Author Topic: Things people have said that made you facepalm.  (Read 34719 times)


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #150 on: December 16, 2010, 03:11:17 PM »
I don't think touhou fans think non touhou fans are shallow minded because they don't like touhou, I think it's their reasons or associations regarding it. I mean if I showed touhou to some guy and he said he didn't like it because he doesn't like shooters, or even that he doesnt like the characters, fine. If however he said "I'm no a pedo" or "I'm not gay" or "I only play real games", I'd think he is shallow minded.

Aba Matindesu!

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #151 on: December 16, 2010, 03:57:03 PM »

Also, I've been spreading Touhou to some of my friends, and this asshat randomly says "Touhou sucks and it's gay! <friend B> and I just got bored!" (Friend B was probably nice enough not to comment or whatever, he hasn't said anything yet).

It's not like I don't listen to non-Touhou music, nor do I reject games that aren't Touhou. If you add this and all the other crap most of the school community has been giving me, I think it's justified at this point to call them "shallow".

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #152 on: December 16, 2010, 11:53:59 PM »
I don't think touhou fans think non touhou fans are shallow minded because they don't like touhou, I think it's their reasons or associations regarding it. I mean if I showed touhou to some guy and he said he didn't like it because he doesn't like shooters, or even that he doesnt like the characters, fine. If however he said "I'm no a pedo" or "I'm not gay" or "I only play real games", I'd think he is shallow minded.
This is more along the lines of what I meant by shallow-minded. If someone doesn't like or even hates Touhou for legitimate reasons, then more power to 'em; it's better than pretending to be interested in someone else's activities just to flatter them. I just meant to refer to intolerant types who only see a world where men act as men "should" and women act as women "should" or people who jump to conclusions about pedophilia, or whatever else. As much as it pisses me off how people can be like this, I try to keep in mind that those who act that way grew up in a world where they would most likely be disowned or jailed or lynched or something for "not acting the way they should", so this kind of behavior is just sort of hard-wired. I'm not saying they have any sort of amnesty from me, I just know that not everyone acts the way they do without reason. Reason just means it makes sense, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll like the decisions they make. I apologize for derailing the thread with my indignation rhetoric. From now on, let's try to keep this thread about silly things people say about Touhou in general, instead of talking about our personal lives.


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #153 on: December 17, 2010, 02:31:28 AM »
I mean if I showed touhou to some guy and he said he didn't like it because he doesn't like shooters, or even that he doesnt like the characters, fine. If however he said "I'm no a pedo" or "I'm not gay" or "I only play real games", I'd think he is shallow minded.
Basically same here. If someone just says "no thanks." or etc., I think "Darn."
If they say "Wow, that gave me a headache, I'd never play it." I lol.
If they say "Impossible pedo game, the girls aren't worth the bullets" I'd probably kick them.

I know perfectly well peoples' tastes in games differ greatly, some people like RPGs, some like "Adventure" running-back-and-forth-for-hours, and some like things like Touhou. But you don't have to be an idiot about it. If you don't give me an acceptable answer for dissing Touhou you're gonna get owned. =P
(Whoever's quote saying "{ X } should be allowed to have their opinions and { Y } should be allowed to say their opinion sucks". Don't care if I slaughtered it, still works.) <-- Something like that. That I'm okay with.


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #154 on: December 17, 2010, 02:52:54 AM »
Going to idly note that people don't randomly label something as a pedo game out of the blue. You watch anime with little girls? Super-cutesy stuff? Listen to high-pitched JPop? Do you go around showing this stuff off? That kind of stuff is going to call forth these assumptions, because as I mentioned before it isn't "normal". People can grasp things that don't belong, and if you aren't watching some more adult-y stuff little sirens are going to go off in people's heads. Also, it is never not your fault. If people call you out in the first place you aren't concealing your
and probably deserve it, deal with it lol

Even if it isn't you (nope too bad), most people do come into contact with some kind of anime or weird japanese video game or whatever at some point in their lives, and depending on what it is (porn!) and how they find it (weeaboo friends! google images!) it's also going to be a factor in what people associate with anime and the like, in general. Also, they're just messing with you 90% if the time. You should be able to tell when people actually mean something and when people are just fucking with you. If you can't, that's too bad for you, since you're probably bringing judgment on yourself.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Paper Conan

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #155 on: December 17, 2010, 03:44:19 AM »
Going to idly note that people don't randomly label something as a pedo game out of the blue. You watch anime with little girls? Super-cutesy stuff? Listen to high-pitched JPop? Do you go around showing this stuff off? That kind of stuff is going to call forth these assumptions, because as I mentioned before it isn't "normal". People can grasp things that don't belong, and if you aren't watching some more adult-y stuff little sirens are going to go off in people's heads. Also, it is never not your fault. If people call you out in the first place you aren't concealing your
and probably deserve it, deal with it lol

Even if it isn't you (nope too bad), most people do come into contact with some kind of anime or weird japanese video game or whatever at some point in their lives, and depending on what it is (porn!) and how they find it (weeaboo friends! google images!) it's also going to be a factor in what people associate with anime and the like, in general. Also, they're just messing with you 90% if the time. You should be able to tell when people actually mean something and when people are just fucking with you. If you can't, that's too bad for you, since you're probably bringing judgment on yourself.

The sad truth.
Only in my case, my dad/mom saw the Reisen avatar, then they raeg'd about it for no reason. :V
(I'm not kidding. They've never even seen me watching fan-art, listening to remixes, playing fangames, or doing anything... To them it was just "son + something with a girl = pedo", because they're both fucking mentally sick...)


I was playing Touhou, IN Extra, in school today, and this one guy whom I'm introducing Touhou to asks me if I'm playing on Phantasm mode. I've taught him that PCB has Extra, which all main Touhou games have, but also at the same time it also has Phantasm, which only that game has. He still doesn't get it, though.

This other girl whom I'm introducing Touhou to said it was boring. She said that she got bored of shooting down the spaceships in the game. She wasn't playing UFO, btw......


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #156 on: December 17, 2010, 03:51:23 AM »
Only in my case, my dad/mom saw the Reisen avatar, then they raeg'd about it for no reason. :V
(I'm not kidding. They've never even seen me watching fan-art, listening to remixes, playing fangames, or doing anything... To them it was just "son + something with a girl = pedo", because they're both fucking mentally sick...)

i agree with what you just said but it doesn't apply to me because x

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #157 on: December 17, 2010, 04:00:09 AM »
I don't think I agree with "If you like this set of non-pedophilic things, it's YOUR FAULT if people accuse you of being a pedophile". I mean, that's ridiculous. Why is it your fault that people have leaped to a wild conclusion about you instead of asking, "What's all this crap on your desktop" or something?

Yeah, you should expect, being an otaku, that people are going to give you some flac for it and all. But that's not the same as saying you're to blame for the ignorance of other people. That doesn't fly with anything else in life.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #158 on: December 17, 2010, 04:40:39 AM »
I don't think I agree with "If you like this set of non-pedophilic things, it's YOUR FAULT if people accuse you of being a pedophile". I mean, that's ridiculous. Why is it your fault that people have leaped to a wild conclusion about you instead of asking, "What's all this crap on your desktop" or something?

Yeah, you should expect, being an otaku, that people are going to give you some flac for it and all. But that's not the same as saying you're to blame for the ignorance of other people. That doesn't fly with anything else in life.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.

It's human nature to stereotype and to parcel like impressions into categories.  Asking everyone else in the world to question their not-necessarily-unfounded assumptions seems futile, so your actions should be tailored to minimizing the stigma you'll get from outsiders (unless you don't care about that sort of thing, in which case go nuts!).

For instance, Paper_Conan's parents have preconceived notions of what a Reisen av would symbolize about the person using it, and to a degree their reaction IS part and parcel of the consequences for choosing to display it - "choosing to" being the operative words.  However they GOT those notions has to be meaningful to them at least, and for them that's all that matters.  How P_C chose to present himself (however unintentionally to an unintended audience) was entirely his decision, and considering what looking at anime-styled bunnylolis usually means over the sum of contexts, there you go.

And that was way too longwinded.  On topic:  It's no secret that I hate Flandre precisely because of the massive fanhype behind her being the hardest boss in existence (ingame or in power levels) as seen on tvtropes and YouTube and McRoll and so forth.  Every reference I see to any of it is physically painful.


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #159 on: December 17, 2010, 04:43:59 AM »
EDIT: ty umu

I did word it so it seems very solid and it is YOUR fault, bleh. But you pointing it out isn't helping! It isn't exactly what I meant. I mean that there are usually reasons besides the person's natural disposition that affect what they think of something, whether it be direct and current or something that they've briefly experienced before.

But yeah, even if people asked you "what's all this crap on your desktop" or something of the sort, they've likely already formed their opinions about it (and you) before you even answer or explain, unless they are sincerely curious about what you're doing and not just looking for something to "talk" about. You have some random person come up and they see

What are they really going to do? They either
-Regularly see this kind of stuff, probably good thing
-Have a friend who does this kind of stuff, 50/50 chance of being good/bad
-Know really awkward and/or crazy people who do this kind of stuff, probably bad
-Don't know anything about the subculture and are just forming opinions now

In the last case then it just depends on how they view you, and their various internal structures; but if they haven't dealt with this situation much before, they're probably going to be concentrating a lot on you. In other words, while it does have to do with the person themselves, there's probably a much heavier emphasis on how they view the people around them. Obviously, their more solid values and structures are going to override external attributions, but that isn't what I'm talking about.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #160 on: December 17, 2010, 06:44:43 AM »
The sad truth.
Only in my case, my dad/mom saw the Reisen avatar, then they raeg'd about it for no reason. :V
(I'm not kidding. They've never even seen me watching fan-art, listening to remixes, playing fangames, or doing anything... To them it was just "son + something with a girl = pedo", because they're both fucking mentally sick...)

Well, uhh. Reisen has big bunny ears, and bunny ears kinda mean "I'm a slut/hooker/exotic dancer/lingerie model/etc". It's probably the source of the whole "useless except for sex appeal" thing Reisen has. I mean maybe I'm missing something, but Reisen...uhh. I don't really see why of all the characters in Touhou, SHE would be the one who is considered the sexiest, unless of course...the bunny ears. I made a thread about bunny ears quite some time ago actually (I hate them personally). In any case, I'm sure your parents had a pretty reasonable reason to reach in a negative way when they see a bunny-ear'd girl as your desktop.

About what Drake says, despite me bringing up the blurb about people being shallow for disliking Touhou for  certain reasons, I didn't mean to really say they actually WERE shallow necessarily. As I said previously in the thread, introducing people to Touhou in a controlled method via the music and games is a whole other story than having them trip across videos or picture galleries full of sexualization or super cuteness.. Even if they aren't sexualized at all, people will start to wonder when they see oodles of pictures of girls, and virtually no men.

I personally have relatively boring desktops and avatars for that very reason, I don't really want people to get the wrong impression on these things.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #161 on: December 17, 2010, 08:05:58 AM »
We need a picture of someone putting a train named "Thread" on the rail.

Not so much a facepalm but it felt kinda silly: I was watching one of my replays in school for some reason, one of my friends look over and asks "Whoa are you playing that right now" considering I had my hands behind my head it felt rather... well... silly :V
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #162 on: December 17, 2010, 08:23:42 AM »
We need a picture of someone putting a train named "Thread" on the rail.

Not so much a facepalm but it felt kinda silly: I was watching one of my replays in school for some reason, one of my friends look over and asks "Whoa are you playing that right now" considering I had my hands behind my head it felt rather... well... silly :V

Lol. I know a couple of identical twins (1 pair that is), and people actually think they have some kind of psychic link with one another. Not Touhou related, but reminded me of that.


  • Maru~ Maru~
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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #163 on: December 17, 2010, 11:03:59 AM »
Playing touhou with your mind seems like a fun affair :V

I was honestly surprised at the lack of negative response I got from my presentation about touhou, but then I mostly focused on the music and gameplay, ony briefly mentioning the art and characters.

This entire post has nothing to do with the thread subject :colonveeplusalpha:
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #164 on: December 17, 2010, 11:16:52 AM »

All this is basically saying is "expect that people are going to have pre-conceived notions", to which I'd say, "No shit." But the onus is always upon the person doing the judging to inform themselves; not on the person being judged to "prove" that they're normal. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. At the same time, I do agree that over-reacting and getting bent out of shape every time someone makes a half-baked assumption about you based on your desktop wallpaper? Yeah, not a good idea. Learn to live with it and expect it.

Also, I don't consider this a derail, because this is on the subject of things people say that make you facepalm.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Paper Conan

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #165 on: December 17, 2010, 11:50:37 AM »
I really can't disagree with all of the previous comments...  :ohdear:

Also, I don't consider this a derail, because this is on the subject of things people say that make you facepalm.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #166 on: December 17, 2010, 02:04:22 PM »
All this is basically saying is "expect that people are going to have pre-conceived notions", to which I'd say, "No shit." But the onus is always upon the person doing the judging to inform themselves; not on the person being judged to "prove" that they're normal. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. At the same time, I do agree that over-reacting and getting bent out of shape every time someone makes a half-baked assumption about you based on your desktop wallpaper? Yeah, not a good idea. Learn to live with it and expect it.

Also, I don't consider this a derail, because this is on the subject of things people say that make you facepalm.
I agree.
Although one has to take into consideration that people are usually going to be either completely uninformed or even misinformed, that does not excuse everything.
The more farfetched the conclusion they are jumping to and the firmer they cling to this presumption, the more is it not our fault but theirs, and assuming somebody to be an effing pedofile because of nothing more than the Overdrive flash animation is like seeing somebody with long hair and black clothes and assuming they are a satanist.
There are leaps of logic which even through collaborative societal misinformation are beyond excuse, especially when you keep in mind that this is between family and/or close friends.

Drake, if you were right, wouldn't the logical conclusion be that we need to make sure nobody ever catches a drift of our likes and hobbies? Afterall, people (even your friends and parents!) are misinformed and are likely to jump to conclusions about it which you won't be able to get rid of that easily, even if you try to explain it to them beforehand.  :derp:
[/reductio ad absurdum]
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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #167 on: December 17, 2010, 02:44:07 PM »
i seriously facepalmed when this random gal told me she envied suwako because a guy she liked liked suwako more than her.

Marin The Magus

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #168 on: December 17, 2010, 04:19:27 PM »
This especially applies to the music. People saying stuff like "they'll never know what true music is"

I said that because my friends listen to a specific kind of music ( that kind of music is only from here, I don't expect you to know it. And you should feel lucky, really) , I did NOT say it because they don't like touhou music. If they listened to, I dunno, rock, classic, jazz, blues, pop, or something like that, I wouldn't have said that.   

Bias Bus

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #169 on: December 18, 2010, 06:27:10 AM »
i seriously facepalmed when this random gal told me she envied suwako because a guy she liked liked suwako more than her.
"It's me or the Frog!"

Honestly? The first I've ever heard of this kinda junk happening. It's actually pretty funny.
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"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #170 on: December 18, 2010, 04:53:00 PM »
i seriously facepalmed when this random gal told me she envied suwako because a guy she liked liked suwako more than her.

Tell her to cosplay as Suwako 24/7. Problem solved :V
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 04:56:58 PM by Whatthe »


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #171 on: December 18, 2010, 05:17:05 PM »
Better yet, tell her to start eating houseflies around him.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #172 on: December 18, 2010, 05:53:43 PM »
Better yet, tell her to start eating houseflies around him.
Obviously he should tell her to let her house get taken over by snakes.  :trollface:
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #173 on: December 18, 2010, 07:02:53 PM »
Just heard one not to long ago.  I was talking to a friend about Darkstalkers and this came up.  "What B. B. Hood inspired by Reimu or something?"  First of the dates for that don't add up, Darkstalkers or Vampire was released two years before the first Touhou.  But since I actually had to look up with they were first released that's forgivable.  What really made me face palm, was what he must think of Reimu.  I can't think of any instance when Fanon!Reimu or even Sanae gets as bad as B.B. Hood.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #174 on: December 18, 2010, 07:16:20 PM »
Just heard one not to long ago.  I was talking to a friend about Darkstalkers and this came up.  "What B. B. Hood inspired by Reimu or something?"  First of the dates for that don't add up, Darkstalkers or Vampire was released two years before the first Touhou.  But since I actually had to look up with they were first released that's forgivable.  What really made me face palm, was what he must think of Reimu.  I can't think of any instance when Fanon!Reimu or even Sanae gets as bad as B.B. Hood.
But they both wear red!
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #175 on: December 18, 2010, 07:41:21 PM »
I said that because my friends listen to a specific kind of music ( that kind of music is only from here, I don't expect you to know it. And you should feel lucky, really) , I did NOT say it because they don't like touhou music. If they listened to, I dunno, rock, classic, jazz, blues, pop, or something like that, I wouldn't have said that.

I just did that yesterday, when someone said this song was "The best song ever". It was a 100% typical "DJ Randomname" adding effects to an already-existent song, while speeding it up and messing up the vocals. That's not real music, and in my opinion it sucked. Too repetitive and too little effort.

Now, the fact that I linked them to a Touhou song as an example of "Good music", now that's debatable...

Paper Conan

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #176 on: December 19, 2010, 03:37:14 AM »
I just did that yesterday, when someone said this song was "The best song ever". It was a 100% typical "DJ Randomname" adding effects to an already-existent song, while speeding it up and messing up the vocals. That's not real music, and in my opinion it sucked. Too repetitive and too little effort.

EVERYONE in my school prefer to listen to those kinds of songs. :fail:
When they ask me what kind of music I listen to, I say "Erm, oriental-classic techno!" because that's the only other way to describe touhou music + remixes.


  • Negative Otaku
Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #177 on: December 19, 2010, 05:14:26 AM »
I remember when I first got into Touhou, I pronounced it "tow (as in tower) - who". When I first was told the correct pronunciation, I resisted it at first (kept making me think of disturbing foot-fetishists), but eventually I realised that my pronuncation was very cubersome and unwieldy, so I stopped.

As for other people, yesterday I was on a Touhou thread in a different forum, and someone made the argument that he shouldn't be looked down upon for publicly talking about his creepy tendencies (like owning a Momiji body pillow, for starters) because we were all Touhou fans, all Touhou fans were Otaku, and all Otaku pervertedly lust over fictional women. Multiple layers of false premises, used to argue that we are all not only hypocrites, but perverts.

See, it's kind of like how negative numbers are still numbers, despite being the complete opposite of normal numbers.


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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #178 on: December 19, 2010, 11:36:24 AM »
One of my friends insists that I play Touhou well because of memorization, even if they see something that is obviously random.

Paper Conan

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Re: Things people have said that made you facepalm.
« Reply #179 on: December 19, 2010, 02:50:15 PM »
One of my friends insists that I play Touhou well because of memorization, even if they see something that is obviously random.

It is memorization, what are you talking about?  :getdown: