Author Topic: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death  (Read 39351 times)


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Greetings everyone, just as I promised before the end of the month, I planned to attempt another run of Suika Fortress on a more stable version of the game.

As of right now I'm busy making the final preparations for the game before we begin.

As of recently Suika Fortress has undergone mages change since the last game we held and is now far more stable compared to before.

For those who haven't followed up Suika Fortress since the last game, many of the bugs have been worked out slowly and surely be the game's creator Toady One, and now as of this point we should have a more functionable military and have better control over it. (even if it's still complicated)

Of course, there is one I must bring up....

Over the course of the new release, I had been working on modding the new version include a whole bunch of new things. In fact, we now have tons of new yukkuri, new creatures, and a whole new system to fiddle with and I'm certain that many of you will find many shocking surprised as play through this new game...perhaps even....FUN!

I'm looking forward to seeing how you all respond to my new lovely mod project I put together. ^^

Now it's time to cover a bit of what makes up Suika Fortress.....

The World of Suika Fortress

Welcome all to the wonderful world that is Suika's Fortress which is a mod of Dwarf Fortress. Today, we will be covering all about the basics about what to expect to all those that do not know of the game. I shall to you all about this mod in the simplest way possible. Let us begin!

1. What is Dwarf Fortress?

Think of it as what would happen if you?re cross together Dungeon Crawler  concepts, with the Sims, and even some RTS like concepts for extra measure! That's sort of what makes up the Dwarf Fortress. Basiclly your trying to help your dwarves make a living by building a fortress and help them be able to survive against just about anything. Wether it be Elephants, Unicorns, Goblins, you name it. And at the same time, make sure they can survive, get food and water and be comfortable and happy as possible. And while doing they will always dig deeper.  And who knows what they'll find down in the deep..... perhaps it'll be.....FUN!

In Suika Fortress, we do pretty much the same thing, except it?s with Suikas, and most of our livestock and predators are yukkuri, though there are some animals out there too?

It?s also important to note that every Suika has their own personality and quarks too so be alert with how they behave too.

2. What does Suika Fortress look like?

Imagine a world full a Suikas mining caves, managing yukkuri, and all sort of other things just to making a living and survive. The game flows in real time and you will spend your time managing the activities and actions the Suikas do. You can pause it however if you need to plan things out. Before letting the game continue. It should look something like this,

All these nice graphics while they attempt to build a fortress. It should be fun to see how this develops? and yes I created the suika graphic tile sprites for this as well as the yukkuri sprites and some other tiles while some other are from other people like Mike Mayday.

The interface mainly consist of the following:

On the left is the activity screen where you can watch the mini suikas as they run around doing what they do best. Get drunk and work. 

The middle is the menu, you will be pressing the keys to that cordinate with what every option you want to select, this is vital for especially because you will need to tell the mini suikas what to do.

And on your right is the map or your region. Here you'll see that suikas are marked in red while other creatures are in read. While it may look simple it's important to know that the map consist of many levels and to alternate between the levels you'll have to press the < or > keys to work with them.

This mostly covered the basics on what to expect in the interface of Suika Fortress for more information check the wiki

3.Where can I get the game? What version do I need?

Toady has just recently updated to 0.31.12. And thankfully the open GL works as well as a number of bugs have been fixed!

Here's the mod that you'll be needing to play. And remember, this will be updated with every release!

Be sure to look over the init file and adjust the settings accordingly. As the settings our currently set more toward how I prefer them. So again please make sure you go to the init file and adjust the settings to your liking...
4.What has changed since the last Suika Fortress community game?

A whole lot of things... too many to count or go over. But if you go here, you will find everything you'll need to know.

5. How do I adjust the screen size?

It is important to note that in order to change the window size you will need to go into the data folder of the dwarf fortress files and select the init folder and then open init.txt.

From there you will have to go down to [GRAPHICS_WINDOWX: ]and [GRAPHIC_WINDOWY: ] and change the number that the colon to change the window size like for example:

Code: [Select]

And for the full screen make sure you know what the full screen resolution of your computer is and then go to [GRAPHICS_FULLSCREENX:]and [GRAPHICS_FULLSCREENY:] and insert the number in the respected areas after the colon to make the file work on full screen for example my full screen resolution is 1280 x 1024 so:

Code: [Select]

Want more tiles on your new screen size? You can adjust it on the [GRID:#:#] and [FULLGRID:#:#] you?ll have to tweak with this a little to make the size work for example:

Code: [Select]

If for some reason you want to adjust other features, that?s up to you, but personally it should work for most here.

But since we are using the DSL version you should be able to automaticlly control the screensize by scrolling grabbing the corner of the screen or however you do it.

And with the mouse wheel you can adjust zooming too!

6. What can I do about the game's frame rate?

As you may experience with Suika Fortress as well as Dwarf Fortress, the game is known to slow down with time but I will provide you a few tips to help keep the frame rates from dropping too much.

Change the print mode!!

In the SDL the init file has a bunch of new features to go over, you will want to fiddle with all of them. There's normal, partial, Accum_buffer, Accum_frame, VBO, and various 2D settings. Fiddle with them and see which one works the best for you.

For example:

Code: [Select]
You can also adjust the texture prameters and prioirty too since they seem to have an effect.

Be advised, changing the priority will put the more energy into the game, be sure your are not putting your computer at risk doing this.  While I never seen it, I've heard stories that it can melt your computer. So change at your own risk! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Change the Frame refresh rate!

Under the current version the frame refresher is use to constanstly refresh the frames every so often by default it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
But by lowering it, it can make the game faster! But at the same time it can cause things to sometimes flicker, or things you want to display to not refresh quick enough. It all depends on the location and so forth and it also depends on your computer, so experiement and see if it works for you.

Here's an example:
Code: [Select]
Put animals in cages

Animals take up some memory, so you may want to make sure most of your animals are caged up. This'll save your frame rate somewhat.

Get rid of excess items and rocks!

It's been proven that with a large ton of rocks and items in your map the frame rate will slow down. And this can cause some serious problems to the FPS. But if you set up some things to get rid of items and rocks... like bridges and catapuls, then it'll all work out!

If I can think of others, I'l be sure to put the information down here.

7. This game seems hard, it there an easier way to understand it?

Well, it is somewhat hard at the start, even the tutorial only gives you enough info just to start and learn the simple basics. But if you feel you want to learn more things without as much struggle then to the Dwarf Fortress Wiki here.

Here you?ll find pretty much all the ins and out about how everything works in the game. It?s rather useful so I highly recommend looking through it when you having trouble. Pretty much everything from this wiki will apply to Suika Fortress as well. Just remember though, while it's important to understand the game it's also important to now cheat either and spoil yourself from the real adventure of Dwarf Fortress cause after all one thing they always say is..."Losing is Fun!

8. So how?s the process going to work?

For right now I?m am going to give you some time to sign up while I finish the Suika Fortress mod transfer. Unlike before though I'm going to do something a tad different.... the who will go first, will be based on who is the expodition leader! Meaning whoever signs up to play will have a fair chance of getting to play first!

When the game starts I will have a land that is created and all who are interested can decide on which part of the land the Suikas will settle in to create their fortress.

Because I want the Suikas to be able to have an exciting adventure, I would like to settle if possible to go for a large grid but I will settle on a grid as low as 4x4 in term of our land space. Cause that should have more than enough animals to keep everyone busy.
I will explain more about game length later?

Once that is decided, we have to decide how the Suikas will plan for their trip. In terms of their occupations, and what supplies they will carry. This is very important in the beginning and we shall discuss this before we go on.

After we complete these steps we will begin the gamplay...

Depending on who is selected to be the leader, we will then pass the game over to that player, and if the leader the leader happens to be spectator, we will then have decide based on two factors:

1. Where the spectator posted in terms of which player he or she is closer two and....
2. Where the spectator is located in the list of Suikas once the game decided on the unit list assuming there is a tie in step 1.

If both fail the spectator will have to pick between the two.

9. Gameplay rules

We shall play Suika Fortress as a succession game. When the game begins, you will have one year to do whatever you got to do to help your Suikas develop their fortress. Get materials, build things, fight creatures, whatever. During the run you should take pictures of some of the events that unfold during your year. Try to update periodicly as I know a year takes a while go through. Because speed can vary based on one?s computer, I will give the player one week (7 days) to complete the task, and if an extension is needed, he or she must provide an update with pictures on where he or she is at so I know where they stand. And if progress that is made shows some promise of progress I will allow another 3 days of extension.

Starting with this game onward, we are required to follow the rules that are part of MotK as in KEEP THE IMAGES IN THUMBNAILS! There are small exception, but that's only if the picture itself is small enough to meet MotK's size requirments. Please review MotK's rules on image posting before participating! This is a must in the entire board and it'll be required here too. Pesco will be monitoring this and insist you must follow this rule. The last thing I need right now is for this game to be exterminated after the time and work I put into it.

The players turn will come to an end when the Lily White comes along and announces the coming of spring!

Or rather ?Spring has arrived!? which will appear at the bottom of the game window.

From there you must pause and save your game. To do that press escape, and then go down the menu and select  "Save game and press enter. And then take the save file which is located in  data -> saves -> Reigon folder. Take the region folder that contains the Suika Fortress data and then zip it (or rar it) and upload it to Mediafire, Rapidshare or the like. Once it's saved you turn is done.

The next person will then take the Region folder and place it in save folder and start off the game and continue from there till the next spring.

Because the game lasts for a long time we will end the game under two conditions:

1.We create an epic Suika fortress
2.The Suika Fortress dies in an epic death (ala boatmurdered or something along the line)

Say like maybe in 15-20 years in game time maybe. By then we will have done most of everything that we can do with it. But then again who knows? it'll depend on how many people decide to participate in this too. As well as how many bug changes take place.

If for some reason the Suika Fortress dies... We can decide if we shall embark to a new location or go back to the last save. Unless the 2 conditions are met.

Finally if the person is unable to complete the run in time, his run will be nulled as we will return to the last save?

Also it is important to know that you can resign yourself up for another round though you will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list and I will contact you when your turn is up.

10. Can I still participate in it even if I?m not playing?

OF course! As I said, I want the player to make some updates as they go through their adventure building the fortress you can give your own thoughts and suggestions at the time that?s posted. Also because we have so many Suikas to deal with maybe we can give them ?nicknames? to make them stand out.  That always helps.

11. Can I run the fortress to the ground?

No! Don?t destroy to fortress on purpose, it ruins the fun of having ?fun? Rather try to do whatever you can to survive and if the death comes upon, we can understand. If the player intentionally tries to destroy the fortress on purpose too many time, they will be removed from the game.

12. Did you make these sprites?

Well I made all the Suikas and Yukkutri sprites, so yes I?m responsible for those. All the other creatures are Maydays?s work. He should earn the credit for making a tile of  the Dwarf Fortress version possible for me to do Suika Fortress.

13. Some text appears odd / sprites have an odd color.

 If that?s the case, send me a picture so I can look into the problem. It?s important for me to look into it. As I had to work on this alone with only advice and feedback from the IRC gang. And if I fix the problem, I?ll post an updated file to insert into the files and graphics.

14. I have suggestion for other things to add.

Don?t be afraid if you got an idea of what I could add into Suika Fortress let me know I can see about working it out possiblely. Just remember I?m also a busy man so be patient.

15. Can I have an adventure instead?

This time, I'm going this option open! Because the bugs have been fixed. But because we haven't decided yet on how we'll tackle it. Likely it'll be to go located the old fortress and explore it like before end of story... But we can decide on that later.

16. This game is buggy, is it going to be fixed?

Thankfully alot of the nasty bugs have been removed and fixed, which includes crashes, trade depot related bugs, military, combat, crafting ect. But there are still some bugs here and there, but thankfully on the most it is playable! So this should be alot like playing Beer Ax and like Drunken Graspings. hahahahaha.

17. What kind of bugs should I worry about?
Currently, I have listed a list of bugs that are likely  to occur in our game depending on how we play. These all have a work around thankfully.  I just to all be aware of them. As for now the list can be located here.

18. Can we use 40d# version with the new version?

No, the new version had such a tremendous makeover especially with the underground that we cannot use the older version at all. We can only work with 0.31.04 and onward. And if there's a compatablity complication in the later version we can discuss about starting a new game on that version.

19. The game is crashing, what are we going to  with the file?

Were going to start with a compressed file for now, and see how that goes, if worse comes to worse we can to an uncompressed file and attempt to work from there.

20. My keyboard is designed different and I want to play this game. What can I do to fix the key board setting to make it work for me?

This has been a question that has been brought up for a while now. So I'm going to put up a hint for you all here who have different keyboards that aren't built the same way as most standard ones.

When you get the game started, the first thing you will have to do is to go press esc once your in the main menu. You will get a list of options to pick from. The one that you'll need you'll fix your key board is "Key binding". When enter there, you will have to go through each menu of options of see which keys you will need to change, and from there set up a key that you can use for it in place of the one that's there.  It shouldn't be that hard.  Just a little time consuming at most. But once you gone through and made the changes, you can go and save your settings and then they'll be permament. Or just save as a temporary setting.  That's the best I can explain it to you here.

21. When I save my game, what should I do with the file?

As of this point, I recommend that you zip it or rar it. But known the size of files allowed in MotK, a DF file will be too big. So I'm going to recommend that you put the file up on an file hosting site, like Mediafire, and rapid share, ect. And be sure to post the link here. I will be needing to do this especially to test out crash errors that occur from saves.

And so this concludes my introduction to Suika Fortress! As of right now it is time to sign up. I will sign myself into the game. And I look forward into anyone else who wants to sign in to help build the Suika Fortress!

As like in the last game, the first six people who sign in to play will get the call dibs on naming their Suika  and thier occupations ect. that'll come once we embark. Any people that sign in after the first 7 and spectator will call dibs on Suika migrants that come in.

If there are not 6 people in the list, then what ever spectators that come to provide feedback will become part of the embark team.

And if there are not 6 then we will just simply embark with a few suikas by their default names.

Anyways, it's now time to sign up! I'll explain more about the world process later on...

Waiting List:
Totaku (Butcher / Cook / Engraver )

Spectator List:
Anthony (woodcutter/ carpenter/ AxeSuika/ teacher)
AsianWarriorS (Cook)
Pesco (wants to be named "tits")
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 10:09:04 PM by Totaku »
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2010, 05:13:17 PM »
Currently known bugs

As you know, even though we gone through many different versions, we still have within the game that are still being fixed. But at the same time, new features are being thrown in as well as many bug fixes with each passing update. But for right now, what I will be putting here are most of the known bugs that are still present in the current version and will likely be fixed over time...

Farm seed bug: if you for some reason plant seed after a certain time frame and they don't grow by the end of the season in which it's possible to plant them.... it can cause all your seed you planted to vanish! The only thing this dosen't apply to is plump helmets.

Hospital Bug: It seems that plaster can't be made properly through the kiln as it disappers before being made. However, as a work around you can trade for them and they can be used for bone setting so thankfully not all is lost. I've also confirmed that using bucket to get water to make the cast do not work properly. A workaround is to find a Suika who's going to fetch water for the well or for the sick, forbid it. And then when the other Suika that's going to treat the cast comes to the area to get water, force her to drop the bucket and maker her claim the once forbidden bucket filled with water. That should do the trick.

Massive Damage Bug:: If a Suika just so happen to lose thier abilty to use thier arms and legs and has moter and sensory damage. Chance are they will not recover at all. I also applies  if they loose one leg.

Soldier's Nightmare Bug:Will be fixed in 0.31.13 An interesting fact, if for some reason and enemy is captured in a cage trap while a solider is fighting it and just so happens to get a terrible wound from it. She'll be stuck in soldier mode unable to rest. And will reamins on the orders until the creature that is caged or fighting is killed. If the wounds are too great, that Suika should die the very moment that creature dies.

No sleeping in assigned bed bug:Will be fixed in 0.31.13

Noble Bug: Beast tamer and Tax collector have been reported to not come to feild when your fort is large enough. So it seem taming exotic animals and starting a Suika Economy might be out until this is fixed. (Not that it's bad thing)

No fish in the scroching heat Bug: This bug seems to still linger, but only in scorching heat. And there have been some reports of melting Suikas too... but again, this is rare. We won't be embarking to a scorching location.

Material bug error: Might be fixed in 0.31.13Seems that making a leather waterskin always results within a non material flask that ends up not being used or being store. Best solution for now is to just trade for waterskins till this can be fixed.

Training Crash bug: FIXED in 0.31.12

Trade Carvans without the wagon bug: This bug is rather common, and and far as I know there is no work around. It does however make trade access easy for every race. But naturally they are suppose to have wagons which make things harder but either way enjoy having the easy trade access for now....

I'll probably add more bugs as I locate them....
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 03:17:31 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 06:17:29 PM »
I sign my name down on the waiting list. Let's see how this fort plays out. Will Aquifers be kept in or not during world gen?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 06:27:13 PM »
I sign my name down on the waiting list. Let's see how this fort plays out. Will Aquifers be kept in or not during world gen?

Signed in!

As for Aquifers, I'm going to say yes, because I've been known for tossing in aquifers in all the world maps I make, but at the same time I always pick at least 4 -5 locations without aquifer when I give choices. And generally leave an aquifer area or two in as an option. Even though no one ever wants to embark on such a location.^^;

Oh, and I will make sure that this time when we make the world, that it all civilizations survive. Because dealing with no Suikas made life misriable last time....

And I will note that even when you do sign up, the turn order will not be final until we embark. So feel free to sign up, everyone has a chance for first dibs on fortress once we embark.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 08:22:34 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 04:38:39 AM »
Currently I shall be a viewer in this and I wish to have a suika named after myself. Though I may join in on this at a later date.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2010, 04:41:58 AM »
Will join as spectator for now, too busy with other stuff to play just yet.

communist unity (comm-unity)

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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2010, 04:45:48 AM »
I'll spectate this, hopefully things end up better this time around. I volunteer to name a suika after me, though.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2010, 04:47:07 AM »
I'll spectate/have a suika named for me! I personally have more fun reading about complicated games like this instead of actually playing them.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2010, 05:02:10 AM »
Spectator here!
Zengar Zombolt, Guard Capn' season three! Let's not die again.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2010, 05:25:12 AM »
Let's not die again.
Haha, good luck there, chief.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2010, 02:01:35 PM »
So, what exactly do we do spectating?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2010, 02:08:25 PM »
So, what exactly do we do spectating?

The spectator list is mainly set up for those who wish to become a part of the game without playing it. By signing up in the spectator list, you will get a Suika reserved to be named after you. You can also choose her occupation assuming you know Dwarf Fortress.

Course also as the role of spectator you are allow to give advice and feedback. After all it's sort of fun to have your own Suika. And if your interesting in playing you can be moved from the specator list to the waiting list at any time.

I will get some world set up sometime later today for everyone to decide on which world to pick. I will make sure that this time, all civilizations survive one way or another.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 02:09:56 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2010, 02:14:03 PM »
Well okay then, sign me up to spectating, I was always interested in dwarf fortress but never took the time to play it


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2010, 03:17:22 PM »
Woop. Sign me up as a spectator. :V

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2010, 03:37:53 PM »


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2010, 04:56:09 PM »
Oh yea, for my suika make me a wood cutter/carpenter Suika, and if possible also add on being an axesuika.


  • I Have A New Obssession
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2010, 04:59:48 PM »
Can you make my Suika a cook? I'm currently trying to be one in RL


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2010, 05:48:06 PM »
According to Dwarf Fortress Mafia, I am a blacksmith. So /in as a spectator this time around.

Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2010, 05:52:37 PM »
Signing up to play... won't be a delay this time though


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2010, 07:37:20 PM »
Err uh, Hey don't forget about me. I'm only right above the fish.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2010, 07:52:09 PM »
Ok, I'm making sure to sign you all up accordingly.

As of right now, I'm am slightly delayed because I'm currently learned that version 0.31.12 is out and fixed the crash errors that I mentioned back a while ago as well as fixed issues with Laisons and even possible human laisons as well!

So we could have something pretty close to the old days of beer ax.

Anyways... while your all waiting, I'm going to set up 3 maps that were made.

I would like you to pick one before we then decide on some locations.

So here you go...

Region 1
A land that seems to be at  peace with little going on. As the wars of past have long gone.... The humans seem to live alll over the southern area while the kappa keep to the north. Remains of thier war still resides to the east of the kappa's territory...

The parsees live quietly in the forrest to the southwest and in the large mountain region, the biokkuri reside in large numbers along the western side of the mountain. But over in the northern ceteral area live a small group of Suika who seem to manage on thier own... What will become when a group of Suika's embark to expand thier homeland?

Region 2

Down in the south a bitter war between the human and the kappa has been going on for ages as they fought over the sea that has now become cursed from the kappa's production work. In the midst of the war, the parseekkuri were driven away living far to the north east....

The Suikas and the biokkuri live quietly in the mountains as they watch it all unfold. However, they still hold a grudge of thier own. What kind of place could we embark to on here?

Region 3
Conflicts grow as the nations spread.. The Parsees rule the north while the kappas rule the center, and the human maintain the south....meanwhile the Suikas hang around the low populated human towns located southwest, while the biokkuri remain isolated deep in the north east....

What kind of place will we embark on here?

Now go ahead and pick an area, even give a suggestion if you like I'm open. Once we decide on an area I will pick a few location and we will go from there.

Also anyone's open to join as always. Wether it be specator or to play.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2010, 08:50:53 PM »
I vote for Region 2 - cursed sea from Kappa industry and wars fought because of it is an awesome history.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2010, 02:34:40 AM »
Let me try to dl once more(once you post the mod) and see if key binding works.
if it works, i'll do my own fortress to get a feel of it before signing as spectator.

if it doesn't work.....oh well.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2010, 03:00:13 AM »
OK, I finished the transfer and now the new upload for Suika Fortress is up! I've decided to place it in the Dwarf Fortress File Depot since it's sort of a home spot to download Dwarf Fortress content.

If for some reason this doesn't work, I will set up a media fire download as well. Go at it, get the game and try it out for a bit. And if you are having complication with running the game, please let me know so I can help guide you. But before that, please look at the first post and see what you can do to adjust some of the settings as it'll help.

And you all still have time to vote for a region so get to voting!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 03:04:19 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2010, 06:36:39 AM »
Region 3. After how quickly we got stomped by the Bios last round... Well, Putting some distance between us may be smart.

Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2010, 11:36:03 AM »
I'd go region 2 so we won't die out of boredom from nothing happening around. As for getting crushed by biokkuris, remember that the last time the only Suikas alive in that world were the ones that we embarked with. No migrants ever came to that fortress.

Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2010, 12:13:41 PM »
The fort died to Biokkuri last time because we didn't have steel on site, we took ages to get magma forges up, bronze wasn't smelted and turned into equipment fast enough and we didn't train. That as well as the lack of immigrants and being caught by surprise with the new combat balance of v0.31 (5 layers of stonefall traps are not a good defence anymore). Not to mention far too much of the earlygame was spent designing a nice fort instead of getting some defences up and getting to the magma (and when we did, it was done far too slowly due to over-caution).

Biokkuri come only in the 2nd year onwards. A lot will depend on who Xom (the RNG) decides the first player will be.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2010, 07:01:53 AM »
From my experience, Biokkuri raids can happen as early as the 2nd year, but at times I've seen it take place much later like 4-5 year so it can be pretty random....


Let's go over what I have so far....

From the vote count I gathered, Region 2 is the most favored area. So I went ahead and picked several locations.....

This time it was rather tough to pick a location in the area but I did manged to find 7 areas we can decide on so..... here we go!

Area 1: Forest near the Kappa civilization

Down along the river torward youkai mountain is a forest where a bunch of kappa seem to be living. They are pretty much living quietly on thier own while most likely still duking out with the human civilizations. Can we gain anything by living closer to them?

Around this area is a steep mountain, with a volcano in it. and a forest  surrounds the area. Wildlife seems to be present, but mostly friendly. we even have a brook located in the northwest. And the climate here is pretty hot. But in the earth we got plenty of  Schist, Granite and Garrbo, and sand along the south east, In the west is an aquifer just past the mountain. We can probably get around it by simply staying within the mountain since it's dry.

Diffuclty: Easy- Normal

Area 2: The cursed lake

Somewhere along the dark road a lake stands where the curses seems to rest. It is because of this that the lake is cursed itself and likely plauged with undead aqautic life!  The wild life here as well seems pretty vicious.  And vegitation and trees don't grow much here. So we must make sure that every tree doesn't go to waste! The land itself is filled with many valuable stone and has some marble and claystone all over the place. Could serve as a good crafting certain metals... But as we said we must be alert for we have alot of wild animals and likely undead creature to handle.

Diffuclty: Normal- Hard

Area 3:The mystical plains of Gensokyo

Out in the middle of nowhere is a deep canyon where a waterfall stands plumetting many feet down. It seems creatures of myth roam here in great numbers too. And to top it off there is aquifers present, but mayber we can find a way through here. The climate here will switch from cold to warm as the seasons flow and the stone here mainly consist Chert, and claystone along with garbbo and Dorite. Plant growth seems to be somewhat small here. But  so is the whole area. We probably have enough to get some basic living down here.... Should we settle here?

DiffucltyL Normal - Hard

Area 4: Staying near the homeland

Our land we live near has enough resources to keep us pretty busy.  We even have a forest and a river to use. And rock salt. The wild life is also pretty calm. So if anything maybe being close to home is always an option.

Diffculty: Easy - Normal

Area 5: The land which Letty lives strong

It's really cold here, that's for sure, but on the bright side we don't have contend with alot if vicious predators.... Thankfully we have plenty of trees, so we should be fine on the most part.  We also have access to an good rescourse Obsidian. The Mountain itself is very steep  and we will have to make a living deep inside if we wish to use the volcano. There is also no river...which can spell a big problem since everything is cold here to top it off. So water will be a problem... Should we brave the cold?

NOTE: This area is 5x4 to allow volcano access.

Diffuclty: Hard to Lunatic

Area 6: The Fortest of magic near the Parseekkuri settlement.

This place is mainly with the exception of the canyon and waterfall to the south. We could make a living in there. There are definetly alot of trees here as well. The mainy issue here will be aquifers as they are all over our embark zone. Thankfully wildlife isn't dangerous and we got plent of valuable stone....of course we have get under the aquifer to get it....first.....

Diffucuty: Hard - Lunatic

Area 7: Living near the polluted sea

As we watched the kappa contaminate the waters we wonder could do something about it.... be able to make a functioning purifing system. Imagine the parties we could have we could be drowning in beer we found a way to purify the water.Plenty of sand can be found here definetly, but you can also a snall but stead amount of trees, and the wild life is tame on the most part.... course we have to remind ourselves that the water here is contaminated and can't be consumed. So if someone is injured it will be a serious problem... Also Aquifer seem to be present, but only in the sea and the land.. the mountains thankfully don't have an aquifer. Can we manage a purifying industry?

Diffuclty: Hard -Lunatic

So here you go, 7 locations, all for you all to pick. You all must decide on where we must go so we can prepare for trip. So get to voting! Your will count torward where we go!

Also for those who haven't joined yet, don't be afraid. You can sign up to play, or be a spectator and have your own Suika!

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2010, 07:31:50 AM »
Count me in as the Bookkeeper and also probably as a player, since the new version of DF seems to be working very well for me.  The fortress I'm running now is about 70 fps with 50 dwarves, so that shouldn't be an issue.  Site 2 sounds like the most fun to me.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2010, 08:48:27 AM »
Site 5 sounds interesting to me, a volcano is always a very attractive option...the trouble is if it's too cold for the ponds to melt, which would make it so we can't irrigate without digging down into the cavern; we would likely need to dig deep right away and pump some water up (dangerous!)

Does the cold itself have any directly negative effects on our Suikas? I haven't played in a freezing biome before.