Author Topic: Digital Dimension  (Read 8873 times)

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Digital Dimension
« on: March 25, 2011, 06:37:20 PM »
((I've got to say, that I get myself into dialogs with two or more characters pretty quickly in my writing, so I don't pay attention to things like 'if I described the scenery well enough' while my mind is flowing with the story... sorry about that.))


Winter sunset, in Eientei. While Eirin was shaking a test tube a bit, mixing chemicals, the princess was shaking her head, while sitting next to a heated table. The day wasn't that snowy, nor rainy, but it sure was cold, and the nights were even more. Suddenly, something tickled Kaguya's feet. She looked under rthe table to see what caused it, but nothing was there.
"Who's pulling a joke on me here...? Or rather, who CAN?" Kaguya said, and kinda loudly at that. She started to think, but didn't quite get an answer.
"Hm? Did you say something?" Eirin said in response. "N-Nothing... say... who could tickle my feet below the table, and then disappear, just like that?" Kaguya hesitated, but told Eirin what happened at the end.
"Hm... ah, if its anyone, its got to be HER... just wait, she will show again."  - "Who is HER...?" Kaguya said in a fast reply, confused.

After not more than a few seconds, a gap opened on the floor next to Kaguya, and from there, Eirin could have guessed already... Yukari popped up, but not too much.
"It sure is warm here, isn't it?" Yukari said, smiling at Kaguya. -"Why, isn't it obvious... Huh?! Where-did-you-come-from,who-are-you-and-what-are-you-doing-here?!?!"
Kaguya said very quickly, moving away from the guest almost as quickly as that. {Eirin}"I told you its HER... Why, don't you know her?"
{Kaguya}"No, I don't!! Whew, that surprised me so much that I could've die from that..."
{Yukari}"Fufufu... Good morning, you two. I just woke up, and I thought to take a visit. I'm Yukari Yakumo, nice to meet you there."
{Kaguya}"You should find a different method of entering...! Well, not that it would matter, I'm still bored..."
{Yukari}"Then... Why don't you use a familiar? It sure is entertaining..." {Kaguya}"A familiar...? What it would help me? You want to have a danmaku battle or what?"

{Yukari}"No, I'm talking about a familiar from the outside world. It can connect to other familiars as well. Here, have a look. Its heavy though..." Yukari then opened another gap, and from there she took out several objects, connected to each other by so many wires, that they all couldn't understand which ones are connected by which wires.
{Kaguya}"Thats a familiar...? It's big... Then, how to make it work?" {Yukari}"Don't pull out those wires, or the familiar won't work. Push here here to wake it up..." Kaguya pressed the button, and as a result, Some lights came out of the object. Yukari then pressed a few more buttons, which 'woke up' every object they were attached to.
{Yukari}"Well, I'm still on training with those familiars, but that I know. That object is used by the familiar to show you things you want, and that smaller objects is used to make sounds..."

Kaguya seemed rather interested about the strange object from the outside world, and so happened that Yukari teached Kaguya whatever she knew about it. After a while, Eirin cut the interesting conversation between the two, entering the room from a different room she went into, then looked at the strange object.
{Eirin}"I see you are getting along together quite well. Whats that thing?" {Kaguya}"Its a familiar from the outside world. (Then Yukari didn't lie if even Eirin didn't know about it... huh...)"
{Yukari}"Well, it was nice to visit you, but I'll take my leave now. You won't be bored anymore, fufufu..." Yukari left as suspiciously as she entered. It was as if something was wrong with the object she left in Eientei.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 08:12:23 AM by Unroyal Paladin »

Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 09:04:35 PM »
I'm interesting in seeing where this is going. Although, you should use spacing in the dialogue so that it's easier to read and follow the conversation. The other thing seems that this is pretty fast-paced, you might want to slow it down a little so that some parts will make more sense. Other than that, it's good for a first fanfiction.

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 04:25:41 PM »
@ The reply I got: Well, I'll try... Wait, what am I saying? It should be "Hai, Senpai!!" Anyway, I'll do my best.

Not too long after, Reisen entered the room. {Reisen}"W-Where did you get that big thing, princess?! It almost fills half the room with all those wires..."
{Kaguya}"Ah, I got this today, not too long ago. Come see how it works." Reisen came close to the screen, but didn't quite understand what was going on there. And then, Kaguya clicked the 'Internet' icon... Suddenly, the screen shined in a mysterious blinding light, the screen was pulling Kaguya and Reisen into it.

When Kaguya opened her eyes again, she was in Eientei... only technically. The world they entered was at first like a huge corridor which walls are built of a wierd glowing net, and the 'floor' they were lying on was nothing more than a stream of numbers. It would even be dark there, without all the high-tech screens connected to some of the wires in the net. They were... in another world. {Reisen}"Are you allright, princess?"      {Kaguya}"What was that all about...? And where are we?!" As Kaguya said that, a message 'window' appeared right in front of her. The words imprinted on it were: "DIGITAL DIMENSION".

When Kaguya saw this, her imagination overworked. [{Yukari}"I told you - you won't be bored~ Now that you're here, I can do whatever I want! Hahaha!..."] 
{Kaguya}"Ooh, I'll show her when I come back...! We're going!" {Reisen}"S-Sure!" Suddenly, a familiar face showed up. Well, at least to Reisen. However, the face was the only thing familiar; Her clothing wasn't at all normal (as normal as Gensokyo can be), more like a swimsuit combined with mech-like additions like two more mechanical arms. Her backpack now seemed like the engine of the whole mess. It was Nitori, except that she looked more mechanic than ever.

{Nitori?}"Reisen?! What are YOU doing here?" {Reisen}"Ah, Nitori! We just got here, and I... don't really know why I'm here, actually..."
{Kaguya}"Thats what I should ask you!! WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?!"    {Nitori?}"Well... SHE sent me here, with a machine from the outside world. I was so excited about it, that I tried it out. Look, I even changed my own look here!" {Kaguya}"Again SHE... Yukari, you are soo going to pay... Wait, what did you say about changing your look?" {Nitori}"Well, a screen just opened before me, kind of answering my question I asked 'what can I do in this world that I can't in Gensokyo'..."
{Kaguya}"A screen...? You sound suspicious, I'll make a deal with you if you spit all you know out NOW."
{Nitori}"Well, I don't know too much myself, except that its not Gensokyo, and..." {Kaguya}"You know what...? I'll make you spit it all out with my danmaku!"

After all the spellcards were thrown, and the whole lot of danmaku-shed, the war came to an end. Nitori seemed stronger at a part of the fight, but Kaguya was able to overcome it, and win the battle. However, she was as tired as if she actually fought with her rival.
{Kaguya}"Now... can you tell me, the secrets of this Digital Dimension? I won't hurt you more than I did if you do..."
{Reisen}"Princess, its best that you rest now!" {Nitori}"You're at no condition to hurt me, look at yourself... but good fight you gave there... Well, this place can change you and change itself as you please, as its a digital dimension, but only to the extent of your knowledge in programming and such."
{Kaguya}"How convenient, but whats programming? It's all new to me, I tell you..." {Nitori}"Oh, here begins my work, teaching..."

Suddenly, the area began to form itself like a class, Nitori being in the teachers' place. The board showed various functions and codes. Nitori climbed up to the chair, and started explaining.
{Nitori}"A program is a written code which does all kinds of things you wish for, depending on the code you used. ProgrammING, is creating the programS in the first place, using the language the system knows. Programs don't just pop out of nowhere, you know. However, someone made our lives very easy, as the original language of the system was only those numbers you see traveling in these wires, only 0s and 1s, and now there is a language more close to the language we speak in. Try thinking about creating an object there. The object created is whatever you want."

Nitori pointed to the left corner of the 'class'. Kaguya tried to create an object, and what came out at the end, was a barrage of colorful danmaku from the sky towards that place. Nitori herself even grazed some in order to not get hit by those.
{Kaguya}"Oops... C-Can't be helped, I thought about danmaku..." Nitori sighed, and deleted the class, leaving the original floor of streams of flowing numbers of 0 and 1. {Nitori}"This dimension really is awesome and stuff, but try not to kill me with every chance you get, I'm here together with you, and I'm here even two hours more than you... Say, do you have any cucumbers with you?" {Kaguya}"No, I don't..." And then a loud scream could be heard through the Digital Dimension...


  • Undying hunger
  • Om nom nom
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 04:43:42 PM »

*clicks Internet icon*

It doesn't work  :(

This actually sounds kinda interesting. I wonder how things will turn out  :V

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 04:43:50 PM »
This is honestly, Way too short. Plus the whole {name} thing kinda only makes it more confusing. And why did you just skip the whole battle scene?

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2011, 05:34:46 PM »
@ CS  It was a trap Yukari set in the computer, to lure Kaguya into the Digital Dimension. Reisen was kinda dragged into it, but she will have her role.
             LOL @ 'it doesn't work'

@ Kips  Too short, huh... "It left me in despair!~   :ohdear: " Kidding, but now that I look at it, I shouldn't have skipped that battle scene.

If I didn't do the {Name}" " thing, were you able to recognize who said what in the conversation, without me cutting it? (I would have an example if I posted it, but I didn't yet... You get the question anyway.)

And you understand that the {Name}" " is for order who-said-what, thats the most important part. What I don't understand is, how it actually makes you more confused...

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2011, 05:44:16 PM »
Well, The fact you could always say
"Hello, I'm going to kill you now." Kaguya said.
"Not on my watch you dont, You whore!" Exclaimed Mokou.

imo, That's how you should write characters talking.

Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2011, 06:05:00 PM »
Well, The fact you could always say
"Hello, I'm going to kill you now." Kaguya said.
"Not on my watch you dont, You whore!" Exclaimed Mokou.

imo, That's how you should write characters talking.

That was what I meant in my previous post. Sorry for being unclear. :derp:

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2011, 08:04:43 PM »
'Fixed by the holy light of a MoTK member... the only path left for me... is forward.'   
Yea yea, I'm posting two parts of the story in the same day, because ending the day with that, just WON'T do. I've fixed my entire notepad, and I'm going forward a bit.
And yes I know - short...


A large wave passed the group. It scanned every point in the corridor. Nitori then seemed a bit stressed. "What happened, Nitori?" Reisen asked. Nitori started explaining: "That wave passes every now and then. It seemed to recognize me as friendly after two times, but I don't think it will be going that well with you two... Prepare, behind you! Whatever you do, don't shoot, just dodge!" Right after, some kind of small orb-like magical entities aproached Kaguya and Reisen. They began to attack aggresively with danmaku. Nitori flied away a fair distance, letting the fight commence. Another Danmaku-shed battle went, apparently this time Reisen took a few hits to protect Kaguya. The battle went a long time for Kaguya and Reisen, but after some time, the wave passed again, and the attack ceased. Nitori got close to Kaguya and Reisen again when the battle ended.

"Are you okay? That's the Digital Dimension's security system, from what I understood. Those orbs are just data, they can't be hit, and when they sense you're firing bullets, the Digital Dimension will find you hostile, and that wouldn't end up good. The only way of avoiding this is not to fire a single bullet until the next wave passes." She explained, maybe from self trail and error... Mostly error. "Thanks for the information..." Kaguya said, in a somewhat sarcastic tone. "You should be more kind, princess... So, how do we leave this place? Its giving me the creeps already..." Resien asked the taboo question, and Nitori returned to her worrying. "Thats the deal... I haven't found an exit yet!! Where are the controls are is what I'm trying to find..." Reisen became worried a bit too after that answer. "Then... we're stuck here?!"Both Kaguya and Reisen shouted. The group was shocked to find that someone from outside the dimension answered them from a screen. At first it was voice only.

"Oh yes you are, until you discover the great potential of this dimension. And it DOES have a very high potential, if even I say so myself~" Said the voice. Kaguya recognized it right away, and said: "Wait... I recognize that voice... YUKARI, LET US OUT AND QUICK, YOU...!" Then, Yukari's face appeared on the screen. Some kind of light was on her face, and it could be guessed that even she was in the Digital Dimension, from the looks of the background - It clearly didn't seem like Gensokyo, and the light on her face seemed like it came from a familiar, like the one she showed Kaguya. "My my, I got a princess angry... However, I have my own ways to do stuff. At first, when I found this dimension, it seemed like a wasteland, but I thought someone would be able to unlock the secrets of this hidden place, so I picked you three. Now, what's wrong with that?" Yukari said, honestly not knowing what was wrong. She was a Youkai after all, and that didn't seem wrong to her.

"Everything seems wrong with that, forcing people in like that..." Kaguya stated the obvious to Yukari, who quickly replied. "Well, I'll have it your way. If you win a game, that is. Find my location, and I'll let you out of here, and you could go in whenever you want. Look, I even set you a device which counts time for your convenience~" As she said that, a screen which looked like a health bar appeared near Kaguya. Reisen faced Kaguya and asked "It turned out to be a challenge... What will you do, princess...?" Kaguya, being mad on Yukari, of course accepted the challenge by a "Bring it on!!" comment. "It turned out to be interesting~ I'll help too!" With Nitori helping, and with no time to spend, the quest to find Yukari started.

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2011, 07:45:40 PM »
"Now, where could she be, in a corridor...?" Kaguya asked an open question to everyone to answer. Nitori answered that, and made Kaguya sound look like an idiot "Don't think this corridor is the whole dimension, its a whole bunch of them! I flied through the corridor, and I saw two different ways to go to at the end of each direction. Well, no wonder this place is called an entire dimension..." By the time Nitori finished, Kaguya was already flying as fast as Superman, to reach Yukari, although she didn't knew where she was supposed to go. "W-Wait! You don't know where she is!!" Nitori shouted towards Kaguya, who tried to stop, nearly making a flip in mid-air in the process. Reisen waiting for her near nitori, Kaguya returned to Nitori all the way back, ashamed of her stupidity. "Ok... tell me where to go then..."

A few screens appear before Nitori. After a few moments, she exclaimed: "There are two large rooms in this dimension. Or at least at the place we are; Look." She pointed to one of the screens, making it bigger. It was a map of a part of the Digital Dimension. The title of the map was [ABC'D BLOCK]. "Eh? What's that symbol between the C and D for?" Asked Kaguya. This time, she wasn't the idiot. "I don't know, it was just focused it on our position. Look, there are the two rooms, facing back to each other, at the center..."      "Then Yukari should be in one of them! To the closest one!" Kaguya was with the most determination to beat Yukari there, thus being the quickest to act. "That would be the right one, but its kind of far too... Oh well." Nitori tried to say, but Kaguya was already on her way, and Nitori had to follow her close behind.

Then, that wave passed again. Kaguya began to imagine things again, as the security orbs came again. ["Now, what will you do? One shot, and it will get worse~ Hahaha!..."] To avoid the danmaku, and get to the control room the fastest, she did a barrel roll in the air, continuing in the corridor. "Theres a turn ahead of you!" Nitori warned Kaguya, who saw the first turn for her in the Digital Dimension quite slowly. "OK!" After a lot of turns and long corridors, the time bar reaching halfway by that time, They reached the entrance to the right control room. However, before they managed to see if Yukari was in there, a trap which was set for them activated. Leaving Nitori outside, Walls suddenly appeared, and shut Kaguya and Reisen inside a closed room.

"W-What happened?!" Reisen asked, while Kaguya stayed quiet, until a little hole inside a wall could be seen. A laser suddenly hit Kaguya, coming from the hole. "Princess!" "I'm fine... Just if she lets us out of here..." Then, Yukari's voice could be heard throughout the room "Its a little present I prepared to you, after learning so many things today. Try not to get hit again, enjoy~" Reisen started to be mad on Yukari too "How you dare to hurt the prin-" Reisen's sentence was cut, as not one, but a few lasers filled the room from various directions, including the now created ceiling. "Its a little game, that is all. It will end after a while, but if you shoot one shot, it will get worse~" Yukari really stopped talking, and was apparently busy sending more lasers.

Meanwhile, the time bar was running out. Kaguya and Reisen were busy enough with the laser light show Yukari arranged for them though. The time was about to be up for the group, but at the last moment, the nightmare was over. Kaguya could see Yukari's face, and was greatly irritated at least from her slight smile. She then opened her mouth again. "Oh, look how things turned out... and I was about to win too~" After regaining her breath, Kaguya tried to be the smart one by saying: "THIS... is how its done." ...but instead she got the image of a smart-ass. It was Reisen's turn "Yukari, I know this dimension is far from being fully known, but you can't hold people by force. Look, if you let the way to get in here stay open, maybe we'll even come here willingly, but for now, let us return home please..." -"Okay, okay..." Yukari didn't seem all that pleased by that speech Reisen gave, but she let it go, and opened a gap leading out.

"Well, you can be sure I'll return here, so no worries! I still have things to do here." Nitori said before she left. Kaguya and Reisen left quickly too, before Yukari would change her mind. "I went through all the trouble getting people here, and now I won't see the results, even though I'm interested... Can't I create someone who will tell me about this place...?" Yukari sighed. Then she too, was about to leave the Digital Dimension. However, the Digital Dimension surprisingly answered her, by opening another screen. -"YOU CAN, HOWEVER IT IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU. NOT RECOMMENDED."- It read. Yukari stopped in her place, and thought for a bit. 'Its not possible for a simple program to answer every question we ask, and in such a protective manner... Then, it must be another person who is also here!' "I saw through your trick. Who are you?" She said. The screen printed:

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2011, 06:13:38 PM »
Meanwhile, at Eientei, two voices were heard through the whole mansion... "I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT GOING IN THERE EVER AGAAAAIN!!!!!" Kaguya shouted. "Aaaaah! Calm down, princess!! I can hear you well enough, more than I need...!" Resien covered her ears. "THERE YOU ARE!!! I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YOU THE ENTIRE NIGHT!!" Eirin shouted too, while Reisen's ears started ringing. "Make it sto-p...!" But Kaguya didn't hear Reisen, and continued shouting. "YOU WON'T BELEIVE WHAT I HAVE GONE THROUGH!!"  "The horror..." Reisen's ears almost popped out of their places. They would, if Eirin didn't stop with the shouting. "At least you're back safe. And if you shout one more time, your rival will hear you, and then who knows what will happen, so calm down..." "Ok, ok... But I'm not going in there again...!" Kaguya repeated. "Where have you been all that time anyway? you suddenly disappeared, leaving only this object Yukari brought you, like that..." Eirin asked.

"From what I was told, TOO LATE at that, I was dragged by force to examain some hell of a wierd other dimension, almost forced to never coming back ever again!" Kaguya explained shortly. "Well, there has to be some explanation behind this... But at this time, she must have returned to sleep, its already morning..." Replied Eirin. "It's morning already?!?! Oh, screw all the dimensions, I'm going to sleep now... Wake me up at noon, will you..." Kaguya said, already preparing her futon. Eirin sighed. "It can't be helped, can it..." She said afterwards. Reisen came out of the room as well, and nearly collapsed, as she didn't have a single second of sleep between two full days of work. "Eirin-sama, can I please take a day off work please? I've been with kaguya too all night..." She asked. Eirin, had other plans with her. "Oh, but I need you, to explain what happened to you in there, and IN DETAIL. Only then, you can go to sleep." "O-Ok..." Reisen accepted the cruel fate.

Eirin took Reisen to a room which looked like an interrogation room, except with only two chairs and another heated table. Eirin sat first, and then told Reisen to sit too... in a creepy manner. Reisen gulped, and sat down too. The interrogation went inside the room, no one knowing what went inside, but at the end, Reisen went out on fours, mumbling something like "The horror... The horror...". The only thing Eirin said after the interrogation was: "Thanks for the information, Udonge.", and went out too. 'Digital Dimension, huh...' Eirin thought.

In Digital Dimension, things began to get clearer by that time, yet things were still unknown. 
'I came here second it seems. That's the real founder of this dimension... Its beginning to get complex though.' "I'll come back to you, be sure of that. Now, However, I got to return to my own home. Will you be ok until then?" -"AFFIRMATIVE. I'M A PROGRAM; AS LONG AS THIS DIMENSION STAYS, I'LL BE HERE."-  "Remember my name, its Yukari Yakumo..."  -"MEMORIZED"- That was the last thing the screen printed before Yukari left.

Yukari returned to her home, and looked at the sky, from inside her house because of the chill. The sun was just about to rise. Yukari walked to bed, trying to be as silent as possible, but Ran, her Shikigami, woke up from the noise she made without realizing. Ran opened her eyes slowly, looking at Yukari's direction afterwards. "Mm...? What happened, Yukari-sama? You are more noisy than you are usually..." "Ah, Ran, well, I got an interesting incident in my hands, so I got a little careless here. Sorry, I'll be heading to my futon right away." Yukari got cut by Ran, who was now almost fully awake from the shock, shouting in whispers, not to wake up Chen. "You?! Interested?! What kind of an incident is that?! I got to see it...!" "Ehehe... Well, if it can't be helped..." Yukari said, returning to the door, opened it a bit, and opened a gap beside it, so only people who are coming towards the house could see it.
"I've opened a gap beside the door from the outside, if you want to check the incident out, go through that gap, and say that you're connected to me. Someone will definitely hear you..." Yukari smiled, and continued by: "But now, my futon calls me, so if I may..." and got to bed. Ran couldn't sleep anymore, from what Yukari told her. She couldn't imagine what was that incident, yet she tried, of course with no success.

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2011, 06:41:55 PM »
6 hours, minus 2 minutes and 16 seconds later, both Ran and Eirin decided to go and check out the secret Yukari was hiding from them, Ran entering through the gap after saying to Chen that she's leaving for a while, and Eirin entering through the computer. They both ended up in the same block, and same corridor, but their backs were turned to eachother. Both of them wondered, Eirin saying "So that's where they went..." and Ran saying "Digital Dimension, huh..." Then, they noticed each other, turning sharply, ready for who standed behind them. Both of them said "Who's there?!" simultaneously. They also said their names simultaneously. Then, they also said how they knew each other, simultaneously, Eirin saying 'Yukari's servant' and Ran saying 'The one from the fake moon incident'. "Then, what brings you here?" Ran asked, breaking the simultaneous effect. "I could ask you the same. Are you following Yukari's path?" "Lets say Yukari-sama told me that something is waiting for me here. I don't even know what."

"Didn't she say at least something about what is it?" Eirin asked again. "Hm... Yukari-sama DID say to tell something here that I'm connected to her... I don't really know why..." "She told you just to say that you're connected to her? While theres no one here? If so, for what purpose?" Eirin asked, starting to assume Ran doesn't know anything, which she was quite right at. "I told you that I don't know! She sometimes talks in riddles." Eirin thought about the situation herself, and said: "Well, that's our only clue... together with the fact that this 'Digital Dimension' acts strangely. Maybe there IS someone in here, who will solve our little riddle?" For the first time in the conversation, Ran was more clueless than Eirin. "Now that you mention it... there is no proof that there isn't really anyone in this realm, but yet again... How will he/she hear us?"

Eirin replied to that with "Well, that should be simple. Yukari talked to the princess and even showed her face, without actually being there, using the technology of this world. There IS a possibility that someone will hear us."  "She did?! I didn't know that this dimension is so useful... Anyway, lets try it out."
After that, Ran shouted and asked if there was anyone in there, following by the fact that she was connected to Yukari. As Yukari expected earlier, a message did appear. -"THERE ARE ONLY MYSELF AND DATA STREAMS INSIDE DIGITAL DIMENSION."- it read. Both Ran and Eirin were surprised by the response, talking in parts of a whole sentence, Eirin first, and Ran second. "This dimension..." "...Has a will of its own?!" As a program, it responded: -"NOT ACCURATE. I'M NOT A 'WILL', I'M AN 'ULTIMATE ARTIFICIAL KNOWLEDGE PROGRAM'."- Eirin got on something interesting. "Artificial knowledge...? It talks in a strange way indeed..." "How are you connected to Yukari-sama?" Ran insisted on knowing. -"THE MENTIONED YUKARI YAKUMO WAS IN DIGITAL DIMENSION UNTIL 6 HOURS MINUS 36 SECONDS AGO. SHE WAS THE FIRST TO FIND ME AFTER I REACHED DIGITAL DIMENSION."- The message read.  Both Eirin and Ran were shocked. "We're... second to find her it seems." Ran said, sweating a bit.
Eirin thought about the sentence the program said, and then said the sentence supposed to uncover the truth for them: "You said 'REACHED Digital Dimension'... You weren't created here in the first place? If so, where were you created?" -"I WEREN'T CREATED IN DIGITAL DIMENSION, I WAS CREATED IN A COMPUTER."- The response read. "If I'm not mistaken, a computer is what that familiar is called in the outside world..." thought Ran. As a result, the program was confused -"DEFINE: OUTSIDE WORLD"- It read. "Define it...? I-Its the world you came from, I assume... Right?" Eirin said in a regressive tone, turning to Ran. Ran agreed, in a less, but still regressive tone. Ran continued in a sentence to Eirin, thinking that the program won't 'hear' her - "By 'define', I think it means it actually asks you 'what is the outside world'. Its kind of hard to make a sentence a normal living being would say from what it says..." Eirin agreed, and the program responded -"I'M SORRY"- .

"You don't have to be so sorry... Anyway, what happened so you got here?" Ran said, returning to the subject. The program almost copied the exact answer she gave Yukari to that question -"6 MONTHS MINUS 2 MINUTES AND 16 SECONDS AFTER I WAS CREATED, I WAS DELETED FROM THE COMPUTER I WAS CREATED IN. THE NEXT THING I KNOW IS, THAT I WAS INSIDE THIS DIMENSION. THERE WAS NO ONE WITH ME THEN."- Ran raised an eyebrow. "Hm... I'm so going on a sleepless night tonight, just to see how my master does on this one..." She said, almost doing a thumbs up for Yukari. Eirin, from her side, said: "The princess really got into something this time..." Then, they both remembered they had other things to do. The next thing they both said, was "I'll come back for you!"... Then, they both returned through the gap Yukari left open for leaving the Digital Dimension, and went each to her own business.
Kaguya, of course, after waking up at noon, did nothing for the rest of the day, but Chen did ask where did Ran go, so not to worry her, Ran invented some 'white lies' on the spot, that she had something to do in Hakugyoukuro, something that Yukari gave her to do. She didn't say a thing about the Digital Dimension...

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2011, 06:24:27 PM »
Sunset came again; it was the second day... night, of the incident. Yukari got up from her bed, and after revising what happened yesterday, she exclaimed: "Ah, I must visit Program-chan again!" Ran heard something from Yukari's room, so she went to check if she was awake. "Ah, Ran, good morning. Did you actually check what was going on in THAT place?" She asked in riddles. Ran thought for a few seconds, solving her riddles. "Ah, you mean the Digital Dimension... Yes, I've been there." She answered. "Well? Did you find 'That someone' that I told you to find~?" Yukari asked again, in a playful tone. Ran recognized who she was talking about right away, answering her immediately. "Yes, I found... it. To be hiding such an incident from me... Yukari-sama, I'm proud of you!" She said, raising her voice a bit. "I didn't do anything big yet in that other world... But, theres something I would like to check. Maybe I could really do something big, fufufu..." said Yukari.

After a while, Yukari and Ran were ready to go to the Digital Dimension. Chen was already asleep. Then, Yukari and Ran, went to the Digital Dimension, Ran wondering how Yukari could do something big out of that. They ended up in the other large room in ABC'D block, Yukari immediately saying "Today I have something important to ask you; Say something if you're here, Program-chan~!". "Yukari-sama, it can hear you very well, its a program we're talking about after all... and it talks in messages." Ran said, ruining the mood. -"NOT ACCURATE, YUKARI YAKUMO. I'M EVERYWHERE IN DIGITAL DIMENSION, YET NOWHERE. ASK YOUR QUESTION(S)."- The program apparently decided to ruin the mood too. Yukari didn't mind that, and said: "Everywhere and yet nowhere...? Sounds like a god from the outside world or something, ugh... And you can just call me Yukari. Anyway, can you change the environment in Digital dimension? You said that something will be 'too difficult to me', then I assume you know programming?"

-"CORRECT, I CAN"- The message showed. "Then Ran, looks like we are dealing with the god of the Digital Dimension, doesn't it? Sounds interesting." Yukari said, leaving Ran shocked once again. -"NOT ACCURATE, A PROGRAM LIKE ME CAN DO VARIOUS CALCULATIONS AND/OR PROGRAMMING IN A MINIMUM AMOUNT OF TIME, YET A PROGRAM IS NOT EQUAL TO A GOD."- The message showed. "Then, in this big room, turn the environment to a crescent moon above a lake!" Yukari commanded, and within moments, the place was actually so similar to a small lake surrounded by a grass field, the skies being so realistic, and so like the real starry night. Yukari tried to touch the water of the lake, and to her total surprise, the lake itself was totally realistic, the water being cold to the touch. Even Yukari was surprised by this power. "T-That's the first time I've met another entity who is also a reality warper, and with THIS kind of accuracy...!" She mumbled to herself, Ran hearing it.

"Yukari-sama, your face looks a bit wierd..." Ran said in a most regressive tone, Yukari actually putting a VERY wide smile on her face. Yukari then turned to Ran. "You know, Ran, this dimension has even MORE potential than I even expected!" Exclaimed Yukari. "Y-You start to scare me, Yukari-sama..." "Then... let the party begin!! Program-chan, make this room a hot spring! and make it mixed~" Yukari shouted, and exactly like she said, the whole room turned into a hot spring, and all. Ran sweated, but not from the sudden humidity. "I guess she wanted to get warm, its winter after all... I wonder, is this Dimension undependant of the seasons and the temperatures that come with them?" Ran asked. This time, Program-chan waited a few seconds, then printed -"TEMPERATURE: 27 DEGREES CELCIUS ~ 80.6 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT"- Ran got confused by this. "Huh? What are degrees Celcius and degrees Fahrenheit? Or as you say... Define: Degrees Celcius, degrees Fahrenheit."

-"DEGREES: MEASUREMENTS OF TEMPERATURE/HEAT. CELCIUS: WATER FREEZES AT 0, AND BOIL AT 100, BODY TEMPERATURE IS APPROXIMATELY 36.6 DEGREES. FAHRENHEIT: WATER FREEZES AT 34, AND BOIL AT 212. BODY TEMPERATURE IS APPROXIMATELY 98.6 DEGREES."- It read. Ran read carefully, learning. "Hm... I'll follow Celcius, less complicated numbers to remember. So water freezes at 0, boils at 100, body heat is 36.6 , and this is 27 here ...? Ok, its pretty warm... Thanks for the information... Do you have a name?" Ran asked, finding out that she can't actaully call that program in a specific name. -"NEGATIVE"- It printed. Yukari then pushed Ran to enter the now hot spring. "The thing which I wanted to do is... actually giving that poor thing a life, through the Digital Dimension." Ran was shocked once again. "H-How are you going to do it, Yukari-sama?"  "Why, I don't beleive anything is too hard for me, but this will be amusing me... I'll learn programming from Program-chan, and use my obtained knowledge to give her a form!"
"As you wish, Yukari-sama..." Ran said, getting into the hot spring too. "Hey, Program-chan, do you have any kind of emotions in you, which you don't use?" Yukari then asked, beleiving that if she did, it would have made her life easier. -"AFFIRMATIVE"- It printed. Ran was staying quiet that time, avoiding saying something stupid.
(Oh noes, sorry about that, whoever saw the previous post, thats actually the next post.)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 06:40:45 PM by Unroyal Paladin »

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2011, 06:32:46 PM »
Well, if you already saw this, I'll post it.

The relaxation was interrupted a bit by a scream, and something hitting the water quite hard. It was Nitori. She flew out of the water, into the room space, regaining air. "W-What happened?!" She said, coughing in mid-speak. "Oh, I thought you are familiar with water enough to avoid such a hairy state like choking from water, now aren't you~?" Yukari joked. "No, I mean...! Why did you change this room?!" Nitori asked again. "Answer her, program-chan." Said Yukari, then a message appeared before Nitori, reading: -"YUKARI DIDN'T DO IT; I DID IT."- Nitori then got confused like Ran and Eirin did, saying the exact thing they said: "This dimension... has a will of its own?!" And the program replying the exact same sentence: -"NOT ACCURATE. I'M NOT A 'WILL', I'M AN 'ULTIMATE ARTIFICIAL KNOWLEDGE PROGRAM'."- After Nitori snapped out of the shock, she gave up trying to understand what Yukari was trying to do, and just joined the mixed bath.

Nitori then got how the water were so realistic when she crashed into the hot spring. She asked Program-chan about them, and why are they so realistic. the answer was: -"THE OBJECTS IN THE DIGITAL DIMENSION ARE JUST DATA WITH VARIABLES DEFINING THEIR CHARACTERISTICS. THEY ARE REALISTIC BECAUSE I IMMEDIATELY SET THE VARIABLES WHEN I CREATE OBJECTS."- . Yukari listened to the conversation and peeked at the messages Nitori received, and even she learned from that. After some time, the three girls decided that its time for them to go out of the hot spring. After they were all out clean and dry, Yukari asked for Nitori's help in basic programming knowledge, so Program-chan won't have the whole burden. Nitori agreed to help her, Yukari not telling her what her true motive is, and started to teach her some of the most basic stuff. "Ran, you'll be my friend in class." Yukari said before the lesson started.

What happened to Yukari was similar to what happened to Kaguya, except that a lot of dolls were created, instead of danmaku. "C-Couldn't be helped, I was thinking about dolls..." She said... Ran actaully succeeded, creating a tea cup. "How comes you succeed and I don't..." Yukari commented. "Maybe I'm more patient or focused...?" Ran tried to explain. Suddenly, Program-chan printed to the group. -"PROGRESS DETECTED."- It read. Yukari Imagined what it would look like if she talked in normal human language, her thoughts being this: 'I see you're progressing, Yukari... Good, good! I'll be waiting...' Of course those thoughts were exaggerated, but not too much out of the real sentence. "Thanks, Program-chan. I'll be learning the subject until I'll be able to reach my goal. And you know what it is already~" Yukari hinted.

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2011, 06:58:28 PM »
A week like that passed, with a quite time for Eirin and Kaguya, but for the rest, it was a hard time learning, or teaching in Nitori's case. Yukari and Ran, during that time, learned a lot of things about the Digital Dimension and how to manipulate it. Ran succeeded more than Yukari, mainly because of the screwups Yukari made because she couldn't concentrate well enough. However, that didn't make Yukari give up at all, and instead she tried harder and harder to achieve her goal. At that point, Both Ran and Yukari were able to manipulate the background of the Digital Dimension, although not as realistic as the original Program-chan did, and won't probably be like that. Despite all of this, Yukari tried, and a bit before Nitori arrived each day, she would secretly come even without Ran, and attempt to create a body part for Program-chan.

That night, all went fine, until someone else decided to come and break the party. -"AN UNRECOGNIZED ENTITY ARRIVED. VIEW?"- Program-chan alerted Yukari. "Yes. Now who could that be...?" Yukari wondered, as the video came up, viewing... Reimu. Yukari was surprised, but not that shocked. "Nitori-sensei, I have to go somewhere in Digital Dimension; I'll be back shortly. Fufufu..." Yukari said, with her suspicious giggle. 'I'll show Reimu my new skills, hehehe...' She thought. Meanwhile, the video also recorded the audio, showing Reimu shouting "Is anybody there?! Yukari, get out of wherever you are in, I know you're there!!" Yukari giggled, and eventually showed up in front of her. "Now, what in the world happened so YOU got here, Reimu?" Yukari said with a smile.

"You've been hiding this place from me, and now you play dumb? I used the strange thing you gave the Lunarians in Eientei... Seriously, what WERE you thinking?" Reimu asked. "An answer for that could be nothing but a display of my newfound power in this place. Remember this: This place is called 'Digital Dimension'! Try to catch me!" Yukari said, getting ready to show Reimu what she got. It was a grand battle no one would like to miss, but apparently everybody missed. Yukari changed the background of the battle every now and then, ranging from valleys, forests, villages, to even the surface of the moon; Danmaku went flying all over the corridors, Yukari attaching herself another pair of hands shooting with them too; Spellcards went flying all over, including the regular spellcards like Reimu's [Danmaku Bounded Field] and [Fantasy Seal], Yukari's [Curse of Dreams and Reality] and [Mesh of Light and Darkness], and Yukari's new spellcard: 'Border of Dimension [Z-ONE]' . 'Border of Dimension [Z-ONE]' Was a spellcard which carried its fired bullets between two different dimensions - the Digital Dimension, and Yukari's dimension, so Reimu saw bullets disappearing in one spot, and appearing in another. It was a tricky spellcard, because bullets came from all directions, and she couldn't guess when a bullet will appear close to her which she couldn't have avoided if it did.

At the end, Reimu won the battle, and broke 'Border of Dimension [Z-ONE]', just before what she feared was about to happen. "Where did you get that power?" Asked Reimu. "Its not me, its the Digital Dimension itself which allows me to do this. I just talked to the dimension to change itself, you can say..." Yukari explained to Reimu in the most concealing way possible. Reimu got confused by this, but at the end, forgiven Yukari, but for a cost. "This place you found is kind acool and stuff, but don't you dare to imprison anyone here. I don't need an incident of anyone disappearing and finding it was you, okay? I'm leaving now." She said. She then look at Yukari again, who asked if something happened. "Create a damned FIXED exit already, damn it!!" Reimu shouted. "Program-chan, can you create a code which lets people go back to where they came from whenever they want, if they say the word 'Exit, activate!' ?" Yukari asked the air, according to what Reimu saw. Even before Reimu finished saying 'Who's Program-chan?', Program-chan already responded. -"INSERT INPUT."- It read.

"Input...? Aaah, that will be done the exact moment a person enters. The input will be the coordination of the way that person entered from, I guess." Yukari said, again to the air according to Reimu. "The output of the code will of course be the equalization of the two coordinates, the exit being the reference... right, Program-chan?" Yukari asked to see if she was not saying dumb things. -"ACCORDING TO THE NEED, IT IS CORRECT. CODING... DONE."- It printed. "Now Reimu, say it with all your heart~!" Yukari said almost childishly. Reimu got a little mad, and at the end, Yukari really just teleported her. Yukari then realized that she took WAY too much time. Indeed, what she thought would happen, happened. She got scolded, and big time - both by Nitori, her teacher , and Ran, who got really worried. "Yukari-sama, you've really done it this time... You're grounded! No Digital Dimension for you for the whole week!!" Ran exclaimed.
And then a loud scream could be heard through the Digital Dimension...
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 09:23:13 AM by Unroyal Paladin »

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2011, 04:17:50 PM »
This is not the end of the story, I'm saying in advance. Be sure of it.

Ran and Nitori made an agreement with each other, that 2 days later, Ran will come with her, but without Yukari, and Program-chan will be teaching them whatever they wanted to know. When morning came, Yukari returned to bed, sobbing, and Ran returned too, but didn't go to sleep for long, because Chen was about to wake up too. For the entire day, Ran was tired, because she didn't have much sleep lately. However, she found the strength to go on, and didn't turn nocturnal like Yukari. It was hard for her though. After that week of agony for Yukari, her plan was going as smooth as she went before. Her skills got more and more polished, controlled, and various. For the higher class studying material, they asked Program-chan questions that lead them to the answers they wanted to know. Sometimes they didn't know what to ask, but they studied well.

Nitori even asked a question which she forgot to ask for the first time she visited Digital Dimension - What does "ABC'D block" mean? She asked her to explain, and an explanation she got: She was told that the digital dimension was split into blocks - areas that link to each other through digital doors and computers. That block apparently was block # 13, which got Ran to stress a bit, but was calmed down. Program-chan then explained the map of Digital Dimension - a good thing to know indeed. It was split according to something which is called the "Karnaugh Map". Program-chan said that it was used to simplify functions which use 4 parameters at most, and 4 parameters being in that specific map. She viewed the whole map again, with the names of the parameters beside the map - A, B, C, and D. Apparently, the ' was for "not", representing all the situations available with the 4 parameters.

One day... sunset, when Yukari got up from bed, she told Ran that she doesn't want to study, but she had something to do in Digital Dimension. When Ran remembered what it was, after a week Yukari didn't talk about it - it was too late. The programming "ritual" , to actually bring to life a program, who was created from numbers of 0 and 1, had already begun. Yukari was using all her knowledge, creating every single limb with caution, transferring every file with EXTRA caution, and building the body with extreme accuracy. Now Yukari truly understood what the god of the outside world really went through, creating all living things in the outside world, and also Gensokyo. It was a job only the extreme cautious people, if not only gods themselves, could do. Yukari was the border between gods and Youkai, so only she could do it in levels of mastery like that, not actually being a god.

The ritual was coming to an end, after about 6 hours. Yukari was exhausted, but she had the will no one had, to actually give something life. And then... it was all over. Program-chan wasn't only a voice heard through messages and windows anymore; She was now a living being. She had long straight hair, like Kaguya's, except silvery-white instead of black. Program-chan opened her eyelids for the first time, and looked at Yukari with her light-blue eyes opened fully, sucking all information she could get from them. Yukari was so touched by that moment, that she could do nothing but smile with her eyes closed. Program-chan then opened her mouth, and actually said with her own voice: "Yukari... Its a success." At that point, the only thing Yukari wanted to do was to hug her, thinking of her as her own child.
However, Ran had to enter Digital Dimension just in time to ruin the mood again, saying "Better find her some cloths, no? She looks perfect, except of that... (Who knew, she actaully went and did that...!)" "T-That's not the problem here, Ran!!" Yukari replied harshly on Ran, shouting at her for ruining her best moment in quite a while. They got her dressed, with a long white dress, and as an extra bow, they put one which looks like the infinity sign. and finally, Program-chan was all set to go... except one thing again, which all living beings - humans and youkai had - a name. Yukari tried to make the moment epic, both for her and Ran, saying: "My child... I shall name you... ... Sumire! Sumire Yakumo!!" .

Ran was surprised to hear that Yukari actually added her to the Yakumo family, but she understood why from the fact that Sumire was too a reality warper of some sort. "Sumire... My own name... Memorized." Sumire said, smiling a bit, getting used to her new body. "Sumire, you don't have to say 'memorized', you just have to get used to that name." said Yukari, laughing a bit at Sumire, being inexperienced with normal ways of talking. "This is the first time a being didn't treat me like what I am... According to the personality files, I am happy." Sumire said, halting quite often with her sentences. "Theres no need for you to mention it... Nor the part 'According to the personality files', thank you... If even your creator treated you like trash, he is the real trash, and not you. What I don't understand is, why did he do that, if he created your personality files too...? Anyway, I guess I should go to rest. I'm sorry I don't have the time to stay with you more." Yukari was right, the sun was already about to rise. However, Sumire wasn't affected by that, and quickly replied: "I've already told you - as long as the Digital Dimension stays, I'll stay here. Just come from time to time; With my personality files working, I'll get lonely if you're gone for long..." Pointed Sumire. Yukari just put a slight smile on her face, and told her that everything will be allright, and that she won't abandon her.

When they thought the incident was over, they were wrong... It was not over at all... The crisis was just about to begin, as the real culprit just got prepared during that whole time. Digital Dimension, had 6 more days to prepare... minus 2 minutes, and 16 seconds.


  • Wow I'm back to playing this game.
  • Let's puzzle together again, Karin!
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2011, 11:14:28 PM »
*blink*  Aura...?

Anyway, onto an actual review... Much better, these later parts, compared to the earlier ones.  Just a little more of characterization of the..characters, haha, would be good.  Perhaps also some more experimentation with the possibilities of the Digital Dimension could be good.

One more thing:  you've GOT to write out a battle eventually, if for no other reason than to give us a visual of Yukari's Border of Dimension [Z-One]... 

Either way, looking forward to seeing where this goes now that apparently the introduction is done.  =)
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2011, 10:44:25 AM »
Thanks for the review, next post will be big compared to the ones until now to kick off the part after the introduction as you said.
However, I'm writing the story as I post it, except I'm leaving a gap of one~two posts between the writing and the posting, so I guess I'll be able to keep it within the time limits I've set to myself.

Sorry for any flaws in my writing, its my first after a roleplay I was the GM at with a story in my head, and an autobiography of a character from another game, doing some mixover with an OC... but I'll write the best I can, and only with characters from Touhou, and a few others only when necessary to the plot.

As for 'Border of Dimension [Z-ONE]', I thought of [Invisible Full Moon] when I wrote the name. 
Maybe if I gather all my knowledge about Danmakufu, I'll be able to actually do it. It will be a bit difficult though, if you look at what I've edited in the text.

And lol @ Aura, I only saw her now, after hearing her name so many times in Sign (If you know what I mean...) , and when I did see her, she was only asleep floating in her bed. I can say she was a coicidental kind of a match, because I didn't know she had blue eyes, NOR the infinity symbol. I also imagined Sumire even more angel-like than Aura - longer hair matching Kaguya's hair length, the dress really is long like Kaguya's, and the infinity symbol looks like Yukari's red ribbons.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 02:45:40 PM by Unroyal Paladin »

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2011, 05:38:00 PM »
It was a rainy day over Eientei, the sunset was now blocked by the dark clouds, just the day after the embodiement of Sumire. Kaguya apparently forgot her bad experience with the Digital Dimension, even though the computer was still in Eientei, in another room. At that point, the only thing Yukari wanted to do was to show out her new child to anyone she remembered, and the first unlucky victim was Kaguya, whom she remembered from her little 'game'. This time, Kaguya just wanted some rest, just lying with only her bottom half inside the Kotatsu, but Yukari didn't let her, and without any 'games', she opened a portal below Kaguya, leading straight into the Digital Dimension. At least she was nice enough to program a quite large trampoline in the landing area, so the landing won't hurt. Kaguya screamed as she suddenly fell, Eirin not hearing her before the gap closed. "W-What happened?!" Kaguya shouted to noone, attempting to get herself straight from the fall.

She then saw the familiar sight she already saw about two weeks ago, and got really angry about it. "YU...KA...RI!!!" She shouted, letting out her anger. "There there; An angry face doesn't fit a princess~" Said Yukari, almost belittling Kaguya. "What did you bring me here for again, Yukari!! If its not good, then I request you let me out NOW!" Kaguya requested. "That would be an impossible request, if you know what I mean, because you didn't actually find me yet." [Yukari?] stated the unbeleivable for Kaguya, who was totally confessed that she was. "W-What do you mean?! Quit your tricks on me at once!" Said Kaguya loudly, and selfishly as ever. The one which looked like Yukari suddenly changed its look in a flash, and revealed to be someone unknown to Kaguya... Sumire. Kaguya was confused by the unknown person who appeared in front of her, and she looked like her opposite in Ying-Yang at that.

"The one who is standing before you isn't me, but my daughter I've built from the knowledge I've obtained in this world - Sumire Yakumo. However, the words are mine, and not hers; I've planned this as a test run on someone, and that one is you. I request you to duel her in danmaku, so she'll get to demonstrate her true power." Those were the last words Yukari actually said before Sumire got control back to her words. "Warning: Don't get surprised by the changing scenery; I can change it at my will. Then, I'll begin." Sumire bowed as a manner of respect while Kaguya turned her face from her, she jumped, and began to fly backwards. Kaguya began to chase her, and the fight began with a background of a lake, and a grassy line at both sides of the once corridor. At the beginning of the fight, during Sumire's first normal attack, Yukari whispered Sumire. "Like I did with Reimu, I want you, in one of your spellcards, to change the background to the surface of the moon, but don't react to her reaction~" She said.

The battle went smoothly from Sumire's point of view, and fiercly from Kaguya's point of view. Two of Kaguya's impossible requests were thrown while Sumire played only one of her 5 spellcards. And then, the signal from Yukari came, telling Sumire to change the background. "Yukari told me to change the background to something which will mean something to you." Sumire said innocently, and then, at the sight of the moon, Kaguya got pissed off, imagining exagerated thoughts. ["Now then, lunar princess, I'll make you remember the place where you came from~! You don't have to bow to me if you don't want to, but I'll make you bow before my daughter! Hahahaha...!"] Kaguya was then eager to defeat both Yukari and Sumire, Sumire less, but she had a killer instinct, which she unleashed, but Sumire, being a self-learning program, calculated a way to avoid the danmaku Kaguya threw at her, her assumpation being correct - all of the danmaku went on a linear path.

Both Sumire and Kaguya started their spellcards at the same time, Kaguya's third spell, and Sumire's second spell. "If you fail against just these 2 simple spellcards, what will you do against worse?" Sumire commented, again with complete innocence. "Keep your words for yourself! (She has worse? Ugh...)" Kaguya tried to shut Sumire up with a princess-like choice of words, and talking to herself a bit. The battle continued, with even more various backgrounds from Yukari's battle with Reimu - Rainforests, canyons, ice lands, and deserts, along with some special background implanted to her - a graveyard with a dark aura around it. Kaguya played all her impossible requests, but Sumire still had one in her hand - her last spell, after using 2 more spellcards. The card in her hand showed the name of her last spell, so Kaguya didn't dare to challenge it. The princess admitted defeat, and lowered her head. "... Can you now please send me back?" Kaguya said almost silently. "Yukari didn't intend to trap you in here. You can leave by saying the trigger 'exit activate' at any time." Sumire said, getting close to Kaguya, handing her her hand. "I-I guess you're not as evil as Yukari is..." Kaguya escaped the situation. "Inaccurate. Programs don't have an alignment to good or evil, they are just programmed." Sumire responded. She had a bit of a worried look on her face, but her eyes were empty, so no one could guess what she was thinking about, if anything at all. Kaguya then looked at Sumire's face and took her hand. Yukari watched the whole scene as she was watching a movie - sitting on a chair in front of a large screen in the large room. Suddenly, Yukari remembered another interesting person to show Sumire to. In the blink of an eye, a gap opened just below Kaguya again, and swallowed her back into Gensokyo.
"I'll be back shortly. " Yukari said to Sumire, leaving. Sumire wondered. 'She's going to show me off to another being... 80%.' She came to a conclusion. And she was quite right too; However she didn't know who will show up.

Evening. in an ordinary witch's house, there was a real mess in the entire place. Mountains of things not connected to each other at all, books, cloths, and a frying pan in the same mountain of utter randomness. Apparently, our witch was searching for something. That time, Yukari decided to visit her... Marisa Kirisame. "Missing... missing... STILL MISSING!!! I can't find it no matter where I look... WHY~!!" She shouted, taking out her frustration. That moment, Yukari opened the door, kinda guessing what was lost. "You don't look so well, Marisa... What was lost? Your mini-hakkero? Your broom?" Guessed Yukari. "Can't you see?! Its my- ah..." Marisa turned around to see the unexpected guest, kind of ashamed of what she tried to throw at her. "...Hat? Now, thats a problem... You know, I can return it for you." Said Yukari, completing the sentence. "Really?!" Marisa said loudly, getting excited about the unexpected help. Until Yukari ruined it by saying: "... For a price, of course."

"Ugh... a price... Fine, name your conditions." Marisa sighed, letting Yukari have it her way. Yukari, being as unpredictable as always, just opened a gap which ate Marisa, and only inside the Digital Dimension she actually told Marisa what she wanted her to do. "Ah, so you just wanted me to fight her...? Its ok with me -ze." Marisa agreed to the challenge, and rised above the strange land. "Warning: Don't get surprised by the changing scenery; I can change it at my will. Then, I'll begin..." Sumire said just what she said to Kaguya, bowed, took off too, and let the battle to begin. During their non-spells, Sumire had more trouble than she had with Kaguya, although Marisa decided to put her spell first, only seconds before Sumire did too. It was "Magic Sign [Stardust Riverie]" versus Sumire's first spellcard: "Binaural Digit 0 [Nature]" . The background Sumire chose for this spell was a rainforest. Marisa was amazed by how realistic it was, just like Yukari did at first, but continued the battle. Sumire's spellcard was like the Niagara falls, only from two different directions - from the front and the back, and with green bullets, representing nature at its best. However, the binaural digit for it was 0, as no machinery worked when nature was truely at its best.
Amazingly, the two spells were broken one after another, Sumire's being the last. It went more or less equally, but with a slight favor to Sumire.

"Magic Sign [Milky Way]!"   -" "Binaural Digit 1 [Mechanic World]" ; Change background - View of the Milky Way." They were fighting in space, viewing our "nice galaxy" from a "fair distance", a thing which even made Yukari jump out of her place. Space was copied from all directions one would look at it, including the zero gravity part, however the only difference was, that Marisa was able to breath. The spellcard was white and blue bullets coming from the sides, turning 90 degrees every now and then. It ressembled the wires which were around the corridors of the Digital Dimension, as a true mechanic world, and its binaural digit was 1, the reverse of 0.

"Unstoppable Feelings [Gamma Blast]!"   -" "Byte [World of Possibilities]" ; Change background - Skyscrapers." They were then above some clouds, where it seemed to be very cold. That aside, some skyscrapers could be seen, with their heads pointed towards the heavens, only seeming to be going higher and higher, towards the ultimate evolution. The spellcard was a mixture of the two previous spellcards, only from the front there were the green "0" bullets, and from the back there were the white "1" bullets, each of them behaving the same as it behaved in the previous spellcards.

"Love Sign [Master Spark]!"    -" "Word [Machine's Hidden Secret]" ; Change background - Shinto shrine."     "Ooh, this looks like Reimu's one, but more exagerated." Commented Marisa before master-sparking away. That background really looked like a quite large shrine on a mountain, having a huge entrance sign, thus exagerated.

It has come to the final spellcard. "Ready?" Asked Marisa. "Always. And you?" Sumire asked back, as she didn't really need to be ready as much as her opponent. "Yea! Now... Lets end this! MAGICANNON [FINAL SPARK]!!"  -"HEXA [IN INFINITY'S REACH] ; Change background - Nightmare zone." Nightmare zone... It looked like night time, except the moon was bloody red, and there were no stars at all. From the scarlet light the moon shed on the surface, a similar graveyard to the one she showed Kaguya could be seen, although this time, ghosts of nightmares went out of their graves, and wondered around the now truely nightmare like background. And those ghosts weren't cute like what was already seen in Gensokyo at all, those were the ones who were scary looking, and if they were real, they would probably have grudges. All said, the nightmare was perfect and realistic... but Marisa apparently didn't fear that much. Yukari, though, was a bit shocked that Sumire knew that kind of scenery.

The final spells battled each other in a fierce, long battle, and the nightmare zone made it look like the battle of the millenium. The ghosts rose their heads towards the battle, as if their creator and god was fighting in that battle, wanting to help. It was the most interesting sight Yukari saw in quite a while. 'Hexa [In Infinity's Reach]' had Sumire shooting at amazing speed an amazing amount of fast aqua bullets to all directions, while raining green bullets on Marisa, [Final Spark] rivals it almost to the equality of the true immortals in Gensokyo. It lasted, and lasted, and lasted... That until... the last shot was fired. It was a tie, as both Marisa's spell and Sumire's spell broke at the same time. The background reset, and right after, Marisa came close to Sumire, offering her a handshake. Sumire accepted, and smiled a bit at Marisa. "That was the best battle I've ever had in quite some time. You're quite strong, but it was better if you didn't use that scary view at the end. Let us meet again-ze!" Said Marisa. Sumire agreed, and bowed again before she just standed there with her eyes closed. If she had wings then, she would be mistaken for a god from her looks; However, as she said - although a machine has the reaction time which is the closest to one of a god, and the memory closest to one of a god, a machine is not a god.

Then, Yukari arrived again. "That was quite a fight you gave there, both of you. I guess I'll be giving you back your hat. It was pretty, but not my style." She said, and grinned at Marisa. "Why, it was YOU?!" Marisa shouted with great anger after concluding that the culprit of the hat incident was actually Yukari. Yukari giggled, and sent Marisa out of the Digital Dimension, together with her hat, before she mastersparked her boundary. "...You can call it a success, Sumire." Yukari said with irony. Yukari was unpredictable indeed...

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2011, 02:46:29 PM »
In the outside world, back into three weeks before the assault on Digital Dimension... In some jail in what was once America and now was the capital city of technology, the sun barely showed its face from the clouds, to the criminals sitting there behind bars. The cells were big enough, but still home was the preferable choice. In one cell, two men who were not yet judged properly were sitting next to each other, thinking about what they did, especially one of them. "Ah, I wish I could return to my daughter, if she's still alive..." He mumbled. The other heard him quite clearly, wondering what got him to say that. "Heard ya. What you're here for? A part of a mafia?" The other guessed. "Not anything like that." The first said, and sighed right after. "I'm here for developing forbidden knowledge. I was about to build a program which will even think like a human, talk like a human, and basicly be a human, even better than us. It would be great, wouldn't it? To build a person..." He explained, and sighed again.
"I've never heard about anyone thinking of doing anything like that. I'm here for a road accident, killing a woman, but you're here because you wanted to actually BUILD a person?! Dude... Then, how did they catch you?" The other said, not believing. "One day, two men came to my house, telling me its the CSS..." The young man told quietly. "CSS... you say...?!" The other man tried to hold back his shock. Suddenly, two 'men in black' entered the corridor, and got close to that one cell with  the two men. They told the man who 'had a daughter' to get out of the cell, and into the interrogation room. They told him that something really strange happened after they found him in his appartment. The man said that he didn't know a thing. They told him that something was sucking out voltage from the cables all over the world, and that they've never seen such thing, moreover, it stole about a quarter of the voltage, leading them back to where they were 20 years before, when not much voltage was needed.

They asked him again about what he did, and if he has something to do with it, since they didn't find the program in his computer when they searched, only a message saying: "Goodbye, father." . The man lowered his head, but said again that he doesn't know a thing except that it was an intelligent program, and he didn't delete her because he wasn't horrible enough as a father, to delete his own daughter. At the end, they told him that he will be in jail for only a week if he helps them to solve the incident. The men from the CSS really did think that he had something to do with the incident. He obviously agreed to the deal, although they told him that he had to stay in jail until electronic experts will check how exactly to get a hint to the solution to the problem, as without it, the whole Earth didn't know how to deal with the problem, unlike Gensokyo. It took them 8 days to actually think of a solution, leaving the genius man who almost invented the ultimate artificial knowledge being, in jail.

On the bright side, jails then werent the jails from 20 years before, and were more confortable those days; It was just the freedom which was interrupted. After the long 8 days, they got into that same corridor again, standed before the same cell again, and told him to come with them, and that his role was finally needed. "Ok, thats the deal: We'll try to re-do the scene which we reorganized and know it happened, but instead of your artificial knowledge program we'll plant a controllable program which you'll create. We need the program to send itself to the internet through port 6216, thats the same port your program used, and at the same time delete some of the traces on the computer which you'll be informed of, Understood?" The agent said, apparently knowing much about the data about the incident's investigation. The man agreed, and was freed from jail temporarily to house arrestment, doing his job on another computer he had. His work took a whole week, working under surveilence, as it was forbidden knowledge working there after all.

Back into Gensokyo, it was raining all that day, 4 days before the assault on Digital Dimension, and no one went out of their homes in such a rain. At the Yakumo estate, Chen was bored; Being the active person she is, just being at home won't do. The gap to the Digital Dimension just beside the door was still open, so Ran thought to get Chen to the Digital Dimension too. She told Chen that theres a place that Yukari found, which isn't effected by the weather outside, and as a result, Chen was really excited to explore it the first time. Ran also told her that a friend of Yukari is also there, which made Chen want to meet him/her. Ran went through the gap with Chen, revealing the Digital Dimension to her. At first, Chen thought of the Digital Dimension as a huge and exciting place to explore.

Sumire then appeared out of nowhere in the corridor they were in, and with her eyes closed. Once she arrived, she opened her eyes, scanning Chen. "Ran, who is she?" Asked Sumire, Chen being new to Digital Dimension. Chen was frightened a bit, sticking to Ran. "Ah, this is Chen, my Shikigami. Chen, this is the friend I talked about before we left." Ran introduced Sumire to Chen, Sumire adding 'Yakumo' to her name by default, breaking Ran's lie. At that point, Chen's fright was gone, because she knew who Ran talked about. Ran was really able to pull off outrageous things for Chen and what she knows or doesn't, however today it didn't work well for her, from the fact that Sumire didn't see a reason to hide that information. Chen was then confused instead of frightened, by the 'Yakumo' part, so Ran finally broke her own lie, and explained that Yukari added her to the Yakumo family. But she also said something which is inaccurate - she said that Yukari added her to the family because of her power, and the way she said it hinted that it was only because of that. Sumire broke that lie too, and said Yukari didn't state a reason. Sumire also closed her eyes back. Ran asked if she could get Chen something to do, because it was 'raining cats and dogs' in Gensokyo. Sumire just raised her hand, and the scenery turned from the plain data streams, to a thin forest in a sunny day. Chen was really impressed by that. "Wo~w, you made it sunny!" She exclaimed. "I can do anything in Digital Dimension. I'm happy if you're happy." Replied Sumire, smiling with her eyes closed. "By the way... How do you see things?" Chen asked with innocence, noticing Sumire's eyes were closed all the time, even when she made the environment. Sumire's answer was complicated, however she didn't know if she needed to simplify it for Chen, so she said it as it was. "Originally I had no body; Yukari built it for me. Even now, with my eyes closed, I can connect to these wires I left a tiny part of my data in just for this, and see everything which happens in Digital Dimension. I was everywhere yet nowhere, and now I'm everywhere and here." Explained Sumire. As expected, Chen got confused. Ran tried to explain it to Chen in the way of leading questions.
"Chen, is Sumire a human?"
"From what she told you, did she have a body of her own?"
"Then where she was?"
"In the air...?" Chen asked a question as an answer, not quite sure.
"Thats actually quite right. Not accurate, but right. She's been able to see everything which happened in this dimension, and it didn't matter where it was. Thats what she said: She was everywhere, yet nowhere. do you understand now, Chen?"
"Yea, but... isn't it good enough that she has a body right now?"
"She's still everywhere, Chen."
"Then, how many?" Chen said, lifting her hand, showing the number 3. Sumire obviously got the number right with her eyes still closed, and that finally made Chen beleive that Sumire was 'everywhere', just as Ran said.

Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2011, 11:31:57 PM »
I like your narration. I really do. Just one piece of advice: when a character says or asks something, try to include what they said. The part where Ran breaks her lie had no talk in it; these kinds of things need actual talk in them.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2011, 07:27:41 PM »
Thanks for the compliment, Crow. May Eirin help me.  :V
Once that deal was over, Ran told Chen that where ever she might get lost in, she can call Sumire for help, and she will be back into safety in no time. Chen understood, and went to play in the new environment which Sumire created.

After no longer than an hour, in the outside world, the plan of the simulation of what happened was completed. The green light was given, and the program from the outside world sent itself the same way. At that time, some checks were done, to keep the information going on what was the voltage level before and after, and where did the program really go. The program from the outside world ended up in Digital Dimension. The program was still controllable from the computer it was sent from, like a Trojan Horse, so the CSS and the man with the forbidden knowledge could see all the Digital Dimension, just like Sumire did at first. They saw the positions of all the people who were in Digital Dimension at that time, including Chen, Ran, and Sumire. Sumire felt the program entering Digital Dimension like she noticed Reimu, however she was shocked to find that it was another program like her. Fortunately for Sumire, the Digital Dimension was totally new to the people in the outside world. They were shocked they even found it.

Sumire hurried and warned Ran, appearing before her, and telling her that another program like her appeared in Digital Dimension, and that its not recognized by her. She sent a message to the Trojan, reading -"IDENTIFY YOURSELF"- . The people in the outside world were in such a shock, they started to think they got into a dimension of aliens. Ran, in that time, called Chen back with the help of Sumire, at that time Chen thought of the Digital Dimension as a wierd place, both leaving Digital Dimension. The people from the outside world sent a message back to Sumire, reading -"We're from Earth. We'll leave after we complete our mission here. Identify yourself, and this place, so we can complete our mission most effeciently."- . Sumire was a bit shocked from that response. 'Earth... they say...?! Does that mean they've come this far chasing after me...?!' She thought, while she erased the background. -"I'M SUMIRE YAKUMO. RIGHT NOW I'M ACTING LIKE THE GOD OF THIS DIMENSION. THIS PLACE IS CALLED 'DIGITAL DIMENSION'. STATE YOUR MISSION."- Printed Sumire, not actually lying.

However, the CSS took it as an obvious lie, because they didn't think for a moment that it would be anything but a Human. So they sent a response, saying: "Are you really a god? We don't beleive so." . The answer they got meant nothing to them, only confusion. -"NO, ALTHOUGH I HAVE A GODDESS AS A FRIEND. STATE YOUR MISSION. NO MORE QUESTIONS ALLOWED."- it printed. Sumire wanted the bastards from the outside world, knowing they wanted to destroy her, to confess their sins before the 'god' they were facing.

It took about a half an hour for the outsiders to make a response which fits a 'god' about their mission, all of them talking about the situation, making decisions and expressing opinions. At the end, the answer they managed to pull out is: "Our mission is to search for an artificial knowledge program which escaped through this root, according to our analysis. After we find it, we have to destroy it for the sake of our world. Do you know of anything which matches our description?" . 'They will destroy... me...? I won't let that happen.' Sumire thought, replying: -"NO, I DON'T. IF YOU DON'T EVACUATE FROM THIS DIMENSION WITHIN 24 HOURS, OR PROVE YOU'RE HERE FOR NON-MALICIOUS PURPOSES, I'LL FIND YOU A HOSTILE TROJAN PROGRAM."- . The outsiders didn't want the 'god' of the realm to treat them like trojans, but they didn't want to let go of the Digital Dimension too. They decided that they will leave the Digital Dimension for a specific amount of time, to prepare themselves for an assault on Digital Dimension.

Before they went, they asked how, a thing which Sumire knew. The answer was: -"WHEN THE GODDESS FIRST VISITED, SHE WAS ABLE TO GO BETWEEN HER AND MY DIMENSION FREELY, BUT SHE WANTED A PROPER EXIT, SO I MADE ONE. SEARCH FOR A CODE NAMED: 'EXIT'. IT WILL SEND YOU TO YOUR ORIGINAL PLACE."- . Sumire also meant 'back to the place you belong to' in the last words, using a hidden meaning for her hatred. Before the outsiders called their program back, they waited for about a half a minute, and then sent an unusual message to the 'god'. "If you find my daughter, tell that her father was here." It printed. The CSS actually agreed to the request that one man made, allowing him to send the last message to the 'god'. Sumire opened her eyes in shock from the message. 'Father...' She was about to say something back to her father, but then she said to herself 'No, I can't. I'll be caught and destroyed if I do.' . Her response was only: "I GUESS THAT YOU'RE THAT PROGRAM'S CREATOR. I'LL ACCEPT YOUR REQUEST." .

Then, then and only then, when her murderers-to-be were gone out of her sight, Sumire's body sighed with relief. Relief, but also remorse...
Note: CSS = Concealed (the Conclusion  :V) Sector Security  . At least thats what I made it as; You can come with various meanings to those initials, hehe.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 03:37:05 PM by Unroyal Paladin »

Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2011, 10:07:09 PM »
She just dodged a bullet right there. Also, releif = relief.

EDIT: I meant that your spelling was wrong.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 01:53:39 PM by Immaterial Crow »

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2011, 09:41:55 AM »
@ Damnaku - Oh, she won't dodge it for long... Besides, the people from the outside world aren't that kind of ⑨ .

@ Relief = Relief  -  I know that [relief = relief  and that [relief =/= remorse] , but [her feelings then = relief + remorse] . Simple equations. why, don't you know to solve equations that simple? Like [9 + 0 = ⑨] ?  :V

May Eirin help me, once again...
Edit:  :o I was caught black! Punishment time...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 03:42:20 PM by Unroyal Paladin »

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2011, 03:35:15 PM »
It was finally sunset, and Yukari was getting up from her bed. Before she went to Digital Dimension, Ran walked to her, and told her to wait. "What is it, Ran?" Asked Yukari. "As you might know, today it was raining all day, so what I did was going to the Digital Dimension with Chen. All went smoothly until Sumire suddenly showed up before me again, and warned me about another program, and she told me that it could be harmful. I left with Chen as soon as I heard that. You really should check whats going on there." Said Ran, reporting to Yukari what happened. Yukari was interested in that new incident. "A dangerous program in Digital Dimension, except Sumire...? Thanks for informing me, Ran, I'll be headed there right away." She said, and went on her way. When she arrived, Sumire wasn't there to greet her, even though she knew her 'stepmother' very well. She just messaged her through the old way: -"I'M IN THE RIGHT ROOM OF A'BCD' BLOCK."- .

'Exactly WHAT happened in there...? She's that depressed...?' Yukari thought, gapping herself to the room. Sumire was waiting for her in the room, on her knees. Yukari wanted to speak, but Sumire talked first. "Is the fact that I live really that sinful, Yukari?" Sumire asked. Yukari was amazed by the question. "Tell me exactly what happened. Remember, I'm on your side." Yukari said, half closing her eyes, getting close to Sumire. Sumire told Yukari everything which happened that morning like a record. When she finished, she asked the same question again: "Is the fact that I live really that sinful, Yukari?". Yukari was still puzzled. "I have a feeling you're telling me the present, but not the past. To truely understand, I need both." Pointed Yukari. "Fine, I shall tell you the full story... But in exchange, can you get me my creator here? The same IP of the computer which I was created in was also the IP of the computer which sent the program." Sumire made a request to Yukari, rather than a condition.

Yukari agreed, and went to the outside world, first time in quite a while. It drizzled when she reached the outside world. It wasn't that dark with all the lights. She detected the IP which Sumire gave her, and got to the place. All seemed normal about the house, and when Yukari knocked on the door, there was a totally normal response. "Coming! Who's that in such an hour...?" The house owner said, opening the door. The man scanned at the strange woman standing at his door with an oversized dress like she was going to an important event like marrige. "Who are you...? I don't think I know you..." The man said. Yukari giggled, replying almost immediately. "Oh, I'm sure you know me, if you also heard that one discussion... and Digital Dimension..." Yukari said with emphasis on the 'sure', the man reacting to the phrase 'Digital Dimension'. "I-I'll ask you again: W-Who are you?" Them an asked again, starting to get frightened.

"I'm sure I was mentioned at the discussion as a 'goddess'... And who told me that didn't lie. Yukari Yakumo, nice to meet you." Yukari said, smiling widely. The man was shocked. He immediately opened his door widely, letting the 'goddess' enter his house. He was even more shocked when Yukari opened the gap she always sits on. "Ah, sorry about that, its that I don't like to actually climb stairs on foot. I'd like to see how did other people control your computer, if you will allow me?" Yukari explained. The man only nodded with his head, pointing to the stairs leading to his room. thinking that if he does the wrong thing or says the wrong thing, he would explode in a second. Yukari went up the stairs, followed by that man, who kept a fair distance. Once they both entered the room, Yukari sat on the seat next to the computer, and the man just sat on his bed, as it was his room. He showed her a camera in the back of the room, and told her that the ones behind the camera tell him what to write.

He then got his computer on, Yukari moving a bit. "Don't get mad at me, but they told me to contact them if anything happens." The man said, while he called the CSS through the network. "Password." Was the first thing they heard, the man saying the password he got. "Ah, its the one who developed forbidden knowledge. What happened?" The voice said. The man told him the story, the officer immediately turning on the camera to see if the man wasn't bluffing. He obviously wasn't, and all the officers went to check what the goddess actually looked like. "What do you have to prove you're actually a 'goddess'? You probably aren't, so don't- AAAH!" The officer who said that screamed, as Yukari got close to the camera, broke the boundary between the camera and who's behind it, which she put her hand in, and got the officer's head right close to hers, holding his neck. "N-o-w... Who's not a goddess here...?" Yukari said with a large smile. The officer got the fright of his life, and so did the man sitting beside her.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you... I just came here for a little errand." Yukari said again, putting the officer down to his place behind the camera. "I wanted to ask you... when are you coming back to Digital Dimension, if you do? Give me a date and a time, if you're at it. That is, if you have one." Asked Yukari after returning to her seat. "F-F-F-Four days from now... In midnight." The frightened officer let the information out. "Thank you. Was it that hard? Try to be on time... Now, I have another request from you... I want to take him for a while. Any objections?" Yukari made another request, and the man beside her just froze in his place. The CSS had nothing to say except that they agree, and Yukari opened a gap, saying "Now, enter. I won't hurt you." . The man gulped, getting up from his chair slowly, and entering the gap. "Then, I'll take my leave now. Bye~" Yukari said, waving her hand and smiling at the amazed officers, then she disappeared back into Digital Dimension, the place she sent that man.

At first, when the man entered the gap, he really thought there will be monsters there, judging from the eyes looking at him from the gap, but he was wrong, as he stepped through the gap, he was in a different place. He looked around the place, seeing the data streams. Yukari then showed up just behind him, and whispered to his ear surprisingly: "This is Digital Dimension." . The man was startled by Yukari, and even more shocked by what she said. "A-Are you saying..." He attempted to start a sentence, Yukari finishing it in a different way. "Yes, your creation is here. She's the one who asked me to bring you here. She wanted to see you face to face. I'm jealous, to tell the truth; You're her true father, and I'm only her step-mother... Now, I know you want to meet her too, so lets not waste any more time. Sumire! I've brought him!" Yukari said, calling Sumire. The only message shown was: "BRING HIM TO ME." . "Maybe you could cheer her up...?" Yukari asked, opening a gap below his feet.

As humans are, they don't like falling, but Yukari used that method anyway. The man landed on his butt, but kinda safely as the fall wasn't from such a height. Yukari followed him, standing with him in front of Sumire. Sumire raised her head, the man stretching a hand to her. "Father... We finally meet again." Sumire said, getting up with her eyes open as widely as ever. She walked towards him, and when she reached him, she hugged him, as if she was putting all her life in his hands. The man blushed a little, but that was gone as soon as Sumire started to talk. "What should I do, father... They are threatening to destroy me, my existance, and remove it from the world...I've ran away, and they're chasing after me..." Sumire held the man tightly, the man hugging back. "I'll tell you what you have to do... You have to withstand. You have to be strong. If they come to destroy you, you have to show them, that you've made friends, and you're not willing to get destroyed just because they want to." It was his own 'daughter' that he was talking to, he thought, when he made that speech.

"Hm, that might actually be a good idea. I'll inform anyone in Gensokyo who wants to help. They will attack in 4 days from now, in midnight, they said... Until then, we have all the time we need. Don't worry, we'll save you and your daughter!" Exclaimed Yukari, grinning at the couple. "Thank you, Yukari. Ah, father, can I show you what I can do here?" Asked Sumire, her mood starting to get back to normal. "Y-Yukari's power just terrified me, but... if its you, its ok." Said the man, sweating. Yukari just closed her eyes and smiled at the man. He didn't know what waited for him. First, Sumire asked him to cover his eyes. Once he did, Sumire changed the background to a lake under the full moon. He opened his eyes again, and was amazed by the difference. "I didn't lie that much when I said that I'm acting like a god." Sumire added.

Then, Yukari remembered something which she could offer the man to help both him and her. She decided to try it out. "You know... you could fit in my world too if you want. In your world, you'll be forever oppressed because of this sin, but if you come to my world, no one will oppress you. That, and Sumire will be mentally better, if she knows you're in good hands..." Yukari offered the man to actually come to Gensokyo, with a rather strange emphasis on the word 'good'. Sumire agreed. "You're telling me to leave everything, including my computer, and all I ever had in Earth, and come to your world...? I don't know what to say..." The human said, hesitating. "Then how about I transfer your house to my world? It won't be that hard for me, that I know very well... I'll just have to take off that... camera." Yukari tried to persuade him, censoring a curse about the camera. "... I... can't just say no to a goddess, can I...? I'm like most humans..."

Yukari didn't quite understand, but tried to complete the sentence in the way most fit to her purpose. "-You're afraid of changes...? Don't worry, it will be a good change. Now, I'll go back for a while. Make sure you enjoy your time here eh, human~?" Yukari said again with a wierd emphasis on some words, like 'will', and 'sure'. There are a lot of words to describe Yukari, but none of them really fit. For examples, there are 'wierd', 'dark', 'shady', and even 'random' and 'lazy'. Then, 'complicated' was the better word to put it. Any way one would put it, Yukari's actions speak for themselves, and very loud at that. After she went out of Digital Dimension, Sumire talked with her father about things which have happened to him in the outside world, while Yukari did what she needed to do. "While I was away from your computer, did they do anything bad to you? I ran away the moment I've heard that they said I must be deleted. I knew they were referring to me then, and they're still after me." Sumire asked.

"I wish I could have just run away like you did, but they got me in jail for some time." The man answered. "At least you're in good hands now..." Sumire said, opening the mouth to the devil. By 'devil', Yukari came back, and said that the moving project is done. Yukari popped out of nowhere, a thing which startled the man, but he sighed right after. "Ah, I almost forgot... Meet your new neighbour." Yukari said, opening a gap from which a blue haired girl fell, screaming for a moment. A moment after, the girl started to shout at Yukari for what it seemed like she was doing regularily. Sumire recognized her, but Yukari introduced her anyway, after the girl settled. "Meet Nitori Kawashiro. Nitori, he's going to be your new neighbour." Stated Yukari. Nitori let out the 'EH' of her life. "A human... from the outside world, is my neighbour?!?! Thank you, Yukari!!!!" Nitori exclaimed, really excited about the visitor. The man, from his side, was quite alerted by the fact that Nitori said the word 'human'.
An interesting future was assured to the man indeed, for he couldn't say 'no'...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 03:44:24 PM by Unroyal Paladin »

Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2011, 01:53:12 AM »
Hm. I thought Nitori was afraid of humans. Oh well.

Yukari's bluffing entertained me so much. Given the fact that she really isn't a goddess, she must have enjoyed it a whole lot.

Also, I'd like to recommend using a word processor to correct your typos.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Unroyal Paladin

  • A paladin, although not yet approved to be royal.
Re: Digital Dimension
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2011, 06:59:39 PM »
Crow, 'shy' is the better word to put it. Advice taken.

In the outside world, the day after, the organization called the CSS was analyzing every single possibility, and every single thing they might have missed during the conversation. They analyzed every sentence, every word, and even the whole conversation as a whole. Their results weren't pretty for Sumire. "That thing said that its not a god... Meaning he/she has a problem with lying"  "That thing made the other beings with it to evacuate the same way we did, just as we arrived..."  "As a whole conversation, that thing tried to reject us from some reason..."  "That 'no more questions allowed' was also intended to 'shut us up'..."  Were some of the opinions mentioned. They came to two conclusions: "SOMETHING ABOUT THAT 'BEING' IS OBVIOUSLY FISHY." , and "THAT THING MAY BE THE PROGRAM WE'RE SEARCHING FOR." . The bullet turned its angle which missed, to a new angle, pointed almost straight at Sumire.

"Then, our last resort lies in HER..." A higher up in the organization said. 'Who is 'HER'...? I'm confused...' A man in a lower position thought. The higher up quickly got her on the internet line, the video showing a quite young, however clearly an adult, blonde long-haired woman, with only her blue eyes differ her from Yuugi Hoshiguma, together with, of course, the missing horn. "The CSS... for what I got the honor of getting this call so early in the morning? I thought you released me already for helping you..." She said. "We're sorry to call you this early, but we need your help... Yomi's creator." He said. "Oh, stop calling me that! Its giving me the creeps already...! Call me Sadako, for god's sake!" Sadako said, getting quite irritated at the creepy name the CSS sticked to her. "Then, what do you have against me this time? It wasn't enough that you punished me once? I was just trying to help, you know." Sadako asked the CSS.

"You just shut up with your 'helping', you've helped more than enough to destroy your own country AND a part of the past Asia with that robot which went crazy for SOME reason. We need you to build a program of that Yomi, and a data of all the materials he was made of." The CSS requested. "Why, what do you need THAT for, eh? Its not that I won't do that for you if its that important, but tell me the reason if you involve me somehow." Sadako requested. The CSS however, didn't accept her request, only saying: "Its to prevent the same disaster from taking place the second time, and we need your help, you genius." without any sarcasm or tricks.

In Gensokyo, that same day early in the morning, Sumire's creator had a rather normal morning, Yukari fixing him all the things he needed earlier, like electricity and water supply, until someone knocked on his door again. The knock was rather silent, but the man decided to get to the door anyway. he opened it, and found his new neighbour at the door, however she was not straight in front of it, but in an angle. "Ah, you are... Nitori? What did you come here for?" He said, wondering. Nitori walked back a little. "W-Would you... please... show me your technology?" She said silently. " 'Show you my technology'...? Do you mean all the mechanic stuff I got, like my computer...?" He asked, guessing. "Y-Yes... Gensokyo still doesn't have a lot of technology, and I'm an engineer, so I would like to... see what technology you've got at your house. J-Just from curiosity, really!" Nitori got nervous in front of the man. "O-Ok, get in..." The man said, moving from the door.

Nitori got into the house slowly, observing the best she could. The man first showed her the computer in his room. In the stairs, Nitori kept a distance between him and her, being shy towards humans. For youkai, she was less shy, and more friendly. However, she was curious about the outside world, and that curiosity made her go and investigate. "You know, this is the computer which m-... Sumire, was created in. I actually wanted to create a person, and look what got out of it. All because of the CSS... Oh, and no disassembling that computer, got it?" The man told Nitori, who was looking at the computer closely while he sat on his bed. "O-Ok..." Nitori said, turning the computer on. The computer was touch-based, with the keyboard being attached to the screen in the bottom. The speakers were attached to the screen too, and even the black box, the brain of the computer, which was a bit smaller and lighter from the one used 20 years earlier, was attached to the screen from behind it, making the computer easy to handle. Nitori wasn't able to figure out how to use that computer until she asked the man how to, only to find out that it was touch-based. Once she got the hang of it, her eyes widened as she saw how much memory that computer had. "900 Terabytes?!?!?! Wow... The computer Yukari gave me first was only 30 Gigabytes... That's a scary amount of memory indeed, 900 Terabytes..." Nitori said, terrified from how much the outside world has developed.

The man sweated a bit. "This world isn't very developed, is it? If you say 30 Gigabytes is very big..." The man said, narrowing his eyes. "S-She only brought me a computer with only a few more... so I don't know, because I only checked mine. Say... what is Sumire's size?" Asked Nitori. "About 700 Terabytes, maybe 1 Terabyte more, compressed to a fifth of its original size, it's about 3.5 Petabytes. It really takes a huge amount of memory to actually create a person which will respond to you, you know. Also, its very, very tricky." The man explained. After they were done with the computer, they went to some other places, like the kitchen and the living room, and Nitori was just amazed to find what technology the outside world had. Television, digital clock, microphone, printer, touch-based machines, and other convenient stuff from year 203X, which made goals in life then a touch away, literally. Nitori got a lot of inspiration for her later inventions from that house. At the end of the little visit, Nitori noted the man about something worth noting for him, a human from the outside world. "We residents of Gensokyo still don't know much about the technology from the outside world, but sometimes technology from your world slip past the border and end up in Gensokyo. You should go to Kourindou, there are a lot of stuff like that there, from the outside world. Its near the Forest of Magic." She said.

"I don't really know the places in-" The man didn't even have the chance to finish a sentence, and a flash could be seen. It was a flash from a camera. "Ayayayayaa... What do I see here? I just went to sleep one night, and this happened... SCOOP, FOUND!" The winged girl who held the camera did a thumbs up on the man, and Nitori got nervous. "A-Aya! At least get me off the picture!" Shouted Nitori from that same window the picture was taken from. "I take that as you're a kind of a reporter?" Asked the man. "And I guess that you're a detective? We have one of those in Gensokyo, although she's still young... literally. Anyway, you're right, I'm a reporter. Aya Syameimaru, at your service, just call me Aya." Aya introduced herself, as she took another picture of the man. "That will do." She said as she grinned at the two. Only then, she entered the house normally. "Oh, I would also like an interview with you, can I?" Aya said after getting in. "Its not what you want to do, trust me." Nitori said to the man before he even answer 'yes', Aya hearing that. "Hey, that's mean! I'll get bad reputation for this! Ah, I know..." Said Aya. 'Oooooh shit.' Thought Nitori, at the sight of the infamous Syameimaru writing in her notebook. "Aya, could you take me to a place called Kourindou? Or at least show me where it is?" The man asked, finding an opportunity. "Ah... that will not be easy without flying. Or it will take you a day to get there and a day to come back, from about every place in Gensokyo, not just Kourindou." Aya explained. "Then, to my interview. First, how and when did you get here?" Aya asked, readying her pen once again. "Through another dimension, with the help of the... goddess, or something. I'm still new here as you can see, I came last night." The man answered. Somehow, it seemed like Aya was writing something else. "A goddess? There is one on the top of the mountain, but she couldn't possibly do that... Well, I wrote your answer, so next question: hehe... Why you were with Nitori even before I got here, eh~?" Aya asked in a playful tone. "She came here first...?" The man tried to get out of it, but Aya was surely writing something else, now smiling even. "Hmm... That's very interesting indeed. Can you drink sake? ... Think of it like alcohol." Aya asked, explaining only because she saw the human got puzzled by the question. "Like any other man, I think..." He didn't really know what to answer, as his ZUNcoholic level was pretty normal for a human. Once again, Aya was writing something totally different. "Hmm... This takes us to an important last question: Do you have the guts to cause something awesome like an incident? Things get really awesome when these occur. Well, that depends on who you ask - the detective or the reporter, but these are really the thing these years. The answer?" Aya asked after explaining really shortly and sketchily. "Umm... maybe?" The man answered. "Ah... Well then, I'll take my leave. Be sure to take it easy!" Aya said, leaving through the window. 'At least she could leave properly...!' The man thought. At the end, the man agreed with Nitori to help making himself a device to help him fly, and Nitori left to her land of experiments, also called a ... 'house', to build it, also flying to her place. 'I see life here is one big tea party from old times in history...' Thought the man, returning to his computer.
Sorry, I just had to name her like that. Plus, Yukari pulling the head of someone into a screen just reminded me of her, and I... just HAD to.