Author Topic: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Observations in a Crazed Place  (Read 5433 times)


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Good evening, everyone. At day... well, most of it, I don my trusty medic cap and aid the ailing ones, both mentally and physically, the best way that I can, in a vain attempt to try and integrate myself into the community. Which community? Well, ye can find my office in a quaint little village of Komori. The other times I'm just my usual self, a person of royal lineage from another land! And here I am in search of myself, for I have lost the majority of my powers. For most of my life, I've seen many people come and go, and I've encountered quite a few people who have divulged their problems, and I seek to help them, in the hope that maybe I can see a warm smile when I pass by along the road once in a while. Anyway, enough about me. Today, I'm going to introduce a certain someone I met the other day, who came to me in search of inspiration for her next grand stint...

Her name... Well, I never did get her actual name. She seemed to be prefer the moniker "Anonymous Fairy." When I saw her, I didn't really know why she came, or what she really wanted. It was only after some investigation diagnosis interrogation small chat that I found out that this character seemed to make a killing by producing artworks of various... carnal subjects. Apparently, many of the minor residents seemed to request commissions of vivid... uh, images, woodprints, wallscrolls... you name it, she'd do it. And my Lord, did she ever make the living! Sometimes, I envy the amount of moolah she gets. We spent a great deal of time talking, and I could feel that she wanted to talk, to want to get to know more about the people around her, I suppose she came to me because someone I had already met before recommended her to me. I don't really remember. In any case, I learned that she had been lacking inspiration, recently, which led her to go on a journey of self-enlightenment. I remember a certain culture from my homeland, similar in concept to what this dear child is going through. And so I was drawn to her... And that was when I found out her true nature.

Something else... around her seemingly pure demeanor, dressed in those innocent clothes... lie an equally impure spirit... no malaise, but definitely some sort of strange power that I could definitely feel whirr around in my mind... I politely asked about it and found out that, as I had suspected, this Anonymous Fairy was capable of turning even the most chaste of people into sexual deviants and the most perverted of letches into chivalrous knights in shining armor. It was amazing, and I could definitely see the sorts of things she could do with such an amazing power. I had resolved to see how I could solve her mental malaise with anything I knew. This sort of problem hadn't come to me before, not in the longest time, so it proved to be a good challenge. It took a week before I finally gave her the kick she needed to resume her amazing works of art, as she took me to her place for a day to try and give her some inspiration. I certainly hope what I was wearing at the time didn't completely influence her.

In any case, during that week, I learned a lot about this Anonymous Fairy that I thought you should know. She's extremely hardworking, and I admire her for that. Her power can sometimes get the best of her own inhibitions, though, and I have had to give her a few pokes where it count the most. I've also found out that when nobody's around, she does... exercise! Not many people I know around these parts exercise. It kind of makes me giggle. She calls it a hobby, I call it "caring for one's health." Well, s'not like HEALTH really matters here, in our world, no? ...Oh, wait. Anyway, I digress. I suppose I finally figured out the true rationale for her lack of inspiration that day...

For the healthy life she leads, mixing up drawing with going out once in a while, I never really saw her with company all that often. I know she's very popular in the scene (Heh... it makes me rather envious) but I've never actually seen someone close to her. It kind of made me sad, she's a great person. Most of the people in Ijiyatsukai are great. Anyway, that's all I have time for. I'll jot down the pertinents in my files.

Name: "Anonymous Fairy"
Gender: Female
Age: "Hehehe, that's a secret~"
Species: She never told me this! I actually found out myself Humanshape Youkai
Power: Ability to manipulate fetishes, both inject and cast out
Occupation: Freelance Artist
Home: (current) Not so far from the village of Komori

Disposition: Seems like a very jolly, hardworking fellow at times. Quite a socialite, one can say. However, it seems that she's always scheming for her next act, her next gig, her next stint. It's quite exciting to see the things she churns out! The general populace seem to pay her a lot for her work, and that makes me happy. She deserves it. I know I get excited, hahaha. I mean, who wouldn't! They're beautiful pieces of work. When she asked me if I charged anything for my services, I didn't answer. That's because I typically don't charge fees to people such as herself. It was really an honor to have someone like her to come see good ol' me.

Malaise: A lack of inspiration

Cure: Some company!

Duration: One week.

Result: Excellent. I trust I will be seeing her more!
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 06:08:45 AM by TranceHime »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


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Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 04:12:02 PM »
Well, that was quite the wonderful read. Hope to see more in the future, Trance!
All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 04:41:11 PM »
You dunno how much I am touched by this writing, I appreciate it, and well, most of all... it feels to really describe me ever so accurately!

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Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2010, 07:31:06 PM »

* Solaiston Beam ruffles Trance-mouto's hair~


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Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2010, 08:31:02 PM »
I really need to catch up on what Ijiyatsu is, but I really like your writing style. You have a really flexible voice.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 08:56:29 AM »
Good afternoon, my dearest friends. After another long day at work, I was musing about numerous things about this little world of ours. I felt a tad bit homesick after thinking about my motherland, but I figured that this place was just as great and I had learned to move on from there... Which does make me think of... Well, where I am right now. This quaint, distant village of Komori. Most of the people I know come from a variety of places, some live in grand temples of worship, others live in a mansion, you know... Standard fare grandiose residences we'd all kill to live in. Me, I just live in a simple village where I can see the people I like every day, and have a good time along the doldrums of every day work. Allow me to tell you all about it...

The village of Komori (JA: 古森) is an establishment that was set up by Easterners much like myself, in this land where many things seem to appear Western. In the native language here, the name translates to "Ancient Forest," which is basically what it is. It is merely a quaint settlement that is within the encompasses of a large forest with a rich history. I'll get on to the specifics later, first I'd like to talk about the settlement itself. Notably, it's extremely self-sufficient. I find it has good trade relations with distant towns and villages, even cities. I might talk about the places I've dropped by some other time, but I'm not promising anything. In any case, the structures aren't made of wood. They're actually made from the stone the people here mined from a nearby quarry. They try their best not to disturb the forest. It's got a lot of sentimental value here and I respect that a lot, which has intrigued me and led me to study the forest itself.

Anyway, you may consider Komori rather "poor," but let me tell you, it's far from poor. Not exactly rich, but it's definitely a nice village that can definitely treat you to something if you've come from a long journey, or have been invited by a friend. The residents here, after they found out who I was, and why I came, kindly allowed me to use a vacant house for my office. You can come visit me here anytime! Anyway, enough on that. Let me move on to demographics! Everyone loves demographics. Not many notable figures live within the village itself, as Komori IS rather remote. But there are numerous empty places that I'm sure would appreciate some company, yes. The village, in terms of population, is rather small... I conducted a census the other day and managed to scavenge a volume of around... Fifty people, including myself. Well, that would make the population density extremely low... Amongst other things.

Moving on, Komori thrives on the forest's natural resources, which it freely submits to the residents for as long as everyone maintains the forest's splendor and beauty, which they do, of course. I'll often help them, as well, especially during the mid-year festival Komori celebrates. People from all around Ijiyatsukai attend, and that's when I meet most of the friends I have made over the years. It's a grand celebration that's held in recognition of the existence of this forest. Why do we celebrate the existence of this forest? That's what I'll explain to you now.

This was a story told to me by one of the older residents in Komori, and one which I believe is the longheld tradition. Eons ago, this forest did not exist. In its place, was a gigantic nebula. A void. Nothingness. Most of Ijiyatsukai in this age did not really exist in the first place. According to him, the world was what it was thanks to the powers of the residents, forming and shaping, much like what my friends would call Terraforming. The void that was here spat out holy energies upon forming, and then the land here was created. An evil force, sensing that his nebula was being intruded upon, invaded, and the founders of Komori, upon making their first house, was assaulted by the spirit, and then, an amazing clash occurred. The founders of this village had prevailed, and with the purification of the spirit, the first tree had been planted. Soon, over the years, it spawned more and more magical trees, which led to the fruitfulness of the land. For as long as the trees here remain tall, strong, and beautiful, the resourcefulness of this land will never cease to exist.

And that's why we celebrate that. A commemoration. I know I treat it as such. Dunno about you. That's pretty much Komori in a nutshell. Neat little place, interesting history, great community. The place I live now holds a very special place in my heart. Thanks for taking the time to absorb this knowledge. It means a lot to me.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 02:42:25 PM »
Good evening, my fellow people. Today, I felt kind of lonely. It's definitely a weird, off-putting feeling when you're lonely. Almost like you're calling for someone... something... anything, and yet, it does not answer... Because there's no one there. Some people embrace it, others despair in it... I guess you could say I was one of those people who tend to mentally thrive, as well as mentally break down... At the same time, when lonely. This kind of feeling got me going, and reminded me of a particularly touching experience with a friend of mine that I got to know a few months ago.

I was in my office one boring afternoon, when I heard the sound of a young girl looking for "the resident doctor." I'm definitely no doctor, but I offer services similar to one, so I suppose the villagers directed her to me. When she came in, I tilted my head as I saw that she... Well, wasn't quite ALIVE... Literally. She seemed to be some sort of ghost. I didn't really see any legs on 'er, all that was there was... Some sort of tail thing. You know, the things ghosts have. Oh, I'll just call it a ghost-tail. Anyway. She had that. This person seemed pretty nice, but she kept proclaiming she was an evil spirit. I think she's lying, it's kind of a cute front.

So, I asked her what she needed me for, because she seemed really troubled. After introducing herself as "Evil Spirit Ana" (Which I admittedly laughed at), she told me that she was looking for something she lost. Definitely not her legs, I laughed to myself as I wondered, what could she be looking for? I asked her to describe what it was she was looking for. So, she described it to me in quite a bit of detail, which surprised me, as even for a corporeal spiritual entity, she looked... very young! I suppose I am losing my touch these days. I figured it was some sort of mystical artifact she was in search of, so I agree to help her find it. Drawing out a map of the area, she told me that it was allegedly located near the biggest tree of Komori's forest, which piqued my interest.

I gave her the directions and sent her on her merry way. About three hours later, in the time I had taken to have a nap, she rushed in and hit me with the artifact she uncovered... A huge fuck-off hammer. Man, that hurt. After being unceremoniously woken up, I found out that it was really there. She thanked me and never really got my name, so I gave it to her. Throughout the exchange, I managed to get her to talk a little more about herself, and I realized that she had a power, which the artifact helped to amplify... It was some sort of manipulation of... something illusory, like... vision. Not quite vision, but... What we perceive... What do we call that... "Paths."

"Paths..." Didn't know if that was literal or figurative... I was probably leaning the former at the time. But perhaps, maybe, at this time, I have changed my opinion. Anyway... She seemed like a kind person. Easily embarrassed, gets flustered just as easy... And well, kind of like a child. I suppose it reminds me a little of myself. It's also cute how she declares herself the Evil Spirit. Maybe that's what she wants to be. I hope not. I like it the way she is. The whole excursion just sorta touched me, because it was this figure, who reminded me a lot of myself, coming all this way, to ask for help, and getting the help she needed. It was a warm feeling. I've got her stuff drawled in my files... Here.

Name: Ana, Evil Spirit
Gender: Female
Age: "Many, many years!"
Species: Ghost
Power: Ability to control paths
Occupation: ...None? I had no idea at the time, and I still don't...
Home: (current) ...Well, she's a ghost, so...

Disposition: Despite her demeanor, she's actually an amiable fellow to be around... Kinda reminds me of the girls back in my land... She also has this sort of non-descript spiritual charm to her that really attracts me to her. It's nice. She's actually one to keep strongly to her friendships, and is quite a listener, I'd say. I hope you don't judge her by her looks. That'd be terrible.

Issue: Lost artifact

Cure: The direction to her artifact

Duration: Several hours

Result: Friendship get!

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
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Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 02:47:16 PM »
It's an axe actually ^^ She's now the vengeful spirit of little red riding hood.

Still, very nicely done. I look forwards to more.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2010, 02:56:05 PM »
Hmm, now that I have read through it, I think I really like the write up better than mine~

lol paradox./
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Re: The World According to a Princess slash Nurse - Ijiyatsu Snippets
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2010, 05:21:21 PM »
This is cool :3