Author Topic: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)  (Read 16082 times)


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Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« on: November 02, 2010, 06:53:01 AM »
Well, here's my first foray into the PSL. And of course, it's for one doozy of a project, the National Novel Writing Month. To start off, my NaNoWriMo page is here.

I do not have a set plot for this novel yet, but as of this initial post, the story focuses on Akyu and the work she does as a historian in creating the Gensokyo Chronicles. I'm drawing heavily from Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and leaning to tell a story that follows canon more than fanon. However, as I don't expect to get everything right, I assume some fanon aspects will slip in. My goal with this novel is to be able to tell the story in such a way so that a person who is not familiar with the Touhou universe can dive right in and become familiar with the events and quirks of Gensokyo that most of us fans take for granted and enjoy.

I'm planning to update this thread every day so people can see the progress unfold (assuming I write every day).  Due to the hectic nature of NaNoWriMo, I imagine some of the posts will feel extremely rough or inconsistent in style with earlier postings. That just makes the whole thing even more fascinating to take in and I hope I can meet the goal of 50,000 words by November 30th. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions. Once NaNoWriMo is over, I will probably refine the entire story, but for the sake of posterity, I will leave the original posts of Nov. 1-30 untouched.

I hope you all enjoy reading as I and others grind our way to the promised land of 50k words.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2010, 06:53:34 AM »
Nov. 1: Chapter 1 & 2 - 2,317 words

Nov. 2: Chapter 3 & 4 - 4,061 words (1,744 written)
   Author's note: Ugh, this was a pain to write. Definitely dragging things out, but what's one to do when there has to be content every day? A plot should be coming soon, whenever I think of it.  :ohdear: And I realized some details may not match up exactly to canon after I had finished reading through PMiSS today. Oh well, I am not entirely dissatisfied with what I had written so gosh darn it, I'm going to keep it as is.

Nov. 3: Chapter 5 - 6,346 words (2,285 written)
   Author's note: After some brainstorming with a friend, I've gotten a variety of ideas on how I can fashion my plot for this novel. It was actually pretty exciting to consider the possibilities. At least I don't have to make a firm decision quite yet.

Nov. 4: Chapter 6 & 7 - 8,184 words (1,838 written)
   I am almost certainly putting way too much detail into my narration and monologues. It definitely feels like a Wall of Text as I try to pad events that could ultimately be written out with just 1/10th of the words. Not sure if I need to change this or not, I am barely 1/6 of the way to the min word requirement.

Nov. 5: Chapter 8 - 9,852 words (1,668 written)
   1 word over the minimum today. But this chapter was fun to write. Probably because a plot is finally starting to develop.

Nov. 6: Chapter 9 - 10,967 words (1,115 written)
   It's the first time I don't meet the minimum requirement which is disappointing. This happened for a variety of reasons, but my main concern is deciding what future events to write about. I don't want to throw things together too randomly, but that's how it's felt for awhile and I hope I don't get too hung up on such details.

Nov. 7: Chapter 10 - 12,880 words (1,913 written)
   I'm committed now. Not quite what I originally had in mind, but I'll see how it goes. Hopefully, I can do justice to this battle, finally between two known characters.

Nov. 8: Chapter 11 & 12 - 14,653 words (1,773 written)
   I pretty much scrapped and changed my ending of Chapter 11 at 10:45 PM. This led to a very rushed Chapter 12. I don't think I can handle doing too many more battle scenes; it felt too long to me yet still managed to only go about 100 words over the min. it's probably a reason why I chose Akyu as the main character in the first place.

Nov. 9: Chapter 13 - 16,338 words (1,685 written)
   I had an epiphany earlier today, realizing that I was trying to force the direction of my novel too much. So I'm making a conscious effort to let my "inner editor" go. And as a result, I can't say I'm disappointed with the current developments. Not at all.  :3 In other words, I'm having fun again.

Nov. 10: Chapter 14 - 17,527 words (1,189 written)
   Purposely cut my writing short today. One reason is for the cliffhanger. The other reason is so I have an additional 24 hours before committing to anything. I'm hoping for a wild and sporadic inspiration after I sleep on it a bit. Word count wise, I'm still ahead of schedule by half a day so I can spare it (wow, we're 1/3 done!). And I do intend to actually finish the novel at around 50k words and not drag it out much longer than that.

Nov. 11: Chapter 15 - 19,248 words (1,721 written)
   Update a little late as I edited what I wrote quite a few times. I was pretty selective with my words this chapter as it might very well be the most important one in this novel. Also, this chapter was strictly dialogue and it was a bit of a challenge to try to pad the wordcount and I definitely did not want to fall under 1,667 words two days in a row.

Nov. 12: Chapter 16 - 20,928 words (1,680 written)
   Well, this was definitely not something I had planned for. All of this got spurred when I asked for a random event to write about in iRC:
<@Chaono-Shiki> Kiro: Frozen Vampire Tomato.
<Kiro> no vampires in my story. frozen tomato tho.... hmm
<TranceHime> Kiro: Frozen maxim tomato

Nov. 15: Chapter 17 - 23,281 words (2,353 written)
   I skipped writing on Saturday and I didn't finish writing this chapter on Sunday. So it's now complete and here Monday night. I've actually got part of the next chapter already written, but I'll save it for tomorrow night. With some diligence, I should be back on track within a day or 2.

Nov. 17: Chapter 18 & 19 - 26,670 words (3,389 written)
   I cut my writing short yesterday since I felt myself coming down with the flu. But I'm somewhat ok with the combined progress yesterday and today. Still struggling a bit with word choice in the dialogue, but I might have gotten most of what I wanted to say about Akyu done at last. I'm hoping the rest of the novel goes by quicker now.

Nov. 20: Chapter 20 - 28,232 words (1,562 written)
   Gonna get this chapter out of the way while I continue writing. I'm getting distracted by way too many things as well as a continual compulsion to edit everything I type. The goal for tomorrow is 5,000 words.

Nov. 21: Chapter 21 & 22 - 33,267 words (5,035 written)
   Yes, I fulfilled my goal even if it was 2 hours late. I only got motivated to do the last 3k words at around 10 PM so that was kind of rushed. Nevertheless, the whole entry today was pretty ridiculous in a lot of ways and by the end of it all, I was having a blast writing it all out. So this is how it feels like when you let the story write itself out eh? In the end, you get bad jokes.

Nov. 22: Chapter 23 - 34,987 words (1,720 written)
   Still chipping away at that deficit. I will admit that this was the last major event I had preplanned for this novel. From here on out, ideas are going to be fluid as I try to figure out how to wrap up as many loose ends as possible.

Nov. 23: Chapter 24 - 37,163 words (2,176 written)
   This was one of those chapters where the story wrote itself out. I am immensely pleased with how this went and hope you readers will feel the same way I felt as I typed it out.

Nov. 26: Chapter 25, 26, & 27 - 42,414 words (5,251 written)
   This novel is about 4,000 words too long. That is what the first 80% of this entry represents. And I can't do romance. I know I'm probably contradicting myself in several places now. If you see where, please ignore it. If you don't, then pretend you didn't read that part.

Nov. 28: Chapter 28 & 29 - 44,646 words (2,232 written)
   I'm not done writing today, but this is all I'm going to release today. The conclusion has begun to take shape in my head and I now know how I'd like to end this story. 5,000 words has never looked so easy, yet so daunting at the same time.

Nov. 29: Chapter 30 & 31 - 47,750 words (3,104 written)
   I definitely have enough material ready to reach that 50k goal, I just have to make sure I get it submitted in time. Overall, I've disliked doing the action sequences due to the fact that Akyu herself can't fight. And I half assed it near the end since it is damn late for me now and not important to the greater scheme of things. Looking ahead, I probably need an additional day to actually complete the story though so I will still have another update or two in December.

Nov. 30: Chapter 32 & 33 - 50,666 words (2,916 written)
   50K GET!!!!! I submitted with 1 hour and 15 minutes to spare. I am so thrilled at having got this done. And the novel isn't quite over yet. I will post the conclusion within the next few days. For now, I'm getting a well deserved drink.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 07:04:06 AM by Kiro »


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2010, 07:01:01 AM »
Observations and Lore of Gensokyo

?I don?t remember when I acquired this power. What I remember is everything since then.?

Chapter 1

The morning sunlight slowly crept through the window shutters of the small room. The warm light eventually made its way onto a prone sleeping figure. After a short while, the girl eventually stirred and slowly sat up from her futon. Her eyes opened to a mild violet hue and she stretched, shaking out her dark purple hair. A small yawn escaped her and then the girl broke out into a smile as she looked out the window.

?Ah, it?s a nice morning today.?

The girl quickly got up to change. She slipped on her favorite kimono, bright yellow with a pattern of lily flowers woven through the sleeves. After tying a red obi around herself, she slipped on a little hairpin with a fresh lily flower into her hair and proceeded to the sliding door.

?Good morning Miss Akyu,? a lady in a traditional kimono and apron bowed as the small girl walked into the living room. ?Would you like the usual Japanese pike for breakfast??

?Yes please,? Akyu replied. ?I?ll be in the study for a moment.?

Akyu continued walking down the hall towards a room at the end. Opening the door, she stepped inside. The room?s wall was lined with bookshelves. Dozens upon dozens of books filled the shelves and several more were piled onto one corner of the tatami floor. At the opposite corner of the room sat a small desk. Four books lay open brimming with words. By far, the largest one was the one open at the center, the Youkai Encyclopedia. In it contained numerous eyewitness accounts and observations about the youkai in Gensokyo. To put it simply, youkai are a type of being different from humans. Often possessing magical aptitude, wondrous abilities and varying levels of intelligence, youkai are mysterious figures whose motivations are not always tantamount to the well-being of humans. Many incidents in the Human Village and surrounding areas have been caused or indirectly caused by youkai. Akyu had chronicled as much of these events as she could. Although always an inquisitive one, Akyu was driven as much by duty as she was by curiosity. After all, she had been doing this for well over 1,000 years.

?So, what?s on today?s schedule?? Akyu murmured to herself. One of the villagers said he would drop by before noon to discuss the Tsuchigumo at the underground entrance. That would be a fascinating talk as there was still much to learn about the sealed youkai from the geyser and earth spirits incident. Then there was an afternoon consultation with Keine Kamashirasawa, the local school teacher. While she was not actually assisting Akyu with her research, Keine was an equally avid scholar and lover of history. Akyu always attended Ms. Kamashirasawa?s history lessons, but at the expense of having to also complete her assigned homework in the class. ?Maybe my entry about the tsuchigumo will get me a pass on the next written assignment,? Akyu chuckled mirthfully.

Today, Keine had promised a few more details about the human Fujiwara no Mokou. Of course, Akyu had known about Mokou from before. Akyu?s very first reincarnation, Aichi, had seen Mokou first hand not long after the trial of Impossible Requests. Akyu thought back to that recollection, to a lonely girl standing at the edge of the Forest of Magic, tears streaming down her face as she cursed at the full moon.

Suddenly Akyu caught herself as she noticed she had her arm forward hand stretched out as if to reach for that lonely girl. She pulled her hand back with a slightly melancholic sigh. It was one thing to have a perfect photographic memory, but it was another thing entirely to remember every detail of your previous reincarnations. The Hieda family was unique in that one particular regard. While the family line is long, dating back to over 1,300 years, at one point, the ?Child of Miare? came into being. That was Akyu herself, or to put into more accurate terms, her first reincarnation, Hieda no Aichi. With the sudden realization that she could recollect everything with perfect clarity on her 10th birthday, Aichi began to transcribe her observations of the world around her. At that time was when the existence of youkai was first noted in the world. Being creatures that were powerful and with a taste for human flesh, information needed to be compiled about them for the defense of human society. It wasn?t long before she was tasked with record keeping and compiling reference books for others to peruse and begin creating countermeasures.

The first manuscripts Aichi had written were raw details as youkai continued to plague villages, carting away humans and livestock into the night. Despite the gruesome tales she heard even as a young teenager, Aichi diligently continued to write. Aichi did not live long in that era as she herself was attacked by a wolf youkai. Even now, Akyu shuddered at that memory as the youkai had leapt at her, fangs bearing before darkness enveloped her. Thankfully, she could not remember any pain and before she knew it, she had recollections of a household with different people saying they were her parents over 120 years later.

Akyu pulled herself out of her little reverie and brought her attention back into the study. With a small shake of her head, she crossed over to one of the drawers along the wall and stared at the top shelf. There sat 8 large books, with thick leather covers and bound by a metal buckle. These are the original Gensokyo Chronicles; the completed works written by Aichi and each successive reincarnation up to the previous; her 8th name. Each of them had a protective charm placed to protect them from water, fire and other elemental damage. She recalled with immense relief when the charms were finally placed on the first 3 books by the Hakurei shrine maiden of that time as the texts had to be safeguarded through several generations. During that period, the Human Village had finally gained a dedicated protector and youkai exorcist in the Hakurei clan.

Akyu looked back at her desk. Her edition of the Gensokyo Chronicle, the 9th, was still very much a work in progress and it seemed there was still so much more to record. Furthermore, there was far less time to do it. For Akyu had come to realize that the price for her unequaled memory retention and her bloodline was the shortening of her own lifespan. Her previous reincarnation, Aya passed away from natural causes at the age of 28. Akyu suspected this time it would be much shorter. She thought to herself, ?I?m only 12 years old, but I may already be at the midpoint of my life.?

Akyu?s silent introspection was interrupted by a call from the maid proclaiming, ?Miss Akyu, the breakfast is ready.? Akyu once again shook her head and cleared her thoughts. Even if she had inherited a few hundred years worth of memories, Akyu still was a child prone to wonderment and lack of focus. Or maybe it was because of her ability that those traits were exacerbated. She knew she still had to learn to discipline herself as her previous reincarnations had done. Having the knowledge of past selves does not necessarily mean having the same demeanor or tendencies as them as well. In this age, Akyu felt that youkai and humans were more understanding of each other than ever before. Some of the more intelligent youkai even enter the Human Village periodically and interact with humans without prejudice. ?Despite all the recent incidents, we may be at more peace than ever before. I wonder if it will last? That would be nice wouldn?t it?? With a small smile, Akyu stepped out into the hallway and closed the study door behind her.


Chapter 2

After the meal of Japanese pike, pickled vegetables, and red tea, Akyu prepared her writing materials for the upcoming interview. At 11:00 AM, the man arrived. He was one of the local farmers, a man of medium build, weathered hands, and grizzled face. With a quick introduction, the two sat down in the guest room. Akyu proceeded to produce her parchments, ink bottle, and quill pen.

?Well, please start from the beginning  and describe the events leading up to your encounter with the tsuchigumo.?

?Well,? the man furrowed his brow. ?I was drawn to the huge geyser just like everyone else after the Hakurei shrine maiden declared it safe for us humans. Bringing a cart and buckets along, I was going to take some of the water home for heating and bathing. Unfortunately, I took a wrong turn somewhere along the way and ended up in front of a dark cave. I thought I could spare a look inside to see if there was some water close to the entrance. Before I knew it, fairies came flying at me and surrounded me. I panicked and ran further into the cave.?

?Oh dear,? Akyu commented as she continued to write on her parchment. ?You should remember that fairies are more interested in pranks than causing harm. They probably noticed you were inattentive and were going to make off with your buckets.?

?It got scarier after that. After the fairies stopped chasing me, I found a small stream off to the side. In all the time I was running, I had never let go of my cart. I reached back to one of my buckets and was startled to find a girl sitting in it.

?Oh?? Akyu stopped writing and looked up at the man. ?Could this be?? Please describe the girl.? Akyu couldn?t help her voice from rising a little excitedly.

?I couldn?t really see her, I just caught black eyes and short green hair. She was wearing something white. She kind of went, ?Eep!? and ducked right back into the bucket. And then it shot straight up to the ceiling. Almost scared me straight to Higan.?

?Hmm, so it doesn?t sound like it was a human. Perhaps a tsurube-otoshi?? Akyu pondered for a moment. ?Anyways, please continue.?

?Yes, well, this is when that other one showed up. She seemed to descend from the ceiling upside down. She shouted at me, ?What are you doing scaring poor Kisume?!? Then she flipped right side up and floated in the air. I couldn?t help but shake."

?I see. Did she have blond hair and was she wearing a brown dress and looked a little pudgy?? Akyu asked.

The man stared back at Akyu, his eyes widening slightly. ?Yes yes, that?s about right. You seem to know about this? youkai.?

Akyu nodded. ?She would be Yamame Kurodani, a tsuchigumo. In essence, a spider youkai. As far as we can determine, she is the de facto leader of spider youkai.? She paused for a second. ?What happened next??

The man scratched his chin for a second. ?Well, it was a bit of a blur from there. It seemed the girl in the bucket floated over to this other one. Then the other one said something like, ?it?s no good for you or other humans to come here. I think I know just the way to keep you away.? Then she attacked me! I saw something flash and what looks like a purple web shot out from her. Then it disintegrated into those magical bullets those fairies like to shoot. But I had never seen so many at once.?

?Interesting,? Akyu said with a frown. ?By the looks of it, you managed to escape in one piece.?

?I?m amazed myself,? the man said with a little laugh. ?I got out alright, but I think a bullet grazed me on the arm. Of course, after I got out of the cave, I went immediately home. But then it started to swell. By evening time, I was coming down with a fever, cold chills, and a body rash. My wife had to take care of me for 2 days straight. That was a week ago and after the doctor said I wouldn?t get anyone else sick, he suggested for me to see you. Although I wasn?t sure what use it would be to consult a child about such things. Yet you seem to know more than anyone would expect.?

?Hehe.? Akyu couldn?t help but chuckle. ?I just love learning about the youkai. After all, the family has given its service towards research of the youkai and other unusual phenomena.? Akyu couldn?t help but smile sadly as she thought about the unspoken meaning behind her words. She quickly shook it off and stood up. ?Anyways, a fascinating story. Thank you for sharing it with me. I?ll be looking into these findings more. If you have any more details about this or other incidents, please come by again.?

After the maids had seen the man off, Akyu returned to her written notes. Questions swirled in her head as she took all the details in again. ?So the youkai Yamame did hit the man and he became ill. This seems to confirm the ability of the tsuchigumo to spread illness. Fitting for a spider youkai. But if she really wanted to kill him, why didn?t she give chase or charge into him. Her ability could easily have paralyzed the man and he would have been eaten. Maybe she was indeed just warning him?? Akyu made a mental note to update the entry on Yamame Kurodani in her manuscript. She then looked farther back in her parchments. ?And the other youkai, Kisume was perhaps her name? The entry on tsurube-otoshi is sparse, but this is a great discovery to have a confirmed sighting. I can?t wait to discuss it with Keine!? Akyu gathered her materials and headed back towards the study.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 06:36:23 AM »
Chapter 3

Equipped with her writing materials and a light brown wool coat, Akyu walked out through the front gate of the Hieda manor and onto the dirt path. She glanced back at the single story wooden building with clay roof tiles, a mainstay in her memories. A slight autumn wind blew through the cherry blossom trees and Akyu pulled her coat tighter around her small frame. ?I?d best get going as to not keep Miss Keine waiting,? Akyu spoke to herself as she headed south into the heart of the Human Village.

After a few minutes of walking, she paused in front of a particular small house. Deciding to take a chance, she stepped off from the dirt path and walked up to the front door. With a light knock she called out, ?Miss Usami. Miss Han. Are you there?? There was no sign or sound of movement from within the house. She knocked again, a little louder this time. Once again, there was no response. With a slight shrug, she stepped back onto the dirt path and resumed her walk to the center of town. ?Maybe they?re shopping in the food district? Or? maybe they aren?t in Gensokyo at the moment.?

Renko Usami and Maribel Han were two human girls who lived in that house. That one detail may have been all they had in common with most of the population of the Human Village. For Renko and Maribel actually came from the Japan of the ?outside world.? The area known as Gensokyo was originally an area of approximately 30 square kilometers consisting of forest, valleys, and a part of a mountain range on Japan?s Honshu Island. It was only until circa 1885 A.D. that the Great Hakurei Border was erected. A massive spiritual barrier, it proceeded to make the area of Gensokyo its own separate reality, a bubble cut off from the rest of Japan and the known world at that time. This drew in most of the remaining youkai from the rest of Japan into Gensokyo, in essence creating a youkai paradise. All of this, Akyu had learned, occurred not long after her previous reincarnation, Aya, had passed away. Thus, Akyu spent most of her initial chronicling 2 years ago learning more about the Border.

As such a border was powerful enough to separate Gensokyo into its own world, it would be theoretically impossible for an inhabitant of one world to travel to the other and vice versa. However, theory can never trump truth. Amazingly, stories had been passed along to Akyu of humans from the outside accidentally entering Gensokyo. The majority of these appearances seemed to have occurred near the Hakurei Shrine, strongly suggesting a possible break in the Border there. However, these outside humans numbered less than 50 and most were eaten by youkai soon after arrival; the only evidence of their foreignness being torn clothing and a few pieces of technology. The story of Renko and Maribel were the notable exceptions, not only having crossed from Japan into Gensokyo, but able to return back to Japan at the Hakurei Shrine. Furthermore, it seemed they were able to traverse through the Border at will and have since made several trips back and forth. They were able to purchase their house in Gensokyo using a type of machine able to communicate with distant vocal spirits that they call, ?cell phones.? Rinnosuke Morichika of the Kourindou shop quickly accepted these machines as payment and oversaw the construction of their house.

All in all, Akyu thought it truly remarkable that these two humans were able to accomplish something no other being in Gensokyo was able to do save the elder youkai Yukari Yakumo, master of boundaries. In the times Akyu had gone to talk with the girls, she found them amiable and very intelligent as they seemed to also be students of learning from university, certainly an exalted level of academia. At the same time, their eyes sparkled in constant wonderment of this world of Gensokyo; so different, they claimed, from modern Japan. From this reaction, Akyu couldn?t help but feel that the outside world had perhaps degraded culturally despite their seeming advancement in technology rivaling the kappa and tengu of Youkai Mountain.

Pushing her thoughts to the side about the Border and of these outside girls, Akyu continued her walk towards her destination.

Chapter 4

Within a minute, Akyu had entered the shopping district, passing by merchants hawking their food and wares and numerous humans dashing through buying for their daily needs. The sound of the market bustle filled the air and the smell of raw meat filled her nose. A few people caught notice of Akyu and shouted out greetings with Akyu politely replying back. It was indeed peaceful here, much more so than Akyu knew from the past. Soon she reached the center of Town. A statue of a golden dragon stood in the center of the square with a large communal hall to the east. To the west of the statue stood the school house. A single bell tower stood watch over the wide rectangular building with a small grassy courtyard behind it enclosed by brick. As she approached the school, the bell tower rung signaling 4 PM.

From the gated entrance stepped a woman of medium height and normal build. She wore a dark blue dress with white sleeves and trim down to her knees and a red ribbon tied at the bottom of her collar. On her head sat a squarish hat with a pagoda-like top and bright red ribbon adorned over it. The woman spotted Akyu and walked over quickly with soft light footsteps.

?Good afternoon Miss Keine,? Akyu pulled herself up straight and bowed as the woman arrived.

?Good afternoon Akyu,? Keine replied in return. She gestured over to the west beyond the school house. ?The lessons are all done today so let?s head on over to my house.?

?Thank you for the invitation, I?d be honored Miss Keine.? Akyu bowed again.

Keine shook her head with a smile. ?No need to be so formal Akyu. In this setting, we are both scholars, eager for knowledge and the sharing of information. I?ve already told you you don?t have to follow keigo outside of the classroom. Unless?? Keine trailed off and an light grin began to emerge on her face. ?You?re going to be late on the writing assignment again.?

Akyu couldn?t help but chuckle at that as it was mildly what she feared. ?I must apologize for that, but I must tell you, the accounts from the man this morning about the tsuchigumo bring forth a slew of theories about?? The conversation between Keine and Akyu continued as they walked west through the cluster of simple houses that lined the western road of the Human Village. Children could be seen running through the street, many of them kicking around a ball. Caught up in discussion, the two of them finally reached the western edge of the town where Keine?s house sat, a good several hundred meters isolated from the other residences.

Akyu looked up at Keine as they approached. ?So, you still live this far out so that you can quietly slip away to the Bamboo Forest to see Fujiwara no Mokou?? Akyu asked.

Keine glanced over at Akyu and without a hint of emotion, nodded. ?Yes. After so many years of solitude, she?s still as taciturn as ever. At least she?s finally getting around to bringing her yakitori stand into the Human Village. I told her at the very least she would get more appreciation for her stand if she would cook in town rather than in the Bamboo Forest where the only people who enter are lost and more worried about their survival than food.?

?I don?t think I saw her while I was on my way this afternoon. Is she in the forest today?? Akyu?s eyes looked over to a large collection of bamboo just within sight of Keine?s house.

?Yes, and that?s where we?ll be going,? Keine replied. ?Mokou agreed to bring out her stand to the edge of the Bamboo Forest and we can have a quiet talk about events. I know that you know a fair amount about her, but what you may not know is her relationship with the residents of Eientei. Also, since things have remained calm with the Eientei residents, we can finally talk a little bit more about the Imperishable Night incident.?

This statement caught Akyu?s full attention. The incident referred to a time when the night refused to change into day for a span of what would have been one day. It was a widely observed, but mysterious event. The full moon had shone brightly through the extended night which was extremely dangerous to residents of the Human Village as staring at it long enough could cause bouts of insanity amongst humans. The event however, did end and had never been observed again so it was common speculation to suggest it was caused by youkai. However, details of how it was resolved were sparse as the Hakurei shrine maiden refused to elaborate despite going out to investigate it. The suggestion that Fujiwara no Mokou might also have information about the incident surprised Akyu.

?In any case,? Keine?s words jarred Akyu back into the present thought. ?Mokou might be mildly interested in the Gensokyo Chronicle as you have recently been updating your information. She has always been interested in hearing stories and it seems that after I had exhausted all of my stories, I mentioned you. She wasn?t aware that the earlier copies of the Gensokyo Chronicles went back almost all the way to when she was born. She didn?t even know that she had an entry in one of the earlier manuscripts. So an exchange of information seems to be in order tonight.?

Akyu once again turned to look at the Bamboo Forest in the distance. The sun had all but set over the horizon and the temperature was slowly dropping. Yet she barely took notice. ?It would be my pleasure. This is good fortune. I?m sure the meal will be delicious as well.?

?Oh yes, I definitely enjoy it myself and you should see her preparation. She?s had many years to figure out the right seasonings to use and it goes great with sake?? Without missing a step, the girls headed for the edge of the bamboo thicket.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 06:05:51 AM »
Chapter 5

The duo had just reached the edge of the clearing when they could hear scuffling from within the bamboo trees. The tall shoots of bamboo swayed to and fro, caused by a force greater than any normal wind could allow. Keine immediately stepped ahead of Akyu and motioned for Akyu to stop. ?Stand back!? she said, her mouth set in a line as her eyes scanned the dense foliage ahead of them.

Suddenly, the trees in front of them exploded into a fiery inferno, as fragments of broken bamboo flew in all directions. Sensing the immediate danger, Keine immediately turned around and wrapped her arms around Akyu tight. With a quick step, Keine then jumped, a mild cry coming from Akyu in response. Akyu clung on to Keine as they rose higher and higher into the air. Soon, they stopped, floating in midair about 20 meters from the ground.

Although this was the first time Akyu had seen Keine fly, she was not surprised. She knew that Keine was half human and half youkai, a were-hakutaku. Keine?s youkai half was that of a quadrupedal beast similar to a werewolf. Her powers waxed and waned with the full moon and as Akyu glanced at the moon, it was at a gibbous moon and Keine?s eyes glowed a slight red instead of her usual mild brown. The ability to fly was relatively common with most youkai and a were-hakutaku was a sacred beast, divine enough to be able to fly without the use of wings of any sort.

As they stared back down at the crackling mass below them, a figure burst out from within the trees. The human like figure dashed out into the open, dragging a large object behind it. After sprinting another 10 meters, the figure stopped, its cargo bouncing right into its back. The figure turned back around, its face revealing that of a young girl with sharp red eyes and blue hair stretching all the way to her ankles. Her clothes looked burnt although there appeared to be talismans slapped on all through the overalls and pants she wore. The object she was hauling also shifted around neatly and there were similar burn marks along it.

?Miss Mokou!? Keine cried out.

?GET BACK!? Mokou shouted waving her arm back.

No sooner did she say that when a flurry of projectiles erupted from within the Bamboo Forest. They cut through the air and at Mokou. Reacting quickly, Mokou flipped backwards over and behind her cargo in what was now recognizable as a food cart with wheels. With a series of rapid thunking sounds, they embedded themselves into the cart.

Akyu frowned as she observed all this with Keine overhead. This wasn?t danmaku, the usual type of magic bullets favored by youkai in battle. Nor were they exorcist tools like enchanted talismans or needles. Rather from this distance, they looked like something entirely different. And with a loud screech, the thing that was pursuing Mokou emerged from the forest. It was a huge raven. At approximately 3 meters tall, it was way too large to be a normal beast. It screamed and spread its wings, the matte-black feathers slicing through the nearby bamboo roots, cutting them apart. Then it shot forward.

Mokou was ready. Peeking out from the left side of her cart, she produced a set of talismans and threw them at the raven in a wide arc. The beast veered left, but a few of the talismans hit it along its right wing, burning through part of it. It shrieked and began to ascend into the sky. It quickly caught sight of the girls in midair and angled in their direction at a frightening speed.

?Look out Keine!? Mokou yelled out as she dashed out from beneath her cover and also took to the air.

Suddenly, Akyu was shifted over to Keine?s right arm and Keine raised her left arm at the raven. With sweat forming on her brow, she concentrated for a moment. Then with a flash, a bright light shot forth from her hand. The narrow beam gained cohesiveness as a focused ray and shot towards the rising raven. The raven on a collision course with the laser, angled down and away to the left, the beam cutting through the air barely a meter above it. It glided in a quick arc and then soared up again at another angle. Keine floated back and another flash lit up the sky as Keine aimed a second laser in the path of the soaring raven. It grazed the creature, scoring a fine line along its back and faint smoke emerged from the creature?s wound. This time, it did not stop and within a split second, slammed straight into Keine?s left side. With a cry of pain, the two girls were knocked back and began to drop from the sky, Keine clutching her side with her left arm. Akyu desperately clung onto Keine?s waist.

With a sudden impact, the feeling of freefall stopped for Akyu. She opened her eyes and turned her head to the side. A pair of arms covered in slightly discolored sleeves had encircled her and Keine. Then with a slight thump, they all hit the floor, Keine letting go of Akyu and crumpling up in pain, a groan escaping from her mouth. Then the sleeves disappeared and Mokou stood up interposing herself between the girls and their attacker. The raven screeched again and with a mighty flap of its wings, dozens of thin knife like objects sailed towards them.

?Tch,? Mokou clicked her tongue and in rapid succession, began firing danmaku. Red bullets shot back into the air intercepting, deflecting, and destroying the raven?s projectiles. One of them got through Mokou?s barrage and cut through her shoulder eliciting a grunt from Mokou. ?Feathers?? Akyu murmured half in shock as the sounds of battle whistled through the air. Then the raven narrowed its head and dove straight at Mokou from the sky. Mokou glanced back at the 2 girls behind her and then shifted her body into a more open stance, knees bent, arms out to the side as if preparing to tackle the large bird. As the raven continued to dive, it suddenly slowed and pushed its feet forward revealing huge curved talons.

Mokou dodged slightly, but the raven?s right foot managed to grasp onto her midsection. It dragged Mokou along trying to fly off while clawing at her body in the process. Mokou yelled out as blood flowed from the raven?s talons. She started slapping the bird with her left hand trying to get it off. The raven cawed loudly, wrenching harder with its talons. A sickening meaty sound could be heard as the claws retracted dropping something to the ground. Mokou dropped to one knee clenching her right fist. The raven then attempted to bite at her head. In one smooth motion, Mokou ducked under the beak and pushed off from the ground. Swinging her right fist, Mokou stepped up to the bird?s chest and landed a hard body blow. There was the smell of burnt flesh as her right arm became engulfed in flame and her punch went through the bird?s feathers and skin. It shrieked in pain. ?You had this coming to you,? Mokou finally spat out.

Along the bird?s body, white circles began to appear, on the leg, left wing, and chest. They began to take a more pronounced form that Akyu suddenly recognized. ?Spell circles! She planted them on the raven with her left hand while struggling with it,? she thought in amazement. As if to confirm her observation, Mokou reached out with her left hand to grab onto the raven?s neck. The bird began flapping its wings frantically, a furious wind blowing from it as it struggled to get free. Mokou held on tight with her left hand and kept her right fist embedded in the bird?s stomach. A grim smile crept onto her face and in a voice Akyu could barely hear over the howling wind, she heard the words.

?Fujiyama Volcano.?

White orbs exploded from the implanted spell circles in multiple violent explosions. The force of the explosions completely blew off huge pieces of the bird. From her right arm, a flame burst forth and into the bird?s midsection. The raven shrieked in pain. The heat grew intense and within a moment, the bird?s feathers caught on fire. The crackling of flame increased and completely engulfed the raven?s body. Mokou herself was also encased in flame, but she seemed to barely notice it. The fire continued to rage as the wind slowly died down. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Mokou tossed the darkened corpse forward and then slumped to the floor. Akyu suddenly broke out of her trance at the awesome spectacle and looked around.

Keine had managed to get up into a sitting position still clutching her side. Akyu turned back to her asking, ?Are you all right?? Keine replied with a strained smile, ?Yes, although I think I have some broken ribs. However, it should heal quickly due to the moon?s phase. I?ll be sore for a while. Please, go check on Mokou.? Akyu nodded and got up to walk over to where Mokou lay.

The heat had mostly subsided, but could definitely still be felt as Akyu approached. A few meters away, the corpse of the large raven was still smoldering slightly. Akyu knelt down beside Mokou who had one arm over the gaping hole in her side, the blood having stopped flowing, possibly cauterized by the heat. Now that Akyu got a closer look at her, she still bore a large resemblance to the girl from Aichi?s memory. Her hair was definitely shorter then and she didn?t have overalls back then. But she still looked mostly the same, except her face with her eyes closed looked? mature wasn?t quite the right word, but rather, weathered. Akyu could only wonder what this ageless immortal girl had seen in her continuing existence and if this recent battle was just one of countless she had endured before.

?Thank you for saving us,? Akyu began. ?I take it you will recover shortly??

?Yeah,? Mokou replied succinctly, her eyes still closed. ?Where?s Keine??

?Right here.? Akyu looked up to see Keine had come over as well. Keine then sat down across from Akyu. ?So, what was that thing??

?Don?t know,? was the reply from Mokou. ?It wasn?t youkai, just a really big raven.?

?What was it doing in the Bamboo Forest??

?Don?t know,? again was Mokou?s answer. She opened her eyes. ?Never seen something like that before. I?d imagine a thing like that woulda turned into a youkai raven if it was that big. But it?s got no intelligence and as you can see,? as she nodded over at the corpse, ?it ain?t gonna get up anymore. It?s just a cooked bird.?

Keine punched Mokou in the shoulder.

?Ow?, lay off for a bit would ya??

Keine turned her head with a hmmph. Akyu couldn?t help but chuckle at the exchange. For a person who was purported to not be friendly with the villagers, Mokou sure seemed to open up to Keine. Akyu spoke up, ?So, that was the only raven? You didn?t see any others??

?Nope. Really weird when ya think about it? A single big black raven in the middle of the Bamboo Forest. I thought only humans got lost in there.? A short sigh escaped from her mouth. ?And,? Mokou went silent for a moment, ?it was vicious. It saw me and attacked right away. Those feathers hurt a lot too.?

?Oh, right, your cart.? Recalling that detail, Akyu suddenly got up and took a look around. A short distance off stood the food cart Akyu had first seen Mokou with and she went over to it. It had tipped over on its side during the battle. Upon inspection, it was a simple wooden box on wheels. Inside was a large glass container with an open side and an iron grill. Akyu assumed no wood was needed because Mokou could produce fire at will and cook things directly. Several feathers were embedded into one end of the cart as well as a few that had cracked the glass container. Walking over to one side, she carefully plucked a feather from the exterior of the cart. While the feather itself was light and the outer vane soft as it fluttered in the wind, she noticed that the barbs along the feather itself were sharp and inflexible. She stowed the feather away on her person and proceeded to upright the cart and with some difficulty, bring it back.

Keine and Mokou were in quiet conversation, Mokou staring intently at Keine?s side. ?So?? Mokou was the one to speak up which surprised Akyu a little bit. ?You?ve got records that date back to centuries ago? I definitely?d be interested in that. And you want to know a bit more about that long night of the full moon? Man, I can tell you all kinds of dirt about that bitch Kaguya. Any day I can ruin her reputation for the history books is a good day.?

?But,? after a quick glance at Keine, Mokou then sat up. ?I guess we can talk another time, I?m kinda tired at the moment.? Mokou then glanced at her cart, still riddled with feathers and burn marks. ?Don?t think I?m gonna be able to cook that yakitori for ya tonight either. Although?? her face lit up with a mischievous grin, ?if ya bring my seasonings over, I?m sure that there raven will make a fine??

Keine punched Mokou in the shoulder again.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 06:45:23 AM »
Chapter 6

Akyu took a sip of tea as she continued to read from the book on her desk. ?Incident of wild boar mauling two women in the fields. Both survived despite deep lacerations and internal injuries... the boar was chased off and eventually killed by a group from the Village.? Akyu continued to scan the records. ?A hornet youkai impaled a young child with its stinger and carted him off. Only shreds of the boy?s clothing were found in a tree at the edge of the Forest of Magic.?

She leaned back from her chair and stretched her arms out. Nearby, a stack of books sat on the floor, having already been perused. Akyu paused to think about the task on hand. She was looking through records of violent attacks on the Human Village over the past 50 years to see if there were any reports of a raven or any large bird. Certainly, there were several reports of clashes with the tengu on Youkai Mountain, but they all involved either the intelligent humanoid tengu like Aya Shameimaru or the more common normal sized tengu birds. Not once was there mention of a tengu as large as the beast that Fujiwara no Mokou had fought last night.

She thought back to the previous night. After Mokou has insisted she?d be ok and was going to sleep under the stars that night, Keine had escorted Akyu back to the Village. Wanting to keep things low key, Akyu helped bandage Keine up at her house and then left her for the evening. The rest of the night was uneventful and once Akyu returned to the Hieda manor, was able to convince the other house servants the dirt and scuffs on her kimono were of little concern.

With a sigh, Akyu closed the book in front of her and put it on top of the other books. The morning had started out normal just like the previous morning and many others before. Being attacked was unusual, but not completely new to her. There were no signs or news of anything else happening to the rest of the Human Village, as far as she had heard from the servants. The whole thing could very well have been an isolated event with no future ramifications on anything else. Akyu pulled out the black feather she had collected from the previous night. By all accounts, it was a normal feather. Even if the barbs on it were strong and capable of inflicting serious harm, it was not such an unusual thing for the animal to have grown a feather like this. Finally, even if the creature was actually an undocumented bird or even a youkai, it wasn?t that unusual for there to be new discoveries, even within the small area that comprised Gensokyo. For instance, a slew of new youkai were reported by the Hakurei shrine maiden when the geyser had erupted, all previously living underground, unknown to the denizens above ground until that incident.

No? this was just a nagging feeling. Something just didn?t feel right about what had happened the last night. In any case, there was nothing more to learn from her records. It was time to move on and focus on other matters. The school lessons today were only a half day and they?d already be over so Akyu was sure she wouldn?t fine Keine at the school house. She probably was more worried about Mokou than her own condition and maybe had even head back to the Bamboo Forest to survey the scene. There were no appointments today and without having been able to talk to Mokou, no new information to put into the Gensokyo Chronicle. In other words, with the completion of the records she had just gone over, it was going to be an idle day. And Akyu hated idle days. Knowing her time is more limited than other people, Akyu knew to make the most of every waking moment. She just needed to figure out what to research, who to talk to?

The latter thought trailed off as a possibility formed in her head. The Hakurei shrine maiden was a rather aloof person, spending most of her time sweeping the shrine grounds and drinking tea. But the Hakurei clan had long since been tasked with the resolving of incidents by youkai. It had long been said that the balance in Gensokyo was determined as follows, ?youkai cause incidents, humans resolve these incidents.? It seemed such a simple truth except that for much of the early history of Gensokyo, humans were unable to resolve such incidents. Now, the shrine maiden herself was spiritually powerful enough to do so. If the attack last night was indeed the work of some youkai, the shrine maiden may have an idea about it.

With a quick, ?Alright,? Akyu stood up and prepared to depart.

Chapter 7

The Hakurei Shrine was in the opposite direction of the school house, to the East to face the rising sun. It was not actually within the Village, but near it, accessible off a small dirt path with trees on both sides. After a short period, Akyu reached the base of the shrine?s stone steps. She began the climb up, noting how her light footsteps seemed to echo into the open air. For some reason, the Hakurei shrine?s visitors had dwindled down to almost nothing in recent times. Most likely, it was due to the establishment of the new temple nearby whose priestess was very emphatic about collecting donations. Akyu thought this was unfortunate as the new establishment had had no role in the creation of the Great Border, a fundamental part of Gensokyo?s fabric. Respect must be paid to those who have earned it, and then paid again. With that, Akyu reached the top of the stairs where the Shrine?s gate stood.

The stone path continued forward towards what was the singular traditional temple at the center of the grounds. Akyu noted that all around her, the grounds had been neatly swept and were devoid of fallen leaves or trash. It definitely made her appreciate the decision to come out to the shrine and see such a peaceful scene. Akyu continued along the steps towards the main building. As she approached, she caught sight of the large donation box as well as the 2 brass bells above it with the thick rope hanging down. Akyu dug out a coin from her robe and walked up to the wooden steps. She tossed the coin into the box and reached out to shake the bell. After 2 hand claps, she bowed her head to say a small prayer. When she raised her head, she caught sight of the shrine maiden stepping out from the shrine?s door.

She was a young woman of about 18 years, dressed in a white and red dress that was the traditional uniform of the Hakurei shrine maiden. Her brown hair was adorned with a big red ribbon that seemed to make her look younger than her age. She walked down the steps to stand next to Akyu and also bowed her head in a small prayer. After a moment, she raised her head and smiled.

?Thank you for the donation. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Child of Miare??

?It is nothing much, Miss Reimu,? Akyu answered, bowing in return. ?Although I had a few questions that perhaps you could help answer.?

?Of course, right this way,? Reimu gestured to above the steps and around the outer wall.

The two walked around the outer wall and around the corner to where, Akyu noticed, a tea set had been placed on the steps. Bringing an extra pillow out, the two then sat on the edge of the steps while Reimu poured a cup of tea. After they both took a sip, Akyu began.

?I was wondering if you had heard anything about the fire by the Bamboo Forest the previous night??

Reimu took another sip before answering. ?No, I had not. Was it caused by Mokou??

?Indirectly, yes,? Akyu answered. ?There was a battle between her and a beast. It was a giant raven 3 meters tall. I also happened to be there as well.?

Reimu turned to look at Akyu, but neither her eyes nor her expression changed. ?Sounds like a bit of an adventure. It wasn?t a youkai??

Akyu shook her head. ?No, and it puzzles me. It did not look like a mystical beast nor was it a youkai. It just seemed to be a regular animal. But why was it so big, and so aggressive? Have you heard of anything like this before??

Reimu leaned back for a moment as she seemed to be racking her head on the question. After a short while, she answered, ?No, I don?t know anything. And I haven?t heard of anything either. Is it really something to be worried about? You weren?t hurt at all were you??

?No I wasn?t.  But something didn?t feel right about the creature. Mokou and Keine had a hard time beating it and both were injured. They will recover, but it seemed it was more powerful than a normal bird. Even if it was bigger, there?s no intuitive reason as to why it would be so much stronger than the countless number of ravens that exist.? Akyu then proceeded to take out the black feather. ?This came from the bird, be careful of the edges,? Akyu said as she carefully handed the feather over.

Reimu put her teacup down and took the feather. She looked it over, examining it from all angles. Then she gave a slight shrug. ?It looks rather ordinary to me, although it can definitely cut if rubbed at the wrong angle. There could be more to that if we could?? Reimu trailed off for a moment. Then suddenly she broke out into a smile. ?Let?s try something with this then.?

Reimu turned her head towards the interior of the shrine and called out, ?Suika, could you come out here for a minute??

As Akyu began to think about where she had heard that name before, suddenly she could hear slow footsteps coming from within the shrine. ?Ok!? a girl?s voice called out. As Akyu turned around to look, she felt a whoosh over her head as the figure jumped over her and Reimu to land back onto the grounds in front of them. She landed on her feet with a huge thump in front of them and seemed to sway a little uneasily after the impact. She was short, wearing a purple dress and light pink blouse and orange hair down to the waist. As she turned around, Akyu could hear the jangling of chains from around her neck. As Akyu caught sight of the ribbons tied around the girl?s 2 horns on her head, she realized who the girl was. She was Suika Ibuki, an oni, one of the most powerful types of youkai in all of Gensokyo.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2010, 06:52:44 AM »
Chapter 8

The oni flashed a grin at Reimu as she rocked back and forth. ?So, what?s up?? she said in a slurred high-pitched voice. Putting her hand to her right belt, she detached what looked like a large contoured gourd. Bending backwards, she lifted the gourd up into the air and started drinking from it noisily. ?Pwaah!? with a satisfied smile, she took one last gulp, lowered the gourd and wiped her mouth with her arm. The slight stench of sake wafted in the air from her.

Reimu waited for all of this to end before speaking again. ?This is the Child of Miare, Hieda no Akyu,? as she gestured with an open palm towards Akyu.  ?She was attacked last night by a large bird that she doesn?t believe to be a youkai. Do you know anything about what it might be??

Suika turned slightly to look at Akyu then back at Reimu. ?It?s a large bird then, ain?t it? You definitely only know how to ask simple questions Reimu, ha ha ha!? Suika said with gusto. Reimu?s eyebrow twitched slightly as she glared back at Suika.

?Of course it?s a simple question. But she thinks there?s more to it. Apparently it put up quite the fight. And we also have this.? Reimu extended her arm forward, holding up the black feather. ?It?s not quite like a normal raven?s feather. It?s pretty sharp.?

Suika lumbered forward and with a quick swipe, grabbed the feather from Reimu?s fingers. She lazily stared at it, then took another swig from her gourd. ?Looks normal to me too, although? feels heavy!?

Reimu sighed exasperatedly. ?You?ve definitely had too much sake to drink!? Reimu stood up and made her way to Suika as if to take the gourd away from her. ?Ha ha ha,? Suika started laughing as she began dashing away and Reimu picked up speed to chase. Akyu stared at this exchange with a slight wonder. While Reimu was often called upon to resolve incidents caused by youkai and be a youkai exterminator, there were always rumors that she attracted youkai to her. That was natural for the Hakurei shrine maiden. And yet she would let these youkai live after defeating them. And that as a result of these acts of mercy, they liked to frequent the Hakurei shrine. Such hearsay had given this generation?s Hakurei shrine maiden the impression of being lazy; that and the supposed presence of youkai at the Shrine were probably the real reasons why fewer humans made donations there. Akyu herself had assumed such a stance by the Hakurei shrine maiden was inherently dangerous and detrimental to the power balance in Gensokyo; humans needed to keep youkai in check by killing them before they grew too old and powerful and there was always a risk that a youkai that gained the trust of one of the guardians of humanity could always turn on that human when his or her guard was finally let down.

Still, the sight of a human being so open and friendly to a youkai, to see each other act as equals with mutual respect, was a first for Akyu in her over thousand years of memory. And it was heartwarming, as she saw Reimu give chase to a laughing stumbling oni as they ran to and fro. And it felt honest, it felt like the two were having fun. Perhaps, Akyu thought, this new way to engage youkai was the answer. To reach out with an open hand rather than a closed fist was not only how humans wanted to live, but youkai as well. It seemed ironic that a member of the Hakurei clan would be the one to bridge the gap between human and youkai.

?Wait wait Reimu,? Suika intoned putting one hand up to stop her as Akyu?s thoughts returned to the present. ?I was being serious. This feather is heavier than a normal feather. And it?s not just because it came from a larger bird. It?s definitely denser.?

?Really? How can you tell?? Akyu asked with noted curiosity as she stood up to walk over to Suika and Reimu.

Reimu looked over to Suika as if expecting her to give the explanation only to see Suika once again drinking. She sighed again and turned back to Akyu. ?Suika?s power is the ability to manipulate density. She can gather objects together and bring them together, or merge them. Thus, she?s sensitive to the structure of things. Although such an ability can also be used in a more figurative sense. Like the gathering of all those people for that huge party a few years back was actually caused by Suika?s ability.?

?YEAH!? Suika shouted out jumping quickly into the conversation. ?We should have another one. Tonight sound good?!?

*Bonk!* Reimu?s fist thumped the side of Suika?s head. ?No way. That was akin to mind control. You do that again and I?ll send you straight to the Netherworld!?

?I kid, I kid. For the moment anyways,? Suika added under her breath but clearly loud enough for both of the humans to hear. ?Anyways,? Suika turned her attention to Akyu. ?Shall I do it??

?Do what exactly?? Akyu asked.

?Dissolve this feather.? Suika nodded with an exaggerated motion. ?The other part of my ability is to loosen the density of an object. With something as small as this, that means I can break it apart. You said the beast was weird. Well, I say the feather is weird. Now, don?t you want to know what it?s made of?? She waved the feather in midair as if tantalizing Akyu with it. ?Unless you need it for later.?

Akyu shook her head. ?No, I don?t think I?ll need it later. Please, go ahead.?

?Ok then!? Suika extended her arm straight out as Reimu stepped away from Suika to give her space. Closing her eyes, Suika slowly closed her hand around the feather such as the stem and the vane were sticking out the sides of her hand. With a slow breath, she gently squeezed her fist. As the girls watched, the two exposed ends of the feather began to retract into Suika?s hand as if being sucked in. Soon, they completely disappeared from sight. After a few seconds, Suika gently exhaled and opened the palm of her hand. The girls stepped forward to look at the contents.

?Sand?? Reimu looked at the mass of particles in Suika?s hand, her voice taking on a note of confusion.

?Yes, it?s sand. Mostly silicon dioxide. There are very few traces of carbon in it which is what you would expect in a part of a living creature. That explains the increased density.?

Reimu gave a look of incredulity at Suika as if she couldn?t believe the words coming out of her mouth. Akyu had the faint impression that half of it was because the explanation was by all accounts ridiculous sense and the other half was that it was coming from the drunken oni?s mouth. Reimu then stared back at her hand. ?So, what does this mean??

?It means the bird was composed of sand. Gee Reimu, you sure can?t stop asking the stupid? whoops,? Suika stepped to the side as Reimu?s fist swung through open air this time. She stopped though and turned to look at the 2 girls with a serious expression. Reimu paused, then stepped back and waited.

?I don?t know what this means,? Suika began, her tone a little more solemn. ?No ordinary creature is made out of just sand. This would actually imply that it?s a youkai attribute. But I?ve never heard of any youkai like that.? Suika looked at Akyu. ?Have you??

Akyu thought back, searching through her memories. After a moment, she shook her head.

?Is the creature buried yet??

?No,? Akyu answered. It was left in the field by the Bamboo Forest after Fujiwara no Mokou burned it. It might still be there.?

?Ok, the next thing is to see if the rest of the body was made of sand or just the feathers. I?m gonna go check it out! And if the rest of it was meat? yay free meal! And here?s a shot for the road!? With another quick swig from the gourd, Suika did a fancy spin and then? began dissolving. Her features became hazy and she started to float as if she was lighter than the air itself. Soon, all that was left of her was a light blue mist. With a quick twirl, the mist floated into the sky and headed west over the trees encircling the Hakurei shrine.

Reimu turned to watch Suika depart before looking back at Akyu and sighing. ?Always doing things at her own pace. Why don?t I get such freedom?? She began walking back towards the shrine. ?Well, part of the mystery is solved. Your encounter last night was not normal. And we also don?t know if it was the end of it. Perhaps I have another incident to take care of.?

Akyu faced Reimu again and bowed. ?Thank you again for your help. This is a fascinating development. I hope I will be able to learn more.?

Reimu nodded. ?Certainly. Suika did most of the work though. When I called for her, I wasn?t expecting her to actually give us information with her ability. But there?s a start for you. Anyways, feel free to come back to the Shrine later. You can ask Suika what she found out later.?

As Akyu was leaving, she pondered over Reimu?s last words. ?You can ask Suika?? That implied that Reimu trusted Suika enough to leave her alone with Akyu. A human who was clearly weaker and far less suited to combat and youkai extermination to meet with an oni. Akyu allowed herself a small smile as she started walking down the steps of the Hakurei Shrine. Things have certainly changed over the last 120 years. And for the first time in Gensokyo?s history, it may have been for the better.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2010, 06:40:36 AM »
Chapter 9

Two days later, Akyu found herself making the trip back up the Hakurei shrine steps. Since the previous visit, there had been no news of any kind regarding any large animal attacks. Keine had stopped by the previous day to let Akyu know she and Mokou were doing fine and that no further attacks had occurred around them. And earlier this morning, an issue of the Bunbunmaru newspaper was found deposited into the small pond of the Hieda manor by one of the servants. It seemed Aya Shameimaru, the tengu writer and delivery person of the newspaper flew by too fast and missed the front porch. After retrieving the issue and allowing it to dry a bit, Akyu scanned its contents.

Brush Fire in Bamboo Forest, Boyish Flamewielder Feigns Blamelessness

By: Aya Shameimaru

?There were reports of a large fire at the edge of the Bamboo Forest on Saturday evening. The following evening, this diligent tengu reporter arrived on the scene to conduct an investigation. Upon arrival, this reporter noted the presence of one Fujiwara no Mokou. Subject is noted for being able to manifest fire and causing general calamity. This reporter proceeded to interview said subject.?

?When posed the question of whether she knew about the fire occurring, subject responded with, ?none of your business.? When next posed the question of where that gaping hole in her side came from, subject was unresponsive and became actively hostile. After making a hasty departure from the newly resulted burning scene, this reporter was forced to come to the following conclusion:

?The person of interest, Fujiwara no Mokou, being the owner of a yakitori stand and culinary artist, had a cooking mishap. When attempting to make rabbit stew within the Bamboo Forest, her captured youkai rabbit slipped gunpowder on her person. When Miss Mokou ignited herself to begin meal preparations, a thunderous explosion occurred, causing bodily harm to herself. In her panic, she ran around like an idiot yelling ?I?m on fire!? causing damage to the forest. It was but a few minutes later that she realized she could un-set herself on fire and promptly did so to reduce further damage. Such a mental lapse on her part led to the obvious reluctance to answer this reporter?s questions. However, the truth must be known and spread to all the denizens of Gensokyo. Thus, this fair and balanced report has concluded.?

Akyu let out a sigh as she continued walking up the steps. Not too surprising the article was written in such a manner as it was known Aya loved to embellish details in ways she thought fit. But she was not concerned about what Aya?s views were. Rather, she was mildly surprised there was no mention of Suika or the corpse of the bird within the article. Given the time when Aya claimed she arrived, Suika could still have been there. Instead, it was just Mokou. Did they just miss each other or perhaps did something happen between them?

In any case, now was as good of a time as any to visit the Shrine again. Once again, she found herself staring into the open grounds of the Hakurei Shrine. Making her way to the center, Akyu once again made a donation and said a small prayer. This time, when she finished, Reimu did not come out to greet her.

Akyu continued up into the entrance of the shrine itself. With a slight pause, she called out, ?Miss Reimu, are you there?? There was no answer.

?Please excuse me then,? Akyu issued the formal apology and proceeded to take off her sandals. She found a set of loaner house shoes by the entrance and slipped into those. With tentative footsteps, she entered the main building.

The room was wide and tall. Off to the wall on the right, there stood a small shrine, incense sticks lit up and candles emitting a soft glowing flame. In the center of the room, tatami mats were laid out and a single short table stood, presumably for guests. Scrolls with sutra were hung on the wall as well as some ofuda. Two sliding paper doors stood opposite the main entrance.

Suddenly, a distant sound could be heard. As it grew louder, Akyu could make out a voice. ??mu, is that you?? Then the door on the far left opened to reveal the swaying figure of Suika Ibuki. ?Oh, it?s not Reimu,? as she eyed the young visitor to the shrine.

?Good afternoon Miss Suika,? Akyu gave a bow. ?Miss Reimu is out??

?Yea,? Suika popped the lid off her now familiar gourd and took a drink. ?Went shopping in the Human Village. You musta just missed her. Come on over, have a seat,? Suika gestured to the table in the center of the room.

Akyu made her way over to the table and Suika plopped down across from her. ?Want a drink?? Suika asked nodding to her gourd.

?I hope you weren?t asking me to drink from that,? Akyu said. She couldn?t help but smile as Suika seemed to regard her as an old friend even after having just met a few days before. ?But yes, I?d be honored.? Being the guest and offered a drink, it would have been impolite to refuse so Akyu graciously accepted.

?Sure sure,? Suika laughed and produced a cup and poured from her gourd. As she handed Akyu the cup, Akyu examined the contents. The liquid was very clear indicating a sake that would have had all of its grains filtered out; but Akyu had no idea how the sake was made. Furthermore, one had to be wary of oni?s sake. Oni loved to drink and celebrate and it was always rumored their sake which was enough to get them drunk, was strong enough to knock out a grown man twice as fast. Nevertheless, she took a light drink from the cup. The liquid was crisp and cool with a mildly acidic taste. As she swallowed, she could feel the inside of her body warm up, almost too warm as her cheeks quickly grew hot. Akyu had never minded sake; she drank it numerous times before and could remember the different tastes. She hadn?t had sake yet in this lifetime, but she noted that in this case, she was still young and it seemed her body was weak to it.

?Plenty more where that came from!? Suika patted her gourd lovingly and then took a large swig from it. ?So yea, I have news for ya. You can write all about it.?

?Thank you for helping us out,? Akyu bowed as she dug out a pen and parchment from her kimono.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2010, 07:36:09 AM »
Chapter 10

?To start, only the feathers from the body were composed of sand,? Suika began her account with this statement. ?The rest was charred black and burnt, definitely once a living creature and not some golem.?

Akyu took all this in while she continued to write Suika?s account word for word. ?Could such a thing have been born or created like this, or did it develop this sand like trait later in its life??

?Hard to say,? Suika stopped for a drink. ?But with the inconsistency of a normal body and feathers made of sand, it probably wasn?t born that way. Actually, what the feathers were probably wasn?t sand. I deconstructed the feather to sand, but before that, there was a hardness to the feather that doesn?t quite the characteristics of sand itself. Rather, it?s more likely the feather was made of glass.?

?Oh!? Akyu stopped to look at Suika in surprise. She thought back to the sight of the feathers cutting into Mokou and her cart. ?That could very well be true. So more likely it developed glass feathers or??

?Something gave it glass feathers,? Suika finished. ?Either way, it?s unusual. Especially because it was also on a bigger than normal animal. Makes things more dangerous for you humans.?

?Did you see anything else at the site? Or maybe Fujiwara no Mokou?? Akyu asked.

?Nope.? Another swig. ?Nothing else.?

?I see. This will probably do. Thank you for checking it out.? Akyu wrote the last of her notes down and began to pack up her writing materials.

?Any time. Too bad the corpse was charcoal, I missed out on some fresh meat,? Suika then looked up and stared at Akyu a toothy grin slowly spreading on her face. With exaggerated motions, she began crawling from around the table towards Akyu. Akyu couldn?t help but sit, paralyzed, her eyes following the oni youkai?s progress. Thoughts flashed through her head at a rapid pace. No matter what Suika?s relationship was with Reimu, she certainly didn?t owe anything to Akyu herself. Suika was still a youkai, powerful enough to act on her own whims and desires. The unspoken of fate of a human meeting an oni one on one was always there.

By this time, Suika had reached Akyu?s side, the only sound in the room being the light clinking of her chains against her body. With her body skimming along the ground, she slowly lifted her head up towards Akyu?s neck. Akyu stared back down, frozen and overwhelmed by the small girl?s enormous presence. As Suika got up to Akyu?s shoulders, she stopped and looked into Akyu?s eyes. Akyu stared back, knowing that this was the moment of truth. No longer in control of her fate, she met Suika?s gaze unflinchingly. Seconds went by and the two figures remained still. Then suddenly, a childish grin broke on Suika?s face. With a quick motion, she threw her entire arm around Akyu?s shoulders. ?Just kidding, ha ha ha.? Suika laughed out with jive and sat up, taking a long chug from her gourd.

?I haven?t gotten a chance to pull that joke in centuries!? Suika turned back to Akyu with a hearty chortle. ?Most humans tend to run away or just scream or plead or faint. But you made it to the end. I like that. In celebration of staring bravely at death, let?s drink to life!? Suika reached over to Akyu?s sake cup, still half full from just the one drink Akyu took earlier and filled it back up.

Akyu finally managed to let out a nervous laugh. ?I can definitely cheer to that.? Akyu managed to say and she quickly drained her entire cup, the warmth flooding inside her to melt what had been her frozen innards. As Akyu looked back at the giggling hiccupping oni whose arm was around her, she tried to collect her thoughts. What had happened? Was it a joke or was there some sort of future intent involved? Perhaps a test of some kind? Akyu couldn?t tell or come to any definitive conclusion. In the end though, only one thing was certain. With a resigned sigh, she thought, ?with youkai around, there will never be a dull moment.?


After a long while, Akyu slowly got up from her place on the tatami mat, trying to not stir the sleeping, lightly snoring oni next to her. Suika had continued drinking and laughing nonstop for 10 minutes before suddenly falling backwards onto the floor and promptly passing out. Perhaps this is what Reimu goes through all the time, Akyu thought as she lightly made her way to the entrance of the shrine and slipped on her sandals again. Stepping back out into the open grounds, she noted the hazy sunshine coming down at a moderate angle. It had barely been an hour since she initially arrived. It had seemed longer than that. Other than the temporary scare she got earlier, Akyu was able to get what she wanted from this trip and stayed in one piece. That?s about the best she could hope for.

?It was useful information, but it seems I?m now out of leads. Perhaps all I can do now is wait and determine if that?s the end of it,? Akyu said to herself aloud.

?You?re snooping too close to the truth. It?s about time I put you out of commission.? A voice suddenly called out from the distance.

Akyu froze at the chilling declaration and looked around for its source. Then she spotted the ominous black mass situated atop the red shrine gates. It wasn?t a shadow per se, but rather a large circle of utter darkness which contrasted sharply with what had originally been uninterrupted sunlight. Akyu couldn?t make out a figure within the orb, but from the initial glance, she was certain that it was the work of a youkai.

Seeing nobody else around, Akyu decided to not feign ignorance. ?What is this about? Surely there isn?t anything more to me just wanting to know about a single attack?? Akyu called out, trying to gauge the threat of the unknown mass ahead of her.

?Why surely there is. And I?ve said too much already. You?ll be coming with me.? Suddenly, the entire mass floated away from the top of the gates and dove right at Akyu. Akyu turned and tried to run back towards the shrine, but a tendril of darkness stabbed forth from the mass and impaled her right leg. Akyu cried out in pain as she collapsed, unable to go any further. She looked back at the darkness as it filled her field of vision, blocking out the sunlight. It encircled her and prepared to swallow her up.

Suddenly, her field of vision cleared to one side as the darkness shifted to her left. Then there was a thunderous smash to her right as dust and earth was kicked up from an impact on the ground. Akyu covered her eyes from the sudden force of particles in the air. Opening her eyes, she then caught sight of what had caused the impact. It was a large gourd that she had gotten quite used to seeing over the past few days. It then flew back high into the air as if weightless, attached to a thick leather belt. It fell before being snatched out of the air by a small thin hand. The figure of Suika Ibuki then dashed forward and with 3 quick steps had imposed herself in front of Akyu and the orb of darkness which had backed away a fair distance on the ground.

?Are you ok?? Suika called back to Akyu without turning around as she stared down her opponent.

?I don?t know,? Akyu answered as she clutched her right leg, blood slowly dripping out of a wound. She suddenly realized she was breathing really hard. ?I? I don?t think I can walk.?

Suika looked back at Akyu and caught sight of her leg. She then turned her head back towards the orb. ?You?re going to regret doing that,? she said, her voice suddenly colder than Akyu had ever heard it.

?Is that so?? the voice within the darkness replied as if amused. Then the shadowy darkness seemed to diminish a bit as a barrage of yellow lasers burst from the mass towards Suika and Akyu. Suika turned and gathered Akyu up in her arms with one quick motion. Putting her feet together, Suika then launched herself into the air with a powerful jump and landed at the entrance to the shrine. Behind her, the lasers had missed, shredding into the trees lining the outer edges of the shrine grounds.

?Wait here,? Suika said gently placing Akyu on the floor of the shrine behind the front wall. She quickly bounded back out at an angle, presumably so that any stray danmaku wouldn?t hit the shrine. Akyu shuffled alongside the wall so that she remained mostly covered, then stuck her head out into the open to see the fight unfold. The orb had paused for a bit before firing another burst of short lasers at Suika. Suika continued running forward at an angle away from the shrine and the orb. Right when the last set of lasers had passed by her, she took a sharp turn and pushed off from the ground, bursting towards her attacker.

The figure within the darkness, seemingly caught off guard, began to fire a spread of yellow bullets at the charging oni. However, it was not too dense and Suika managed to slip through the initial onslaught, the bullets barely grazing her. With a quick flip of the wrist, she threw her gourd forward again, the container shooting towards the darkness at a high speed. Then with a loud clang, the gourd was deflected away. Suika pulled her belt to reel it in and caught it, stopping 10 meters away from the dark mass.

The darkness began to melt away revealing a thin, pale looking figure. It revealed a girl with black hair and a short black dress with a circular red design at the bottom left by the hem. 3 red dagger shaped wings stuck out of her back to her right and 3 blue devil shaped tails from her left. She carried a large black trident in her hands, about 1.4 meters in length in a guard position. Her red eyes flashed at Suika with displeasure.

?Step aside oni,? the girl ordered. ?I am taking custody of that girl. This does not concern you.?

Suika laughed derisively as if she heard a bad joke and took a drink from her gourd. ?Does not concern me eh? Think again little girl. First of all, she?s the Child of Miare and entitled to the protection of the Hakurei Shrine. And secondly, I like Akyu. A lot. You aren?t taking her away from me.?

From the shrine doorway, Akyu tensed as she observed the standoff between Suika and the girl with the trident. Suddenly, the girl relaxed her pose and nodded her head towards Suika. ?So be it. My name is Nue Houjuu.? She returned to her guard position. ?I shall end this quickly.?

Suika snorted and shifted her right foot backwards as she took a fighting stance. ?Suika Ibuki. This will indeed end quickly with your loss.?

The two combatants continued to size each other up. Then after a few seconds, they both dashed towards each other, trident and fists raised as the battle begun.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2010, 08:20:54 AM »
Chapter 11

As they flew towards each other, Nue stepped down with her right foot and pivoted. With a quick motion, she thrust her trident forward with her right hand, trying to strike at long range. Suika dodged to the right, skidding slightly along the dirt ground and then dashed forward again. Nue retreated two steps and once again jabbed. Suika this time ducked under the attack and jerked her head to the side, her right horn batting the trident aside to the right. Nue, caught off guard by the maneuver, was spun around to her left, her back now exposed to her opponent. Suika pounced, her right fist reared back.

But Nue, realizing the danger she was in, let the deflection continue her spin. Grabbing a hold of her trident with both hands, she accelerated her spin hefting her trident around in a sideways arc. The blow caught Suika in the waist on her left side with a vicious thunk.

With a yelp of pain, Suika was hurtled through the air, painfully bouncing along the ground once before rolling to a stop several meters away. Not wasting any time, Nue extended her left hand and aimed at Suika. A burst of blue lasers shot forth, a keen whine filling the air as they shot towards the fallen oni. At just the last moment, Suika rolled backwards as the lasers hit the ground where her body had just been. A few more continued to arc towards her. She got up into a crouch and readied her arms in front of her in a blocking position. The first laser was batted aside by her left arm and the second was slapped away as she swung her left arm back in front of her. The last laser grazed by her right arm, missing the rest of her body as Suika twisted to avoid it. Holding her right hand high, Suika produced an enormous red orb, just about 3/4 the size of her own body. Straightening up, she palmed her large bullet and threw it at a high arc towards Nue.

Nue shifted her aim up and began firing at the orb. Lasers embedded itself into the orb slowing its descent and yet the large danmaku bullet continued to fall towards Nue. Finally, one laser pierced the orb?s center and it exploded. Globs of fire burst from the orb and rained down in all around Nue. She paused, momentarily frozen as the fires cut off any clear paths of escape. Nue could feel a rush of wind as the oni suddenly burst through the flames ahead of her, her gourd already shooting towards her head. She brought her trident up in a lateral guard position and took the hit from the gourd directly. Her arms shook from the impact as she batted the gourd away. Nue readjusted her stance and as Suika again darted within range, swung her trident down in a diagonal slash. Suika was ready for it and blocked the edge of the prongs directly with her left arm.  Overextended, Nue flipped the trident around so the end by her hands was now pointed away from her and she slashed upwards with the shortened end. Suika twisted to the side and reminiscent of Nue?s first counterattack, continued her spin into a right backhand.

?Ugh!? Nue uttered as she managed a last second block with the shaft of her trident. The force of the hit almost sent the shaft into her own face and Nue stumbled back to lessen the impact. Now that Suika was within arms range, she had the advantage and both fighters knew it. Suika pressed forward, attempting to land jabs and body blows on her opponent. With so little room to defend with, Nue began stepping back, frantically trying to block Suika?s assault with her weapon.

Suddenly, Suika shot her right fist forward through a gap in Nue?s defense. Twisting her arm up, she snaked her arm around the trident, stopping its movement. As Nue struggled to wrestle her weapon away from the oni, Suika kicked out with her left foot sweeping Nue?s legs out from underneath her. Nue landed on her back hard, pain coursing through her spine as she lost her grip on her trident. With a U-shaped swing of her hand, Suika readjusted her hold on the trident to a two hand grip, left hand down, right hand farther above it as she stood over the youkai in black. With an amazingly loud yell, she thrust downwards towards Nue?s left shoulder.

Nue rolled to her right and just missed being impaled as the trident struck the ground. The strike was so strong that jagged spikes burst from the ground at the point of impact. Firmly embedded into the ground, Suika let go of the trident and jumped after Nue. Unable to get up from the ground without exposing herself, Nue shifted onto her side exposing her red wings. Suika, seeing what Nue intended, shifted her flight as the 3 red wings jabbed forward, attempting to spear her. Shifting to a hook, Suika caught Nue?s side just below her armpit, sending her flying through the air. She tumbled along the ground before rolling to a stop at the foot of a tree.

Suika landed on her feet and a grin appeared on her face as she looked at her target. Nue was slowly propping herself up, her back against the tree as her right arm clutched her left side. ?Had enough?? Suika called out as she unscrewed the top from her gourd. Nue?s eyes flashed with anger. ?Don?t,? Nue began before interrupted by coughing. ?Don?t? underestimate me? oni. This isn?t over yet!? As she pushed herself away from the tree, she began to rise into the air. Suika took the time to drink as she waited for her opponent?s move. Then, Nue called out:

?Undefined Darkness.?

Chapter 12

During the initial skirmish between Suika and Nue, Akyu had hidden at the edge of the shrine?s doorway and proceeded to press part of her kimono against her leg to stem the bleeding. It had mostly subsided, but when she tried to gently put weight on it, she winced as the mild pressure sent sharp pains up her leg, threatening to collapse under her. Sweat running down her head, she could only watch silently as the battle raged on the open grounds.

Suddenly, the air around the floating youkai grew dark. Not just dark, but pitch black as the sun could not pierce its depths. Its area increased until it was a circular mass several meters in diameter. Suika wiped her mouth as the darkness approached her. Then it picked up speed, shooting forward as if to consume her. Suika dashed back as it swept onto the ground where she was just standing. From the darkness burst a large spread of blue bullets shooting into all directions. It was indiscriminate in its attack as some of the bullets shot straight up into the air with no effect. It then proceeded to chase Suika who took off running in the other direction.

The darkness continued to follow, its barrage endless as it filled the air with danmaku. Shots plowed into the ground. A few ended up travelling in the direction of the shrine itself and pattered the building with dents. Suika looked back as she ran and with one hand and began firing large blue bubble shaped bullets. They sped towards the floating darkness, but while they penetrated into the darkness, they were swallowed up with no indication that they hit the youkai within. However, more bullets emerged from the mass in retaliation. The darkness once again gained speed and Suika had to dive out of the way as it zoomed past her.

Suika then noticed that the darkness, while faster than her, was unable to turn easily. She grinned to herself as an idea sprung to mind. Avoiding the darkness as it caught up to her again, Suika made a 90 degree turn and dashed for the trees at the edge of the shrine. Predictably, Nue within the darkness followed her.

?This is going to hurt you more than it?s going to hurt me,? Suika yelled back and as she continued to run, a strong wind began to blow. Suddenly invoking her ability to manipulate density, Suika began to gather and pull magical energy into herself. At the sudden onset of power, Suika rapidly began to grow in size. Within a few moments, she was a running figure 10 meters tall, easily towering over the shrine and able to see over the nearby trees. Reaching the edge of the forest, she reached down and grabbed the nearest tree. Yanking hard, she pulled it straight out of the ground, roots and all. Grabbing ahold of the trunk, she turned back towards the approaching darkness. Bullets continued to fly at Suika and they peppered her fiercely, exploding with concentrated energy. She winced at the impacts. Still, Suika held her ground, left foot forward, right foot back as the tree rested on her right shoulder. Then, as the shadow got within her considerably increased range, Suika pivoted with her forward foot and brandished her makeshift club, swinging it in an uppercut motion.

The blue bubble bullets Suika had fired earlier had not been big enough to hit Nue within the area of her darkness. The same could not be said of this tree with its numerous wide branches hanging from one end of the club. It hit the mass full on. A noticeable groan could be heard and the darkness suddenly rocketed away from Suika at an amazing speed. The darkness effect suddenly broke and it dissipated to reveal the limp body of Nue Houjuu sailing through the air before landing in the forest a good distance away.

Suika nodded with satisfaction as she followed the flight path of her defeated opponent. Then with a light motion, she dropped the tree and fell backwards onto the ground with a thunderous boom. Just as quickly as she had grown, she began to shrink back to her normal size.  Akyu, seeing that the battle was over slowly came limping over to where Suika lay on the ground. ?Are you ok?? she asked once she finally made it over.

?Yea, nothing a little drink can?t fix,? Suika sighed. Reaching down to her side, she grabbed ahold of her gourd, held it straight over her head and let a stream of sake flow straight down into her open mouth. ?Ah, the taste of victory. How sweet it is.? Then her hand dropped and her vision faded into blackness.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2010, 07:34:41 AM »
Chapter 13

The chirping of the birds slowly stirred Akyu from her slumber. With a muffled yawn, she opened her eyes to peek at the waking world. From the angle where her futon lay, she could see the rays of morning sunlight slipping through the cracks of the large wooden door. Another yawn escaped her as she pushed herself up. Only she was stopped by the feeling of someone lying next to her. Akyu looked over to catch sight of a purple ribbon tied to a sturdy looking horn. She looked farther down to see the sleeping face of Suika Ibuki, her mouth opening and closing with lightly snoring breaths. As Akyu turned over in surprise, she suddenly felt Suika?s arm wrap around her midsection. With a slight jerk, Akyu was pulled closer to Suika, her midsection coming right up into Suika?s face.

?Mmmf? comfy?? words could be barely heard from Suika?s mouth as she nuzzled her face into Akyu?s belly.

?Ah ha ha ha, that tickles,? Akyu giggled trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible. Unwilling to move from her position, she reached over to stroke Suika?s bright orange hair. As she looked down at the oni, barely bigger than Akyu herself, she thought back to the events of the previous night. The sudden appearance of the youkai Nue Houjuu, and Suika?s declaration to protect her and the ensuing battle, fierce in its damage and intensity. Suika?s intensity surprised her, something she had not expected. Suika?s first words to Nue, that she was under the stewardship of the Shrine, were not that unusual in itself. Perhaps Suika was around the Shrine enough to consider herself one of those stewards. But it was her second statement that had shaken her. ?You aren?t taking her away from me!? the words echoed in her head again causing her to suddenly blush.

Akyu throughout her lifetimes had always been preoccupied with research and recording, but that did not mean she wasn?t susceptible to the heartfelt fancies typical of other young girls. She recalled the one male writer over 600 years ago she had an unspoken crush on; a man 8 years older with an angular face, spectacles and beautiful hair wrapped in a ponytail. He had a soft gentle voice who loved to sit in the Hieda manor?s garden as he composed his short novels sharing excerpts with her earlier self. He stayed for 2 weeks before continuing on through his travels in Japan. Akyu had no idea what happened to him afterwards, but prayed for many a night afterwards, hoping for the best.

Now, the same kind of feeling was again emerging within her although it was almost beyond reason that the source of her admiration was a female youkai. What was it about Suika, a youkai she had barely met 3 days before, that was able to invoke such a feeling? She had similarly been saved by Fujiwara no Mokou earlier. And the elder youkai Yukari Yakumo had visited her various incarnations several times, usually in regards to the Gensokyo Chronicles. What was different about Suika? And thinking about her emotions in a logical sense, was this something borne of the intensity of the moment? Would it last? Could it last? And was it genuine? Akyu?s thoughts continued to swirl in her head when she felt a sudden tug on her body.

?Don?t? go,? the words lazily mumbled from Suika.

Akyu looked down again at the sleeping figure and smiled. Yes, it was genuine at least on her own part. Maybe this was it, maybe this was part of the answer. Much like how she wanted to hear the stories of the handsome young man from the past, perhaps that man had also needed someone to tell his stories to. And with Suika, while Akyu was grateful for her protection, perhaps Suika herself had something she wanted from Akyu. And at the moment, it seemed to be her warmth. Given her rescue last night, Akyu was more than happy to oblige. Gently reaching over, she wrapped her arms around Suika?s shoulders. ?Thank you. For being there for me,? she softly spoke into Suika?s ear. Then feeling at peace, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep again.


Akyu woke again, this time more alert and refreshed. Sitting up, she noticed that Suika wasn?t next to her this time. Turning back to her right, she reached over for the small cane that Reimu had loaned to her and gingerly got up testing her bandage wrapped leg. She would probably need it for a few more days; thankfully, the needle like tendril that hit her leg had not broken any bones so her prognosis was good. Slowly getting up, she saw a spare change of clothes prepared by the beside, a set of simple white robes, and proceeded to get ready.

5 minutes later, she hobbled out of the room. Making her way down the hallway, she reached the sliding door on her left and pulled it open. Staring ahead, she could see out to the front of the Hakurei Shrine grounds. At the center table of the now familiar guest room, sat Reimu and Suika.

Reimu got up and walked over to Akyu, eyeing her leg. ?Good morning, looks like you are doing better than yesterday. Please have a seat at the table, I?ll bring your breakfast out,? Reimu gave her a smile as she entered the hallway and turned left.

?Good morning Akyu, hee hee,? Suika called out as Reimu disappeared from sight. ?Come sit here,? she patted an empty spot to her right. Seeing no reason to refuse, Akyu made her way over and sat down. ?Want a drink?? Suika offered, waving her gourd in the air.

?No thanks, not in the morning,? Akyu politely declined.

?Oh, too bad,? Suika shrugged and began drinking. ?By the way, Reimu knows where we can probably find that Nue girl,? Suika jumped right into the conversation Akyu had wanted to hear, surprising her. ?We gotta return her spear to her after all.?

?Oh,? Akyu followed that train of thought to crane her head to the right, looking out of the main entranceway. Sure enough, she saw the black trident, still sticking out of the ground at an angle, with jutted earth sticking out of it. ?Come to think of it,? Akyu trailed off as she scanned the rest of the outside. There were a few more holes and uneven patches of ground clearly visible from inside the shrine. Then she caught sight of a tree lying on its side, exposed roots and all.

?Hey hey,? Suika?s face broke into a huge grin as she pointed at the uprooted tree. ?That was an awesome hit wasn?t it? ? She stood up and excitedly began mimicking the same motions she had made yesterday while giant sized.? I almost sent her straight into Youkai Mountain. If she didn?t land in the Sanzu River first, he he he.  In either case, maybe she hasn?t made it back home yet.? Then Suika called out to no one in particular, ?That?s what you get if you get in my way!?

However someone responded to her. ?You mean I?ll get someone tearing up my Shrine and a huge mess to clean up?? Reimu walked up behind  Suika and whacked her on the head with her gohei. ?I suggest you handle any future grievances with more tact,? Reimu continued. ?Or,? she stopped as she leered at Suika, ?the next tree you pull up is where I bury your bloody corpse.?

Switching quickly back to a smile, a routine Akyu felt strangely comical, Reimu set a tray down in front of Akyu. It was the picture of a traditional Japanese breakfast: grilled fish, pickled vegetables, rice, miso soup, and a cup of green tea. ?We already ate, so please start,? Reimu inclined her head.

?How come I don?t get fish for breakfast?? Suika cut in with a whiny voice. ?Come to think of it, you didn?t have any this...? The table rattled a bit as Suika?s voice cut off and a moment later, she bent down to rub her leg.

Akyu quickly understood the underlying meaning behind Suika?s words and bowed her head deeply to Reimu. ?Thank you very much for your hospitality and taking me into your care.?

?? It?s no problem,? Reimu looked away a little shyly after receiving Akyu?s gratitude. She then cleared her throat and put her folded hands down on the table. ?In any case, you were fortunate Suika was around. The youkai you encountered, Nue Houjuu, Is a mysterious one. She is a nue and supposedly has several forms. While the girl in black is the one I fought not too long after the discovery of the Palanquin Ship, it?s entirely possible she has been amongst us for much longer. Fortunately, she has been in the public eye for awhile. She has been seen consistently at the Myouren Temple, which was recently founded by Byakuren Hijiri. If we?re to find out more about why Nue came after you, that?ll be a good place to start although I?m not sure how Byakuren will react to any of this or whether she even knows. So I?m going to go along too. The two of us can go after you?re done eating. Suika is going to stay here and clean up the grounds.?

?What?!? Suika cut in once again. ?I want to go too!? she chimed in suddenly clinging onto Akyu?s left arm. Akyu couldn?t help but look down in surprise. Reimu raised her eyebrow at the sudden action and opened her mouth to say something, then suddenly decided against it. Akyu shifted her head between Suika and Reimu and the sudden realization that Reimu might have interpreted all of this a certain way caused her ears to slowly turn red with embarrassment.

Reimu finally sighed. ?Alright, you can come along too Suika. It seems it would be easier for all of us if you helped carry Akyu along anyways.?

?Mm hmm!? Suika beamed as she clinched Akyu?s arm tighter.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2010, 07:31:19 AM »
Chapter 14

The cool wind blew through Akyu?s hair as she looked at the trees passing by below her. She wished she could have gotten a better viewing angle, but her current method of travel didn?t quite allow for it. She was being carried by Suika who was flying through the air unassisted. However, sitting on Suika?s shoulder or being carried on one arm wouldn?t have allowed Suika to turn her head due to her large horns.

?So here I am,? Akyu thought to herself, ?carried along like a princess,? as she rested on Suika?s 2 arms in front of her. She looked back at Suika, suddenly realizing how close her face was to her own. Akyu couldn?t help but blush again thinking about the compromising position she was in. She quickly stared up to avoid looking into Suika?s eyes and caught sight of the trident Suika was also carrying, strapped on her back. Turning her head back to her right, she could see Reimu, also flying unassisted a few meters ahead and to the left.

If Akyu had gone alone to the Myouren Temple, she would have had to trek west back into the Human Village, then south to reach the recently constructed temple. But being in the presence of 2 beings who could fly, the trip was made drastically shorter.

In a few minutes, they caught sight of a large pagoda in the distance. At 4 stories tall, it stood ostentatiously over the surrounding landscape. The top 2 roof eaves were gently inclined while the bottom was more irregular with an open platform. Cast against the sun, it almost looked like it was made of gold. As the trio approached, Reimu turned back towards Suika and with her head, gestured to the open roof. Suika nodded and within moments, they landed on the wooden platform, Suika gently letting Akyu down.

Without a word, Reimu started walking towards the door she could see, but then the door opened. From it stepped a light skinned girl dressed in a Buddhist nun?s clothing. Carrying a golden ring in one hand, she seemed to be trailed by a pinkish cloud that could have been mistaken for a weather pattern save the face and beard that were clearly distinguishable by the girl?s shoulder. This girl with light purple hair regarded the 3 arrivals with amusement.

?It seems the more deviant guests are the ones that skip the first floor,? the girl greeted them with a wry grin. She turned to Reimu, ?it has been a while Reimu. I am amused that we meet again at the same spot of our first encounter. Perhaps, it is a sign that a rematch is in order??

Akyu turned to look at Reimu to gauge her reaction. Reimu had not revealed too many details about the incident Akyu had in her records as ?The Palanquin Ship? incident, but one detail she had recorded in an earlier interview was that of the ship?s guardian, Ichirin Kumoi. A youkai who could use a particular nyuudou cloud spirit named Unzan, she put up a good fight before Reimu was able to enter the ship. With a start, Akyu suddenly realized the meaning behind Ichirin?s words.  The base of the Myouren Temple was once the Palanquin Ship.

Reimu smiled grimly. ?Due to the reason for our visit and your possible place in things, we may indeed have to have our rematch now.?

Ichirin quickly put up her hand to stop Reimu. ?I would indeed enjoy another match, but I?ve actually been given orders by Lady Byakuren. She is expecting you and I am to escort you to her.?

?Very well, lead on.? Reimu relaxed her body posture a bit although she kept her gohei in her hand.

Ichirin led the way into the Temple?s interior, the other 3 girls following her. The wooden walls were adorned with a few simple paintings and plaques with Buddhist sutras. The hallway was very spacious and as Reimu looked around with noticeable head movements, Akyu imagined that Reimu was revisiting her first trip through the interior in her memory, most likely having to battle through a horde of the ship?s fairy army. Suika was noticeably quiet as they continued the walk.

Reaching a grand doorway, Ichirin walked up to the closed doors and proceeded to pull them open. As they walked in, Akyu could make out a shrine in the center of the room. Rows of candles stood alongside a large altar, a figure of the Buddha at its center. Incense sticks were lined in numerous pots filling the room with its smoke and smell. At the front of the altar, knelt a woman on a pillow, her head down and hands held in prayer. From the back, Akyu could make out a long black cape and light brown hair.

Ichirin quietly walked up behind the kneeling figure. Leaning over, she said, ?Lady Byakuren, Reimu and her companions have arrived.?

The figure raised her head and turned to Ichirin. ?Thank you,? was the reply in a measured mature voice. Then she stood and turned around. She wore a black and white dress with crisscrossing black strips across her chest. While her hair was brown in the back, Akyu noted that its color changed to a dark purple on the top of her head. She gracefully bowed to the visitors.

?We are honored by the presence of the Hakurei Shrine maiden and her friends to our place of worship. I do know your reason for visiting was not necessarily to pay respects, but nevertheless, we are honored,? Byakuren began.

?Well, that?s good to know in some respects,? Reimu replied. ?Let?s cut to the chase, where?s Nue Houjuu??

?Right here.? Byakuren held out her left hand to the side. From behind a pillar, a large dazzling blue orb appeared and floated through the air, circling the ceiling once before hovering above Byakuren?s hand. Reimu showed no noticeable reaction, but Suika took a step forward.

?Is that her?? Suika called out in the first words she had spoken since arriving at the Temple.

?Yes, it is I, oni,? the familiar chilling voice from yesterday called out.

In one quick motion, Suika pulled the trident strapped to her back and hurled it right at the orb. Right before it would have hit, the orb that was presumably Nue circled once in the air and floated through the handle missing the prongs. The whole trident then seemed to shrink and disappear into the orb itself.

?Why you!? Ichirin yelled out, as the cloud circling her suddenly increased in size, hands balled in fists.

Before she could take a step though, Byakuren held out her right arm, motioning for her to stop. ?It?s alright, I can understand our guests? frustration. I am admittedly also confused at Nue?s actions; her coming back this morning in bad shape and having to put herself in that healing state. For the moment, I believe an explanation from Nue herself will clear up some of our questions.? Byakuren and the others in the room all turned to face the glowing orb waiting for Nue?s reply.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 08:37:25 AM »
Chapter 15

?Heh, thanks for bringing my spear back,? Nue?s voice emanated from the sparkling orb. Her voice did carry the rise and fall in pitch just like normal, but without a face to actually look at, Akyu couldn?t quite tell if the youkai was being grateful or sarcastic. ?I imagine you expect me to be forthcoming with my answers now. Although I don?t quite appreciate the exact manner this was returned to me,? Nue said in a disinterested voice as the orb floated back and forth in midair lazily.

Suika snorted at the end of Nue?s last comment. ?Whatever, get on with it.?

?Hah, it?s not like I care about what happens now,? Nue said derisively. Then she inexplicably sighed, ?I don?t even know who exactly it was that suggested I go after the girl there,? was the response.

There was a noticeable silence as the words sunk in to all the listeners. ?So, you?re being someone?s patsy and you don?t even know who it is? Why would you do something stupid like that?? Suika finally asked.

?Why not? I was bored. There hasn?t been anything going on recently save some fairies squabbling and declaring war against each other. So I was at the Misty Lake seeing if it was worth the trouble to jump into those annoying fairies? fight when I heard a voice call from me at the lake. I couldn?t see who or what it was through the fog, but it obviously wasn?t one of them. The voice then told me to go kidnap Hieda no Akyu and bring her back to the lake. Hieda no Akyu had encountered its familiar, a particular flying beast and it had been defeated. Furthermore, Hieda no Akyu served a particular purpose and at the same time was becoming a danger to itself.?

?You mentioned something about me getting too close to the truth when you first approached me,? Akyu stepped forward, staring at Nue?s altered form, as that one detail surfaced back up in her memory. ?Is this related to my supposed purpose in these plans? What is this truth that I am not to discover??

?Beats me,? Nue said, once again giving a vague answer. ?The voice was only concerned about your poking around about its familiar. Not that I really cared. I mean, why bother having to only retrieve one particular human who didn?t even defeat the darn thing? But then the voice mentioned that one of the secrets of its familiar had been discovered by an oni. And that if I was bored, I could go and fight and defeat the oni, then kidnap the girl. That seemed a worthy challenge so I accepted.

?So, if we were to go to the Misty Lake now, we?d be able to find our mysterious adversary?? Reimu interjected with a question. ?I need someone to pin the blame on for this incident and then to help clean up my shrine for me,? she said as she cracked her knuckles.

?No, it?s not that simple,? Nue replied. ?Before I left, the voice said that if I didn?t bring the human child back by dusk, it would be forced to move on. It seemed it couldn?t stay at the Misty Lake for long. And when I woke up with that pounding headache later, it was already night time. Since I obviously didn?t make it in time, I didn?t bother going back. I came back here instead. That?s why Byakuren knew you were coming and that she sent Ichirin to fetch the three of you when you arrived.?

?Well, I think before I find this other malcontent and beat it up before getting it to repair all the damage, you would suffice. Except I didn?t get a chance to beat you up and it seems you aren?t in any shape to do any heavy lifting,? Reimu glared up at the orb.

?That?s quite alright Reimu,? Byakuren spoke up, her first words in the ongoing conversation. ?I have already ordered Nue to accompany you to your shrine and help out when she can. She has already agreed to do so. And she is also ready to apologize to Miss Akyu here. With that, I hope you will all forgive Nue for her actions yesterday and be willing to put it behind us.?

?Well that?s fine I guess,? Reimu shrugged, tugging at the bow attached to her hair. She then turned back to face Nue. ?Why would you even bother to do all of this? Go through all the trouble of following a random voice, and then just forget about it and switch over to doing whatever we tell you to do,? Reimu asked.

?Simple. It?s my nature to scare humans. Nothing else matters. I was given the chance to do so and didn?t finish the job. Even if I meet whoever this is and they asked me to do it again, it?s not worth it anymore. Since the girl is not scared of me anymore, there?s no point to go after her again. I might as well just clean things up because otherwise it?s back to boringness again,? Nue replied, her tone of voice coming out nonchalantly. As for Akyu, she was jolted by how simple an explanation it was. Youkai scare humans and eat them, or do neither. At its root, it?s a very simple relationship. In her limited experience in talking with youkai, she found them surprisingly honest, much more so than humans. While it?s one mistake for a human to underestimate the intentions of a youkai, it?s another to overestimate their actions as well.

Akyu stepped up and raised her voice. ?I believe Nue. She won?t chase after me anymore. If she doesn?t know anything else, there?s no further need to question her about it, unless?? her thought trailed off for a second then she cleared her throat. ?I will accept her apology if she comes to the Hieda manor for an interview for the Gensokyo Chronicles.?

?Deal!? Byakuren quickly called out.

?EH?!? Suika and Nue both shouted in unison.

?Why does she get to do something so fun?? Suika whined.

?Why do I have to go do something so boring?? Nue complained.

?It?s in her nature to want to hear your stories as the Child of Miare,? Byakuren frowned, hips on her waist as if scolding Nue. ?Besides, you inconvenienced her the most and if that is what it will take to make amends, then so be it. In this regard, she is very easy to please.?

?Fine fine.? Nue?s voice came out with a harrumph.

Reimu scratched her head as she looked at Akyu. ?Well, I guess that?s it. We found Nue again easily enough, but didn?t learn much more. I can check out the Misty Lake later, but if this thing is using familiars, it must be aware that you?re with us and may have decided to lay low for awhile. All we can do is wait. In the meanwhile, you?ll probably be able to return to your normal schedule.?

?Mmm,? Akyu said absentmindedly as she stared blankly ahead. Something was missing, some detail about everything that had happened thus far was going by unnoticed. No matter what angles she thought about her predicament, the mysterious voice at the Lake, and the beast familiar and servant youkai that were defeated, the elusive nagging suspicion would not go away.

When she looked up, she was surprised to see Byakuren walking up to her. ?Forgive me for stepping in Miss Akyu, but it seems you are troubled as to why you personally would be targeted,? the taller lady offered.

Akyu considered the thought for a moment. ?That could very well be it,? she said. ?I?m not a youkai exterminator like the Hakurei shrine maiden, nor am I a powerful, non dying human like Fujiwara no Mokou. And Suika was the one who allowed for the discovery about the familiar?s wings and the voice never mentioned kidnapping Suika or Reimu or even Keine. So why me?? she looked up at Byakuren.

?That is not quite true,? Byakuren shook her head in disagreement. ?In one regard, you are more powerful than either Reimu or the phoenix human Fujiwara. If we consider what you can do that nobody else can do, you indeed post a credible threat. In your case, it is your ability to chronicle. The spread of information is a powerful tool. What you have been doing the past millennia has had a dramatic effect in shaping the future. By educating humans about youkai in your past lives, you beget in them the ability to stand up to youkai. In an ironic sense, your actions indirectly led to my imprisonment in Makai for the past several centuries as co-existence between humans and youkai was but a fantasy. It may have happened eventually anyways, but your actions sped up that process and cemented a change in the human population. When I was released, I found it incredible to see the land of Gensokyo where humans and youkai have not butchered each other on sight. The power of the Hakurei maiden and her lax treatment to youkai has certainly contributed to that, but I believe your ability to chronicle such events will preserve this new coexistence. In essence, your observations about present day Gensokyo has and will continue to shape the lore of this world. You may possibly be the most important human in Gensokyo?s history.?

Byakuren let her dialogue sink in before continuing. ?If there?s a reason why a hidden entity would worry about you finding out the truth, this could be the reason why. But, you have powerful friends to help protect you,? she smiled as she glanced over at Reimu, then Suika. ?And I myself would like to see you safe. Gensokyo is the paradise I had dreamed of for so long, so please continue with your writing and research so that we and all others may enjoy it for as long as possible.?

Akyu was at a loss for words for several moments as she took the entirety of Byakuren?s words in.  ?Thank you, Miss Byakuren,? Akyu finally managed to say, bowing deeply. ?I will do my best.?

?It is my pleasure. The world of dharma is filled with light. I pray for your safety and your continued success.?


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2010, 10:24:34 AM »
Chapter 16

The leaves could be heard rustling in the wind through the open window. The wind itself was a bit cold, and at times gusty while a hint of sediment and dry leaves filled the air with its distinctive smell. Yet, Akyu paid it no mind as she sat at the kotatsu, pen in one hand and an open book in the other. Scanning a page for a particular entry, she found it, a note about the recent antics of the so called Three Mischievous Fairies and proceeded to transcribe it on the scroll laying in front of her across the length of the table. It was good to be able to get back to writing. To her, this routine was not only normal for her, it was comfortable. This is what she enjoyed doing the most, her passion.

Well, not everything was quite as normal as it was before. Her concentration so intent on her work, Akyu barely registered the words that floated through the air from across the kotatsu. ?Akyu? I?m hungry,? the high pitched voice of Suika called from the ground as she lay on her back kicking her feet in the air.

?Didn?t you eat before you came over today?? Akyu said absentmindedly as she continued her transcription. She heard a quick ?No,? followed by a low grumble from Suika. ?Well, check our ice box, there might be something there for you to eat,? Akyu responded with a solution.

?Hmm? okay!? Akyu could hear the shuffling of clothes as Suika got up and the pitter patter of her feet as she dashed out of the room. Akyu paid it no heed as the scritch-scratch of her pen once again returned to being the only sound in the room. She turned the page of the book, then frowned as she read one of the entries. Noting an error about how Star Sapphire was the one who tended to escape from failed pranks rather than Sunny Milk, she began writing an addendum onto the scroll. And thus the writing and editing process continued. Akyu had no idea of how long it had been, before she heard the sound of feet running from the hallway before entering the study again.

?You don?t really have anything in there. No meat or fish or anything good to go with sake,? Suika?s voice cut into the air again. ?But I found a weird looking tomato in the ice box,? pointing to a piece of fruit she was holding up. While it was a mild red-orange color with green leaves, there was a funny dark mark running along the surface of it. ?It?s really cold though, I wonder if it?s frozen??

?Oh, that would probably be the Maxim Tomato.? Akyu answered not even looking up. ?That mark you see on it looks like an ?M? does it not? It?s supposed to give you lots of energy when you eat it, but I haven?t tried it yet. Some random guest wearing a jester hat gave it to us,? Akyu replied. Due to the subtle reminder about energy, Akyu felt a slight wave of tiredness wash over her. Putting her pen down, she stretched her arms into the air with a slight yawn.

?Oh, are you tired? Should we share this?? Suika called out, pointing at the fruit in her hand.

?Sure, I don?t mind. You might need a knife to cut it. Ask one of the servants for it.? Akyu rubbed her eyes for a moment, then picked up her pen and proceeded back to where she had last been writing on her scroll.

?Don?t need a knife, this will work better,? Suika said in a slightly muffled voice.

?Eh?? Akyu turned to the sound of the voice and just about dropped her pen in surprise. Suika had crawled around the kotatsu to right where Akyu was sitting, the tomato sticking halfway out of her mouth. What Akyu could make out of her expression was a seductive grin.

?Wait wait, I thought you were going to put it on a plate. Certainly you can?t be thinking of?? Akyu?s words fumbled out of her mouth as she stared back at the approaching oni, her face flushed.

?Hee hee!? Suika managed to giggle out with her mouth full. Grabbing Akyu?s shoulders and holding her in place, she turned her body towards Akyu?s and pushed her mouth gently towards Akyu?s face.

?Hold on, this isn?t right Suika,? Akyu tried to complain, but she was unable to break Suika?s hold on herself. Trying to edge backwards, she eventually ran out of space to move her head back. With a gentle nudge, Suika pushed the tomato against Akyu?s cheek. Akyu?s gasped as the surprisingly cold skin of the tomato touched her cheek. Suika took the opportunity to then push the Maxim tomato into Akyu?s mouth, thus sharing it with her. Akyu broke out into a sweat, trying to find some way to get out of this situation. Unable to breathe though, she was forced to take a bite. The sweet juice of the tomato burst into her mouth, sloshing around the inside before trickling down her throat.

As it travelled down her body, Akyu began to relax as her vision seemed to clear and her mind became sharper, more analytical of the situation. She hadn?t yet tried the tomato before, having only been informed what it was by Rinnosuke when she showed it to him. Yet she was amazed at how quickly it seemed to work. Or perhaps was it because of the position she found herself in at this moment. However, the sense of still not being able to breathe overtook her thoughts again and she took another bite, chewing into the tangy pulp. It was delicious and refreshing as the cold sensation made its way down her throat and spread through her body.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of warmth as her lips touched something different. Akyu looked down to realize there was no fruit left and she was being stopped by Suika?s lips. Her eyes widened into shock at the sudden revelation as Suika pressed her mouth in harder. Suika?s lips were soft and supple and they swam across her own with a sense of urgency, of longing. As if the effect of the Maxim Tomato was just an illusion after all, Akyu?s mind became hazy again as she was swept away by Suika?s kiss. This felt so wrong, and yet, as Akyu placed her hands on Suika?s shoulders and feverishly returned the kiss, it felt so right too. After what seemed like minutes, the two girls? lips separated from each other as they stopped to catch their breaths.

?You?ve finally acknowledged my feelings,? Suika smiled with the widest, sweetest smile Akyu had ever seen. ?As well as your own too. I had been waiting for so long,? her eyes closed as tears of happiness trickled down her face.

Akyu took the initiative and wrapped her arms around Suika?s body in a tight hug. ?I?m sorry it took so long for me to realize. Thank you for always being there for me. Now, I?ll deliver the happiness I?ve withheld from you for so long.? With a hard push, Akyu pressed Suika to the ground, pinning her shoulders down with her hands before straddling her waist.

?Wait, aren?t you going a little too fast? I?m not ready yet,? Suika complained as she tried to get up. But inexplicably, she couldn?t move despite being an oni with only the tiny human Akyu holding her down. She twisted and turned, but it felt like her mind had lost all connection with her own body. A dark shadow seemed to cross over Akyu?s face, and a feeling of dread overcame Suika. She lay there, stunned at her sudden helplessness. ?You shouldn?t do this,? Suika said, her voice suddenly coming out much quieter than before.

?Oh, so I can do this instead?? Akyu teased, a sudden devilish grin on her face. She slid her hands down Suika?s shoulders to each side of her and through the opening of Suika?s blouse, caressed her skin in a slow deliberate manner.

Suika?s eyes squeezed shut at the sensation, her mouth quivering with uncertainty. ?Don?t touch me there?? her voice now a whispered plea. ?Stop? it??

?WHOA!? Akyu jolted up with a start. Heart pounding in her chest, she sat up from where she had been lying. Looking around, she did not see Suika nor anyone else near her. Rather, she wasn?t even in the study, but alone in her own room, resting in her own futon.

?A dream?? Akyu said, suddenly realizing she was breathing hard and sweat was beginning to soak her sleepwear. She thought back to the dream and how what had originally been a normal day turned into something far more abnormal. Of course, she was developing affection for Suika given the recent events, but even so, she still wasn?t sure it would or even could translate to a relationship of lovers. And her imagination seemed to take it way too far in this case. She didn?t even know where this idea about a Maxim Tomato came from, there was no such thing existing in Gensokyo let alone the Hieda manor.

She shook her head in an attempt to clear her head more. ?Get a hold of yourself,? Akyu said out loud, berating herself. ?Suika and Nue will be here later today and the task for today is important.? She paused as the mentioning of Suika?s name brought another rush of emotions to the forefront. Without thinking, she touched her hands to her lips and was surprised to find them dry and rough. ?Is this what I really want?? Taking a deep breath, she put her hand to her own chest and felt her heartbeat begin to slow. Soon, it was steady again, yet also? solitary. With a quick two handed slap to her face, Akyu shook her head once more, then sighed. ?I wonder if it?ll be ok,? as she got up to change and start the day.

Do check out my updated comments in the 2nd post of this thread.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2010, 07:46:19 AM »
Chapter 17

?Please come in,? Akyu replied with a bow. The house servants of the Hieda manor had shied away after initially greeting the two visitors, but by now, Akyu was surprised at how normal it felt to her after seeing them again. To the left stood the girl in black and high stockings, 3 red wings to the left and 3 blue tails to the right. To the right, stood the shorter girl with 2 large horns on her head, and large sake gourd.

?Hello, we?re here!? Suika waved enthusiastically once she caught sight of Akyu. She bounded up the single step to the wooden floor to embrace Akyu in a hug. ?Let?s drink!?

?Not now, I?d like to conduct the interview while sober after all,? Akyu smiled while nodding towards the more reluctant visitor. ?Please come in Nue,? Akyu turned to Nue while bowing her head again.

?Hmm,? Nue was looking around the front entranceway of the Hieda manor, an expression of disinterest on her face. Akyu noted that she wasn?t carrying her trident with her and that her body looked reasonably well save for her left arm fully wrapped in a bandage. Nue followed Akyu?s line of sight to her arm and glared back. She bared her teeth at Akyu, ?It?s nothing. I?ve had worse done to me than what your girlfriend there did.?

?Hah! That?s ?cause I went easy on you. You want a serious match and you?ll have to stay a silly little glowing ball for a month,? Suika smirked back, tongue sticking out. Akyu barely heard the words as she was struck dumb by Nue?s statement. ?Girlfriend?? The memory of her dream came flooding back to her and the kiss. Is that really what it was; is that what it looked like to others now?

Then her thought process continued to the end of the dream and where she had pushed Suika down. She shuddered slightly, thinking about Suika?s expression and her own loss of self control. It was completely out of character. It was too indecent, too inconsiderate, and it was impossible that she could actually hold Suika down like that if she didn?t want to be held. But what did this mean? Was she unconsciously lusting after Suika now? What if Suika found out that such feelings potentially existed? What kind of face would Suika make? Suddenly, Akyu thought she couldn?t bear any face Suika made, even if it was one of happiness.

Suika looked back up at Akyu. ?You ok?? she asked, as she stepped in front of her, staring straight into her eyes. The proximity of Suika?s face to her own made her rear back slightly. Forcing her thoughts back into the present, she managed a smile on her face. ?Yes, I?m fine.? Almost unable to bear looking at Suika any longer, she stepped forward to face Nue head on.

?Suika was just looking out for me and I am very thankful for that,? Akyu stated. ?But let?s not get into a fight here, I am just interested in your history,? as Akyu made an attempt to switch the conversation away from her internal conflicts and back towards her duty. ?If you will please follow me, the study is this way.? Akyu turned back around, sidestepping by Suika without looking at her and headed into the hallway.

Nue gave a small sigh, then started following along, casting a sidelong glance at Suika as she passed. Suika just turned around, a puzzled look on her face before she also began walking.


Two hours later, Akyu put down her pen, a satisfied smile on her face. ?We?re done! Thank you for bearing with all my questions!? she looked up to Nue and gave a bow of her head.

Nue leaned back, sitting on the opposite side of the kotatsu, a complex expression on her face. ?I take that back. It wasn?t boring to go do this. It was boring AND tiring. Ugh.?

?Ha ha ha, it wasn?t boring for me,? Suika chimed in lying on the floor on a 3rd side of the kotatsu. ?You had some good stories there. I didn?t know you contributed to the great famine in 1181. Those were some tough times for those humans,? Suika sat up again to take a swig from the gourd.

?Well, it was near the end of the Heian period after all. I was young back then and didn?t know how to fully control myself as a nue. I guess I overdid it a little,? Nue shrugged matter-of-factly at the recollection. ?But I got lots of humans to scare; they would cower, wail, and pray when I hovered over the land as a dark cloud. Those were good times, made me stronger too.?

Akyu frowned a little as she read back to that entry on her parchment. She wasn?t alive back then; her second reincarnation had passed away about a decade before hand. She had read about the famine later in her 3rd life; the Hieda family had managed to survive through those two years, but no doubt they struggled a bit while other villages ended up being wiped out completely.

Akyu looked back at the girl in front of her, a harbinger of doom and misfortune. She was unlucky and a blight to humans, certainly a youkai to be exterminated on sight. And indeed, she had been attacked by humans numerous times, and severely injured several times. Yet, Akyu could not fault her despite the tragedies she caused. It was who she was and it had been a struggle for her to survive too. Furthermore, Akyu would not pass judgment on her; her only duty was to record. If Reimu Hakurei decided to have her eliminated, she would attempt it, and Akyu would chronicle the result.

?So?,? Nue said looking back to stare at the bookcase behind her, ?now that I?ve given you my history, perhaps you?ll give me yours?? The words were definitely directed at Akyu despite her not looking at Akyu. She pointed back up towards a familiar set of eight books on the shelf. ?Those are the Gensokyo Chronicles are they not??

?Yes they are,? Akyu replied. ?As the Child of Miare, my existence has written every one of those books, in each lifetime I?ve lived so far. They are mostly records of encounters with youkai and what I could learn about them. Much of the earlier accounts are second hand and vague in description. Humans were obviously weaker than youkai earlier; it?s actually only in this era that I?ve actually been able to interview a youkai face to face,? Akyu chuckled as the thought that she had completed yet another improbable interview entered her head. It was a sign of progress Akyu had dared not dream about in her previous lives.

?Hrm,? Nue muttered. ?Have you ever wondered why you had to exist, as the Child of Miare??

Akyu looked up, surprised at the question. She wasn?t actually as surprised about the question itself; it was one she had pondered countless times, but rather that a youkai was asking her that question. Off to the side, Suika had put down her gourd, suddenly interested in the change of topic.

Akyu considered her words for a few moments before speaking. ?Certainly, it is unusual for a human to have a perfect memory, but not unheard of according to past history. However, for me to be able to remember details from previous lives is extremely rare. I?ve never heard of any other person or even youkai with such a characteristic. I was called the Child of Miare after I had been visited by the elder youkai Yukari Yakumo and she had??

Akyu paused as there was a slap on the kotatsu. Suika had put her hand down on the table, her head down slightly and brow furrowed. Noticing the sudden silence, Suika looked up at Akyu. ?My mistake, go on.?

Akyu looked back at Suika, a bit confused, then decided to leave her question unspoken. She?d bring it up later. ?Anyways,? Akyu continued, ?Yukari had taken notice of my work on the Gensokyo Chronicles and this was during my second life as Ani. It may be a bit pretentious of me, but given Yukari?s power and knowledge, I have always assumed that her bestowing a title on me meant that my existence had indeed been planned. That my fate was to be a chronicler, and that she may have had a hand in directing it towards that direction.?

?Hmm, so that?s what you think then. Doesn?t that bother you? Nue asked, her voice starting to rise in anger. ?That you could be seen as someone?s tool? That you aren?t free to live as you might choose??

?This is what I?ve chosen to do,? Akyu stated simply.

?You?re wrong!? Nue shouted, slamming her fist down. The action surprised both Suika and Akyu. ?Don?t kid yourself. You saw this as a duty once Yakumo got a wind of you. And because of your perfect memory, you can?t forget such a thing happened. It?s ingrained into you now. She has you tied down for the rest of your endless existence and you?re the fool for being none the wiser.?

?That?s not true. Well it?s true that I see this as a duty, but it was essential for the survival of our village. I am proud of what I?ve accomplished,? Akyu replied back, her voice beginning to rise in anger.

?And what about now?? Nue asked a pointed question. ?In this day and age, we youkai are getting along just fine with you humans right now. The oni being all buddy buddy with Hakurei and you, me and my sorry butt sitting here chattering away with you over cups of tea! Makes me sick! And yet, you?re still going to keep doing the same thing? Remaining a useless tool rotting your life away till you die and be reborn again??

?That?s enough!? Suika shouted as she stood up to confront Nue, but Akyu raised her right arm to stop her. A determined look sat on Akyu?s face. Suika looked uncertainingly at Akyu, then with her mouth set in a line, grudgingly sat back onto the tatami floor, legs crossed.

?Go on Nue, tell me what you?re thinking,? Akyu said once Suika was seated again, her voice measured as she gauged the girl across from her.

?Tch!? Nue clicked her tongue. ?I?m just annoyed that I can?t scare you. Here you are, taking all this verbal abuse and still addressing me as an equal. Sure, I can understand Hakurei being that way, but she?s strong. You on the other hand have no spiritual powers and can?t fire danmaku. I could rip you to shreds in an instant. Not even the oni there could stop me in time if I chose to do so right now. Why do you not fear us??

Nue frowned as a thought occurred to her. ?Do you not fear death? You didn?t scream when I came after you and I certainly felt fear from you. But it wasn?t a primal fear, the kind of fear humans feel when they know their life is at an end. Is it because you know that reincarnation exists because you?ve experienced it and remembered it? But shouldn?t you fear death the most? The pain of dying? With a perfect memory, you would never forget the pain of a violent death. How could you stand it repeatedly??

Nue smirked as she thought that by reminding Akyu of her moments of death, Akyu would put on a tortured face or a shiver or anything like that, that she could elicit some victory over the human girl. But Akyu remained surprisingly calm. Only a sad smile graced her face.

?That?s not quite true,? Akyu said in a somber voice. ?I? I don?t remember any of my deaths or how I died.?

The room went silent as the words sunk in. Suika stared down with a brooding look on her face. Nue just looked at Akyu, her mouth agape in shock.

Akyu looked back at Nue, an unusual expression on her face. ?I don?t have any memories about any of my deaths,? she continued, picking up from her last statement. ?Not at the moment of death, not after it, and not even many details before it.  I?ve never met the shinigami on the Sanzu River, nor the Yama to judge me. All I realize is by my 10th birthday, I start remembering details with unequaled clarity as well as details from past lives. But I?ve never remembered details about my deaths. Maybe they were purposely forgotten, if such a thing is possible for me.?

Nue?s face grew dark. ?You?ve never met the Yama?? she repeated, her voice suddenly a whisper. ?So that?s how you can continuously reincarnate back into the living world. Surely when you die, the Yama will judge you and send you to Heaven, Makai, or even the Netherworld and your existence is set. But because you don?t see her, you reincarnate every time. How is it possible you can avoid that step?? The question hung in the air and for once, Akyu had no response for her. It was something beyond comprehension even to her.

?You are broken,? Nue flatly declared, as she broke the silence. ?Your soul is broken. Perhaps it?s because of your power, but nobody is supposed to avoid the Yama?s judgment. Even the most powerful youkai end up standing before her in the end.?

?I know,? Akyu said, her face clouding over. ?And my lifespan continues to grow shorter with each reincarnation.  It is surely due to this power of mine. When my time ends for being the Child of Miare, I will surely face a great reckoning from the Yama. I don?t believe I can be spared from my sins. It is a fate I have already accepted.?

The room once again fell into an uncomfortable silence. Then Nue slowly stood up. With an expression of pity on her face, she took one last look at Akyu before walking out the door.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2010, 08:39:42 AM »
Chapter 18

Akyu, seated at the edge of the porch, stared out into the spacious garden. Night had fallen as a cool wind was blowing in the air. The cherry blossom tree at the end of the garden was blooming beautifully, its soft pink petals floating through the air before littering the ground in a cluttered yet beautiful mess. It was a daily routine to come out to the garden after the evening meal. The purpose was to take her mind off recording the past and bathe in the beauty of the present. But this night, Akyu barely noticed the splendor ahead of her. Her mind was re-examining the scene from earlier.

?Do you not fear death?? Nue had asked her this question. It was something Akyu had never considered before. So now was a good time as any to analyze that question, Akyu thought to herself. She obviously disliked pain and wanted to avoid it like any other living being. But Nue had said she felt no primal fear from her. Was that what Nue meant about a fear of death? When Suika first stalked her, she was indeed transfixed and was anxious. But now that she thought about it again, she was more anxious about any pain that could have been inflicted by the oni. And in the end, she accepted her fate too easily. She would not have raised her hand in protest, in anger, or in fear and let Suika do whatever she pleased. The same was also true when Nue had attacked her. Was it really that unnatural? Was it because she knew she would be granted a new life?

Then the scene in her head changed to a later one. ?You are broken,? the words seemed to echo in the air. Akyu cringed at the memory and of the look of pity on Nue?s face. It was the first time she was ever told such a painful thing. The words from Nue didn?t hurt like a slap to the face though. Instead, it was more like a dull ache, like that of an old wound that throbbed whenever it was touched. And it would never go away. Perhaps because she had always felt it could be true. Deep down, she knew something was off. Why were there exceptions to her perfect memory? Why had she never made the journey across the Sanzu River where all dead souls must invariably and inevitably go? Why did it feel like she could be an incomplete creation, filled with a contradiction that upset the circle of life? Yet, it was that contradiction that gave her hope. That?s why she devoted herself to her task; to learn, record, and share everything she could to the extent of her ability. If she could save as many people as possible with her chronicling, would the Yama forgive her at the end?

Akyu shivered in the cool air. She felt fear now, a dread she couldn?t ever recall feeling before. Was this the fear of death? No, Akyu thought. This wasn?t a fear of death. It was a fear of damnation. And it was a fear of a loss of self. Akyu clutched at her chest, putting her hand to her heart, desperate to feel her own heartbeat, to make sure she was a living being, and not a puppet. ?Am I indeed broken after all?? she whispered to herself.

?Hello there.?

 Akyu heard a distinct voice and looked up to see a girl floating in the sky above the garden. With an easiness belying the feat, one impossible for normal humans, the girl in the red shrine maiden?s outfit gently floated down to land on the stone path. ?Pardon my intrusion, but I felt this route was easier than meeting you at the front door,? Reimu stated with a warm smile.

?Perhaps so,? Akyu said as she took in the unexpected occurrence. Her face automatically shifted to that of the smiling hostess greeting an honored guest. ?So, what brings you here Miss Reimu??

?Please, just call me Reimu. I think we?ve been around each other long enough to move past the formalities. And the reason I came was because of Suika, as a matter of fact.? Reimu answered. Her words came as a bit of a surprise to Akyu. ?She came home all by herself and then immediately plopped down at the table and started drinking. A lot. She was being quite loud and obnoxious. Couldn?t make too much out of her incoherent ramblings, but I imagine it had something to do with your meeting today. After I threw her outside so she wouldn?t stain my wooden floors with her vomit, I flew over.?

?Oh,? Akyu replied, a slight pause in her response as she was once again reminded of the day?s conversation. ?I?m sorry about that, but everything is fine with me. I wasn?t injured or anything.?

Reimu raised an eyebrow at Akyu. ?For someone who?s supposed to have over a hundred and fifty years of living under her obi, you sure are terrible at lying.?

?Ah,? Akyu?s face fell as Reimu easily navigated past her fa?ade. There was no use hiding it anymore.

?You know,? Reimu said, as she sat down next to Akyu on the wooden porch, leaning back as she stared at the starry sky, ?Suika drinks all the time. She?s drunk most of the time too. But she?s almost never ?loss of control and puking? drunk like she was tonight. I can?t really remember the last time she was like that, but when she is, it ends up being something major and I usually have to go off somewhere to solve an incident of some sort. And? here I am, at it again.? With a slight shrug, Reimu turned her head to look at the shorter girl to her left. ?Akyu, please tell me what happened today.?


?I see,? Reimu said as she took a sip from her tea cup. Akyu had gone to fetch her tea pot and cups and after serving Reimu, recounted the various topics that were discussed earlier in the day. Reimu had mostly listened along quietly. Few questions were needed as Akyu retold everything with flawless accuracy.

?Was I molded to be this way from the beginning?? Akyu continued on. ?Was the loss of my memory at death just a convenient device to ensure my future selves wouldn?t be traumatized by it? And that I could just conveniently come back into the same village, to repeat the process again. All so that I can play this part efficiently until my creator decides it no longer needs me??

?You shouldn?t worry about things that are out of your control,? Reimu said as she put her tea cup down. ?I?m not sure why you?re letting that youkai scare you into a certain way of thinking. You do what you have the power to do.?

?But what is this power? Why does the Chronicler have to be the same soul? Surely it could be considered a curse? I know it?s not normal to have experienced what I have or for as long as I have. It?s as if I live like a youkai,? Akyu then let out a gasp as a horrible thought struck her. ?Am? am I not a human? Am I perhaps not a human, but a youkai instead??

Akyu stared back at Reimu as she thought about that. And then she couldn?t hold it back anymore. She threw herself into Reimu?s bosom as tears flowed from her eyes. A mournful wail burst from her mouth as she cried. It?s as if the damn holding back her previously unspoken worries had burst open, flooding into her consciousness. She beat into Reimu?s arms with her fists as she cursed her own self for the first time in her existence. Then when she could no longer raise her fist, she stopped swinging and threw her arms around Reimu as she cried some more. Through it all, Reimu did not say anything; she just returned the hug tightly.

After what seemed like forever, Akyu quieted down, the anguish having spent her small body. Reimu finally found the words to say to her. ?I don?t know about whether your soul or existence was shaped by Yukari or whether you are damned or not or anything else, but Akyu, you are human. Your tears prove it,? Reimu said softly as she stroked Akyu?s hair.

??Eh?? Akyu looked up, red-eyed and confusion evident on her face.

?Here?s what I know about youkai,? Reimu said, a look on her face that could only be described as sagacious. ?They can look just like a human. They will eat, drink, sleep, be happy, get angry and play tricks like a human. But I am certain of two things. They cannot love like a human. And they cannot cry like a human. Such powerful emotions cannot come from a youkai.?

?How can you be so sure?? Akyu at this point had calmed down and sitting back up, dug out a handkerchief from her kimono to dab her eyes with.

?Because of what I know from Suika,? Akyu froze at the mention of Suika. Reimu looked down at Akyu again, then gave out a small sigh. ?I?ve known Suika for a few years now, ever since the Great Party incident,? Reimu began. ?After that big fiasco, she would stop by the Shrine every now and then. She came and went as she pleased, definitely the style of a solitary oni. At some point though, she said she was going to make the shrine one of her homes. I kicked her out the first time, but she came back again. After the third time, I grew tired of it and not wanting to have to exterminate her, I let it be. Then she decided to get cozy with me.?

Reimu paused for a moment, as she saw Akyu gulp a bit. Seeing the reaction, Reimu nodded to herself, as if she finally confirmed something. ?She started to give me all sorts of attention. An arm around my shoulder. Then maybe a hug. I was flattered and I couldn?t help but be slowly attracted to her in return. At one point, she gave me a kiss too. At that time, I decided to ask her, ?Are you in love with me??

Akyu was listening to Reimu?s story, getting caught up within it and how similar it seemed to be with her own relationship with Suika. Finally, she saw where Reimu was going with her tale. Noticing her mouth was suddenly dry, she swallowed a bit and then tentatively asked, ?What? what did Suika say??

Reimu shrugged. ?It started out with, ?Huh? What do you mean?? It seemed like she didn?t understand so I asked if she thought I was special and she said I was. Then I asked her if I was more special than anybody else. And she said ?No, not really.? Needless to say, I beat her up pretty badly after that.? Reimu chuckled after that statement and Akyu couldn?t help but join in. The slight of a maiden was surely something to be feared.

Reimu grinned at Akyu as her laughter slowly died down, then her face turned reflective as she thought back in time again. ?After the fight was over and she was lying on the ground, Suika I think finally understood what I was asking. And she told me, ?youkai don?t love like you humans seem to do. There is no attachment to things the way you humans have it. Maybe because you die so young, you grab on to the nearest thing and hold it close. I don?t do that. Except for maybe my gourd, ha ha ha.?

Reimu chuckled again, but this time, it was a wistful laugh, one of remembered sadness. ?I cried at that. There I was, the victor, standing over my opponent and I was crying over her. Because she wouldn?t or perhaps couldn?t acknowledge my feelings. I asked her why she did all those things that seemed to tempt me. And she said she felt like it. There was never a feeling of attachment for her. She then looked up at me and also said ?I can?t cry like you do either. There is no sorrow amongst youkai. We don?t dwell on things in the past. All we do is keep living, and live by the moment.?

Reimu once again paused, then finally leaned back, giving off the feeling that her story was over. ?And then, that was it. I had no romance with Suika. She?d still do silly things like hug me, but I understood it as a youkai doing whatever it felt like doing. And I never hated her for any of that. Instead, I think I was a little envious. You can?t predict what a youkai can do. In a sense, they are the freest beings in all of Gensokyo. Which brings us back to you.?

Reimu eyed Akyu as everything now seemed to come full circle. ?You are most definitely a human, you have a deep attachment to recording the past, a duty that has spanned lifetimes. You can genuinely cry over something that mortifies you. And?? after a noted pause, ?you can love someone deeply as all humans can.?

Akyu stared down into her lap taking in Reimu?s words. It was the first time she was able to re-examine who she was as a person, as a living being through someone else?s eyes. Of course, questions about her future remained, her fate and with Suika, but if she was anxious about it, didn?t that mean that she really was a normal human girl? She had dreams and worries, she was living for something more than just basic survival. It cheered her up greatly and she looked back up at Reimu with a wide smile.

?Thank you very much Reimu! You have no idea what your words mean to me,? she bowed graciously.

?Of course I do, we?re both human!? And the two girls laughed jovially as only humans can as they stared up at the twinkling stars above them.

Chapter 19

?I wonder if I would ever tire of this,? Akyu said as she looked down at the passing scenery below her.

?You mean the flying?? Reimu asked as she looked over her shoulder to the girl holding tight on her back. ?Never. Even now, after all these years, it?s still a thrill for me each time.?

?I can imagine so,? Akyu nodded, her voice tinged with a bit of envy. At least she got to be a part of it again as the two humans continued flying towards their destination, the morning sun behind their backs. Shifting the knapsack on her back to make sure it was still snug, Akyu thought back to the end of the previous night that spurred this sudden trip.


?You?re strong to be able to face your fears the way you did. I?m not sure if I would have had the courage to do the same.? Reimu had remarked at the time.

?Nonsense Reimu,? was the reply from Akyu. ?You are the Hakurei shrine maiden, a person that protects the humans of Gensokyo. You have been able to match some of the strongest youkai we know in combat and you?ve mostly done it alone. That skill and valour is what has allowed Gensokyo to remain in relative peace these last few years.?

?Well, I do think what you?ve done is just as admirable,? Reimu said as she humbly tried to deflect the praise being lavished on her. ?Like Byakuren said, you being able to preserve a brighter future for us may be more valuable than anything I do if her theory is true. But your ability is also useful just for the information you can provide. Why, if I had you along for? wait a minute.? Reimu had paused mid-sentence as she thought about something. Finally, she continued on, her voice turning a little grave. ?I have a question to ask you. Do you want to come along with me tomorrow??

?To where?? Akyu asked.

?Youkai hunting,? Reimu said with a serious expression. ?Specifically, to the Misty Lake. With you there, we may be able to learn more about the mysterious voice Nue came across. With luck, we may be able to get more clues and solve this incident so you won?t have to worry about future attacks.?

?Ah,? Akyu said. She understood that this potential threat should be investigated as soon as possible, but she also realized the unspoken reason why Reimu wanted Akyu to come along. Due to the entity?s interest in capturing Akyu, she was to serve as bait.

Do you trust me to keep you safe? Reimu asked, intuitively affirming the danger involved. Even if we don?t meet our foe there, there are still a few youkai that commonly hang around the Misty Lake.?

Akyu thought about it for a moment. This was another rare opportunity. While not putting herself into danger was the common sense thing to do, it left them waiting for the foe?s next move. But if they were proactive and careful, they could learn something important or perhaps even solve the problem right there. And on a more personal level, while Akyu had obviously been attacked by youkai before, she had never had the chance to go after them herself. Doing so piqued her chronicler?s curiosity. And Reimu was winning her over with her maturity and dependability.

?I do,? was the firm reply from Akyu. ?I?d be honored to see how you go about your duties.?

?Somehow, I knew you wouldn?t be able to resist this chance,? Reimu said with a sly grin. ?I will pick you up in the morning and we?ll make the most of what we encounter.?


And that was that. So far, they had passed over what was probably a part of the Forest of Magic. It was an expanse of forest; trees clumped so tightly together that sunlight could barely make its way through the tangle of thick branches. The dank conditions within the forest allowed a variety of mushrooms to grow and the fungi filled the air with their powerful spores, eliciting hallucinations and other wild effects to those who even sniffed the air. Hence, the moniker really did fit for this large area of trees.

Suddenly, a section of the forest gave way to an open clearing. As Akyu peered down at the sudden change, she frowned at the sight below her.

?It really is misty after all. It wasn?t just an exaggeration,? she said quietly. Even from their vantage point, they could see the rough circular outline of a lake, possibly a few kilometers in diameter, but a gray mist hung over the center. The part of the lake that wasn?t shrouded by fog shone a light blue in the sunlight, leaving the impression that the lake was layered. As they descended towards the ground, they could feel the temperature begin to drop the closer they got to the surface. Akyu held on tighter to Reimu as she tried to not shiver from the slight cold. Eventually, they reached the ground with Reimu getting down on one knee to allow Akyu to climb off her back.

Akyu looked around. They were standing on the shore of the lake, where a small ring of gravel encircled the water?s edge before giving away to healthy green grass as the ground sloped up slightly. There was about 100 meters of ground between the edge of the lake and the edge of the Forest of Magic. Akyu noticed virtually no cover or shrubbery of any kind except if one went into the forest, a notion Akyu quickly dismissed.

?What now?? Akyu asked as she noticed Reimu staring off into the lake?s horizon, or at least where the horizon would be if it were visible.

?For now, we wait,? Reimu replied without looking back. ?I believe we?ll come across one of the locals soon enough.?

Akyu nodded with a slight sound of agreement and stepped back. Finding a dry and not too dusty spot to sit, she folded her legs underneath her, took out her pen and parchment, and began to write everything she saw as they waited.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2010, 07:59:35 AM »
Chapter 20

The two girls waited in silence for awhile. Other than a few small flies and other assorted insects, it seemed like they were alone. To Reimu, it was odd considering the Misty Lake was not a place easily accessible by humans and therefore was a place youkai would often gather. Particularly the group of fairies she had expected to see. She looked around the surrounding again. Everything seemed to be the same since she had last shown up here, a few months ago. And it was still cool by the shore side even with the sun shining down on her and Akyu.

?So, maybe they?re hiding from us,? Reimu remarked as she broke the silence. ?They?re usually spunky and curious so I don?t see why none of them would be around now. Have you been told of any good ways to lure out a hiding youkai?? Reimu suddenly asked as she turned to Akyu.

?Hmm? not anything specific,? Akyu answered after thinking it over a bit. ?Although they do prefer to stalk individuals. So maybe the two of us here as a group are discouraging them. Frankly, I imagine you would know more about this than I would. Most people I interview don?t try to draw out a youkai in hiding,? Akyu concluded with a wry grin on her face.

?Well,? Reimu chuckled in return, ?just wanted to see if you knew something I hadn?t thought of. I guess I?ll go about it with this.?

Reimu reached into her loose robes and pulled out a small orb. It appeared to be a ball made of some hard metal, the size of an orange as it fit snugly in the palm of her hand. Clear markings defined it for what it was however as the black swirl painted across half the globe contrasted with the white in the distinctive yin-yang symbol. She held it with her palm open face up and closed her eyes. After a moment, the orb began to rise into the air floating above her hand. With a slight exhalation, Reimu began chanting in a low voice, the words unintelligible to Akyu. The orb floated down to Reimu?s right side and began growing in size. Once it had grown in size to something close to a human head, it began revolving around Reimu at waist height, approximately one revolution every 2 seconds.

Akyu stared at the floating orb in wonderment. This was the Yin-Yang Orb, a manifestation of the spiritual powers that the Hakurei Maiden possessed. It did not make a sound as it orbited in the air other than the slight whooshing of displaced air although it silently exuded an aura of holiness. As far as
what Akyu knew about the orb, it was able to fire needle like projectiles composed of spiritual energy, a useful tool to help subdue youkai. And she knew only the Hakurei Maiden was able to use the orb.

?Let?s see if I can flash one of our neighborhood fairies out,? Reimu said, her voice even and normal. Apparently, it did not cause Reimu any strain to use the orb, or she had at least long since grown accustomed to using the artifact.

With a soft hum, the Yin-Yang Orb began to glow. It pulsed slightly with a white light; a light that was bright yet surprisingly gentle despite the sunlight streaming down. Circling around Reimu, it seemed to highlight Reimu as a beacon, casting dancing reflections on the nearby water. ?Youkai are able to feel the presence of the Yin-Yang Orb,? Reimu said as she ascended into the air. ?They?ll be drawn to it like a moth to a flame.?

?Is that wise?? Akyu asked.

?Not usually, but this will make things go by quicker,? Reimu said with a slight shrug and Akyu was a little put back by the seeming over confidence in Reimu?s actions. ?At least I?ve planned ahead this time,? Reimu reached into her robe and pulled out 4 talismans. Turning back towards Akyu, she flung them out in several directions towards the ground. They landed in a squarish shape about 3 meters apart at the corners with Akyu in the middle. The talismans then began glowing, pulsing with the same light as the Yin-Yang Orb. ?Just stay in the middle of those talismans and the barrier field will block any spiritual attacks that hit it. Otherwise, sit back and take notes. Beats trying to remember details while running around in a panic.?

Akyu couldn?t see any difference in the space she was sitting in, but it was apparent that there was something there; she could feel a warmth in the air now, as if she were now in her own personal private space. A sense of security washed over her and she looked back up at Reimu with a smile. She still wasn?t sure why Reimu had decided to bring her out here just to beat up on youkai, but she now felt reassured by the girl?s actions. And with that came an excitement as she was interested in being able to record how youkai dealt with the infamous Hakurei Maiden.

Reimu had apparently felt the presence of something over the lake as she had turned back and stared at the cumbersome fog in the distance. After a while, it became apparent that the whole mass of mist seemed to be edging closer to them. Akyu stared at the water straining to hear something in the dead silence. After a few moments of nothing, Akyu jolted up with a start. Since there were no splashing sounds emanating from afar, it suggested that whatever was approaching them wasn?t swimming towards them, but flying. Akyu shifted her gaze back up into the fog itself. The fog had seemed to grow in height as the sky began to darken over the shoreline. Reimu moved herself over the water, putting some distance between herself and Akyu, her gohei now clutched in her left hand.

Soon, within the fog, they could make out a dark figure within its depths. It first appeared as a thin vertical shape, as if it was an upright figure, then the image warped into a more circular shape. Akyu frowned as she realized the mist was playing tricks on her vision and depth perception. She couldn?t tell what it?s true shape was or even how far away it was from them. Finally, the mass of fog seemed to stop, several meters away from the floating Reimu.

?So, human, have you come to pay tribute to me in my domain?? a deep voice rang out from within the fog.

Reimu frowned. This was unexpected. No singular youkai had ever claimed the Misty Lake for itself. The fact that this voice had and the lack of presence of any other youkai or even simple fairies suggested it had done so forcibly.

?You?re out of luck,? Reimu said. ?I?m just a lowly shrine maiden passing by on some old acquaintances. Since they don?t seem to be around, perhaps you know where they?ve gone??

?Hah,? the voice scoffed. ?Of course I know where they?ve gone, the big blue fairy of ice is merely doing my bidding now.? The voice gave no indication of any direction, but Reimu felt compelled to look down below where the dark shape floated. She couldn?t see anything and yet she had a feeling that?s where the answer lay. Reimu?s frown deepened.

?It seems,? the voice continued, ?that you have succeeded where the previous one in black had failed me. Perhaps you have come to deliver the meddlesome child to me?? Reimu lifted her head back up to the figure. Back on the ground, Akyu involuntarily shuddered. So, this was it. This being was the one that had coerced Nue to attack her. This was to whom some of the questions to be asked could finally be answered.

?I certainly didn?t bring her over here to hand her over to the likes of some unknown existence like you,? Reimu glared. ?What does Akyu know that is so dangerous??

?EVERYTHING!? the voice roared, a fierce wind billowing out from the fog. For a brief moment, the air cleared around the floating figure to reveal a shadow. It stood upright like a human, yet no distinguishable features could be recognized on it. ?That child poses a great risk to us. She is to be taken captive and contained. And if you will not hand her over, I will take her myself.? The fog in the meanwhile had slowly returned to once again shroud the figure in a confusing air.

?Is that a collective us?? Reimu asked, one eyebrow raised in speculation. ?I don?t seem to recall being a youkai like you.?

?Youkai? Ha!? the voice bellowed out in laughter, an action that brought chills down Akyu?s spine. ?I am much more than a so called youkai. Dare to challenge me and find out??

?You don?t seem to know the rules around here,? Reimu commented with a sigh. ?Anyone that stirs up an incident in Gensokyo has to contend with me. I believe the correct phrase is,? Reimu stared back at the figure, a wicked grin on her face, ?am I ready to get my butt kicked by the Hakurei shrine maiden today??

With that, Reimu with a quick sidearm motion threw out a pair of talismans at her opponent.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2010, 10:02:41 AM »
Chapter 21

The red talismans flew from Reimu?s hand towards the floating mist. Watching the scene from the shore, Akyu wondered how the two charms could possibly find their target as the figure flew to its left to get out of the flight path of the projectiles. But as if to show her how, the talismans changed course in midair. They arced away from each other in opposite directions then angled back towards the target, on a new course. Coming in on a pincer formation, the figure was forced to fly down as it tried to avoid them. One of the charms exploded as it sailed overhead, releasing a brief flash of light as the force caused some of the fog to dissipate. The other charm continued on, making the seemingly impossible 90 degree turn straight down to pursue.

Reimu meanwhile had dove down to follow, her Yin-Yang Orb now spitting out needle like bullets. They tracked in on the path of the fleeing figure, a few shots managing to graze it with small flashes of red energy. Undeterred, the shadowy figure continued its dive towards the lake. Right before the figure would have hit the water, it pulled a sharp turn up as the second talisman behind it shot into the water ineffectively. Twisting in midair, it altered course. Skimming along the water?s surface, the figure headed towards the shore. Towards Akyu.

?Oh no you don?t,? Reimu grunted as she threw out a handful of amulets at the fleeing figure. As the amulets gained on the figure, it began a corkscrew evasive pattern as the spiritual projectiles shot all around it. But it could not dodge all of them. With a quick motion, the figure batted away a set of amulets that were aimed at it. There was a hissing sound as if something were burning and the figure slowed down considerably, the holy white slips of paper embedded into its arm. With Reimu catching up, it made the sudden decision to dive straight into the lake.

Reimu reached the spot where the shadow had entered the lake, scanning the waters for any sign of it. However, the fog had seemingly followed the figure around and while it was slowly dissipating, Reimu still couldn?t see into the watery depths. Then a trio of magic circles appeared, small and white. Just as suddenly, they started shooting danmaku bullets into the air in a varying spread pattern. Reimu was prepared as she methodically shifted, twisted and soared through the air avoiding the spray of bullets around her. She fired back into the water, but her efforts were fruitless as there was no indication it had hit.

From where she sat on the shore, Akyu couldn?t see where the target was either. She was about to call out to Reimu when she saw the shadow slither up onto the shore. With a quick movement, it dashed straight towards Akyu. Akyu gave out a cry of alarm as she held her arms over her head bracing for the impact.

A violent tremor shook the air, rattling her bones. Akyu opened her eyes to see a faint redness in the air around her. The dark figure stood still about 2 meters away, dazed as it was stopped by a mysterious force. That was when Akyu realized that the figure had slammed right into Reimu?s spiritual barrier and had been knocked back. It began pounding on the air in front of her trying to get through it.

As the figure continued to claw at the stubborn unseen barrier, Akyu looked over the mysterious being. It definitely had a humanoid body, standing about one head taller than Akyu herself. Its body color was a matte black, the color eerily similar to the predator that had chased her, Keine and Mokou before. Despite being closer to it now than before, nothing could be seen of its face though. As Akyu studied it more, she came to a realization about the being. It was not dripping wet despite having been submerged in the water just a moment before. Furthermore, as it struck at the barrier, flashes of light were emitted from the impacts and Akyu could briefly see through its arms.

?Reimu!? Akyu cried out. ?This being is not corporeal. It?s a spirit.?

The figure stopped and stared at Akyu. Something crossed over its head as Akyu began to see its face shift. Then the features resolved themselves into a glare. And Akyu froze in shock. It was not just the intensity of the glare that struck her speechless. She recognized that face.

Then, sensing the impending danger, the figure snarled as it turned to look back towards the lake. Above the water, Reimu had stopped in the air, a few meters from the shore, her eyes closed and her mouth moving in a quiet chant. The Yin-Yang Orb around her began glowing white as it spun faster and faster around her. Suddenly, multiple balls of light began appearing in the air as they began glowing in a cascading sequence of colors. With a quick burst, the dark figure dashed off to the right heading for the nearest set of trees. Which is what Reimu had been waiting for. In a loud voice, she declared:

?Fantasy Orb.?

The 4 glowing orbs around Reimu shot forth from around her, homing in on the fleeing shadow. The figure sidestepped once, trying to avoid the oncoming projectiles. But unlike the earlier time with the talismans, it couldn?t avoid these bullets. The first slammed into its leg, sending the figure tumbling along the ground. The last 3 bullets pounded into its back with thunderous hits, battering it with a wave of spiritual energy. Once the onslaught finished, the figure remained laying on the ground, unmoving and beaten.

Reimu and Akyu both hurried over it, the latter standing a fairer distance away. Reimu stared over it, her victory assured. ?You indeed don?t seem to be a youkai. Unfortunately for you, a pure spiritual being is even easier pickings for me,? Reimu commented, her gohei at the ready. The figure with its face down, did not turn to face the two.

?It seems I had underestimated this matchup,? the figure said, its voice barely audible. ?I have at least confirmed the Child of Miare with my own eyes. We shall meet again, but for now, I present a new challenge to you,? The shadow then began to dissolve, its body losing form. As the two humans looked on, the dark mass seeped completely into the ground and then was gone.

Reimu was just turning around to ask Akyu if she was alright when the ground began to shake. ?An earthquake?? Akyu asked as she struggled to stay standing upright.

?No?,? Reimu said as she grabbed a hold of Akyu and flew into the air with her. ?This could be worse. I can sense a powerful magic aura. Coming from?? Reimu stopped as her head snapped back towards the lake. Akyu followed her gaze. Back at the lake, a large magic circle, much larger than the previous ones Reimu had seen, appeared on the surface of the water. It spun slowly, its complex rune-like patterns glowing a faint red. The circle remained intact despite the increasingly strong waves of water pushing outwards towards the land. A fierce wind blew as the sky overhead began to darken completely blotting out the sun.

Then as quickly as it appeared, the magic circle disappeared. Although the wind began to die down, the crashing water grew stronger. Akyu looked on as her anxiety increased. Something was coming. Suddenly, with a huge crash of displaced water, something jumped out from the lake heading right for them. It was hard to tell what it was due to the initial distance between them, but as it flew closer, the massive shadow it cast over the floating duo was enough to shock Reimu into action.

?You have GOT to be kidding me!? she cursed as she made for the trees at the edge of the forest. They had just reached the nearest grouping when the object landed with an enormous slam. Huge chunks of the solid ground shot up, filling the air with rocky shrapnel. Reimu angled her flight down to avoid most of the large earthy pieces, but a large chunk hit her hard in the shoulder spinning her around in the air. With a cry, she was knocked down and the two girls crashed into the ground, Reimu?s arms tight around Akyu as she rolled along the ground to reduce the impact. After a few meters, they stopped and they both looked up to see what had chased them.

It was long, over 5 meters in length and sat 2 meters tall. Covered in thick yellowish brown scales, it sported a fin on its head and several long whiskers and a fish like tail. Its eyes, on both sides of its oversized mouth turned to glare at the girls. By all accounts, it could only be described as an abnormally large catfish.

?I am the avatar of Taisui Xingjun, the almighty God of Calamity,? the creature yelled out in a watery voice. ?At long last, I have returned. The earth shall tremble before the might of my master!?

?A namazu?? Akyu asked in awe. She thought back to what she knew about the species. A giant catfish looking like creature, it swam through the mud of the earth rather than in the waters of the oceans. As such, its continual movement spawned violent earthquakes. The largest ones had to be subdued with charms and held down with large rocks. The last known sighting of one was in 1855 during the earthquake in Edo. Akyu had read about the destruction, shortly before her 8th incarnation was born, an unprecedented disaster with several thousand people dead and numerous portions of the city lost to fire.

Reimu seemed to also know of the creature. Her face was grim as her mind raced furiously for solutions. Unfortunately, she found no easy answers. Getting up quickly, she checked her shoulder quickly to see that it was not broken, then turned to Akyu. ?Wait by the trees there, at least they?ll provide some cover for you in case more rocks fly your way.?

Akyu stared back in shock. ?Surely, you can?t be thinking of fighting the namazu head on.? She shook her head as if trying to will the idea to go away.

?It can?t be helped,? Reimu said. ?If we flee, it?ll chase us and cause enormous damage to the area. No, I have to take it down here.?

?Can you do it alone?? Akyu asked, her hands clutched tightly to each other.

?I won?t be alone for long,? Reimu stared back at the Namazu which had begun to charge up magical energy as another magic circle emerged around it. Pulling out another talisman from her robes, Reimu flung it straight up in the air. Once it had cleared the treeline, it flared into a bright red flame, streaking into the sky.

?That should get some people?s attention. In the meanwhile, time to cut myself a nice fillet for dinner,? Reimu said as she dashed back towards her new opponent.

Chapter 22

Reimu charged headfirst into the fight, this time not holding anything back. She threw out 2 waves of amulets at the Namazu while her Yin-Yang Orb continued to spit out its spirit needles. She grinned wryly as she recalled the last words given to her by the dissipating shadow. Like how easily she had dismissed her first opponent, the battle against the Namazu was clearly not in her favor. Reimu specialized in spiritual attacks, but they were far less effective against a physical defense. Thus, she always had to be careful when dealing with beast type youkai. And the Namazu was clearly a level above that. No, this was a battle she could not win alone. Her goal was to do as much damage to it as possible, to at least slow it down until help arrived.

Her projectiles hit the Namazu dead on. As such a large target, it was almost impossible to miss it. Its oversized mouth grimaced in slight discomfort as Reimu realized spiritual attacks could hurt it somewhat. Suddenly, it shot forward and up, propelled by nothing more than a single swipe of its tail in the air.

Reimu altered course and shot towards her side barely missing being rammed by the giant catfish. Looking overhead, she saw the Namazu rush back down to the ground, threatening to smash Reimu flat. She backdashed out of the way as it struck the ground, another deafening roar of shattered earth filling the air. Rocks flew into the sky and began to fall all around Reimu. Pulling out a few talismans, she flung them up in a quick spread all above her. Latching onto the closest rocks, they exploded, turning them into dust. Seeing an opportunity, Reimu dashed forward, her gohei pointed ahead of her like a lance as she aimed for one of the Namazu?s eyes.

Just before she could reach it, she felt something wrap around her leg stopping her in its track. Staring back in shock, she saw one of the Namazu?s ridiculously long whiskers holding her leg in place. With a short flick, it flung her away. As Reimu sailed away from the giant catfish, unable to get her bearings to control her flight, she caught sight of the catfish beginning to glow. Cursing out loud, she pulled out a special talisman and held it out in front of her, arms outstretched.

From the Namazu, bursts of lightning shot forth in all directions. One headed straight for Reimu and she braced herself. The bolt flew into her makeshift spirit barrier as Reimu?s arms struggled against the impact. Then a second bolt hit the barrier and the talisman in her hand crumbled to pieces. A 3rd bolt grazed her side, shocking her with a fierce intensity. Struggling to stay conscious, she gritted her teeth as she dove back to the ground. Landing on the ground, she looked to her side to see the charred remains of part of her shrine maiden robes, a large burn on her skin clearly visible.

?This is not going well,? Reimu thought to herself. Reaching through her sleeves for a different amulet, she slapped it onto her side, wincing a bit at the contact as spiritual energy flooded into her, easing the pain from her injury. She looked back at the Namazu which had once again taken to the air as it attempted to squash her.

This time, Reimu planted a set of talismans into the ground as she dashed out of the way. She barely made it out of the way as the impact knocked her off her feet landing her flat on her back with a painful thud. More rocks floated into the air and seemed set to land on her as she grimaced, unable to protect herself. Then the talismans under the Namazu detonated. They burst into white orbs of light, the impact launching the creature into the air. As it flew over Reimu?s prone body, its huge body blocked Reimu from the other falling rocks, instead battering the creature in her place. With a thud of its own, the creature landed on the ground several meters away.

Reimu worked her way up to her knees as she turned back towards the Namazu. It appeared dazed, but then its eyes found Reimu again and it glared maliciously. ?You?ll pay for that human. You think such a trick would work twice on me?? it roared out.

Reimu got back onto her feet, readying herself for the next attack. Then the Namazu moved. With a short hop, it bounced up and then sunk into the ground. Reimu stared confused for a moment. Then realizing that the Namazu was swimming underground, she took to the air. It was just in the nick of time too as the Namazu?s tail surfaced up to slap at Reimu where she had just been standing a moment earlier. Reimu proceeded to fire needles at the tail but then it disappeared into the ground.

She rose higher into the air to try to gain a better vantage point and see if she could spot the Namazu?s movement. Unfortunately, the earth didn?t show any signs of the large catfish swimming about as it might have in a lake. Then, a burst of blue orbs shot up at Reimu from the ground itself, as if it were a whale?s spout. She dashed out of the way and proceeded to fly back towards the lake. The spout continued to give chase as it seemed to mark where the Namazu was.

Within moments, she had reached the water. Much as she had hoped for, the Namazu followed, its trail now suddenly visible as it switched from the ground to the water. Putting both of her hands together, she invoked her spell. A swirling column of energy encircled her and spiraled down into the water. It struck the Namazu directly, pounding it with spiritual energy. It thrashed about underwater as Reimu held her pose for as long as possible, continuously channeling the energy downwards. Finally, the Namazu made its way back into the earth itself disappearing from sight. Reimu ended the spell and she put her hands to her knees, panting in midair.

With barely a moment?s rest, the Namazu again burst from the ground into the sky. This time it seemed to fly even faster into the air. Winded and unable to get out of the way again, Reimu pulled 2 barrier talismans from her robe and prepared to set them.

Suddenly, she was pushed out of the way before she could move her hands forward. ?I?ve got you covered,? a familiar high pitched voice called out from in front of her. Looking up, she saw the familiar purple dress and large horns of her long time house moocher.

?Suika!? Reimu managed to shout out.

With a furious hit, the Namazu slammed into Suika?s open arms. It drove the smaller girl through the air and the two hurtled towards the ground, the giant catfish intent on crushing the oni with the impact. Suika pushed against the Namazu in the air slowing it down. Still they landed on the ground with a furious hit, scattering more earth into the air. Suika managed to stay on her feet despite the impact coughing from the exertion. Holding on tight to the mouth of the Namazu, she lifted it up, over her head and with a loud roar, slammed it down behind her back in a suplex.

Suika then let go of the creature and it fell back down flat to the earth. Meanwhile, Reimu had slowly descended from the sky, the exertion from her sustained attack still leaving her worn out. She glanced over at Suika. ?Took you long enough to get here,? she said in a tired voice.

Suika popped the cap of her gourd and took a drink. ?How was I supposed to know where you were? One minute I?m in the shrine after getting back from Akyu?s and then the next thing I know, I?m outside lying in a wooden wheelbarrow and it?s morning. You could have at least left a note.?

?I?m not sure you?d have been sober enough to read it, let alone be able to read it in the first place,? Reimu replied with a wry grin. ?Glad you found us anyways,? she then added.

?Well, just go back and protect Akyu. You can leave this to me,? Suika grinned as she turned back towards the Namazu.

Shifting her attention back to the catfish, the combatants saw it slowly shake its head as if to get rid of its dizziness, a surprisingly human like action for the beast. ?It seems there?s someone here who can match my strength. I?ll take you on!? as the giant catfish roared at the perceived greater threat. With another quick hop, it disappeared back into the ground.

Suika, unlike Reimu, did not fly into the air. She decided to stay on the ground, seemingly intent on beating the Namazu in its own game. One second later, a tail emerged from the ground, behind Suika at it prepared to slap her away. Suika dodged to her right, just barely avoiding the swinging tail. It then quickly sunk into the ground again. A moment later, it appeared to her left, swinging again. Suika brought her arms up over her head and blocked the strike. Once again, the tail retreated and fell back into the earth.

On the next attack, the Namazu came from the right. This time, Suika was ready for it. With a quick motion, Suika punched with her left fist into the ground. The reverberation of her fist sent a shock wave through the ground. Given the effect, it was as if she were punching a projectile through the air. The shock wave hit the Namazu as evidenced by the sudden stop of movement from its tail. Once again, it retreated deeper into the ground, this time much more slowly.

?You want some more of that?? Suika laughed out loud, goading it whether it could hear or not. There was no response nor movement from the ground as she wondered whether it had decided to flee.

Then the Namazu?s head burst forth from the ground in front of Suika. Before she could react, it spit at Suika, spraying her with brown mud. ?AAUGH!? blinded by the mud, she yelled and swung in a rage and missed. One second later she was slapped hard, wobbling as she took a hit to the side. Still trying to clear her eyes, she tried a kick behind her, but only whiffed through the air. Then a hard hit knocked her flat on the ground as the catfish?s tail slammed into her head.

?Suika!? Reimu and Akyu yelled out, Reimu having joined Akyu to recover at the edge of the forest.

?Stay back!? Suika yelled angrily as she slowly got back up. Mud still dripped from her, covering her from horn to toe. She had wiped some of it from her eyes, able to squint out narrowly. ?Think you can make a fool of me?? She sneered contemptuously into the air. ?Think again, you stupid smelly sack of crap!?

The ground remained still again as the Namazu continued to swim deep underground. Suika concentrated trying to feel the earth through the soles of her feet. Then she suddenly jumped. As she did so, the Namazu burst from the ground directly underneath where she had been. Bringing her hands up high over her head, she brought her fists down in an overhead slam pounding the Namazu back into the ground.

At this point, large bruises had formed on the flesh of the creature. A sharp cut was etched across its side as well as a large bump on the top of its head. Its right eye was also swollen shut. But now the creature roared with rage. ?YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT THE WILL OF TAISUI XINGJUN! I WILL SHOW YOU THE TRUE POWER OF THE NAMAZU. THE MOUNTAIN WILL CRUMBLE TO DUST. AND WITH THIS ENDS THE FLEETING WORLD!?

With a raising of its body, it crashed back down into the Earth disappearing from sight again. Before Suika or anyone else could say anything, the ground began to shake. Cracks appeared within the ground shooting out from several directions amongst the already numerous craters left from the battle earlier. At the edge of the forest where Reimu and Akyu had hidden, one of the trees toppled over. Realizing the ground was no longer a safe place to be, Reimu carried Akyu up into the air.

Akyu cried out to Suika, ?we have to find it! It?s recreating the Great Earthquake. At this rate, once it climbs up Youkai Mountain, it?ll tear the land asunder and the damage could stretch to all of Gensokyo!?

?Where is it?? Suika called out as she floated back up in the air towards them.

?I don?t know,? Reimu answered first. ?There should be a magic circle for something as monstrous as this, but I can?t sense it.? By then, the air had also begun to rumble as the shaking on the ground grew violent. ?Is there a pattern to the earthquake?? Suika could only look back helplessly as she had no idea where to begin.

?Think, think,? Akyu mumbled to herself. ?How can we track where the Namazu is?? Her mind flashed through all her memories, looking for records, stories, folk tales, anything to give her a hint. As she stared at the increasing devastation below them, one obscure tale popped into her head. While the Namazu could indeed swim through rock as if it were water, it had a harder time doing so when climbing altitude. In reference to one earthquake by a lakeside village, it was noted that the damage spread from the base of the lake and moved upward in a path consistent to the river that flowed into the lake. The behavior of that was similar to salmon swimming upstream and it was thus attributed to a namazu.

?That?s it!? Akyu said. ?Check the edge of the lake to where the river flows from Youkai Mountain. It will head there in order to move upstream.?

?Ok!? Suika and Reimu nodded and the three of them flew towards the designated area.

At the spot Akyu had pointed out, they were surprised to see someone already there. Hovering in the air just above the mouth of the river was Ichirin Kumoi. Her nyuudou familiar, Unzan also floated behind her. She greeted the three arrivals with a light-hearted grin. ?I could tell there was trouble and I thought I?d give you a hand,? she replied.

?This is no time for nyuudou jokes Ichirin,? Reimu said, a note of exasperation in her voice. ?We need to find the Namazu before it wrecks everything.?

?We need you to help us catch it,? Akyu said interrupting Reimu. She looked over to where the river began sloping up into Youkai Mountain. Spotting a thin narrow patch of shoreline by the lake?s edge and adjoining the river, Akyu quickly formulated a plan.

?Suika, most likely the Namazu will have to pass through that strip of land before it continues up to topple the mountain. We?ll need you to block it off with huge rocks which will limit its movement. It?ll be forced into the lake water before it can go up the river.? Akyu then turned to Ichirin. ?Then when you see it, have Unzan catch it with his hands Miss Ichirin.?

?Alright,? Suika and Ichirin both nodded their understanding, Suika heading towards the mountain?s base while Ichirin positioning herself above the Misty Lake. 30 seconds later, the distant rumbling grew noticeably closer. As cracks began to appear in the ground, Akyu eyed Suika in the distance, standing at the base of the mountain, 3 large boulders by her side.

?Now!? Akyu yelled out. From the distance the girls could see Suika heft one of the boulders into her arm. With a strong shot put like throw, she threw the first boulder at the narrow patch of land barely 5 meters wide. Reaching over to her side after the first throw, she tossed the second and then the 3rd boulder. Within moments, the boulders all landed on the small strip of land with a huge crash. Water caved in from the impact washing over the narrow section of land. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the large brown catfish as it changed course and entered the lake. ?There it is,? Akyu called out over to Ichirin.

?I came to the river to go fishing, but I never expected you to get your fair share of it too Unzan,? Ichirin said, an amused tone in her voice. She looked back at the now enlarged pink head floating over her shoulder. ?He?s all yours.?

?Yes, my lady,? Unzan replied. Reaching out with his massive hands, the cloud like spirit dipped into the water and with one quick swoop plucked the Namazu out of the lake. The creature just barely fit into both of his fists, writhing and twisting. As the shaking in the ground subsided, the creature struggled to break free, but Unzan held firm. A moment later, the catfish flared brightly as electricity sparked from its body in waves.

Unzan?s face winced, as it was clear he wouldn?t be able to bear it for long, but Ichirin stepped in. ?Throw him up in the air and let him have it. Like shooting fish in a barrel.?

?I don?t intend to be shooting, my lady.? With a steady movement, Unzan lowered his fists and then lightly tossed the Namazu up. It stopped flashing its electricity attack in midair as it struggled to gain control of its flight. As it began to fall though, Unzan punched. His left fist smashed into the belly of the catfish as the creature roared in pain. Then the right fist hit, bashing the tail of the creature. And it repeated. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left. The catfish was pounded relentlessly as blow after blow assailed it. Finally, Unzan finished the assault with a right uppercut catching the Namazu under its oversized mouth.

As it sailed away from Unzan, Suika had already leapt into the air intercepting it. Grabbing it by one of its long whiskers, she hung tight and spun it around in midair. Once, then twice. On the 3rd spin, she let go hurtling it back towards the lake. The Namazu crashed into the water with a powerful wallop, the force of the impact shooting a spray of water into the sky. From there, the creature began sinking into the water for a moment before floating back up to the surface. Everyone waited to see if the Namazu would move. It didn?t. It lay still, eyes rolled up in its head.

?Well, that was a roundabout way to solve things,? Ichirin quipped.

Everyone else groaned.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2010, 08:54:34 AM »
Chapter 23

?And, that?s the end of it,? Akyu said to herself, sighing with relief as she leaned back from the kotatsu. Massaging her tired hand, she looked back down at the scroll in front of her. Scanning from the floor on her right to the left, she saw the amount of paper she had used to describe the details of the recent events at the Misty Lake. It had taken over a day to write as she glanced outside to see shades of the afternoon sun bear its rays down on the back garden. ?Ah, a day and a half,? she amended.

It wasn?t exactly necessary for her to have to put all of that day?s events into writing right away, seeing as how she wouldn?t be able to forget any of it anyways. But it was still useful to do. Rather, by committing it to writing, she would at least have a better organization of the events so she could more easily figure out what had happened as a whole.

At least that was the idea. Looking over her scripture though, she frowned. Despite the confrontation and battle with the black shadow, she still had no idea what it was. Not even a name for it or what species it was other than a strong suggestion that it was a purely spiritual being. That in itself was highly unusual. The closest comparative reference she had for this being were ghosts. But not even ghosts were purely spiritual as evidenced by the Palanquin Ship captain, a female ghost with form and substance. She had haunted the seas off the coast of Japan causing numerous shipwrecks before she had been saved by Byakuren Hijiri. And the Netherworld was filled with ghosts, but even if they had no form, they had substance. No, this thing was not like the ghosts of Gensokyo. Could it be something completely new?

And then moving on to the namazu. It had declared itself as the avatar of Taisui Xingjun when it first arrived. Akyu?s historical texts had identified Taisui Xingjun as an elder god. References were minimal, but its name was only mentioned, or rather lamented, during a select few instances of severe earthquakes and famine. So it was primarily known as a god of disaster whose servants or avatars were described as agents of reckoning. All of this did seem to fit with the observed abilities of the namazu.

The main question about it however, seemed to be why it had appeared. The shadow had hinted at its arrival as it disappeared into the ground. That meant the shadow had known it would arrive at that moment. So did that mean the two beings were in an alliance? Or had the shadow summoned the namazu? Or perhaps, was the shadow Taisui Xingjun itself?

Regardless of where it came from, the amazing feat was that the namazu was completely defeated by a haphazardly assembled group of characters. Furthermore, despite the rather severe damage to the area around the Misty Lake, none of them had suffered any serious injury. Akyu had always heard tales of the fighting prowess of high level youkai as well as those of the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, but seeing it first hand for a sustained period of time made her realize the previous records and second hand stories did not do the accounts any justice. It would be something she?d have to focus more on in the future.

Akyu smiled as she thought about the scenes following the defeat of the Namazu. Suika had wanted to take it home and immediately cut it up for dinner. While Reimu had joked about it at the start of the battle, she was adamantly against Suika?s idea. The last thing Reimu needed she said, was to invoke the ire of some god of calamity that could potentially send another namazu to the surface and level her shrine into the ground. The two argued about it back and forth before the youkai Ichirin Kumoi offered to take it back with her to the Myouren Temple. Byakuren would seal its powers and make a proper prayer and offering to the god. Akyu herself had been uneasy about that prospect as well, but Ichirin convinced her that if done this way, it could at least help determine if the shadow Reimu had fought earlier was indeed Taisui Xingjun itself. If all went well though, a grand feast could then be held from which Suika would get her fair share of the creature. And with that, she and Reimu relented which drew a conclusion to that portion of the day?s events. Akyu noted with some amusement that it was only the 2 humans who were concerned about upsetting any of the gods. The youkai didn?t care one way or the other.  Just another difference in thinking style that separated humans from youkai, Akyu thought.

Frowning again, she walked to the bookshelf and brought down a few books about the Buddhist and Shinto religions. Suddenly caught up on a new tangent, she sat back down at the kotatsu and opened the first book. Lost in her thoughts, she didn?t immediately notice the knocking sound coming from the door. Finally, Akyu heard it and looked up to see one of the house servants patiently waiting at the door.

?Miss Akyu, you have 2 guests waiting for you at the entrance,? the matronly woman said.

?Oh, thank you. I will be right there,? Akyu replied. Putting her materials down, she got up from the floor and proceeded out of the room, wondering who it was that was visiting her. There didn?t seem to be a reason for Reimu to come back so soon. Maybe it was Suika? Akyu paused, a slight gulp running down her throat. She had not given a thought of it in the chaos of the battle against the Namazu, but she still had to confirm her feelings for Suika as well as hopefully have Suika confirm hers. Now that things were calm again, she realized she hadn?t prepared for that kind of a discussion yet. She understood what Reimu was getting at on that night she visited; that youkai didn?t love and thus Suika did not have any particular affection for her in that way. That made sense to her, her mind understood the reasons and she had nodded at all that. But the emotional side of her, her heart told her to not brush it off. Could Reimu have been wrong? Or could it be different between her and Suika? Akyu wanted to know. Suddenly, Akyu was torn between hoping her visitor was Suika and hoping it wasn?t.

She had almost reached the corner where the hallway turned into the entrance way. Stopping herself, she took two deep breaths to clear her mind of her worries. With that, a smile returned to her face and she settled back into the role of a hostess. She turned the corner. ?Hello, how may I??? her voice cut off as her mind processed who the two visitors were.

The visitor on the left was a slightly built girl of average height and pale skin. She wore a purple dress with white buttons and a white sash. She had wavy blond hair that only reached down to her neck although it was mostly covered by a short flat white cap. Her vibrant violet eyes had not noticed her but were instead fixed on her companion. The visitor on the right was also a girl, but a little taller. She had on a brown dress that extended to her knees and wore a white shirt made of silk with a necktie. Her brown hair was straighter, but was also somewhat covered up by the black brimmed hat she wore. She was conversing with the girl on her left when out of the corner of her brown eyes, she caught sight of Akyu.

?Akyu! It?s been a while,? the taller girl called out cheerfully.

Akyu?s smile grew broader as she rushed forward. ?Miss Renko! And Miss Maribel. It has indeed been a while. Please, do come in.?

The two girls came up and gave Akyu a hug. When they had first met about a year ago, Akyu had been a little surprised at the boldness of those two girls. As they had parted ways on that first visit, they had embraced her with a hug and said that back in the outside world away from Gensokyo, that girls were more open and informal and that when they became close, they hugged no matter the difference in social status. It was rather daring and Akyu wondered just how the disappearance of youkai and presumably magic had led to such changes in social attitude and lifestyle.

?When did you two get back to Gensokyo?? Akyu asked as she led them to the primary guest room and began preparing 3 cups of tea.

?Just yesterday,? Maribel spoke up. ?The window to cross the border into Gensokyo was aligned just right last evening. With Renko?s precise timing, we made it through without any complications.?

Akyu nodded. Renko?s ability to determine the exact time and location of where she was just by looking at the stars and moon was truly impeccable. Yet when it was combined by Maribel?s ability to see boundaries, something not even Reimu could quite do, it allowed the two of them to travel dimensions. They had assured her it was something almost certainly unique to them in the outside world or ?modern day Japan? as they called it. Given that their abilities were most likely magical in nature, their claim did seem to be true.

?That?s good to hear. So what are your plans for this trip into Gensokyo. And how are things back in modern day Japan?? Akyu asked as she set a cup of green tea in front of each girl.

?That?s just the thing,? Renko responded, her cup untouched as she looked at Akyu, her voice taking on a serious edge. ?We came back to Gensokyo because we needed to talk to you. Something odd is happening in our world. And we think it may be tied to something going on in Gensokyo. Furthermore, we?re not entirely sure, but we think this also might have something to do with you, yourself.?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 09:02:51 AM by Kiro »


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2010, 09:23:23 AM »
Chapter 24

Akyu looked back at Renko, surprise on her face as she took in the three statements Renko had made. To Renko?s left, Maribel was fidgeting a bit and the unease of her body language started to fill Akyu with worry. Unsure of what to expect, Akyu just nodded her head saying, ?Please, go on. This sounds serious.?

Renko finally picked up her tea cup and took a sip. Then she put the cup down and looked back at Akyu. ?There have been a series of mysterious murders back home reported in the past few days,? Renko began. ?Nobody has been arrested for these deaths yet. But it doesn?t look like it?s the work of humans. The news reports say that those who have been murdered had their flesh torn from them as if they had been eaten. And to continue on that line, there have been scattered sightings of creatures. Larger than normal sized animals and birds, all of them with black fur, feathers, or scales. But none of them have been seen eating a human yet.?

An uneasy feeling washed over Akyu as the description reminded her of that first battle she had witnessed. It now seemed obvious as to why they had come to ask her for her opinion. ?How many of these things were seen?? she asked, her mouth suddenly a little dry.

?Several, maybe close to a dozen,? Renko said. ?Most of the sightings had occurred at or around the derelict shrine, which is where the Hakurei Shrine is here in Gensokyo. Could they be youkai??

?Hmm,? Akyu lapsed into thought. It did seem like what Renko had suggested, that there were now youkai in the outside world. However, it wasn?t as far-fetched an idea as it first seemed. Humans from the outside world had ended up in Gensokyo such as Renko and Maribel; it made sense that the reverse could also be true. The key difference between the first and second case involved the nature of youkai. When Gensokyo was split from the outside world by the Hakurei Border, widespread knowledge of youkai had disappeared from the outside world as well. Any youkai that somehow crossed the border into the outside world would find itself vastly weakened upon arrival due to the lack of fear in the populace. No, it would be even more pronounced than that. Since mankind in the outside world had seemingly discarded the concept of beings with magical abilities, it meant that the faith of such beings was figuratively banished from their world. This phenomenon was so striking that there even was an incident where two gods had transported themselves from the outside world into Gensokyo to avoid disappearing from existence.

?They could very well be youkai. The description of their behavior matches.? Akyu said as she finally spoke, explaining her thoughts. ?Youkai could indeed appear in your world, but they would arrive virtually powerless since knowledge of them is nonexistent. They almost certainly wouldn?t last long enough to prey on humans like you have described. You two may be the only humans from the outside world who even know about youkai much less the existence of the world of Gensokyo.?

?That?s what we had thought too,? Maribel spoke up suddenly. ?But we?re not the only ones who know anymore.?

?What do you mean?? Akyu asked.

?This is the part where you seem to come in,? Maribel answered, her voice soft. ?A new series of historical books was released to the public about a week before the first attacks were reported. The name of the series is called the Gensokyo Chronicles. Written by the Hieda family and released by someone claiming to be the descendant of Aichi Hieda. There are 8 books in total.?

?Eh?!? Akyu couldn?t contain her surprise. The news was like being punched in the stomach. She slumped down, her face portraying her pure shock. ?How could there exist another copy of the Gensokyo Chronicles?? she said to herself. Certainly, the texts had been perused before by representatives of other villages in the past, and knowledge about youkai and how to combat them were spread to ensure the villages? survival. But nobody could have had an actual complete copy of every volume of the Gensokyo Chronicles. Their writing spanned centuries.

?That can?t be,? Akyu said, her voice suddenly sounding dead and hollowed out to her own ears. ?We certainly shared the Gensokyo Chronicles in the past, but no complete copy has ever been made. My family saw to that in the past and did not allow anyone the time to write everything down word for word. It was a way to maintain our family?s influence as well as to heighten my role as the primary chronicler of youkai.?

Maribel looked up to the bookcase behind where Akyu sat. ?Are those the originals then?? as she pointed out a familiar set of books near the top.

Akyu turned her head as she followed the path of her finger, her heart pounding in her chest faster than before. She had never even mentioned the books to Renko and Maribel before, yet Maribel had just pointed them out correctly in her large library of texts.

?Can we read them?? Renko suddenly interrupted. ?We?d like to see if the books we had read in Kyoto in our world are the same as the ones up there.?

?If? you would allow it,? Maribel added, her voice suddenly tinged with anxiety.

Dumbstruck by the turn of events with seemingly no end to the surprises, Akyu could only silently nod as she stood up. Turning back towards the bookcase, she went to retrieve the 1st and the 8th volume from the shelf. She brought them back to the table giving each girl one of the books. The clasps on the covers clicked open and both Renko and Maribel began to read, flipping through the pages silently.

Akyu could only watch them anxiously as she tried to process what all these events meant. Unsure of how to start, Akyu began to work through it chronologically. To start off, a copy of these books seemingly had made its way to the outside world. This meant that public awareness of youkai suddenly manifested itself in the outside world. Then almost immediately after that, several humans were found dead, as if eaten. Such a gruesome fate would surely be researched and it would eventually lead back to the newly published Gensokyo Chronicles and its description about youkai. Then, a new pervasive fear would sweep the populace about youkai. Assuming the attacks were indeed caused by youkai, their power would increase and the attacks would continue. It was a vicious cycle, a spiral of panic that would rival the earliest days of history when youkai had first been discovered. That nightmare seemed to be on the verge of repeating again.

Akyu frowned though as a couple of details about what Renko and Maribel had shared seemed unusual. For one, the appearance of the dark black creatures in the outside world was reasonably close to the only sighting that had been seen in Gensokyo. The timing was very close, perhaps too close to be a mere coincidence. Secondly, why did this sudden release of the Gensokyo Chronicles have to happen now? If the books were indeed a correct copy, how was it obtained and what purpose did it serve to release them?

But there was one more point that was more confusing than the others. The person who had released the new Gensokyo Chronicles claimed he or she was a descendant of the Hieda family. That was absolutely impossible. The entire Hieda family had stayed in Gensokyo when the Hakurei Border was established. No part of the Hieda family existed in the outside world. It was assumed that the outside world would view the Hieda family as dying out after 1885. Furthermore, in the records she had of her family, there were no reports of any of the current Hieda family members ever crossing into the outside world in the last 125 years. It was surely a masquerade by some unknown being. Yet this being knew enough to invoke the name of Hieda and somehow deliver the Gensokyo Chronicles to the outside world. Without a conscious effort, the image of the dark shadow that had attacked them from that earlier day surfaced in her head. It seemed to fit in some unexplained way.

?They?re the same?? Maribel?s voice muttered in the air.

Akyu was torn from her thoughts and looked back at her two guests. Renko solemnly looked back at Akyu. ?They look the same. The details about things like Higan and the Netherworld seem to match, things we had never gotten around to discussing before. And one more thing is the same too? the??

Suddenly next to Renko, Maribel had put her hands on the ground in front of her. Akyu was confused for a moment until she recognized it as a traditional Japanese kneeling position. ?Forgive us Akyu!? Maribel cried out, bowing her head to the ground, her voice quivering. She continued, her voice growing more frantic with each additional sentence. ?When I had heard about these books and that they were written by someone named Hieda, I just had to read them in the chance that they were texts written by you, texts from Gensokyo. We knew you were a gifted historian here in Gensokyo and that perhaps these somehow made it through the border as a gift from you. But when we read the end, we found out something terribly personal. The author mentions that she is the same existence, reincarnating through the centuries to work on a new volume each time. And? since you have the original books? that means the author? is you.?

Next to Maribel, Renko had likewise assumed the same kneeling position. ?We have intruded on your privacy without your permission. And for that, we are ashamed. I am so sorry!? Renko said her voice cracking with emotion.

Akyu could only stare back, unable to find the right words to reply with, caught flat footed by the initial response of them reading the books. She was not angry at them for finding out. Rather, she herself had felt a little guilty for not having told them yet. She had wanted to tell them, but she had been unsure as to how they would react and had kept putting it off. But seeing the two girls prone on the ground like this was too much. That they could feel such shame for something they had no control over. It touched her deeply that these two girls cared about her that much.

?Please don?t bow your head to me. It?s alright,? Akyu finally said, putting a smile on her face. ?It is not something I am ashamed of and learning about this was something beyond your control, so please don?t fret over it.? She walked over to where Maribel was and sat down beside her.

Maribel looked up, with tears flowing from her eyes. ?I can?t forgive myself,? she stammered out, still clearly repentant. ?I had wanted to learn so much about Gensokyo, coming here repeatedly to see the wonder of this world. But when we found out about how much work you had to put in, how much you had to suffer through to live and record what you had seen, it felt like I had gone too far. We treated this as a game, an adventure, and instead, here you have been, struggling to survive for centuries.?

?Shh, say no more,? Akyu said as she put her hand on Maribel?s shoulder. Then Akyu reached out with her arms and embraced Maribel in a hug. ?I forgive you. Or rather, there?s nothing to even forgive in the first place. And besides, you two were the ones who taught me that it?s ok to hug your closest friends.? With that, Akyu gave her a tight squeeze. Maribel looked up at her and then buried her face into Akyu?s shoulder as she openly cried.

It was an amazing sight as the young 12 year old looking girl consoled the older girl in her early twenties. Renko had lifted her head up from her kneeling position too and Akyu took that moment to reach over with her right arm and pull Renko into her embrace. Renko allowed herself to be dragged over and stared up at Akyu as she sniffled, her eyes moist.

?Please, don?t worry about how you should think about me or how I think about you. Nothing has changed. It?s true that I don?t forget things and have had to remember a lot of sad things. But this isn?t one of them. This is a happy and precious memory and I will cherish it forever. Thank you so very much.? And then she pulled the two girls tighter to her body. For the next several minutes, she sat at that spot, stroking the hair of these two precious girls as she felt their tears seep through her kimono.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2010, 10:42:34 AM »
Chapter 25

?Renko, do you have that newspaper entry for the sighting about the black tiger?? Maribel?s voice called out as she peeked over the pile of books on the table obstructing her face.

?Yea, it should be here. Give me just a second,? Renko called out from the corner of the study as she ruffled through a pile of newspapers on the floor. ?I thought we didn?t bring that many papers from Kyoto, but there?s a lot more than I initially thought.? Then Renko glanced over to the other corner of the kotatsu. ?You haven?t read that one yet have you Akyu??

Akyu paused her current writing to look up at Renko. ?No, I haven?t yet. It?s almost too hard to comprehend the variety of mysterious creatures that have been reported.? Akyu said, fixing Renko with a slight smile.

Renko blushed as she made eye contact with Akyu turning her head down for a moment. Then she looked back up, a confident grin on her face. ?It doesn?t matter though. We?ll figure out what?s going on and how to solve it.?

Over by her corner of the kotatsu, Akyu nodded. It was a relief that the two girls were back to their perky selves again. It was the following day after they had initially stopped by and explained what had been happening in the outside world as well as revealing what they had learned about Akyu. Maribel and Renko had been extremely remorseful and it tore at Akyu herself to think she had indirectly caused them such grief. So Akyu had determined the best way to push those guilty feelings aside was to have them help conduct her research on this series of strange events. They had gladly accepted and had even thought ahead to bring newspaper clippings from their world, a resource Akyu had not had before.

Akyu brought her attention back to the open newspaper in front of her. The headline at the top of the paper described an accident in Nara City. A male in his mid 30s was found dead with multiple stab wounds and chunks of his flesh missing in a small corner of the park there. This was according to the police report and the article did not feature a picture. Authorities had labeled the crime as a homicide.

?As gruesome as it probably would be, I wish I could see a picture of the dead body,? Akyu mumbled aloud.

?Which one?? asked Maribel who stood up and walked over to where Akyu sat.

?The one for the murder in Nara,? Akyu said pointing at the headline.

?Oh, I have that one I think, just a minute,? Renko had walked over to the left of Akyu. ?Let me dig out my cell phone. I hope my battery didn?t run out yet.?

Akyu let the foreign words go in one ear and out the other. Certainly she had heard of the phrase, ?cell phone? before, but she still found the concept of a tool that could allow one to speak to disembodied distant voices outside her realm of understanding.

She looked up at Renko as she had taken the device out of her pocket and began pressing on it at different spots. A series of short high pitched sound emanated from the thing with each press of Renko?s finger, all of which Akyu took in with interest.

?Here, found it. I took a picture of it on the internet back home,? as Renko leaned down and held the little black rectangle in front of Akyu. At the top where a transparent display was located, Akyu could make out an image of a man lying on the dirt ground, slightly disfigured and clothes torn.

?How could your tool see this? I mean how did you get something like? never mind,? Akyu stopped herself before she let herself get carried away. Hardly believing her eyes, she stared at the remarkable item showing an image that by all means was indeed the picture describing the horrific death. She looked back up at Renko who nodded while she handed her cell phone over to Akyu.

Akyu slowly took the device, holding it with her hands together like a cup and gently brought it down to her eye level while the other two girls looked over her shoulder at the image. The scene was indeed gruesome. Most of the man?s shirt was gone, torn to shreds. A series of irregular gaping holes had appeared in his chest and shoulder. Over on the right side, parts of the body had been mutilated, large pieces of the man?s flesh laid bare. Ignoring the macabre nature of the picture, Akyu peered as close as she could at the numerous wounds.

She frowned as she thought about past corpses she had seen in her memory. The torn flesh from the image clearly resembled the bite marks of youkai that had devoured humans in the past. And thinking objectively, it was difficult for humans to pull apart flesh in such an irregular manner as the reports described, even with hunting tools. And the stab wounds were spaced in clusters at seemingly random points on the body and of varying size.

?Can any of your society?s weapons make marks like these?? Akyu asked the two girls behind her.

?Not really,? Renko said. ?Gunshot wounds don?t look like that, at least not on those TV dramas. Maybe a hunting knife??

?Doesn?t seem to look too consistent to be one tool, but?,? Akyu paused as she noticed something in the background of the image. ?Is that a deer there??

?Yes Akyu,? Maribel answered. ?Nara is famous for the large amount of deer that roam in the streets. Tourists go to the temple there to worship and also to see the deer.? Maribel gasped as a sudden thought came to her. ?You don?t suppose?? she breathed out in a whisper.

?Yes,? Akyu nodded, her face grim. ?Perhaps? he was not stabbed by a knife, but by antlers?? Akyu wondered aloud. That description seemed to better fit the details of the slaying. Except deer were not carnivores. Even if they attacked humans, they could not eat them. Unless? another being scavenged the body. Or, if the deer had become a youkai deer.

There was no giddy celebration at the realization that they may have pieced together the details of this murder. The idea that there was a man eating deer potentially on the loose did not sit well with any of the girls. And this bit of deduction here did not answer the bigger questions. Why had they appeared now? And was it related to any of the recent events here in Gensokyo.

?Let?s keep at it then,? Akyu said as she carefully handed the technologically advanced device back to Renko. ?If all of this is indeed tied to the release of the Gensokyo Chronicles, maybe you two can look through them again and spot something I might have overlooked.?

As the other two girls stepped to the bookshelves, Maribel to pull two more volumes of the Gensokyo Chronicles for her and Renko, Akyu reached over to her current manuals and pulled out the one labeled ?Unresolved Materials.? It was time to check all the leads they could. If indeed, her own works was a reason why a youkai had been able to establish itself in the outside world, she would do all she could to fix that error. With a determined nod, she opened her book and began reading through it again.

Chapter 26

The sounds within the room were so muffled and subdued, it was as if the room had nobody in it. Yet save for the soft turning of pages and the occasional clinking of a teacup, the three girls continued to read in silence. So intent on their texts, it took Akyu a while to realize that the clearing of throats she suddenly heard were not from either Renko or Maribel. Looking up, she saw one of the house servants patiently waiting by the door.

?Yes?? Akyu asked, her voice catching the attention of the other two girls whom also looked up.

?Miss Akyu, you have two more guests today,? the lady said.

?Oh, that?s right. The time certainly passed by quickly. I shall go meet them,? Akyu said quickly getting up.

?We should take our leave then,? Renko said as she also made to get up.

?That?s not necessary,? Akyu said. ?You won?t be interrupting anything. Rather, it would be helpful if you two sat in on this session. Wait here for a moment.? With that, Akyu walked out the doorway and went to greet her guests.


?Miss Keine, it?s been awhile,? Maribel got up excitedly as she spied the taller person following Akyu into the room. The schoolteacher, clad in her familiar blue dress and squarish hat greeted the girls with a smile.

?It has indeed been awhile, Maribel and Renko,? Keine nodded to each girl in turn. ?How are you two doing??

?Pretty good, I?m glad you?re ok after having recently been attacked,? Renko spoke up as she stood up with a respectful bow.

?Ah,? Keine remarked. ?So Akyu had told you the details of what happened then.?

?Yes I did,? Akyu replied as she waved Keine into the room. ?It seems there are similar beings showing up in the outside world now, so the matter does concern them. In the meanwhile, that?s why yours and Mokou?s input will be most valuable.?

At the mention of the second name, the figure behind Keine stepped forward. Fujiwara no Mokou was there, also looking the same as that night, wearing overalls and pants and with her shirt discolored yet no hint of smoke emanating from her. ?Pleasure to meet ya,? she nodded towards Renko and Maribel.

The five of them then made to sit at the center table, all managing to find a spot with Akyu sitting opposite of Mokou with the other three around them. Once tea was again served to everyone, Akyu spoke up. ?This is our task for today, to find out if the attack upon Mokou, Keine and I at the Bamboo Forest is indeed related to the one occurring in the outside world. And to find out the source of these attacks if there is indeed a perpetrator behind them.?

She turned to Mokou again while pulling out a fresh new writing scroll. ?Let?s start with Mokou?s account of the fight and details leading up to it.?


Soon after, Akyu had finished writing as the details of the long fight settled into everyone?s mind. After a few moments of silence, Renko spoke up. ?It seems the most unusual thing about this creature you fought was that according to Akyu, she later determined the feathers were made of sand.?

?Yes,? Akyu replied. ?We had Suika deconstruct the materials of the feather and she determined it to be sand. She later thought that perhaps when the bird was alive, it wasn?t exactly sand, but glass. She later went to check on the corpse to see if it was completely made of glass.?

?So, that could explain why its attacks were able to cause so much damage,? Keine pondered. Akyu just realized she had forgotten to inform Keine and Mokou of this discovery earlier.

?Hmm,? Mokou pondered. She seemed to have an idea of some sort as she looked down putting her hand on her chin in thought. ?Maybe,? she mumbled, then thought better of it and closed her mouth. After a moment, she looked up to find four pairs of eyes trained on her. Blushing slightly, she let out a grunt. ?What? Hold on for a sec. I?m not used to having so many people look at me to hear what I might have to say.?

?Don?t worry about it Mokou,? Keine said as she wrapped her hand through Mokou?s left arm, a warm smile on her face. ?What you say could be very important to solving this riddle. Besides, you?re amongst friends here,? as she gave her a gentle squeeze. Mokou looked down at her arm then at Keine. Then seemingly aware of the position she was in, opted to stare up at the ceiling while scratching her head with her right hand, her cheeks turning crimson.

Watching the exchange, Akyu couldn?t help but feel a pang of some unknown feeling hit her right then. Seeing Keine cling to Mokou so happily evoked a feeling of something she hadn?t felt in a long time. She surreptitiously glanced over to her side and noticed Renko and Maribel holding hands. Yes, they were close to each other as well and it only made her feeling of longing increase.

?Yes, that was it,? she thought. A feeling of longing. Not really of jealousy, but as she thought about it more, it was something similar. It was a feeling of envy. That she felt alone in this group. That in all this time, she hadn?t had a close companion to her since the time that handsome traveler graced her life. And that in all this time, she had avoided confronting Suika about her own feelings. What was she most scared of? Was she scared that if she was rejected, that she would never be able to lessen its pain with the passage of time?

Caught on her tangential thought, she suddenly noticed Keine had been calling to her, ??kyu, are you paying attention??

?Oh yes, my apologies,? Akyu quickly said, trying to hide her embarrassment. She needed to focus more. Perhaps it was time to face her fears head on. She picked up her pen as she looked back at Keine and Mokou. ?Go on then please.?

?Well, when you mentioned the glass thing?? Mokou began slowly, as if trying to choose the correct words. ?Now that I think about it, I had a certain feeling when I set the bird ablaze. As it burned, I looked into its eyes and was reminded of something from a time long ago. I saw the image of when I had consumed the Hourai Elixir. Of when I drank that hateful concoction because I hated Kaguya and the world around me, but because I hated myself and my powerlessness the most. For some reason, as I stared into that burning bird?s eyes, I was reminded of that. As if it knew what my darkest moment was at its moment of death.?

There were a few moments of silence at Mokou?s unexpected revelation. ?Could it have just been your imagination?? Maribel asked tentatively. ?Nobody else saw something like that did they?? Maribel continued as she looked at Keine, then Akyu.

?No, I didn?t see any strange visions or memories,? Keine said. ?But let?s assume it were true. Could the bird really have caused that, something that was mostly feral??

?It was damn weird though,? Mokou said. ?I didn?t mention it after the ruckus had died down, but I was a bit spooked by it which is why I kind of chased you guys off afterwards. Then, I continued to watch the body until that little oni came along and did whatever she did to it. I thought that damn tengu that showed up afterwards would know something about any darn ravens or crows or whatever that could put images in my head. But then she said she wouldn?t talk to the ?murderer of her dignified race,? and then I told her I should just deep fry her on the spot. Oops.? Mokou finished with a shrug, yet not an ounce of remorse in her voice.

?Do you think that the bird being composed of glass feathers meant it was mystical in some way?? Renko asked. ?We?re not too familiar with how youkai and their powers work.?

?We weren?t sure that this thing was a youkai in itself, but rather a familiar of a potential youkai,? Akyu said, speaking up. ?But when we encountered the controlling being at the Misty Lake, it had no true form and Reimu Hakurei being an exorcist dispatched it rather easily. It didn?t seem like a normal youkai, at least the ones we normally see in Gensokyo. Still it was intelligent, not a mere spirit or fairy.?

?Could it be because it may have originated from our world rather than yours?? Renko asked.

Akyu thought about it for a moment. ?If so, it shouldn?t be so different. Before the Hakurei Border was set up, our worlds were connected so youkai should still develop the same in both worlds. The only reason it would be different is if it changed somehow when crossing the Hakurei Border. But you two seem to do it just fine with no ill effects.? Akyu said intoning her head towards Renko and Maribel.

?So in conclusion, we don?t really know what it is or anything about its ability after all?? Keine asked, a slight look of frustration on her face.

?Well, in regards to this ability, I?ve never heard of a youkai able to channel an image into someone?s mind,? Akyu said as she scratched her head. ?The closest examples would be of the Eientei moon rabbit with eyes of lunacy, but what she projects aren?t memories, but rather frightful illusions. And being able to read your mind can only be done by satoris and their third eyes of perception. What we suspect about this creature is that its ability is some sort of combination of the other two. Eyes that reflect memories for lack of a better description.?

With a sigh, Akyu looked at her incomplete notes. ?Still, like  you said, there?s still so much we don?t know yet. Also, where does the Namazu fit in all of this? And does this have anything to do with the release of the Gensokyo Chronicles in the outside world??

At this statement, Mokou slapped at her knees and stood up. ?In all of my years of living, if I ever was frustrated with anything, I?d take a break and find something to eat. Or beat up Kaguya. Since that bitch ain?t here, guess we should fix up something to eat. I left my stand out front, mind if I bring it to your lovely backyard??

?Um, go ahead,? Akyu nodded, her words coming out slowly. She was as much surprised by Mokou?s use of the word ?lovely? as she was about the actual request to take a break. ?This might actually be a good place to stop. It does seem this has been the only thing on my mind so I think a break is warranted. Thank you Mokou.?

?Then it?s settled,? Mokou said. ?I?ll ask your servant ladies how to get to the back and fire up some of my realm famous yakitori.? With that, she strode out of the room. Keine made her way to the door as well before turning back with a last comment, ?Mokou?s yakitori really is very good, I hope you two will stay,? as she addressed Renko and Maribel.

?Oh yes, we?d love to, right Mari?? Renko answered turning towards her friend. Maribel lightly nodded.

?I will see if I can provide some snacks and tea then,? Akyu said as she got up. ?I do think we?ve made good progress today so a small celebration is in order. Let?s go.?

Chapter 27

The scene at the Hieda manor?s backyard was one of organized chaos. As Akyu stepped out into the backyard carrying a tray with edamame and bowls of miso soup, she saw Mokou in the middle of the garden preparing to fire up her grill.

With Keine, Renko, and Maribel watching, Mokou leaned down with a grin as she held her right hand forward into her cooking box. With a snap of her fingers, a spark could be seen and a small burst of flame shot into the enclosed space. An orange flame began to heat the grill attached to the top of the box. Even from a few meters away, Akyu could feel the flash of heat fill the cool afternoon air.

?The trick to cooking anything good isn?t just the ingredients, it?s the cooking process. And I?ve got that down to an art,? Mokou said, with pride in her voice.

?Prepare the marinade, then let it simmer,? Mokou continued to herself as she pulled out a skillet and several small bottles and began pouring their contents into the skillet. Then rather than put the skillet on the grill, she palmed the bottom with her hand and ignited her hand once again. Spinning the skillet around on her now glowing hand, she did this for about 30 seconds then put it down on a corner of her stall.

Then reaching into a compartment of her stall, she pulled out a frozen chicken and some green onions and set it on the counter. ?Raw power always makes the best cutting tool too,? she added with another nod. Then with her right hand, Mokou generated a danmaku bullet in the shape of a knife and began chopping with it. Skipping past the bones, she sliced through the meat and vegetables with ease. Moments later, she plucked several small cube size pieces of chicken and strips of green onion and placed them on skewers. One after another, she began flipping them onto the grill where the meat started to sizzle and slowly change color. Grabbing a cooking brush, she began lightly coating the skewer full of food on all sides as the smell of glazed teriyaki sauce began to fill the air.

Within moments, she was finished and began handing out the skewers to her entertained spectators. ?Careful, the first bite is always a little hot,? she said as the other girls graciously accepted. Then at their own pace, they began to bite into the sweet tender pieces with each murmuring their approval.

?These go real well with sake,? Mokou said as she nodded with satisfaction. ?Does your house have any?? she asked as she turned to Akyu.

Before Akyu could answer, a voice cut in from overhead. ?I got ya covered there!?

Everyone looked up to see an energetic Suika floating overhead, eagerly waving her large gourd in the air. Behind her, Reimu sighed before waving to the diners below. ?We thought we?d check in on Akyu considering we hadn?t heard from her for a few days,? Reimu said.

?Oh, I?m sorry about that,? Akyu called up as she bowed lightly to the guests. ?Please, join us. I believe there?s enough food for all of us,? Akyu looked over to Mokou who nodded. The two newcomers then floated down to settle gently onto the ground.

?Trade ya two skewers for a round of your sake,? Mokou offered as Suika walked on up to Mokou and her stand..

?Deal!? was the quick reply from Suika. After Akyu quickly went to retrieve a set of small cups, Suika began to happily top off the cups as Mokou prepared two more skewers. Within a minute, she handed two tender looking offerings to Suika.

?Thanks for covering the meal for me,? Reimu said as she reached out to grab one of the sticks from Suika.

Suika, however, reeled back, clutching her prizes fiercely. ?What do ya mean, these two are mine!? she cried out with a pouty look on her face.

?Think again, freeloader.? With a quick step, Reimu dashed forward to Suika and slapped at her gourd with her hand. As Suika attempted to steady the gourd around her belt with her right hand, Reimu circled around behind Suika and reaching over her shoulder, grabbed one of the two prizes that were clutched in her left hand.

?Noooo, you?re too fast!? Suika whined as she tried to grab at Reimu who was already out of arm?s reach.

?It?s not that I?m too fast, it?s that you?re too drunk,? Reimu laughed out as she took a bite. ?Mmm, this is good,? she nodded over to Mokou as Suika chased after her.

Everyone had burst out into laughter, but Akyu could only watch the scene as a sense of confusion overtook her. There she was, the cute little oni girl following after the charming Hakurei maiden and yet Reimu herself had said that Suika being a youkai held no love interest for her or for anybody in general. Whether that was true or not, Akyu found herself overcome with a new sense of doubt. How could Akyu even stand on the same stage as Reimu? She had no physical abilities or powers to be able to keep up with the oni. What could she offer to Suika that Reimu couldn?t?

Akyu could only stare after them, her chest tight with a growing unease as Suika continued to run around playfully.


After the meal, as everyone broke up into small groups for a talk, Akyu began walking over to Suika who was with Mokou and Keine. As she strode forth, each step seemed to grow slower and heavier, as if a lead weight were tied to her feet. Butterflies churned in her stomach. As she got closer, she could see that Mokou seemed to be having some sort of drinking competition with Suika with Keine sitting next to Mokou. The fiery girl in turn, seemed to be barely cognizant of her surroundings, clearly a sign of discomfort for Keine. Mustering up her courage, Akyu walked up next to Suika and said, ?Ex-excuse me Suika, can I have a moment with you??

?Sure, I could use another drinking partner,? as Suika hopped onto her feet. Out of the corner of her eye, Akyu could see Keine mouth a ?thank you? as she quickly grabbed a hold of Mokou to try to wake her up.

Akyu looked over by the porch to see Reimu talking with Maribel and Renko. So looking for a quiet spot, Akyu led the slightly swaying Suika over to the short bridge at the corner of the garden. Here, it was quiet and dark save for the soft moonlight reflecting up from the water beneath the bridge.

?So, what did you want to talk about?? Suika asked once they had stopped. ?It?s kind of far from everyone else; if we were going to drink together, it?d be more fun to do it with everyone else.?

Akyu stopped and then turned Suika to face her. As Akyu looked at Suika?s half closed eyes, slightly red cheeks and lopsided grin, Akyu?s hands stopped by her side as she froze up. She had wanted desperately to talk with her, but suddenly she realized that Suika may have been too drunk for a serious conversation. Regretting the decision to bring her out here, Akyu could only clench her fists in frustration.

Then she gasped as Suika suddenly took Akyu?s hands into her own. ?What?s wrong Akyu?? Suika?s voice came to her, seemingly devoid of inebriety. ?You must be really worried about something to drag me out here alone.?

Akyu looked back at Suika and after a moment, mustered up her courage again. ?I? wanted to ask of you. What, you think about me,? Akyu said as she felt her face began to warm up in embarrassment. Now she was glad that they were out of earshot from the others and it was mostly dark.

?Eh? What I think about you?? Suika repeated the question. ?You?re the Child of Miare. You?re smart and a hard worker and performing a great deed for the Human Village. Really, all of the humans in Gensokyo owe you a great favor.?

?No. That?s not the kind of answer I?m looking for,? Akyu said anxiously as her face took on a tortured expression. ?I want to know what your feelings are for me? Because I have? I have strong feelings for you?? Akyu managed the last words out with great difficulty and as she finished, she felt as if the world had gone completely still. Her heart beat seemed to be deafeningly loud in her own ears as she waited for Suika?s answer.

Suika had her head down as she pondered Akyu?s words. Finally, she looked back up, her expression serious. ?Remember when I crawled up to you at Reimu?s shrine?? Suika began without preamble. ?At that moment, I told you I liked you. I could tell you were straightforward with your feelings. At the same time, you?re brave and mature, like when you confronted Nue Houjuu after she had begun questioning you about your origins. I wasn?t happy about what she did and I think I drunk myself into a stupor after that, he he he.?

?Suika?,? Akyu whispered, her voice coming out ragged and filled with emotion. ?You?ve already saved me twice when you didn?t have to. And you cared me and my feelings and without a doubt, I?ve noticed it. Your actions have touched me deeply and I can?t deny this feeling anymore. I?ve fallen in love with you!?

Suika didn?t say anything for a moment, then looked up at Akyu and sighed. ?So it came to this eh? Are you sure that this is love as you humans tend to call it or perhaps a mere infatuation??

Akyu was caught off guard by the blunt response Suika gave and she just stared back at Suika unsure of how to respond. Gently, Suika let go of her hands.

?These strong feelings you have for me, aren?t they the exact same as what I had said I liked about you?? Suika continued.

Akyu thought back to what she had liked about Suika. She liked her earnestness, the honesty of her actions was refreshing to see. And she was in awe of her strength and bravery, her willingness to put herself in harm?s way for others. With a slight gasp, she realized what Suika had meant. Was it possible that she was so enamored with Suika because they shared similar qualities with each other?

Suika gave a slight nod as if she had read Akyu?s thoughts. ?Akyu, I like you. And I think that feeling will never change. But unfortunately, I can?t be the one to return your love to you. Youkai are solitary beings and I?ve never let myself be tied down by a feeling like that. I?m sorry, but I can?t be dependable like that for the long term. Furthermore, do you see yourself depending on me in the future? You haven?t needed to despite me coming by to save you from danger. You?re strong, and because of that, you will be able to endure this hardship. One day, a human will love you for who you are and you will overcome this infatuation. But I apologize that I can?t be the one for you.?

As Akyu took Suika?s words in, she couldn?t respond back. She could think of ways to argue with her, that this relationship could be different with the two of them. But the words wouldn?t come out. Because Suika was being honest with her as usual. And the fact that she said she?d never be able to love back left no doubt that there was nothing possible between them. After what seemed like an eternity, Akyu looked up and back towards the Hieda manor. Wiping the tears that had suddenly formed in her eyes, she put on a brave face and strode back to the patio, where the other guests were still gathered. Behind her, Suika didn?t move nor look back. Instead, she sighed and then reached over to her belt and took a long pull from her gourd.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2010, 01:38:33 AM »
Chapter 28

As she walked away from Suika and that dark corner of the garden, Akyu?s face had taken on her usual customary warm smile. Yet, inside her body, she felt cold. It was a coldness that didn?t shake her bones, but her heart. Not even that long winter when the sakura blossoms failed to materialize in April could compare to the bleakness she felt now.

A youkai can?t love a human. Her mind had finally accepted those words, uttered by Reimu nights ago, no matter how painful they were. She understood it all after confronted with what Suika had said. Her attraction to Suika was that of an infatuation, albeit a seemingly fiery one given that one lucid dream she had had about her. But it was illogical as the feelings were borne from moments where her life was in danger. And she was forced to accept that she herself was not truly in love with Suika. She did not think about her every waking moment of her life. She did not lean on her existence.

She was certainly interested in her, perhaps a little more than other subjects but that was it; just one of her many interests in this expansive world of hers. She was bound to her duty, to chronicle the world of Gensokyo around her and Suika represented a figure that was merely more mysterious than others. Without having experienced it, she knew that if Suika had actually accepted her feelings, she would never have been able to give her all to Suika. It would have been a relationship of convenience, something that was not befitting of the wandering aloof oni. As if to block the feeling of loneliness from overwhelming her and to convince herself of everything she had just thought about, she picked up her pace back to the patio, to place herself amongst people again.

From there, the conversations from the rest of the night seemed to be a blur. It was amazing in a sense given who she was. No, it wasn?t that she forgot what was said, but that she had detached herself from the words emotionally. She had returned to where Reimu was discussing their recent encounter with the Namazu and how Renko and Maribel said such an earthquake couldn?t possibly be caused by a monstrous catfish swimming through the rocks. Something about fault lines was how they had explained earthquakes occurred in the outside world.

Keine had then approached them saying that she was going to take Mokou home. With her arm hung limply over Keine?s shoulders, Mokou?s face was pale as she waved her goodbyes. Keine thought lugging the cart was going to be a pain so she?d have Mokou pick it up later. Reimu suggested that some fresh air would do her good and with a nod, Keine ascended from the ground taking the staggering Mokou with her, even as Mokou tried to make stepping motions in the air.

With that, Renko and Maribel also prepared to take their leave. Saying that they had to return to the outside world tomorrow, they thanked Akyu for everything and promised they would return soon to provide more details about the incidents from the outside world. After Akyu had seen them off and returned to the garden, she found Reimu alone sitting on the porch. Suika was nowhere to be seen.

?Where?s Suika?? Akyu asked as she moved to sit down next to Reimu, her words hesitant as the name invoked the memories from earlier.

?She left at some point, I don?t know when,? Reimu replied as she took a sip from her cup of tea. She then turned to look at Akyu directly. ?How are you feeling??

Akyu looked up at Reimu, her expression first confused as if to ask what she was talking about. But Reimu would have none of that. Akyu already knew what Reimu was asking about. Akyu lowered her head as she tried to find the right words. But after a moment, all she could utter out was, ?It hurts.?

?Mmm. I know what you mean,? Reimu said in a voice that was strong and rang clearly in Akyu?s head. With those words, it seemed as if Reimu?s voice was dissolving the fog that her mind had been stumbling through. As Akyu looked up to see the sad smile on Reimu?s face, Reimu continued. ?It?s tough to confront your insecurities like that, to face the pain of being rejected. But you did it. The fact that you didn?t hide it from me just now is proof of that.?

Reimu put her hand on Akyu?s hand and continued. ?In a sense, I?m glad that you decided to talk to Suika about what you had been feeling. I wanted to ease the burden that you had felt, but I was also a little worried that you would just accept what I had said and not go any further. But you didn?t take my words at face value. You went and reached out to grab the truth with your own hands, just like you have always done as the Child of Miare. With that, you now have a sense of closure. And you are strong. You?ll get over this.?

Akyu could only stare off into the sky as Reimu finished. Despite feeling a warmth beginning to form around her eyes, she made no attempt to move. The tears soon flowed down her face, uninterrupted by anything as they raced down her cheeks and to her chin before dripping onto her lap. Reimu did nothing; she only stared up at the patch of sky in front of her while the air descended into silence as Akyu quietly let her pain flow from her body.

Akyu wasn?t sure how long she sat there, unmoving and silent, but eventually, the tears stopped. Reaching into her kimono, she brought out a handkerchief to dab her eyes with.

?One more thing,? Reimu said as she saw Akyu begin to get her bearings again. ?The reason we came over tonight was because of an announcement. Ichirin stopped by my shrine earlier and she said that preparations have been made for a feast at the Myouren Temple tomorrow night. This is to celebrate our triumph over the Namazu and the aversion of a major disaster. Since you played an important part in the defeat of the Namazu, you are also invited to attend.?

?Oh,? Akyu said, a little surprised at the change of topic. But at the same time, it was a welcome sign that it was time to move on. ?I?d be honored to attend. But are you sure it?ll be alright? Cooking and eating the Namazu that is. I don?t have enough research done on whether it?s safe or not, or whether this could be inviting further disaster, like from Taisui Xingjun or any other god.?

?I had the same thoughts as well,? Reimu said, shrugging slightly. ?But Ichirin said that Byakuren had made the proper offerings and all the necessary precautions. She told us not to worry. Besides, even if there were trouble, you?ll have Suika and me there. No matter what your feelings have been for her and her of you, she likes you. And I like you too. We will protect you if there is any danger.?

Akyu thought about those last words and then allowed herself a genuine smile. Yes, maybe there would be nothing further between her and Suika, but they were still good friends. She would not run away from what had happened between them earlier. She would embrace her friend with a hug, just like how Renko and Maribel had done and she was positive Suika would return it wholeheartedly.

Reaching over, she grabbed Reimu with a strong hug. ?Thank you, my friend,? she said, her voice and arms reflecting her gratefulness.

Reimu returned the hug tightly. ?It is my pleasure. Let?s stop for now and get you into bed. Tomorrow will be a big day.?

Chapter 29

Akyu was standing alone in darkness. She looked all around her, but could not see a thing. She looked down and could not see the ground below her. She could not get a sense of any bearings for the only thing she could see, her only frame of reference was her own body visible in the darkness. It was as if she was suspended in midair, except that there was no air, no wind, and no sound.

She tried to walk and found that she couldn?t. Maybe she was indeed floating after all. She looked around, more confused than afraid about her inability to understand what was going on. After a moment though, a voice suddenly broke the looming silence.

?So, we meet again, Child of Miare.?

Akyu couldn?t see anything, but she shivered as she recognized the voice. It was that of the dark shadow that had haunted her and Reimu at the Misty Lake. She tried to look around, to see if she could figure out from which direction the voice had come from.

?You have come even closer to the ultimate truth now.?

It was hopeless. Akyu couldn?t place the direction of the voice. It seemed to echo endlessly in this dark space she was in. Furthermore, nothing changed in her vision. She tried to blink in the darkness, but everything looked the same when her eyes were closed as they were when it was open. For a second, she wondered if she was even capable of closing her eyes. Was this perhaps a dream?

?Yes, this is a dream,? the voice of the dark shadow echoed aloud as it seemingly read Akyu?s thoughts clearly. ?But it is also reality, your reality.?

Akyu looked around again as she took in the words, ?your reality.? It was a never ending darkness, a void so barren that she couldn?t even feel her temperature. The thought began to frighten her.

?Who? are you?? Akyu asked into the void. It was the one thing she didn?t understand, had not been able to understand for a long time. ?What do you want from me and how do you know of me??

?Those are indeed the final truths. You have discovered much about me already. It is now only a matter of time before you will have the answers. And when you receive them, will you be ready to accept them??

Then something flashed in front of Akyu?s eyes. A face. A face with features that were slightly distorted. Yet they were recognizable. And they were familiar. Just like at the Misty Lake, Akyu knew what it was and yet didn?t know what it was. Its origin, its meaning lay at the edge of her mind, as she tried to grasp at it elusively.

?We shall meet again soon. And then everything will be settled.?

With that, the face began to glow white until a light burst from it. It flooded the darkness around her brilliantly and Akyu held her arms up to shield herself from the suddenly overwhelming brightness.


Then Akyu opened her eyes. She was lying in her futon. Her arms had been raised above her in a protective manner over her eyes. She pulled her arms away slowly to reveal the morning sunlight. She squinted at its brightness, but did not pull away from it. It was not as overwhelming as what she had just seen in her dream.

She put her hand to her forehead and was surprised to find sweat lining her brow. Shaking her head slightly to clear the sleepiness from her eyes, she slowly sat up in her bed. Thinking back to the dream, she tried to make sense of it. She had confronted the shadow, or rather it had confronted her. It said that she had learned much about it and that she was close to the truth. So that meant that what she had learned about it through her research and her interviews was indeed true.

She got up and proceeded to put her robe and slippers on. Heading out of her bedroom, she turned down the hallway and headed straight to her study. Walking over to the kotatsu, she found her scroll with the latest notes she had taken from the days earlier. She sat down and began looking over it as she compiled her thoughts.

The shadow was a purely spiritual being, possibly originating from the outside world. It controlled black familiars with unusual glass like properties. And it was suspected that those familiars induced memories in their attackers when killed. The shadow was somehow able to summon a Namazu, a creature that possessed incredible power and may have been a servant to a god of calamity. And the shadow was somehow was related to the release of the Gensokyo Chronicles in the outside world.

That last point was ridiculous. She had already determined that such a feat should have been physically impossible. She looked over her head to that familiar bookshelf where the 8 volumes of her works sat unmoving. But she could no longer deny that perhaps this was why the shadow had taken such an interest in her and only her. This was the key to solving the mystery, to find the ultimate truth. And she put her arms around her body as she trembled.

Because the face she had seen in her dream was her own.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2010, 11:15:16 AM »
Chapter 30

It was a warm and slightly hazy late afternoon as Akyu continued her walk through the main road of the Human Village. There was no need to rush as she still had a little time before the evening?s celebration at the Myouren Temple. Strolling along in a relaxed manner, she waved to the usual vendors and sidestepped past the familiar uneven cracks in the ground. As she made her way to the center of town, she felt like it had been forever since she had been able to enjoy a peaceful walk through town. Thinking back, the last time she had even walked through the bustling market was when she was on her way to meet Keine and Mokou.

Akyu shook her head at wonderment as she thought back to that fateful day. A lot had transpired since then, a wild series of personal crises and earth shattering events. She had been battered around, physically and emotionally. And there was no indication as to how much longer it would continue before a sense of normalcy could return to her life. But one thing seemed certain through all of this. She had learned more about the humans and youkai around her, had made steadfast friends and had been forced to come to terms with aspects about herself she hadn?t realized before. But that was the process of living and Akyu knew she should be grateful for the trials she had faced. Furthermore, as a scholar and historian, what more could she ask for?

She soon made it into the center of town and spotted the ever present statue of the golden dragon. She headed towards it and once she got to the base, made a bow and quick prayer to it. Once the prayer was done, it was customary to look into its eyes and check its color for the sign of the weather. If it was white, it would be sunny; if it was gray, it would be cloudy. And if it was red, it was a sign of impending disaster, as documented by the appearance of the red eyes before many notable incidents caused by youkai in the past. As she peered into its eyes, she could make out a dull gray tint. ?So, it will be cloudy tonight,? she thought. She looked up, but could see no sign of any clouds in the sky above. ?That doesn?t look right. Or perhaps this is a personal fortune and my future itself is cloudy??

Once again, Akyu?s mind drifted back towards the dream she had had earlier in the morning. Maybe it had been the trick of an overactive imagination, but Akyu didn?t buy it. There was too much going on around her, too many indicators about her for it to be a series of bad coincidences. She had become directly involved in these events. And it seemed she still had a role to play. Yet, she had no idea what she was supposed to do. ?I don?t understand. What can I possibly do to resolve this that Reimu and the others can?t do?? she said to herself as she looked back up at the statue.

A ray of sunlight glanced off the statue at an angle shining into her eyes. Squinting from the sudden brightness, she reflexively turned away from the glare. Once the glare was gone, she noticed that she had turned south where she could see the distant outline of the Myouren Temple. With that sight in front of her, she gave a small smile. ?That?s right, I have a feast to attend. No need to think too far ahead,? she said to herself. ?Approach the task like you do with any text you are writing, one word at a time.? With a determined nod, she looked back to the dragon statue, bowed one more time in thanks and then picked up her pace as she continued south.


After another 2 minutes of walking, she had reached the southern edge of the Human Village. At the end of the road, she could see the dirt trail go another 50 meters outside of the village before it turned off to the right obscured by trees. Continuing along the trail, Akyu made the turn and beheld the stone walls surrounding the temple itself. Walking through the open entranceway, she caught sight of the large wooden doors in the distance that marked the entrance to the temple?s first floor. As she made her way in while looking around at the miniature Buddhist shrines in the grounds, she noticed that there were no other villagers around making offerings or going into the temple to pray.

?I wonder if this has anything to do with the feast for tonight?? Akyu thought. ?Was it intended to be private after all??

?Ah, Miss Akyu. There you are,? a voice called out, interrupting Akyu?s short reverie. Akyu looked towards the temple?s doorway to see Ichirin Kumoi walking towards her. As usual, Unzan the nyuudou trailed after her. ?Welcome. Please follow me, we are all gathered in the back,? Ichirin said.

?Ah, I see,? Akyu replied as she proceeded to follow the taller female. Rather than going into the temple, Ichirin stepped out into the open and turned to walk along a thin dirt trail by the right side of the temple building. The path hugged the stone perimeter wall for well over a hundred meters as they walked in silence. Finally, they rounded the far corner of the building to reach the back of the temple grounds.

The grounds were fairly barren as Akyu noticed that the whole yard had been cleared away of shrubbery. There were no trees and almost no grass. Standing in the center of this squarish yard was a huge stone altar. Numerous pots had been placed around it, some already with lit sticks of incense. Lying on the top of the altar was the Namazu. Since the creature did not seem to breathe through gills quite like normal fish, Akyu couldn?t tell if it was dead or not at first glance. Standing in front of the altar, head down and hands held in prayer, was Byakuren Hijiri. Reimu and Suika were standing a few meters away, watching silently.

?Miss Byakuren, Miss Akyu has arrived,? Ichirin announced. Reimu and Suika turned to look at the arrivals.

?Good evening Akyu,? Reimu called out. Akyu waved back at Reimu, then noticed Suika had looked over but had turned back to stare at the altar without saying anything.

?Good evening Reimu,? Akyu said as she walked over to the pair, undeterred by the lack of response from Suika. Turning her attention to Suika, she caught Suika glancing at her from the corner of her eye. With a smile, Akyu reached over and quickly wrapped her up in a hug.

?Wha?!? Suika managed to squeak out a surprise. Akyu?s eyes then met Suika?s, the latter were wide with confusion.

?It?s an outside world custom,? Akyu said with a grin. ?To greet your good friends with a hug.?

?Ah?,? Suika could only reply in a quiet voice. Then she looked back up at Akyu with her customary infectious grin. ?Right back at ya!? she chirped out giving her a tight yet controlled squeeze. ?Oh hey Reimu, come here!? With a quick motion, Suika managed to grab Reimu?s arm and also pulled her into the hug. Not yet done with her joyful antics, Suika suddenly shot up in height to about 2 meters while still holding on to both Reimu and Akyu and began swinging them around in the air happily.

?Wait Suika!? Reimu cried out in alarm. ?Aren?t you being a little too dangerous?? her voice trailed off as she realized Akyu was laughing along with Suika as they spun around in the air. With a smile of resignation, she joined in the laughter and the three of them continued to hold tight to each other as the spin continued.

Finally after a minute or so, Suika let the other 2 girls down as she returned to her customary child-like height. They turned to see Ichirin standing by Byakuren, both with bemused looks on their face. ?That?s the spirit,? Byakuren said with a light voice. ?This is a night of celebration, to honor the three of you, Ichirin and Unzan for your valor in battle and the prevention of a major disaster. With your spirits all high, I believe we can now begin the ceremony.?

Chapter 31

They stood in a line, facing the altar ahead of them. From the left, stood the tallest, Ichirin with Unzan over her shoulder. Next to them was Reimu, then Akyu, with Suika at the end. Off to the left of the altar, stood Byakuren, the setting sun behind her casting a long shadow in front of her and the altar. The 5 beings waited silently as Byakuren silently prayed ahead and to the side of them.

After a while, Byakuren raised her head and reached into her dress. Pulling out a scroll, she held it in both hands and pulled it open raising her hands into the air. Akyu watched in surprise as she saw empty air between Byakuren?s hands; there was no paper between the ends of the scroll. Instead, glowing runes began to materialize in the space between them as the relic began to give off an aura of magic power. A light wind began to blow as the smoke from the incense began to swirl around the altar and the still figure of the Namazu.

?To the deity known as Taisui Xingjun,? Byakuren called out in a chanting voice. ?Here on this altar lies your defeated servant, the Namazu. And before it stands the warriors who have bested your servant in combat. Their strength is unequaled and their valor indefatigable. With the accomplishment of this incredible feat, they are worthy of your acknowledgement. The body of your servant lies before you. Show yourself so that you may retrieve your follower before them. Should you refuse, they shall claim their just reward.?

Byakuren then stopped speaking. Making sure there was no more to it, Akyu turned to Reimu to her side. ?Was this what was planned? Did you know about this?? Akyu asked, her voice a whisper of surprise.

?Mostly, yes,? Reimu said, with not a hint of worry in her voice. ?The point of the ceremony is to fairly offer the body, or say the spirit of the Namazu back to its god. If nothing happens??

?Free meal!? Suika finished with obvious glee on her face.

?Ah,? Akyu replied, not feeling quite at ease as her compatriots seemed to be. Akyu decided to leave her next question unspoken; the question of what if the god chose to oppose them. She was certain she knew what the answer to that would be. ?So, how long do we have to wait?? she asked.

At that moment, a low rumble seemed to reverberate through the air. It soon increased in intensity as what felt like an earthquake began to shake the ground.

?Any minute now,? Ichirin replied. Having seen her joking side in the last battle, Akyu couldn?t tell if Ichirin was being funny or serious now.

The sky soon began to darken as ominous clouds began to appear and loom overhead. The wind that was initially present had grown fiercer. And the now recognizable rumble of thunder could be heard in the air. Suddenly a bolt of lightning shot down from overhead and struck the body of the Namazu directly. The strike seared a large hole in the creature, almost splitting it into two.

?Now that?s what I call flash frying the fish,? Ichirin said, a smug grin on her face. This was followed by an ?Ow,? as Reimu nondescriptly kicked Ichirin?s leg.

Akyu paid the exchange no mind as she stared at the scene unfolding before her. Rising from the body as if it were smoke, was the shadowy being from her previous encounters. Reimu and Ichirin had noticed as well and both had fallen silent. After the shadowy being had risen, more dark figures seemed to rise from all around the Namazu as well. Akyu could spot amongst them, a tiger, a boar, a wolf, and several large birds though not nearly as large as the initial raven Mokou had fought. All of them were as black as the shadow itself. After a while, it seemed the emergence of creatures finally subsided, and when Akyu looked them over again, they numbered over 20.

?I have returned at last, to take care of unfinished business,? the shadow said, its voice ominous and dark just like how Akyu had heard it in her dream. ?I will be taking the Child of Miare with me,? it continued. ?If you choose to resist, you will suffer greatly.?

That was all that needed to be said. A set of amulets shot forward at the shadow before the nearby boar stepped in front of it taking the explosions in its snout. Meanwhile, one of the flying crows disintegrated from a fireball thrown by Suika.

?No Suika. Stay and protect Akyu. I can defeat it easily. Cover me Ichirin,? Reimu said already leaping into action.

?You mean figuratively, or literally? I could do both you know,? Ichirin offered another snarky remark. But she had also begun flying forward as well while behind her, Unzan began growing to his preferred size for battle.

The animals all sprung forward in various directions, 4 of each per attacker. Birds of prey swooped in at Reimu, halting her forward progress, trying to peck at her or cut her with their sharp feathers. Reimu deftly grazed by the attacks as she summoned her Yin Yang Orb. With a whack of her gohei, she sent the orb flying into the air to smash her targets directly. Off to the side, a tiger had turned to pounce on Reimu, but as it leapt in the air, it was cut apart by sharp lasers fired by Ichirin. Over her shoulder, Unzan struck with his fists, knocking a charging deer away from the trio.

Over by where Akyu had tried to retreat, several more birds had flown high into the air trying to dive at her. They were however being deterred by Suika, who was right by her side, firing danmaku of all kinds into the air trying to shoot them down. Bullets of all sizes exploded all around them, however most of the bullets missed the more nimble targets. Suika snarled as she realized she was forced to remain completely defensive as there was no cover for them and it was still too far to run to the temple. Picking up Akyu and flying over to the temple would leave her with no means to defend herself. Suddenly as if sensing the advantage, all the birds converged overhead in a forward arc.

?Crap,? Suika cursed aloud. Sensing what was about to happen, she reached down to her gourd and pulled the top off. Overhead, the birds fired, sending their razor sharp feathers down towards the two girls on the ground. Knowing she couldn?t deflect them all normally, she swung her gourd through the air with her right hand, the open hole spraying sake into the air. Completing her spin, her left hand fired an explosive red orb. The bullet exploded into flames and as they made contact with the airborne sake, created a curtain of fire as they engulfed the feathers.

Suika clicked her tongue as she looked overhead. She could certainly grow to a larger size so she could actually reach her targets, but then she wouldn?t be able to shield Akyu as well since the birds would invariably slip through. She looked around for a solution, a tool, anything to turn the tide in their favor.

?Looks like you?re in a bit of a bind, oni,? a voice called out from the air behind them.

Akyu and Suika looked back to see an unexpected figure. Clad in her usual black dress and wielding her harpoon, was Nue Houjuu.

?Hmmph,? Suika let out an irritated growl as she turned toward the new arrival. ?Whatever you decide to do, I?m not turning my back on you. You might just capture Akyu and take her to your master over there.?

?Master?? Nue spoke incredulously, then gave a cold laugh. ?Hah, I am my own master and I do whatever I want. As for what I?m here for now, it is redemption. To right the wrong I inflicted on that girl down there.?

Flying forward, Nue charged into the fray. Summoning unusual flying familiars, they were brightly colored in red, green, or blue with a spinning midsection. Each one belted out numerous bullets and lasers and proceeded to fly toward their individual targets. What they lacked in movement speed, they made up for with precision firing and within moments, most of the black birds pestering Suika and Akyu had been shot down or repelled.

Meanwhile, over by the altar, Reimu had finally managed to reach the platform from where the shadow stood. With Ichirin and Unzan now covering her back, Reimu reached into her robes to pull out her special talismans. Realizing that it was probably overmatched, the shadow jumped off the altar as it flew towards where Akyu was.

?You won?t escape,? Reimu declared as she threw her talismans. They homed in on their target and just like in the first encounter at the Misty Lake, the shadow could not avoid it. They struck all over and the being fell to the ground, powerless. Reimu flew after it while preparing a single special amulet. ?Time to end this, you won?t be getting up again after this hit,? Reimu said as she swooped down brandishing her exorcism amulet.

Suddenly, an arm reached out from out of nowhere and grabbed Reimu?s extended right hand. With a deft twist, it spun Reimu?s arm behind her back, stopping her flight in midair as well as immobilizing her. Reimu turned to look over her right shoulder to see who her attacker was, and then froze in shock.

The woman behind her wore a bright purple dress with long white sleeves and multiple frills. Multiple ribbons adorned her long blond hair. Likewise, her white brimless cap also featured a prominent red ribbon. Her golden eyes sparkled as a mirthless smile sat on her face.

?That?ll be quite enough, Reimu dear,? the voice of Yukari Yakumo echoed in the air as she reached over with her left hand to pluck the exorcism amulet from Reimu?s hand, crumbling it to dust.


  • Drinks: Everything
  • Sleeps: Anywhere
Re: Observations and Lore of Gensokyo (a NaNoWriMo project)
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2010, 06:59:22 AM »
Chapter 32

Akyu stared in surprise as that scene unfolded before her.  Reimu stood barely a meter away from the dark figure, which still lay on the ground, defeated. Reimu had been in motion to land a definitive strike on the shadow, to seal it away, but had been stopped by of all people, Yukari Yakumo. Meanwhile, as if to signal that the fight was indeed over, all of the remaining creatures had stopped in their tracks. As Suika and the others watched, they begun disintegrating where they stood on the ground or hovered in the air. With a prominent hissing sound, they crumbled into dark sand, their existence wiped out. Once the air was silent again, Ichirin, Unzan, Nue, Suika, with wary looks, all began to converge on Yukari and Reimu. To them, it seemed that the real fight was about to begin.

Akyu herself also followed Suika as she tried to understand this latest development. Akyu was not unfamiliar with Yukari Yakumo. She usually saw Yukari at least once in each of her previous lives, with the mysterious youkai usually visting her privately and inquiring about her progress on the Gensokyo Chronicles. The visits were usually short, but the relationship was cordial and Yukari had never struck Akyu as overtly dangerous to her or other humans despite the unusual ability to manipulate boundaries. It was a little understood ability, but Yukari seemed to suggest it applied to both literal and figurative boundaries. If that were true, this made her as close to a living god as Akyu had ever seen. And with this sudden appearance, this was the first time Akyu had seen Yukari personally intervene in anything and her presence here put Akyu on edge.

?You will all cease hostilities against this being,? Yukari said to all the remaining people in the yard, her voice spoken at a normal volume yet carrying an undeniable air of authority. ?She is now under my protection.?

?Are you kidding me?? Suika yelled out, her hands balled in fists. ?It was going to take Akyu away. And you?re just going to let it go away so it can try again later??

Still being held in front of Yukari, Reimu was equally incredulous. ?What are you trying to pull Yukari? This thing attacked us and it attacked humans in the outside world. It is dangerous and it is my job to exterminate it.?

Yukari seemed to bristle at the words said by Suika and Reimu. ?You two don?t seem to understand who is in command here. Let me give you a reminder of where you stand.? With that, she released Reimu from her grasp and then snapped her fingers.

Suddenly ominous looking crescents of darkness split open in the air all around them. To Akyu, these didn?t look like shadows or some odd refraction of light. By all accounts, they looked like someone had made tears in the air just as if someone had taken one of her scrolls and torn a piece of it off. What was left in these open holes though was a darkness like what Akyu had seen in her dream. Without warning, these dark gaps shot through the air towards Reimu and Suika. Homing in, they engulfed their arms to the elbow and their legs to the knee. Caught off guard, the two girls were shackled into place by the mysterious voids. They struggled against them, Suika roaring with rage, but could nary move a centimeter.

?Not even an oni with her supernatural strength could free herself if her limbs were trapped in a different dimension,? Yukari commented lightly.

?It seems you had forgotten about me, the third tier character here,? Ichirin smirked as she charged towards Yukari.

?No, she hasn?t,? a voice called out from behind her.

Suddenly, Ichirin couldn?t move her legs as something tied itself around her ankles. Likewise, her arms were pinned to her body by the same constrictive force. Off balance, Ichirin?s dash was cut short as she fell flat to the ground. Looking down at her arms, she was shocked to see a pattern of familiar looking glowing runes encircling her. Peering over her shoulder, she saw Unzan and Nue similarly restrained. Standing behind them all, her expression downtrodden, was Byakuren Hijiri.

?Mistress Byakuren!? Ichirin cried out in alarm. Then her eyes narrowed into dagger like slits. ?You?re part of this conspiracy too!?

?It is unfortunate that it had to come to this,? Byakuren said, her voice tinged with sadness. ?But it had to be done for the sake of that girl,? as Byakuren nodded her head.

Towards Akyu.

Akyu stared back, stunned. Looking around her, she realized now that the only people that were not being restrained were Yukari, Byakuren, and herself. Meanwhile, the shadowy figure was slowly getting up, as it eyed Akyu. As she took a step back, neither Yukari or Byakuren made an effort to restrain her. ?What does all of this have to do with me?? Akyu asked as she realized this was probably her last chance to figure out what was going on, to buy some time for herself and her friends.

?Everything,? Yukari answered with a single word. She then moved over to the shadowy figure and placed her hands on what would have been its shoulders. ?You are the one to make the decision as to what to do with her.?

?Why me? How could I be the one to determine what happens to Taisui Xingjun?? Akyu asked, confused by Yukari?s last remark.

?Fufufu, so that?s who you think she is eh?? Yukari chuckled, seemingly genuinely amused as Akyu?s answer. ?I regret to inform you that she is not the legendary God of Calamity. However, I personally have been called that name numerous times in the past.?

Akyu looked back up to the altar and the still body of the Namazu, then back to Yukari. Some things were beginning to make sense, but she didn?t have the final answer yet. ?It seems you?ve had your hand in a great deal of this,? Akyu commented in a noncommittal way.

?More than you know, although you will realize how much soon enough,? Yukari said as she began walking towards Akyu, her left hand now clutching the dark figure?s right hand like an adult leading a child. Behind Yukari, Akyu caught a glimpse of Reimu and Suika both fiercely redoubling their efforts to break free from Yukari?s otherworldly grasp. Akyu resisted the urge to run or to even take another step back. She knew she had no chance to escape. Yukari clearly intended to have her face the shadow and Akyu mustered her courage and stood her ground.

Within a few moments, Yukari stood a meter away from Akyu. ?Hieda no Akyu, the Child of Miare. You still do not know whom this being is?? Yukari asked, her voice taking on a formal tone. The sudden change surprised Akyu. Because Yukari?s inflection in her voice now seemed to indicate that she wasn?t talking down to Akyu. Rather, she was addressing Akyu with respect, as if Akyu were above her in status.

Seeing Akyu?s hesitation, Yukari continued. ?If not, please, look into her eyes.?

Akyu looked back up at Yukari as she tried to read her intentions, then with no clue given to her, took the plunge and faced the shadow directly. She stared into the glassy looking eyes of the being before her. Then suddenly, a memory from the distant past came forth. A memory of running through the forest as if being chased. Looking over her shoulder, she could see that the wolf youkai had gotten closer. Finally it leapt at her and she could see its teeth gleaming in the moonlit night before darkness took ahold of her.

Akyu broke her gaze away from the shadow and held her hands to her mouth, barely able to contain the myriad of emotions swirling through her. Fear, disbelief, and sadness tore through her psyche over and over before at last, what was left was a complete understanding of what she had just seen. Akyu?s knees began buckling, her legs threatening to give out under her. Yukari noticed all of this and nodded.

?Yes, Child of Miare. She is the embodiment of your missing memories. To put it simply, she is the other half of your soul.?

Chapter 33

The air seemed to freeze as the revelation was heard by everyone present. Even the shackled and bound girls had stopped making noise as the realization of the truth sunk in.

Yukari broke the silence as she began her explanation. ?She first came into being at that moment you had just witnessed. I had followed the life of your first existence with great interest, knowing what your potential had held. When you were chased by the wild wolf youkai at the time, as it pounced on you, your mind screamed out that you didn?t want to die. That you didn?t want to feel the pain. The impulse was so strong that I teleported you away into my realm. However, upon seeing the darkness and the ever staring eyes around you along with your already accumulated stress, you broke. Your mind shattered completely.?

?Knowing that you would eventually have to return to the world to live and die and potentially reincarnate with your spirit broken, I made my decision. I manipulated the boundaries of your soul and split it into two. From that, a new vessel came forth and I poured the memory of your experience in my realm into that inanimate vessel. Then I returned your primary existence back to your world. But something had gone awry. You did not reappear in the world. It would be over 120 years before I saw you again.?

?I was initially pleased when I finally met you again, which you will recall was during your second life in the Hieda manor. You showed no ill signs from that fateful exposure and had even begun work on the new Gensokyo Chronicle as I had hoped. However, I did notice an unusual trend though as the centuries went by. It seemed that the inanimate half of your soul continued to accumulate certain memories, the first 10 years of your life and your moments of death. This meant that somehow, your two halves shared some psychic link to each other. However, it did not seem to be of any consequence and I left it alone.?

?Until the Hakurei Border was established,? Reimu suddenly cut in, gasping at the realization. At those words, she seemed to sag to the ground, only being held up by the voids still pinning her arms into the air.

?Yes,? Yukari nodded, her voice now grim. ?When Gensokyo was sealed off from the outside world, it somehow severed the link between those two souls as the vessel was cut off from this world. At this point, the vessel began to gain actual sentience. I only noticed it after the Child of Miare?s current incarnation, Akyu had reached the age of 10. By then, it had somehow escaped from my realm.?

?I finally found it recently in the outside world and discovered everything that happened. Unsure of how to conduct itself, it turned towards its vast expanse of memories, almost a century?s worth. Doing that repeatedly and despite having no form, it almost became like a walking glass mirror, and gained the ability to reflect one?s memories into itself. Furthermore, it seemed haunted by numerous bad memories, mainly of moments of death when the Child of Miare in Gensokyo had been devoured by animals. That manifested itself into its dark familiars. Finally, it was still drawn towards Akyu and had recently found her after an encounter with Fujiwara no Mokou. Through that, it looked for ways to re-enter Gensokyo, posing a dangerous threat to everyone here.?

?One question then,? Nue asked suddenly, her expression taking on an air of suspicion. ?If all of the above is true, why didn?t you just destroy the vessel yourself when you found it??

?Because, I had stopped her from doing so,? Byakuren said, joining the conversation.

All eyes turned towards Byakuren. ??As you seem to have correctly determined Nue, the Child of Miare is indeed cut off from the cycle of reincarnation,? Byakuren continued. ?I noticed it when Hieda no Akyu visited this temple not too long ago, that a piece of her was missing. As such, I believe she will not be saved from eternal damnation. After I learned more details about why Nue attacked Akyu, I realized that she had been coerced by the girl?s missing half. My wish was to see the two halves rejoined.?

?WHAT?!? Suika let out a yell of surprise. ?But if you do that, that means that Akyu will gain all of her memories back. Including the most painful ones??

?That is correct,? Byakuren said. ?However, for her sake, I believe it is the best choice. But it is not quite as simple as that. The vessel cannot merely possess her. Akyu has to accept it. As such, Yukari and I arranged for a series of trials to prepare Akyu for this moment.?

?So that?s why you sent me to go fishing at the river that day,? Ichirin cut in. ?And the Namazu is a servant of Yukari?s??

?Yes, and it culminated into tonight?s encounter,? Yukari said. Finally, she turned her attention back to Akyu, who had remained silent during the entire explanation. ?That is the full story. And now, you have a choice to make Child of Miare. I can eliminate the vessel right now. You will not have to relive your existence?s harshest memories and will keep your sanity. And the Yama may not damn you when at long last you finally meet her. Or, you can choose to accept the vessel into yourself, to reclaim your lost memories and ensure that you re-enter the cycle of judging and possible rebirth. Doing so will expose you to future memories of pain up to when your life gives out. The choice is yours, Hieda no Akyu.?

Once again, the air grew silent as everyone turned to look at Akyu. Akyu had listened to it all, battered by the cruel details. Now, faced with the decision that would forever change her, she knew she could not shy away from it any longer. But in a sense, it was not her decision alone.

Akyu turned to look at the shadowy figure before her. It had also remained completely silent during the conversation before as if waiting for its fate to be determined. But that was not fair to it. Because it was also a part of the Child of Miare as well.

With a soft voice, Akyu called out, ?Aichi??

The figure seemed to respond. Its shape shifted, its body seeming to gain a greater coherence. Within moments, it became more defined. The bottom of the shadow seemed to extend into definitive legs. Its build narrowed to resemble that of a girl in her late teens. Flashes of darkness seemed to sprout from the top of its head to give the impression of hair. And finally, features of a feminine face appeared, dimples, a small mouth and nose, and wide eyes. With the transformation complete, tears began to roll down her face as she stared at a dark shadowy version of her first incarnation.

?Hieda no Akyu,? Aichi replied.

?No, it is Akyu!? Akyu cried back. ?It?s true that we have not been together for this lifetime, but I know we are the same. Your releasing the Gensokyo Chronicles in the outside world is proof of that. By taking our observations of the world and sharing it with others, we create lore. That is the true embodiment of the Child of Miare.?

?I wish you will accept me,? Aichi said, in a tentative tone as she reached out with her right hand.

Without hesitation, Akyu quickly grabbed Aichi?s two hands with her own. ?Of course I will accept you!? Akyu wailed out as her words came in short bursts of emotion. ?I?m so sorry? that you have suffered for so long? But? you will not have to suffer alone anymore.?

With her hand clutching Aichi?s, Akyu turned towards Yukari Yakumo.

Yukari straightened up, her tone once again formal and businesslike. ?And what is your decision, Child of Miare??

?We accept,? Akyu and Aichi said solemnly.

?Very well,? Yukari said. And with that, she stiffened her fingers into a hard edge and stabbed into Akyu?s chest.

Akyu could only gasp as she stared down at Yukari?s extended arm. She could not feel any pain in her chest; it was as if the arm wasn?t even there. Then Yukari pulled her arm out. Akyu stiffened, not sure what to expect. Looking down at her chest, there was no sign of blood anywhere. She did not feel coldness or any sense of discomfort. All she could see was a dark hole in her chest.

Yukari stepped back from Akyu and then with a quiet voice said, ?You?re strong Hieda no Akyu, I have faith you will see this through.?

Akyu nodded and turned to face Aichi. Aichi in turn, faced Akyu. ?At long last, we will be whole,? Aichi said, her voice heavy with emotion. Within a moment, Aichi?s figure seemed to swirl up like water flowing into a drain. Then her last words came out. ?Thank you, Akyu.? With that farewell, the shadowy remnants of Aichi entered into Akyu?s body.