She stared at Ran's towel-hooded visage. "Well, I don't know what kinds of clothing she can wear."
    Ken got deja vu from a previous event that had happened here. Mokou had vanquished the god of plenty, or so they had thought, but she had gotten incredibly sticky due to the ensemble of various treats and foodstuffs that had covered them when it exploded. He wondered if it was still floating around, although now they had bigger fish to fry. "We'll think of something."
    "I hope so. Well, see you later then." She waved and turned away.
    The two watched as Mayli left out his front door. Ran spoke up first. "So...what's going to happen?"
    "I'm not sure," he said quickly, standing up and patting the wetter parts of his clothes down. "I'm not a fan of being covered in fountain water though, are you?"
    She smiled and stood up as well. "Not particularly. Do you mind if I, eh..." Looking around, she saw nothing that resembled a bathroom, only a hallway adjacent to what she presumed was his dining room. "Well, I'm assuming you have a bath here somewhere, right?"
    He motioned to have her follow him. "Right this way...I'll use it after you. We don't have much time though, so please make it quick."
    She nodded and walked behind him. So this man lived alone next to Keine? she thought. That's interesting. She spoke up. "Do you mind if I borrow some clothes until Chen returns with a new pair of my own?"
    "That's, uh..." he thought of what she could wear. Perhaps a button-up shirt would fit her best for now, even though it wouldn't be much. He wasn't sure about the tails, though. "Probably," he concluded. "We'll have to see what I have. But I don't have, you know..."
    "I know. I asked Chen to bring me new underwear too, don't worry about it." She grinned, feeling better. The pact was certainly a real thing, that was for certain. Now she trusted what they were claiming earlier much more than she did initially. Jeremy and Yukari were gone, and they weren't coming back anytime soon. She would place her faith in this man, certainly. "I'll manage."
    He wondered why she didn't bother asking for some of Keine's extra clothing, then realized that it wouldn't matter if Chen got here within reasonable time. He had basically accomplished what he had set out to do, but there was still Reisen to worry about...perhaps he could make a pact with Reisen instead? Then again, he didn't know how this pact with Ran would work now. Was his one chance ruined? His mind was swimming with thoughts as he drifted back to the situation at hand. They had reached his room.
    "Nothing is ever easy," he muttered, pushing the door to his room open.

(Kosuzu introduced for the first time in this roleplay! But more importantly, Ken tries to make a pact with Ran Yakumo...and it fails when they fall into the fountain in the center of the Human Village! I hope it's obvious now that anything can happen during a pact-making. Just for clarification, they will be able to try again later. Ken and Ran will be inside the former's house. Keine and Andy, along with Mokou, Parsee and Mayli, are outside his house. Chen, Patchouli, Eirin and Reisen will show up eventually.

As a reminder, anyone can interact with any of the characters I have been writing for in the virtual world. Feel free to include Ken, Mayli, Keine, Andy or any of the others in your posts! If you have any doubts, ask us!

@Duke: This post will be changed to fit yours, which takes place chronologically before, if any details are incorrect.)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #215 on: November 30, 2012, 10:25:08 AM »
Window #1 - Contact

DAY 1 - 4.47AM - "Family Mart" - Streets of Asaka

Bottles of soda clattered as they hit each other. A single man stood on top of a wooden ladder, arranging the goods onto the shelves gingerly. He was careful not to drop those bottles anywhere -- his pay was already very low to begin with.

"That miserly owner of this shop might as well hire a slave... so much for working here for about a month already..."

The grown man standing on the ladder sighed. Every morning, before the city awoke and burst into life, he had to arrive here and set up the shop. Considering his apartment was about 10KM from there and he did not possess a vehicle other than his second-hand bicycle, he figured it was about time he stopped sucking it up and actually go for a job that treats him like a human. Slogging his guts out here proved to be of vigorous work yielding little reward.

At this thought, the man brightened up, only to become sullen again. He had no specialization, no professional certificates or qualifications in other fields of work. He could only resign to fate, and even his daily necessities relied on this salary he receives. Maybe he should even be contented by what fate offered him.

He decided to cast away that wayward thought.

Straining his arm, he reached for another box of soda and arranged them into the shelves. This act continued as he slowly emptied the stocked items. At least, that was what was to be, until the rumbling sound of metal shutters were heard. Turning around, he met with his employer. Soon after he walked in, another young man followed through the door.

Briefly greeting his employer, the man returned to his job. As he turned back, his loose hand swept through part of the shelves. Not that that would have been a problem usually, when it was mostly empty.

Bottles of condiments, drinks and other assorted items fell from the shelf, shattering as they contacted the ground.

The immediate action of the man was to quickly descend from the ladder, and apologize to his employer. He would expect this week to be a hard one, with his meager wage being deducted from to reimburse his employer's losses.

The man looked away from the sorry sight of his employee apologizing, and delivered a slap to his face.

"Hikari Tsubame, was it? Get out now."

The firm tones conveyed the seriousness of his speech.

"But, it is my first time, and I really need this jo--"
"Get out. And pay for what you broke."

Mercilessly cut off, the man walked out of the Provision Shop. He placed the money he had onto the payment counter on his way out. Obviously his employer was about to replace him with the younger male that followed behind him.

This is the fate of the aged, Phased out when unneeded. What cruelty, however, it is unfortunately natural. What cruel fates.

Hikari Tsubame wandered off to the streets. Penniless, hopeless, and now jobless. Resigned to what fate has for him, he walks on, waiting for what fate shall give him now.

DAY 1 - 6.36AM - Streets of Asaka

Hikari Tsubame was quick to recount his belongings, after becoming instantly jobless. After all, he had to plan ahead, now that the future has become just that much more unpredictable. Reaching into his pockets, he found only his Identification Card and his empty wallet. The cold wind bit into his skin as he cursed himself again for forgetting his Jacket. Feeling around a little more, he realized that something seems to be missing. A familiar weight in his right pocket was definitely missing.

In a mix of exclamation and abject shock, he strained himself to keep his greatest fear contained in his mental thoughts.

I definitely lost my cellphone.

Considering the fact that his home is within walking distance as of the current time, he decided on what he thought was the wiser decision: To get his Jacket to shield of the cold.

Hikari Tsubame broke into a desperate run towards his apartment, which would soon change destination to the Provision Store.

DAY 1 - 7AM - Streets of Asaka, Provision Shop

Tsubame stormed into the store. To the shock of the many shoppers, the man demanded for his phone from his former employer. His former employer reasoned that the phone was rightfully his, and that the money he provided was not even enough to cover one-tenth of the loses.

Tsubame gave up on reasoning. He snatched the phone from the man, and walked out of the store. Despite the man's various shouts and threats to him, Tsubame just walked off. After all, there was something right now that was more urgent that the phone itself.

DAY X - 1AM - Streets of Asaka, Tsubame's apartment

A man walked towards a half-open door. The hinge was obviously broken, and the door was left ajar. A finger hit the doorbell as the man waited for a response from inside the apartment unit. It seems that there would be no reply.

Trusting that the parcel would stay safe, the man walked off into the distance after carefully placing the parcel at the door.


Seeing that the coast was clear, a male darted out from behind the door, and peered at the parcel. His experience proved that it was safer to avoid direct contact with contacts. Fetching a metal crowbar from a cabinet, he used the crowbar's tip to shift the box.

No reaction.

Although out of his expectations, he decided to be doubly sure that the parcel was safe. Shifting a table in front of him, he flipped it to its side, with the face of the table shielding his legs. He threw the crowbar at the parcel and ducked for cover.

No reaction.

He stood up slowly, keeping a close watch on the broken parcel for any explosives or toxic material. Pulling out a latex glove from his pocket, he wore the glove and fetched a envelope from the broken parcel, which was now revealed to be a cardboard box. Although it seems safe now, it never hurts to be too careful.

Quickly scanning through the contents of the letter, he knew that the proposal was true.

"Thank you for replying to our business proposal. We have seen you to have the required expertise for this job. I am sure that, if you were to join us, we would be able to function better. If you remain interested in our project, please call us a week after this parcel is delivered.

DAY 1 - 7.25 AM - Asaka train station

"This must be the specified place, then..."
Tsubame fished out his phone, and hit the dialer. Punching in a line of numbers, he reached a automated voice. Hitting the "#" key, the voice dictated to him the place where he was supposed to be for the business discussions.

"Now... let us see what is in store for me..."


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #216 on: November 30, 2012, 07:12:50 PM »
Day -2 - 3:00 pm  - Apartment in Ōbu - David's Home

*Click* *Click*


David was sat at his computer, filling in the details required of him to finish off his work for the day. The man worked from home, filling in databases with information mailed to him from various departments from his employers. The rise in work-from-home roles was accelerating, due to the congestion in the cities of Japan. David, as one of the younger generation, snapped up the chance to work from home, using technology to his advantage.

-You have new mail- The computer chimed.

David sighed. Another e-mail giving him more information to sort through and analyze at 3:00. His employers loved giving him work near the close of business.

The man's suspicious were quickly proven wrong, when he saw it was an e-mail from an unrecognized address.

"More spam instead. Great." David said to himself, about to delete the mail, when he noticed something in the subject.

-Job offer from Rinji Operations-

The man raised his eyebrows, out of both curiosity  and suspicion. Rinji Operations was a relatively well-known group, working to combat delinquency and street crime... however, how did they have his E-mail?

"Well, it seems that there is an interesting offer, and a few questions that need to be answered." David said to himself, with a smirk. "Looks like an excuse for a day off."

Day 1 - 9:00 am - Hanamidori Station

David yawned as he got off the train. He had to get up early to get to the location in time, especially as he was unfamiliar with the area, and would be liable to get lost. What annoyed him more, however, was being on the cramped trains of Japan. So many people cramped into a small area like sardines...

Still, he knew what he was here to do. Find out about this job offer from Rinji Operations, and, if possible, how they got their hands on his information. There were a few other factors the young man was concerned and curious about, of course, such as if anyone else was invited besides himself, and if so, how many? Would there be a common theme with the invited people?

The young man started to fiddle with the pen he pulled out of his pocket as he started to look for the Tokugawa Galleria.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • B-but you haven't promoted me yet!
  • Thanks Aoshi for the avvy! :3
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #217 on: December 01, 2012, 01:49:21 AM »
11:31 PM ? Day 3 - Kamisuiwa, Japan ? RAI Graveyard base (Virtualization Lab)

Andy stopped for a moment in front of one of the pods and looked inside. The woman inside reminded him of the protagonist of a fairy tale, in a way. She looked so peaceful like that, with her long silvery-blue hair falling down over her shoulders, and her closed eyes, almost as if she were sleeping. But after hearing about what was really happening, he couldn?t- he wouldn?t leave her in that state. He still remembered what he promised. He?d get her out of that virtual world, for her sake and his own.

He gritted his teeth and walked to an empty pod. It was a bit small, but he managed to fit inside comfortably. He closed his eyes. She was still there, smiling like the first time he saw her, resting against one of her favorite trees, with her silver-blonde hair falling freely down to her waist. Her big violet eyes, staring up at him?

He sighed. This is for you, he whispered, closing his eyes along with the hatch on his door.

5:05 PM ? Day 3 ? A clearing in the Forest of Magic ? Virtual Gensoukyou


His head felt like he was splitting in two, and his sight was blurry. For what little he could see, he was in a forest. The imposing trees around him gave the forest a menacing air that made his body feel heavy and it made breathing harder.

Using the tree he was resting against for support, he managed to get up. He had to get out of that forest fast. He started walking, if he walked in a straight line, eventually he?d get out of there. Fortunately after a few minutes he found a small path, it turned out that he wasn?t as deep inside it as he thought, given that after a bit of walking he managed to get out of that dark forest. Even more fortunate was the fact that he managed to get out without being attacked by something, given the oppressive atmosphere of the place, and the noises he heard between the trees.

The air was much cleaner now, and his body now felt lighter, but the headache persisted. Well, you can?t win always. After his eyes got accustomed to the light outside of the forest, he could see what kind of place awaited him. It was, in a word, beautiful. A scene that could?ve been taken out of a history book, large extensions of cultivated fields and open lands enveloping a village that seemed more appropriate in the feudal Japan than the modern days. He could see several mountains in the distance, giving the sensation that this region was located in a valley. Somehow, it reminded him to his old home.

Letting the wind stroke his hair, he started walking towards the village, taking in the fresh air the calmness around him. It was such a shame that none of it were real.

6:15 PM ? Day 3 ? Outside of Keine?s house ? Virtual Gensoukyou

Andy held his breath; it had only taken him a bit of asking around to find the house.

?Oh, Kamishirasawa-sensei?? Was the response he had gotten after describing the woman he was looking for. ?She lives over there? And with that, Andy started walking towards her house.

Sensei? Andy was thinking as he calmly walked to the woman?s house. Could it be that she is a teacher? Fate is quite the fickle mistress?

He knocked on the door and waited. After a few moments a woman answered.

She had long, silky silver hair with a few streaks of blue scattered around. She was wearing a dark blue dress with white sleeves, and a red ribbon on her collar. Resting on her head was one of the most elaborated hats Andy had ever seen. It appeared to him as some kind of building, with a red ribbon on the top, and some sort of glyphs that he couldn?t understand.

Yes, this woman was the one, no doubts.

For a moment, Andy saw a purple flash on her eyes, and his heart skipped a beat. Fortunately for him his face rarely showed what was really going on in his mind.


Her eyes had now returned to their usual brown.

?Excuse me. Good afternoon, are you Miss Kamishirasawa??

?Yes, that?s me. And you are??

He needed to convince her to come with him, and the best way to do so was using his most powerful and effective weapon; words.

But even though he had a knack with words, and could use them to perform acts that some would consider nigh-impossible, it wasn?t exactly easy to do so. It required a lot of effort and knowledge of the other to do it, and even ten it wasn?t certain that his words would convince the other.

But he had to try and use what little information he had about her.

?My name is Andreas Jaeger, and I am new to this place.? Straight to the point, there was no use in diverting her attention to convince her right now, and even though he didn?t usually gave his name that easily, Andy felt that at least this time he would have to stop pretending. ?I?m sorry to bother you, but I heard that you give help and council to those who recently arrive here.?

He did look like he had come from the outside. But this seemed too suspicious. First all the disappearances, and now this strange man came to her house out of nowhere. This might seem like a trap, but his words sounded honest?
?May I come in?? He asked.

Keine paused for a moment, and made a gesture inviting the man inside. It was a long shot, but maybe he knew something about Ken and the others?

?Would you like a cup of tea?? She asked after the man had entered.

?Yes, that would be really nice, thank you.?

She led him to the living room, where he took a seat.

?Do you mind if I smoke??

?I really don?t,? she replied from what Andy assumed was the kitchen. ?As long as you tell me your story and how you ended in Gensoukyou, mister??

?Please, just Jaeger is fine.?

06:43 PM ? Day 3 ? Inside Keine?s House ? Virtual Gensoukoyu

Keine stared at her guest in disbelief for about two minutes before opening her mouth and stating what was obvious.

?I see. And what if I told you that I don?t believe a word of what you just said??

?I wouldn?t blame you.? Andy said as he finished his tea. It wasn?t bad. It certainly was better than the colored water the hotel he stayed at insisted was tea. ?After all, I had the same reaction as you did. But if you don?t believe me you should ask your friend, I think she?s the one that?s about to enter.? the man continued while pulling out a cigarette and taking it to his lips.

At the time he lighted it, a woman?s voice filled the house. ?Yo Keine, you here??
Keine?s eyes opened wide at the hearing of the woman?s voice.

?How did you know it was Mokou?? The were-hakutaku asked in surprise.

As the man took a long, slow drag, the woman entered the room. Andy had already met her. Back at the lab she was talking with that swordsman, Ken.

?It was but a mere guess. When I mentioned her and the swordsman you bit your lip and lowered your gaze; that gave me the hint that they were friends of you. Then right before she entered I heard footsteps outside. I assumed it was either her or Ken, but I discarded him since the steps didn?t sound like the ones a man carrying such an equipment would make.?

?And who are you?? The white-haired asked, unimpressed by Andy?s little Sherlock Holmes act.

?You don?t remember me? Well, I guess that?s fair since I didn?t interact with the lot of you back in reality. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jaeger, and I am here for the same reasons as you are.?

?Oh. Now I remember you. Well, I guess it?s nice to have someone else with us.?

?So it?s true then?? Keine asked Mokou. ?What he said about this world not being real??

??Fraid so.? the immortal responded.
Keine fell to her knees, but Mokou managed to catch her before she touched the ground, and helped her to sit.
?Calm down. We?re getting a lot of help from guys like Ken and other like this one here to get us out of this place. It still sucks what they did to us, though.?
?Ken is here?? She eagerly asked Mokou.
?Well, yeah, he is here but?? The immortal knew what she was thinking, if that guy talked to her about the pacts she would want to make one with Ken. But with all that happened with him? She didn?t want her friend to end like Hatate.
?Keine, listen. I don?t know how much this guy told you, but something went wrong between Ken and us. I don?t really know how it works, but there were some problems and??
?So you?re saying that I can?t go with him because of some problems??
?It?s more complicated than that. Keine, I don?t know what happened when we got out, but Hatate almost died. I don?t want you to have to go through that.?
?So what, then? You say I can?t go with him. Then I have to stay in here!??
?No, that?s not what I?m sayin?! Would you listen to me for once!?? Mokou turned to Andy. ?What I?m tellin? you is that there are others willing to help. I know you like the guy, but you have to trust me on this one.? This guy came to Keine?s house by himself; maybe he could be the one that could help her?

?Miss Keine.? The man was standing next to Keine, hand extended to her. ?I know this is too sudden, and even myself can?t fully understand it. But I? I want to help you. No, I have to help you.?

The were-hakutaku sighed. ?So you want me to perform this obscure pact with someone I just met??
?Hey, it?s better that being stuck in this place.? Mokou replied.
Keine sighed again and took Andy?s hand and got up. ?Fine. What do we have to do??
?Well, there?s to ways, according to Ken.?
?And they are???
?A blood pact and what he called a ?spirit bond? pact.?
Andy grimaced at the mention of blood. ?I? would really prefer if there?s no blood involved.?
?Oh c?mon, don?t be a sissy.? The immortal said to him.
?So how does this ?spirit bond? works?? Keine asked.
?Well, you need to be close, like a hug or something, I really don?t know.?

Once again, the were-hakutaku sighed. ?Fine. Let?s get this done. Jaeger, please come closer.?

The men obliged, and moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her body in the process. This was obviously uncomfortable for both of them, but they still moved on until they were locked in a tight embrace. And then, the whole room filled with blinding light.

?? ? ?? ? Unknown Location ? ?? (Dark Forest)

Keine looked up. The sky seemed to be so far away from her right now? She couldn?t even see through the treetops. What the hell was going on with this forest? They?ve been walking for so long she didn?t remember how much time had passed, yet they didn?t seem to move at all. And this forest was so thick it was even hard to breathe.
They only knew which way they were walking to thanks to the minimal light that filtered through the dense treetops.

And it was starting to get dark.

If this forest was so cold and dark during the day, Keine didn?t want to know how it was at night. She was getting tired, her feet were sore and the coldness of the forest was getting her.
She still didn?t understand how they had gotten to this place from her house, and the night was drawing closer and closer.

They walked quietly, not saying a word, in case something other than themselves was roaming, hiding behind the trees surrounding them.
She looked at the man at her side. Jaeger walked with a serious expression in his face, the same he had showed when they were at her house. But in his eyes he could see a bit of worry. I wonder what he?s thinking on?
He took of his jacket and put it over her shoulders. ?You were shivering? Was she? If she was then she hadn?t noticed. However it were, it was nice to have something to ward her from the cold. ?Thank you? she said, and noticed her breath escaping in small white clouds.

After some more walking they managed to find their way into a clearing. It was already dark when they emerged from the sea of trees, and the moonlight shone weakly through the gaps in the clouds that covered the night sky.
Keine sat next to a tall fir to rest, while the man started looking for something in the floor.
?What are you doing?? The were-hakutaku asked.
?We need wood to light a fire, unless you want to freeze over the night.?
He was right. The temperature was only going to drop from now, and it was too dark to keep trying to get out of the forest. ?Do you need any help?? She was so tired she could barely move, but he must be as tired as her, so she couldn?t let him do all the work.
?Don?t worry, I got this.? Wood was the one thing that was found in abundance in that clearing. ?Although I need something to light it? In the inside pocket of my jacket is my lighter, and my cigarette case. Could you hand them to me please??

And after a few minutes the two of them were sitting by a small fire. It was small, but it was enough to keep them warm. Keine was still wrapped up in Andy?s jacket. ?What are you doing?? She asked when she saw him watching a small piece of paper in his hand. That seemed to startle the man, as he quickly put the paper inside the cigarette case and closed it.
?Oh, that? I was just? remembering??

He got up and walked to where the woman was, sitting right beside her.

?I? I?m sorry. Somehow I feel like it?s my fault that we are trapped in here.?
The were-hakutaku sighed.
?Don?t worry. We?ll get out of this, together. You seem like a reliable man, I?m sure that we?ll get out in no time.?
?Thanks. That means a lot, knowing that I can help you, Miss Keine.?
?Please, drop the ?miss?, just Keine is fine. And I thank you for your help, Jaeger.?
?I promise you that I?ll do all what?s in my power to help you, mi- Keine.?
?I still can?t believe that my home, that my life is a lie, just a simulation. It makes me feel so angry?? She clenched her fists.
Andy was angry as well. What he did for helping people this organization did it to harm them, and he couldn?t allow that.
?If we?re going to go through this, I?m going to need more information about you than just your name. You already know who I am, and probably you also know what my role in the village is.? She said suddenly. ?At least tell me what you did before coming to Japan.?
Andy sighed. ?Where do I begin? I used to lead a group of con-artists.? He could see the woman frowning next to him. ?But unlike most con-artists, we used our skills to help other people.?
?How is that??
?Well, for example one time we helped a man that couldn?t afford paying her daughter?s education to get a full scholarship.?
?Oh, that?s nice.?
?Another time we helped a neighborhood to get rid of a corrupt police commissioner that intimidated them into paying for protection.?
?I see. It?s nice to know that you?re not like them, Jaeger. I feel like I can trust you more now.?

She still seemed to have trouble pronouncing his name. And he didn?t feel comfortable when she used it. It sounded? unfitting for her. ?Just one thing, though. Could you please call me ?Andy??? He only allowed two people in his life to ever call him with that name, and didn?t liked when anybody else called him like that, but he had the feeling that he wouldn?t mind that she used it.

?Okay? Andy.? He allowed himself a small, barely perceptible smile. As he thought, he didn?t feel uncomfortable when she said it; in fact, it was quite the opposite. He felt her head resting against his shoulder, and turned to se that the woman had dozed off. I was unwise, but he also felt his eyelids slowly starting to close. He tried to stay awake, but he was as tired as the woman next to him, and couldn?t resist much longer.

07:05 PM ? Day 3 ? Inside Keine?s House ? Virtual Gensoukoyu

?The hell were you two doin? there? was the first thing the both of them heard after they woke up. ?You were out for fifteen minutes!?

?My, my? said the teacher as she got up from the floor. ?Could it be that you were that worried about us, Mokou??

?Of course I-? She suddenly stopped and gritted her teeth. ?Oh screw you. If you?re alright you should start telling me what happened back there.?

Keine chuckled a bit. ?Sorry, I couldn?t resist it. Now you know how I felt when you disappeared.? She took a seat and Andy and Mokou imitated her. ?I really don?t know. Andy, what do you think??
?Andy?? The immortal seemed confused. ?Oh, Andy?? She grinned. ?I wonder what really happened between the two of you back there~?
The man decided to let that pass. Unfortunately for her, the teacher couldn?t. ?I just told you that nothing happened!? She said, and Andy could se a bit of red on her face.
?Oh, is that so?? Mokou said in the same teasing voice as before.
?Really! Nothing happened! We were lost in a forest by ourselves and couldn?tgetoutand-?
Andy sighed. He couldn?t let this continue or she would faint both from embarrassment and lack of breath.
?Nothing happened, could you stop now please??
?Ow, you?re no fun, dude.?
?Back to the topic, I can?t be sure, but I think that it was a projection from our subconscious. This is just a mere conjecture, I have no means to check if it?s true or not, I?m sorry.?
Keine let out a thoughtful hum and spoke again. ?Mokou, before you were worried because we were unconscious for fifteen minutes. Is that a long time to make these pacts??
?Well yeah. I mean, I don?t really know either. That student of yours usually takes a couple of minutes, but I guess that can change depending on the person. This is no science, y?know??
This time both the teacher of the schemer made a thoughtful gesture.
The three of them stayed like that for a minute, until their silence was broken by a sudden knocking on the door.
?I?ll go get it.? Keine said as she stood up.

After she disappeared, Andy heard some whispering in the next room.
He turned to Mokou. ?I want to ask you one thing.?
?Sure, what is it?? the Immortal replied.
?This might sound childish, but please refrain from calling me ?Andy??
?Huh? Isn?t that your name? What?s the matter, you don?t like it? If you don?t then why do you let Keine call you that way??
?It?s? complicated?
?Are you sure nothing happened between the two of you??
?Something did. But not what you?re thinking on.?
?Tch. Fine, how do you want to be called then??
?You can call me Jaeger?
?I know it?s be hard to pronounce for you but-?
?Nah, its fine. Whatever suits you, I guess.?

At that time Keine entered the room accompanied by another woman and a young girl. To his surprise both the newcomers showed tails. He counted nine, fox-like ones on the blonde woman; and two cat-like ones on the brown haired girl, who also showed to matching ears over her head, poking through her green cap. Seeing that, he assumed the older woman should have animal ears beneath her hat too.
Something inside of Andy told him that if he wanted to get through this, he needed to leave his common sense behind.

(OOC: Oh god this took so long  :ohdear: I blame LoL and my inability to read my own handwriting ORZ. Anyways, Andy's and Keine's pact is now complete and this ties nicely with Kakyoin's last post (I think) :toot:)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 02:04:17 AM by The Duke »


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #218 on: December 01, 2012, 05:06:38 PM »
Window #2: A proposal over lunch and tea

11:15am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

After approximately 30 minutes of asking for directions, Tsubame caught sight of the shopping centre that Tokugawa Galleria was housed in. Double-checking the time, he realized he was late for the business proposal. Not wanting to ruin the first impression his new employers would have of him, he walked hastily towards the Food Court. If his physical stamina from all the training he received in the past held, he should be able to reach the Galleria in 30 seconds from the door of the shopping centre. While sprinting, of course.

Many of the shoppers exchanged puzzled glances at each other an the man before them that was thundering down the corridors with speed towards the Galleria.

Tsubame started to decelerate gradually from his sprint to a brisk walk. While doing so, he wasted no time adjusting his attire. Surely, this was not really formal wear, like many people in the Galleria are wearing, but it would do. Walking past tuxedo-clad men, he found the table with the table number dictated to him from earlier on. Scanning the people around the table, he noticed that there were easily more than 10 persons. Making his way to the table, he dared to ask a question.

"May I know who are the officers of Rinji Operations around here?"

A man, which was dressed prim and proper in a businessman like manner replied to his query.

"I am one of them. May I know who you are?"

"Hikari. Hikari Tsubame."

The Rinji Operations officer fetched a clipboard out of a metal briefcase he carried. Briefly flipping through the list, his pupils moved from left to right, reading the list in a quick manner, while flipping the pages of the list.

"We have no 'Hikari Tsubame' in our list of invited persons. If you are not invited, please leave."

"I am invited. I have received this letter from your company that--"

The officer snatched the letter from Tsubame's hand.

"I see. Your name's Owen Sterne, isn't it?"

Looking away and putting on a stoic front, the man provided the officer an answer with a subtle nod. However, he lacked the courage to give a positive answer by word.

The officer moved the hand that held his pen, scribbling a few things in fast writing before inviting the man before him to sit down at a designated seat. Looking around, Tsubame did a brief analysis of the persons beside him that were apparently also invited for the business meeting. It was a habit of his to understand the situation he was in and the people he was with, no matter how paranoid it seemed of him. Finding even people who looks approximately 19, and especially one male which was twirling his pen around like the business proposal was no business of his made him think twice about being involved in this project. According to the letter he received, this was supposed to be a business proposal regarding recruiting people to handle the peacekeeping of this country. However, those people that sat by him did not look anything like probable candidates. Despite this, he was still well aware that this might just be a facade they were keeping up.

After about another 5 minutes, when Tsubame saw the officer that attended to him cancel the last name on the list he put on the table, the officer seemed ready to start the conversation. After a few words with his fellow officers, a Rinji Operations officer, who seemed like the leader of the group of officers that sat at the table, began to speak.

"I believe you all have come here because of an invitation that was extended from our organisation to you all, I believe?" The head officer looked for a response as he asked this question.

Tsubame noticed the people at the meeting nod in approval of the statement.

Noticing a general approval of the previous statement, he started his speech.

"Let me extend a warm welcome on behalf of my organisation to you, the invited, who may, perhaps, also be a future member of our organisation. Before my fellow officers here give you a brief description of the jobs that you may or would be assigned to when you join us, and the details of your employment, allow me to give a brief introduction of myself, and my company. My name is Steven Frank, an operative in Rinji Operations who was hired from overseas to manage the recruitment of the soon-to-be new generation of operatives like my fellow officers here. Our job in this organisation is to ensure the peacekeeping of this country at a civil level. We aspire to starve off the delinquency and lower the rates of street crime in this country, however, we would need more able people to fulfill this objective. As delinquency, street crime and misconduct are on the rise, we need all the help we can get. You, my guests, are invited for some very different qualities you possess, and for the expertise you hold that fits the bill for your would-be positions assigned to you in the organisation..."

At this point, Tsubame lost interest in the speech. Again with the usual speeches that those law-enforcing organisations always give to the recruits, he thought. Being an old-timer in one of those organisations has proved this to be the cliched method they use to interest and invoke the passion for the job about to be offered to them... or at least if they are not in the shadowy sections of the government organisations, anyways. Extending his arm to get hold of a glass of iced water, Tsubame paid little to no attention to the speech, though he did put on a attentive look. At least, he could still hear keywords like "salary", "pay", "job" and "work".

"...and so, without further ado, my fellow officers shall give you the details of your jobs. It will be given in the form of a contract, wherein you may ask the operative attending to you about the contract's details if you have any doubts. I hope you will accept this partnership you are offered. On behalf of Rinji operations, I thank you for your time. You may proceed to order anything you may wish and it would be expenses-paid by our company, although we have already provided lunch for you. Do consider this carefully." The man ended his speech and gave a visual cue to the other officers to start doing their job.

Base salary of US$9000 equivalent, though with upwards to 16 hours of work a day, however with 1 off day per week and chances of promotion, Tsubame thought. He was rather ready to sign the contract upon seeing the first few terms, however, it would never do any bad to ensure that all the terms were optimal for him.

This is indeed a lax job, though it involves work including, but not limited to, patrolling public areas, monitoring of important organisations, possible undercover work in underground organisations, and killing if necessary.

Tsubame choked on the iced water he was drinking as he read the last 3 words. Quickly regaining his composure, he questioned the officer, in which he received a positive reply. At that moment, Tsubame momentarily froze.

That night. When the man had died. That knife. The blood that was spilled by the knife. A girl.

Tsubame went over the last line again mentally.

The girl. The girl that died.

A visual presentation of the scene gradually unfolded in his mind. A gunshot was heard. The bullet glimmered in the moonlight, before driving its way into the girl's forehead, drilling its way into the brain. The girl, as if possessed, kept a shocked stare, before the light left her eyes and she collapsed on her knees, and falling over to her left. This scene looped repeatedly, as if the video player decided to torment the viewer with the death scene, with absurd realism.

"Mister. Mister Sterne."

"Ah, yes, where was I?" Tsubame thanked the man for bringing him out  of that nightmare of a vision.

"The last part of the clause is not always necessary. We may remove it if you do wish, although we do value your expertise in that sector of work."

Tsubame kept his snicker at the officer's words. He put it in such a nice way that he almost signed the contract without a second thought. Putting killing in such a sweet way - this organisation is rather heartless in their actions, as long as they achieve their goal. Acknowledging his own words, he decided that he needed a moment to rethink his decision of joining this company. Wearing a fake smile, which most people would take as real, he spoke.

"Well... let me consider this proposal over a cup of tea first."

Tsubame promptly rose from his seat, and walked over to a beverage store nearby.

"Jasmine Tea, please. More sugar."
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 12:46:01 PM by Ran-Rii »


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #219 on: December 05, 2012, 07:11:01 PM »
11:00am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria

"Excuse me, are you part of Rinji Operations?" David asked a man. It had taken him an hour and a half of searching around the area to find this place, and another half hour to find the food court. The young man was really regretting not looking up a map beforehand.

"Yes. I am. What is your name?" the man asked, pulling out a clipboard.

"David. David Farr." the young man replied. It took a few moments of the officer scanning down the list, until he nodded.

"Yes, you are indeed on the list." he replied.

Despite getting lost, David was among the first of the people there. As such, he sat down and waited for everyone else to arrive, most of them arriving within ten minutes of him.

"Nothing to do but wait, eh?" David said to himself, twiddling his pen idlely.

11:15am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

"Hikari. Hikari Tsubame." David heard. If the glimpse he got of the clipboard at one point was any indication, this would be the final person to arrive, maybe the penultimate, if he recalled wrong or missed a name.

David's curiosity arose when he heard a different name a few moments later, but he thought nothing of it. He quickly figured this was not the last arrival, since the meeting did not proceed. This was confirmed about five minutes later, when an official crossed out a name on the list.

A man who had a different outfit, one with more stripes on it, and various symbols, sat down with the other staff, and cleared his throat.

"I believe you all have come here because of an invitation that was extended from our organisation to you all, I believe?" The head officer said.

David nodded in reply. Surely with the security checking names for this meeting the Head Officer would have already known this fact, but, better to be sure, he presumed.

"Let me extend a warm welcome on behalf of my organization to you, the invited, who may, perhaps, also be a future member of our organization. Before my fellow officers here give you a brief description of the jobs that you may or would be assigned to when you join us, and the details of your employment, allow me to give a brief introduction of myself, and my company. My name is Steven Frank, an operative in Rinji Operations who was hired from overseas to manage the recruitment of the soon-to-be new generation of operatives like my fellow officers here. Our job in this organization is to ensure the peacekeeping of this country at a civil level. We aspire to starve off the delinquency and lower the rates of street crime in this country, however, we would need more able people to fulfill this objective. As delinquency, street crime and misconduct are on the rise, we need all the help we can get. You, my guests, are invited for some very different qualities you possess, and for the expertise you hold that fits the bill for your would-be positions assigned to you in the organization..." the man started. Steven proceeded to rattle on about various things such as pay, and insurance, and safety. David listened, taking down notes on a piece of paper he pulled from his bag, jotting at a fast pace.

"...and so, without further ado, my fellow officers shall give you the details of your jobs. It will be given in the form of a contract, wherein you may ask the operative attending to you about the contract's details if you have any doubts. I hope you will accept this partnership you are offered. On behalf of Rinji operations, I thank you for your time. You may proceed to order anything you may wish and it would be expenses-paid by our company, although we have already provided lunch for you. Do consider this carefully." Steven finished.

David couldn't help but smile a little at the prospect of food, however, he quickly was brought back to earth by a form being shoved under his nose.

Lower management position, working in the asset deployment department. Job may entail some ground work as well, which comes with potential health risks, as dealing with all gangs does. Office work would include working with existing staff to make decisions about who and what to deploy based on the research done by other departments. Field work would involve patrolling public areas, monitoring of important organizations, possible undercover work in underground organizations, and killing if necessary.

Killing? That one word sent shivers up David's spine. He hated the idea of fighting as it was, let alone even the idea of killing. Whats more, it irked him how the contract mentioned killing in such an off-hand manner, still, it was dealing with underground organizations... and it did state if it was necessary.

"Excuse me." David said, indicating to Steven. The head officer came over. "I have a simple question. How did you get my contact details?"

The man smiled. "I see you were the right choice for such a position, young man, seeing possible issues with plans. Deploy the wrong people to the wrong place and lives could be lost! We have good information links, including with schools so we can find possible people at risk of being exploited by gangs, or becoming delinquents themselves. We just followed up from your records and found you were using the same e-mail address since back then."

David nodded, and thanked Steven. The man had a fair point, and nothing seemed particularly shady about the methods, if a little lucky.

Still, better not to jump feet first into this contract. Mull over it.

David went and got some of the food Rinji had already prepared beforehand. Being the food court, it wasn't the healthiest of foods, but waste not want not.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Escapee Encounter
« Reply #220 on: December 13, 2012, 12:14:24 AM »
Posted on Ran-Rii's behalf. My own post will be coming in the next day or two.

Window 4: Encounter
11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)
The clang of ice cubes hitting the bottom of a glass could be heard as a hand set down a finished cup of tea. The owner of said hand promptly took a seat at the table where he was before he had made his journey to the Beverage counter.
"Ah, Mister Sterne. I suppose you would have made up your mind by now, yes? We do value your joining of our organization: We need all the help we can get."
Heh, Tsubame thought, again with all that.
Though he went over all the useless details about the norms of such organizations again, and although he felt disgusted, he supposed that there was no sense in not accepting this fantastic job opportunity.
Asking for a pen, which he promptly received from the officer, he tried scribbling a few lines on it. He hesitated for a moment as he only saw the impression of whatever he wrote on the Signature Line - though not for long, as he was handed a more intricately designed fountain pen. He shook it a little, then wrote on the line in fine print:
Hikari Tsuba
The pen was dropped, and ink spilled over the remainder of the space where the last two characters of his name was to have been.
The sounds of metal shutters coming down at the exits of the food court caused pandemonium. Diners panicked and shouted as the shutters suddenly descended and cut off various sections of the galleria from each other. Tsubame jumped momentarily as a woman dashed past him and knocked into his elbow, causing him to drop the pen. Several diners attempted to run below the shutters at the entrance and out of the food court, only to be seen being forcefully returned to the premises of the food court as many soldier-like men, armed with weapons he never seen before, flooded the galleria. One of the soldiers stepped out, apparently the leader of the group that was in the galleria. Raising one arm into the air in a fist, apparently signalling for attention, he brought out a loudhailer with his other arm and spoke into it. The booming voice filled the galleria.
"Attention all people."
At this moment, the diners in the galleria were silenced. In an instant, the focus of all the people in the food court was apparently shifted to the man in futuristic armor standing in front of the squad of what seemed to be soldiers with guns unrecognizable by even a military expert. As soon as the silence started, the loud clang of the shutters hitting the ground and separating the galleria from the outside would cued the soldiers behind the apparent leader to file out and quickly move through the crowd, as if they were searching for something. It was then the voice continued.
"We have a fugitive that has escaped from captivity who we suspect may be among the people in this galleria. We advise all people to stay away from a suspicious, flighty woman if you do see..."
Suspicious? Tsubame thought, Do they mean that woman that is standing around here?
Tsubame turned around to see if she was still there, only to see the man who had declared himself to be Steven earlier on standing beside the woman who had collided with his elbow. They seemed to be having a conversation, though he was curious as to why a man like him would talk to a woman who is dressed in such worn-out clothing, and has such a lack of hygiene. He strained to hear their conversation.
"Please, ma'am, we are trying to discuss a business here, and you are scaring our business partners. Please leave."
The woman nodded and left. Or at least she attempted to.
One of the Rinji Operations officers suddenly stood up, as if hit by a sudden realization over something, and leapt forward to seize the left arm of the woman.
The woman, apparently exhausted and tired out already, did not retaliate but attempted to run. The officer continued to respond to her running with a barrage of physical strikes, both from hand and foot. Tsubame was shocked at the sight, and so were the people around him.
What in the name of... How could he just attack that woman?
At that moment, Steven quickly held onto said officer's hand and stopped him from delivering another strike to the woman. The woman had already went into a stance, apparently about to run.
"What are you doing, Ralph Edwins?" Came a question in a firm voice by Steven.
The reply he received was a punch in the gut. Steve reeled in pain and collapsed on the ground.
The attention of all the shoppers was once again shifted. The soldiers all turned towards the source of the shouting, and immediately began swiftly moving to the target location.
Tsubame's doubts about this company was true. Decidedly, they were twisted in their doings.
Rinji Operations officers and invited individuals alike attempted to keep the defected officer from continuing the physical assault by means of grabbing hold of the man and pulling him apart from his target, but said officer held onto the woman with an iron grip, preventing her escape. Fear was visible on her face as she continued to be the victim of the officer's melee barrage. Somewhen during the attempt, Tsubame managed to catch hold of the defected officer's hand.
"What are you doing?" Tsubame question the man.
"This is an escapee, and the goals of our organization are to starve off delinquency! This is but one of our acts!" The man responded.
"No!" a Rinji Operations officer replied, "we protect the public, however, we do not infringe the human rights of any person or the law itself while doing so!"

In a collective heave, Ralph was pulled away, a safe distance from the woman. However, it was a short lived victory. Many soldiers began to flood the small space where the event happened, and they surrounded the scene. A few soldiers walked towards the group Tsubame was with,
weapons poised in a position to shoot them as they ordered the release of Ralph. The woman that was physically abused lay exhausted on the ground, and so did the man that declared himself as Steve Franks. The soldier with the loudhailer walked forward.
"You who have aided in the escape of a captive and the collaborated physical assault of a RAI officer shall be detained and put into custody of the RAI. And should you resist, we are fully capable of using lethal force against you."

Tsubame raised his hands in the air, in a gesture of surrender. It was the only smart thing to do, from whatever experience he ever had in a situation like what was happening.
A soldier walked up to him and forced his arms behind his back in a unceremonious manner, and he soon felt cold metal against his hands.
Hand cuffs...
He shifted his hands towards an angle, and attempted to feel for the mechanism used to secure the hand cuffs.
The soldier behind him sneered.
"And I thought you were a smart man for surrendering. If you are thinking of escaping, don't. I'll tell you one thing: One wrong move, and you are as good as dead."
Tsubame relaxed his limbs, and allowed them to fall down.
I suppose there is not much to do now...
He looked around. Most of the others that were with him were also surrendering. ...However, something was wrong.
The woman that previously lay on the ground was gone.
And so was his sight.
He felt a foreign material cover his eyes, and two hands on his shoulders escorting him. He heard the sounds of metal shutters, apparently opening the way for him to be escorted to whatever prison facility he was soon going to.
He felt wind - and knew he was outside of the shopping mall, however he could tell nothing more. Following the two hands that escorted him, he was walked a long distance before he was stopped. The sound of a sliding door was heard, and soon he felt himself pushed into whatever vehicle he deduced the owner of the sliding door to be. he heard the footsteps of several other people boarding the vehicle, and before long, the door was shut and the vehicle started moving.
Fate really had some ways to toy with him.

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Virtual Gensokyo - Enter Rabbit
« Reply #221 on: December 15, 2012, 05:25:18 AM »
7:58 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo - Human Village (Ken's House: Bedroom)

Sitting cross-legged on the ground against the wall near the door to his bathroom, Ken was lost in thought. How was it possible?
    He had taken his weapon, his sword that Keine had bought for him from Kourindou, into the real world. When he and his friends had escaped from this virtual prison and made it back to their world, it was there at his side. That was simply impossible! He tried to fathom how that could happen; his mind raced. Did he have a sword prior to entering the virtual world in the first place, when RAI had captured them all and forced them into this fake world? If he did, he certainly couldn't remember it.
    Then there was the issue with the one CD that he had somehow held onto when he first landed in this place. He had possessed it for the longest time since it was a memento of his relationship with Mayli. He knew now that she loved one particular song on it. He had bought it for her birthday before heading to Japan to study abroad with her, since that day was several days after the cutoff date for studying that year and they had to move early. In the light of their move and movein, he had forgotten to give it to her, thus he had taken it with him that one fateful day...and now here it was inside the virtual world with him. The CD player that Keine had found for him at that shopkeeper's place didn't work most of the time, either, so he had to make due with just remembering how the songs sounded. Doing so eased his mind, but now he could easily remember them all without hesitation.
    "That's impossible," he muttered sharply. "How can that...even if Nitori had eradicated the barrier partitioning their minds as virtual and reality halves..."
    He didn't understand. Not only memories, but real physical objects could be transferred to reality? He thought of the possibilities. The books in Patchouli's library Voile contained rather intricate incantations and descriptions, he had seen them when she showed off an example years ago within this virtual world. Mokou's flame charms that she wore on her pants that somehow magically blocked fire. Very likely several objects in Kourindou. Would they have anything to gain by bringing such objects to reality?
    Wait a minute, he thought. We can't risk doing that. It could possibly ruin mana balance, it's too dangerous. We have no idea how it works, and yet...

    His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the flow of water coming from the shower in his bathroom stop. Ran was apparently done.

    He folded his hands, interlocking his fingers in deep thought as he remembered the aborted attempt from earlier. Worse now, he had failed the pact with Ran since he had chosen a horrible location for the pact-making process. They had fallen into the fountain, interrupting it. It wasn't a complete failure; the situation she was in seemed rather horrible. But how would that affect his chances of making a pact with her? What was he to do? Blast my idiocy, he whispered angrily to no one but himself. Too much is happening right now. Maybe I need some rest...
    "Almost done."
    He sat up straighter as he heard Ran's voice through the bathroom door. "All right. Everything fits?"
    On the other side of the door, she put down the towel she had dried herself with and threw on the shirt she had been given. She turned to look at herself in the mirror above the sink and smiled. "It'll certainly work for now. Please give me a minute..."
    He nodded and pushed himself up against the wall, standing up with a sigh. Looking at his bed, he felt up for a quick nap. Wait, that doesn't matter though...when we wake up, we should feel fine. He had enough rest while waiting for her to finish, anyway; he needed to convince himself that this was the case. Maybe that's why the pact had failed, he thought. At least she sounded reasonably content now. Perhaps that was better than anything at this point.
    After another two minutes, Ran opened the door and stepped out. She was dressed in one of his white button-up collared shirts and grey indoor-wear shorts. Even with such simple clothing in stark contrast to her usual wear, she looked rather majestic...although the shirt was indeed decently tight around the chest area.
    He noticed that she had the towel over her tails. Clearing his throat, he reached over and grabbed a fresh change of clothes off of his bed. "My turn then?"
    "Of course. Thank you again for the hospitality, Ken."
    Her smile melted his demeanor. He couldn't possibly stay worried with such a peaceful-looking person around. "Are you kidding? It's just the right thing to do, lady or not..."
    Ran's smile faded. "Well, I appreciate it either way. But what are we going to do about the pact?"
    Looking down, he saw that her tails were still dripping water onto the carpet covering the floor. He decided to disregard it, and looked back up at her. "I'm..." He sighed. "Well, I'm not sure. I honestly don't know what to do in the case of failure. Maybe we can try to track down Amarillo and inquire, but--"
    "But there's no time to risk it?"
    He nodded grimly, taking his clothes into his arms and opening the bathroom door. "We're on a tight limit, you see...and I don't know if we can try again, you and I." Unable to face her directly, he stepped into the bathroom and avoided looking into the mirror before him. "I'm sorry, Ran..."
    "No, I understand." She took the towel off the end of her highest tail behind her and reached her arms behind her back, gently rubbing them one at a time. "It's an odd situation, either way. I want to help rescue Lady Yukari, but if I were to fall as well I'm afraid that Chen might be left alone. The question is whether it's worth the risk..."
    "I'll be frank, I've--"
    She interrupted him with a questioning stare on her face, mouth in a small open position. "But you're Ken, not Frank."
    "What?" He looked back at her, then immediately realized what she had said. "Ugh...very funny, I suppose."
    "Heehee~ Sorry, I just thought you needed something to cut the mood." She grinned broadly as he groaned. "You seem very high-strung...then again, I don't know all that much about your situation beyond what I've been told, so I can't really say much."
    You actually do, he thought. You just don't know it right now. He wondered if there was some way to change their memories inside the virtual world, but it sounded dangerous even for Nitori.
    Clearing his throat, he replied out loud. "Haha, that's fine. Amarillo and I have a lot of responsibility, yes. But we're not the only ones." He stepped inside and slowly closed the door. "Now if you'll excuse me..."
    "Actually," she spoke up. "Do you mind if I talk to you while you shower? Um...I won't peek or anything."
    He blinked and opened the door again before answering. "I...guess?" Not even Mayli or Keine had been with him in the same room when he was showering, but he somehow had a good feeling about her. He thought that he should feel more embarrassed, but she probably desperately wanted to know more details about the situation at hand, so it felt safe enough. "Just don't tell the others about it, you have no idea how much that would set 'em off. Especially Mokou and Mayli."
    "I understand. Besides, my intention does not--"
    "I know it doesn't. You're pretty honest, but I guess that goes along with being a kitsune." He slowly closed the door again. "Let me get started, then you can come in."

8:20 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo - Human Village (Ken's House: Bedroom)

"So, the organization named RAI captured us all and is keeping us in one of their hideouts. Do we know what other devices, plans or contraptions that they have waiting for us?"

Ken shook his head as he reached the towel up to dry his hair more. "Only Diamond. There's probably some other mana-related device in the base our bodies are located in right now, but I doubt Patchouli wants to go near it anytime soon." He sat down on his bed and grabbed the remainder of his clothing, a light, loose Japanese-themed fighting uniform of intricate design and a pair of white socks, beginning to put the latter on his cold feet. "Does that about cover it?"
    Ran had more to ask. "And Lady Yukari, any idea where she is being held?"
    "No clue, sorry. I'm afraid we had no trail to begin with, since they both left unannounced while I was knocked out after Mokou--well, you know that story now." He wasn't pleased about discussing the mana crash, but at some point everyone would have to learn either the easy way or the hard way.
    "It's interesting, though."
    "Interesting?" he replied. "What is?"
    "You say that I and the others here should know everything that you're describing, and yet I have absolutely no recollection of anything that even comes close to it." Her tails were moving idly behind her. "It does sound like a tall tale, but with so many here to confirm it, it may as well become the truth."
    "Yeah, it does sound pretty ridiculous. But we are only trying to help." He got up and left the towel on his bed.
    She followed behind him as he left the room, leaving the door open. "What do we do now, then?"
    "We talk to the others. I need to get a general feel for whether or not you and I should try again." He had avoided that topic thus far, but it was time to face the music. He scratched his head and continued. "I guess it's not really either of our faults, no sense crying over spilled milk or anything."
    "I see..."
    He could tell by the tone of her voice that she was disappointed. "Look," he said as he stopped and turned around to talk to her. "I would love to take you along, it's just--given what's already gone wrong so far, I mean...I told you all about how I woke up and was somehow bonded to Mokou, Hatate, Kaguya and Yuyuko instead of Kasen. Even Mayli...she's a human like me! How'd she get dependent on me for mana?"
    She frowned. "I don't know, sorry."
    He sighed. "There's just...there's no clear pattern to this. I don't want to have a bigger risk of mistakes and have cases like Hatate happen again." He turned back around and headed into the living room, picking his sword up off the dining room counter to his left. "I trust you don't want to become deadweight like she was..." He was probably making it into a bigger deal than it needed to be, but there wasn't time to spend debugging these errors.
    "No, I do not." She looked around his front room before her eyes settled on him. "I'm not angry..."
    Ken let out a rather irritating sigh as he slid his feet into the shoes he had left at the door. "It's not you, I'm just--things aren't working out. I'm sorry, Ran."
    "Then we'll bury it for now. What now?"
    He motioned towards his door. "Let's go outside and talk to Patchouli, she should be back by now."

8:23 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo - Human Village (Outside Ken's House)

Ken took a refreshing breath as he took his first steps out the door of his house. The air was cool and refreshing since the sun was going down over Gensokyo. Closing his eyes, he felt a slight wind blow through his hair and around his cheeks. At least it wasn't raining outside, or worse.

"There you are!"

He opened his eyes and looked to the right. In the distance he could see Eirin and Reisen landing their feet on the ground. Seeing them made him feel better. He waved to them as he looked back, making sure that Ran was behind him, then forged onward towards his comrades. Come to think of it, I've made quite a few new allies all of a sudden. Maybe things are looking up after all, but we have a long way to go still.
    "The fox too?" Eirin said with crossed arms. "You're roping everyone into this, aren't you?"
    "I can't, but I suppose I might as well be," he replied hastily, "Unfortunately, there was a little accident."
    "Hey, I have time to hear all about it. Fill us in." The pharmacist put a hand on her apprentice's shoulder. "Reisen's ready to come along too, I bet that's more good news."
    Ken looked around at everyone, but someone was missing. "Where's Kaguya? I thought she was with you..."
    Eirin spoke up. "She and I split up to search for Reisen and Tewi. Turns out I found one of the rabbits, but as for the other...well, who knows. The other is likely off causing trouble somewhere, without a care in the world."
    "You seem pretty okay with that." Thinking once more, his brow furrowed. "Wait, where is Patchouli? I thought she'd be here by now..."
    "She was here," Mayli commented. "But you just missed her. Said she had to go get her most useful spell book, or something like that."
    "I see." He also noticed that Keine, Andy and Mokou were nowhere to be seen either. Perhaps he was losing it slightly, having not noticed their departure. "I guess things are proceeding along as planned, then." He cleared his throat. "Well, except for one thing..."
    Reisen looked at him. It seemed like weeks since she had last seen him, the one who had been nice to her despite what she was. "What would that be?"
    Ran raised a hand. "If I may...there was a pact to be made between myself and this man, and yet...well, how do I put this..."
    "We failed," Ken said dishearteningly. "I had the bright idea to initiate it when we were sitting on the edge of the Village fountain, and well..."
    Eirin clapped her hands together and barked out a laugh. "Ha! So let me guess: You fell in and it failed, is that what you're telling me?"
    "Yes," he muttered unhappily. "But now we're not sure if we should try again, since I've never had a pact fail like that before."
    "I see," Eirin responded, fingers to her chin. "Well, boy, you have your mind made up? I don't want to let Reisen down after promising she could come along, only to find out that you gave her up for someone else."
    The rabbit in question scratched the back of her head in slight embarrassment. "It's fine either way, really..."
    "I don't mind staying back," the fox answered. "Just...go get Lady Yukari back for us!" She bit her lip. "We need her to return..."
    "We'll do what we can to get her back, I promise." He looked around his location again and saw Parsee standing nearby watching him. "Parsee, are you doing okay here?"
    She scratched her ear and looked away. "Well enough. I took a walk around here. This place isn't so bad after all. Of course, Then again, I suppose I blend in well enough here..."
    He nodded. "All right. So then--"
    "Hold up, guy." Eirin spoke curtly. "Parsee too? You're taking her with us?"
    Ken blinked. "Well...yes. Is that a problem? Why does everyone think she's such a problem?"
    "I told you, didn't I?" The hashihime remarked. "No one here likes me. That's just how it is."
    "Ken, you're serious?" Eirin tapped her foot. "You--okay, you know what she's capable of, don't you?"
    He felt irritation rising as he clenched his fist. "I know what she's capable of doing, okay?! She toyed with my heart earlier and I was powerless against it! She made me want to be with her completely against my will!" Throwing up his arms in dramatic fashion, he grumped on. "I'm tired of everyone telling me to watch out because she's dangerous. I know she's dangerous!"
    Eirin glared at him. "She's not easy to trust. Did you even know her before you did that with her?"
    He continued. "I don't care if she's not easy to trust. But if everyone keeps treating her like she's going to mess everything up, she's not going to be very welcome, now is she?" He stepped closer to her. "If you want any help, you'll have to trust me!"
    "Hey!" Reisen stepped in-between them. "Don't yell at Master, she--"
    "Reisen!" Eirin snapped her fingers and Reisen took a step to the side. "All right then, I guess you do know. You're the boss." She sighed. "This is going to be a wild ride any way you cut it, I suppose."
    Taking several breaths, he stared at Mayli's concerned expression as he calmed down. "R...Right then. You are coming with me, Eirin, and so are these two, and Patchouli. Now I have to decide who else is coming with me."
    "Just take Reisen," Ran suggested. "It's the safest way."
    "Nah," Reisen stated calmly. "Ran is much stronger than I am, she can probably be of more use."
    "I know firsthand that Reisen is pretty strong," he quipped somewhat sarcastically. He remembered the time when he was trying to dispose of the God of Plenty, and she had sent him flying into unconsciousness with her eye beams. And from what he could recall, it hurt. "Let's see here..."
    "Just take the rabbit," Parsee suggested. "It's the safest option, right?"
    "It is," Mayli said. "Although I'm not sure how it's safe for me to come with him too, given that I shouldn't even have this kind of attachment in the first place..."
    "Hold up for just a minute." Eirin walked over to Mayli with hands on hips. "This human girl has a mana contract of sorts with you?"
    He wasn't sure how else to respond, so he gave the default answer. "I--well no, we honestly don't know how it happened. She and I are good friends in reality, and yet after being in here and coming out years later, it just sorta...happened."
    "I wonder how that's fascinating to me, really." Eirin pointed at Reisen and Ran. "So, have you decided yet?"
    Nodding, he pointed at Reisen. "All right, you're coming with me. Is that fine?"
    "Are you quite sure?" the rabbit asked. "Would you not like to try with Ran again?"
    "It's not worth trying again, given the risks." Sleeved hands together, the nine-tailed fox approached the lunatic one. "There was already a case where someone ended up becoming deadweight in reality, according to them."
    "It was Hatate." Mayli strode over to Ken and joined the conversation. "We have theories how it happened, but basically Hatate collapsed shortly after exiting this world and entering reality. We had to carry her everywhere...I mean, Ken and Mokou did. But it was pretty inconvenient."
    "That reminds me," he mentioned. "We should probably try to find Hatate and make sure she's okay. I didn't see her anywhere when we got here."
    "She should be safe anyway, at least now." Eirin adjusted her nurse cap and looked towards Ran. "We'll get Yukari back, don't worry. We're competent enough for the task."
    Ran nodded several times in acknowledgement. "Of course. Well then, it'll be in your hands. Then to help make sure that it works out, shall we aid in preparing for another ritual?"
    Ken shook his head and walked away. "This one's not going to fail. I'm not ending on a bad note."
    Reisen smiled. She was glad that she was able to follow her master. "Great! I'll be ready whenever you are."
    He motioned to have her follow him. "Then do you mind stepping into my house?"
    Eirin stepped forward. "Do you mind if I witness it from a different perspective this time?"
    Ken wrinkled his nose. "I guess so. But no one else, please. Not even you, Mayli."
    "Hey!" She complained. "Why do you have to keep singling me out? I'm the best thing that's ever happene--well okay, I guess it's more of the other way around..." She spoke out further with more fervor as he left them. "But still! Stop that already, man! C'mon..."
    "Tsk." Parsee pointed at the student as she caught her attention. "And you're an intellect studying in school? You certainly don't behave like one."
    While they struck up a moderately heated conversation, Patchouli flew in and landed behind them. Coughing once, she dusted off her trusted spellbook. "Someone's got to prepare well for the trip ahead," she mused. "Now, what do we have here?"

(Summary: Ken and Ran get clean and discuss RAI's intentions and the virtual/real situation. Meeting Eirin and Reisen, Ken decides to take Reisen as a partner to prevent unforseen issues with mana instability. Patchouli arrives at the Human Village as Eirin and Reisen head into Ken's house to prepare for a pact.)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Food Court Chaos
« Reply #222 on: December 17, 2012, 04:14:04 PM »
11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

"Mr.Farr? I have come to inquire if you have made up your mind about the contract yet." an officer from Rinji Operations asked.

David read over the contract one final time. Nope, there wasn't anything that seemed... fishy, and the pay and times were good. Not to mention the cause.

The young man signed the paper with his name, and the officer smiled happily. David noticed a couple of the other people signing too at around the same time.

Suddenly, sounds normally associated with the closing of a mall rang out. Shutters. However, it was nearly midday... shutters shouldn't be closing.

"What the hell is going on..." the officer asked himself.

Almost as if answering the officer's concerns, a voice rang out, from one of a military-like group who appeared, holding a loudspeaker.

Military? Why on earth would there be military in the food courts?

"Attention all people." the man's voice rang out. "We have a fugitive that has escaped from captivity who we suspect may be among the people in this galleria. We advise all people to stay away from a suspicious, flighty woman. If you do see her inform us of her location immediately, and, if you are able to do so, restrain her."

David began to look around. He was sure he had seen a suspicious looking woman at some point, but had hadn't been paying proper attention, and, honestly, he thought the whole name fiasco he overheard was more suspicious. His eyes settled on Steven, who was asking a woman who seemed to have been through some issues, to leave the area as it was being used for a business meeting. The woman then nodded and began to leave, before another officer jumped on her.

He didn't just jump on her, however, he began to strike her, the sounds of fist against her body ringing out to David.

"What are you doing, Ralph Edwins?" Steven said, in a tone that suggested he cease.

The officer punched his superior and knocked him to the ground.

That was all David needed.

"Get off her!" David cried, walking towards the man as he ran to check on Steven. He wasn't badly hurt, just winded, and David helped him up.

"SHE IS THE ESCAPEE!" the man cried, as David noticed at attention of everyone shift to the area.

"Escapee or not, you don't need to assault her like this! They said restrain her, not KILL her!" David said. The man did not cease, despite this.

At this point, several officers began to pull Ralph away from the woman, and David decided to help. The suspicious man from before began to question Ralph.

"What are you doing?"
"This is an escapee, and the goals of our organization are to stave off delinquency! This is but one of our acts!" Ralph responded.
"No!" a Rinji Operations officer replied, "We protect the public, however, we do not infringe the human rights of any person or the law itself while doing so!"

Everyone pulled once more, and Ralph was peeled away from the woman for good. However, at that moment, the soldiers arrived.

"You who have aided in the escape of a captive and the collaborated physical assault of a RAI officer shall be detained and put into custody of the RAI. And should you resist, we are fully capable of using lethal force against you."

"Wait! A RAI officer?!" David said immediately. "He's a member of Rinji Operations! Can't you tell, he's not in a soldier's getup like you!"

Suddenly, he was tackled to the ground by a soilder, and felt cuffs around his wrists.

"Oh GOD." David said. It suddenly clicked. "I don't know what's going on, but this must be some kind of set-up, if that guy is with you guys..."

"Shut up, smart alec!" the solider said, before there was a sharp pain, and everything went dark.


11:40am - Day 1 - Unknown Location, Japan - Inside a vehicle

David came to, and his first reaction was to try and rub the large bruise that had formed on the back of his head. At this point, he noticed everything was still dark.

Blindfolded? the man thought to himself, as there was a jolt.

And in a moving vehicle. Ugh, whatever going on, it's not good... in fact, I don't care what's going on. If I see that Ralph I will... I don't know what yet, but he'll pay for this, that's for sure!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 04:17:34 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
A Boy And His Rabbit Are Not Easily Parted
« Reply #223 on: December 18, 2012, 09:34:24 PM »
8:30 PM - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo - Human Village (Ken's House: Bedroom)


Ken twisted the lock on his bedroom door. They were going to need some privacy for good measure, for what was about to unfold.

"Now," he mentioned softly as he made an about-face. He looked at Reisen's relatively plain face and Eirin's complacent expression. They were both sitting on his bed. He wondered for a brief moment how the two of them had been joined as they were. "Since we have nothing that can interrupt us in here, we should be safe."
    "All right, Reisen," Eirin said encouragingly. "Let's get this started. Are you ready?"
    The rabbit shrugged. "I guess. I'm as ready as I can be, although I'm not sure what I should be ready for."
    He sniffed and walked towards his bathroom. "Lemme wash my hands first. Gotta be extra sure, haha."
    "So," Reisen started. "What exactly do I have to do?"
    "Hold up for a moment," Eirin interrupted with. "Ken, I have some questions first."
    The young swordsman turned the water pressure on the sink's faucet lower so he could hear her more clearly. "Sure, what is it?"
    "First of all, what proof is there that you and I have a pact?"
    He stared blankly at himself in the mirror for a moment, letting the water run over his hands. "Hmm...that's actually a pretty good question. I'm not sure, but I can certainly try a few things." Turning the faucet off, he wiped his hands dry on the nearby towel hanging on an adjacent rack and stepped back out. "It's really only clear once we reach reality, but I wonder..."
    She smirked knowingly. "Got an idea? If we're in a virtual world, it shouldn't matter what happens to us anyway, to a certain extent."
    He shrugged. "I do, but I don't know if it'll work. Basically, in reality I'll have almost complete control over your mana supply. In Gensokyo, you were given energy, or some form of essence, that fueled your capabilities. For example," he looked at the pharmacist as he struggled to find an example. "Ah, yes. The spell you hit Kaguya and Mokou with, do you remember that? It was clearly a spell of sorts, all red and blue..."
    Eirin snapped her fingers. "Of course, that would be Galaxy in a Pot, one of my spell cards. What about it?"
    He turned away, not too happy at having to reunite with this topic again. "Let's just say that if you were chained to me for mana in real life, using that would leave a very...undesired effect."
    "Let me guess," Reisen inputted. "It's not a limitless pool of, mana...or whatever it is?"
    "It isn't." He shook his head and shuddered, remembering the effects of the mana crash caused by Mokou's brashness. "If you use too much at a time, I'll get hurt. A lot."
    Eirin's smirk faded. "I see. I reckon that means we wouldn't be able to use any of our powers for a while, either..."
    "That's correct, based on what I was told." He scratched the back of his head and sat down on the chair opposite the small table near the bed. "I was unconscious when it happened...Mokou tried to free Keine with one of her spell cards and I just immediately tanked. Coughing blood and all that good stuff." He seized his mouth up and glanced towards his bathroom door. "Except, you know, kinda not good at all."
    "Right. Well that's duly noted then." Eirin looked at her apprentice sitting next to her. "Okay, so my next question is if you have some special measures or precautions to ensure that the pact works well."
    He thought about his previous pacts, and what he had done to make them go over well. Kasen's pact, as long ago as it was, or at least seemed, involved him pricking several of his fingers for a blood pact. Patchouli too also had him cutting his arm slightly, but that was much more rushed and urgent than the others. He wasn't in the mood for something like that to happen for a great deal of time, it had frightened him beyond good measure that she had nearly died and that he could have failed to save her. Eirin's was very straightforward, and Parsee's had been rather embarrassing for him but it too had been rather straightforward; both had passed up on the blood pact. He tried to think of any clear pattern to the successful pacts.
    Perhaps, he thought out of sudden remembrance, something I did with Ran didn't work out...that light that shone when--no, that's something else altogether. He put his hand to his forehead, pushing his bangs up as he imagined the situations and environments they had been in. There had been many around when Ran's pact was initiated, but the same could be said for Patchouli's back in reality. There was a missing piece of the puzzle, and he couldn't put his finger on it.
    There was something about the pact visions themselves that stymied him, as well. Patchouli's dire situation had given way to a relatively relaxed pact vision during the process of bonding. Eirin's and Parsee's on the other hand...they were in no danger upon pact initiation, only in the Human Village with himself and Mayli. Theirs were full of nightmares and serious problems concerning humans and youkai, according to what parts of them he had been involved in. However, Ran's was the same way, or at least was also not taking place in a happy or neutral setting, and yet that one had failed. He had to then remind himself that it failed due to reasons outside their control at the time, since those involved in making a pact were quite vulnerable and uncontrolled while doing so. Even Kasen's, which he could barely remember, was not unpleasant, yet their pact initiation had also been in a rather safe location.
    He sighed in frustration. What was the factor that helped? Was there a factor that helped? There was at least a pattern to all of them in that they all were incredibly stimulating to an extent.
    He opened his eyes wide and looked at the two Eientei inhabitants sitting nearby patiently, staring back at him. That was it, he thought. That had to be it!
    "Got a sudden revelation?" Eirin asked eagerly. "If you need any help, just let us know."
    "Well," he started, then halted in his explanation. He had to make it clear without complicating their understanding of it. "Basically, in all of the pacts I've done, there has been some sort of stimulating experience."
    Reisen's ears twitched as she looked into his eyes with hers. "Stimulating? You mean something to get blood rushing through the body?"
    He nodded silently.
    "So something adrenaline-pumping?" Eirin supposed. "I can think of a few things that can do that. Exercise being one of them, or perhaps...hmm..."
    "Well," he stood up and went on with his experiences. "If I look at what happened with Patchouli, I mean...she was dying." His hands gestured for further emphasis as he continued. "As in, she was lying on the ground just...disappearing. She was going to become fully extinguished or...dead, I don't know how else to explain it. She was in the process of dying, probably a minute longer and she would have been lost. I had to frantically do what I could and..." Gulping, he looked at his feet on the ground. " was too close. But anyway, you remember how you experienced some sort of strange vision?"
    "Vision?" Eirin nodded, remembering it clearly. "Of course, it involved--well, I don't think it's a good idea to share what I experienced," she concluded with a soft cough. "In any case, he speaks the truth. So, what of it?"
    The swordsman paced towards them. "Patchouli's was relatively calm, compared to yours...I mean, nothing scary or exhilarating happened."
    "Mmm." The pharmacist nodded, fingers now beneath her chin as a hand held her head up. "But before the vision, she was dying."
    "And then," Reisen continued in her stead, having caught on. "while she was laying there losing her life, you were scared that she would die. Yeah, that would certainly get your heart pumping quickly. I know if Master or the Princess or Tewi were dying, I'd be losing my calm and getting excited."
    "Well," Eirin continued to further the investigative conversation. "Mine was not very settling, but before it happened all I did was hug him and it somehow started. There wasn't anything intense going on in the surroundings, and only the Princess and several others were watching...I think Patchouli was watching it too."
    "Exactly." Ken stared up at the ceiling and sighed. "And Parsee's too, hers--well, she do I put this...well, when she heard that some sort of close contact was involved..."
    Eirin's eyes grew wide and her modest expression dissolved. "Haha, so she touched you in some intimate way? Probably a kiss or something."
    "Y...Yeah." He answered hastily. He didn't want to discuss that further, so he moved on. "The pact vision was rather violent too, I was fighting some spider girl named Yamami or something like that, I think it was a battle for Parsee's care." He shrugged. "I have no control over what appears in these visions, I just kinda go along with it."
    Eirin stood up and stretched her arms out. "So we have to get your blood flowing quickly, eh? But it has to be in some sort of calm, controlled environment."
    "I...guess so?" He wasn't entirely sure, but it was certainly worth a try. "So according to Kaguya, you're some sort of otherworldly genius and you can do anything. Got any ideas?"
    She chuckled mid-stretch. "I suppose my reputation precedes me. Let's see, I've got several ideas. But one in particular stands out~"
    Reisen stopped smoothing her skirt and stared up at her Master. "Oh? What would that be?"
    "Isn't it obvious?" Eirin looked at both of their clueless expressions and realized that it wasn't. "Oh come on now, how else can we quickly excite this boy? There's one obvious way, Udonge."
    Reisen's face changed quickly from perplexed to hot and embarrassed. "Master, you d-don't mean--"
    She grinned back at Reisen. "Oh yes I do. Besides, I can see it in your eyes. You wanted someone to spend some time with, someone who treated you with kindness instead of business-like. Like when I left you two to pick up Kaguya's mess back when those two immortals were fighting like fools."
    He was taken aback. She had done that on purpose? "Did you really..."
    "Of course I did." Eirin cleared her throat. "Although part of it was me being curious to see what would happen if I left you two together. You know, in the fashion of an experiment and such. See, we don't have much male interaction, especially not with human males." She pointed to her apprentice. "Not even this one, even though she sells our medicine in the Human Village every so often. You have seen each other before the incident several days ago, right?"
    He scratched his head. "Um...I vaguely recall seeing her before, yeah. I think I was too busy every time to go see what she was up to, though."
    Reisen remained silent. Anything she said could and would be used against her, she was quite familiar with this by now.
    "You see," Eirin explained in due haste. "We...Kaguya and I, and Reisen too, we're actually from the Moon. You can refer to us as Lunarians, if you wish to address us as such."
    "I know that," he replied with surprising understanding.
    "Eh?" Eirin seemed surprised herself. "How did you know already? You asked Keine, or what?"
    "No. I know because I got my memories back after leaving this place. You mentioned something like that at least once back in reality." He knew it was a tall tale to digest. "Anyway, I know now who you all are, and your histories together."
    "I...I see." Eirin pursed her lips momentarily. "Then you know that we lived quite alone for years, as fugitives from the Lunarian capital. So, we don't interact too much with the residents in this world unless it's absolutely necessary."
    "Master and the Princess had to remain in hiding, so we had to be extra-careful," Reisen added. "Then eventually...Master had the idea to try to spread our efforts to others. She called it 'experimenting' though..."
    "Hey!" Eirin remarked. "It is! I can't just use you as a test subject for my drugs over and over again. Eventually, given enough time even the most secluded of geniuses desire to share their knowledge with the world they lie within."
    "I see," he spoke out loud slowly, noting how Reisen seemed uneasy about the subject. "And so you sent Reisen to sell your medicine--I gotcha."
    "Yes, in the Village." Eirin seemed disappointed. "What, you never tried any of them? That'll have to change." She grinned and patted her pockets. "I came prepared just in case, after all."
    He stared at her pockets and could only wonder what was stored within them. "Yes, I noticed, you want to give me a drug, then?"
    "It's either that," she mentioned offhandedly as she lowered herself down onto his bed again. "Or Udonge here is going to have to help you get your heart beating fast." She stared expectantly at the rabbit. "Well, what's it going to be?"
    Reisen's cheeks flushed. Not only was she going to have to excite someone--no doubt an embarrassing procedure--but her Master was here to watch her do it! "Hold on a minute, you were serious?!"
    Ken blinked and stared incredulously at them. Did it mean what he thought it meant? "No no no! I can't impose that on--"
    Eirin's laughter rang out as she placed a hand on Reisen's shoulder. "Well, you want to come along, right? You can't afford to mess it up, Udonge."
    "I...that's not--Master, please!" the rabbit complained. "That's just unreasonable! Why would you suggest something like that?!"
    "Ah, but you see, Udonge..." Eirin put a finger to her own lips to ask for silence as she then continued. "Take a look at him right now."
    "What!" Reisen jerked her sight onto the swordsman's face. He was staring back at her...was he eying her body? No doubt he looked disturbed and embarrassed at the thought of such a thing, too.
    "See? He's already gotten some thrill at the tantalizing thought of doing so." She pointed back at her apprentice. "And you didn't even have to do anything."
    Reisen groaned. "Master, that's not nice..."
    "It gets the job done. Besides, drugging him probably wouldn't work anyway. So go use your appeal to get him excited."
    "No, wait a minute!" he shouted loudly. "That's not fair, you can't just order her around like that! That's terrible!"
    Eirin's smile faded. "Until you forge this pact with her, she is under my jurisdiction, not yours, boy. She is not against doing so, she's just embarrassed to get that close to you with me watching, even if it's just a firm hug." She looked over to her frozen apprentice. "Isn't that right, Udonge? Unless you lied to me after that time..."
    "Masterrrrr!" the rabbit whined. "Please, just don't watch...this is too embarrassing..."
    "Okay okay, I won't watch it." Eirin folded her arms across her chest. "But I do wonder what it is you'll do to excite him...perhaps a kiss on the cheek, or maybe some sensual touching?" She could only grin as her plan unfolded beneath their eyes.
    "Eirin, that's not--!" he gasped. "I don't need that--"
    "Don't lie, boy." The pharmacist pointed delicately at him. "Don't tell me that you wouldn't want to ravish my sexy associate...why, by human standards, I bet she's a top model!"
    His face felt tingly as he absorbed what she had said. He felt his heart thumping in his chest. The thought of taking such a beautiful, willing woman in his arms and--
    "Now!" Eirin yelled. "Go touch her! Do the pact right now!"
    "Wha--" He jumped as she spoke so curtly. He was puzzled for a moment, then suddenly logic flooded into his mind. Just thinking about what he could have done to the rabbit woman...his body had gotten excited. So that was Eirin's plan all along! "Reisen, are you ready?!" he managed to say, his hands shaking at the thought of what he had been nearly tempted into doing.
    Reisen's breathing remained quick as she pulled her arms away from her body, now understanding and ready to accept her fate. "Please hurry, Ken! Do it now, while your mind is on me!" As ridiculous as it sounded, she braced for something amazing and refreshing as he quickly stepped over and threw his arms around her. Eirin had told her that it was nothing like she'd ever experienced before. And Master was to be trusted when experience was involved.
    The pharmacist sighed as the two embraced, hearing him utter assuring and prompting words to the rabbit. Knowing that the pact was moments away, Eirin produced a small pad of notepaper from her pocket and took a pencil from behind her right ear. Such a procedure must be carefully observed, despite what Reisen may have insisted upon. Then again, now the rabbit wasn't actually being embarrassed or ravished either. "Gosh," she muttered to herself with satisfaction, "I'm pretty smart, all right. Thank goodness I pay enough attention to all that anime Kaguya watches..."

(Through manipulation, Eirin sets up a good situation for a pact between Reisen and Ken. Actual pact will be in my next post.)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #224 on: December 26, 2012, 03:52:36 AM »
6:20 PM - Virtual Gensokyo - Temple Graveyard

Curiosity and/or recklessness can never keep a man down for long, as Neil walks right back into the area. This time he is meagerly prepared, with one of the sticks he carried earlier fashioned into a stake.

"That's it..." he declares, "I'm fighting this!" as he sneaks around the cover of the dim light provided by the nearby temple. He sees the sentry again, evaluates a proper angle of attack and moves behind, readying for the kill. The sentry turns around and with all the speed he can muster, he jams the stick right into its face, causing it to fall over on its back. He examines the figure closely, painstakingly making out shapes in the dark. A cap, cold body temperature, arms outstretched, a skirt, and something on its face; a female Jiang-Shi. Kimia lampshades the fact that Chinese zombies would normally be up again at this point, and it is. The corpse shift right back up to a standing position, surprising Neil and grabbing his wrists. He fails to break the grip, even when violently yanking against the thumb. He panics and falls over, with fear encroaching him every second, he is forced to blow his cover for safety.



  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Inaba Pact - How Does It Feel, Exposing Your Mind?
« Reply #225 on: December 27, 2012, 02:14:51 AM »
I hope everyone had some happy holidays! I have prepared yet another post, so here goes.

??:?? ?M - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo - ?? (Suspiciously Familiar House)

The darkness faded into light. Ken felt disoriented for but a mere moment before he shook his head, feeling balance return.


A feminine groan brought him back to the situation at hand. Realizing he was face-up on the soft carpeted ground beneath him, he swung himself up to a sitting position. Reisen was there beside him on the ground, sprawled out with a blank, shocked expression on her face. Her name escaped his lips. "Reisen?"
    "I'm fine, I think." She joined him in sitting up. "Any idea where we are?"
    "I'm not sure." He turned slightly to his left. There was a bed with a blue comforter smoothed over it, and as he stood up he could see two light blue pillows adorning the top of it. A short desk with a small alarm clock sat nearby within arm's reach. To his right was the desk he usually worked at. Looking closer, he saw a small stack of papers on the desk. They were quizzes of sorts...or were they? He did a double-take and saw several drawings on them; faces that he somewhat recognized. Before he could analyze them, he squinted his eyes as a light turned on nearby. The desk lamp was aimed directly at his face, and he reached over to bend its neck so the bulbed end faced downwards so its light spilled onto the desktop.
    The desk.
    Ken froze. Wait a minute, he thought. That desk...this is my room! We're in my house?! Is that possible?
    "This place looks like yours, Ken." Reisen's voice echoed towards him, as she was in the bathroom observing the present facilities. "Are you sure we're somewhere else?"
    He checked for traces of Eirin, but she was nowhere to be seen, not even in the hallway. "I don't see anyone else here. Your master was telling us to do this, but now she's nowhere to be seen..."
    "That's odd." Reisen walked back in, her ears perked up in attentiveness. "So, we're..."
    Ken finished her statement. " my house. Hmm." He hesitated to go outside his bedroom in case there were nasty occurrences waiting in the wings beyond the outside corridor. He wanted to avoid any bizarre or undesirable pact situations this time. Now that I think about it, he thought, it's weird that I'm aware that I'm in a pact vision, and yet there isn't much I can do about it other than let it run its course.
    "This is the vision?" Reisen twisted her mouth and sat down on his bed. "Not as interesting as I'd expected it to be."
    "Well...hold on, let's look around for a bit." He walked into the bathroom to investigate. "Leave nothing unturned!"
    "Heh, all right then." She was at least glad that nothing horrifying was happening, as Eirin had warned her about. A Kaguya with monstrously sharp teeth and no pupils was quite a disturbing persona to imagine. Letting out a yawn, she smoothed her skirt out and stood up. She wondered if he was actually interested in her physically. Eirin had been up to her usual tricks of exploiting others at the expense of her subordinates, but this time she was unusually flustered about it. Ken seemed very considerate towards her cause, but his behavior had intrigued her, as well as her own. It couldn't be some sort of physical attraction or love, was it?
    She shook her head and looked through the desk drawers, still finding nothing spectacular or out of place. Everyone who was her close friend was not a human, yet was as close to one as physically possible. Eirin had done research on how a rabbit youkai such as herself could look so human, but it seemed to be a mystery even Master couldn't figure out. Then again, Gensokyo was a magical place; the moon wasn't any less stranger.
    Opening up the middle desk drawer underneath the flat tabletop, she saw a picture of her former home, the moon.

    She gasped in surprise, dropping the photo back in the compartment.

    "What's this picture doing in here?" she exclaimed softly.
    "Did you find something, Reisen?" He poked his head into view from inside the bathroom.
    "No, this is just...maybe it's a coincidence." She licked her upper lip and opened the compartment again just to make sure it was still there. Sure enough, the picture of the moon taken from a perspective in outer space was looking back at her. "Hmm." She took it out and stared fondly at it. Life on the moon had been a totally different ordeal from living in Gensokyo. For one thing, Eirin had listened to her plea and offered her protection. The very genius of the moon herself, one of the founders, had joined forces with a lowly moon rabbit like herself!
    Smiling, she flipped the picture upside-down. On the back was a smiling portrait of her master, giving off a wink in still time.
    "What the heck?" Reisen was confused. Was this just a strange coincidence after all, or was something odd happening to her? The pictures she saw seemed to follow her train of thought. Looking once again into the opened desk drawer, she saw several other photos scattered about. They seemed to be blank. "I'll have to try this out some more then," she mused.
    Trading out the two-sided picture of her master for a blank photo, she thought of the man that her master had already formed a pact with, the man sharing this room with her at the time. It was an odd encounter; and an even more intriguing process. She was surprised still when she learned that Eirin herself had bent her knee to this man. Oh well, at least it wouldn't be worse than having him fight me to the death in a test of strength, or something similar to that, she thought. Master doesn't like humans, but that wouldn't go over well given the situation at hand.
    Looking back over her shoulder, she saw him occupied, exploring the open medicine cabinet. Perhaps this one is indeed special. She glanced back at the photo in her hand and promptly screamed, dropping it to the ground in the process.

    "Reisen?!" He barreled out of the open bathroom and stared at her back, noting her looking towards the ground beneath her. He saw what looked like a picture on the ground. "Reisen? What's wrong? Is it that picture?" He had seen a picture horror in his pact with Eirin. He prayed that it would not happen again here.
    "T-The picture..." She had a hand to her chest, pointing the index finger of her other hand down at the photo resting on the carpet below. "Ken, just look..."
    He approached it cautiously and stooped down. The photo appeared blank to him. He stared back up at her warily. "Huh, it seems to show absolutely nothing...are you sure you aren't just seeing things?"
    "It's--no way, it--you don't see it?!" She pointed vigorously at the image on the photo material. "Look again. You sure you don't see anything? Because it's not a very pretty sight..."
    Ken scratched the back of his neck as he stared back down at the blank photo lying innocently beneath them. It was as blank as he could see, he could swear by it. Given her reaction, he imagined that it would contain some horrific image, perhaps along the lines of him doing something awful to her. It would make sense; Eirin had implied some heavy actions that they would have done had it not only been just a part of her plan to get their pact to have higher chances for success.
    He stared back down at the picture. His eyes widened significantly, and his mouth hung open in shock.

    The blankness on the picture had been replaced by an incredibly graphic image of him and Reisen in an explicit situation.

    "WHAT?!" He fell back in sheer surprise, crawling away from the image slightly. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
    "Did you see it?" She bent down and looked him in the eye. "What did you see? It was gruesome, wasn't it..."
    For a moment, all he did was shake his head. That was unfathomable, impossible! That had never happened! He had never even dreamed of doing that before! His face felt melty and flushed as he struggled to stare into Reisen's distinctly red eyes without blinking. His left arm muscle jerked, and he scrambled to pick up the picture. Maddeningly grasping it firmly in an iron grip, he felt the hairs on his skin prick up as he saw it once more; Reisen's ecstatic, heart-meltingly pleasured expression...and even his own as he--
    No! He shook his head, bit his lip as he slammed the picture facedown on the ground in denial. He couldn't let himself nor Reisen see it anymore. That's not possible...
    "Ken!" she exclaimed. "What did you see? Answer me!"
    He swallowed hotly. "I-I was...don't hate me for it, but..."
    Her pained expression intensified. "What?"
    "You and I were...doing something absolutely forbidden." He let out a deep breath. "It, I can't say any more. I don't want to..."
    "Wait...what?" She stared down at the facedown photo on the carpet, then back up at him. "You mean--no, that's not at all what I saw!"
    Ken blinked. "But I clearly saw--"
    "No! I saw you standing over me...I was in an iron maiden, or something like that. Your sword was--" She too gulped, then made a cutting motion above the back of her neck.
    "What?" He was perplexed. They were seeing different things in the same picture? Cautiously, he reached out and flipped the picture face-up, peering at the monstrous image that awaited. Ignoring the adult content it entailed, he stared up at his rabbit ally. "You really don't see it?"
    She shook her head vigorously. "I see you about to chop my head off, with a bunch of humans in the background's very unsettling."
    If it was unsettling to her, she hid it well. Clearly she was better at staying calm than he was. "You're sure? I see you and I doing something different..."
    "Ken!" She grabbed his arm, causing him to jump in surprise. "Wait...try to imagine us doing something else. Something much more innocent and pleasant compared to whatever it is you're seeing."
    He nodded silently and closed his eyes. Something calmer...more relaxing. A hug was innocent enough. He pictured himself in her friendly embrace and opened his eyes.

    Reisen's laughing caricature, arms thrown around him, stared back.

    The picture had changed to reflect his thoughts!
    "N-No way...this picture changes?!" He picked it up again and gave it to Reisen. "Do you see what you saw earlier?"
    She gazed at it, then burst out laughing as she gave it back to him.
    "Um..." He looked at her with mild amusement. "You haven't lost it, have you?"
    "N-No...hahaha..." she pointed at the picture in his hands. "It was me...mmmph...dressing you up in my clothes!"
    He stared in horror at the picture, now seeing the exact same image as she was. "The hell?!"
    "Now I see what's going on here." She forced his hand down, hiding the picture from sight. "Whatever we imagine gets translated directly onto these pictures."
    He scratched the back of his head. "I can believe that. Heck, I can believe just about anything now. But what does that mean?"
    "I'm not sure, but I think if we imagine the same we just did...then maybe we'll have an epiphany or something like that."
    Ken digested her words. It was true that they could see the same image on the picture. The question he had was whether or not it would have any bearing on their future. But now was not the time to dally. "I think," he spoke up, "we've already reached that point."
    "Then Ken, do you have something to ask me?"
    He knew where this was going. "Do you like the idea of being around me? Like, do you really like the idea of it?"
    Reisen scratched her left rabbit ear. "To be honest, I think it's something I want to try. To have a human ally that's more around my level...when I met you and I got to fight by your side before, it was a pleasant experience. For once, it felt like I wasn't just dragging everyone else down."
    He frowned. "But isn't everyone else you're usually with quite powerful by general standards? I mean, Eirin can probably flatten me with just the tip of her pinky finger."
    She shrugged. "I suppose so...but it was a nice change. Can I have another chance to let that happen?"
    He knew the answer already. "Of course, why not? I think we'll do well together. Besides," he added with a wink. "I probably can't keep Eirin in line by myself."
    Reisen smiled. She felt satisfied instead of trodden on. While Eirin, the Princess and Tewi somewhat respected her, she was still put through a gauntlet of feats, experiments and efforts at their mercy all too often. This would give her the chance to take her life back and prove her worth to others, as well as herself.
    She reached out expectantly, grabbing his hand in hers. "Yeah. Go ahead, take me now. I'm ready."
    He sighed with relief. It was as good as done now. "Then Reisen, please wake up from the dream."

(Reisen and Ken successfully complete their pact.)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #226 on: December 30, 2012, 10:47:15 PM »
Virtual World - Unknown Location - Day ?, ??:??am.

Darkness. That was all that could be seen when David woke up. Nothingness.

"Hello?" David called out. There was no response.

The silence was eerie. He recalled he had been captured as part of a set-up, but was far from the only victim. Surely there should be someone else in earshot, in this inky darkness...

"Hello?" the young man called out once more. The silence was his only response.

The man took a few careful steps foward. The steps made no echo against the ground. He could feel his feet touch the ground, but no sound. He tried to move faster, but stumbled and fell due to the remaining effects of him being knocked out.

The sound of the body hitting the floor was audible, and pierced the silence like a hot knife would cut through butter. David waited on the ground, in case there were any signs of anyone hearing the crash. Any offers for help, or someone approaching.


David struggled up, and looked around. Nothing could be seen. Not even his own hand in front of his face.

"Am I dead or something?" David wondered.

The man had no clue how much time was passing, he just resolved to walk onwards, hoping there would be something. However, the horizon only gave the silent, merciless, gift of darkness and silence.

"I know I didn't think there was anything after death, but this is ridiculous..." David muttered to himself, repeatedly, jst so he could hear his voice, although he was unsure if he was actually hearing it, or if it was just inside his head, what he thought he could hear.

The dark and silence as playing tricks on him. He was over-thinking.

Yet he continued to walk. At least two hours must have passed, yet no fatigue set in. No hunger, no thirst. Nothingness. The darkness seemed to reach on forever, as did the silence.

This torture continued, longer and longer, until David lost track of everything... and just kept walking, walking, looking for hope, a spec of light, no-matter how tiny...

Suddenly, there was a flash, and everything turned white... before David's eyes opened.

Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room) - Day 3, 11:42pm

"Uuughhhhh...." David groaned, before he looked around. He seemed to be inside... some kind of pod. High tech. The first thing that came to mind was stasis.

Then he looked out of the pod, and almost gasped. In front of him was someone who didn't look like she belonged to the organisation who caputred him, due to a lack of logos and uniform. However, her attire did give off a feeling that screamed 'engineer'. The key features that gripped David right away were the bright green cap, the large, dark green backpack, and her.. blue hair.

The latter was far from a normal feature.

"W-w-where... w-ho?" was all David could rasp.

"I'm Nitori Kawashiro. It's a long story who I am, so strap yourself in for that. As for where we are? I'm not entirely sure, but you were strapped up into some virtual world to test you under some nightmare scenario for two days, until I jst shut down those machines." the stranger said, offering her hand to aid David out of the machine.

The young man took the young girl's hand, and got out, feeling shaky on his legs. Despite it having been two days, he didn't feel hungry or thirsty. Next to the pod was his own backpack.

Now the man was out of the pod, he noticed the young woman was wearing what seemed to be some kind of waterproof outfit... and wellington boots. Indoors.

"Anyway... I introduced myself as much as I can without getting into the sticky details, so who are you?" Nitori asked.

"David. David Farr." the man replied, picking up his backpack, and pulling out a pen and notepad. "I'm ready to hear your explanation of all this now. I'll make heads and tails of it myself. All I have right now is my gut instinct that you really did save me."

Nitori smiled a little upon hearing David trusted her.

"Well, I wonder if you'll trust my word on this. The virtual world you are in, is not the only one. Everyone sealed in these pods was in a different virtual world, and has some latent powers that the soldiers wanted to research. However, I am a very special case. I am from a sealed-off part of the world... that was lost. However, the soldiers created a virtual replica, so the magical land I come from, Gensokyo, could live on and be researched by them for their own ends... or so I assume." Nitori starts, before asking, "Following so far?"

"Uh... so you're from some magical part of the world that no longer exists, and the soldiers made a replica?"

"Yes, yes!" Nitori says, nodding. "Anyway, everyone in that virtual world, is technically dead, however, if they bond to one who can supply them with mana, magical energy, they can exist in this world again!"

"Wait... I think I get where you're going here. You saved me... so you want me to save some of your friends. Right?" David says.

"Yes. There's some people already in the simulation who know more about all of this than I understand. They were not captives like you, but if you want to help me out as repayment..."

"I don't want to help you out as repayment." David says sharply, suddenly making Nitori look depressed.

"B-but... almost all the pods are open, and no-one's trusted me yet..." Nitori says

"Your story is far-fetched. However, my gut still says you're honest. I'm not going to help you out of a need to repay you. I'm going to help you out because I assume it'll throw a wrench in the plans of these soldiers who set me up and imprisoned me and my employers for two days, putting us through mental torture for their own research!" David says.

Upon hearing David's resolve, Nitori's face lit up.

"You'll help!" Nitori says, smiling.

"Yes. I'll go into the virtual world you were speaking of, and speak with those people you say know more than I do. Then I'll make up my mind from there."

Nitori grabbed David's hand, and lead him through several rooms, to one with more pods.

"Oh, I better warn you! Gensokyo is not a land of humans. It's a land of magic and fantasy. There are many fantastic creatures in Gensokyo, including Youkai. I myself am a Kappa!"

"You look human." David says, before seeing the contents of another pod holding some bird-girl with pink hair.

"We take human forms to blend in." Nitori says. "Anyway, some youkai are very dangerous, so be careful! Also, the ones inside don't know the situation. Speak to the others who went in first before you do anything else! There's a human village, I'd wager they are either there, or someone called Keine can help you find them!" Nitori says.

David rubbed his temples.

"This is a lot to take in, Nitori. Just... hook me up so I can see your story for myself." the young man says. "Besides, if the youkai are as powerful as legend, we may need them to even get out of this military base."

Nitori opened a vacant pod, which David then moved into, settling down. The pod then closed, and the man closed his eyes.

There was a bright light, and David felt himself being pulled away.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 11:10:30 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Faith, Hope and Love
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #227 on: January 03, 2013, 08:08:13 PM »
09:50 PM - Day 3 - Somewhere Between The Hotel and The Tourist Helpers Shop

"Damn I am Going to be late." Narr?n thought to him self while he was running to the tourist helpers shop.

When Narr?n finally got the tourist helpers shop. there was stuff already going on out side the shop.
"What is going on?" He asked him self. everything began to blurred together and went black.

5:35 PM - Day 3 - On a Hill Somewhere In Virtual Gensokyo.

"So this is Gensokyo?" Narr?n asked him self while looking out on the vast landscape lying in front of him.
"I better setup a camp before doing anything else."
Narr?n began to scan the area for a suitable place to setup a camp.
the only suitable place he found was near a willow tree hanging over a river.
Before heading over there he decided to checked his backpack too see that everything was in order.
"Let's see what I have with me..."  He opens up his backpack and looked at what was inside.
There wasn't much inside the backpack, some spare clothes, a stone bag with a sling inside,
two rolls of bandages, a spool of thread, a small set of cooking pots, an empty water bottle
and the knife he bought on the way to the tourist helper shop.
He then picked out the stone bag with the sling still inside and the knife out from the backpack.
He secured them both on to his belt and closed his backpack and secured it on his right shoulder.
"Okay, let's go" He said, picking up the sling from the stone bag while placing a stone in it, started to swing it around
and began walking to the willow tree.

[I know this didn't make much sense but please bear with me.]
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 12:07:09 PM by natten20 »


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #228 on: January 10, 2013, 06:49:26 AM »
6:24 - Virtual Gensokyo - Temple Graveyard

"Well, who is this intruder? You can let him go now, Yoshika."

The Jiang-Shi lets Neil go, he crawls to a nearby gravestone and sits there helplessly. He looks at the woman beside her who is holding a lantern. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asks. He spills everything just to keep himself intact, "I am Neil, I-I'm looking for a particular female. From, uh, what I remember...she wears headphones and, uh, has a decorated sword. Do you...know her?"  She looks up and makes blatant wondering gestures, "Hmm, who could this person be? Maybe I know her, maybe not, how about you come with me and find out?"

He reluctantly agrees as she accompanies him to an undisclosed compound, meanwhile another person patrols the graveyard and is too late to the commotion earlier.

[OOC: Short and simple for now]


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #229 on: January 14, 2013, 04:38:03 PM »
9:00pm - Day 3 - Virtual Gensokyo - Human Village

"So... I guess this is the village the Kappa was going on about... how, how do I find the people the Kappa told me to find?" David mused to himself, as he walked through the human village.

The young man walked around, pretty aimlessly, until he came across someone else walking around the town, almost like she was patrolling, or looking for something. She looked like a young woman, although probobly a few years older than David himself. She was wearing a blue dress, which frilled out a large amount, and came down to about her knees, and was tied at the top with a red ribbon. Her hair was neat, and a pale blue in shade, while she also wore a peculiar hat, which looked almost like a pagoda, it too having a red ribbon on it.

"Excuse me, are you David?" the woman asked.

David nodded. "How do you know my name?" the man replied, cautious, after all, of the stranger.

"The Kappa sent me a message. I'm Keine, I assume she told you about me?" the woman answered, as she approached the young man. "Come with me, and I'll explain more to you."

Day 3 - 9:12pm - Virtual Gensokyo - Keine's House

The house was quint and warm, and filled with scrolls and other objects suggesting that the woman was fond of history, as well as a desk with a lot of paper on it. David had already told Keine what Nitori had told him, so Keine knew where to begin.

"I guess I should start by explaining how these pacts work then. To create a mana link, one must form a pact with someone. However, these are not simply verbal pacts. They are bonds of magic, and there are two ways to form them, to my understanding."

David nodded, listening carefully. He was also holding a notepad and his pen, so he could record the information, in case he forgot.

"The first, which I myself have undergone already, is a spirit bond. This pact relies on both parties being in close proximity, as in... close physical contact. Then, you mst state your intention to aid the candidate, verbally. What happens after this is that you will both mentally enter a trance, a shared mental dimension, where you would have to explain the situation, and convince the other party to join in the pact with you. When they accept or decline, the trance ends, and both of you return to your bodies, mentally, with or without a bond as dictated by the agreement. Of course, what the mental dimension is differs from person to person."

Keine waits, as David is frantically putting down notes.

"The second method I do not know myself, nor am I fully understanding of it. It is a more physical bond, based on the magic of blood. You must spill some of your blood on the ground, as you announce your intentions, akin to the spirit bond. This should cause a magical process, that, if accepted and not resisted by the other party, will form a mana link that way."

Keine waits again, as David finished taking notes.

"So, either I spill my blood or get close to someone and enter their minds?" David says.

"That's the basic idea." Keine says, before adding, "You must be careful, however. Outside of this world, anyone you form a bond will will require your mana to survive, or use any other their... supernatural abilities. If they draw too much mana, it will be... painful."

"So, basically, don't overdo it?" David comments.

"Yes, I wouldn't suggest making pacts with five godlike creatures, as the drain of just keeping them sustained will probobly be too much."

"Godlike creatures?" David questions, raising an eyebrow at Keine.

"Gensokyo is filled with many wonders. There are even actual goddesses, as well as Oni, Tengu, Kappa, Vampires, Lunarians, Immortals, and a myriad of other youkai." Keine explains.

David leans back in his seat, taken aback. "What about you? Are you, you know, a youkai?"

"Half. I'm a were-hakutaku. On anything but a full moon I'm human." Keine says.

There is quiet for a few moments, as David considers everything he has heard so far.

"So... do you have any ideas who is willing to form one of these pacts... or isn't in one already?"

Keine thinks. "There are several humans in the village who would likely love to have the chance to see outside the border, you could go to the library and se...."

There is a knock at the door, a quiet, weak knock, but a knock none the less.

Keine walks over to the door, and opens it, and a young woman, dressed in a flowing red dress, and a pink hat, topped with a red ribbon, and having some type of ornament on it, falls into the room. It's clear she's exhausted.

"... Can... I protect..." she rasps.

"What do you mean protect?! You're ill, you're hardly in any state to walk! I'll get you something to eat...." Keine says.

"Won't... help." the stranger says. "Gatekeeper... youkai...."

Keine's face falls, as David walks over curiously, and cautiously.

"I have to... protect something. Got fired... been losing energy since..." she rasps.

"David, this is a gatekeeper youkai. They are a type of youkai that get sustenance from having something to protect. It's their sole purpose to protect something, or someone. If she doesn't find something that needs defending, or isn't allowed to defend anything soon, she'll die."

David looked down at the youkai, who finally raised her head, revealing her yellow eyes, and blonde hair, which curled at the shoulder-length back up.

"Protect me then." David said finally.

"What?" Keine remarked, stepping back a little. "Do you even know how devoted a gatekeeper youkai is to defending something?"

"Yes, if it's their source of life, they'll defend it. I was abducted and used in an experiment by some military organization. I get the feeling I need someone who can protect me, and won't want to leave. Besides, look at her, she won't last much longer." the man replied, causing Keine to sigh.

"Well, you may as well form a pact with her then, because if you leave Gensokyo she'll just go back to dying again if she can't come with you." Keine says.

"Pact? What's..." the figure says, as David kneels down to her, and grabs her hand.

"What's your name?" David asked the young woman.

"Elly. Why?"

"Elly... I wish to help you."

Both the human and the gatekeeper's visions turn white, and the next they know, they are somewhere else.

??:?? - Day 3 - Unknown Location

Flowers. Flowers and the occasional apple tree. That was all that could be seen by David's eyes. It was a beautiful sight.

"W-what?" Elly said, looking around frantically. "How did we get here? Why don't I feel like I'm dying anymore? Did I die?"

"We're not dead Elly..." David replied.

"Then where are we?" the distressed young woman said, before she reached for the object on her head.

She pulled off the object, which suddenly grew multiple times in size... into a scythe as large as her.

"Careful! I don't mean any harm!" David said, now also worried.

"Then explain what's going on!" Elly demanded, putting the tip of her scythe to David's throat. "Or I'll assume the only way out is to kill you."

"We're in a trance, a shared mental trance. Where I'm supposed to explain to you that you're in some virtual world now, and the only way out is to form some kind of mana bond with someone, which is done during this trance, if you accept my aid." David explained, being very careful not to cut his own throat as he spoke.

"That's absurd!" Elly said, pressing her scythe so it drew blood.

"Fine, look at it this way. Outside this trance, you're dying, right?"

"Yes..." Elly says.

"Well, if you form this bond, and trust me, you'll have something to protect, me, because if I die, or get separated from you, it could sever the mana bond, and you'd die because of that in the outside world."

"But why should I trust you?" Elly says, keeping her scythe where it is.

"It's either you trust me or you die anyway. You don't have much of a choice Elly."

Elly thinks for a few moments.

"On a condition. Can you form multiple bonds?"

It was David's turn to think, and recall what Keine had said. She never said if you could form multiple bonds... but she did hint it, she did state it would be a bad idea to form bonds with 'Five godlike creatures'.

"I assume so, Keine said five is a bad idea though!" David replies, uncertainty in his tone.

"Then we go to where I say, and you form a bond with my old friend, and my old boss." Elly demands.

"I-I can't guarentee they'll still be there, Keine said there's others..."

"If someone else has formed a bond with them already, then that's unavoidable, but we still look for them!" Elly says.

"Fine, fine, just tell me something, who are these two?"

"A vampire and a very powerful youkai."

That silenced the young man for a moment. In saving Elly, he would be running the risk of having a bloodsucking vampire linked to him as well. He could only imagine the problems that could cause, not just for him, but for the outside world.

That said, this was negotiation at scythe-point.

"Very well. Now then Elly, do you accept my help, and my offer to let you defend me?"

Elly moves her scythe away, and walks over to one of the apple trees, pulling off an apple, and cutting it in half with her scythe.

"Catch." she says.

The apple flies through the air, and David catches it cleanly, although his hands get a little sticky.


The world then turns to white, Elly vanishes, and before he knew it, he was back in Keine's room.

[David meets Keine, who explains how to make a pact, and talks a bit about mana and species in Gensokyo. Elly then turns up, weak from having nothing to defend, and, in her desperation, agrees to a pact with David, on the condition he seeks out her old friend and boss with her.]
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #230 on: January 23, 2013, 05:06:14 PM »
6:31(?) - Virtual Gensokyo - Underground Passage

"Congratulations on getting yourself in deep shit, mate. Wanna go wear a skirt and be uke?" Kimia taunts as Neil is accompanied towards his destination. Anytime he could make a desperate break for freedom, but Yoshika's presence prevents him from doing so. In an attempt to alleviate some of the anxiety troubling him, he strikes up a conversation with his captor which, to his surprise, actually works.

"I am Seiga, an immortal hermit with 'close ties' to the saint." she introduces herself, "Just think of me as an elegant lady of wealth and taste."

"Alright...say, where are we headed?"

"You will see it when we get there. You look very frightened, little boy. What's the matter?"

"I tend to avoid getting hurt, how can I trust you with my safety?"

She approaches him and softly pinches his cheek. "Oh don't worry, I assure you, I am very faithful to my word. You will be kept safe as long as you behave.

"Just bear with it, this might be our only way of achieving the objective...I guess..." Milican advises, Kimia says otherwise with a very convincing "Or you're gonna die like an animal!" in a cheerful manner. Several minutes later, they arrive at the mausoleum she mentioned on their way here. Neil is greeted with several new faces, a woman in white oriental clothing. a ghost, judging from how her legs disintegrate into white wisps; and possibly the woman he saw in his vision.

"Hey, it's her! The person I was talking about!" he exclaims, pointing towards her.


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #231 on: March 10, 2013, 11:51:36 PM »
A High Noon, Day 3 IRL, Virtual Gensokyo, Near Magical Forest

As the team of fairies match to their former base, Amarillo openly wondered how her base would get fully copied from the real Gensokyo to this Virtual one.

"Why? If it's a full copy like you just stated, then~" Lily White replied, "You see, it'll be normal that they also copied your house, what are you suggesting?"

"No. this is not what I'm trying to say." Amarillo slowly replies, as she is calculating something:"You see, I moved in no more than 2 years ago. I'm not a resident here at the beginning, I'm more like a refugee finding a place for retirement. Around the date I arrived here, I built the house with your help, and this house is here, in this virtual Gensokyo - This could only meant one thing."

"That RAI copied the gensokyo within 2 years." Luna continued.

"Eh, yes. Which brings us to a clue on RAI, but this clue isn't enough." Amarillo stopped. "But why are we heading to our old home anyways?"

"?" The fairies all gives out a puzzled look, as if saying "You lead us here."

"Me?" Amarillo smiled, "Part of me want to revisit the old home, but there is probably nothing interesting in there."

"No, I have a feeling there is!" Stated Daiyousei.

Amarillo went silent for a moment.

"I'm sure there aren't, but we can check this on later, let's look at what the newcomers are doing. We'll be back later."

"Got that!" shouted Sunny.

They turned away and headed for the Human Village. Amarillo knew that Daiyousei's instinct never betray her, but there are simply more important matters at hand.

A While later, Human Village, Keine's Classroom
Seeing Amarillo enters the classroom, Keine, who is just standing alone in the front, noticed her and turned around.
"Anyone coming here just now?" Asked Amarillo.
"Ah, if it's humans you referring to, there was one. I explained to him how the basics work, and he stumbled on Elly- you know, the gatekeeper youkai of Yuka- " Amarillo nodded implying she knew who Keine was talking about "and they have finished making a pact, just as what I taught him."
"Okay, that's nice to hear, so where are they now?"
Keine looked out, "I don't quite know, but I did hear Elly talking about her former master, if I could say about their whereabouts, I'll guess they'll be over at the sunflower field. Want to meet them?"
Amarillo nodded, "I just don't want them to get lost, as long as they got their partners, I believe they'll be okay. But still, I invited lots of people and you said there is only one..."
"Probably there will be more scattered in the Human Village, " Keine suggested, "You know, these days, not everyone likes to come in a classroom. Even your fairy friends. " She points at the door, Star and Sunny are peeking in. "It's not like we are holding classes here anymore..."
"Thanks, Now I gotta find others, so please excuse us." Amarillo cut her off, and before Keine could say anything, she quietly leaves.

There is no classes to be held.

Gensokyo do not exist.

However, Amarillo knew that this isn't the case. She got things to do.

A short while later, Human Village - Square
Amarillo saw Ken and Reisen, standing in the now deserted square, as of waiting for someone.
"Out of everyone I'm looking for, you are the least important." Amarillo muttered as she walks by.
"Hey! Don't treat me like that!" Ken objected, "If not for-"
"Oh come on, who would openly express something like that in front of the very someone who'll get offended by it?" Amarillo chuckled, "As I said, you seriously lack a sense of humor."
"Maybe it's just because it's not funny." replied Reisen.
"It isn't!" Amarillo jumped up. "Guys, do I just made a bad joke?!" she asked the fairies.
"I... don't know." Star hesitates.
"Probably it's a good joke, in some sense." Lily nodded.
"If I would grade it I'll give it a C," Daiyousei remarked.
"Only a C?!"
"Okay, I got it, I guess jokes are serious business then, are you looking for the other humans?" Seeing the suspense in the air, Ken finally gives in, "I don't know if they'll get lost or something. Nitori seems to drop them in different locations."
"Yeah, I told her to do that." Amarillo replied, "I give Koishi's files to Nitori, and told her to get everyone close enough to their potential partners."
"Then they probably won't go far." Ken remarked, "Gensokyo is a pretty large place, you know."
"Hmm, guess I gotta hurry," Amarillo nodded and hurried off.

Noon, Human Village - Entrance
"So, where are Koishi's files?" Asked Lily White.
"It's not like I brought them with me." Amarillo sighed. "And it's not like, you see, I get the ability to memorize everything, either."
"HAVE NO FEAR, NITORI IS THERE!" Suddenly, a sound pierces through the air.

"Nitori! How did you do that?!"
"Nothing really, " Nitori's voice is heard over them, "There is this handy broadcast button here, and it just seemed to do what I thought it would do." Nitori laughed.
"That'll be a huge help, so you know what we are going to do right?"
"Certainly! According to our data, the closest dropping point around your location, is..", Nitori cheerfully shouted out the area name".. Myouren Temple!"
 "Heh, thanks. We'll be on our way then."

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #232 on: March 11, 2013, 03:59:17 AM »
Day 3 - 9:15pm - Virtual Gensokyo - Keine's House

"So... how did it go?" Keine asks.

There is a silence.

"We formed one of those pacts, and now we're looking for those I know. That was the condition." Elly says, as she walks to the door. "I'll be outside when you're ready, human, things are dangerous outside this village at night-time."

As Elly walks outside, and closes the door, Keine sighs.

"She wasn't exactly in a situation to negotiate, she was dying due to energy loss." Keine says.

"I wasn't the one with a scythe." David points out.

Keine shakes her head. "Well, that dosen't matter. Did she happen to tell you who she was looking for?"

The young man nodded. "An old freind, a vampire, and her old boss, some powerful you..."

Keine looks immensely worried. "If that youkai is who I think it is... pray you don't find her. I've never met her, but Yuuka Kazami, the Flower Master of the Four Seasons, has a very bad reputation. She may be the most dangerous being in Gensokyo, if the rumors are true."

David looks confused for a moment towards the teacher. "Flower Master? I'd be more worried about a vampire than some 'Flower Master'."

At this point, Keine slaps the young man over the head gently. "Don't take her lightly. The fact she is held in such high regard among youkai despite having her power being flower manipulation, goes to show just how brutally powerful she is in other regards. Unless the rumors about her power were greatly exaggerated, she could rip a human in half with no effort at all, or blast them to smithereens."

"Well I can't exactly turn back now, can I?" David says, sweating somewhat at the prospect of meeting this 'Yuuka'. "I don't think Elly would take it particularly well. I'd rather not upset the lady with a scythe dressed in a blood-colored dress."

Keine shakes her head again. "I know, you don't have much of a choice now, but still, it's better you know."

With that, David walked out of the door to meet Elly, who promptly grabbed David's hand.

"Hold on tight. We're taking the fast way." Elly says, as she stared to fly, taking the surprised human with her.


Day 3 - 9:20pm - Virtual Gensokyo - Skies of Gensokyo - Near Human Village

"W-What are you doing?!" David cried.

"Flying. Everyone in Gensokyo ca... oh. You're not from here. Let me guess, humans can't fly where you come from." Elly says.

"No! Humans cannot fly! Wait, what do you mean, the humans here can fly?!"

Elly chuckles. "All the humans in Gensokyo are magical humans, they have some magical power, or else they would have long perished to youkai."

At this point, the gatekeeper looks over her shoulder to the young man, and notices he has his eyes closed, and is white as a sheet.

"Are you OK?" she asks.

"NO! I'm terrified of heights!" David exclaims.

"Lies." the gatekeeper replies.

"What do you mean, lies?"

"You're afraid of falling. Not height. In fact, more specifically, you're afraid of death. It's not the height that kills you, it's the fall. It's the impact with the ground. Maybe you should be more afraid of the ground than the air, hmm?" the gatekeeper muses.

"...How long would it take us to walk to where you want to go?" David asks, hope in his voice.

Elly pauses. "About seven hours. Maybe eight. I dunno the pace your kind walks, nor do I ever walk this trip. Flight will take another ten, maybe fifteen minutes, at most, I'm a pretty fast flier."

Suddenly, there is a surprised cry from the side of Elly where David is.

"Oh no." Elly says.

"A human~! Don't leave him all to yourself! Let me have a bit!" the voice says. She sounds childish, no older than fourteen, however, David can't bring himself to open his eyes to check at this height.

"David... we're landing. It's a vampire, and not the one I want to meet." Elly says, before the man feels a sudden tug, and a shift of the wind, before feeling like he was falling.

Please don't crash-land... David thought to himself.

"Legs out! Land on your feet not your stomach!" Elly says, and David obeys without thinking about it, a moment before feeling the ground.

Day 3 - 9:30pm - Virtual Gensokyo - Forest of Magic

David opens his eyes, and notices that him and Elly are in a forest, with mists swirling between the trees. Suddenly, David feels dizzy, and his head starts to throb.

"Oh, of course. You're not magical, or at least not enough... the mists of the Forest of Magic are toxic to you..." Elly says, sounding annoyed. "However, I can't fight a vampire in the air with one hand. You'll have to bear it, unless you want to become lunch."

A figure lands in the mists, and walks fowards, towards Elly and David. Her large, bat-like wings are the most clear feature before she becomes fully visible, revealing that she is a blonde, dressed in a red skirt, a black blouse, and a white, buttoned shirt. She also has a red star on one of her cheeks. She is also holding a wand, with a white star on it.

"I'm Elis." she says, before pointing to Elly. "You're in the way."

She then points to David. "And you're dinner!"

[Summary: Keine warns David about Yuuka, before he departs with Elly, by flight. David's fear of heights kicks in, but Elly doesn't care. However, they are forced to land in the Forest of Magic when Elis spots the human, and wanting to make a meal of him, since Elly knows she can't fight a vampire with one hand in the air. However, David is being effected by the Forest's Maisma.]
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 04:01:28 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: Waking Up from the Dream - Welcome Home - Story Thread
« Reply #233 on: May 10, 2013, 01:01:02 AM »
---Timestamp - Day 3, ??:?? P.M., ???, Gensokyo.

Empty nothingness, devoid of light. Eyes still shut.
An uncomfortable feeling spawns in the back of his mind. He tries to grasp what it is, but he can?t bring it forward.
Like a voice, commanding his body to act. He tries to ignore it, to resist it.
The feeling overpowers him, body moving on impulse.

---Timestamp - Day 3, 5:28 P.M., Roadside Field, Gensokyo.
Greeted by the late afternoon sun, Nikolas instinctively shielded his eyes from the bright light that assaulted his retinas. Once his eyes had adjusted, Nikolas blinked and gazed around.
Far above the sky stretched out endlessly, clouds trailing off into the distant blue. The verdant green of nature surrounded him, enveloping the land in summer.
A calm zephyr blew past the boy, ruffling his brown hair as he inhaled the clean air it had brought to him.

((Will Finish Later))