Author Topic: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo  (Read 94605 times)


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #120 on: June 30, 2010, 11:44:08 AM »
i was right. it was a big fight.
but......right now im at 6000 turns.
yes, i broke the rules......but i spent 2000 turns doing household chores, so i thought i deserved extra 1000 turns.
UNFORTUNATELY, i can see that this fight will require lots more turns.

i've killed like.......up to 10 Yukannons? and lots of other Yukanakos.
BUT theres still lots more! (just how many are there?!)

everytime i approach the rune, a yukannon appears, and im forced to retreat and let it follow me so i fight it one-on-one.

each Yukannon costs about 80HP. then i have to rest and casts Regen continually.

this process takes a long time but its the beststrategy to kill them.
i have some VERY close calls.

sigh. i really want to end this turn with a rune......i think i have a strategy now. i'll just go get the rune, and forget about killing the Yukannons. But it will take another 1000 turns, forgive me for this, but i do think i deserve another 1000 (since i spent 4000 turns doing "household" from my previous 2 runs)

once i get the rune, i'll end my turn at Snake Pit 4. Totaku you may finish off the stray Yukannons ok?

finished it at 7100 turns. (since 2500 turns were spent before i actaully started the Snake pit 5 expedition, thats roughly 4500 turns to finish Snake Pit 5 (thats how epic it is, sadly i dont have much pics about it since its all one-on-one fights)
you don have to go back there anymore. will upload all pics and save file soon. also sign me up again.
but if its still not my turn by 4th July, i'll pass. in fact, i'll just post here to say if i can't do my turn.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 12:02:48 PM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #121 on: June 30, 2010, 12:39:02 PM »
Oh, you managed to slowly pull everything from the last floor of Kanako Pits. A commendably patient style indeed. Yeah I think it's fair you went to 7000 turns, we needed some serious inventory maintenance afterall.

Guwah... I need more sleep, will fix my report later...

Edit: decided to do it now, my images should be sync'd up properly this time.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 03:38:13 PM by Psieye »


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #122 on: June 30, 2010, 11:05:04 PM »

Guardian: And here i am again! Lets go kick some Yukanako ass!

Nue: huh? why the sudden change in mission.....oh wait. its a different Guardian.

Guardian: but first, lets go treasure hunting and tidy up some of our loot.

Nue: right. the only Guardian that actually back tracks and have an obssession with organized placement of our inventory.

Guardian: hey! its not my fault, besides, i've decided to move ALL our stuff to Lair 2. we dont want another hungry jelly incident.

Nue: ALL of them?  :o   this is going to be a long day indeed.

First thing, as indicated in the Epic Loot detector on the map, we venture to said spot to fing an artefact ring. we replace said Epic Ring with our current Teleport ring. this ring has *Tele, rF+ and Dam+4

then we trek our way back to Lair, using a new stairs u in D:14.

We end up in a completely unexplored area of D:13.

looks like the majority of residents in D:13 was hiding here all along.

Guardian: Ayaya~ this will take time. shall we retreat to go back another way?

Nue: are you kidding? these jokers are easy

True enough, they dont stand a chance with just some confusion potions.

Guardian: Hey.....what happened to that epic polearm?

Nue: im not sure...i probably left it behind at Lair

Guardian: what?! you dont leave powerful weapons behind you use them! Well, whatever, lets move on and find the stairs up.

Guardian: Oh dear, its The Good Girl Miko.

Nue: i believe we're not going to get along. since she's the embodiment of goody2shoes while i'm the embodiment of evil!

Guardian: well, i didn't really mean she's actually a good girl, Sanae is actually a s-

Nue: uh oh! She looks pissed that we crashed their pool party! Lets wreck it further with some stink bombs! Wahahaha!

we are at an advantage here, since all of tehm are in WATER, and we're on dry land. we can easily just Stink bomb them and-

Guardian: Oh gosh! the stink bombs didn't have an effect on Sanae! Run!!!!  :(

Nue: ARRRGH! my head!!!  :ohdear:

*Sanae seems to have a special leather armour. i assume its poison resistance.
It seems i was right, as even a poison bomb didnt have any effect.

had i not confused the majority of orks and that Troll first. i was tempted to use the LAST remaining healing potion, but lucky i saved it.

we retreat away into a corner, and Sanae followed us. (that way, the orks and Troll wont come to us, since they are confused and didnt see us retreat)
Sanae had a wand of lightning and tried to zap us.
Things look grim, although we still have 75% hp.

so i play Random Effects Wand Roulettle and after 4 tries, Sanae got teleported away.

Guardian: at least we can take care of her buddies before we fight her again.

Flandre: Play with Cirno!

Nue: omg, that annoying brat?!  ::)

Now, you may think an orc party + Troll is too much for Cirno but you'lll be pleasantly surprised. i sure was.

It would seem that the orks and troll can't attack well in their swimming pool, and since Cirno is above the water flying, she froze them into ice blocks easily.
oh yeah a yuupii came by and begged for food, but Nue kicked it away. the poor scabbing thing.

Nue: well look at that, she's actually good for something after all.

Guardian: im surprised she beat them  all (even though if Nue helped with some stink bombs).


sadly, Cirno got bored and returned to her true reality to freeze frogs.

we find the stairs up and Flandre rewards us well.
we got to the Lair and set to work on moving the stuff down a level. Meanwhile Nue was grumbling all the while.

we also got a gift of crystal ball, but it turns out Nue can't use it without proper Evocations.
*we also got a gift of scroll of noise........I'm really waiting for Flandre to give us something EPIC,so that i can ditch her later. so far we've only got mediocre stuff like half assed reinforcements, useless gifts and a little bit of money, and plenty of harmful stuff like mutations and hostiles and dangerous teleports.

Here, while doing housework, Flandre turns a plant into an altar. Is she Narcissist?

1500 turns spent tiding up.

Nue: phew. housework is not for me.

Guardian: shut up. its time to go treasure hunting.

Nue: you mean back tracking.

Ctrl + F "artefact"

you can use Ctrl + F to find any item or anything, such as spells in spell books etc and a waypoint will make your character take the shortest route possible. i used i in my previous run to find Staffs.

we explore the Lair artefacts first.

Yeah. Flandre's a  Narcissist. i found it like this....

After testing it on some plants, this is the epic loot. on Lair 5.

bought on Lair:8. meh, ill keep it anyway.  its not very useful.
keep in mind the shop in Lair 8 seems to have a crystal ball. heres hoping its ball of energy, but its $1000. too much  :derp:

The remaining arfect was in D:13 where we met Sanae. so we go there.....
and find her!

I brought the new halbeard, just for this occasion. time to end this!

Or not......YOU COWARD!

anyway, the ancient mace turned out to be a dud (cursed with -10 enchant). hate those things. imma throw it into deep water  :V

With that done, we return to Stash to prepare for a big battle.
down to Yukanako Pit :5, i find jsut waht i need. 2 cure mutation potions.
downing them cures us of mostly the bad stuff. (surprisingly. looks like im lucky TWICE)

Nue: thats good. Horns didn't suit me anyway.

Guardian: the stat drain is a pain, so im relieved thats gone.

Nue: So, you have a plan? im feeling rather nervous about this. i feel death in every corner.......and i have irrational images of me dying horribly in this place, but thats not true is it? it cant be because im still here......

Guardian: get a hold of yourself, the last thing we need is to pani-

Guardian: <gasp>

Nue: <GASP> <hyperventilates and almost pisses herself>

Guardian: RUN!

Nue: dontneedtotellmeAAAAAaaaa! 

A Yukannon follows us, and i decide its time to execute my brilliant plan.


Nue: what brilliant plan. we should be running like chi-


Nue: oooooowwwww!!!

Guardian: haaahaaa! ⑨ed in 2 hits.

Nue: thats your brilliant plan? sacrifice my health for such a risky gutsy move?

Guardian: i did say i'd do it harder.

Nue:  :blush:

Guardian: after all, its not Wise to engage in melee with these yukannon at this time.

Nue: .......somehow i think you know something about these dejavu experiences about dying.

Guardian: i have no idea what you're talking about

So yeah. thats my brilliant plan.

Divide and Conquer.
encounter one or a group only.
Spam hellfire, retreat(if there is others), cast Regen with  staff of Necromancy(better duration).
Eat flesh.
and find next target, and repeat.

of course, i only spam Hellfire for Yukannons and Tank Yukanakos and the serpent and magc using ones.

i can only spam a maximum of 3 hell fires.
then i must run fast, and cast regen.
always make sure your escape route is clear!!

Also, Hellfire doesn't train anything, so my exp pool fills up quite nicely. i train up enchantments with Regen, and also Conjurations with fire blasts. i also level up Polearms abit...

Flandre likes our gutsy plan.

after about 5 Yukannons, i feel confidnt enough to approach the rune....

NOT. a bunch of Yukannons and Serpent yukanako still there....

i try to dig in from the side, but it proves VERY disastrous.
it seems i jsut opened up a can of worms, as ALL THE STRONG YUKANAKOS COME POURING OUT OMG!

Flandre recognises our predicament and sends us some help.

Nue: <slightly worried> pffft. as if these weaklings can win against a Yukannon

nue was right, as the Yukannon laid waste to them. the tele teleported us nearby, but it brought us time to retreat.

Tele was kind to me. those Serpent yukanakos have  a habit of tele.i got teleported inside and got surrounded so i used my tele wand to tele back out.
as of now, my telewand is dangerously low.

you know you are going well when all you've done is spam Hellfire.

We are over quota, but Damn. i've killed alot usng this Divide and Conquer technique.
by only engaging one/ afew at a time, it takes a lot of turns(because of Regen)
but it seems clear enough.

so far, i've met some close calls, since after Hellfire, usually a stray yukanako or black mamba tries to finish me at low hp.
i had to use up my healing wands.....  :ohdear:

Now with all my healing wands finished.....i supposed its time to get the rune or declare this expedition fail.

Yes, the final barrier to the rune. it seems clear here, but only because i led them out and killed them outside.
hopefully this isn't another can of worms.

Turn Quota: nearly 7000

Guardian: There it is! get it before more comes!

We Hellfire the serpent.
Bad mistake.
it alerted a few coming from the sides. i bet more will come.

we grab the rune and make a run for it!

Nue: HAHA! Take that slow pokes <gives them the finger and a final Hellfire>

we end our turn at 7100turns.

so yes, our first rune of this run and boy was it hard~ (considering how many deaths we've had so far)

you can see i used up our Heal wands and almost used up out tele wand. it was neccessary to stay alive, but it wasn't very smooth.

Order of Business?

1. do a victory dance
2. WHAT EVER YOU DO KEEP RESIST MUTATION AMULET ON. we dont want anymore BS mutations.
3. Go to stash. and drop all useless junk ie
rune, robe of cold, empty wands etc.

Distilling Serpent yukanako give mutation potions.
evaporating them is random effect, soemtimes Poisoncloud, mostly Mutagenic fog (DONT GO INSIDE THERE), sometimes Cloud of Ice.

Staff of Necromancy = Better Regeneration.

Find Selective Amnesia spell. use staff of wizard + ring of wizard to cast amnesia. you can choose to forget any spell to make space for new ones. or course, we dont have the spell yet :P

Recharge wand of healing is OPTIONAL.
sine we have REgen....but maybe for emergencies.......

And finally.........

Ditch Flan.
Go to a safe spot with tele, and ditch Flan.
tele away, then try to lock yourself away wit hfood and wait out Flandre's Tantrums.
we got plenty of food for waiting out flandre's tantrums....i recomend a spot in Hive near that deep water.
use Levitation, and Disintegrator to make 1 free tile on the border.
stay on the border and let Flandre tthrow tantrums. the giants can't get you since you're surrounded with water,(also just STINK BOMB THEM so they fall into the water), and wait out the tantrum.

the next god should be Makleb......this is open to Discussion.

Edit:@ psieye.
clickable links are okay, but thumbnails look better.
since you use photobucket,
Click Share tab on a picture,
then click the Get Link Code tab, and copy paste the "clickable thumbnail" code for "bulletin boards and forums"
note that if everything is in the same folder, you only need to change the end numbers of your pictures, rather then copy paste the code for every picture


(close square bracket)URL=] (close square bracket) IMG][/img(close square bracket)  [/URL(close square bracket)

if the next pic, i merely copy code and change 67 into 68.

@ Totaku,
Hellfire is nice, to be used riskily.  but it wont be a good tactic in Eintei, sincey ou can't always outrun the Rabbits. whereas i can always outrun the yukanako in some way. (even if they cast haste, they're dead since i hellfire them)

we might leave Eintei:7 last level for later game since its really hard.... but who knows. Stink bombs and Poison bombs SPAM might do the trick, but it end disastrously, if you dont get ABJURATION first against the Inaba Demonologist.

Also, good luck killing Roxxane. i recommend you clear the level teh Hellfire spam Roxxane and hide to recuperate.
She can't move.
She regen very slowly or not at all.
take your time!
she has some nice Transmutation spellbook.
maybe even has Stone Form!

and finally, ditch Flandre :V

Edit2 : yes do sign me up.
i'll post to say if i can't do it, when i find that i dont have the time anymore.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 11:55:15 PM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #123 on: July 01, 2010, 12:09:47 AM »
so yes, our first rune of this run and boy was it hard~ (considering how many deaths we've had so far)

you can see i used up our Heal wands and almost used up out tele wand. it was neccessary to stay alive, but it wasn't very smooth.

Order of Business?

1. do a victory dance
2. WHAT EVER YOU DO KEEP RESIST MUTATION AMULET ON. we dont want anymore BS mutations.
3. Go to stash. and drop all useless junk ie
rune, robe of cold, empty wands etc.

Distilling Serpent yukanako give mutation potions.
evaporating them is random effect, soemtimes Poisoncloud, mostly Mutagenic fog (DONT GO INSIDE THERE), sometimes Cloud of Ice.

Staff of Necromancy = Better Regeneration.

Find Selective Amnesia spell. use staff of wizard + ring of wizard to cast amnesia. you can choose to forget any spell to make space for new ones. or course, we dont have the spell yet :P

Recharge wand of healing is OPTIONAL.
sine we have REgen....but maybe for emergencies.......

And finally.........

Ditch Flan.
Go to a safe spot with tele, and ditch Flan.
tele away, then try to lock yourself away wit hfood and wait out Flandre's Tantrums.
we got plenty of food for waiting out flandre's tantrums....i recomend a spot in Hive near that deep water.
use Levitation, and Disintegrator to make 1 free tile on the border.
stay on the border and let Flandre tthrow tantrums. the giants can't get you since you're surrounded with water,(also just STINK BOMB THEM so they fall into the water), and wait out the tantrum.

the next god should be Makleb......this is open to Discussion.

Edit:@ psieye.
clickable links are okay, but thumbnails look better.
since you use photobucket,
Click Share tab on a picture,
then click the Get Link Code tab, and copy paste the "clickable thumbnail" code for "bulletin boards and forums"
note that if everything is in the same folder, you only need to change the end numbers of your pictures, rather then copy paste the code for every picture


(close square bracket)URL=] (close square bracket) IMG][/img(close square bracket)  [/URL(close square bracket)

if the next pic, i merely copy code and change 67 into 68.

@ Totaku,
Hellfire is nice, to be used riskily.  but it wont be a good tactic in Eintei, sincey ou can't always outrun the Rabbits. whereas i can always outrun the yukanako in some way. (even if they cast haste, they're dead since i hellfire them)

we might leave Eintei:7 last level for later game since its really hard.... but who knows. Stink bombs and Poison bombs SPAM might do the trick, but it end disastrously, if you dont get ABJURATION first against the Inaba Demonologist.

Also, good luck killing Roxxane. i recommend you clear the level teh Hellfire spam Roxxane and hide to recuperate.
She can't move.
She regen very slowly or not at all.
take your time!
she has some nice Transmutation spellbook.
maybe even has Stone Form!

and finally, ditch Flandre :V

Edit2 : yes do sign me up.
i'll post to say if i can't do it, when i find that i dont have the time anymore.

Well to start off... I think it would be better to just stick with Flan, sure it's hell on earth, but if we can grab 3 runes and get the BEER OF ZUN, then we will have accomplished an awesome thing! Survive a Flandre (Xom) Run! I perdict this month of uphead will probably be more deticated to getting the other two runes.

But there is one thing....Doesn't the mutation resistant amulet not prevent god related mutations? I swore that it didn't when I played it. '

Otherwise, I would still consume mutation related products either way.  It'll make Flan happy! :P But for now we can try to play cautious since we have alot to worry about (plus this run so far we've had alot or rotten luck.

Either my main concern is to either to go to the Shaols (which we'll have to deal with Reisen) or Enietei where we'll have to fight Kanako (Who I still claim to be one of the meanest uniques since she had a bad rap for killing me in my sleep. RRAAAAAGGGEEE!

But I'm still calling nay on Abandoning Flan. Only for the sake of awesome.

And also I'll let your 7000 turn slide this time....only because you got a rune.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 12:12:15 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #124 on: July 01, 2010, 12:18:50 AM »
Eintei is much easier than Reisen.
even my level 27 nuker char die very easilyagainst Reisen.

Unless, you met Reisen, and quickly do the following:

1. put on a ring of Prevent SpellCasting.
2. Put on amulet of Inaccuracy
3. put anything on that has a weakness, ie, teleportitis, AC-10??, rF-- etc

let Reisen make an illusion of you, so that the illusion has those characteristics: NO spells and Always miss.

then you can take them off!

of course Reisen ALREADY made a illusion. maybe that tactic wont work anymore?

So yeah, Nuke Kanako, and continue to clear Eintei. Proceed to Eintei :7 at your own risk. It doesn't have ay runes it may not be worth it.

Whereas, Shoals has a rune, but we have to kill Reisen First.
Hellfire spam......may work.....need to check Reisen's resistances though! she may resist Fire....

Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #125 on: July 01, 2010, 12:50:38 AM »
Regarding the Bardiche of Wealth - what's the point of carrying it around when we have lousy Polearms skill? To use it at max speed you need Lv 26 Polearms (unlike mid-tier weapon classes that only need Lv 14). Right now that speed brand just means we can swing it as fast as we swing an ordinary spear. A Bardiche has -6 accuracy modifier by default, and the Wealth has +1 to accuracy. That means with our lousy Polearms skill we get a penalty as bad as if we're wearing an amulet of inaccuracy. Do you really want to carry around a heavy weapon that you can't hit reliably with, just because if it did hit it could do a lot of damage? If you want damage, we've got Blade Arms for those critical situations while we train up Polearms.

I'll re-edit my post for thumbnails if other people insist on it as well - RL is busy on me still.

By the way, have you changed the mod again? Mara was Sikieiki and you said Reisen was a normal Rakasha. Personally Mara = Reisen makes much more sense to me too, but Sikieiki for her mirror works I suppose.

Everyone's still thinking of Eientei and the Shoals, are the later levels of the dungeon really that much harder to train in in your experiences? Tied to that: We've got way too few mutations in my view. That's why my intent is to go hunting FOEs (ugly things) and gather some 10~20 mutation potions (don't eat mutagenic meat, Nue is a transmuter - make it a potion first). My own personal experience is that after some 20 mutation potions they cancel out the bad mutations and leave you with a mostly decent set of mutations, hopefully also locking it down with Genetic Stability. This is a Flandre run and we inherently savescum in this succession game. What's to lose with a high risk mutation gamble? Flandre would love it for one thing (space out the mutation potion quaffs so she stays entertained).


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #126 on: July 01, 2010, 01:58:18 AM »
Lets just say i kill orks in one hit with Bardiche of Wealth,while using normal spears seem to take more than 1 hit. i simply use it to save turns.
As for so called "can't hit reliably", thats where the other weapon comes in, with the +8 accuracy Halbeard of fire.
so yeah, i use bardiche of wealth on weak monsters for king hits, and the other halbeard on tough monsters that dodge, like Sanae as we've just seen. the halbeard seems to hit all the time.

also, i dont like Blade arms that much since it interfere with spellcasting.
my usual fightingstyle is to recast buffs during fights, such as Regen, so when using Bardiche or Halbeard, i can cast successfully, whereas, when using blade hands theres an element of risk of spells going wrong. its just my style of playing it safely.
also, i just like bringing my unique weapons along  :V

The other branches are either Vaults or Slimepits.
Vaults......i dont dare GO THERE without Deflect Missiles. (bad experience with steel and silver missiles, also brand new layout of Vaults:7)
Eintei :7,needs abjuration.
Shoals seems to blocked off by a Reisen, but seems doable. even the rune can be obtained, if we kill Nitori fast. She's vulnerable to both Stink bombs and fire, which mean Hellfire Spamming is the key to victory.

its alright to just try Vaults for some exp. but keep in mind that you're going to get into a lot of trouble, especially if luck doesn't favor you and ALL those FOEs turn green. (poison resist + attack).
i dont think its as easy as you make it sound  :V

Edit: i suspect that surviving FOEs affect other FOEs. if theres more Green than others, then the rest turn green. Evaporate potion of mutation change their colors so you have better chance of killing some of them.

but i disagree with the mutation roulette.
we've already seen the effect of mutations and some are jsut terrible. in MY experience mutation roulette just continually gives bad mutations after bad mutations for each potion.
it be terrible if the bad mutations also get locked down too. such is the trend in my RNG mutations.
(for example the stat drain mutation was so annoying, i had to down a restore ability potion. and we only have1-2 left! these potions dont come often)
unless of course we turn to jiyva to get rid of bad mutations. this mutation roulettle should be left for end game though.

a mutation roulette right now or this early will end badly......i can forsee it.  :3

Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #127 on: July 01, 2010, 09:43:40 AM »
Fair enough, the Wealth would be more reliable against weak mobs and it's your preference to hold onto it instead of ice form or blade hands for those situations. We sure have different definitions of playing safe - grabbing the snake rune even with a slow 1-on-1 style this early on is high risk in my book. That's the fun of a succession game I guess - different play styles clash over the one character.

Incidentally, why are we still only thinking of branches for EXP? Is there something wrong with going down to D:20-ish (or Vaults:6) with the sole intent of grinding EXP? Of course ideally I'd want swift, blink, dispel undead and deflect missile in our knowledge before we venture further but we're denied the easier branches with those uniques. FOEs tend not to stay all one colour when they're next to each other. Slime monsters are a larger threat than green FOEs in my experience.

We'll leave the mutation question to each player's judgement I guess.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #128 on: July 02, 2010, 04:21:41 PM »
Ok here's an update to Touhou Crawl.

This mod gives the following:
Shikieki has been replaced with Reisen now

Mokou now replaces Azriel (not that it matters cause we defeated her already!)
Mokou yukkuris are efreets

And Komachi now replaces the reaper.

And also as another point to explain my run....I should either mod or simply play. I haven't decided cause I seem to loose my concentration too much....

Basiclly, don't ever...


to the yukkanako pits AGAIN!

Basiclly, when hellfire decides to backfire on you when you got a yukkano barreling at high speed at you all is lost.... end of story... I waste my turn pretty much. (Barasia, whatever you did it's too much of a risk for me)


The order is pretty much the same....

Turn list:
Barasia (may not be able to participate?)

Muallar's next as usual!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
Now I Twitter


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #129 on: July 03, 2010, 12:55:19 AM »
UGH. >.>
i did say you dont have to return there.

here are some facts, that i probably didn't make very clear earlier.

1. Nue CANT melee one on one with a yukannon. even with full hp. blade hands can work(i tried) but its risky if the yukannon hasted it self. trust me on this. Melee battles with one at this stage is risky without some method of escape if things go bad. The Yukannon has a habit of Teleporting you or itself if its injured.

2. It takes TWO hellfires to kill a yukannon. That means it takes roughly 80hp to kill one.
Sometimes it takes THREE. if thats the case(rarely), by then its very weak, you can kill it very easily in two ways
i. Fire blast spam
ii. retreat + Regen, and when its possible, a Final Hellfire to finsh it off.
iii. heal + Hellfire once more. (thats why the heal wands got used up)
retreat meaning: make sure it can't see you and you can't see it, so it doesn't cast haste

3. Always keep your distance. Yukannons ONLY cast haste when they can see you.
If they cast haste, consider the following:
Can you kill it in immeadiately in your next turn or next 2 turns?(hellfire)
if not, Calculate your options of escape(closest stairs or tele self)

4. when you succesfully kill one, get to a safe spot and use Regen to rest to full hp.
*a safe spot you know there isn't any enemies there, or up the stairs

If you encounter a Yukannon,
and your not at FULL hp (thats right!, FULL hp)
RUN AWAY! (use spider form)

my conclusion is, in the ideal condition, with maximum 7 tiles spacing.
you have 2 turns to kill it. (2 hell fires)
my exact strategy is:
1. find a yukannon.
2. calculate spacing( good is more than 5 spacing, bad is less than 5 tile spacing)
3. If good spacing, See if you can use2 hellfires to kill it.
4. if not goodspacing, or you are not at fullhp.....RUN
4i. if not good spacing and fullhp.....its either hopeful 2 turn kill or a risky melee battle OR still run away
5. Get it out of your sight as soon as possible. it only casts haste if it sees you. it wont caste haste if you go round a corner. (applies to Executioners)

i understand when people say that this is too much risk, but i'll argue that its calculated risk, compared to a Melee battle with a Yukannon.
The melee battle with Yukannon, in my opinion, is more riskier for the following reasons

i. theres always a chance that theres more yukanakos jsut around the corner (WHY DID THEY ABOLISH DIVINATIONS OMG I NEED DETECT CREATURES!).

ii. when you melee, you better make sure you can kill, otherwise.....if things go wrong, theres no escape. except when you get lucky and it teles you away.
It is BOUND to cast haste in melee battles. Unless you can haste yourself, A hasted Yukannon is very bad odds, even with blade hands.

Besides, how you really calculate when you're in deep shit in melee? what is the critical hp mark?(as a sign of a tele retreat) its much harder to know when things are going bad, until its way too late.

Melee battles should be left for Tanks, who have insane hp/AC/EV, where its much easier to tell when things go bad or overwhelming.
Nue currently has half assed hp, AC and EV.

And also as another point to explain my run....I should either mod or simply play. I haven't decided cause I seem to loose my concentration too much....

hmm.......from the looks of your screenshot, you just had bad luck, encountering a yukannon just around the corner, (which meant BAD SPACING and probably not full hp).
that spelled death for you (but you had one last tele wand charge)....

i suppose you can simply play, but not the extremely hard levels (like Last Levels of Yukanako pits or Eintei)

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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #130 on: July 03, 2010, 01:05:56 AM »
I knew the risk I was getting into. I'm sometimes known for being a risk taker.

Actiually I confronted it from the distance. The problem was.... Hell fire failed to activate! Not once...BUT TWICE!!! In a row. I was taking a gutsy move to see if I could fight it using the hellfire approch. But alas it killed me before it could do any real damage to it. So yeah I was basiclly trying something and it failed.

And if I remember correctly, Divination was removed beause "it was too cheap" according to the Crawl devs.  I guess because it made things too easy to thier perspective. Maybe they want us to die cheap deaths.

And now they remove the death knight for 0.7? Maybe because it too simlar to a tank necromancer. Thief was removed too, but that class is almost never used so that's understandable. 
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #131 on: July 03, 2010, 02:10:55 AM »
Huh? Remove Death Knights in 0.7? As long as there's some option for having Yredemnul from the start then I guess that's ok, class choices mostly affect the earlygame afterall. It's like when they nerefd Summon Small Mammals - before that used to be my ultimate Chaff spell. Now I only get 2 at a time instead of 6~7 so it's more balanced as a very early game spell (i.e. it's not meant to be used later on).

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #132 on: July 03, 2010, 09:31:55 PM »
I'm split on the subject of weapons.  On one hand, later in the game we can wield a demon trident quite effectively--and punch, too, as tridents are hand-and-a-half weapons.  Thus both Polearms and Unarmed Combat will be useful.  But on the other hand, we're already dangerously spread out in skills, and certainly don't want a situation where we have just Tomb, Vault:8, Elf:7, Hell, Pan and Zot left and no trump cards to our name.  Plus Flandre can animate our weapon and make it attack us.

I think the best course of action would be to focus on casting for now.  We may not be able to get Fire Storm castable by the time we hit the big leagues, but we are coming up on Haunt, and Haunt/Shatter makes quite the combo.

Oh, and I'm turning Armour off.  Have you seen what they did to it in 0.6?

Update is coming soon.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #133 on: July 03, 2010, 09:37:15 PM »
There is always the Abyss for EXP grinding if all else fails. But yeah, we need to spec heavily in one direction. I wasn't thinking of Fire Storm being our solution though, since we're already high on Transmutation (presumably much more than Conjuration) wouldn't Dragon Form be our endgame? Then we could sit in Gehenna and farm EXP there.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #134 on: July 03, 2010, 10:37:00 PM »
Dragon Form rapes our EV, unfortunately.  Also, I had the post about half done, but then I hit Backspace without the text box selected and it sent me back to the thread, losing what I'd typed.  So it'll be a while longer.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #135 on: July 03, 2010, 10:39:25 PM »
Ah, I didn't know that about Dragon Form. I'll wait for your update and then see where I'll take Nue.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #136 on: July 04, 2010, 01:01:46 AM »
We're back!  Flandre sends up a welcoming committee.

They don't do anything, though, so I move some stuff from the Temple and Lair:1 to Hive:2.  I usually prefer Hive to Lair for a forward stash, as it tends to be deeper in the dungeon--but not this game, strangely enough.  Still, jellies will never appear in Hive.

"You know, I hate moving, though."

"You poor thing.  Let me take your mind off it."

"AUGH!  Fuck you!  No, really, fuck you!  What was that even for?"

"I'll fix it as my housewarming present.  Remind me."

I move some stuff from Lair:1, as well as the Temple, to Hive:2.  I also optimize our inventory a bit.  For instance, situational stuff like the amulets of stasis and rage can go for now.  I'm also saving our scrolls of fog, as we can just Evaporate water if we need fog.  The scroll is better, but it may be needed in the endgame.  (For the same reason, we should really save our healing/hasting/teleport wand charges.)  I also recharge our wand of healing and take the wand of hasting with us.

Oh, and I pick up Sticky Flame.  I'm passing up Blink and Repel Missiles for now, but this spell will carry us through most of the Dungeon.


"No Pyro jokes, please."

Anyway, I'm scoping out more of the Dungeon when we meet Norbert.

"The guy with the comic strip?"


"Good.  I hate that comic."

We take him out without much trouble... but we're soon reminded that we're not the only thing around that can toss Sticky Flames.

"Ahhh!  Water, quick!"

You know, in some states, if you want to carry a taser you have to be tased yourself so you know what it's like.

"That's an interesting piece of trivia that DOES NOT HELP ME RIGHT NOW!"

Anyway, amulet of conservation goes on pronto to keep the flame from eating all our scrolls.

And that's that.  Note that the mummy helpfully improved some of our ammunition.

By the way, you know what I said about Flandre animating our weapon against us?

Now aren't you glad we're unarmed?

"You're welcome."

"Totally could've taken him myself."

We then find a Tome of Destruction.  This book can be read to cast a random conjuration.  It does have a chance of backfiring, though.

On the next level, we encounter a rakshasa.  (I thought we were replacing these with Reisen, but I guess not, so... thanks for joining us, Shou.)

"Thanks for having me."

"Hey, do you like poetry?"

"Love it."

"Do you like William Blake?"


"Ever read The Tiger?"

"I don't think I like where thi-- GYAAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhk"

Oh, and this is why I put the leather armor of positive energy back on:


"Tough love, Nue."

We continue on through the Dungeon, and Flandre keeps working her magic.

Also, we run into an eye of devastation.  From learndb:

A giant eye that shoots irresistible 3d20 bolts of energy.

"Gahh!  I could've told you that!"

Yes, all that blood and missing HP is from one hit.  But we defeat the Eye and continue down... into an ambush!

This is where that Tome of Destruction comes in handy.

Also, you wanted Dragon Form?  Here it is.

You don't see it, but Dragon Form knocks our EV down to 14.  We can almost one-hit Suikas, though.

And we end here, at 82000 turns (having started at turn 77000.)  I'll be seeing you again in a few days, so until then, stay classy.

"Next episode, Nue gets berserkitis, teleportitis and genetically stable 3."


"I'm just reading what it says."

"Wha--who wrote this?"


"God dammit."

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #137 on: July 04, 2010, 01:56:31 AM »
Cool, so we got Sticky Flame. By the way, wands of random effect are really handy for keeping Flandre entertained - we got double drained because she grew bored. In case of emergency, drink a confusion potion and make a fool of yourself by falling down stairs.

Ok got the save, will look into this after I sleep. Seems we couldn't make the July 4 time limit for barasia.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #138 on: July 04, 2010, 02:59:21 AM »
i said im leaving on 6th of july. that means i can still watch/play until the 6th.

ideally, i like it if i get to play it on the 4th, but i still can do a run on the 5th. if i think i dont have time, i'll just post to notify to skip my turn.


also got roxanne yet?
(i only see a tome, so Roxanne is still alive?)

what are your opinions on statue form?
i  think the rElec and  rN and rPois are great. you may even use other rings.
EV is not reduced, which is a good thing.......
you can use weapons, and your helmet(we have a helmet of see invisible back in Lair, did you move it to Hive?) and a cloak(good for that cloak of preserve)
The Stoneskin also boosts AC, so you have both AC boost and EV advantage.
the only downside is the slowness.....

on the otherhand, dragon form grants great attack power, and flight but has weaknesses
i. no gear except for rings and amulets
ii. cold vulnerable (thankfully we have cold resistance mutations)
iii. EV penalties.....

So stone form are the contradiction to Dragon form,
where stone form preserves EV, Dragon form penalise it
stone form allows some gear, Dragon form disallows all gear
stone form grants resistances, Dragon form resistances are tailored toward fire.
stone form is slow, dragon form allows flight(coupled with swift is awesmoe)

Then again Dragon form shines in its Bite attack and Fire bolt ability.

it looks like Dragon form is the clear winner, as long as you can find other sources of resistances for rN+ rC+ and rElec.
(if thats the case, theres no point to learn Polearms or any weapons for that matter.)

On the subject of Dragon form, a particular patch caught my eye
the dragon form patch seems like a great idea, as we can turn into a Death dragon! or a even a Storm Dragon!
that would make Dragon Form a very flexible spell with variable resistance.

*shapeshifter race patch seems to suit Nue, i wonder why these patches weren't developed or even considered in the mainstream versions.

i really haveno idea how to apply these patches, as it seems to run in linux OS.

EDIT: it appears i dont have time to play on the 5th.
oh well, skip my turn. i wont be back for 2 weeks, which is really a retirement statement.
(unless somehow, this thread still survives and is not finished in 2 weeks, which is unlikely.)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 05:37:11 AM by barasia »
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #139 on: July 04, 2010, 06:28:54 AM »
Roxanne is presently still alive and kicking.

I would hold off on using spell slots for any more forms for now.  We still have several utility spells (Blink, Repel Missiles, Swiftness) to learn, as well as staple attacks (Haunt, later Shatter and Fire Storm.)

We are on a Necromutation track, though.

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #140 on: July 04, 2010, 01:56:08 PM »
Ok, so we're going the path of Transmutations towards Necromutation and possibly Statue Form and Dragon Form too. Very well, pouring all points into Transmutation and Necromancy, while leaving Conjuration off makes sense.

First, I'm going to set spell shortcuts the way I'm used to it. I fucked up last time because of reflexes expecting 'e' to be evaporate instead of sticks to snakes. Next, I'll probably use the spear of chaos to entertain Flandre. Excellent she's easily amused by this. We've solved Flandre boredom problem.

Finished clearing D:16, I go back to Hive:2 for inventory maintenance.

Hmm so we're a plaything of Xom now. Anyway, onwards to D:17 after I picked up some extra arrows and I killed a Rankkuri (snakes as chaffs and this +8/+3 bardiche of flame artifact).

Antique shop, since we're not going for armour I ignore the artifact scale mail but I do get this artifact robe. Let's see what it is:

...... that's 8 AC less than the leather armour we have now. Ditched even though it has useful addons to it.

Oh and we got an amulet of Clarity now.

Some FOEs were farmed for more mutation potions. And a few shapeshifters - there's no way there'd be draconians or kappa around here normally. Amulet of warding Get.

Hmm Flandre must have been bored to be amused by merely drawing a card from this plain deck. I better entertain her thoroughly. Ah excellent, a random wand. And I test out this unidentified wand and it turns out to be Polymorph - even more ammo for keeping Flandre entertained - she thought it was hilarious~

..... I seriously shouldn't play after one of my endgame characters... Really wasn't expecting suikas to accurately land hard hits, I'm too used to killing them too quickly to notice:

Bad mistake was carrying too many things. We're relying on those gloves of +Str to not be encumbered so any transmutation seriously hurts us (especially when Flandre stat drained us and I didn't go back to drink a Restore potion).

Edit: forgot to mention: sign me up again.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 03:55:06 PM by Psieye »


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #141 on: July 04, 2010, 04:08:55 PM »
hmmm you did it much faster than i anticipated.
i expected you to do it much later, which was why i said i didn't have time.
despite saying "skip my turn", may i retake it? it turns out i just have enough time for one last run, since Psieye ended earlier than i expected.

Edit: that was fast. i already finished my turn.
heres what i did: Paved the way to Eintei:7
KILLED LOTS OF UNIQUES(forgot Roxanne, she's still alive :P)

you guys were wise to not veture further into eintei:6.

but i preservered, killing Kanako and several other uniques.
will post the save and story shortly.


No fancy story today. im low on time, so i'll make ths quick.

We start off at roughly 82000 turns, that means we should end at  roughly 87000 turns.
from the looks of things, Nue isn't ready for Vaults yet(see Psieye's death to Suikas)

that means, my main focus will be Eintei revisted.

we meet some bees on the same level D:16. a bit of entertainment for Flan.

surprisingly we kick a stone giant's butt(simple confusion potion+ blade hands galore) without getting a singlehit on us, and Flandre likes this and grants us an unneccessary favor.

Back at thelair, i identify the spear. its not impressive. but it has tendencies to heal your enemies, which entertains flan abit.

why manual of dodging? you never know when your exp pool reaches 20000, especially if one comes with confusion potion spam at a death corridor with lava on Eintei:7
(strangely i haven't seen one yet......maybe they removed it)

on our way to Elven halls, i find that ORc:4 is not full explored, a bit of curiosity and- OMFG

That guy is super tough, equivalent to Manic Priest + Manic Warlord.
even my high level characters have difficulty taking him down.

thankfully he can be confused and poisoned.

Which means, Confusion spam + poison spam + Sticky flame spam + blade hands + Haste = Epic Pwnt.

that took a bit of planning btw. at first i only used confusion + blade hands + invisible.
I GOT AWAY WITH 10 HP. Roka couldn't see me in he didn't chase me fast enough before i reached the stairs to Regen.

the spam was a success.
and i run out of confusion potions(yes all 20)
oh wait  we got more at the entrance in Eintei :1
oh well.


the place where totaktu dreads Kanako.

FU- she casts sleep too?!

The stairs were nearby, so i went up.
Unfortunately Kanako FOLLWED.(thats god since Eintei:4 is clear...i think)

Fortunately, i tele away just in the nick of time wih 20 hp left.

and then....getting ready for an epic battle.

Resistance potion(my only one) + Regen + Blade hands + Haste GO!!!!!!

it was a success.

thats a relief, since we dont have to meet any more Uniques in Eintei :5.......OH.........

as soon as Aya wakes up....


i end up in one of those situations where i THINK for 5 minutes. to come up with this:
1. drop all potions
2. cast blade hands.
3. Haste

it was a success, not only she's cut off, shes practically defeated.

Fuck you RNG! why does thou taunt me so?!

so this is what i did. dropped all scrolls.
waltz in for 40 hp damage. get stuff, waltz out for another 40 hp damage, pick stuff up.
i dont drink the restore abilty potion yet.....not until the stat drain becomes critical.

Right......yet another Unique.
Thats 4 uniques in one map. This ones easy though, with a confusion potion.

Eintei:5 CLEAR (99% i think)

yes, yes an altar to Flan means some goodies....i think.

i was right, as i find a ring nearby. keep it on to prevent stat drain! unless in emergencies.

Dang, anther Unique, this time is Iku Nagae.
I confusion spam, but not before She zaps me FOR 80 HP IN ONE TURN! (we really need stone form for rElec!)
even tually i kill her with the help of confusion spam(our supplies running low. get more from Lair or sumthing)

Reward is cloak of Invisible(that way we dont need the ring of invisible)
also a sabre of elecricity, but Nue cant use it

we become Flandre's Teddy after that battle, we get some more money too.

End our turn in 87000 turns.

Eintei :6 50% clear.
1. get more confusion potions from stash.
2. keep sustain ability ring on.
3. we have a book we can't understand....i wonder that it is. Demonology? Annihilations? oh dear......(i think i found it in Eintei :5)

Good luck Totaku! dont go to Eintei:7 btw :P unless you can Confusion spam or have some way to kill those high level Inaba,

Thats it from me. you wont hear from me for 2 weeks, so heres hoping Nue gets the Beer of Zun!

« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 06:35:35 PM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #142 on: July 04, 2010, 05:59:24 PM »
Yeah I'm in GMT +0, so "after I sleep" usually means about the time people are sleeping in the US. Looks like you had a grindfest, slowly taking on each unique at a time. Good job clearing the path.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #143 on: July 04, 2010, 06:37:38 PM »
Im in Australia.
And i did this run from 2.00am until 5.00 am. (im supposed to be sleepi-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #144 on: July 04, 2010, 06:54:23 PM »
Ah, you're around GMT+8 then. Ok, safe travels and definitely gj on tackling an ice dragon. Gah I remember a time when I dumped my scrolls and a dragon burnt all of them at once with its breath. Oh and Eientei:7's corridor of death lava still exists, I just had a character see it in one of my own games. The really annoying part is that the elves (rabbits) loot their own vaults so if you kill them by drowning, then you lose loot. Well, Eientei:7 is a lategame consideration anyway. Let's see where Totaku takes us next.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #145 on: July 05, 2010, 08:21:45 AM »
Well I know you all said.... that we should avoid the last floor. But oddly I've been feeling pretty gutsy. I got one heck of a story to tell you! And it's anything but normal. Because everything pretty much.  I'll probably post the story later, but from the way things look.

I think the next player is about to have some FUN! Not of the losing kind like in DF but fun as in where we are. Let's just say that as of this run, I can say this was the most fun I had in Crawl. Makes me glad I skipped doing sprites this time.  Always seems to distract me and made me loose my concentration.

I'll post the update sometime tomorrow. As I'm feeling a bit tired after trying to survive this wicked run.

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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #146 on: July 05, 2010, 11:09:40 AM »
The really annoying part is that the elves (rabbits) loot their own vaults so if you kill them by drowning, then you lose loot.

If its lava, we lose it permanently.
if its deep water, we still have a chance to retrieve it using Ice form, since Ice lets us float above deep water.

oh boy Totaku can't wait to see your run, although......tomorrow, i may not have time to read it. oh well, it would seem you tackled Eintei:7, one of the most hardest Last Levels.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #147 on: July 05, 2010, 05:10:55 PM »
Alright, it's time to tell a story that is filled with excitement, drama and insanity of every kind. For roughly 5500+ turns I can only describe this as the most exciting Crawl adventure. Nue definetly went through alot here....

When our adventure continued, Nue was down on floor 6 of Enietei, with at least half of the room cleared out.

So Nue decided to look through the remains of the floor....

While killing some bunnies, she managed to come across a potion of healing wounds.... very useful, taking it!

As Nue continued the bunny extermination she was busy fighting an inaba knight when all of of sudden flan decided it would look better as an eye of devistation! And yes I was quite scared, but thankfully I killed it before it even decided to attack me. So all is well.

Nue checked out the remains of the former Inaba knights equipment, and to my surprise I found a long sword of electricity. Could be useful maybe, so I added that in to the collection.

Anyways, Nue's stash was pretty packed so she decided to return to the hive to lighten your load. Mostly putting down useless scrolls, equipment, and few other small nicknacks that weren't needed. Because she was busy getting ready for a serious battle.....

But before returning to Enitei she ran into something very rare and unusual.... A Yaktard captain! On floor 9!

Yaktars are crossbow weilding creatures that can plow you down with thier bolts. But just like the yukku-Eirin, they have one main weakness....confusion potions... So Confusion potions, sticky flame, and then blade handed it to death!

It works wonders on it!

Afterward Nue decided to return to Enietei and enter....Floor 7

This is the bottom floor of Enitei, pretty much considered by many to be extremely dangerous because down here you will confront high rank inaba enemies that you haven't confronted in the previous floors...

Many recommend against going down here this early, but I'm a risk taker and today I felt like this would be a chance to have some fun....

First thing I confronted was a typical rabbit. Weak and frail and near her was an amulet. I got the amulet, but instead of puttng it on, I decided to just examine it. As far I know we haven't discovered an amulet of Faith, and as I know that while good for pleasing gods, can make them less interested in you once you remove it. I assume this also applies to Xom, so I deiced that best measure was to examine it....

Well either way, I'm safe, an amulet of inaccuracy is not an amulet that one wants since it' make your chances of hitting drop.

Then all of a sudden Flan got bored and sent her friend to play with Nue.... and not in the friendly way....

I would taken them on, but there's a blasted SOUL EATER. I'm not going to risk taking damage and being drained like crazy with that thing.

Taking a risk via teleport!

Good call thankfully.
Nue managed to escape. And before long she confronted a squad of inabas. Good thing confusion potions is our friend here.

It's even great for crowd control!

Among killing the inaba squad, Nue found a scamitar of protection. Good for giving her extra defence. That's about it. But either way taking it!

Then Nue confronts her first big opponent...

The Inaba demonologist

Inaba demonologist are pretty much big time summoners who tend to summon demons in massive numbers. And on some occasions.... High rank ones, like Executioner (I HATE THEM). They can also banish you if they feel like it.

Thankfully a confusion potion goes a long way with these guys...

While confonting a squad of rabbits, Nue ended confronting a rabbit that was different from the it was once a rabbit, but then turned into a Kappa! Because it was a shape shifter. These things are common and can vary in threat level but one thing is for sure....mutation potions!

It's also important to note that for some reason I've been also useing Nue's Bradiche alot in this run. Seem to work wonders on these rabbits.

Flan decided to give Nue some more friends and so Nue got a beast and a Neurocx to aid her. This can be quite good.... however... the fun was very short lived...

And of course...Flan found this Hilarious....

We have been banished to the Abyss!

Many people view this as one of the worst places to be at an early point of the game and that can be true, but with careful planning and some good spells, this place can become a whole lot easier...

Note that while your down here:
Blink scrolls will not work
Teleportation takes a long time so plan far ahead.
The Abyss goes into a loop eventually if you keep going in a straight line.
The world of the abyss can shift with time and you'll then enter a different world of the abyss...
Enemies will always keep poping up, and in pretty much every varaity, there's no end to them!
You can find a rune down here, but it'll take a long time....
And to escape you have to find the gateway.

Since Nue's about mid level, it's best that she tries to avoid too much confrontation, but as long as it's a few weak demons it shouldn't be a problem. Or maybe a modeate demon or two.

While exploring Nue found a cure mutation potion! Awesome!

Course Nue confronted several demons down there....

A Sixfirtry, a little electircal demon that'll shock you and is quite fast. And something it hurts! Sticky flamed it...

An Iron demon, a demon made of solid iron, sticky flamed it and then Brachided it to death. Took a while...

Abominations, in many varaities. They all tend to have random stats, just sticky flame it and start hitting it.

While I'm at it I should note that, the one rule everyone should follow while down in the abyss is....

Always stay above encrumbled no matter what!

Your going to need to run away at times because you can be horribly out numbered in some occasions..

And second......

Use Regenerate whenever nessary! That spell is a life saver in various times. You should use it when you get through a battle since your likely to run into more demons very shortly....

Eventually Nue ran into a squad of skelton warriors... while she could take on one, a bunch of them doesn't really go well So now was her chance to RUN!!

And thankfully after a while Nue managed to find the exit!


Back in Enitei, Nue decided to go and start making her approch to the main strong hold since she took out pretty much nearly every bunny....

Course she ran into more inaba demonologists.....

Let's gas em'!
Oh and Flan decided to give Nue of plate mail....USELESS!!!

Now here's a more dangerous opponent....The Inaba Blade Master!

Pretty much a very nasty and tough dual weilding rabbit who uses two blades with deadly effectivness. They are also fast too!

However like all rabbits a confusion potion and some luck can go along way. Sometimes it's better to throw the potion near you since it may take them a little bit of time to become confused.... either way the blade master was disposed of easily...

And for some more fun try throwing these while a blade master is near someone else like a death mage. Results are halarious.

Course Nue's luck seem to start turning against her again as she was on the verge of being killed by a demonologist who summoned a Executions (WHY!!!)

But just as she was fixing to teleport away....

The Inaba demonologist decided to send Nue away again.... TO THE ABYSS.....AGAIN!!!

Nue did find an interesting book though. This might help her. So she deicded to keep it.

And while Nue was picking off demons again.... she managed to level up her spellcasting to 10! Awesome!

Also Nue spent most of her time playing hide and seek with the demons and other creatures....

Most danger she faced this time was a Skeltal Dragon (rather tough!) and a Draconian shifter(definetly stay away!)

Either way she manage to pull through and find the exit!

Before leaving to unload her goods, Nue decided to settle the score the inaba demonlogist. And thankfully it was worth it!

Nue is now level 17!

One more level and I can give Nue her second set of wings.

Nue then return to unload her goods and then returned back once more to Enitei for one last attempt (for my turn that is)....

She confronted Inaba Ahnilliators which I could say are proably the worse in the Inaba group as they have alot of heavy hitting spells. But like all rabbits they are really weak to poison. Good time to gas them, sticky flame them and then hack them with the Bradiche.

One of the rabbits had a faintly humming robe. This could of came from the vault up ahead..... She tries it on.... but...

It's not worth it. Dumping it!

Nue decides to enter the strong hold and confronted a couple of rabbit. Esepcially the Master Archer....Two in fact! This is not good, as they can be very dangerous. But of course....confusion potions to the rescue once again! It has proven to work for this long, so let's keep going!

Course before Nue could get a hit on the archers.... an Inaba Scorcer shows up.... And guess what she did?

Send Nue to the Abyss!.....AGAIN!!!! For the 3rd time!!!

I was about 200 over the standard quota so I decided now would be the best time to stop....

So the next player....will have to take on the abyss....and hopefully clear out Enietei from the remaining rabbits!

So for some words of advice, while in the abyss, grab what you can while it's safe.

Get that staff of death on and regenerate!

If you are in a battle use your sticky flames and your Bradicher, it seems to work well. And always remember to regenerate after a battle!

Try to keep out of the demon's view and minimize the amount of fighting when possible.

Find the exit ASAP.

And then take out whatever rabbits you can and try to keep your confusion potions in stock as they are the key to fighting the high rank rabbits.

Pretty much there's 2 Inaba Master archers, a blademaster, a few low ranks, possibly 1 or 2 annihlators, and maybe a demonologist, a scorcerer and I have yet to see the Waki Miko inaba so that one may still be in there too. Lure em out, use your confusion potions and then take them out!

I know we can get to the loot!

Turn order is as follows:


Good luck and happy Crawlin!
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #148 on: July 05, 2010, 07:04:18 PM »
See, this is why we don't enter Eientei:7 without great magic resistance and preferably a source of Abjuration.

Anyway, amulet of resist mutation and the rings of sustenance and evasion go on to maximize survivability.  Regeneration gets cast immediately.  If we had brought our lantern of shadows, it would be very useful here, too.

And all those precautions turn out to be completely unnecessary.  Regardless, I'm going back to pick up some more MR.

That should help.  We don't have a spellbook for Abjuration, but we do have the spell slots to pick up Blink, Swiftness and Repel Missiles, all of which should drastically boost our survivability.

Our spell list now looks like this:

"And now that we can go Swift anytime, we don't need Spider Form any more!"


"Hey, be nice!"

"OW!  Fine, you fucker, I'll give her the next-episode preview!"

Anyway, I still don't think it's a good idea to tackle Eientei:7 this early, but since we've already gotten started...

Now you see why I picked up Repel Missiles?

Note that Repel Missiles can block magic too.  But Inaba Annihilators are still a close call.  I minimize line of sight and let Sticky Flame do most of the talking.

"Jesus!  The game log flashed before my eyes for a second there."

One thing that Repel Missiles won't protect us from (nor fire resistance, for that matter)...

"OW!  Wh--that's--!"

Remember what I said about having to get tased yourself before you can use a taser?


Anyway, turning the hallway into the vault into a gas chamber works pretty well.

Necoxeq.  Amulet of resist mutation goes on right now.

...That said, inherent gourmand isn't too shabby.

We run away while we're ahead.  They're summons, they'll time out.

"C'mon, c'mon, maybe we'll get Powered By Death or something!"

...and this is why I wanted Abjuration.

"Some welcome."

...the amulet of resist mutation is -supposed- to block 90% of mutations... fortunately, mutation attacks DO require line of sight, so as long as we can keep a rat between us and the necoxeq, we can get away without further damage.

Uh oh.

Okay, our summons versus yours.

"C'mon, small snakes!"

...on second thought, let's back off for now.

How convenient.

"Really ties the room together."

And somehow we keep getting into these situations.

"Gee, I wonder why."

Anyway, we teleport away, wait for the summons to time out, and come back to snap up the loot before anyone notices.

Total spoils:

the cursed falchion of Painful Death {flame, rPois, rN+}
the ring "Khutyoth" {+Blink +Lev AC+4}
a potion of cure mutation
a book of Death (Corpse Rot, Lethal Infusion, Bone Shards, Agony, Bolt of Draining)
the ring "Chodwah" {MR Str+2 Dex+3 Dam-1}
a book of Minor Magic {frost} (already have one)
the amulet "Towoxt" {rCorr Hunger Str+2 Int+4}
a Monster Manual (already have one)
the Collected Works on Dusty Transmigration (Evaporate, Stoneskin, Lee's Rapid Deconstruction, Iron Shot)
a book beyond our current level of understanding
a staff of enchantment
a staff of power

Nothing really earth-shattering, sadly.

Dropping stuff off at the Hive stash brings us right up to turn 97000, just about, so I'll leave the mop-up to the next player.  See you in a few days, and... cut to next-episode preview.

"Hi!  I didn't appear much this episode, so to make up for it--"

"Hellooooo everyone!  We've got a great show for you next time--"

"Excuse me--"

"Oh no you don't!  Nue gave her word!"

"It's true."

"Oh, come on!  Have you seen the numbers?  I'm who the viewers want to see, you know it, I know it--"

"Hi guys!  I'm back from my restorative tonic therapy and ready to--"

"Go away!"


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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #149 on: July 05, 2010, 09:04:50 PM »
Wait so we managed to loot Eientei while being sent to The Abyss 3 times at the midgame??? And we looted before we killed everyone? Wow, good job Totaku and Maullar! I'll take it we don't need to go back to Eientei except for EXP grinding if we really need it. Grabbed the save, I'm taking my turn now.

Edit: and done. Turn uploaded now, will get report formatted soon.


Ok we start at 97k turns. Somehow we picked up a little of every weapon skill. Eientei cleared and Shoals... I don't want to fight Reisen again right now. Resuming my descent further down the dungeon, this time taking anti-encumberance measures beforehand...

Ok so at Str 12 without the gloves of Str, I can hold 392 aum without being encumbered. I must stay below that so Blade Hands doens't encumber me (467 aum when we have those gloves on). Inventory maintenance factors this in with a buffer for loot we pick up. Actually as I was doing that...

I refuse to die within 20 turns just because of a Flandre prank. Let's see, first I blink... then I Swift myself and put some space to get Regen up.

Nue Sign "Mysterious Snake Show"!

I was expecting to call down hellfire while the snakes distracted it, but they did a good job on their own. Anyway, I put it away and get the halberd "Piaqit Waka", that +8/+3 flame brand artifact. I also put down some rings/wands and pick up the enchantment staff. Oh and those 8 bread loaves get exchanged for 1 meat ration, not gonna let them weigh us down when we innately have meat eating now (though without sickness immunity).

Right, we're at 275 aum, I can Blade Hands with no worry now. Onwards down the dungeon for EXP! Uh wait, why do we have empty equipment slots? Do we hate AC that much? I go back to the Snake Pits and Lair to pick up a few armour items conveniently lying around. Oh and while I'm at it, I bring more of our old stash from Lair:2 to Hive:2. Oh and I pick up our Glaive of Reaching (srsly we had such an awesome weapon?)

D:17, I see an Eirin-Yukkuri pack resting. I fail to sneak up on them so dart back into the corridor after putting down a smoke screen (water evaporation). I consider this a safe enough situation to entertain Flan with our chaos stick:

Flan makes our hands glow red. I've got the Touch buff on so... yep, it was Touch of Confusion. Chaos stick makes the 3rd Yukkuri berserk, but when it's confused and on fire it really doesn't matter.

I yell out to get the rest of the Yukkuris into that corner trap. Hmm, a Cyclops awaits me after I'm done with these mooks:

Oops, one of the Yukkuri gets away because the chaos stick teleports it. Anyway, the Cyclops and the other yukkuri get hellfire'd away - why not spend some HP on a safe kill? Oh and that Yukkuri from before didn't get teleported far, it came back and this time the chaos stick did this to it:

Ok, that's quite a bit of ammo for snake spam thanks to that scuffle. Seeing as Flan wasn't entertained at all by the chaos stick, I judge she's amused plenty and won't be bored for a while.

Another cyclops far away in open space. Since we have regen and the enchantment staff (plus plenty of food), I just hellfire it away. Repeat for Ogres and whatever other targets of clustered opportunity I find.

I find a book of stalking. Uh, do we really need anything from here? I assume not so I put it back down:

There she was, this many ogres means there's bound to be an ogre-mage leading the party. They're spread out though, so I pick off the other ogres around her first.

An artifact shield? Well I need to wait for mana to regen, so why not try it on?

............ It's a +6 shield of rElec. I've never seen a shield this good before... but we can't use it since shields interfere badly with our novice magic skills in enchantment and translocations (blink and swiftness)...

Oh hey, an orc party too:

1 turn of failed Hellfire later, the ogre-mage shows up behind them too. I damn the knight with hellfire but the mage survives and self-teleports away. Any pursuers die to the long-range Glaive. I find the ogre-mage again and hellfire it for sure this time.

Oh, Fire Magic turned Lv 10. Switching it back off now. Oh hey, that ogre-mage was carrying a spear of freeze. I'll poke with it to see if it's any good or not.

Weapon shop:

You know... my last character was a Stalker-turned-Paladin. I weep for the awesome artifact shield and sword I just found on this level...

Some sukusuku hakutakus and white FoEs... You know, this Glaive of Reaching is completely awesome.

A Wizard appears, asleep. Hellfire. Because Enchantments helps for longer regen, I train up Enchantments further. We'll be relying on Enchantments if we go down the path of heavy transmuting where equipment gets tucked away.

Uh hey Flan, I see you thought this was too easy:

No matter, it was still easy. Shook off confusion quickly enough and having Swift on all the time (side effect of training enchantments) was handy. Uh actually, a troll armour might be useful to me since I abuse hellfire so much. Darn, this troll didn't leave its hide intact. We do have a hide (of Snorg) all the way back in Eientei:5 but I'm not wasting that many turns (and Flandre's patience) just for that.

Oh, an early gateway to Hell arrangement... wait a Hellion???

Ran away and placed exclusions on those doors so we won't auto-travel there. No need to fight a true master of hellfire just for experience when we don't have any non-fire ranged attacks.

Oh hi Flan, I guess this is your way of saying I should go back and stash this gear? Time to drop 4 each of poison, confusion and water and that'll lighten the load enough.

Oh and this book I'm carrying turned out to be Book of Wizardy! Selective Amnesia is ready once Nue trains hard enough!

A giant happens to interrupt us trying to go back to the Hive. Swift + Reaching Glaive = GG

Back at the Hive, a plant is used to identify this spear:

Woah, good thing we didn't face that ogre-mage in melee. Oh and I pick up a wand of random effects (forgot to bring that Flan entertainment stick with me) and train Evocations to Lv 6 using our Levitation artifact ring.

A stash, complete with guardian serpent on duty (asleep):

I get some snakes out as insurance in case I fall asleep. Yep it came useful, I failed a hellfire so a snake let me slip away:

I see a "glowing mottled dragon hide" in here. I'm suspicious... yeah I was right, this stash has mimics in it, though I'm surprised really ordinary looking weapons were mimics too:

Hmm ok, so some snakeshow chaffs reveal that not everything is a mimic - there's some genuine loot in here (unlike one particular stash I found in an old game which had 100% mimics...). I don't want to use a 2nd hellfire so soon after my first but it's not good to keep Flandre waiting so... I make one of the mimics teleport away with the glaive of reaching and now that I've space for a 1v1, duke it out with the other mimics with blade hands. After drinking the potion of restore abilities since blade hands depends a lot on stats.

Oh right, not all the mimics attacked the first time round. Snakeshow chaffs reveal there are more mimics in this mess.

Aha, I was right to be cautious with my HP. A hippogriff shows up behind us:

Taking it easy and trying to cut down the mimics one by one. Regen makes sure Flandre doesn't have to wait long when we're low on health.

Ok, so out of that stash, only 3 things weren't a mimic and I'm surprised this steaming splint mail was one of them. Not gonna even both trying it on though, since we won't be wearing such heavy armour. Besides that, this stash gave us a book beyond our understanding and an unknown wand to entertain Flandre with.

Oh, that last remaining mimic I made escape turned into a potion of strong poison. How clever to turn into a mundane item we want.

Mrrrgh, what rotten luck to run into a sticky flames drake when I'm killing a confused giant:

The wand turns out to be polymorph - no more sticky flames to be concerned of:

A shadow shows up while I eat the sukusuku hakutaku I killed earlier. For a moment there I wondered what opened that door. Since we're going for Necromutation ultimately, Fulsome Distillation is good for training both relevant skills up.

Whoops I let a brown FOE get too close, these +0 boots are no longer any use to us except to protect against further acid damage.

Oh and a dragon shows up, asleep:

No need to get desperate on it, I retreat. Next I find a moko sheep and a corpse of one:

Yeah there was a blade trap there. Oh and a cyclops below so I back out. Wait, I got hellfire, why do I hesitate?

Curious fact: Cyclops meat is clean and safe.

Mmm, a stone giant skeleton is just a tough challenge for swift, sticky flames and Glaive.

Ding! We hit Lv 18 and I go for Strength because both statue and dragon form (we may use them occasionally) use Strength to boost damage and the extra 25 aum of carrying capacity means less loot trips (6 more ammo potions).

Hmm, Flan wasn't entertained by 2 shots of the random wand. I guess she's still amused.

After lots of Swiftness training, Nue learns Air magic.

Oho! 2 unknown wands! A mere Eirin Yukkuri does not count as worthy adversary to test out wands on. Maybe that dragon back there...

A Rankkuri is a little more challenging than these Eirin Yukkuri, yes. But it is not (hell)fire immune. Wow how'd I fail to do it 3 times in a row? Good thing that yukkuri was being inadvertant meat shield.

I just remembered we have dig, what have I been walking around walls for?

Hey it's that dragon from before. Let me dump some scrolls then we can play.

Excellent, now that Flandre has been entertained (I thought one of these wands would be Fireball) I can proceed to kill then adventure without worry:

Unidentified "Red UFO Invasion of Rage"

Oh by the way we safely skinned that dragon. Not that we'll ever use dragon armour as it's too heavy but it's nice to get it drop.

Mrrrgh, no I do not appreciate you showing up now Komodo dragon:

Incidentally we could really do with a reliable non-MP using form of ranged combat (like bows) but we really can't afford to EXP right now since we're spread out as it is.

You know rat, I'm not going to even attempt to kill you. You just might be more useful alive:

Oh, that dragon was still around from before:

Time to dump my scrolls again. Oh and a cyclops too?

Let's see how hellfire resistant a dragon is~

Hmm, moderately effective. Now time to reach around this rat and mercilessly slice away.

Oh you weren't afraid to burn that rat down eh? Fine then, Ice Spear and BERSERK GO. The rat served as a nice meal afterwards.

We don't use curare so I don't pick up a couple of them on the floor and instead go for a scroll of vulnerability. Time to head back to stash after finishing this floor I guess.

500 turns remain... Not much I can do in that time. I guess I'll just go and replace these worn boots in that time and let the next player decide where to go.

Did some arrow gathering (we can never have enough snakeshows) in my remaining time. Oh there's a couple orcs I forgot to extract potions out of on D:15 if you really want to go back for 1~2 confusion potions.


Right, sign me up again though I may be slower this time getting my turn done until Friday is past. Oh and Totaku, Nue's got on travel-form rings (sustenance, sustain abilities) right now, remember to switch back. Flandre found the wand identification in the face of a dragon to be hilarious less than 2000 turns ago so she won't need entertainment for another few thousand turns. That random wand can probably be put away until the next stash visit. I was surprised at how few confusion potions I used this turn. Nue is good enough to not need it for regular fights now.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 12:08:34 AM by Psieye »