Author Topic: Suika Fortress: Episode II - GAME OVER R.I.P. Drunken Graspings  (Read 29453 times)


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #30 on: May 24, 2010, 04:02:31 PM »
ok I'm back with the Summer report....sadly this was bit slow, but it was intense...

First Month of Summer - Day 2

I got word that yukkakuris are roaming the area, they seem to be wandering about probably check out the flora life more than anything else. I say as long as we don?t disturb them, they won?t distub us?.

First Month of Summer - Day 5

The thing I feared worse happened, the water to the west of the farm is beginning to dry up as the summer begins to come in. It?s too hot for it to handle all together. We need to hurry and get the water drained into the farming area. Hopefully we can finish most of it in time?.

First Month of the Summer ? Day 7

I?ve had enough digging I?m too hungry to take on anymore. Stuffman, you just go and finish the area? We need to get at least some water in here....

First Month of the Summer ? Day 9

At last we broke into the lake, and just in time, now we?ll let the water flow in? we couldn?t exactly finish the entire farm area, but it was either this or the farm won?t work. As for now let the water take it?s course?.

First Month of the Summer ? Day 21

At last we got at least enough water to make a small farm. So Serp went ahead and started construction of the plump helmet farm. At least now we will not have to worry about food or booze now. We?ll just need a place for a still. We?ll deal with that in a bit?

Second Month of Summer ? Day 3

Build it, and they will come! We finally recived our first migrants from this barren land with little to no Suikas! This is a good thing it shows that our fortress is at least getting the attention of some remaining Suikas that could be out there. Though to be honest, I wish there was more.... Only two came....

a Dyer and former mechanic named Purvis

And a Fisher Suika who seem to have some combat basics named Xan. While there talent don't exactly meet with our current needs I think we can make arragements somewhere down the road...

Last month of Summer ?Day 13

We finally are starting to get our shops more organized as we are beginning to place them inside the fortress so far we got the carpenter?s workshop inside and told everyone to take the wood into the shop.

Last Month of Summer ? Day 18

Serp manage to build the still  for the  drinksm mainly since were beginning to reach the point where we'll soon need them. Plus we moved the food and drinks down near the farm for easy access.

Last Month of Summer ? Day 28

Our yusakuyas are now giving birth to yusakuyas. This can be a fresh start for us since it?ll give us a new door of opportunity to maybe keep them as food. Maybe even train them. I haven?t decided yet. There?s just too much to think about?

Final Summer Report

Most of the season went slow. Mainly because our prioroty was setting up the areas for the farm and to store our food. We are only now beginning to set up the other shops and will be doing some remodeling over time..... This will likely make up most of the fall season. Also Purvis and Xan will be given some new work shortly to help make life in the small fortress easy...
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #31 on: May 24, 2010, 04:53:45 PM »
Hopefully that murky pool refills over the fall season. Have you been getting any rain? It looks like there's plenty of mud for food operations as-is, would just prefer to have a bit more space for economic growing (pig tails, etc)

Something to watch out for might be to make sure nothing flammable winds up in the workshops near the volcano wall; don't want fire snakes sneaking in and burning up our merchandise D:


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2010, 04:23:02 AM »
Hopefully that murky pool refills over the fall season. Have you been getting any rain? It looks like there's plenty of mud for food operations as-is, would just prefer to have a bit more space for economic growing (pig tails, etc)

Something to watch out for might be to make sure nothing flammable winds up in the workshops near the volcano wall; don't want fire snakes sneaking in and burning up our merchandise D:

I probably will (or someone else, but plump helmets are a priority for now though.) In this report I will cover a bit about the rain and explain the current situation....  Also from what I've seen there hasn't been any sign of fire snakes as of this point, so I don't think you need to worry...

Let's continue...

First Month of Autumn – Day 23

With the Autumn season here, so our new yukkuri, we’ve gotten reports of yuugikkuri and yukkushizuhas roaming about the area…. Both of these seems kind of unique. Especially since one mainly only appears in the fall… Course right now were just trying to survive. No time to focus on the wildlife…

First Month of Autumn – Day 28

The good news is we finally got most of the basic shops up and running now. I think we can go ahead and finally remove the temporary shops from out side so that we can do all the work inside the fortress… course there are still the supplies to worry about

Second month of Autumn – Day 1

It appears we got a unexpected visit by Sunnykkuris. These little faries seem to have a thing for coming in swarms and most of the time thanks to ther small size they seem to go unnoticed… Plus it appear they have a thing for taking food. So we have to be careful.

Seond Month of Autumn – Day 21

Most of the month has been spend continuing to organize things as usual. We also finally got Xan to set up the Jewllery shop to work on the gem we have been mining out….

Mean while, I take a brake from mining to being cooking for everyone. I rather make sure good food doesn’t go to waste.

Last Month of Autumn – Day 1

It seems more migrants have finally come out of hiding….and again, it’s only two! Two Suikas, a kimekaidou and a a yukkeine….at the rate this is going were going to have a rather small fortress… Are there not any more Suikas out there?

Either way so far we got our selves two Suikas making the fortress population now 11.

As far as I know they go by the name of Arashi Kurobara and Anathe.

Arashi specializing in metal crafting while Anathe was a former military combatant who's also skilled in engraving. Maybe we can consider making the rooms look nicer...course for now with our limited numbers we will need to look into resolving the matter some other time....

Last Month of Autumn – Day 8

It recently came to my attention that the migrants who brought Kimekaidou managed to bring Kimekaidous of the opposite sex. This to me is a good sign as we can let the two yukkuris do what they do best once they mature and sooner or later we start running a bean paste market. I’m certain the kimekaidou’s bean paste can come in good quanities, how long this will takr though, that I am unsure of…

Last Month of Autumn – Day 17

I decided to start making preperation since I knew we could get some good meat from the kimekaidou sooner ot later so I got the butcher shop up and running…. I think I’ll set up some cages in here to that I can keep whatever I plan the chop up at an arm’s reach.

Last Month of Autumn – Day 23

We managed to strike native alunimum, this metal should serve us well since it can fetch a pretty good price depending on what we make it into. Course we need to make some furnaces and a smith shop before we can even start this....

Last Month of Autumn – Day 30

Over the last few months, Chaore's been working on using the extra stone we have here and turning it into various crafts.... mugs, instuments, crafts and so forth. We should have a good supply around the time the Spring comes, which I hear the Parsee tend to go out to trade. She currently has 3 bins worth of good made and is now known as a stone crafter in the crew.

Final Autumn report

I've been monitoring the weather outside for the last few month... it's been rather dry for some odd reason, sure we would get a srpinkle of rain here and there, but it usually is never enough to fill the pond. It ends up evaportating slowly over time as well. At the rate this is going we may not get extra water.

This of course means that at this rate my dream of a semetrical framing zone will be crushed at this rate...

That are only a few options I have if I want to expand the farm.....

1. Wait some more for rain and hope it'll fill the lake....

2. Attempt to dig a small tunnel into the lake up in the north. While this seems like a good idea I can't help but feel that this may be a bit off too as the lake is located a bit from our location of the farm and by the time the water reaches it's destination it'll likely be mostly down to a puddle...

3. Create an irrigation pit in the middle of the farming area and attempt to fill it with water manually using buckets, then follow up with one of our mechanics building a water pump system to manually push the water from the irrigation pit into the farming zone thus watering the remaining sand....

This option would take the most time, but at least it would get the job done.

I'll see how my options go over the winter... until I get main work rooms finish this'll have to wait...

« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 04:30:50 AM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2010, 08:05:46 AM »
We don't actually need the extra farm space yet, so I wouldn't go starting any huge irrigation projects yet; but for now, I do recommend digging out an area under the lake and channeling the water into it; I think the lake won't evaporate (or at least not as fast) if it's underground.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2010, 01:20:23 PM »
We don't actually need the extra farm space yet, so I wouldn't go starting any huge irrigation projects yet; but for now, I do recommend digging out an area under the lake and channeling the water into it; I think the lake won't evaporate (or at least not as fast) if it's underground.

That's not bad of a suggestion there, though I went through my turn before I saw this.... so if you would like, you can do it  since your turn is coming up.

Let me get through the rest of the story of the First Year of Druken Grasping...

First Month of Winter ? Day 14

We decided to go ahead and set up the second farming zone, this one will be more multi purpose compared to the first one. It?ll be used to grow plump helmets in the winter, sweet pods in the spring and then pig tails during the summer and Autumn. We should try to ge a varitiy of plants soon so we can expand on our inventory.. It?ll get boring drinking only Suika wine after a while?.

Second Month of Winter ? Day 8

Wow this was unexpected?. It seems that this place does have a rather unique climate, the area to the west abd southwest is just warm enough that water will remain water how ever every other region seems to be cold enough that the lakes freeze?.everything I had planned for expanding the far isn?t working out for now? This?ll have to wait till winter?s end?.

Second Month of Winter ? Day 14

The weather seems to show that it is indeed cold. Cold enough to even snow. Though from what I?ve seen the snow doesn?t stick around for long?.probably because it gets hot enough for it to melt almost each passing day? so I don?t think we can worry about snow being a problem here, but it sort of feels like it?s missing something since the snow doesn?t stick around for long?.

Second Month of Winter ? Day 20

The work station of the first floor is done, we will not have to worry any more about places to build shops at least for a while.

Course now we should probably start working on bed rooms and the irrigation spot and maybe a place to store things? some of the vacant work shop areas can do as well?

Second Month of Winter ? Day 23

Now it appears more annoying little fairy yukkuris are coming here?..Little starkkuris?. I think they seem to be eyeing our goods sitting outside?

I need to get them inside fast?. (also fluxuating weather + lots of critters =  lag AGGGHHHH! I think we?re all going to hate winter)

Final Month of Winter ? Day 7

We?re being invaded! The little starkkuris I mentioned about are now trying to come to this area and take all items we still have sitting out there. Anathe has gone out to fend off the area from them until we can get the storage area fixed up for use?

Final Month of Winter ? Day 13

As we try to keep the Starkkuri away me and stuffman start making plans for the bed rooms. Considering the small number of Suikas we have, we could almost fit everything in a single area! So we deicded that we could all use 3x3 bed rooms along with a large dining room which will have statues at the entrance. I?ll be having Zengar work on these when the time comes up. This should be a nice setting for everyone since this fort is still amazingly small.

Final Month of Winter ? Day 23

We managed to get all the goods inside before the starkkuris could start taking some of them with them. Anathe managed to guard the area well from the tiny pests. This is a good year so far we managed to keep everything under control. I think I?ll go get a drink now? Then get back to mining and cooking.

And so soon afterward...

Final Year Report

Year one at the fortress was mainly about getting things started and running. Pretty much we had to mainly work on organizing everything and getting things in place. Considering only me and stuffman do the mining work we did somehow manage to get the areas were were building nearly done. Most of the year was supurisingly dull up till about the winter when we had to fend off the starkkuris but otherwise we did manage to get everything inside thankfully so no harm was caused...

At this point now our main priority will be getting the bed rooms and good ready for trading. There may be no Suikas in this world, but at least we have the humans and Parsees to trade with. Let's hope things work out with them over the course of next year.

Now before I forget, I might as well introduce Anathe and Kurobara..

Now Stuffman, make sure you get the Suika Fortress mod (which is the 0.31.04 legacy version. And as a word of advice. I think it might be best to go to the init file and in the section for Compressed Save put YES.

Mainly because I found out uncompress saves take a loooooonnng time to load (5-10 minutes!) Other than that, be careful of the winter lag. I am not sure if it was caused by the many starkkuris or that the change of frozen and melting constastly happening for one month triggered it. But please bear with it.

Here you go stuffman, go on and continue to build the SUIKA FORTRESS!

Remember, that once Spring has arrived your turn is done
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 01:33:25 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2010, 02:44:37 AM »
Yo, this is Stuffman! I was a bit surprised when Totaku said he wanted to hand control of the fortress over to me for a while, but then, I am responsible for digging most of the thing out anyway...

Anyway, it's just as well, because I have a bunch of infrastructure projects in mind for our bustling little fort. Alright! Let's make this a good year! There's gotta be more Suikas out there, so let's make sure we have room for them!

I decided to write down my goals for the year. I heard it helps in terms of self-actualization, or something like that:
- Traps! With our low population, it's dangerous to send our suikas out into battle. Let's get a line of traps near the entrance to keep out any enemies.
- Forging operations! To do this we'll need to channel some lava. Dangerous stuff, but I've personally got plenty of experience working with it.
- Irrigation! One way or another, I'd like to figure out some method of getting the rest of that water to the fortress.
- Mining! Towards the end of the year when we have enough space in the fortress, I'd like to get started on a mining shaft to go find us some ore.

First things first, I have to finish mining out these living quarters. Now, since I'm not quite done digging it out I'm considering making some changes because there's a couple things that bug me about this layout.

First, the entrance to the dining hall is on the north side, when we come in upstairs from the south. The food storage is also to the south, so I'll put the entrance there to save some walking time.

Second, a bunch of bedrooms are too close to the magma for my liking...I'm worried some fire snakes will worm their way in and set fire to the beds. I'm going to dig out the west side first, and make a single test bedroom to the east. If nothing bad happens, I'll finish mining out the rest of those rooms.

Here's my new layout. Instead of the triple wide hall for the dining room, I made a pair of double wide entrances so we can put doors on them. Should look pretty snazzy. Also, I noticed the big room to the upper left meets at the intersection of the hall above, so I'll stick in another set of stairs, which leads to the north workshops.

Now let's have a look at our entrance for defense purposes.

The entrance to the fortress is six wide. I think this is a bit overkill since trade wagons only need three wide, and we need more traps to cover the area. So, I'm going to construct some walls to reduce the width to four wide, and then have Chaore get started on the traps, since we conveniently already have some mechanisms made. I'll just stick to stonefall traps for now; when we have forging operations up, I'll have some components made for some dastardly weapon traps. Gwahaha! Here's the blueprints I laid out for the construction:

Taking a look around for other immediate improvements I can make, I think about where it would be best to build the forges. I decided to make a map of our current workshop layout:

At first I was thinking Totaku didn't think this all the way through; the magma's closer to the northern workshops, but the only open spaces left are to the south. However, since we're going to need to channel magma underneath them, that means the southern work areas are preferable, as they do not have our bedrooms beneath them! I'll start ordering the stone in those rooms dumped to make room for the forges.

And with those plans made, back to mining!

While I was stopping by for a drink, I couldn't help but notice we had a bunch of dead vermin (hunted by our chenkurris) lying around in the food stockpile. Disgusting! I'll designate a refuse stockpile somewhere.

This looks like trouble...I notice a pack of yugikkuris roaming around by the northern lake. They're normally docile, but boy howdy you don't want to make these things upset. Those horns hurt! I cancel the logging designations we'd made and call Xan back inside to avoid any incidents.

They eventually wander away, thankfully, but a pack of Yukkouseis wander in after them. They don't have horns though, so I'm not afraid of them...

Anyway, we plug away for about a month, and finally start clearing some space for the bedrooms. Thank goodness, I was getting pretty tired of sleeping in that drafty cave. While I'm at it, I find myself wondering how our food stocks are doing. When I asked Serpentarius about it, he said he could do the bookkeeping but he would need a place to work. I'll make it a point to stick a table and chair in his room so he can use it as an office. While I was at it, I decided to assign a broker. Purvis begged me to let him do it, and I didn't see a reason not to, so I put him in charge of peddling our wares.

Speaking of which, there's no sign of those Parseekkuris I've heard are supposed to come around here...feels kinda lonely out here. Hopefully we'll get an envoy from the human village come summer.

Since we've got the doors at the entrance in place, I decide to set up the security mechanism Totaku had described to me earlier.

It's a simple mechanism controlled by a lever next to the main staircase. When pulled, all doors surrounding the trade depot will lock, causing a full security lockdown - Suikas stay in, enemies stay out.

We continue to see new wildlife around the fort. Here's a picture we captured of a Yukkuri White. Judging by the their only attempt at communication, they really like spring.

Oh! Looks like the Parseekkuris decided to come after all! I scramble to get the wares out to the depot, and boot Purvis off to go negotiate with them. Most of the goods that the Parseekurris had were wooden equipment (decent for training purposes, but we don't need it yet), crafts, and cloth, so I just decided to buy up their stock of booze and berries to pad our supplies. I bought up about 1500 suikabucks worth of goods; Purvis tried getting them to walk away with a 500 suikabuck profit but they wanted more, including our gems. Purvis managed to cut the gems from the deal and threw in some more crafts, so we would up losing about 800 suikabucks in the deal. It's just crafts we've made from the stone here, so it's not a big deal. We'll need to start stocking up for the human caravan, though.

Just as the trading is finishing up, the official start of summer is here!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 02:46:31 AM by Stuffman »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2010, 03:22:44 AM »
I hope you know what your planning, cause since the 40d series, magma pipes go up in a straight line with no erosion causing any manga to appear in any place except in a straight line. This in turn can become a suicide mission since you'll have to mine straight into the magma.

You could end up being killed, or even have your legs melted off. @_@

As for fire snakes....I haven't seen any of them, they would of appeared around the work shops if they were around. Which is why I opted to build the bed rooms where they were. Course I don't mind which way you want to make the bed long as your comfortable with them and leave a decent dining room avaliable, I'll be glad.

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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2010, 03:40:53 AM »
I hope you know what your planning, cause since the 40d series, magma pipes go up in a straight line with no erosion causing any manga to appear in any place except in a straight line. This in turn can become a suicide mission since you'll have to mine straight into the magma.

Yeah, I may have to hold off on this. I was planning to channel it off the top layer but then I remembered about that bug that volcanos hit the top of the map D:

As for fire snakes....I haven't seen any of them, they would of appeared around the work shops if they were around.

You're right, I realized as I played that I couldn't see any fire snakes or fire imps in the magma like I could in 40d. Maybe they just don't show up in volcanos? So it was a needless precaution, I'll go ahead and carve out more bedrooms where you had them previously.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2010, 05:13:59 AM »
Starting into summer, I'm nearly finished with the second floor. It's been a lot of work; I've already hit legendary status as a miner. I need to hurry up and finish though, because much remains to be done!

Another herd of Yugikkuris was spotted travelling to the northwest, seven of them this time. Frightening beasts, I say.

As the summer heat bears down on us, I noticed something quite curious. The area to the north, with the white Feather Trees, doesn't seem to dry up, and the lake doesn't seem to evaporate either, unlike our current water source. I think the forest to the north may be magical, which may explain the Yugikkuris running around up there. It's like we're living on the border of a different world, a different "biome" if you will, and the conditions vary accordingly. How mysterious! In any case, that means we don't need to worry about the lake drying up; we can find a way to route it to our farm once we've got the chance.

It's midsummer now and the second floor complex is finally complete; it only needs a few stones hauled and a bit more furniture installed.

I have to admit I found one of the statues placed in the dining room a bit disturbing though...

I guess she took it pretty hard.

Anyway, the next day I got a warning that our traps had been set off. When I went to go investigate, it looked like some Yukkumoi had attempted to wander into the fortress! They must be pretty tough, since it looks like the stonefall traps didn't kill them, but it did chase them off.

So, a long, uneventful summer of arduous work is coming to a close. But, our bigger projects are just getting started!

Here's the start of an underground resorvoir, easily mined out thanks to the soft sand...

And I'm contemplating how I'm going to go about funneling this magma from the top down to our workshops below. This should be a fun project!

Hold on, I thought I just heard something outs--

A biokkuri ambush strikes the fort! Our meager traps do nothing to stop them; I quickly throw the lever to seal the doors, but foolish Anathe ran out before the lever was pulled. There's nothing we can do to help her. Goodbye, Anathe...

As for the rest of us, I suppose we're stuck inside the fortress until the biokkuris decide to leave, or perhaps the human trading party attempts to defeat them.

It's going to be a long fall.

Eleven little Suikas mined out a den.
One wandered outside, and then there were ten.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2010, 07:34:15 AM »
Well, I can't do much at the moment so I've decided to get a start on my magma plumbing system. Here's how it's going to work:

First, I dig out some channels where the magma will be below the forges, smelters, and glass workshops, and dig out a route for the magma to flow between them.

Second, I route the tunnels right to the side of the volcano, then dig up! (note: picture is a bit inaccurate, I repositioned the tunnel slightly to make it go up to flatter ground at the top)

Then, on every floor above, right until just below the top of the volcano, I do this.

What's going to happen is that I'm going to dig a channel on the northernmost designated tile on each floor, then seal it off with a wall on the middle tile. This will create a huge chute for the magma to flow down! When it's complete, I channel out the top of the volcano into the chute. This is very labor intensive, but also the safest way to get magma flowing into the fort, since I don't have to strike any hot walls and run away from the lava. I'll be standing on solid ground when I dig out the channel below up top!

However, not all stone is safe to expose to magma. That's why I need to find all the stone in the pipes that is not magma safe, dig it out, and replace it with constructed walls (which never melt in magma, regardless of material). So yeah, this is quite an undertaking. Still, no magma means no forging!

(Conveniently, I found a stash of rock crystal while digging.)

Those biokkuri are still milling about out there...geez, there's so many of them. If only we had those weapon traps ready! Should probably get a coffin ready for Anathe...

It's mid-autumn. The pipe construction is coming along, though slower than I hoped. Since the pipe cuts across rooms, some of the Suikas have taken to using it as a shortcut when heading over to the Goods stockpile.

It's annoying to try to get all the stone out of the way when building the walls in the pipe. A trick I learned a while ago was to forbid any stone in the actual path of the pipe from being used; that way, while constructing the walls, your workers will only use the stones in the spots where walls are supposed to go.

The biokkuri finally left. I opened the lever to go retrieve Anathe's body, and laid her to rest (piece by piece).


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2010, 09:00:33 AM »
Holy Crap! Biokkuris already?!! We only had 11 Suikas. I will admit I only fiddled with the new version of the game but I never expected them to come at such a low population. They must really want us dead! And now Anathe's dead?! Ouch! And she was the best in terms of military combat.

After taking some thought, in door forging with magma would be the best route to go. I'm guess we should consider your idea you put together. All I know is that I think this game has offically become FUN!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 09:04:58 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2010, 10:07:20 AM »
So, winter comes. Just a bit more time to finish my projects...

With the biokkuri gone I can go aboveground and do the final channeling to finish up the reservoir. I decided to put Arashi and Xan on masonry duty to help get things done on time.

The reservoir uses a two-stage system to reach the farms. It'll probably take a year or two before we get enough water into the system to flood the farm again, though. Anyway, the way it works is that the lever on the left releases the gates around the reservoir, taking in water from the lake and allowing it to flow into the corridor. However, the water from the corridor is blocked by another floodgate controlled by the right lever. The plan is to empty the lake into the reservoir/corridor, block it off to allow the rain to refill it, then open the floodgates again until we have enough water in the system to open the second lever and irrigate the farm. There might've been a smoother way to handle this, possible involving pumps, but I couldn't think of anything more feasible at the moment...

Anyway, the fact that the corridor can be independently drained means it can be entered again later and used to dig out a well.

Around the end of the first winter month, the magma pipe is nearing completion, I think it'll be done on time. Arashi and Xan's help is making things progress smoothly.

At last! My dark work is complete! IT'S MAGMA TIME!

The scale of this pipe can't really be captured with a picture, but the pipe is 36 stories tall! That's how high we had to mine up to reach the top of the volcano! Now to channel out the last bit and let the magma flow.

And that, my friends, is how you channel magma.

Note that I've placed the forges and smelters in such a way that their obstructive tiles block the exposed magma. This should hopefully prevent any problems with Suikas falling in...or nasty things coming out.

Now that we've finally got our magma pipe, I'm going to put everyone to work on constructing magma-powered workshops. My first order of business is to start producing metal trap components, so that we can make some really deadly weapon traps and we won't have a repeat of the incident with Anathe. I'm leaning towards giant serrated disks, myself...

We're a bit low on wood after being locked in for most of the fall, so I send Xan out to start harvesting lumber again. Things seem quiet in the winter.

For the next month or so, I don't order anything in particular done, but we were plenty busy regardless. There was a lot of moving stuff around to be done due to new stockpiles, catching up on work that had been put off to finish the projects, things like that. Snow started falling in the northern forest, but we were toasty due to our new magma heating system. The Yukkumoi seem to be enjoying themselves.

Once the lake melted and the snow ran off, it was full so I filled the reservoir again. The water level is up to mostly 4 and 5; one more good rainstorm ought to leave enough to fill the reservoir and the corridor, and flood the farm.

The rest of the year rolls by quietly. Maybe it's the calm before the storm? In any case, we could use the break, because those Biokkuri will be back and in force.

Soon I'll be spending a lot of my time underground, as I think we're ready to start full scale mining operations. With that in mind, I decided to put Serpentarius in charge of the fortress to handle logistics, he seems to have a head for numbers.

Here is Orgidthur Umarablel Saruth as it stands at the end of the year:

Whew. Unfortunately I can't sign up again, since when the magma dropped, so did my framerate; my computer simply can't handle DF 2010.

I did meet most of my goals so I'm happy about that, hopefully we're in good shape moving into the next few years.

Some notes before I pass on to Serpentarius:
- Just as a quick reminder on levers, the one on the top floor seals the three halls coming out from the Depot entrance, the one on the left near the farms opens both sides of the reservoir, and the one on the right near the farms opens the floodgate in front of the farm. I removed the lever to the western floodgate as I'm sure that lake will never refill.
- No migrants came at any point during the year. The ten Suikas in our fort are the only ones left in the world.
- There is no human caravan T_T ... since we can only trade with parseekkuris, making things to trade should be a low priority. We're gonna have to make our own stuff.
- The new damage system makes things stupidly hard to kill. The biokkuri basically ignored my stonefall traps (which obliterated any single humanoid creature in 40d). Go for fully loaded weapon traps, because we're totally defenseless right now and we're too outnumbered to try to raise a military. We have a lot of copper ore to work with, since we don't have much good metal go for quantity over quality.
- When we go to send me underground for mining operations, make sure the entrance to the mine is secured the same way the entrance is, because in DF 2010 there is some scary shit underground! Preferably have a hall leading to a mining entrance on the floor under Anathe's tomb.

Alright, I'm off.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2010, 10:18:41 AM »
Awesome job with the magma channel.  Hopefully it doesn't hit my FPS too badly.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2010, 10:21:04 AM »
Oh hurr forgot to upload folder. It'll be up in a couple minutes.

Edit: Here it is.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 10:30:45 AM by Stuffman »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2010, 10:22:44 AM »

Whew. Unfortunately I can't sign up again, since when the magma dropped, so did my framerate; my computer simply can't handle DF 2010.

I did meet most of my goals so I'm happy about that, hopefully we're in good shape moving into the next few years.

Well Stuffman, I should let you know two things.

First off, the frame rate should stablize after a while since the magma can only go so far. Then you shouldn't have to worry about frame rate issues in the long run.

And second as of this point, I got word from the DF front that the 0.31.05 is on it's way in production and they fixed the open GL graphic error. By the time it's out the frame rate should increase for some users. Feel free to try it once it's out. I'll will be posting it on the front page as usual. It should be out roughly around the beginning of June from what I recall hearing.

And I said before, I will be updating the DF model with every DF release!

Either way nice job Stuffman!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 10:33:46 AM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2010, 10:32:39 AM »
Alright cool, I heard some people reporting that the OpenGL was doubling their framerate, once it's working properly I should be able to play again. I'll wait and see if that's the case, though.


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2010, 04:22:41 PM »
I'm going to have to give up my turn this time and hope that I can get ahold of a better computer by the time I come around again, because the new version is just running way too slow on my computer.  I haven't even been able to get done with spring yet and my time's already half over.  Pass me up and put me back in the queue.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<

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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2010, 05:18:30 PM »
oh hell yes dwarf fortress

Won't sign up for this, but I'll keep an eye on the thread. I'm terrible at DF.  :V


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2010, 06:21:11 PM »
I'm going to have to give up my turn this time and hope that I can get ahold of a better computer by the time I come around again, because the new version is just running way too slow on my computer.  I haven't even been able to get done with spring yet and my time's already half over.  Pass me up and put me back in the queue.

Mmmmm alright, it's probably that lava that's doing this. It's going to cause a slow down. ^^;;

Course it should be a few days before 0.31.05 is out.

From what I heard already we can finally have those noble positions fixed so nobles that don't loose their positions.
And the Mayor bug has been fixed as well along with cleaning issues.

And it's also important to know that the open GL in 31.05 should be working by the time of it's release.
So if by some chance this turns into a trainwreck we can restart at another fortress. But let's see how this turns out...

Anyways I'll put you in the back of the list.

T34G3, your up!
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2010, 05:11:15 PM »
Ok here's another update: 0.31.05 has been released and according to Toady many changes have been fixed up mainly with cleaning and noble positions... but at the same time he fixed most of the issues with the openGL so before long I should have an open GL version avliable of Suika Fortress for you to download. I will probably make a legacy version as well. So here's the list of changes.
Quote from: Toady One
Crash fixes
   (*) SDL graphics mode should work now (Baughn)
   (*) creating squads in Linux shouldn't crash the game now
   (*) stopped melting items from eventually crashing the game

Major bug fixes
   (*) animals/babies no longer try to clean themselves at water sources
   (*) stopped losers from keeping their positions at elections (could not easily repair old saves with this problem though)
   (*) fixed problem where ID numbers would be invalid on load after generating a world
   (*) adjusted seasonal temperatures (should actually fix the rain bug)
   (*) SDL grid sizes no longer stuck on 80x25 if you let intro movies play (Baughn)

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) site finder will advanec without keypresses now
   (*) SDL version 2D mode colors are corrected (Baughn)
   (*) stopped cursor from skipping over large entries in stocks screen in SDL versions (Baughn)
   (*) ESC no longer quits SDL keybinding screens instead of going up a level (Baughn)
   (*) slow SDL unit offloading and other similar problems sped up (Baughn)

New stuff
   (*) immediately runs elections for unappointed, unelected positions like expedition leader if leader dies
   (*) can set held key repetition behavior in SDL versions from init.txt (Baughn)
   (*) SDL version 2D mode now allows zooming (Baughn)

« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 06:13:36 PM by Totaku »
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #50 on: June 05, 2010, 01:44:40 AM »
Ok one last bump, this is for everyone since it's important.

I went through and tested the features and as far as I have seen it all works fine. So as of right now, I'm launching the OpenGL version of Suika Fortress 0.31.05.

I highly recommend that you all download it and try it since it should boost the frame rate of your game play most likely.

I've also changed a bit of the rules in 3, 4 and 6 since they are related to the open GL functions in Suika Fortress so go ahead and read them over.

Also I changed to section of bugs and highlighted the ones that are fixed. So we now have less bugs to worry about thankfully.

T34G3, if you haven't started yet, get this version, and if you have, get it once get through a season. It will allow you to smelt and melt objects and solve the noble issues without worry.

Edit: fixed an error in the graphics, now it should work

Edit 2: Also if for some reaons this runs slower, please say so, I may take what I have here and put a legacy version together of .05
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 03:31:48 AM by Totaku »
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2010, 04:16:42 PM »
I just realize it's been over a week, T34G3, I need a report  on  the situation and if needed an extention. If for some reason you cannot partake in it right now, I'll move you to the back and I'll take my turn using Stuffman's file.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2010, 09:55:03 PM »
Darn blast it, I just have to find this thread after I get a RL demand to go into full-grind mode for 2 months. First question: is cucumber beer in Suika Fortress? I adapted cucumber beer into my version of Dwarf Fortress from another mod so I can toss you the raws if you like, though I think adding new plants needs a world regen so it's not for this succession game.

Let's see... 10 suikas and no immigrants or trade in autumn. No human trade either... It'll be good for FPS I suppose (once the magma's settled) but it's so different from my usual style. I could try and take a break from RL to take a turn at the start of July (though mid-way through July is preferable) but I'll see nearer the time how this fortress and my work are going. My DF2010 FPS is >100 with population below 20 but that's in the early game when there are fewer items/rocks/yukkuris to keep track of.

Incidentally, how far underground are we going? And have we never found any iron ore so fa... oh wait, it's a volcano site, no sedimentary rock... no metal for trade either... this really is Hard Mode... Thank goodness we've got granite on this map, we have hope for bronze (which beats iron in DF2010).

Just had the thought... do Suikas mature into adults at age 12? Should this be brought down for Suikas (and I'm not sure if that can be done without worldregen making this question moot)?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 10:04:32 PM by Psieye »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2010, 11:12:11 PM »
Darn blast it, I just have to find this thread after I get a RL demand to go into full-grind mode for 2 months. First question: is cucumber beer in Suika Fortress? I adapted cucumber beer into my version of Dwarf Fortress from another mod so I can toss you the raws if you like, though I think adding new plants needs a world regen so it's not for this succession game.

Let's see... 10 suikas and no immigrants or trade in autumn. No human trade either... It'll be good for FPS I suppose (once the magma's settled) but it's so different from my usual style. I could try and take a break from RL to take a turn at the start of July (though mid-way through July is preferable) but I'll see nearer the time how this fortress and my work are going. My DF2010 FPS is >100 with population below 20 but that's in the early game when there are fewer items/rocks/yukkuris to keep track of.

Incidentally, how far underground are we going? And have we never found any iron ore so fa... oh wait, it's a volcano site, no sedimentary rock... no metal for trade either... this really is Hard Mode... Thank goodness we've got granite on this map, we have hope for bronze (which beats iron in DF2010).

Just had the thought... do Suikas mature into adults at age 12? Should this be brought down for Suikas (and I'm not sure if that can be done without worldregen making this question moot)?

Ah I'm glad to see someone is interested. But I'll explain.

First off, no Cucumber Beer is not in the current version of Suika Fortress. And yes it would require the regenerate the world and of course just by adding one item the world will change quite a bit. That's why I was unable to regenerate the same Fortress land before hand after adding in "Moon berries". But yeah I think we can add it in.  Because the way things are looking... depending on how everything plays out in the next year. We may or may not survive since I have noticed that Biokkuris are rather vicious in the new version (thanks to the wonky combat mechanics which are currently being fixed as we speak).

And with that we can put in the cubumbers for the next game.

And personally I would like to go deep to explore the new world, but in order to do that we will need to be fully prepared to go down there. Meaning all the Suikas will have to be fully armed to handle the underground life. But if we want to go down to hell it'll be for a game ender in our case unless we get lots of Suikas...

And if I recall correctly, we can alter the age a Suika ages. For our case I'm considering the Suika's becoming adults by age 2. But only for this game. I don't it'll be nessary if we try a full fledge fortress (unless we remarkablly lucky to get one here with the tweaking I'll be doing)

But otherwise, sure you can join in when your ready.

Anyways as of right now, I got Stuffman's file, but I'm going to hold off playing till I get a responds from T34G3 or till the time passes.

And by the way...thanks for your suggestion for the cucumber beer, probably the best thing I can consider adding in.
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #54 on: June 08, 2010, 08:54:39 AM »
Hmm, looking at how the current fort cannot get turtles, perhaps there should also be a domestic animal that yields shells on butchering for future Suika Fortresses? The CivForge mod there was domesticated giant cave crabs which were stocked for shells. For Suika Fortress... all I can think of are Nitorikkuris due to kappa shells. What do you think?

Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #55 on: June 08, 2010, 01:05:16 PM »

15th of Felsite

A parseekkuri caravan arrives from the west, that's hardly anything worth of reporting though as they don't sell any time items that would be considered by a sane mind as useful.

12th of Hematite

New weapon traps installed at the entrance, specialized at disfiguring, maiming and decapitating enemies of our little Suikas. Especially those who decide to take the middle path of the weapon traps are going to suffer the most out of all.

19th of Galena

Who was that person who said there is no human caravans coming soon to our fortress, and that there is only parseekkuri caravans? One thing more disproved this year.. Regardless, they sure do have some balls to come all the way through these serene lands where our fortress lies to do some lucrative business.

27th of Galena

A biokkuri ambush! Those poor mechanized creatures don't seem to have learned anything from the last time, when boulders rained from the ceiling on to their bodies, and bounced off harmlessly! But now their strategy that takes advantage of their morbidly obese bodies won't work anymore, the weapon traps are armed and will dice them into bean paste! And even if some of the Los Banditos Assholes somehow manage to get through the traps without a scratch, there's going to be the caravan guard taking care of them with spears.

Stuffman is hauling stuff around without minding his surroundings, and suddenly runs into a biokkuri bowman. Stuffman panics and runs to the entrance, along with the biokkuri bowman who is attracted by his manstuff, but this pursuit falls short after a giant axe blade swings down from the weapon trap with all the possible momentum, striking and slicing the biokkuri into two halves that spray bean paste and machine oil in every direction of a compass.

Another biokkuri witnesses the gruesome death of her comrade, and finds it so horrible that she runs straight into the traps to end her pitiful life of a bandit. However, even after running through all the traps, she is still alive, but is bleeding profusely with her upper right half and lower right half of her biokkuri body missing. What is remaining of her former face freezes from the shock into a horrifying expression, as if she had witnessed a ghost up really close.

A bunch of biokkuri swordsjerks gang up T34G3 and chop her body in seconds into an upper half and lower half.

Xan meets the exactly same fate of getting dismembered, alongside his body rests his copper battle-axe, which he used to defend himself before succumbing to the overpowering amount of biokkuri swordsjerks.

Zengar is shot multiple times at point blank by a biokkuri bowman, and suffers fatal internal bleeding before collapsing to the ground lifeless.

Stuffman is the only one outside of the fortress who manages to run away from the swordsjerks - although severely sleep deprived, Stuffman sprints into safety inside the fortress where the caravan guards stab the dying biokkuris trying to get inside. One of the biokkuris tries to go after Purvis, but the caravan guard thrusts with a spear through its full body length, making an oily shishkebab out of the mechanized yukkuri.

Finally, the encounter is over, with great casualties. Here is the entrance after the battle.

26th of Limestone

The ambush delayed clearing operation of this place. It's a branching path that leads to two would-be mining shafts, but of course I am not going to dig down yet for various reasons. Like that they are too close together in my opinion. It's located near Anathe's thomb a floor below.

12th of Sandstone

After two very short tantrums, Totaku is driven insane. Poor sap.

Also, decided to move mineshaft #2 further away.

On the way there, we strike a vein of native gold.

...and very valuable clear zircon!


After all the cool people, Xan and Zengar, died, I don't feel like continuing this anymore past winter. I'm sorry for being such a bother, I believe there is no reason to say that anymore though when I went through all this effort. Feel free to skip and I'm not joining again.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #56 on: June 08, 2010, 02:51:16 PM »
Ouch! This sounds rather intesne! Everyone's dying!

I know you may be quitting this game, but do you have the file to this fort?

I can tell this was going to be a rather short lived fortress and it appear it'll be the same, I would like to continue this tale and see if any Suika....even survive...

I think we'll be starting a new game sooner than I thought, cause this fortress is pretty much going to meet it's end before too long...
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 02:53:06 PM by Totaku »
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #57 on: June 08, 2010, 03:19:13 PM »

don't know how you're going to manage that, it's winter

Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #58 on: June 08, 2010, 04:17:14 PM »
For Suika Fortress III, what worldgen parameters will be used? I'm mainly wondering about region size and length of history, as they'll affect load times, savefile sizes and civilisation survival. Besides that, what to do about aquifers? I once had an aquifer pierce the first cavern, creating an instant FPS death as soon as I breached the underground (which was 1 z-level below the bottom of the valley I started in). Do we avoid high elevation changes when embarking on aquifers, make the caverns much deeper than default or erase aquifers all-together from the raws?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #59 on: June 08, 2010, 05:22:17 PM »

don't know how you're going to manage that, it's winter

Set up the last line of defence, that's for sure!

For Suika Fortress III, what worldgen parameters will be used? I'm mainly wondering about region size and length of history, as they'll affect load times, savefile sizes and civilisation survival. Besides that, what to do about aquifers? I once had an aquifer pierce the first cavern, creating an instant FPS death as soon as I breached the underground (which was 1 z-level below the bottom of the valley I started in). Do we avoid high elevation changes when embarking on aquifers, make the caverns much deeper than default or erase aquifers all-together from the raws?

I generally favor a world that's 129 x 257 with a complete ocean on one side, This is mainly because I like a world to have all the geographical elements. From glaciers to steaming hot jungles. Though I can drop it to 129 x 129 if you like. I still keep populations around the default level or raise them by 5 depending on the situation. The of course volcanos, I usually add those in so we can have more volcanic locations avaliable. *since it's a high demand location!* I also droped the z level a bit above ground from the highest point to save frame rates.

Course to the next game.... I'm dropping the Mega beast numbers a bit... It's because of them that they kill off the entire Suika Population and Momizikkuri population in this world because I made it too high.

But in general, it seems the people here rather avoid aquifers, never understood why. They can add fun to the game. But from what I've gone through I never had issues with aquifers killing the frame rate.... But you best bet is to avoid aquifers by going to a more inland area. Cause to be honest, I can't quite determine what controls how aquifers are created.

 I got the game file so I will be attempt to do my run in a bit. I wonder how this'll turn out....
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